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InversionofsourceprocesandrelatedstudiesoftheTaiwanStraitearthquakeus-inggeneticalgorithmHAI-JUNWANG1)(王海军)BANG-HUILIN1)(林邦慧...  相似文献   

1994年台湾海峡7.3级地震发震断层的地震学证据   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过地震学观测资料的分析和研究,并综合其他作者的研究成果,论证了台湾海峡1994年7.3级地震发震断层的主破裂面走向应为北西向,地震的发生是由分布于该区域的巴士系构造活动所致。  相似文献   

台湾及台湾海峡地震活动对大陆地区的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据已有和近年来补充调查的资料,阐明了台湾及台湾海峡地震对大陆东南沿海地区影响的差异,并通过对以下问题的分析,探讨了其结果在震害防御与历史地震考证方面的意义:①台湾地区的强震频度较高,间隔时间从几年到数十年,但对大陆沿海地带的最大影响烈度仅为Ⅵ度,最大有感半径达1100km,有感地带的宽度大于500km.这些地震在大陆地区可产生数毫米位移的长周期地面运动;②台湾海峡西侧滨海断裂带发生的强震,其频度不如台湾地区高,却因距离大陆较近,最大影响烈度达Ⅷ——Ⅸ度,最大有感半径大于1000km,有感地带的宽度大于400km;③我国东南沿海地带的震害防御策略,宜在着重考虑滨海断裂带强震影响的同时,还要注意台湾地震对工程结构造成的损伤,以及恐震心理引发的哄动社会效应影响;④大陆地区记载到的1517年5月19日地震事件,宜视为台湾地区的强震影响更为妥切.   相似文献   

Long period body waves data recorded by the China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN) are inverted for the seismic moment tensors of the April 26, 1990, Gonghe, QinghaiM S=6.9 earthquake and itsM S=5.0 after-shock occurred on May 7, 1990. In the inversion, the generalized reflection-transmission coefficient matrix method is used to generate Green’s function. From the inversion it is obtained that the rupture process of theM S=5.0 aftershock is relatively simple, and that of the main shock is rather complex. There are at least two events during main shock rupture process with an interval about 35 seconds. The focal mechanisms of two events are roughly the same as that of the aftershock, all of them were mainly reverse dip-slipping faulting with minor left-lateral strike-slip motion. These results indicate that the Gonghe earthquake was the result of the farther extension of one NWW-SEE striking buried fault on the southern margin of Gonghe basin from shallower depth to deeper depth and from NW to SE under the action of a nearly horizontal NE direction compressive stress. Contribution No. 95A0111, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China.  相似文献   

采用数字化台网P波波形资料及台湾台网P波初动方向资料,研究了1994年9月16日台湾海峡73级地震及邻近地区(北纬21~26°,东经115~120°)ML≥58级共5次地震的矩张量解及震源参数。结果表明,这次73级地震的矩张量解以双力偶成分为主,是断层面接近NW走向的正断层。断层面的走向与大震前地震的条带分布走向及余震分布显示的破裂图象较相象,震源机制的张应力轴接近水平,近NE走向;压应力轴几乎垂直,近NWW走向,似乎表明这次地震是受菲律海板块向欧亚板块北西向挤压的力源控制。从P轴接近竖直而T轴接近水平来看,发震断层为强烈拉张性正断层,可能还同时存在垂直向上的应力作用。其它4个强震的震源机制解与73级大震的差别较大。这些地震震源机制解的复杂性,表明台湾海峡地震序列的发展过程比较复杂。  相似文献   

使用ISOLA波形反演方法,对2010年1月15日濮阳4.2级地震的震源机制进行研究,结果显示,此次地震的震源参数为:节面A:走向63°,倾角89°滑动角134°;节面B:走向153°,倾角44°,滑动角1°;标量地震矩1.0×10^15N·m,震源深度5km。研究发现,由于使用相对简化的速度模型,波形拟合程度随着震中距的增加而逐渐变差。  相似文献   

2002年3月31日在台湾以东沿海附近发生里氏7.5级地震,造成生命和财产的较严重损失。文章概述了这次地震的情况,包括震源参数、震源机制解、破坏、伤亡和发震背景。  相似文献   

IntroductionOnJanuary4,1992,twoearthquakesoccurredconsecutivelyaroundtheGancheng-BanqiaoatDongfangCounty,HainanProvince.Theirorigintimeandmagnitudewere23:01:24,ML=3.4and23:01:54,ML=3.7,respectively.Theepicentrallocationoftwoearthquakeswere18°46′N,108°42′Eand18°45′N,108°42′E,respectively.Thefocaldepthswereabout10kin.Followingthesetwoearthquakes,alotofsmallearthquakesoccurredinthisregion.ThebiggestearthquakeoccurredonMay26,1992.Itsorigintimewas18f43f25andthemagnitudewasML=4.5.Ac…  相似文献   

