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Abstract— 40Ar‐39Ar analyses of a total of 26 samples from eight shock‐darkened impact melt breccias of H‐chondrite affinity (Gao‐Guenie, LAP 02240, LAP 03922, LAP 031125, LAP 031173, LAP 031308, NWA 2058, and Ourique) are reported. These appear to record impacts ranging in time from 303 ± 56 Ma (Gao‐Guenie) to 4360 ± 120 Ma (Ourique) ago. Three record impacts 300–400 Ma ago, while two others record impacts 3900–4000 Ma ago. Combining these with other impact ages from H chondrites in the literature, it appears that H chondrites record impacts in the first 100 Ma of solar system history, during the era of the “lunar cataclysm” and shortly thereafter (3500–4000 Ma ago), one or more impacts ?300 Ma ago, and perhaps an impact ?500 Ma ago (near the time of the L chondrite parent body disruption). Records of impacts on the H chondrite parent body are rare or absent between the era of planetary accretion and the “lunar cataclysm” (4400‐4050 Ma), during the long stretch between heavy bombardment and recent breakup events (3500‐1000 Ma), or at the time of final breakup into meteorite‐sized bodies (<50 Ma).  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic ages of meteorites that indicate chronometer resetting due to impact heating are summarized. Most of the ages were obtained by the 39Ar-40Ar technique, but several Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, and Sm-Nd ages also suggest some degree of impact resetting. Considerations of experimental data on element diffusion in silicates suggest that various isotopic chronometers ought to differ in their ease of resetting during shock heating in the order K-Ar (easiest), Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, and Sm-Nd, which is approximately the order observed in meteorites. Partial rather than total chronometer resetting by impacts appears to be the norm; consequently, interpretation of the event age is not always straightforward. Essentially all 39Ar-40Ar ages of eucrites and howardites indicate partial to total resetting in the relatively narrow time interval of 3.4–4.1 Ga ago (1 Ga = 109 years). Several disturbed Rb-Sr ages appear consistent with this age distribution. This grouping of ages and the brecciated nature of many eucrites and all howardites argues for a large-scale impact bombardment of the HED parent body during the same time period that the Moon received its cataclysmic bombardment. Other meteorite parent bodies such as those of mesosiderites, some chondrites, and IIE irons also may have experienced this bombardment. These data suggest that the early bombardment was not lunar specific but involved much of the inner Solar System, and may have been caused by breakup of a larger planetismal. Although a few chondrites show evidence of age resetting ~3.5–3.9 Ga ago, most impact ages of chondrites tend to fall below 1.3 Ga in age. A minimum of ~4 impact events, including events at 0.3, 0.5, 1.2, and possibly 0.9 Ga appear to be required to explain the younger ages of H, L, and LL chondrites, although additional events are possible. Most L chondrites show evidence of shock, and the majority of 39Ar-40Ar ages of L chondrites fall near 0.5 Ga. The L chondrite parent body apparently experienced a major impact at this time, which may have disrupted it. The observations (1) that lunar highland rocks experienced major impact resetting of various isotopic chronometers ~3.7–4.1 Ga ago; (2) that the HED parent body experienced widespread impact resetting of the K-Ar chronometer but only modest disturbance of other isotopic systems, during a similar time period; (3) that ordinary chondrite parent bodies show much more recent and less extensive impact resetting; and (4) that impacts, which initiated cosmic-ray exposure of most stone meteorites almost never reset isotopic chronometers, may all be a consequence of relative parent body size. Greater degrees of isotopic chronometer resetting occur in larger and warmer impact ejecta deposits that cool slowly. The relatively greater size of bodies like the Moon and Vesta (assumed to be the parent asteroid of HED meteorites) both permit such favorable ejecta deposits to occur more easily compared to smaller parent bodies (generally assumed for chondrites) and also protect parent objects from collisional disruption. Thus, impacts on larger bodies would tend to more easily reset chronometers, consistent with the observed relative ease of resetting of Moon (easiest), HED, chondrites and of K-Ar (easiest), Rb-Sr, other chronometers. In contrast, the more recent impact ages of chondrites are postulated to represent collisional disruption of smaller parent objects whose fragments are more readily removed from the meteorite source reservoirs. Impacts that initiate cosmic-ray exposure are mostly small in scale and produce little heating.  相似文献   

