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The role of CO2 permafrost as an erosive agent on Mars is considered. In the CO2H2O system, with a CO2 triple point at 217°K and 5.1-bar pressure, carbon dioxide solid, liquid, or gas, CO2 clathrate, and ice are possible stable phases in the range of temperatures and pressures likely to be encountered in the Martian regolith. It is argued that conditions may exist in which CO2 permafrost is extensive on Mars, provided that adequate CO2 is available: the maximum ratio of H2O:CO2 required in the subsurface pore space system is 17:3. Erosional processes likely to result from such permafrost are block slumping, leading to canyon development; pit chains along faults; chaotic terrain where massive permafrost destruction has occured; large-scale flows of slurry; and perhaps even the flash floods which create channels.  相似文献   

The polar condensation/sublimation of CO2, that involve about one fourth of the atmosphere mass, is the major Martian climatic cycle. Early observations in visible and thermal infrared have shown that the sublimation of the Seasonal South Polar Cap (SSPC) is not symmetric around the geographic South Pole.Here we use observations by OMEGA/Mars Express in the near-infrared to detect unambiguously the presence of CO2 at the surface, and to estimate albedo. Second, we estimate the sublimation of CO2 released in the atmosphere and show that there is a two-step process. From Ls=180° to 220°, the sublimation is nearly symmetric with a slight advantage for the cryptic region. After Ls=220° the anti-cryptic region sublimation is stronger. Those two phases are not balanced such that there is 22% ± 9 more mass the anti-cryptic region, arguing for more snow precipitation. We compare those results with the MOLA height measurements. Finally we discuss implications for the Martian atmosphere about general circulation and gas tracers, e.g. Ar.  相似文献   

In order to study the stability of martian climate, we constructed a two-dimensional (horizontal-vertical) energy balance model. The long-term CO2 mass exchange process between the atmosphere and CO2 ice caps is investigated with particular attention to the effect of planetary ice distribution on the climate stability. Our model calculation suggests that high atmospheric pressure presumed for past Mars would be unstabilized if H2O ice widely prevailed. As a result, a cold climate state might have been achieved by the condensation of atmospheric CO2 onto ice caps. On the other hand, the low atmospheric pressure, which is buffered by the CO2 ice cap and likely close to the present pressure, would be unstabilized if the CO2 ice albedo decreased. This may have led the climate into a warm state with high atmospheric pressure owing to complete evaporation of CO2 ice cap. Through the albedo feedback mechanisms of H2O and CO2 ices in the atmosphere-ice cap system, Mars may have experienced warm and cold climates episodically in its history.  相似文献   

The mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) atmosphere of Mars condenses and sublimes in the polar regions, giving rise to the familiar waxing and waning of its polar caps. The signature of this seasonal CO2 cycle has been detected in surface pressure measurements from the Viking and Pathfinder landers. The amount of CO2 that condenses during fall and winter is controlled by the net polar energy loss, which is dominated by emitted infrared radiation from the cap itself. However, models of the CO2 cycle match the surface pressure data only if the emitted radiation is artificially suppressed suggesting that they are missing a heat source. Here we show that the missing heat source is the conducted energy coming from soil that contains water ice very close to the surface. The presence of ice significantly increases the thermal conductivity of the ground such that more of the solar energy absorbed at the surface during summer is conducted downward into the ground where it is stored and released back to the surface during fall and winter thereby retarding the CO2 condensation rate. The reduction in the condensation rate is very sensitive to the depth of the soil/ice interface, which our models suggest is about 8 cm in the Northern Hemisphere and 11 cm in the Southern Hemisphere. This is consistent with the detection of significant amounts of polar ground ice by the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer and provides an independent means for assessing how close to the surface the ice must be. Our results also provide an accurate determination of the global annual mean size of the atmosphere and cap CO2 reservoirs, which are, respectively, 6.1 and 0.9 hPa. They also indicate that general circulation models will need to account for the effect of ground ice in their simulations of the seasonal CO2 cycle.  相似文献   

We present near-IR spectra of solid CO2 in H2O and CH3OH, and find they are significantly different from that of pure solid CO2. Peaks not present in either pure H2O or pure CO2 spectra become evident when the two are mixed. First, the putative theoretically forbidden CO2 (2ν3) overtone near 2.134 μm (4685 cm−1), that is absent from our spectrum of pure solid CO2, is prominent in the spectra of H2O/CO2=5 and 25 mixtures. Second, a 2.74-μm (3650 cm−1) dangling OH feature of H2O (and a potentially related peak at 1.89 μm) appear in the spectra of CO2-H2O ice mixtures, but are probably not diagnostic of the presence of CO2. Other CO2 peaks display shifts in position and increased width because of intermolecular interactions with H2O. Warming causes some peak positions and profiles in the spectrum of a H2O/CO2=5 mixture to take on the appearance of pure CO2. Absolute strengths for absorptions of CO2 in solid H2O are estimated. Similar results are observed for CO2 in solid CH3OH. Since the CO2 (2ν3) overtone near 2.134 μm (4685 cm−1) is not present in pure CO2 but prominent in mixtures, it may be a good observational (spectral) indicator of whether solid CO2 is a pure material or intimately mixed with other molecules. These observations may be applicable to Mars polar caps as well as outer Solar System bodies.  相似文献   

