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Although we can observe current activity on Saturn's satellite Enceladus with Cassini, insight into past activity is best achieved (for now) through studying the impact crater distributions. Furthermore, approximation of terrain ages can only be attained through calculations using crater densities and estimations of impact rates in the saturnian system. Here we focus on what the impact crater distribution in Enceladus' heavily cratered plains can tell us about Enceladus' geologic history. We use Cassini ISS images to count craters in the heavily cratered plains on Enceladus, along with Rhea, Dione, Tethys and Mimas as references, to develop and compare their size-frequency distributions. Comparisons of our counts show that Enceladus' cratered plains distribution is unique in that it appears to have a relative deficiency of craters for diameters ?2 km and ?6 km compared to the other satellites' heavily cratered plains. Our data also indicates that the impact crater density within the cratered plains changes with latitude. Specifically, both the north and south mid-latitude regions have approximately three times higher density than the equatorial region. We hypothesize that the “missing” small and large craters in Enceladus' cratered plains is due to a combination of viscous relaxation of the larger craters, and burial of the relaxed large craters and small craters by south polar plume and possibly E-ring material. We also conclude that the spatial density distribution is not consistent with recent polar wander.  相似文献   

Population-density maps of craters in three size ranges (0.6 to 1.2 km, 4 to 10 km, and >20 km in diameter) were compiled for most of Mars from Mariner 9 imagery. These data provide: historical records of the eolian processes (0.6 to 1.2 km craters); stratigraphic, relative, and absolute timescales (4 to 10 km craters); and a history of the early postaccretional evolution of the uplands (> 20 km craters).Based on the distribution of large craters (>20 km diameters), Mars is divisible into two general classes of terrain, densely cratered and very lightly cratered—a division remarkably like the uplands-maria dichotomy of the moon. It is probable that this bimodal character in the density distribution of large craters arose from an abrupt transition in the impact flux rate from an early intense period associated with the tailing off of accretion to an extended quiescent epoch, not from a void in geological activity during much of Mars' history. Radio-isotope studies of Apollo lunar samples show that this transition occurred on the moon in a short time.The intermediate-sized craters (4 to 10 km diameter) and the small-sized craters (0.6 to 1.2 km diameter) appear to be genetically related. The smaller ones are apparently secondary impact craters generated by the former. Most of the craters in the larger of these two size classes appear fresh and uneroded, although many are partly buried by dust mantles. Poleward of the 40° parallels the small fresh craters are notably absent owing to these mantles. The density of small craters is highest in an irregular band centered at 20°S. This band coincides closely with (1) the zone of permanent low-albedo markings; (2) the “wind equator” (the latitude of zero net north or south transport at the surface); and (3) a band that includes a majority of the small dendritic channels. Situated in the southermost part of the equatorial unmantled terrain which extends from about 40°N to 40°S, this band is apparently devoid of even a thin mantle. Because this belt is also coincident with the latitutde of maximum solar insolation (periapsis occurs near summer solstice), we suggest that this band arises from the asymmetrical global wind patterns at the surface and that the band probably follows the latitude of maximum heating which migrates north and south from 25°N to 25°S within the unmantled terrain on a 50,000 year timescale.The population of intermediate-sized craters (4–10 km diameter) appears unaffected by the eolian mantles, at least within the ±45° latitudes. Hence the local density of these craters is probably a valid indicator of the relative age of surfaces generated during the period since the uplands were intensely bombarded and eroded. It now appears that the impact fluxes at Mars and the moon have been roughly the same over the last 4 b.y. because the oldest postaccretional, mare-like surfaces on Mars and the moon display about the same crater density. If so, the nearness of Mars to the asteroid belt has not generated a flux 10 to 25 times greater than the lunar flux. Whereas the lunar maria show a variation of about a factor of three in crater density from the oldest to the youngest major units, analogous surfaces on Mars show a variation between 30 and 50. This implies that periods of active eolian erosion, tectonic evolution, volcanic eruption, and possibly fluvial modification have been scattered throughout Martian history since the formation and degradation of the martian uplands and not confined to small, ancient or recent, epochs. These processes are surely active on the planet today.  相似文献   