Our survey of type 4–6 ordinary chondrites indicates that gas-poor, melt-rock and/or exotic clast-bearing fragmental breccias constitute 5%, 22% and 23%, respectively, of H, L and LL chondrites. These abundances contrast with the percentages of solar-gas-rich regolith breccias among ordinary chondrites: H (14%), L (3%) and LL (8%) (Crabb and Schultz, 1981). Petrologic study of several melt-rock-clast-bearing fragmental breccias indicates that some acquired their clasts prior to breccia metamorphism and others acquired them after metamorphism of host material. In general, the melt-rock clasts in gas-poor H chondrite fragmental breccias were acquired after breccia metamorphism and were probably formed by impacts into boulders or exposed outcrops of H4-6 material in the H chondrite parent body regolith. In contrast, most of the melt-rock clasts in gas-poor L and LL fragmental breccias were acquired prior to breccia metamorphism. The low abundance of regolith breccias among L chondrites and evidence that at least two-thirds of the L chondrites suffered a major shock event 0.5 Gyr ago, suggest that the L parent body may have been disrupted by a major collision at that time and that the remaining parent body fragments were too small to develop substantial regoliths (e.g., Heymann, 1967; Crabb and Schultz, 1981). Such a disruption would have exposed a large amount of L chondrite bedrock, some of which would consist of fragmental breccias that acquired melt-rock clasts very early in solar system history, prior to metamorphism. The exposed bedrock would serve as a potential target for sporadic meteoroid impacts to produce a few fragmental breccias with unmetamorphosed melt-rock clasts. The high proportion of genomict brecciated LL chondrites reflects a complex collisional history, probably including several episodes of parent body disruption and gravitational reassembly. Differences in the abundances of different kinds of breccias among the ordinary chondrite groups are probably due to the stochastic nature of major asteroidal collisions.  相似文献   

Abstract— CM chondrite clasts that have experienced different degrees of aqueous alteration occur in H‐chondrite and HED meteorite breccias. Many clasts are fragments of essentially unshocked CM projectiles that accreted at low relative velocities to the regoliths of these parent bodies. A few clasts were heated and dehydrated upon impact; these objects most likely accreted at higher relative velocities. We examined three clasts and explored alternative scenarios for their formation. In the first scenario, we assumed that the H and HED parent bodies had diameters of a few hundred kilometers, so that their high escape velocities would effectively prevent soft landings of small CM projectiles. This would imply that weakly shocked CM clasts formed on asteroidal fragments (family members) associated with the H and HED parent bodies. In the second scenario, we assumed that weakly shocked CM clasts were spall products ejected at low velocities from larger CM projectiles when they slammed into the H and HED parent bodies. In both cases, if most CM clasts turn out to have ancient ages (e.g., ?3.4‐4.1 Ga), a plausible source for their progenitors would be outer main belt objects, some which may have been dynamically implanted 3.9 Ga ago by the events described in the so‐called “Nice model.” On the other hand, if most CM clasts have recent ages (<200 Ma), a plausible source location for their parent body would be the inner main belt between 2.1–2.2 AU. In that case, the possible source of the CM‐clasts' progenitors' parent fragments would be the breakup ?160 Ma ago of the parent body 170 km in diameter of the Baptistina asteroid family (BAF).  相似文献   