Ices in the solar system are observed on the surface of planets, satellites, comets and asteroids where they are continuously subordinate at particle fluxes (cosmic ions, solar wind and charged particles caught in the magnetosphere of the planets) that deeply modify their physical and structural properties. Each incoming ion destroys molecular bonds producing fragments that, by recombination, form new molecules also different from the original ones. Moreover, if the incoming ion is reactive (H+, On+, Sn+, etc.), it can concur to the formation of new molecules.Those effects can be studied by laboratory experiments where, with some limitation, it is possible to reproduce the astrophysical environments of planetary ices.In this work, we describe some experiments of 15-100 keV H+ and He+ implantation in pure sulfur dioxide (SO2) at 16 and 80 K and carbon dioxide (CO2) at 16 K ices aimed to search for the formation of new molecules. Among other results we confirm that carbonic acid (H2CO3) is formed after H-implantation in CO2, vice versa H-implantation in SO2 at both temperatures does not produce measurable quantity of sulfurous acid (H2SO3). The results are discussed in the light of their relevance to the chemistry of some solar system objects, particularly of Io, the innermost of Jupiter's Galilean satellites, that exhibits a surface very rich in frost SO2 and it is continuously bombarded with H+ ions caught in Jupiter's magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Philip B. James 《Icarus》1985,64(2):249-264
The Martian CO2 cycle, which includes the seasonal condensation and subsequent sublimation of up to 30% of the planet's atmosphere, produces meridional winds due to the consequent mass flux of CO2. These winds currently display strong seasonal and hemispheric asymmetries due to the large asymmetries in the distribution of insolation on Mars. It is proposed that asymmetric meridional advection of water vapor on the planet due to these CO2 condensation winds is capable of explaining the observed dessication of Mars' south polar region at the current time. A simple model for water vapor transport is used to verify this hypothesis and to speculate on the effects of changes in orbital parameters on the seasonal water cycle.  相似文献   

Ground-based observations of the CO2 distribution on Mars were made this past opposition from Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. Almost complete coverage of the Martian surface from 40°N to 60°S was obtained. Agreement with previous Kitt Peak observations is good, and confirmation of a pressure anomaly in the Tharsis region has been obtained. The ridge whose eastern slope is Syrtis Major stops at about 15°S, in agreement with the 1971 radar data. The Noachis-Hellas region south of Syrtis Major appears at about average altitude, indicating that the dust storm of 1971 was already active in that region as early as the end of August.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric scans of Mars and the Moon in the region 4000–5000 Å were obtained and ratioed. No evidence of any absorption greater than 3% is visible in the Martian spectrum. Using our own laboratory spectra of NO2 as well as the published work of Hall and Blacet (1952) we confirm Marshall's (1964) upper limit of 8 μm atmospheres (0.0008 cm amagat) for the abundance of NO2 in the atmosphere of Mars.  相似文献   

The Mars Orbiter Camera onboard the Mars Global Surveyor has obtained several images of polygonal features in the southern polar region. In images taken during the end of the southern spring, when the surrounding surface is free of the seasonal frost, CO2 ice still appears to be present within the polygonal troughs. In Earth's polar regions, polygons such as these are indicative of water ice in the ground below. We analyzed the seasonal evolution of the thermal state and the CO2 content of these features. Our 2-D model includes condensation and sublimation of the CO2 ice, a self consistent treatment of the variations of the thermal properties of the regolith, and the seasonal variations of the local atmospheric pressure which we take from the results of a general circulation model. We find that the residence time of seasonal CO2 ice in troughs depends not only on atmospheric opacity and albedo of the CO2 ice, but also and most significantly on the distribution of water ice in the regolith. Optical properties of the atmosphere and surface CO2 ice can be independently obtained from observations. To date this is not true about the distribution of water ice below the surface. Our analysis quantifies the dependence of the seasonal cycle of the CO2 ice within the troughs on the assumed distribution of the water ice below the surface. We show that presence of water ice in the ground at a depth smaller than the depth of the troughs reduces winter condensation rate of CO2 ice. This is due to higher heat flux conducted from the water ice rich regolith toward the facets of the troughs.  相似文献   

Consideration of theoretical limits and experimental data for the kinetics of the reaction quartz + calcite → wollastonite + CO2 supports the concept of a shortterm quasiequilibrium state for the atmosphere of Venus. These data indicate that the time scale of this reaction and of any competing CO2 producing reaction may be as short as several hundred years or less at the inferred Venus surface temperatures.  相似文献   

