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Aftershock sequences along the Mexican subduction margin (between coordinates 110ºW and 91ºW) were analyzed by means of the p value from the Omori–Utsu relation and the b value from the Gutenberg–Richter relation. We focused on recent medium to large (Mw > 5.6) events considered susceptible of generating aftershock sequences suitable for analysis. The main goal was to try to find a possible correlation between aftershock parameters and plate characteristics, such as displacement rate, age and segmentation. The subduction regime of Mexico is one of the most active regions of the world with a high frequency of occurrence of medium to large events and plate characteristics change along the subduction margin. Previous studies have observed differences in seismic source characteristics at the subduction regime, which may indicate a difference in rheology and possible segmentation. The results of the analysis of the aftershock sequences indicate a slight tendency for p values to decrease from west to east with increasing of plate age although a statistical significance is undermined by the small number of aftershocks in the sequences, a particular feature distinctive of the region as compared to other world subduction regimes. The b values show an opposite, increasing trend towards the east even though the statistical significance is not enough to warrant the validation of such a trend. A linear regression between both parameters provides additional support for the inverse relation. Moreover, we calculated the seismic coupling coefficient, showing a direct relation with the p and b values. While we cannot undoubtedly confirm the hypothesis that aftershock generation depends on certain tectonic characteristics (age, thickness, temperature), our results do not reject it thus encouraging further study into this question.  相似文献   

Earthquake hypocenters and travel time residuals have been analysed to constrain the geometry and physical state of the subducted Indian plate in the Indo-Burmese convergence zone. A critical analysis of earthquake hypocenters reveals the existence of a non-uniform Benioff zone, progressively shortening from north to south. The deepest level of seismicity is observed beneath the Naga hills (160 km) followed by that under the Chin hills (120 km) and Arakan-Yoma ranges (80 km). The region seems to be devoid of moderate sized shallow (< 40 km) earthquakes. Differential travel time residuals from pairs of shallow and intermediate depth earthquakes recorded at teleseismic distances show significantly faster travel time (up to l.2s) in the north-northeast and south-southwest azimuths, whilst slower arrivals (1.2 to 1.5 s) are recorded in the transverse direction. This observation points to the presence of a high velocity slab possibly linked to the subduction of the Indian oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

崔军文 《地质通报》2007,26(10):1245-1251
皮山县克里阳剖面是塔南坳陷带中—新生界发育最为完整、变形现象最具代表性的剖面。系统的磷灰石裂变径迹分析表明,上白垩统—中新统砂岩样品的平均径迹年龄均大于相应的地层时代,样品的P(x2)大部分小于0.1%,说明不属于同组年龄。磷灰石单颗粒径迹年龄最大值为180~190Ma,最小年龄为10~20Ma,峰值年龄为80~90Ma和50~70Ma,磷灰石的平均径迹长度为(10.82±2.01)~(9.06±2.01)μm。径迹记录表明晚白垩世至中新世时期,沉积层的主体部分并未下沉到达磷灰石的退火带深度而导致早期径迹记录的全部消失。说明新生代时期,特别是新近纪以来,尽管西昆仑造山带存在强烈的热构造作用,山前坳陷带也发生了构造沉降,但并不存在塔里木地块向西昆仑山体的大规模的陆内俯冲作用,总体看塔南坳陷带的下插深度并未超过7km(磷灰石的退火带深度)。  相似文献   

