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Abstract Existing geochronological data are reviewed and new Rb-Sr, K-Ar and 39Ar–40Ar ages are presented, including a suite of 33 mica ages from a 20 km north–south tunnel section. These data are discussed in relation to the thermal history from the overthrusting of the Autroalpine nappes c. 65 Myr ago to the present. The earliest phase of metamorphism, involving lawsonite crystallization, is associated with emplacement of these nappes. Subsequently, temperatures in the rocks beneath rose, at a mean rate of 3–6°C/Myr, until the climax of metamorphism.
At high structural levels, published data indicate an age > 35 Myr for the metamorphic climax. In contrast, a new 39Ar–40Ar step-heating age of 23.8 ± 0.8 Myr on amphibole, from near the base of Peripheral Schieferhülle, closely approximates the age of metamorphism and provides the first clear indication that the climax of metamorphism occurred later at deeper structure levels. Following the climax, near-isothermal uplift and erosion reduced pressure to c. 1 kbar before white mica closure at 19 Myr; this implies uplift at >3 mm/yr.
Along the tunnel section, white mica K-Ar ages vary systematically from 24 Myr to 16.5 Myr with position relative to a late 4 km amplitude dome whereas biotite Rb-Sr ages are uniform at 16.5 Myr across the whole profile; doming is thus dated at 16.5 Myr with transient uplift rates >5 mm/yr. At other times uplift rates were <1 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Evolution of Moldanubian rocks in Austria: review and synthesis   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
The Moldanubian zone in Austria comprises three major lithological units. Despite general agreement that nappe tectonics contributed to its current structure, the number and position of tectonic boundaries, or continental pieces that were involved in its evolution, as well as the age, extent and position of oceanic sutures are disputed. Recent models ascribe the Moldanubian tectonostratigraphic structure to its oblique, N- to NE-directed collision with Moravia only. The rocks of the Moldanubian Bunte series and Gföhl unit experienced a common, intensive overprint in the range 700–800 °C and 8–11 kbar. Textural evidence suggests that this overprint was attained during nearly isothermal decompression, so the rocks experienced higher pressures prior to this overprint. These conditions constrain a continent–continent collision environment that contributed to the formation of the Moldanubian granulites. The estimated metamorphic temperatures are close to Tmax. During this Hercynian, high-T overprint, the minerals underwent extensive diffusion-controlled homogenization of elements. The early stages of retrogression of these units were characterized by isobaric cooling at c. 6 kbar in the range 650–500 °C that is related to the oblique collision of the Moldanubian and Moravian zones. Cooling to c. 400 °C is demonstrated by unstrained, diasporized corundum inclusions in garnet of common Moldanubian granulites. The available age data (including cooling ages) from metamorphic rocks show a very wide variation between 490 and 280 Ma that depends on sample characteristics and the dating method used. They demonstrate clearly, however, that the metamorphic overprint is Hercynian. The possibility that the large variation in ages reflects homogenization, resetting and closure of the isotopic systems attained at different, sample- and method-specific times is discussed. Age data varying between c. 370 and c. 346 Ma tentatively date different stages during the Hercynian, high-T decompression. The majority of zircon and monazite U/Pb ages as well as the hornblende and muscovite Ar/Ar cooling ages cluster between c. 345 and c. 326 Ma and date the effective closure conditions and the onset of rapid, nearly isobaric cooling. The continent–continent collision that formed the granulites pre-dates c. 370 Ma. The intra-Moldanubian nappe-stacking pre-dates thrusting of the Moldanubian zone over the Moravian zone. The range c. 340–335 Ma is the lower limit for completion of tectonic activity in the Moldanubian zone. The Moldanubian series are post-tectonically intruded by granitoids of the Southern Bohemian Pluton. Recent age determinations and geochemical evidence suggest that the formation of the early granitoid types took place in the lower crust in connection with the Hercynian high-grade overprint. The Moldanubian Monotone series in Austria is separated from the other Moldanubian units by a conspicuous tectonic horizon. It also differs from them by its characteristic high-T , low-P overprint, which is best demonstrated by a widespread cordierite gneiss.  相似文献   