Abstract— Nitrogen and Ar in more than 20 primitive ordinary chondrites were studied by a stepped combustion method. Several N carriers that are characterized by N isotopic composition, N release pattern and trapped Ar release pattern are recognized in the primitive ordinary chondrites. Large fractions of anomalous N and associated Ar are removed by acid treatment in most cases. The N isotopic anomalies cannot be explained by known presolar grains (with a possible exception of graphite), and some of the N isotopic anomalies may be due to unknown presolar grains. There is no specific relationship between the type of N carriers contained in an ordinary chondrite and the chemical type (H, L, or LL) of the chondrite. It is likely that as a result of impacts, the carriers of isotopically anomalous N were mixed in various parent bodies as rock fragments rather than as individual fine particles. The presence of distinctive N isotopic anomalies in primitive meteorites indicates that the primitive solar nebula may have been heterogeneous either spatially or temporally.  相似文献   

We have developed a statistical framework that uses collisional evolution models, shock physics modeling, and scaling laws to determine the range of plausible collisional histories for individual meteorite parent bodies. It is likely that those parent bodies that were not catastrophically disrupted sustained hundreds of impacts on their surfaces—compacting, heating, and mixing the outer layers; it is highly unlikely that many parent bodies escaped without any impacts processing the outer few kilometers. The first 10–20 Myr were the most important time for impacts, both in terms of the number of impacts and the increase of specific internal energy due to impacts. The model has been applied to evaluate the proposed impact histories of several meteorite parent bodies: up to 10 parent bodies that were not disrupted in the first 100 Myr experienced a vaporizing collision of the type necessary to produce the metal inclusions and chondrules on the CB chondrite parent; around 1–5% of bodies that were catastrophically disrupted after 12 Myr sustained impacts at times that match the heating events recorded on the IAB/winonaite parent body; more than 75% of 100 km radius parent bodies, which survived past 100 Myr without being disrupted, sustained an impact that excavates to the depth required for mixing in the outer layers of the H‐chondrite parent body; and to protect the magnetic field on the CV chondrite parent body, the crust would have had to have been thick (approximately 20 km) to prevent it being punctured by impacts.  相似文献   

Polymict chondritic breccias—rocks composed of fragments originating from different chondritic parent bodies—are of particular interest because they give insights into the mixing of asteroids in the main asteroid belt (occurrence, encounter velocity, transfer time). We describe Northwest Africa (NWA) 5764, a brecciated LL6 chondrite that contains a >16 cm3 L4 clast. The L clast was incorporated in the breccia through a nondestructive, low‐velocity impact. Identical cosmic‐ray exposure ages of the L clast and the LL host (36.6 ± 5.8 Myr), suggest a short transfer time of the L meteoroid to the LL parent body of 0.1 ± 8.1 Myr, if that meteoroid was no larger than a few meters. NWA 5764 (together with St. Mesmin, Dimmitt, and Glanerbrug) shows that effective mixing is possible between ordinary chondrite parent bodies. In NWA 5764 this mixing occurred after the peak of thermal metamorphism on the LL parent body, i.e., at least several tens of Myr after the formation of the solar system. The U,Th‐He ages of the L clast and LL host, identical at about 2.9 Ga, might date the final assembly of the breccia, indicating relatively young mixing in the main asteroid belt as previously evidenced in St. Mesmin.  相似文献   

Abstract— Age patterns observed in meteorite groups reflect the different thermal or impact histories experienced by their parent bodies. To assess the number of ordinary chondrite (OC) parent bodies rare-gas data in the Schultz and Kruse (1989) data base were used to calculate U,Th-He gas-retention ages. Most H- and LL-chondrite ages are high; ~81% are >2.2 Ga. In contrast, most L-chondrite ages are low; ~69% are ≤2.2 Ga, and ~35% are ≤0.9 Ga. The latter fraction is substantially lower than the value of 44% given by Heymann (1967). The difference is attributed to the preferential inclusion of shocked L chondrites in early studies. Broad age peaks in the H and LL groups near 3.4 Ga probably reflect thermal loss during metamorphism, but in the H distribution there is a hint of minor outgassing “events” near 1 Ga. The L/LL chondrites have chemical properties intermediate between and unresolvable from L and LL chondrites. The high ages of most L/LL chondrites are evidence against these originating on the L parent body; the L/LL age distribution is consistent with an origin on the LL parent body or on an independent body.  相似文献   

