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湖泊水色遥感研究进展   总被引:31,自引:8,他引:23  
从卫星传感器、大气校正、光学特性测量、生物光学模型及水体辐射传输、水质参数反演方法等方面,系统分析了湖泊水色遥感的发展现状.湖泊水体物质组份的复杂性以及卫星传感器与实际需求的矛盾决定了湖泊水色遥感的难度.目前湖泊水色遥感在一些关键问题上仍没有实质性进步,离水色遥感监测的业务化尚有一段距离.令人欣慰的是,卫星传感器以及水色遥感反演算法的不断发展和进步,让我们看到了胜利的曙光.  相似文献   

冯炼 《湖泊科学》2021,33(3):647-652
蓝藻水华是全球性的水环境健康问题,对水华暴发过程信息的快速准确获取是制定有效防治措施的关键.卫星遥感因具有大范围、周期性观测的特点,被广泛地用于湖泊蓝藻水华的时空动态监测.本文指出在利用遥感对湖泊蓝藻水华进行研究时,需要注意的4个问题:(1)湖泊水体中泥沙等信号对藻华存在干扰;(2)大气程辐射及水陆边界影响藻华特征提取...  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊季节变化的遥感监测   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
利用2001年12月28日、2002年3月18日、7月24日、9月26日、12月15日五期ETM+遥感影像,提取了巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊年内季节变化信息,并分析了湖泊季节变化的统计特征与空间分布特征.结果显示,巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊总面积和数量随季节更替呈现出明显的统计特征与空间分布特征.湖泊总面积和数量在当年春、夏、秋、冬季均依...  相似文献   

本文建立了浅水湖泊水质系统滤波模型和相应算法,根据滇池流场比较稳定等特点,对湖泊进行单元分区,考虑模型误差扰动和观测误差扰动的存在,建立系统的状态方程和观测方程,然后采用吉尔(Gill)算法求解微分方程,进行系统多点连续模拟和实时预报,用此法对1988年滇池BOD,COD时空变化进行连续预报,取得满意结果。  相似文献   

湖泊水情遥感研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋春桥  詹鹏飞  马荣华 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1406-1420
湖泊作为最直接的淡水资源之一,在人类的生产、生活各方面都占据至关重要的地位.受到全球气候变化与人类活动的影响,湖泊正在发生急剧变化,因而有必要对其进行快速、准确的时空变化监测,从而为水资源管理与保护、未来气候变化预警提供依据.遥感技术的产生与发展为大范围、实时动态的湖泊变化监测提供了难得的契机,它克服了人类对湖泊实地考察的局限性.本文对现有国内外湖泊水情遥感监测技术与方法进行了综合梳理,主要综述了国内外在湖泊水域范围提取、湖泊水位提取、湖泊水量估算、流域水文过程等方面的遥感研究进展情况,重点总结了该领域近年来提出的新方法和新技术.最后,结合当前遥感技术的发展,对未来遥感在湖泊动态变化监测中的应用潜力和趋势进行了简要论述,并对多源遥感数据融合与云计算平台的结合在地表水体连续变化监测中的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

云贵高原湖泊水质现状及演变   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
利用2008年云贵高原13个湖泊丰水期的全面水质调查数据,系统分析云贵高原湖泊水质现状,通过与历史资料对比,揭示20年来的水质变化,并分析水质变化的原因.同时利用主成分分析将23个水质参数概括为6个主要成分,除程海外所有湖泊水质均与第一主成分密切相关.人类活动影响下的水体富营养化、有机污染以及农业面源污染等是除程海外湖泊污染的主要驱动因子,程海水质变化主要受水体的矿化度增加所驱动.另外,根据各主成分得分,本文也对13个湖泊水质进行了综合评价,并在评价的基础上就湖泊的保护和治理提出建议.  相似文献   