The petrology and geochemistry of a newly discovered suite of high-pressure garnet + clinopyroxene-bearing rocks from the Monotonous Series of the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, southwest Czech Republic have been investigated. Three types [common eclogites, quartz ± kyanite ± (clino)zoisite eclogites and garnet-hornblende-clinopyroxenites] are distinguished by petrography and geochemistry. All underwent a significant degree of partial breakdown under granulite and amphibolite facies conditions during exhumation. Important features include the growth of orthopyroxene in breakdown domains after garnet and omphacite and anorthite + spinel ± corundum ± exceedingly peraluminous sapphirine replacing kyanite. Garnet zoning and inclusion patterns support a prograde evolution from low pressures for at least some of the samples. The post-eclogite stage granulite facies overprint indicates that high temperatures prevailed during exhumation, but preservation of zoning in some garnets and the results of diffusion modelling suggest that this overprint took place over a very short time-scale. The geochemical and petrological results allow characteristic differences to be recognized between these eclogites and metabasites found in other tectonic units of South Bohemia and consequently the assigning of all high-pressure rocks to a single, now disrupted, tectonic unit is a gross simplification that seriously misrepresents the tectono-metamorphic history of the region.  相似文献   

Abstract A study has been made of the high-pressure early-Alpine re-equilibration in the eclogites and metasedimentary cover of the Val d'Ala di Lanzo ophiolite. All of the main high-pressure minerals have been analysed and their compositions used to determine re-equilibration temperatures. The minimum conditions proposed ( P = 1.3 GPa, T = 450–460°C) are also indicated by the presence of a jadeite+quartz-bearing metagranite.
The temperatures are compared with those reported for similar eclogites from the Voltri Group, the Aosta Valley and the Valais. Comparison of recalculated temperatures shows that the temperature (and probably the pressure) of the eclogitic re-equilibration increased in the Aosta Valley and the Valais, in keeping with what has been observed in the internal Penninic basement of the Gran Paradiso and Monte Rosa crystalline massifs.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of the compositional variation in garnet has been undertaken in a garnet–pyroxene‐bearing granulite from the high‐grade Gföhl Unit, Moldanubian Zone, Lower Austria. Textural observations, together with the interpretation of the preserved garnet chemistry, enables the recognition of both prograde core and peak metamorphic garnet mantle growth stages, an extremely rare feature in high‐P–T granulite facies rocks. Initial thermobarometric calculations undertaken across whole garnet zoning profiles show how correct interpretation of a zoning profile is essential if the maximum peak metamorphic P–T conditions are to be recovered. The effect of retrograde decompression‐ and cooling‐driven reactions on inclusion and host garnet compositions has also been assessed. The results indicate that caution should be exercised when utilizing inclusion and adjacent garnet compositions for the thermobarometric evaluation of peak metamorphic equilibration conditions. Peak P–T conditions were determined by the TWEEQU thermobarometric method, utilizing the core compositions of matrix phases combined with the interpreted high‐P–T garnet mantle composition, to give 15.6 kbar and 1090 °C, consistent with previously determined results for Moldanubian granulites. Similar high‐P–T estimates are also provided by a re‐evaluation of previously published results for a granulite sample from the same lithological unit, using a modified interpretation of garnet and plagioclase compositional data. The new estimates presented confirm the previously disputed idea that the Gföhl Unit underwent a high‐pressure granulite facies stage and is therefore distinctly different from the underlying tectonostratigraphic units. It is emphasized that any interpretation of the peak metamorphic conditions in high‐grade rocks must be based on detailed petrographic observations combined with a thorough understanding of the co‐existing equilibrium mineral compositions.  相似文献   

Abstract Polymetamorphic orthoamphibole-bearing gneisses from the vicinity of shear zones in Casey Bay, Enderby Land, Antarctica, record both the overprinting of Archaean granulite lithologies by Proterozoic metamorphism and the subsequent evolution of the latter episode during localized deformation.
Mineral chemistry and zoning relationships in orthoamphibole-garnet-kyanite-quartz and later orthoamphibole-garnet-cordierite-quartz assemblages are used together with interpretation of reaction and corona textures to constrain the Proterozoic pressure-temperature path experienced by the rocks. Consideration of reaction topologies, P-T-X(Fe-Mg-A1) relationships in orthoamphibole-bearing assemblages, and standard geothermobarometry indicate that the gneisses underwent a near-isothermal decompression P-T history (steep positive dP/dT) from ± 8 kbar and 700°C to <5.5kbar and 650°C. This uplift path is correlated with the general effects of Rayner Complex metamorphism and deformation which occurred after 1100 Ma in a major erogenic belt south of Casey Bay.  相似文献   