Establishing connections between meteorites and their parent asteroids is an important goal of planetary science. Several links have been proposed in the past, including a spectroscopic match between basaltic meteorites and (4) Vesta, that are helping scientists understand the formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies. Here we show that the shocked L chondrite meteorites, which represent about two thirds of all L chondrite falls, may be fragments of a disrupted asteroid with orbital semimajor axis a=2.8 AU. This breakup left behind thousands of identified 1–15 km asteroid fragments known as the Gefion family. Fossil L chondrite meteorites and iridium enrichment found in an ≈467 Ma old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, and perhaps also ∼5 large terrestrial craters with corresponding radiometric ages, may be tracing the immediate aftermath of the family-forming collision when numerous Gefion fragments evolved into the Earth-crossing orbits by the 5:2 resonance with Jupiter. This work has major implications for our understanding of the source regions of ordinary chondrite meteorites because it implies that they can sample more distant asteroid material than was previously thought possible.  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent measurements of ordinary chondrite physical and thermal properties along with new geothermometry studies have provided the necessary parameters for updating a previously proposed model (Miyamoto et al., 1981) for the thermal evolution and internal structure of ordinary chondrite parent bodies. Model calculations assumed a heat source term derived from the decay of 26Al (justification is provided). Differences from the previous model include: varying the thermal diffusivity parameter with increasing temperature (and decreasing porosity), using variable physical and thermal parameters to provide end member models, and incorporating a shortened thermal history of 60 Ma (obtained from new Pb-Pb chronology of phosphates) rather than 100 Ma. Times of isotopic closure in chondrite phosphates overlap the thermal model estimates, and postmetamorphic cooling rates from the model approximately coincide, in both trend and magnitude, with metallographic and fission track cooling rate data. Model calculations attempt to match peak metamorphic conditions in the central portions of these bodies and yield accretion ages between 1.4 to 3.1 Ma after calcium-aluminum inclusion (CAI) formation. Model calculations also predict that both the H and the L chondrite parent asteroids consisted of ~80% equilibrated and 20% unequilibrated chondritic material and that their original radii ranged from 80 to 95 km.  相似文献   

If chondritic meteorites were internally heated after accretion had ended, then the hottest material would have been buried the deepest and should have cooled the slowest. If this is correct, there ought to be a correlation between cooling rate and petrographic type, a measure of the extent to which chondrites were metamorphosed (i.e., heated). Published and new cooling rates derived from the compositions of metallic iron-nickel grains do not display this correlation, implying either that chondrite parent asteroids never had onion-shell structures or that bodies with onion-shell structures were broken up and reassembled prior to cooling to below 500°C, the temperature at which cooling-rate information is recorded in metallic iron-nickel. Chondritic regolith breccias formed from materials that resided on the surfaces of their parent asteroids. Metallic iron-nickel grains in H- and L-chondrite regolith breccias indicate that the breccia constituents cooled at rates ranging from 1 to > 1000°K/myr. Based on thermal calculations, these cooling rates suggest that the materials spread out on the surfaces of H- and L-chondrite parent asteroids originated at depths ranging from about one kilometer to several tens of kilometers. Craters deep enough to excavate tens of kilometers cannot form on typical asteroidal bodies only 100 to 300 km in diameter without disrupting them. Therefore, it appears that at least some asteroids, namely, the parent bodies of H and L chondrites, were disrupted after cooling to below 300°C, and then reassembled to create surfaces containing rocks that originated at a wide range of depths. These results support theoretical calculations suggesting that many asteroids were broken up and subsequently reassembled into gravitationally bound rubble piles.  相似文献   