郑丙辉  曹晶  王坤  储昭升  姜霞 《湖泊科学》2022,34(3):699-710
目前,我国湖泊富营养化及蓝藻水华问题十分突出,国家高度重视湖泊的生态环境保护.自“九五”以来,国家就投入太湖、巢湖、滇池“老三湖”等重污染湖泊的治理,但成本巨大,且历经近30年才初见成效.按照湖泊污染程度,湖泊治理与保护可分为“污染治理型”“防治结合型”“生态保育型”3大类.“老三湖”的治理是典型的“先污染、后治理”的模式,水质较好湖泊主要属于生态保育型湖泊,因此,“老三湖”治理模式不适用于水质较好湖泊的保护.本文系统总结了我国水质较好湖泊优先保护理念的形成和水质较好湖泊专项实施的历程.根据水质较好湖泊的特点,及其生态系统退化与修复的一般过程,提出了水质较好湖泊保护的基本思路.从热力学角度,阐明了氮磷营养盐输入湖泊生态系统中是熵增过程,也是湖泊生态系统退化的根本原因,湖泊氮磷污染负荷源头控制是关键.湖泊流域生态安全格局是确保湖泊生态系统健康的基础,从景观生态学角度,阐明了优化湖泊流域水土资源利用、优化发展模式是减轻湖泊环境压力的重要途径.在浅水湖泊生态系统,以沉水植物占优势的“清水态”和以浮游植物占优势的“浊水态”转换过程不是沿着同一条途径,存在上临界阈值和下临界阈值,水生态修复过程表现出一种迟滞的现象.从湖泊水生态系统稳态转换理论角度,阐明了湖泊生态修复工程应在湖泊生态系统发生退化转变之前实施,才能获得较高的环境效益.通过国家财政专项对81个水质较好湖泊的支持,既能促进湖泊流域经济社会发展,又能确保湖泊水环境质量变好,湖泊水生态系统逐步改善.建议加强不同类型湖泊保护模式的总结,深入对水质较好湖泊生态系统演替理论和保护技术研究,支撑国家系统开展水质较好湖泊保护.  相似文献   

近40年青藏高原湖泊面积变化遥感分析   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
董斯扬  薛娴  尤全刚  彭飞 《湖泊科学》2014,26(4):535-544
以MSS、TM和ETM遥感影像作为主要信息源,综合利用RS、GIS技术,提取青藏高原1970s、1990s、2000s及2010s 4个时段的湖泊面积信息,分别从区域位置、面积规模、海拔高度3方面分析其近40年来的变化趋势及变化特征,同时结合1972-2011年间青藏高原气候变化情况,初步探讨了影响青藏高原湖泊面积变化的主要原因.研究结果表明:(1)青藏高原面积大于10 km2的湖泊有417个,这些湖泊大多是面积为10~100 km2的小型湖泊,空间上集中分布在高原西部地区,海拔上集中在4500~5000 m范围内;(2)近40年青藏高原湖泊面积的变化趋势及差异性特征在整体上表现为湖泊呈加速扩张的趋势,其中2000s-2010s时段是湖泊扩张最显著的时期;在区域位置上,北部地区的湖泊变化最为剧烈;在面积规模上,小型湖泊扩张最为显著;在海拔高度上,低海拔地区湖泊扩张剧烈;(3)近40年青藏高原气候暖湿化程度明显,气候变化对湖泊面积变化影响显著;在气象要素中,降水量的变化是青藏高原湖泊面积变化的主要驱动因子.  相似文献   

武汉市湖泊景观动态遥感分析(1973-2013年)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城市湖泊是城市湿地的重要组成部分,其演变受到人类活动的严重干扰,也影响城市的可持续发展.利用19732013年40年间Landsat MSS(3景)、Landsat 5 TM(5景)和Landsat 8(1景)共9景遥感影像,从景观角度分析武汉市主要湖泊的变化.首先借助遥感和地理信息系统技术提取湖泊信息,然后通过主成分分析法选取平均斑块面积(MPS)、斑块面积标准差(PSSD)、边界密度(ED)和斑块平均分维数(MPDF)4个景观指数用于湖泊景观分析.结果表明,武汉市湖泊变化经历了4大阶段:(1)1970s,由于"围湖造田"政策的推行,湖泊总面积、MPS和PSSD急剧减小,湖泊斑块数量(尤其是小型湖泊)急剧增加,大湖破碎、小湖增加;(2)1980s,推行"退田还湖"政策,湖泊总面积有较大回升,但小型湖泊消亡现象较为严重;(3)1990s,由于经济发展和人口增长等原因,湖泊水面面积仍缓慢波动减小;(4)21世纪后,湖泊斑块数量持续缓慢增加,但湖泊总面积呈减少趋势,故又可能进入一轮大湖萎缩或破碎、小湖增加的阶段.总体而言,武汉城市湖泊受到人为干扰和政策导向影响明显,应大力加强湖泊的科学管理,合理地开发利用,保护好湖泊自然资源.  相似文献   