Abstract Mineralogical and geochemical evidence indicates that partial melting and desulphidation have occurred in the Big Bell gold deposit. Decarbonation may also have occurred, to account for the lack of a carbonate alteration halo; this is compatible with the present data, but difficult to test. The Big Bell deposit consists of auriferous sulphide-bearing (‘lode’;) schists with muscovite and K-feldspar, and surrounding biotite schists, all derived by intense premetamorphic alteration of rocks of mafic composition. Assemblages which include cordierite-sillimanite-K-feldspar-garnet-biotite-quartz suggest peak metamorphic conditions of 4–5 kbar, and 650–700° C, based on phase relations, geobaro-meters and garnet-biotite Fe-Mg exchange partitioning. Partial melting occurred at peak metamorphism, particularly in the altered mafic rocks in and around the deposit, and its occurrence may have been essential to the preservation of the deposit. Melting greatly limited the importance of devolatilization reactions, resulting in negligible aqueous fluids and no means of removing appreciable gold. Minor gold loss may have accompanied desulphidation. A diversity of complex metamorphic assemblages occurs around the mine, compared to the assemblages developed regionally; variable bulk rock composition influences this contrast, but there is no evidence of higher metamorphic grades at the mine, nor that this might have been the prime control on the different assemblages in this narrow belt. It is suggested that the Big Bell and Hemlo deposits are the higher metamorphic grade equivalents of the more abundant greenschist facies gold deposits within Archaean greenstone belts. This interpretation is favoured by the host rock setting and geochemical characteristics of Big Bell. Alternative models that suggest that this class of deposit is a new type must account for the absence of high-grade equivalents of the greenschist facies deposits and also the lack of low-grade equivalents of the Big Bell/Hemlo type. Archaean gold deposits in high-grade metamorphic terrains have undergone a series of processes that are not recorded in the more typical gold deposits of the greenschist facies.  相似文献   

High-grade metamorphic Variscan basement is exposed in the Moldanubian zone of the Black Forest (BF), being the internal zone of the European Variscan belt. Zircon grains from K-rich felsic orthogneisses and an anatectic paragneiss in the Moldanubian Black Forest demonstrate a multi-stage crystallization at ~ 600 Ma, ~ 480 Ma, ~ 400 - 380 Ma, and ~350 Ma. The last three stages of crystallization probably represent metamorphic overprint during pre-Variscan and Variscan metamorphism.Using stepwise leaching procedures, garnet minerals from felsic orthogneisses as well as paragneisses in the Moldanubian Black Forest yielded Early Carboniferous Sm-Nd ages (~ 330- 340 Ma), which are consistent with the well-constrained Variscan HT metamorphic event,and Early Palaeozoic ( ~480 Ma) to Devonian ( ~400 - 370 Ma) Pb-Pb ages. The coincidence of growth time for zircon and garnet minerals at Early Palaeozoic is interpreted as dating a metamorphic event. These garnet data demonstrate that the Moldanubian BF basement underwent at least two metamorphic events during the Early Palaeozoic and Early Carboniferous.During the Variscan HT metamorphism, the Sm-Nd system of garnet was disturbed, but not the U-Pb system, implying the peak metamorphic temperature was lower than ~800℃.  相似文献   

A medium-scale shear zone exposed in the gneiss rocks of the South-western Bohemian Massif (Moldanubian Zone) contains cordierite, whose Na p.f.u. is subject to a significant increase from the centre to the edge of the deformation area, whilst other elements only show negligible variations. Coexisting mineral phases of cordierite include garnet, biotite, and sillimanite. According to the results obtained from the garnet-cordierite Fe2+/Mg2+-exchange thermometer a decrease of peak temperature from 639 °C in the central mylonite to 593 °C in the marginal mylonite can be observed, which indicates significant shear heating. Lithological pressures were estimated by considering the position of cordierite-forming reactions in the P-T field and the stability of coexisting sillimanite. They are subject to a reduction from 0.35 GPa in the highest deformed mylonite to 0.31 GPa at the margin of the shear zone. According to the results of comprehensive petrographic and mineralogical studies the investigated shear zone underwent a Variscan HT-LP metamorphic event implying the formation of cordierite and an Alpine MT-LP event entailing the rotation and decomposition of the cordierite phase.  相似文献   

