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J.B. Murray 《Icarus》1975,25(3):397-404
Visual and photographic observations of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made in September 1973 with the 108 cm reflector at Pic-du-Midi Observatory are presented. A method of estimating the contrasts and albedos of surface markings on the satellites during transit by comparing them with the adjacent surface of Jupiter is described. Results for Io, Europa, and Ganymede give albedo ranges of 0.28 to 0.67, 0.45 to 0.67, and 0.22 to 0.47, respectively. These are geometric albedos for a phase angle of 5°. The percentages of the disks covered by high albedos are consistent with the conclusions of previous workers regarding the fraction of exposed water ice on the surface.  相似文献   

A recent estimate of tidal dissipation by turbulent viscosity in Jupiter's convective interior predicts that the current value of the planet's tidal Q ~ 5 × 106. We point out a fundamental error in this calculation, and show that turbulent dissipation alone implies that at present Q ~ 5 × 1013. Our reduced estimat for the rate of tidal dissipation shows conclusively that tidal torques have produced only negligible modifications of the orbits of the Galilean satellites over the age of the solar system.  相似文献   

High-resolution dynamic spectra of Jovian S-bursts frequently reveal sloping gaps crossing bands of L-burst emission with drift rates comparable to those of S-bursts. These “fast-drift shadow” (FDS) events are often sharply bounded on one edge by an S-burst, and sometimes on both edges by a pair of S-bursts emanating from a common vertex. It is suggested that the investigation of such S- and L-burst interactions may provide new insights of considerable importance in the search for the Jovian decametric emission mechanism.  相似文献   

J.G. Luhmann  R.J. Walker 《Icarus》1980,44(2):361-366
The ionospheric plasma density on magnetic field lines threading the Jovian rings which are located inside ~1.8 RJ on the jovigraphic equatorial plane, is calculated by using a rotating ion exosphere model. It is found that the bulk of the ionospheric particles on these field lines are on ballistic trajectories. On field lines approximately symmetric with respect to the jovigraphic equator, the ring, which to a first approximation would absorb the population of trapped particles, consequently has little effect. On field lines which are made asymmetric by the higher-order multipoles of Jupiter's field and the tilt of the dipole axis, the rings may have a significant effect. It is suggested that better definition of the rings' atmospheric and ionospheric properties is required to model these localized effects. If the rings are found to be an important plasma source for the inner magnetosphere, the present exospheric model will have to be revised.  相似文献   

Michael J. Price 《Icarus》1975,24(4):492-498
Quantitative predictions of the diffuse reflection and transmission properties of Saturn's rings, relevant to the September 1979 Pioneer 11 flyby, are presented. Predictions are based on an elementary anisotropic scattering model. Interparticle separations are considered to be sufficiently large that mutual shadowing is negligible. Likely ranges in both the single scattering albedo and perpendicular optical thickness of the ring are considered. Situations of pronounced back-scattering and of isotropic scattering are treated individually. Spacecraft measurement of the radiation suffering diffuse scattering by the ring can provide a useful test of the basic ring model.  相似文献   

L. Trafton (1980, Icarus44, 53–61) has pointed out that a substantial methane atmosphere, observed on Pluto by U. Fink, B.A. Smith, D.C. Benner, J.R. Johnson, and H.J. Reitsema (1980, Icarus44, 62–71), appears to be unstable against blowoff. The difficulty is shown to disappear if the actual heat balance and thermal structure are considered, instead of the classic assumption that the upper atmosphere is isothermal. An energy-limited flux (referred to the surface area) of 3.9 × 1010 cm?2 sec?1 is found. The loss of methane ice over the age of the solar system is an acceptable 3 km.  相似文献   

The chemistry and evolution of Titan's atmosphere is reviewed in the light of the scientific findings from the Voyager mission. It is argued that the present N2 atmosphere may be Titan's initial atmosphere rather than photochemically derived from an original NH3 atmosphere. The escape rate of hydrogen from Titan is controlled by photochemical production from hydrocarbons. CH4 is irreversibly converted to less hydrogen rich hydrocarbons, which over geologic time accumulate on the surface to a layer thickness of ~0.5 km. Magnetospheric electrons interacting with Titan's exosphere may dissociate enough N2 into hot, escaping N atoms to remove ~0.2 of Titan's present atmosphere over geologic time. The energy dissipation of magnetospheric electrons exceeds solar e.u.v. energy deposition in Titan's atmosphere by an order of magnitude and is the principal driver of nitrogen photochemistry. The environmental conditions in Titan's upper atmosphere are favorable to building up complex molecules, particularly in the north polar cap region.  相似文献   