Michael Gurnis 《Icarus》1981,48(1):62-75
Improved crater statistics from varied Martian terrains are compared to lunar crater populations. The distribution functions for the average Martian cratered terrain and the average lunar highlands over the diameter range 8–2000 km are quite similar. The Martian population is less dense by approximately 0.70 from 8 to 256 km diameter and diverges to proportionally lower densities at greater diameters. Crater densities on Martian “pure” terra give a lower limit to the Mars/Moon integrated crater flux of 0.75 since the last stabilization of the respective planetary crusts. The crater population >8 km diameter postdating the Martian northern plains is statistically indistinguishable from that population postdating the lunar maria. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to constrain plausible mechanisms of crater obliteration. The models demonstrate that if the crater density difference between the lunar and Martian terra has been due to resurfacing processes, random intercrater plains formation cannot be the sole process. If plains preferentially form in and obliterate larger craters, then the observed Martian distribution retains its “shape” as the crater density decreases. This result is consistent with the morphology of Martian intercrater plains.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 pictures indicate that the surface of Mars has been shaped by impact, volcanic, tectonic, erosional and depositional activity. The moonlike cratered terrain, identified as the dominant surface unit from the Mariner 6 and 7 flyby data, has proven to be less typical of Mars than previously believed, although extensive in the mid- and high-latitude regions of the southern hemisphere. Martian craters are highly modified but their size-frequency distribution and morphology suggest that most were formed by impact. Circular basins encompassed by rugged terrain and filled with smooth plains material are recognized. These structures, like the craters, are more modified than corresponding features on the Moon and they exercise a less dominant influence on the regional geology. Smooth plains with few visible craters fill the large basins and the floors of larger craters; they also occupy large parts of the northern hemisphere where the plains lap against higher landforms. The middle northern latitudes of Mars from 90 to 150† longitude contain at least four large shield volcanoes each of which is about twice as massive as the largest on Earth. Steep-sided domes with summit craters and large, fresh-appearing volcanic craters with smooth rims are also present in this region. Multiple flow structures, ridges with lobate flanks, chain craters, and sinuous rilles occur in all regions, suggesting widespread volcanism. Evidence for tectonic activity postdating formation of the cratered terrain and some of the plains units is abundant in the equatorial area from 0 to 120° longitude.Some regions exhibit a complex semiradial array of graben that suggest doming and stretching of the surface. Others contain intensity faulted terrain with broader, deeper graben separated by a complex mosaic of flat-topped blocks. An east-west-trending canyon system about 100–200 km wide and about 2500 km long extends through the Coprates-Eos region. The canyons have gullied walls indicative of extensive headward erosion since their initial formation. Regionally depressed areas called chaotic terrain consist of intricately broken and jumbled blocks and appear to result from breaking up and slumping of older geologic units. Compressional features have not been identified in any of the pictures analyzed to data. Plumose light and dark surface markings can be explained by eolian transport. Mariner 9 has thus revealed that Mars is a complex planet with its own distinctive geologic history and that it is less primitive than the Moon.  相似文献   

Resolution of Voyager 1 and 2 images of the mid-sized, icy saturnian satellites was generally not much better than 1 km per line pair, except for a few, isolated higher resolution images. Therefore, analyses of impact crater distributions were generally limited to diameters (D) of tens of kilometers. Even with the limitation, however, these analyses demonstrated that studying impact crater distributions could expand understanding of the geology of the saturnian satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System. Thus to gain further insight into Saturn’s mid-sized satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System, we have compiled cratering records of these satellites using higher resolution CassiniISS images. Images from Cassini of the satellites range in resolution from tens m/pixel to hundreds m/pixel. These high-resolution images provide a look at the impact cratering records of these satellites never seen before, expanding the observable craters down to diameters of hundreds of meters. The diameters and locations of all observable craters are recorded for regions of Mimas, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe. These impact crater data are then analyzed and compared using cumulative, differential and relative (R) size-frequency distributions. Results indicate that the heavily cratered terrains on Rhea and Iapetus have similar distributions implying one common impactor population bombarded these two satellites. The distributions for Mimas and Dione, however, are different from Rhea and Iapetus, but are similar to one another, possibly implying another impactor population common to those two satellites. The difference between these two populations is a relative increase of craters with diameters between 10 and 30 km and a relative deficiency of craters with diameters between 30 and 80 km for Mimas and Dione compared with Rhea and Iapetus. This may support the result from Voyager images of two distinct impactor populations. One population was suggested to have a greater number of large impactors, most likely heliocentric comets (Saturn Population I in the Voyager literature), and the other a relative deficiency of large impactors and a greater number of small impactors, most likely planetocentric debris (Saturn Population II). Meanwhile, Tethys’ impact crater size-frequency distribution, which has some similarity to the distributions of Mimas, Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus, may be transitional between the two populations. Furthermore, when the impact crater distributions from these older cratered terrains are compared to younger ones like Dione’s smooth plains, the distributions have some similarities and differences. Therefore, it is uncertain whether the size-frequency distribution of the impactor population(s) changed over time. Finally, we find that Phoebe has a unique impact crater distribution. Phoebe appears to be lacking craters in a narrow diameter range around 1 km. The explanation for this confined “dip” at D = 1 km is not yet clear, but may have something to do with the interaction of Saturn’s irregular satellites or the capture of Phoebe.  相似文献   