Abstract The high-grade meta-plutonic rocks of this study lie entirely within the Jotun Nappe of the southern Norwegian Caledonides. They are divisible on the basis of metamorphic grade and petrographic character into three units, the Storadalen Complex (SCX), the Svartdalen Gneiss (SG), and the Mjølkedøla Purple Gabbro (MPG). The SCX is a differentiated series of ultrabasic to intermediate rocks now showing only tectonite fabrics. It has been metamorphosed to spinel-Iherzolite granulite facies grade. The broadly monzonitic SG is weakly tectonized and internally differentiated. Its metamorphic grade does not exceed plagioclase-lherzolite granulite facies grade. The mis-named MPG is also broadly of monzonitic composition but it retains a coarse ophitic texture, and is of amphibolite facies grade. A gradational boundary exists between the MPG and SG, but the contact between these two units and the SCX is the steeply dipping Tyin-Gjende Fault. The three units represent a comagmatic body of mid-Proterozoic age, metamorphosed during a Sveconorwegian event and finally dismembered and upthrust during the Caledonian Orogeny. The new trace element analyses reported here show that the three rock units have remarkably similar trace element abundances and trends. K-Rb covariation shows increasing K/Rb ratios with increasing K. These patterns were produced by magmatic fractionation processes acting at deep crustal levels, possibly in the presence of a non-aqueous fluid phase. With the exception of K and Sr, close similarities exist between the rocks of this study and present-day calc-alkaline basalts and andesites from island arcs. The high K content is regarded as a primary magmatic feature, but the available data are insufficient to indicate its origin. The Sr contents are abnormally high and are ascribed to metasomatism which occurred during either high-grade metamorphism or post-climactic cooling. There are no systematic geochemical variations with metamorphic grade or degree of deformation.  相似文献   

The Sauwald Zone, located at the southern rim of the Bohemian Massif in Upper Austria, belongs to the Moldanubian Unit. It exposes uniform biotite + plagioclase ± cordierite paragneisses that formed during the post-collisional high-T/low-P stage of the Variscan orogeny. Rare metapelitic inlayers contain the mineral assemblage garnet + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + biotite + quartz. Mineral chemical and textural data indicate four stages of mineral growth: (1) peak assemblage as inclusions in garnet (stage 1): garnet core + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + plagioclase (An35–65); (2) post-peak assemblages in the matrix (stages 2, 3): cordierite + spinel (brown-green and brown) ± sillimanite ± garnet rim + plagioclase (An10–45); and (3) late-stage growth of fibrolite, muscovite and albite (An0–15) during stage 4. Calculation of the P–T conditions of the peak assemblage (stage 1) yields 750–840°C, 0.29–0.53 GPa and for the stage 2 matrix assemblage garnet + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + plagioclase 620–730°C, 0.27–0.36 GPa. The observed phase relations indicate a clockwise P–T path, which terminates below 0.38 GPa. The P–T evolution of the Sauwald Zone and the Monotonous Unit are very similar, however, monazite ages of the former are younger (321 ± 9 Ma vs. 334 ± 1 Ma). This indicates that high-T/low-P metamorphism in the Sauwald Zone was either of longer duration or there were two independent phases of late-Variscan low-P/high-T metamorphism in the Moldanubian Unit.  相似文献   

Abstract The hornblende-bearing basic gneisses in the Uvete area, central Kenya, were metamorphosed under a narrow range of P and T (6.5 ± 0.5kbar and 530 ± 40°C) of the staurolitekyanite zone in the Mozambique metamorphic belt. They show a wide variety of divariant and trivariant mineral assemblages consisting of hornblende, cumminatonite, gedrite, anthophyllite, chlorite, garnet, epidote, clinopyroxene, plagio-clase and quartz. The bulk and mineral chemistries and the graphical representation of phase relations show that each mineral assemblage approaches chemical equilibrium and defines a unique composition volume in the A'(Al + Fe3+− (13/7)Na)-F(Fe2+)-M'(Mg)-C'(Ca-(3/7)Na) tetrahedron. The composition volumes are distributed quite regularly and do not overlap each other.
The phase relations in the Uvete area are in contrast with those in the staurolite-kyanite zone amphibolites in the Mt. Cube quadrangle, Vermont. The amphibolites there contain low-variance mineral assemblages formed under different values of μH2O and μCO2. These assemblages define overlapping composition volumes in the A'-F'-M'-C'tetrahedron.
The mineral assemblages in the Uvete area are interpreted as having formed in equilibrium with fluid at a high and nearly constant μH2O value. Such a fluid composition was externally controlled by the supply of H2O-rich fluid expelled from the surrounding pelitic and psammitic rocks. The body size of the basic gneisses in the Uvete area (less than 400m in thickness) was small enough for the fluid to migrate completely.  相似文献   