The discovery that Titan had an atmosphere was made by the identification of methane in the satellite's spectrum in 1944. But the abundance of this gas and the identification of other major constituents required the 1980 encounter by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. In the intervening years, traces of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6 and CH3D had been posited to interpret emission bands in Titan's i.r. spectrum. The Voyager Infra-red Spectrometer confirmed that these gases were present and added seven more. The atmosphere is now known to be composed primarily of molecular nitrogen. But the derived mean molecular weight suggests the presence of a significant amount of some heavier gas, most probably argon. It is shown that this argon must be primordial, and that one can understand the evolution of Titan's atmosphere in terms of degassing of a mixed hydrate dominated by CH4, N2 and 36Ar. This model satisfactorily explains the absence of neon and makes no special requirements on the satellite's surface temperature.  相似文献   

Robert E. Samuelson 《Icarus》1983,53(2):364-387
A simple global radiative equilibrium model is developed for Titan. It is restricted to the two-stream approximation, is vertically homogeneous in its scattering properties, and is spectrally divided into one thermal and two solar channels. A partially absorbing “violet” channel is responsible for heating in the stratosphere, while a conservatively scattering “red” channel permits heating at the surface. The optical thickness of the atmosphere in the red is 1 < τ1r < 3. Between 13 and 33% of the total incident solar radiation is absorbed at the planetary surface. The ratio of violet to thermal infrared absorption cross sections is between 30 and 60 in the stratosphere, leading to the large temperature inversion observed there. The observed and theoretically computed tropopause temperatures are 72 and 69°K, respectively, while their corresponding thermal optical depths are, respectively, ~0.1 and ~0.07. The spectrally integrated mass absorption coefficient at thermal wavelengths is approximately constant throughout the stratosphere and roughly linear with pressure in the troposphere. This in turn implies the presence of a uniformly mixed aerosol in the stratosphere, and suggests pressure-induced absorption by gaseous N2CH4H2 in the troposphere. In addition there appear to be two regions of enhanced opacity near 30 and 500 mbar which may be due to C2H2C2H6C3H8 and CH4 condensation clouds, respectively.  相似文献   

The particles making up the Jovian ring may be debris which has been excavated by micrometeoroids from the surfaces of many unseen (R ? 1 km) parent bodies (or “mooms” as we will occasionally call them) residing in the ring. A distribution of particle sizes exists: large objects are sources for the small visible ring particles and also account for the absorption of charged particles noted by Pioneer; the small grains are generated by micrometeoroid impacts, by jostling collisions among different-sized particles, and by self-fracturing due to electrostatic stresses. The latter are most effective in removing surface asperities to thereby produce smooth and crudely equidimensional grains. The presence of intermediate-sized (radius of several to several hundred microns) objects is also expected; these particles will have a total area comparable to the area of the visible ring particles. The nominal size (?2 μm) of the visible particles derived from their forward-scattering characteristics is caused, at least in part, by a selection effect but may also reflect a fundamental grain size or the preferential generation of certain sizes along with the destruction of others. The tiny ring particles have short lifetimes (?102?103 years) limited by erosion due to sputtering and meteoroid impacts. Plasma drag significantly modifies orbits in ~102 years but Poynting-Robertson drag is not effective (TPR ~ 105 years) in removing debris. The ring width is influenced by the distribution of source satellites, by the initial ejection velocity off them, by electromagnetic scattering, and by solar radiation forces. In the absence of electromagnetic forces, debris will reimpact a mother satellite or collide with another particle in about 10 years. A relative drift between different-sized particles, caused by a lessened effective gravity due to the Lorentz force, will substantially shorten these times to less than a month. The ring thickness is determined by a balance between initial conditions (abetted perhaps by electromagnetic scattering) and collisional damping; existence of the “halo” over the diffuse disk compared to its relative absence over the bright ring indicates the presence of mooms in the bright ring but not in the faint disk. Small satellites (R ? 1 km) will not reaccumulate colliding dust grains whereas satellites having the size of J14 or J16 may be able to do so, depending upon their precise shape, size, density, and location. Visible ring structure could indicate separate source satellites. The particles in the faint inner disk are delivered from the bright ring by orbital evolution principally under plasma drag. The halo is comprised of small particles (~0.1 μm) partially drawn out of the faint disk by interactions with the tilted Jovian magnetic field.  相似文献   