Abstract– We evaluate the chemical and physical conditions of metamorphism in ordinary chondrite parent bodies using X‐ray diffraction (XRD)‐measured modal mineral abundances and geochemical analyses of 48 type 4–6 ordinary chondrites. Several observations indicate that oxidation may have occurred during progressive metamorphism of equilibrated chondrites, including systematic changes with petrologic type in XRD‐derived olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene abundances, increasing ratios of MgO/(MgO+FeO) in olivine and pyroxene, mean Ni/Fe and Co/Fe ratios in bulk metal with increasing metamorphic grade, and linear Fe addition trends in molar Fe/Mn and Fe/Mg plots. An aqueous fluid, likely incorporated as hydrous silicates and distributed homogeneously throughout the parent body, was responsible for oxidation. Based on mass balance calculations, a minimum of 0.3–0.4 wt% H2O reacted with metal to produce oxidized Fe. Prior to oxidation the parent body underwent a period of reduction, as evidenced by the unequilibrated chondrites. Unlike olivine and pyroxene, average plagioclase abundances do not show any systematic changes with increasing petrologic type. Based on this observation and a comparison of modal and normative plagioclase abundances, we suggest that plagioclase completely crystallized from glass by type 4 temperature conditions in the H and L chondrites and by type 5 in the LL chondrites. Because the validity of using the plagioclase thermometer to determine peak temperatures rests on the assumption that plagioclase continued to crystallize through type 6 conditions, we suggest that temperatures calculated using pyroxene goethermometry provide more accurate estimates of the peak temperatures reached in ordinary chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Ordinary chondrite meteorites contain silicates, Fe,Ni‐metal grains, and troilite (FeS). Conjoined metal‐troilite grains would be the first phase to melt during radiogenic heating in the parent body, if temperatures reached over approximately 910–960 °C (the Fe,Ni‐FeS eutectic). On the basis of two‐pyroxene thermometry of 13 ordinary chondrites, we argue that peak temperatures in some type 6 chondrites exceeded the Fe,Ni‐FeS eutectic and thus conjoined metal‐troilite grains would have begun to melt. Melting reactions consume energy, so thermal models were constructed to investigate the effect of melting on the thermal history of the H, L, and LL parent asteroids. We constrained the models by finding the proportions of conjoined metal‐troilite grains in ordinary chondrites using high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography. The models show that metal‐troilite melting causes thermal buffering and inhibits the onset of silicate melting. Compared with models that ignore the effect of melting, our models predict longer cooling histories for the asteroids and accretion times that are earlier by 61, 124, or 113 kyr for the H, L, and LL asteroids, respectively. Because the Ni/Fe ratio of the metal and the bulk troilite/metal ratio is higher in L and LL chondrites than H chondrites, thermal buffering has the greatest effect in models for the L and LL chondrite parent bodies, and least effect for the H chondrite parent. Metal‐troilite melting is also relevant to models of primitive achondrite parent bodies, particularly those that underwent only low degrees of silicate partial melting. Thermal models can predict proportions of petrologic types formed within an asteroid, but are systematically different from the statistics of meteorite collections. A sampling bias is interpreted to explain these differences.  相似文献   