A review of currently available information relevant to the Basal Gneiss Complex (BGC) of Western South Norway, combined with the authors'own observations, leads to the following conclusions.
1. Most of the BGC consists of Proterozoic crystalline rocks and probably subordinate Lower Palaeozoic cover.
2. The last major deformation of these rocks was during the Caledonian orogeny and involved large-scale thrusting, recumbent folding and doming. The structural development of the BGC is closely tied in with that of the Caledonian allochthon.
3. The whole eclogite-bearing part of the BGC has suffered a high pressure metamorphism with conditions of between 550°C, 12.5 kbar (Sunnfjord) and about 750°C, 20 kbar (Møre og Romsdal) at the metamorphic climax.
4. This metamorphism was of Caledonian age, probably rather early in the Caledonian tectonic history of the BGC and is considered to have been a rather transient event.
By setting these conclusions in a framework provided by geophysical evidence for the deep structure of the crust in southern Norway we have constructed a geotectonic model to explain the recorded metamorphic history of the BGC. It is suggested that considerable crustal thickening was caused by imbrication of the Baltic plate margin during continental collision with the Greenland plate. This resulted in high pressure metamorphism in the resulting nappe stack. Progradation of the suture caused underthrusting of the Baltic foreland below the eclogite-bearing terrain causing it to emerge at the Earth's surface, aided by tectonic stripping and erosion.
Application of isostacy equations to the model shows that eclogites can be formed by in-situ metamorphism in crustal rocks and reappear at the land surface above a normal thickness of crust in a single orogenic episode of approximately 65-70 Ma duration.  相似文献   

The rocks of the Scourian Complex have been intensively studied, but there is still no consensus as to the conditions of the granulite-facies metamorphism preserved in these rocks. Recent estimates of these conditions fall into two groups, one at 820-920°C and ca. 11 kbar and the second at ca. 1000°C and >12 kbar. Investigation of a variety of rocks shows that the recorded conditions vary with grain-size, with higher-grade conditions recorded by the cores of coarser ( ca. 10 mm) crystals, and lower-grade conditions recorded by the rims of coarser grains and by finer grains. This observation suggests that re-equilibration during recovery of these rocks to the surface has been important which may account for the discrepancy in estimated P-T conditions. Revised estimates of the equilibration conditions of the Scourian Complex of T > 1000°C and P > 8.5 kbar are presented. The conditions suggested for the peak of metamorphism mean that the role of anatexis in the genesis of these rocks must be considered and the nature of the fluid phase thoroughly investigated.  相似文献   

The Liov Granulite Massif differs from neighbouring granulitebodies in the Moldanubian Zone of southern Bohemia (Czech Republic)in including a higher proportion of intermediate–maficand orthopyroxene-bearing rocks, associated with spinel peridotitesbut lacking eclogites. In addition to dominantly felsic garnetgranulites, other major rock types include quartz dioritic two-pyroxenegranulites, tonalitic granulites and charnockites. Minor bodiesof high-pressure layered gabbroic garnet granulites and spinelperidotites represent tectonically incorporated foreign elements.The protoliths of the mafic–intermediate granulites (quartz-dioriticand tonalitic) crystallized 360–370 Ma ago, as indicatedby laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryU–Pb ages of abundant zircons with well-preserved magmaticzoning. Strongly metamorphically recrystallized zircons giveages of 330–340 Ma, similar to those of other Moldanubiangranulites. For the overwhelming majority of the Liov granulitespeak metamorphic conditions probably did not exceed 800–900°Cat 4–5 kbar; the equilibration temperature of the pyroxenegranulites was 670–770°C. This is in sharp contrastto conditions of adjacent contemporaneous Moldanubian granulites,which are characterized by a distinct HP–HT signature.The mafic–intermediate Liov granulites are thought tohave originated during Viséan metamorphic overprintingof metaluminous, medium-K calc-alkaline plutonic rocks thatformed the mid-crustal root of a Late Devonian magmatic arc.The protolith resembled contemporaneous calc-alkaline intrusionsin the European Variscan Belt. KEY WORDS: low-pressure granulites; geothermobarometry; laser-ablation ICP-MS zircon dating; whole-rock geochemistry; Sr–Nd isotopes; Moldanubian Zone  相似文献   