台湾海峡深地震探测:HX9测线试验及初步成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海上大容量气枪震源、陆上地震台站(包括流动台站和固定台站)和海底地震仪首次在台湾海峡地区开展了深地震探测试验。试验结果表明,"延平2号"科考船气枪枪阵信号最远传播距离达280km,成功获得了数万道高质量的地震数据,并且识别了不同类型的P波震相。HX9剖面一维地壳结构模型表明,由2个速度间断面产生的Pc及Pm P两组反射波和基底折射波(Pg)所反映的地壳结构构成了该区基本的地壳结构特征,康拉德界面和莫霍界面的深度分别为16.0~17.5、28.0~29.5km。  相似文献   

粘弹性参数变得越来越重要,其反演算法也逐渐成为众多研究者的研究热点。而遗传算法是一种随机、自适应、启发式的算法, 具有很好的鲁棒性和全局收敛性, 本文基于VSP直达波方程,引入了遗传算法来进行粘弹参数反演, 首先将频率域直达波方程表示为复速度的函数,然后通过遗传算法反演出复速度。而复速度和品质因子又是复速度的函数,从而便可很容易的得出。但若直接反演复速度, 反演参数太多, 不容易实现, 所以又将复速度表示成参数C0和C∞的函数,以减少反演参数数量。最后给出了理论模型实验,以证明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

斜向探测是获取电离层状态信息的重要手段之一,对斜测电离图的反演可以得到电离层的相关结构参数.遗传算法是一种有效的并得到普遍应用的反演方法,该算法的求解不依赖于初值的选择,可以有效地减少反演问题解的非唯一性,但也存在“过早收敛”和局部搜索能力差等缺陷,从而导致反演精度下降,影响反演结果的可靠性.本文提出将基于模拟退火的混合遗传算法应用到斜测电离图的参数反演中,该算法不仅把握总体能力强,且具有较强的局部搜索能力,是遗传算法和模拟退火算法的优势互补.为了验证该算法反演结果的可靠性和稳定性,首先分别采用遗传算法、模拟退火算法和混合遗传算法对合成的电离图进行反演,反演参数包括临界频率,最大电子浓度和半厚度.通过对三种算法反演结果的对比,得出混合遗传算法的反演结果最接近真实值,需要的迭代次数也远远小于其他两种算法;通过改变种群大小和总迭代次数来判断参数值的改变对三种算法反演结果的影响,得出混合遗传算法有效地降低了参数的选取对反演结果的影响.然后用这三种反演算法对实测电离图进行反演,并将它们的反演结果与斜测链路中点的实际垂测数据进行比较,结果显示混合遗传算法84.62%的反演结果可以控制在误差范围之内,高于遗传算法(76.93%)和模拟退火算法(65.38%).这些都表明了混合遗传算法的反演结果具有较强的可靠性,在反演的寻优能力和稳定性上要明显优于遗传算法和模拟退火算法,对实测电离层图的反演具有很强的借鉴意义和应用价值.  相似文献   

邱毅  金星  李军  朱耿青  邵平荣  徐嘉隽 《地震》2014,34(2):65-73
震后快速得到地震矩张量, 可以更好地为烈度速报、 应急救援和震后趋势判定等服务。 本文基于中国区域地震台网现状, 对Dreger的矩张量反演方法进行改进。 结合区域地震速报系统, 将系统触发、 地震相关信息与地震波形记录获取、 矩张量反演计算和最佳解挑选等过程实现自动化, 建立了地震矩张量快速自动反演系统。 将该系统在线运行于福建地震台网, 实现了对闽台地区中等强度地震的矩张量在线快速自动反演。 将反演结果与其他研究机构的结果对比, 验证了本文方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

It gradually becomes a common work using large seismic wave data to obtain source parameters, such as seismic moment, break radius, stress drop, with completingof digital seismic network in China (Hough, et al, 1999; Bindi, et al, 2001). These parameters are useful on earthquake prediction and seismic hazard analysis.Although the computation methods of source parameters are simple in principle and the many research works have been done, it is not easy to obtain the parameters accurately. There are two factors affecting the stability of computation results. The first one is the effect of spread path and site respond on signal. According to the research results, there are different geometrical spreading coefficients on different epicenter distance. The better method is to introduce trilinear geometrical spreading model (Atkinson, Mereu, 1992; Atkinson, Boore, 1995; WONG, et al, 2002). In addition, traditional site respond is estimated by comparing with rock station, such as linear inversion method (Andrews, 1982), but the comparative estimation will introduce some errors when selecting different stations. Some recent research results show that site respond is not flat for rock station (Moya, et al, 2000; ZHANG,. et al, 2001; JIN, et al, 2000; Dutta, et al, 2001). The second factor is to obtain low-frequency level and corner frequency fromdisplacement spectrum. Because the source spectrum model is nonlinear function,these values are obtained by eye. The subjectivity is strong. The small change of corner frequency will affect significantly the result of stress drop.  相似文献   