Tectonically active areas, such as forearc regions, commonly show contrasting relief, differential tectonic uplift, variations in erosion rates, in river incision, and in channel gradient produced by ongoing tectonic deformation. Thus, information on the tectonic activity of a defined area could be derived via landscape analysis. This study uses topography and geomorphic indices to extract signals of ongoing tectonic deformation along the Mexican subduction forearc within the Guerrero sector. For this purpose, we use field data, topographical data, knickpoints, the ratio of volume to area (RVA), the stream-length gradient index (SL), and the normalized channel steepness index (ksn).The results of the applied landscape analysis reveal considerable variations in relief, topography and geomorphic indices values along the Guerrero sector of the Mexican subduction zone. We argue that the reported differences are indicative of tectonic deformation and of variations in relative tectonic uplift along the studied forearc. A significant drop from central and eastern parts of the study area towards the west in values of RVA (from ~500 to ~300), SL (from ~500 to ca. 400), maximum SL (from ~1500–2500 to ~1000) and ksn (from ~150 to ~100) denotes a decrease in relative tectonic uplift in the same direction. We suggest that applied geomorphic indices values and forearc topography are independent of climate and lithology. Actual mechanisms responsible for the observed variations and inferred changes in relative forearc tectonic uplift call for further studies that explain the physical processes that control the forearc along strike uplift variations and that determine the rates of uplift. The proposed methodology and results obtained through this study could prove useful to scientists who study the geomorphology of forearc regions and active subduction zones.  相似文献   

深俯冲陆壳物质部分熔融产生的熔体,实验岩石学方面已有广泛报道,而天然初始熔体的组分却难以厘定。对此,本文从苏鲁超高压地体荣成混合岩中识别出了深俯冲花岗质陆壳部分熔融产生的天然初始熔体组成。野外露头显示,混合岩中主要矿物组成为钾长石+斜长石+石英的浅色熔体呈不连续的条带状与残余体互层产出,指示了原位或近源区的部分熔融特征。混合岩浅色体锆石CL图像呈明显的核-边结构,继承核部为扬子板块来源的岩浆锆石,形成时代为721±24Ma;新生边部CL图像具震荡环带结构,微量元素上REE呈明显左倾,具有Eu的负异常及Ce的正异常,低的Hf/Y和Th/U比值,具深熔锆石特征,指示形成于花岗质陆壳物质的部分熔融。边部U-Pb谐和年龄为225.9±2Ma,略晚于苏鲁超高压地体超高压峰期变质年龄,表明初始熔融发生在超高压地体折返早期。浅色熔体的全岩地球化学特征表明,主量元素上具有高SiO_2、K_2O及Na_2O含量,低的Fe_2O_3~T、MgO及CaO含量,A/CNK=1.02~1.04,呈弱过铝质亚碱性花岗岩的特征,这与实验岩石学中富硅陆壳物质部分熔融产生的熔体组分极为相近;微量元素上富集大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Ba、Pb等),亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,REE呈较为平坦的配分模式,具弱的Eu负异常并亏损Sr。本文通过上述对天然样品研究,厘定了深俯冲花岗质陆壳部分熔融及其初始熔体的组成,为理解大陆俯冲带壳幔相互作用提供了关键依据。  相似文献   

The SW Antalya Complex is an assemblage of Mesozoic carbonate platform, margin and ophiolitic rocks which record the formation and tectonic emplacement of a small Mesozoic ocean basin. The late Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks are located at two localities, namely the relatively intact Tekirova ophiolite to the east of Kemer zone and the dismembered Gödene ophiolite to the west of Kemer zone. The Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite comprises harzburgitic tectonites, ultramafic to mafic cumulates, isotropic gabbros and sheeted dikes. Numerous isolated dikes, ranging in thickness from 5 cm to 10 m, intruded the crustal rocks at different structural levels. The isotropic gabbros are represented by gabbro, diorite and quartz diorite rocks with granular to ophitic–subophitic textures. The isolated dikes are characterized by dolerite, diabase and microdiorite with ophitic, intersertal and microgranular textures. These rocks exhibit tholeiitic to alkaline compositions. New geochemical data presented in this paper from the isolated dikes and isotropic gabbros suggest that there are three main types of parental basic magmas that form the oceanic crustal rocks of the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite. These are (1) IAT series which can be referred to the Group I isolated dikes and isotropic gabbros; (2) low-Ti boninitic series characterized by the Group II isolated dike and isotropic gabbros; and (3) OIB-type including the Group III isotropic gabbros. The geochemical evidence suggests that the crustal rocks of the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite were generated from a progressive source depletion from island arc tholeiites (IAT) to boninites. Therefore, a fore-arc tectonic setting seems likely for the generation of the crustal rocks from the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite in the southern branch of Neotethys during the Late Cretaceous. The OIB-type alkaline isotropic gabbros are thought to have resulted from either (1) a late-stage magmatic activity fed by melts that originated within an asthenospheric window due to slab break-off or (2) subduction of a ridge system which generated OIB source across the asthenospheric window that has been no influence of fluids from the subducted slab into the overlying mantle wedge, shortly before the emplacement of the Tekirova (Antalya) ophiolite onto the Tauride platform.  相似文献   