Baerbel K. Lucchita 《Icarus》1980,44(2):481-501
The icy crust of Ganymede comprises bright and dark areas. Investigation of Voyager 1 and 2 images has shown that bright terrain is grooved and separates dark polygons of cratered terrain. The grooved terrain contains alternating ridges and grooves in straight and curvilinear sets, which are locally interrupted by smooth patches and swaths. Cratered terrain, where 'it occurs in small wedges and slivers, has a pervasive grain of narrowly spaced furrows, and thus is transitional to grooved terrain. An analysis of the morphology of terrain types, and of superposition and cross-cutting relations, suggests that grooved terrain grew at the expense of cratered terrain, that tracts of cratered terrain were converted into grooved terrain in situ, and that vertical tectonism and shear movements dominated in the restructuring of Ganymede's surface. It is postulated that during a period in the planet's history when the lithosphere was thin, upwelling convection currents caused incipient rifting accompanied by intensive normal faulting; where rifting went to completion, crustal segments separated, locally spread apart, and sheared past one another. In places subduction and compression may have occured, but the evidence is inconclusive. Thus, the grooved terrain on Ganymede may record an early phase of ice-plate tectonics that caused rifting and drifting of the icy lithosphere, but, unlike silicate plate tectonics on Earth, may have resulted in only minor vertical turnover.  相似文献   

P. Thomas  J. Veverka 《Icarus》1977,30(3):595-597
The preliminary conclusion of the Mariner 9 Television Team that the surfaces of Phobos and Deimos are saturated with craters larger than 0.2 km in diameter is reconsidered on the basis of more extensive and uniform crater counts. For Phobos, it is verified that the surface appears saturated with craters larger than 1 km in diameter. For craters smaller than 1 km, the data points fall below the saturation curve, and it is not clear that all the departure can be explained in terms of loss of resolution. For Deimos, because of the paucity of craters visible in the Mariner 9 images, a statistically meaningful crater density curve cannot be constructed. Definitive crater density curves for subkilometer craters can only be established once additional imagery at a resolution of better than 100 m is obtained. Such imagery will be provided by the 1976 Viking Orbiters.  相似文献   

Using MESSENGER and Mariner 10 flyby images, we have compiled a global catalog of impact structures with diameters D > 10 km. The distribution of impact structures shows a factor of 10 range in areal crater density. Most regions of low crater density are located within large impact basins, consistent with the idea that these were low-lying areas that have been filled by subsequent volcanism over an extended period.  相似文献   

Similarity is found in crater densities on the most heavily cratered surfaces throughout the solar system. This is hypothesized to result from a steady-state “saturation equilibrium” being approached or achieved by cratering processes. This hypothesis conflicts with some recent interpretations. However, it accounts for (1) a similarity in maximum relative crater density, below certain theoretically predicted values, on all heavily cratered surfaces; (2) a leveling off at this same relative density among 100-m scale (secondary?) craters in populations on lunar maria and other sparsely cratered lunar surfaces; (3) the approximate uniformity of maximum relative densities on Saturn satellites (in spite of dramatic variations predicted from nonsaturation models assuming heliocentric impactors). The lunar frontside upland crater population, sometimes described as a well-preserved production function useful for interpreting other planetary surfaces, is found not to be a production function. It was modified by intercrater plains formed (at least partly) by early upland basaltic lava flooding, recently confirmed spectrophotometrically. Consistent with this, counts in “pure uplands” (those lacking intercrater plains) match the proposed saturation equilibrium density. Variations among large (D > 64 km) crater populations are found, but these may involve several hypothesized mechanisms that rapidly obliterate large craters, especially on icy surfaces. Recent models, in which different populations of interplanetary bodies hit different planets, need further appraisal.  相似文献   