非传统湖泊水色遥感的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
外界环境条件以及自身因素的驱动,改变了传统湖泊水色遥感垂向均一的理论假设前提,基于垂向非均匀条件的湖泊水体水色参数的遥感称之为非传统湖泊水色遥感.本文分析了传统水色遥感面临的挑战,且非传统湖泊水色遥感中藻类叶绿素a浓度的垂向分布类型及其定量表达、水下光场分布的定量表达模型与数值模拟方法,给出垂向异质水体遥感反射比的定量表达式,分析了藻类垂向异质对水色参数遥感反演模型的影响,最后提出下一步需要重点关注的问题.  相似文献   


Human activities have created high nutrient surpluses in agricultural lands due to the increasing rate of chemical fertilizer application and the increase in livestock production. To analyse the nutrient characteristics and estimate the nutrient load in streams, we conducted extensive field survey and water quality experiments from 2007 to 2008 in Koise River, a major river of the Lake Kasumigaura watershed, Japan. Water quality indicators of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total organic carbon (TOC) were investigated. The nutrient loads of TN, TP and TOC, as well as dissolved total nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, particle organic nitrogen, dissolved total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and particle organic carbon were also estimated for the Koise River. Seasonal variation of the nutrient concentration from 2007 to 2008 was analysed considering the river discharge variation and agricultural activities. The results showed that the irrigation water from Lake Kasumigaura has the potential ability to decrease the TN concentration and increase the TOC concentration in the Koise River. Significant correlation coefficients between nutrient load and river discharge were found. The monthly pollution loads from different sources were then evaluated based on land cover classification generated from high-resolution Quick Bird remote sensing imagery. This study presents a useful interpretation of water quality data sets with a view to obtaining better information about water quality for more effective management of water resources in river basins.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation He, B., Oki, K., Wang, Y., Oki, T., Yamashiki, Y., Takara, K., Miura, S., Imai, A., Komatsu, K. and Kawasaki, N., 2012. Analysis of stream water quality and estimation of nutrient load with the aid of Quick Bird remote sensing imagery. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (5), 850–860.  相似文献   

太湖水体3种典型水质参数的高光谱遥感反演   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
张兵  申茜  李俊生  张浩  吴迪 《湖泊科学》2009,21(2):182-192
以富营养化污染严重的太湖为研究区,设计并实施了2次太湖航空遥感综合实验,获取了太湖7条航带、冬夏两个时相的航空高光谱遥感图像;通过6次太湖地面试验,采集了多时相的太湖水体固有光学量和表观光学量数据,分析了它们的空间分布规律,建立了单化固有光学量数据库;面向叶绿素、悬浮物和黄色物质3种典型水质参数,发展了基于生物光学模型和单位固有光学量数据库的水质参数反演分析方法;利用航空高光谱遥感器Will图像和航天高光谱遥感器CHRIS图像对这些方法进行了检验,获得了较好的水质参数图像反演结果.  相似文献   