Preseismic lithospheric deformation at a subduction zone can be modelled as dip-slip dislocation on an inclined fault or as flexure of a thin plate. Both these models predict a region of positive topography known as forebulge or outer rise. By matching the location and the magnitude of the forebulge, we derive useful relations between the dip-slip fault parameters and the plate parameters. In particular, we determine the width of a long dip-slip fault of given dip corresponding to a semi-infinite plate of given thickness. The displacement profiles of the two models are also compared.  相似文献   

Reactions and reaction rates within aquifers are fundamental components of critical hydrological processes. However, reactions simulated in laboratory experiments typically demonstrate rates that are much faster than those observed in the field. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more reaction rate analyses in natural settings. This study of geochemical reactions in the regional aquifer in the Pajarito Plateau near Los Alamos, New Mexico combines modeling with petrographic assessment to further knowledge and understanding of complex natural hydrologic systems. Groundwater geochemistry shows marked evolution along assumed flow paths. The flow path chosen for this study was evaluated using inverse mass balance modeling to calculate the mass transfer. X-ray diffraction and field emission gun scanning electron microscopy were used to identify possible reactants and products. Considering the mineralogy of the aquifer and saturation indices for the regional water refined initial interpretations. Calculations yielded dissolution rates for plagioclase on the order of 10−15 mol s−1 m−2 and for K-feldspar on the order of 10−17 mol s−1 m−2, orders of magnitude slower than laboratory rates. While these rates agree with other aquifer studies, they must be considered in the light of the uncertainty associated with geometric surface area estimates, 14C ages, and aquifer properties.  相似文献   

藏南雅鲁藏布江缝合带为目前国内铬铁矿储量最大的缝合带.本文报道了缝合带中段仁布蛇绿岩的豆荚状铬铁矿床,围绕矿床特征开展成因探讨,对缝合带的形成演化和成矿作用提供新制约.仁布蛇绿岩呈近东西走向带状产出,主要由近30个大小不等的地幔橄榄岩体组成.地幔橄榄岩体主要为经历不同程度蛇纹石化的方辉橄榄岩和少量纯橄岩.在纯橄岩和方辉...  相似文献   

Temporary local seismic networks were installed in western Crete, in central Crete, and on the island Gavdos south of western Crete, respectively, in order to image shallow seismically active zones of the Hellenic subduction zone.More than 4000 events in the magnitude range between −0.5 and 4.8 were detected and localized. The resulting three-dimensional hypocenter distribution allows the localization of seismically active zones in the area of western and central Crete from the Mediterranean Ridge to the Cretan Sea. Furthermore, a three-dimensional structural model of the studied region was compiled based on results of wide-angle seismics, surface wave analysis and receiver function studies. The comparison of the hypocenter distribution and the structure has allowed intraplate and interplate seismicity to be distinguished.High interplate seismicity along the interface between the subducting African lithosphere and the Aegean lithosphere was found south of western Crete where the interface is located at about 20 to 40 km depth. An offset between the southern border of the Aegean lithosphere and the southern border of active interplate seismicity is observed. In the area of Crete, the offset varies laterally along the Hellenic arc between about 50 and 70 km.A southwards dipping zone of high seismicity within the Aegean lithosphere is found south of central Crete in the region of the Ptolemy trench. It reaches from the interface between the plates at about 30 km depth towards the surface. In comparison, the Aegean lithosphere south of western Crete is seismically much less active including the region of the Ionian trench. Intraplate seismicity within the Aegean plate beneath Crete and north of Crete is confined to the upper about 20 km. Between 20 and 40 km depth beneath Crete, the Aegean lithosphere appears to be seismically inactive. In western Crete, the southern and western borders of this aseismic zone correlate strongly with the coastline of Crete.  相似文献   