Mariners 6 and 7 photographs of the equatorial region of Mars document a three-stage evolution of that part of the Martian surface: (1) High- and intermediate-albedo cratered terrains in Meridiani Sinus, Margaritifer Sinus-Thymiamata, Deucalionis Regio-Sabaeus Sinus, and Hellespontus; (2) low-albedo moderately cratered terrain and dark crater fill in Meridiani Sinus, Thymiamata, and Deucalionis Regio-Sabaeus Sinus and possible volcanism in the Hellas-Hellespontus border; and (3) high-albedo surficial deposits, banked-up crater fill, a possible bright-ray crater in Meridiani Sinus, chaotic terrain on the edge of the Margaritifer Sinus mesa, featureless terrain in Hellas and Edom, sinuous channel-like reentrants on scarps at the Hellas-Hellespontus boundary. Regional faulting seems to have occurred following formation of the old cratered plains and prior to formation of low-albedo plains in Meridiani Sinus and also prior to formation of canyon-like reentrants and featureless terrain along the Hellas-Hellespontus boundary.Mars has had a complex history of dynamic evolution, possibly analogous to the more stable regions of Earth. Its geochemical differentiation and thermal regime should account for long-term postaccretional tectonic and volcano-tectonic processes as well as for fluid media on its surface sufficient to cause erosion, including the cutting of large canyons.  相似文献   

Karl R. Blasius 《Icarus》1976,29(3):343-361
Mariner 9 images of the four great volcanic shields of the Tharsis region of Mars show many circular craters ranging in diameter from 100mm to 20 km. Previous attempts to date the volcanoes from their apparent impact crater densities yielded a range of results. The principal difficulty is sorting volcanic from impact craters for diameters ?1 km. Many of the observed craters are aligned in prominent linear and concentric patterns suggestive of volcanic origin. In this paper an attempt is made to date areas of shield surface, covered with high resolution images using only scattered small (?1 km) craters of probable impact origin. Craters of apparent volcanic origin are systematically excluded from the dating counts.The common measure of age, deduced for all surfaces studied, is a calculated “crater age” F′ defined as the number of craters equal to or larger than 1 km in diameter per 106km2. The conclusions reached from comparing surface ages and their geological settings are: (1) Lava flow terrain surfaces with ages, F′, from 180 to 490 are seen on the four great volcanoes. Summit surfaces of similar ages, F′ = 360 to 420, occur on the rims of calderas of Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Olympus Mons. The summit of Ascraeus Mons is possibly younger; F′ is calculated to be 180 for the single area which could be dated. (2) One considerably younger surface, F′ < 110, is seen on the floor of Arsia Mon's summit caldera. (3) Nearly crater free lava flow terrain surfaces seen on Olympus Mons are estimated to be less than half the age of a summit surface. The summit caldera floor is similarly young. (4) The pattern of surface ages on the volcanoes suggests that their eruption patterns are similar to those of Hawaiian basaltic shields. The youngest surfaces seem concentrated on the mid-to-lower flanks and within the summit calderas. (5) The presently imaged sample of shield surface, though incomplete, clearly shows a broad range of ages on three volcanoes—Olympus, Arsia, and Pavonis Mons.Estimated absolute ages of impact dated surfaces are obtained from two previously published estimates of the history of flux of impacting bodies on Mars. The estimated ranges of age for the observed crater populations are 0.5 to 1.2b.y. and 0.07 to 0.2b.y. Areas which are almost certainly younger, less than 0.5 or 0.07b.y., are also seen. The spans of surface age derived for the great shields are minimum estimates of their active lifetimes, apparently very long compared to those of terrestrial volcanoes.  相似文献   

Raymond E. Arvidson 《Icarus》1974,22(3):264-271
A computer data bank containing information on crater sizes, locations, and morphologies for all craters visible on Mariner 9 wide-angle mapping photography was used to construct a crater morphologic classification. Four general classes were constructed that can be interpreted to represent increasing degrees of crater degradation. Fresh class craters are nearly unmodified and consist of deep bowl-shaped craters and deep, flat-floored craters with terraced walls. The slightly modified class consists of deep flat-floored craters that usually have raised rims, but lack the terracing, central peaks, and hummocky floors indicative of unmodified impact crater morphology. Craters in the modified class are rimless and shallow and those in the ghost class are rimless and extremely shallow. Retention ages for fresh (i.e. unmodified) class craters on equatorial cratered terrain range from millions to billions of years, depending on the impact flux history used. If the trend is toward billions of years, then present degradation rates on Mars are low relative to earlier history and most craters in the degraded classes were probably modified in an early (>3.3 b.y.?) period.  相似文献   