The Earth's water resources are endangered by inconsiderate use, pollution and lack of conservation measures. Temporal monitoring is necessary for the conservation and usage planning of water resources and to make informed decisions. Seyfe Lake and its environs in Turkey is one of the most important water basins in the world, because it is a node on bird migration paths between Europe, Asia and Africa. For this reason, the International Council of Bird Preservation (ICBP) has registered 27 of the bird species living at Seyfe Lake on the conservation list. In this work, the temporal changes in the water surface area of Seyfe Lake and its environs, which are important for ecological, historical and tourism reasons, are investigated. The change of water surface in the lake is examined over a 26 year period using satellite images taken between 1975 and 2001. Landsat images from years 1975, 1987 and 2001 are used. The change is tracked from the images using an unsupervised classification method. A decrease of slightly more than 33% was observed in the water surface area this 26 year period. The temporal change indicated by the images was compared with the related meteorological data between 1975 and 2001. Over this time period, climate conditions (rainfall, temperature and evaporation) in the study area have been changed by approximately 21%. These changes could have affected the Lake surface area, but so also could external human interference around the Lake. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湖冰物候影响着区域及全球气候,是全球变化的敏感因子,青藏高原湖泊众多,冻融现场监测数据缺乏,而微波具有对冰水相变敏感、时间分辨率高、历史存档数据长等特点,这对于长时间序列湖冰物候研究具有重要意义.然而,被动微波遥感空间分辨率低、湖泊亮温的精准定位难.论文通过获取AMSR-E/Aqua和AMSR-2/Gcom-W1的亮温数据,构建了基于轨道亮温数据的阈值判别法,通过对青藏高原不同区域和不同大小的青海湖、色林错、哈拉湖以及阿其克库勒湖进行测试研究:与青海湖现场观测对比,湖泊完全冻结日期与开始融化日期最大误差小于3天;与无云光学遥感判别结果相比,4个湖泊的冻融参数误差为2~4天.结果表明,被动微波轨道亮温数据可实现青藏高原地区亚像元级中大型湖泊冻融信息的获取,历史卫星资料可为湖冰物候的监测提供重要的支撑.  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring could benefit from information derived from the newest generation of medium-resolution Earth observation satellites. The main objective of our study was to assess the suitability of both Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2A satellites for estimating and mapping of Secchi disk transparency (SDT), a common measurement of water clarity, in Cassaffousth Reservoir (Córdoba, Argentina). Ground observations and a dataset of four Landsat 8 and four Sentinel-2A images were used to create and validate models to estimate SDT in the reservoir. The selected algorithms were used to obtain graphic representations of water clarity. Slight differences were found between Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 estimations. Thus, we demonstrated the suitability of both satellites for estimating and mapping water quality. This study highlights the importance of free and readily available satellite datasets in monitoring water quality, especially in countries where conventional monitoring programmes are either lacking or unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

Land water, one of the important components of land cover, is the indispensable and important basic information for climate change studies, ecological environment assessment, macro-control analysis, etc. This article describes the overall study on land water in the program of global land cover remote sensing mapping. Through collection and processing of Landsat TM/ETM+, China’s HJ-1 satellite image, etc., the program achieves an effective overlay of global multi-spectral image of 30 m resolution for two base years, namely, 2000 and 2010, with the image rectification accuracy meeting the requirements of 1:200000 mapping and the error in registration of images for the two periods being controlled within 1 pixel. The indexes were designed and selected reasonably based on spectral features and geometric shapes of water on the scale of 30 m resolution, the water information was extracted in an elaborate way by combining a simple and easy operation through pixel-based classification method with a comprehensive utilization of various rules and knowledge through the object-oriented classification method, and finally the classification results were further optimized and improved by the human-computer interaction, thus realizing high-resolution remote sensing mapping of global water. The completed global land water data results, including Global Land 30-water 2000 and Global Land 30-water 2010, are the classification results featuring the highest resolution on a global scale, and the overall accuracy of self-assessment is 96%. These data are the important basic data for developing relevant studies, such as analyzing spatial distribution pattern of global land water, revealing regional difference, studying space-time fluctuation law, and diagnosing health of ecological environment.  相似文献   

基于遥感和历史水位记录的鄱阳湖区淹没风险制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种利用多时相遥感影像和历史水位观测资料,利用ArcGIS空间分析功能实现冲积平原区洪水风险制图的方法.首先利用9幅鄱阳湖区不同时相的Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像,通过非监督分类的方法提取水体淹没范围,根据都昌水文站资料1955-2001年间水位记录,分别计算鄱阳湖洪水多发期(6,7,8月份)和全年各水位的超频率(EP),假设在相同水位条件下具有相同的淹没范围,将遥感获取的水体边界作为EP的等值线,在ArcGIS的支持下,利用等值线插值实现鄱阳湖区洪水多发期和全年的水体淹没风险制图.  相似文献   

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