北祁连洋早古生代双向俯冲的花岗岩证据   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
笔者主要对北祁连山中段的牛心山岩体、民乐窑沟岩体进行了锆石SHRIMP定年研究。结果表明:牛心山花岗岩的年龄为476Ma,民乐窑沟花岗闪长岩的年龄为463Ma。岩石地球化学显示.两岩体均具有大陆活动边缘的岩浆作用特征,结合岩体产出的区域构造位置及区域地质资料,笔者认为早古生代北祁连洋板块分别发生了向南、向北俯冲,其中向南俯冲形成牛心山花岗岩(476Ma),向北俯冲,形成了民乐窑沟花岗岩侵入体(463Ma)。  相似文献   

地幔成分与其上覆地壳年龄存在相关关系,年龄越老,地幔越亏损玄武质组分.本文对产于东北和华北地区的尖晶石相橄榄岩包体的成分进行了统计分析,结果显示东北地区橄榄岩包体比华北地区包体更亏损玄武质组分.这说明东北岩石圈地幔比华北上地幔更难熔,但其上覆地壳年龄却远小于华北地区地壳的年龄.这种地壳年龄和地幔组分之间的解耦暗示东北和华北地区的岩石圈地幔形成之后发生了大规模的改造.华北地区的壳幔解耦与中生代岩石圈减薄和增生有关,而东北地区的壳幔解耦则是该区地壳的多期改造和中生代岩石圈减薄和增生等过程综合作用的结果.两地区地幔成分的差异显然与部分熔融程度的不同有关,但影响部分熔融程度的因素很多,目前尚不能确定.包体的平衡温度统计和地温线对比显示东北岩石圈的地温梯度低于华北的地温梯度,可能是东北地区岩石圈减薄的时间要早于华北地区,或者华北岩石圈减薄程度可能大于东北地区的结果,因此中国东部岩石圈减薄存在时空不均一性.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):145-156
The Polish Carpathian Foredeep (PCF) is a foreland basin formed during the regional flexure of the East European continental lithosphere related to a continental collision in the Carpathian realm. The infill of the PCF basin consist of the uppermost Lower to the Upper Miocene (Ottnangian-Pannonian) sediments. These are mostly mudstones and clays, more rarely sandstones, limestones and evaporites. Numerous thrusts, strike-slip and normal faults, and even folds exist in the whole PCF. The orientation of these structures is variable but they show the privileged directions. The spatial analysis of structures and their crosscutting relationships, together with published seismic data permit conclude that the regional stress field in studied part of PCF was stable during the whole Neogene time till now. The orientation of the maximum horizontal stress axis was NNE-SSW. The local changes of the stress field orientation were caused by activity of the strike-slip fault in the foredeep basement or even the rotation of the basement blocks. The visible response on the basement activity were mostly outcrop-scale structures, namely the number and variety of structures are increasing in individual outcrop. However, the map-scale structures were also generated, for example so called Ryszkowa Wola Horst, a large pop-up structure.  相似文献   

丁望 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):366-374
近年来,深海大洋钻探已证实在洋陆俯冲带的浅部,板块边界断裂高度集中在特征性岩层中,然而对于这种断裂高度集中化现象是否发生在俯冲带深部仍然缺乏充分的认识,因此对日本中部侏罗纪燧石-碎屑岩杂岩体中一个露头宽度约50 m的断裂带进行了调查。该断裂带沿古俯冲带深部的板块边界延伸而出的逆冲断层发育,断裂带中的剪切变形集中在数层黑色有机质黏土岩中,表现为沿交织鳞片状叶理的分散剪切,剪切方向分为左行走滑和逆冲走滑,可能形成于俯冲带中的滑动分异或左行斜俯冲过程。体现滑动集中化的拆离面切割了黑色有机质黏土岩层,拆离面表现为左行滑动。利用碳物质拉曼光谱测量了拆离面上及黑色有机质黏土岩层中的碳物质。结果表明,相对于黑色有机质黏土岩,拆离面中的碳物质具有更高的成熟度,表明在左行滑动过程中产生了快速的摩擦升温。野外观测和实验结果表明,这一古断裂带记录的俯冲带深部板块边界断裂高度集中在黑色有机质黏土岩层中,发育于其中的拆离面的左行剪切可能产生于深部地震性滑动。  相似文献   