William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》1978,33(2):380-387
Mariner 9 high-resolution photos and topographic information were used to make a topographic analysis of “blue” and “red” cloud positions reported over a 66-year period in Lowell Observatory records. A sample of 77 “blue” cloud sites lay preferentially at the highest Martian elevations; 60% centered precisely on the seven major volcanic mountain peaks (unknown when the clouds were observed); another 16% lay on substantial slopes or contacts between cratered terrain and lower plains. The median altitude of blue cloud sites was 2.1 km above the global topographic median. These results agree with other evidence that most Earth-detected blue clouds are orographic uplift clouds, composed of condensates. Over half of 131 sporadic yellowish or red clouds were associated with blue clouds or volcanoes, and thus probably did not represent dust storm phenomena, contrary to a commonly held belief. Of 88 “possible dust clouds” (chosen by additional criteria), about two-thirds occur at borders between light and dark areas, in the light regions. These sites may have thin veneers of dust, and current depositional or denudational activity. Median altitude of “possible dust cloud” sites was 0.5 km below the global topographic median. Major dust storms begin in a few “core areas,” two of which associate with major basins Hellas and Isidis, probable reservoirs of mobile dust; but exact topographic control and causes of dust storms are unclear.  相似文献   

J. Veverka  K. Cook  J. Goguen 《Icarus》1978,33(3):466-482
A statistical study of all crater-related wind streaks visible on Mariner 9 A-camera frames between latitudes 0 and 30°N has been completed. Of the 2325 streaks identified 1914 (82%) are light tone streaks, 189 (8%) are dark tone, and the remaining 222 (10%) are of mixed tone. Nine parameters characterizing each streak and its associated crater were measured and intercorrelated. Because of the large number of light streaks in our sample fir findings for this type of streak are most significant statistically: light tone streaks occur preferentially in Pc terrain (heavily cratered plains); they are preferentially associated with fresh craters; the surface density of light streaks is not a strong function of elevation; a significant latitude effect does emerge—the density of light tone streaks reaches a maximum between 10 and 15°N, and drops off appreciably both toward the equator and toward higher latitudes; the mean angular width of light streaks is about 25°—long light streaks are significantly narrower than short ones; about 50% of streaks have streak length/crater diameter ratios of ?4; light streak directions conform closely to the wind regime expected at the season of global dust storms (southern summer). Generally speaking, the results for dark and mixed tone streaks in the northern equatorial zone are similar, with the following possible exceptions: dark streaks may show a slight preference to form at higher elecations; dark streaks may be slightly wider on average than light or mixed tone streaks; mixed tone streaks do not share the preference for sharp craters exhibited by light and dark streaks; in general, the directions of dark streaks do not conform to the general circulation pattern expected at the season of global dust storms as well as do those of the light streaks.  相似文献   

A. Woronow 《Icarus》1978,34(1):76-88
Through analysis of a large number of Monte Carlo and Markov Chain simulations, a model for determining crater accumulation and crater obliteration histories has been derived. The model generally applies to populations of large craters. It predicts that the following relationships hold for subequilibrium-density crater populations: (1) the more negative the production function's exponent, α, (NDα) the lower the crater density at which the population size-frequency distribution will significantly depart from its production function; (2) the more negative the production function's exponent, the less obliteration a crater population will sustain after a set number of impacts. Application of the model to the lunar highlands implies (1) the production function for the large craters is highly structured, resembling the observed size-frequency distribution and not the function ND?2; (2) even the densely cratered highlands have not attained crater saturation or equilibrium. Direct simulations of the highlands' crater population supports the model's implications.  相似文献   

We investigate the depth, variability, and history of regolith on asteroid Vesta using data from the Dawn spacecraft. High‐resolution (15–20 m pixel?1) Framing Camera images are used to assess the presence of morphologic indicators of a shallow regolith, including the presence of blocks in crater ejecta, spur‐and‐gully–type features in crater walls, and the retention of small (<300 m) impact craters. Such features reveal that the broad, regional heterogeneities observed on Vesta in terms of albedo and surface composition extend to the physical properties of the upper ~1 km of the surface. Regions of thin regolith are found within the Rheasilvia basin and at equatorial latitudes from ~0–90°E and ~260–360°E. Craters in these areas that appear to excavate material from beneath the regolith have more diogenitic (Rheasilvia, 0–90°E) and cumulate eucrite (260–360°E) compositions. A region of especially thick regolith, where depths generally exceed 1 km, is found from ~100–240°E and corresponds to heavily cratered, low‐albedo surface with a basaltic eucrite composition enriched in carbonaceous chondrite material. The presence of a thick regolith in this area supports the idea that this is an ancient terrain that has accumulated a larger component of exogenic debris. We find evidence for the gardening of crater ejecta toward more howarditic compositions, consistent with regolith mixing being the dominant form of “weathering” on Vesta.  相似文献   