The occultation of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft by Io (JI) provided an opportunity to obtain two S-band radio occultation measurements of its atmosphere. The dayside entry measurements revealed an ionosphere having a peak density of about 6 × 104 elcm?3 at an altitude of about 100 km. The topside scale height indicates a plasma temperature of about 406 K if it is composed of Na+ and 495 K if N2+ is principal ion. A thinner and less dense ionosphere was observed on the exit (night side), having a peak density of 9 × 103 elcm?3 at an altitude of 50 km. The topside plasma temperature is 160 K for N2? and 131 K for Na+. If the ionosphere is produced by photoionization in a manner analogous to the ionospheres of the terrestrial planets, the density of neutral particles at the surface of Io is less than 1011?1012 cm3, corresponding to a surface pressure of less than 10?8 to 10?9 bars. Two measurements of its radius were also obtained yielding a value of 1830 km for the entry and 192 km for the exit. The discrepancy between these values may indicate an ephemeris uncertainty of about 45 km. The two measurements yield an average radius of 1875 km, which is not in agreement with the results of the Beta Scorpii stellar occultation.  相似文献   

The edge-on presentation of Saturn's rings and satellites system has provided a rare opportunity to observe total eclipses of Titan. During its emersion from the Saturnian shadow (1980, June 28), Titan has been observed simultaneously in the visible and the infrared ranges (6000–9000 Å, 11.8 μm and 20 μm). No change has been recorded in these three spectral ranges. Our observations tend to support the thick-atmosphere model, which has been shown to be valid by Voyager a few months later.  相似文献   

David L. Coffeen 《Icarus》1973,20(1):52-53
A plea is entered for extensive ground-based observations of Jupiter around the first week of December, 1973, to coordinate with coverage by the Pioneer 10 flyby.  相似文献   

The diffusive motion of initially ellipsoidal plasma irregularities or ion clouds in the Earth's upper atmosphere is studied theoretically using a model similar to that described by Pickering (1972) for an initially spherical cloud. The work presented here concerns irregularities with major to minor axis ratio between 10:1 and 200:1 at each of the altitudes 97.5 km, 102 km and 114 km (where the ionization could be produced by meteors) and between approximately 200:1 and 1000:1 for altitudes 210 km and 300 km. In particular the effect of the space-charge electric field on the nature of the diffusion process is discussed. The possible effects of ionospheric electric fields and possible relevance to artificial Ba+ clouds released in the upper atmosphere are discussed in the second section.  相似文献   

Shailendra Kumar 《Icarus》1976,28(4):579-591
Measurements made during the Mariner 10 flybys of Mercury have shown that this planet has a tenuous atmosphere, somewhat similar to that of the Moon, which consists of at least helium and can be classified as an exosphere. The amount of helium observed can be supplied by either the accretion of only a fraction of the solar wind He2+ diffusing across the magnetopause, or from outgassing of radiogenic helium from the planetary crust. The role of solar wind in the maintenance and depletion of Mercury's atmosphere is discussed in view of the density upper limits established from Mariner 10. The argon supply rate on Mercury is probably not more than that on the Earth, but it is difficult to say whether Mercury is deficient in potassium or not on the basis of the present data. The global outgassing of CO2 and H2O from the planet interior is estimated to be at least four orders of magnitude smaller than for Earth which indicates that either Mercury is deficient in volatiles or that this planet is very inactive.  相似文献   

The preliminary measurements by Pioneer 11 of the limb darkening and polarization of Titan at red and blue wavelenghts (M. G. Tomasko, 1980,J. Geophys. Res., 85, 5937–5942) are refined and the measurements of the brightness of the integrated disk at phase angles from 22 to 96° are reduced. At 28° phase, Titan's reflectivity in blue light at southern latitudes is as much as 25% greater than that at northern latitudes, comparable to the values observed by Voyager 1 (L. A. Sromovsky et al., 1981,Nature (London), 292, 698–702). In red light the reflectivity is constant to within a few percent for latitudes between 40°S and 60°N. Titan's phase coefficient between 22 and 96° phase angle averages about 0.014 magnitudes/degree in both colors—a value considerably greater than that observed at smaller phase from the Earth. Comparisons of the data with vertically homogeneous multiple-scattering models indicate that the single-scattering phase functions of the aerosols in both colors are rather flat at scattering angles between 80 and 150° with a small peak at larger scattering (i.e., small phase) angles. The models indicate that the phase integral, q, for Titan in both red and blue light is about 1.66 ± 0.1. Together with Younkin's value for the bolometric geometric albedo scaled to a radius of 2825 km, this implies an effective temperature in equilibrium with sunlight of 84 ± 2°K, in agreement with recent thermal measurements. The single-scattering polarizations produced by the particles at 90° scattering angle are quite large, >85% in blue light and >95% in red. A vertically homogeneous model in which the particles are assumed to scatter as spheres cannot simultaneously match the polarization observations in both colors for any refractive index. However, the observed polarizations are most sensitive to the particle properties near optical depth 12 in each color, and so models based on single scattering by spheres can be successful over a range of refractive indices if the size of the particles increases with depth and if the cross section of the particles increases sufficiently rapidly with decreasing wavelenght. For example, with nr = 1.70, the polarization (and the photometry) are reproduced reasonably well in both colors when the area-weighted average radous of the particles, α, is given by α = (0.117 μm)(τred/0.5)0.217. While this model does not reproduce the large increase in brightness from 129 to 160° phase observed by Voyager 1, the observed increase is determined by the properties of the particles in the top few hundredths of an optical depth. Thus the addition of a very thin layer of forward-scattering aerosols on top of the above model offers one way of satisfying both the Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1 observations. Of course, other models, using bimodal size distributions or scattering by nonspherical particles, may also be capable of reproducing these data.  相似文献   