Moment tensor inversion was carried out to invert the source mechanism and source time function of the MS=7.6 November 6, 1988, Lancang-Gengma, Yunnan Province, China, earthquake. Waveforms of long-period body-waves recorded by China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN) were used in the inversion. The inverted result shows one nodal plane of right-lateralstrike-slip faulting and another of left-lateral strike-slip faulting and a simple source time function of a duration of about 15 s and scalar seismic moment of 6.4(1020 N(m. From the geological dataand tectonic settings and also from field observations and epicentral distribution of aftershocks, the nodal plane striking in the azimuth of 313( is preferred as the fault plane. The pressure axis lies almosthorizontally in north-south direction.  相似文献   

The new inversion algorithm developed based on the recent progress in the nonlinear programming study by us is used to invert the earthquake source process of Chi Chi earthquake M w7.6, 20 Semptember, 1999, Taiwan. A curve fault model is constructed in our inversion to make the fault model close to the real rupturing fault to reduce the influence from the discrepancy between the constructed fault model and the real rupturing fault. The results show that (1) the rupture process of the Chi Chi earthquake source lasted about 32 seconds and the main faulting occurred between 6th to 21st second after the start of the ruptures and the high slip area were mainly located at the northern segment of the fault. (2) The slip was dominated by thrust faulting. The average rake angle was 64.5°, which was very consistent with those inverted by USGS, Harvard and CWB (Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan). The amount of the moment inverted in this paper was 7.76×1020 NM, which was a slightly bigger than those inverted by USGS and Harvard. (3) A clear nucleation step existed in the source faulting process and it lasted about 6 seconds. The moment release rate accelerated obviously at the end of the nucleation step. The faulting started from the southern segment and mainly occurred at the northern segment after 10 seconds. At the end of this paper, we analyzed the reliability of the inversion result via comparing with the GPS observations and discussed its scientific signification.  相似文献   

Inversion for the seismic fault rupture history is an important way to study the nature of the earthquake source. In this paper, we have selected two Taiwan earthquakes that occurred closely in time and located in the same region, inversed the distribution of the slip amplitudes, rakes, risetimes and the rupture times on the fault planes by using GDSN broad-band and long-period records and the adaptive hybrid global search algorithm, and compared the two events. The slip rate of every subfault calculated provides information about the distribution of tectonic stress and fault strength. To the former event (MS=6.0), the maximum slip amplitude 2.4 m and the minimum risetime 1.2 s are both located at the hypocentre. The latter earthquake (MS=6.6) consisted of two subevents and the second source has 4 s delay. The maximum slip amplitude 0.9 m located near hypocentre is corresponding to the minimum risetime 1.4 s, and the corresponding maximum slip rate 0.7 m.s-1 is similar to the peak value of other large slip rate areas. We consider that the latter event has more complicated temporal-spatial distribution than the former.  相似文献   

使用甘肃省测震台网记录的三分向宽频带长周期数字波形资料在时间域反演了2013年7月22日甘肃岷县MS6.6地震的矩张量解,并与Harvard大学CMT解进行了比较。最后结合该地区的地质资料和构造背景分析了岷县地震发震成因,对可能的发震断层进行了讨论。  相似文献   

福建省地震局技术人员搭建了基于海事卫星通讯链路的海域信息通讯系统。该系统分两部分:一是震源船通讯系统,主要有卫星通讯设备、网络设备、视频摄像设备;二是OBS船通讯系统,主要目标是实现音视频通讯畅通。上述系统的建立实现了陆海之间视频、图片和数据的实时传输,保障“台湾海峡西部地壳深部结构探测项目“的顺利实施。  相似文献   

利用双差定位法对2021年5月22日玛多MS7.4地震序列中1 434个地震进行重新定位,使用TDMT矩张量反演方法求解玛多地震序列M≥4.5地震的震源机制解,综合分析得到如下结论:(1)玛多地震序列震中整体走向为NWW-SEE向,与昆仑山口—江错断裂展布方向相吻合,序列总长度170 km,呈NWW向和SEE向双侧破裂,主震西北侧存在NW向条带,可能是此次地震的分支断裂活动,在南东侧存在余震稀疏段以及横穿玛多—甘德断裂的余震分布带,推测可能是地下速度结构差异所致;(2)主震附近地震序列以左旋走滑型地震为主,优势走向为NWW向,倾向NE,倾角较高,与昆仑山口—江错断裂性质基本一致,结合余震定位结果推断昆仑山口—江错断裂为本次地震的发震断层;(3)主震附近地震序列P轴平均方位角为237°,P轴,T轴平均倾角分别为15°、16°,N轴平均倾角为65°,结合研究区构造特征推断,本次地震是由NEE-SWW向水平挤压应力推动NWW-SEE向断裂发生左旋走滑错动所致。  相似文献   

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