S. Bouley  R.A. Craddock 《Icarus》2010,207(2):686-698
Martian valley networks provide the best evidence that the climate on Mars was different in the past. Although these features are located primarily in heavily cratered terrain of Noachian age (>3.7 Ga), the ages of the features and the time when they were active is not well understood. From superposed craters several recent global studies determined that most valley networks formed during the Late Noachian to Early Hesperian; however, there were some disparities between the techniques. In this study, our principal objective was to test the reliability of the different age-dating techniques to better understand their accuracy and limitations. We applied these techniques to Parana Valles using a variety of high-resolution images taken from different instruments that allow us to identify smaller craters (D > 125 m) while providing sufficient coverage to support a statistically reliable sampling of crater populations, which is necessary to reduce the uncertainties in age determination. Our results indicate that Parana Valles formed during the Early Hesperian Period but that the crater density (D > 353 m) is heterogeneous inside the Parana Valles basin. The crater population decreases from the headwaters downstream recording a resurfacing event that is most likely related to the erosion of downstream sub-basins. The terrain near the source area is Late Noachian to Early Hesperian in age while terrains closer to the outlet are Early to Late Hesperian in age. Crater densities (D > 125 m) inside the valley are also heterogeneous and record several resurfacing events on the valley floor. Where the width of the valley network narrows to <2 km we found evidence of an Amazonian age eolian deposit that is a relatively thin layer of only few meters that was probably deposited as a result of topographic influences. Our results validate the reliability of several proposed age-dating techniques, but we also determined the accuracy and applicability of these techniques. Our results also demonstrate that crater populations can be used to not only determine the relative ages of valley networks, but also to map the distribution of sedimentary materials and the extent of resurfacing events that occurred after valley network formation.  相似文献   

A study of lunar impact crater size-distributions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discrepancies in published crater frequency data prompted this study of lunar crater distributions. Effects modifying production size distributions of impact craters such as surface lava flows, blanketing by ejecta, superposition, infilling, and abrasion of craters, mass wasting, and the contribution of secondary and volcanic craters are discussed. The resulting criteria have been applied in the determination of the size distributions of unmodified impact crater populations in selected lunar regions of different ages. The measured cumulative crater frequencies are used to obtain a general calibration size distribution curve by a normalization procedure. It is found that the lunar impact crater size distribution is largely constant in the size range 0.3 km ?D ? 20 km for regions with formation ages between ≈ 3 × 109 yr and ? 4 × 109 yr. A polynomial of 4th degree, valid in the size range 0.8 km ?D ? 20 km, and a polynomial of 7th degree, valid in the size range 0.3 km ?D ? ? 20 km, have been approximated to the logarithm of the cumulative crater frequencyN as a function of the logarithm of crater diameterD. The resulting relationship can be expressed asND α(D) where α is a function depending onD. This relationship allows the comparison of crater frequencies in different size ranges. Exponential relationships with constant α, commonly used in the literature, are shown to inadequately approximate the lunar impact crater size distribution. Deviations of measured size distributions from the calibration distribution are strongly suggestive of the existence of processes having modified the primary impact crater population.  相似文献   

J.B. Plescia 《Icarus》1983,56(2):255-277
Dione is one of the more geologically complex of Saturn's satellites. Several geologic units have been identified including ancient heavily cratered terrain; two plains units: cratered plains and lightly cratered plains; lobate deposits; crater rim deposits; and bright wispy material. The only structural features observed are a series of troughs which cross portions of the surface and subtle northeast and northwest trending lineaments. The troughs are associated with volcanic deposits and are interpreted to be the vents through which material was erupted. Correlations exist between telescopically observed albedo patterns and the distribution of geologic units.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 (M9) and Mariner 6 and 7 photography of common regions of Mars are compared, with appropriate attention to the photometric properties of the camera systems. The comparison provides a 2.5yr time baseline for study of variable albedo features. We find the development of bright streaks and patches, a phenomenon unobserved through the entire M9 mission; the evolution of dark crater splotches into dark streaks; and a planetwide increase in splotchiness. Yet, a large number of splotches and albedo boundaries remain fixed over the same period. Many of the observations are interpreted in terms of a global fallout and subsequent local redistribution of bright fine particulates raised by global dust storms.  相似文献   

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