Myrmekites have attracted the attention of petrographers over more than a century, and several genetic models have been proposed. We report on myrmekites from the Weinsberg granite of the Moldanubian zone of Upper Austria. Based on petrographic evidence, fluid-mediated replacement of alkali feldspar by myrmekite during the sub-solidus evolution of the granite is inferred. The replacement was metasomatic on the scale of the myrmekite domains requiring addition of sodium and calcium and removal of potassium from the reaction site. In contrast, silica and aluminum were conserved across the reaction front. Myrmekite formation appears to have been synchronous with and related to the hydration of orthopyroxene and concomitant replacement of primary magmatic plagioclase by biotite at around 500 °C. The evolution of the myrmekite microstructure and a peculiar composition zoning of the plagioclase constituting the myrmekite matrix is qualitatively explained by a model for discontinuous precipitation, which accounts for chemical segregation by diffusion within the reaction front and the propagation of the reaction front with finite mobility as potentially rate limiting processes. Constraints on the underlying reaction rates are derived from the preserved microstructure and chemical pattern. Crystal orientation imaging by electron backscatter diffraction reveals grain-internal deformation, which is primarily concentrated in the quartz and less pronounced in the plagioclase matrix of the myrmekite. This is interpreted as a growth feature related to different transformation strain at the segments of the myrmekite reaction front, where quartz and plagioclase are formed.  相似文献   

S. Jung  E. Hellebrand 《Lithos》2006,87(3-4):193-213
Rare earth element (REE) and other trace element (Y, Sr, Ti, Cr, V, Na) abundances in garnet from a garnet-bearing metapelite, a pelitic migmatite, a syn-tectonic granite and a post-tectonic leucogranite were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in order to identify the effective variables on the trace element distribution between garnet and the host rock. Garnet from the garnet-bearing metapelite, the pelitic migmatite and the syn-tectonic granite is zoned with respect to REE. The cores are enriched by a factor of 2–3 relative to the rims. For the garnets from the garnet-bearing metapelite equilibrium distribution following a simple Rayleigh fractionation is responsible for the decreasing concentrations in REE from core to rim. Garnet from the pelitic migmatite shows a more complex trace element pattern following distinct enrichment and depletion patterns for Ti, V, Cr and REE from core to rim. These features suggest disequilibrium between garnet and the associated melt in which the enrichment of trace elements probably correspond to a period of open-system behaviour in these rocks at a time when the garnet, originally nucleated in the metamorphic environment was incorporated into the melt. The garnet from the syn-tectonic granite shows stepwise decreasing concentrations in REE from core to rim: a REE-rich core can be distinguished from a broad REE-depleted rim. Notably, from core to rim an inflection of the Yb / Er and Yb / Dy ratios is visible. Whereas the decrease of HREE abundance in the core region of the garnet from the syn-tectonic granite may arise from equilibrium partitioning during garnet growth, the inflection can be interpreted as a result of partial melting. Garnet cores with high Yb / Er and Yb / Dy >  1 nucleated in the metamorphic environment without the presence of a melt whereas the rims with lower Yb / Er and Yb / Dy <  1 crystallized in the presence of a melt. Garnet from the leucogranite has lower REE abundances and is considered to be of igneous origin. In contrast to garnet from the other samples, its core has low trace element abundances, whereas its rim is significantly enriched in REE but depleted in Ti. These features suggest that only the outermost rim was in equilibrium with the melt. For this garnet, liquid diffusion controlled partitioning is more likely to explain the extreme trace element variation. An evaluation of Sm and Nd concentrations in garnet and a comparison of Sm–Nd and U–Pb garnet ages and U–Pb monazite ages form the terrane indicate that the observed LREE systematics in the different garnet species are a primary feature and are not homogenized by volume diffusion during high grade amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   