渤中坳陷中部地区构造应力场光弹模拟实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在对渤中地区沉积构造详细分析的基础上,明确了其中部地区断裂的分布特征,采用以E44-6101型环氧树脂为基体,顺丁烯二酸酐为固化剂,邻苯二甲酸二丁脂为增塑所配制的材料制成渤中中部地质结构模型,对渤中坳陷中部地区构造应力场进行了光弹实验模拟,再现了近北北东向和近东西向断裂在晚近构造格局下的应力状态及分布。试验证明,在构造应力场的作用下,油气往往由高应力值区向低应力值区迁移,而且渤中地区自新近系以来,最大主压应力方向比较稳定。基于试验结果的分析,对北北东向和近东西向两组断裂在晚近应力场的作用下的构造特征及其对油气的控制作用进行讨论。由于渤中坳陷是中国的油气主要产地,通过研究盆地构造应力场的分布,可为盆地的油气勘探和开发提供依据。  相似文献   

We estimated spatio-temporal evolution of Coulomb stress within the subducted Pacific slab in Hokkaido from the analysis of seismicity rate change. For this purpose we used earthquake catalog from the Institute of Seismology and Volcanology (ISV), Hokkaido University for the period 1993/4/1–2006/12/31 after relocating to compensate location errors due to the heterogeneous P- and S-wave structure beneath Hokkaido. We found that spatial pattern of Coulomb stress change inverted from the seismicity rate change is comparable with static change in Coulomb stress estimated from dislocation models. Our results and analyses reveal important insights on spatio-temporal pattern of deformation of the subducted Pacific slab in terms of Coulomb stress change. We found that the 2003 Tokachi Oki earthquake (Mw = 8.0) pervasively perturbed Coulomb stress in a regional scale with a significant impact to trigger the 2004 Kushiro Oki earthquake. The 2004 Kushiro Oki earthquake (Mw = 7.0) is another significant stressing event that changed the pattern of Coulomb stress in the area. We found that stressing events with magnitude smaller than 7.0 has minimal impact on Coulomb stress change in the Pacific slab. Similarly, comparatively deep focused large earthquakes could not change Coulomb stress significantly. Further the pattern of Coulomb stress change after the 2003 Tokachi Oki earthquake correlates the pattern of afterslip distribution in Hokkaido.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地块西南缘新构造活动强烈、地震频发,具有复杂多样的构造变形模式和活动特征。为了解鄂尔多斯地块西南缘地壳浅部地应力分布规律及断层稳定性,利用宁夏固原地区的水压致裂地应力测量数据,结合其他实测及震源机制解资料,分析了鄂尔多斯地块西南缘构造应力场特征。结果表明:①研究区2个钻孔的主应力关系整体表现为SH > Sv > Sh,水平应力起主导作用,属于走滑型应力状态,钻孔附近最大水平主应力方位平均为N59°W,与震源机制解获得的青藏高原东北缘主压应力方位有差异,推断鄂尔多斯地块西南缘现今NWW向走滑剪切应力环境的形成可能主要受到海原断裂带和六盘山断裂带的影响,应为局部构造和区域构造应力场共同作用的结果。②利用Mohr-Coulomb准则及Byerlee定律,摩擦系数取0.6~1.0,对研究区的现今地应力状态分析后发现,鄂尔多斯地块西南缘海原断裂带和六盘山断裂带的地应力大小未达到地壳浅部断层产生滑动失稳的临界条件,处于较稳定的应力状态。该研究成果为鄂尔多斯地块关键构造部位的断裂活动性分析和地质环境安全评价提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Both oceanic and continental HP rocks are juxtaposed in the Huwan shear zone in the western Dabie orogen, and thus provide a window for testing the buoyancy‐driven exhumation of dense oceanic HP rocks. The HP metamorphic age of the continental rocks in this zone has not been well constrained, and hence it is not known if they are of the same age as the exhumation of the HP oceanic rocks. In situ laser ablation (multiple collector) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐(MC‐)ICP‐MS), U–Pb, trace element and Hf isotope analyses were made on zircon in a granitic gneiss and two eclogites from the Huwan shear zone. U–Pb age and trace element analysis of residual magmatic zircon in an eclogite constrain its protolith formation at 411 ± 4 Ma. The zircon in this sample displays εHf (t) values of +6.1 to +14.4. The positive εHf (t) values up to +14.4 suggest that the protolith was derived from a relatively depleted mantle source, most likely Palaeotethyan oceanic crust. A granitic gneiss and the other eclogite yield protolith U–Pb ages of 738 ± 6 and 700 ± 14 Ma, respectively, which are both the Neoproterozoic basement rocks of the Yangtze Block. The zircon in the granitic gneiss has low εHf (t) values of ?14.2 to ?10.5 and old TDM2 ages of 2528–2298 Ma, suggesting reworking of Palaeoproterozoic crust during the Neoproterozoic. The zircon in the eclogite has εHf (t) values of ?1.0 to +7.4 and TDM1 ages of 1294–966 Ma, implying prompt reworking of juvenile crust during its protolith formation. Metamorphic zircon in both eclogite samples displays low Th/U ratios, trace element concentrations, relatively flat heavy rare earth element patterns, weak negative Eu anomalies and low 176Lu/177Hf ratios. All these features suggest that the metamorphic zircon formed in the presence of garnet but in the absence of feldspar, and thus under eclogite facies conditions. The metamorphic zircon yields U–Pb ages of 310 ± 3 and 306 ± 7 Ma. Therefore, both the oceanic‐ and continental‐type eclogites share the same episode of Carboniferous eclogite facies metamorphism. This suggests that high‐pressure continental‐type metamorphic rocks might have played a key role in the exhumation and preservation of oceanic‐type eclogites through buoyancy‐driven uplift.  相似文献   