We used two different methods of statistical analysis—cluster analysis and principal component analysis—to analyze the concentrations of principal chemical components (Si, Mg, Ca, Fe, Ni) and Co in ordinary chondrites. The analysis is based predominantly on published data (metadata). In total, chemical composition data from 646 ordinary chondrites were used in the statistical analysis. The aim of this analysis was to establish whether it would be possible or not to distinguish H, L, and LL chondrites based on the concentrations of major elements and Co in their bulk chemical compositions. It was also important to determine what conclusions such an analysis could enable to draw about matter differentiation in the formation environments of primordial parent bodies of particular ordinary chondrite groups (H, L, and LL). Another aim of the statistical analysis was to determine whether the distribution of Fe and Ni (with Co admixtures) is independent of petrographic types within particular groups of chondrites. This is of crucial importance for determining the distribution of FeNi(Co) ore occurrences in potential extraterrestrial deposits on modern asteroids—the sources of ordinary chondrites. The obtained results of statistical analyses confirmed that a clear-cut distinction between particular groups of ordinary chondrites is only possible for group H, while distinguishing L chondrites from LL chondrites is not always obvious. The results of the statistical analyses relating to the question of the possible existence of several primordial parent bodies (formation environments) of each group of ordinary chondrites are consistent with the results of contemporary astronomical spectroscopy research. What is particularly interesting is obtaining indications of the existence of common formation environments of the matter of L and LL chondrites, possibly on a few primordial parent bodies. The statistical analyses indicate that there is no correlation between the concentration of principal chemical components and the petrographic type of ordinary chondrites. This proves homogenous distributions of these elements within the parent bodies of each group of ordinary chondrites. Hence, the distribution of these elements in individual present-day asteroids is also homogenous.  相似文献   

Impact events have played a central role in the life of meteorites. They compacted and lithified the dust from which meteorites are made; produced shock minerals, shock melting, and shock blackening of meteoritic minerals on their parent bodies; turned their parent bodies into rubble; and dispersed at least some pieces of this rubble, sending them to Earth as meteorites. Thus, as well as owing their very existence to the occurrence of catastrophic disruptions, meteorites contain physical ground truth concerning the impact and disruption environment of the solar system. Reviewing these aspects of the impact-meteorite connection, we conclude that impacts severe enough to disrupt asteroids were rare in the earliest stages of the solar nebula, when meteorite parent bodies accreted and were lithified. Likewise, though catastrophic disruptions clearly have occurred over the past several billion years, the small number of exposure events seen in the meteoritic cosmic ray age record indicates that such disruptions at these times also were rare. However, catastrophic disruptions must have been very prevalent during the first billion years of the solar system, resulting in the widespread asteroid macroporosity inferred from the comparison of asteroid bulk densities to meteorite grain densities.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we present the results of a geochemical study of the projectile component in impactmelt rocks from the Lappajärvi impact structure, Finland. Main‐ and trace‐element analyses, including platinum group elements (PGEs), were carried out on twenty impact‐melt rock samples from different locations and on two shocked granite fragments. The results clearly illustrate that all the impact melt rocks are contaminated with an extraterrestrial component. An identification of the projectile type was performed by determining the projectile elemental ratios and comparing the corresponding element ratios in chondrites. The projectile elemental ratios suggest an H chondrite as the most likely projectile type for the Lappajärvi impact structure. The PGE composition of the highly diluted projectile component (?0.05 and 0.7 wt% in the impact‐melt rocks) is similar to the recent meteorite population of H chondrites reaching Earth. The relative abundance of ordinary chondrites, including H, L, and LL chondrites, as projectiles at terrestrial impact structures is most likely related to the position of their parent bodies relative to the main resonance positions. This relative abundance of ordinary chondrites suggests a strong bias of the impactor population toward inner Main Belt objects.  相似文献   

Platinum group element (PGE) concentrations have been determined in situ in ordinary chondrite kamacite and taenite grains via laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). Results demonstrate that PGE concentrations in ordinary chondrite metal (kamacite and taenite) are similar among the three ordinary chondrite groups, in contrast to previous bulk metal studies in which PGE concentrations vary in the order H < L < LL. PGE concentrations are higher in taenite than kamacite, consistent with preferential PGE partitioning into taenite. PGE concentrations vary between and within metal grains, although average concentrations in kamacite broadly agree with results from bulk studies. The variability of PGE concentrations in metal decreases with increasing petrologic type; however, variability is still evident in most type six ordinary chondrites, suggesting that equilibration of PGEs does not occur between metal grains, but rather within individual metal grains via self‐diffusion during metamorphism. The constant average PGE concentrations within metal grains across different ordinary chondrite groups are consistent with the formation of metal via nebular condensation prior to the accretion of ordinary chondrite parent bodies. Post‐condensation effects, including heating during chondrule‐formation events, may have affected some element ratios, but have not significantly affected average metal PGE concentrations.  相似文献   

