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The deformation at the core–mantle boundary produced by the 2004 Sumatra earthquake is investigated by means of a semi-analytic theoretical model of global coseismic and postseismic deformation, predicting a millimetric coseismic perturbation over a large portion of the core–mantle boundary. Spectral features of such deformations are analysed and discussed. The time-dependent postseismic evolution of the elliptical part of the gravity field ( J 2) is also computed for different asthenosphere viscosity models. Our results show that, for asthenospheric viscosities smaller than 1018 Pa s, the postseismic J 2 variation in the next years is expected to leave a detectable signal in geodetic observations.  相似文献   

Summary. Numerical convection models are presented in which plates are simulated by imposing piecewise constant horizontal velocities on the upper boundary. A 4 × 1 box of constant viscosity fluid and two-dimensional (2-D) flow is assumed. Four heating modes are compared: the four combinations of internal or bottom heating and prescribed bottom temperature or heat flux. The case with internal heating and an isothermal base is relevant to lower mantle or whole mantle convection, and it yields a lower thermal boundary layer which is laterally variable and can be locally reversed, corresponding to heat flowing back into the core locally. When scaled to the whole mantle, the surface deflections and gravity and geoid perturbations calculated from the models are comparable to those observed at the Earth's surface. For models with migrating ridges and trenches, the flow structure lags well behind the changing surface 'plate'configurations. This may help to explain the poor correlation between the main geoid features and plate boundaries. Trench migration substantially affects the dip of the cool descending fluid because of induced horizontal shear in the vicinity of the trench. Such shear is small for whole mantle convection, but is large for upper mantle convection, and would probably result in the Tonga Benioff zone dipping to the SE, opposite to the observed dip, for the case of upper mantle convection.  相似文献   

The concept of a deformation of a simple, non-rotating, spherically symmetric earth model with a fluid outer core, although it is a highly artificial physical situation, provides a useful computational algorithm that allows one lo determine analytically modes of vibration without any Love-number theory. In particular, on these analytically determined modes, we impose regularity conditions at the centre and boundary conditions at the surface, as well as conditions of continuity at the inner-core-outer-core boundary and at the core-mantle boundary. They lead to an eigenvalue equation for the frequency of oscillation. The range of frequencies obtained in this way for different earth models gives an indication of the influence of compressibility and non-homogeneity on the spectrum of eigenfrequencies.  相似文献   

The Hamiltonian formalism was recently applied by Getino (1995a,b) for the study of the rotation of a non-rigid earth with a heterogeneous and stratified liquid core. That earth model is generalized here by including the effect of the dissipation arising from the mantle-core interaction, using a model similar to that of Sasao, Okubo & Saito (1980), which includes both viscous and electromagnetic coupling. First, a solution for the free nutations is obtained following a classical approach, which in our opinion is more familiar to most of the readers than the Hamiltonian treatment. This solution provides a theoretical basis clear enough to study both the qualitative and quantitative effects of the dissipations considered in the hypotheses. The main qualitative features are, besides the delays, that the free core nutation (FCN) suffers an exponential damping, while the chandler wobble (CW) is not damped at first order, by the dissipation considered. The numerical values obtained for the complex compliances agree with the most recent experimental computations.
Next, the problem is studied under a Hamiltonian formalism, and a solution equivalent to the above is obtained. Besides its interest from a theoretical point of view, this formalism is necessary in order to apply canonical perturbation methods in order to obtain analytical nutation series.  相似文献   

Cooling the core and mantle by plume and plate flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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