Following the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake, a large amount of seismicity occurred in the Nantou region of central Taiwan. Among the seismic activities, eight Mw  5.8 earthquakes took place following the Chi-Chi earthquake, whereas only four earthquakes with comparable magnitudes took place from 1900 to 1998. Since the seismicity rate during the Chi-Chi postseismic period has never returned to the background level, such seismicity activation cannot simply be attributed to modified Omori’s Law decay. In this work, we attempted to associate seismic activities with stress evolution. Based on our work, it appears that the spatial distribution of the consequent seismicity can be associated with increasing coseismic stress. On the contrary, the stress changes imparted by the afterslip; lower crust–upper mantle viscoelastic relaxation; and sequent events resulted in a stress drop in most of the study region. Understanding seismogenic mechanisms in terms of stress evolution would be beneficial to seismic hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

在滇中香炉山引水隧洞工程区活动断裂部位开展了八个钻孔的水压致裂原地应力测试工作。结果显示工程区应力状态以水平应力为主导,龙蟠-乔后断裂和丽江-剑川断裂部位均为走滑应力状态,鹤庆-洱源断裂西支为走滑应力状态,南段为逆冲应力状态。从应力累积的角度分析,测深范围内三条活动断裂大部分测点实测最大主应力值未超过使断层产生滑动失稳的临界值。地应力测试获得的最大主应力优势方位NNE-NE向与利用该地区震源机制解反演得到的现今构造应力场主压应力方位NEE向存在差异,说明地应力测试结果在一定程度上受到了断层活动性的影响。考虑活动断裂形变和力学属性的多个指标参数,对活动断裂影响程度的Fuzzy-Grey模糊综合评价表明龙蟠-乔后断裂对香炉山隧洞工程的影响较弱,丽江-剑川断裂的影响程度最强,需引起重视。  相似文献   

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