The Alice ultraviolet spectrograph onboard the New Horizons spacecraft observed two occultations of the bright star χ Ophiucus by Jupiter’s atmosphere on February 22 and 23, 2007 during the approach phase of the Jupiter flyby. The ingress occultation probed the atmosphere at 32°N latitude near the dawn terminator, while egress probed 18°N latitude near the dusk terminator. A detailed analysis of both the ingress and egress occultations, including the effects of molecular hydrogen, methane, acetylene, ethylene, and ethane absorptions in the far ultraviolet (FUV), constrains the eddy diffusion coefficient at the homopause level to be  cm2 s−1, consistent with Voyager measurements and other analyses (Festou, M.C., Atreya, S.K., Donahue, T.M., Sandel, B.R., Shemansky, D.E., Broadfoot, A.L. [1981]. J. Geophys. Res. 86, 5717-5725; Vervack Jr., R.J., Sandel, B.R., Gladstone, G.R., McConnell, J.C., Parkinson, C.D. [1995]. Icarus 114, 163-173; Yelle, R.V., Young, L.A., Vervack Jr., R.J., Young, R., Pfister, L., Sandel, B.R. [1996]. J. Geophys. Res. 101 (E1), 2149-2162). However, the actual derived pressure level of the methane homopause for both occultations differs from that derived by [Festou et al., 1981] and [Yelle et al., 1996] from the Voyager ultraviolet occultations, suggesting possible changes in the strength of atmospheric mixing with time. We find that at 32°N latitude, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,397 km, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,383 km, the acetylene concentration is  cm−3 at 70,364 km, and the ethane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,360 km. At 18°N latitude, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,345 km, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,332 km, the acetylene concentration is cm−3 at 71,318 km, and the ethane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,315 km. We also find that the H2 occultation light curve is best reproduced if the atmosphere remains cold in the microbar region such that the base of the thermosphere is located at a lower pressure level than that determined by in situ instruments aboard the Galileo probe (Seiff, A., Kirk, D.B., Knight, T.C.D., Young, R.E., Mihalov, J.D., Young, L.A., Milos, F.S., Schubert, G., Blanchard, R.C., Atkinson, D. [1998]. J. Geophys. Res. 103 (E10), 22857-22889) - the Sieff et al. temperature profile leads to too much absorption from H2 at high altitudes. However, this result is highly model dependent and non-unique. The observations and analysis help constrain photochemical models of Jupiter’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

R.W. Carlson  D.L. Judge 《Icarus》1975,24(4):395-399
The Pioneer 10 ultraviolet photometer observations of the Jovian hydrogen torus are analyzed to obtain the angular distribution. The cloud is asymmetric about Io, where the atoms presumably originate, with the greater density occurring in the trailing portion. A simple model which assumes Jeans escape from the atmosphere of Io is developed and compared to the observations. The results suggest that the exospheric temperature is high (~3000 K) and that the ionization lifetime of the cloud atoms is ~1 × 105 sec.  相似文献   

Robert A. Freitas 《Icarus》1983,55(2):337-343
This paper discusses observational considerations in a search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) program to detect extraterrestrial messenger probes in the solar system. Observable artifacts will most likely be found in a search space consisting of geocentric, selenocentric, Earth-Moon libration, and Earth-Moon halo orbits, which may be searched to a limiting artifact size of 1–10 m (pv = 0.1) using existing or foreseeable instrumentation.  相似文献   

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