Lithic fragments in LL-group chondrites commonly have poikilitic textures, in part or in whole, where mainly olivine is enclosed by orthopyroxene. Partially poikilitic fragments also have grano-blastic areas and anhedral olivine larger than the olivine enclosed by pyroxene. In analogy to lunar poikilitic rocks and lithic fragments, poikilitic lithic fragments in LL-group chondrites, i.e., meteorites which are highly brecciated due to repeated impacts, are also interpreted as being related to impact events on meteorite parent bodies where melting and reheating of protolith occurred. Compositional characteristics of minerals in certain fragments, such as highly-unequilibrated clinopyroxene (CaO, 14.5 to 17.3 wt %; Al2O3, 6.7%) and relatively high CaO (0.70 to 2.5 wt %) in orthopyroxene in a Ngawi fragment, seem to indicate a melt origin. However, as in the lunar case, it is difficult to decide whether the meteoritic poikilitic textures resulted from complete or partial melting or largely by solid-state recrystallization, although the large olivines that may be relict crystals appear to indicate that at least partial melting was involved. In all probability, all three processes are responsible for the poikilitic textures in chondrites, since temperature regimes produced by impact processes are likely to range widely. These interpretations may also apply to the poikilitic-textured Shaw chondrite, L-group, which may owe its poikilitic texture to impact partial-melting processes while in the parent body regolith.  相似文献   

The bulk chlorine concentrations and isotopic compositions of a suite of non‐carbonaceous (NC) and carbonaceous (CC) iron meteorites were measured using gas source mass spectrometry. The δ37Cl values of magmatic irons range from ?7.2 to 18.0‰ versus standard mean ocean chloride and are unrelated to their chlorine concentrations, which range from 0.3 to 161 ppm. Nonmagmatic IAB irons are comparatively Cl‐rich containing >161 ppm with δ37Cl values ranging from ?6.1 to ?3.2‰. The anomalously high and low δ37Cl values are inconsistent with a terrestrial source, and as Cl contents in magmatic irons are largely consistent with derivation from a chondrite‐like silicate complement, we suggest that Cl is indigenous to iron meteorites. Two NC irons, Cape York and Gibeon, have high cooling rates with anomalously high δ37Cl values of 13.4 and 18.0‰. We interpret these high isotopic compositions to result from Cl degassing during the disruption of their parent bodies, consistent with their low volatile contents (Ga, Ge, Ag). As no relevant mechanisms in iron meteorite parent bodies are expected to decrease δ37Cl values, whereas volatilization is known to increase δ37Cl values by the preferential loss of light isotopes, we interpret the low isotope values of <?5‰ and down to ?7.2‰ to most closely represent the primordial isotopic composition of Cl in the solar nebula. Similar conclusions have been derived from low δ37Cl values down to ?6, and ?3.8‰ measured in Martian and Vestan meteorites, respectively. These low δ37Cl values are in contrast to those of chondrites which average around 0‰ previously explained by the incorporation of isotopically heavy HCl clathrate into chondrite parent bodies. The poor retention of low δ37Cl values in many differentiated planetary materials suggest that extensive devolatilization occurred during planet formation, which can explain Earth's high δ37Cl value by the loss of approximately 60% of the initial Cl content.  相似文献   

Abstract— An analysis of the distribution of 3He and 4He in L and H chondrites has shown that the parent body of L chondrites underwent a catastrophic collision in space 340 ± 50 Ma ago. This age differs considerably from the collision age of 520 ± 60 Ma given previously (Heymann, 1967). The parent body of H chondrites may also have undergone local heating and degassing ~200 Ma ago. Data for L chondrites argue in favour of Antarctic and non-Antarctic meteorites having originated from a common parent body.  相似文献   

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