The oligoclase-biotite zone of the Bessi area, central Shikoku is characterized by sodic plagioclase (XCa= 0.10–0.28)-bearing assemblages in pelitic schists, and represents the highest-grade zone of the Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain. Mineral assemblages in pelitic schists of this zone, all with quartz, sodic plagioclase, muscovite and clinozoisite (or zoisite), are garnet + biotite + chlorite + paragonite, garnet + biotite + hornblende + chlorite, and partial assemblages of these two types. Correlations between mineral compositions, mineral assemblages and mineral stability data assuming PH2O = Psolid suggests that metamorphic conditions of this zone are about 610 ± 25°C and 10 ± 1 kbar.
Based upon a comparative study of mineralogy and chemistry of pelitic schists in the oligoclase-biotite zone of the Sanbagawa terrain with those in the New Caledonia omphacite zone as an example of a typical high-pressure type of metamorphic belt and with those in a generalized'upper staurolite zone'as an example of a medium-pressure type of metamorphic belt, progressive assemblages within these three zones can be related by reactions such as:  相似文献   

In the Boi Massif of Western Timor the Mutis Complex, which is equivalent to the Lolotoi Complex of East Timor, is composed of two lithostratigraphical components: various basement schists and gneisses; and the dismembered remnants of an ophiolite. Cordierite-bearing pelitic schists and gneisses carry an early mineral assemblage of biotite + garnet + plagioclase + Al-silicate, but contain no prograde muscovite; sillimanite occurs in a textural mode which suggests that it replaced and pseudomorphed kyanite at an early stage and some specimens of pelitic schist contain tiny kyanite relics in plagioclase. Textural relations between, and mineral chemistries of, ferro-magnesian phases in these pelitic chists and gneisses suggest that two discontinuous reactions and additional continuous compositional changes have been overstepped, possibly with concomitant anatexis, as a result of decrease in Pload during high temperature metamorphism. The simplified reactions are: garnet and/or biotite + sillimanite + quartz + cordierite + hercynite + ilmenite + excess components. P-T conditions during the development of the early mineral assemblage in the pelitic gneisses are estimated to have been P + 10 kbar and T > 750°C, based upon the plagioclase-garnet-Al-silicate-quartz geobarometer and the garnet-biotite geothermometer. P-T conditions during the subsequent development of cordierite-bearing mineral assemblages in the pelitic gneisses are estimated to have been P + 5 kbar and T + 700°C with XH2O < 0.5, based upon the Fe content of cordierite occurring in the assemblage quartz + plagioclase + sillimanite + biotite + garnet + cordierite coexisting with melt. Final equilibration between some of the phases suggests that conditions dropped to P > 2.3 kbar and T > 600°C. A similar exhumation P-T path is suggested for the pelitic schists with early metamorphic conditions of P > 6.2 kbar and T > 745°C and subsequent development of cordierite under conditions in the range P = 3-4 kbar and T = 600-700°C. The tectonic implications of these P-T estimates are discussed and it is concluded that the P-T path followed by these rocks was caused by decompression during rifting and synmetamorphic ophiolite emplacement resulting from processes during the initiation and development of a convergent plate junction located in Southeast Asia during late Jurassic to Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

班公湖- 怒江缝合带为青藏高原内部分隔羌塘和拉萨两地块的构造边界,是研究青藏高原构造演化的重要窗口之一。该缝合带自西向东分为西段(班公湖至改则)、中段(安多至东巧)和东段(丁青至怒江),其中东段的研究程度较低。本次以东段八宿县郭庆乡一条花岗岩高程剖面为研究对象,采用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA- ICPMS)法对锆石和磷灰石开展裂变径迹测试。花岗岩锆石U- Pb年龄为~180 Ma,指示其结晶时代为早侏罗世。锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分别为180~130 Ma、86~61 Ma,对应的年龄- 海拔曲线分别为负斜率和正斜率。QTQt模拟显示花岗岩高程剖面顶部在130~60 Ma时剥蚀冷却速率快,中部在130~40 Ma时剥蚀冷却速率居中,而底部在~130 Ma之后一直保持最低的剥蚀冷却速率。这种差异性隆升源自班公湖- 怒江缝合带东段的南向俯冲板片断离早于北向俯冲板片断离。  相似文献   

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