We used Mars Express HRSC and OMEGA data to investigate mesospheric cloud features observed in the equatorial belt of Mars from December 2007 until early March 2008. This period corresponds to early northern spring of Martian year 29. The reflection peak at 4.26 μm in OMEGA data identifies the clouds as CO2 ice clouds. HRSC observed the clouds together with OMEGA in five orbits. Cloud features are most prominent in the shortwave HRSC colour channels with wavelength centers at 440 and 530 nm, but rarely visible in all other channels. In the period of Ls 0-36°, OMEGA and HRSC together detected mesospheric CO2 ice clouds in 40 orbits. They occur in a latitude belt of ±20° around the equator and at longitudes between 240°E (Tharsis) in the West and 30°E (Sinus Meridiani) in the East. The clouds were observed between 3 and 5 p.m. local time with mainly ripple-like to filamentary cloud forms. The viewing angles of the HRSC blue and green colour channels differ by 6.6° and the resulting parallax can be used to directly measure cloud heights by means of ray intersection. 17 HRSC data takes were found to exhibit clouds with heights from 66 to 83 km with an accuracy of 1-2 km. The pushbroom imaging technique also yields a time delay for the two observations in the order of 5-15 s close to periapsis, and therefore time-related cloud movements can be detected. A method was developed to determine the across-track cloud displacements, which can directly be translated to wind velocities. Zonal cloud movements could be measured in 13 cases and were oriented from East to West. Related wind speeds range between 60 and 93 m/s with an accuracy of 10-13 m/s.  相似文献   

We vapor deposit at 20 K a mixture of gases with the specific Enceladus plume composition measured in situ by the Cassini INMS [Waite, J.H., Combi, M.R., Ip, W.H., Cravens, T.E., McNutt, R.L., Kasprzak, W., Yelle, R., Luhmann, J., Niemann, H., Gell, D., Magee, B., Fletcher, G., Lunine, J., Tseng, W.L., 2006. Science 311, 1419-1422] to form a mixed molecular ice. As the sample is slowly warmed, we monitor the escaping gas quantity and composition with a mass spectrometer. Pioneering studies [Schmitt, B., Klinger, J., 1987. Different trapping mechanisms of gases by water ice and their relevance for comet nuclei. In: Rolfe, E.J., Battrick, B. (Eds.), Diversity and Similarity of Comets. SP-278. ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 613-619; Bar-Nun, A., Kleinfeld, I., Kochavi, E., 1988. Phys. Rev. B 38, 7749-7754; Bar-Nun, A., Kleinfeld, I., 1989. Icarus 80, 243-253] have shown that significant quantities of volatile gases can be trapped in a water ice matrix well above the temperature at which the pure volatile ice would sublime. For our Enceladus ice mixture, a composition of escaping gases similar to that detected by Cassini in the Enceladus plume can be generated by the sublimation of the H2O:CO2:CH4:N2 mixture at temperatures between 135 and 155 K, comparable to the high temperatures inferred from the CIRS measurements [Spencer, J.R., Pearl, J.C., Segura, M., Flasar, F.M., Mamoutkine, A., Romani, P., Buratti, B.J., Hendrix, A.R., Spilker, L.J., Lopes, R.M.C., 2006. Science 311, 1401-1405] of the Enceladus “tiger stripes.” This suggests that the gas escape phenomena that we measure in our experiments are an important process contributing to the gases emitted from Enceladus. A similar experiment for ice deposited at 70 K shows that both the processes of volatile trapping and release are temperature dependent over the temperature range relevant to Enceladus.  相似文献   

Despite a fainter Sun, the surface of the early Earth was mostly ice-free. Proposed solutions to this so-called “faint young Sun problem” have usually involved higher amounts of greenhouse gases than present in the modern-day atmosphere. However, geological evidence seemed to indicate that the atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the Archaean and Proterozoic were far too low to keep the surface from freezing. With a radiative-convective model including new, updated thermal absorption coefficients, we found that the amount of CO2 necessary to obtain 273 K at the surface is reduced up to an order of magnitude compared to previous studies. For the late Archaean and early Proterozoic period of the Earth, we calculate that CO2 partial pressures of only about 2.9 mb are required to keep its surface from freezing which is compatible with the amount inferred from sediment studies. This conclusion was not significantly changed when we varied model parameters such as relative humidity or surface albedo, obtaining CO2 partial pressures for the late Archaean between 1.5 and 5.5 mb. Thus, the contradiction between sediment data and model results disappears for the late Archaean and early proterozoic.  相似文献   

Dynamic models of the martian polar caps are in abundance, but most rely on the assumption that the rate of sublimation of CO2 ice can be calculated from heat transfer and lack experimental verification. We experimentally measured the sublimation rate of pure CO2 ice under simulated martian conditions as a test of this assumption, developed a model based on our experimental results, and compared our model's predictions with observations from several martian missions (MRO, MGS, Viking). We show that sun irradiance is the primary control for the sublimation of CO2 ice on the martian poles with the amount of radiation penetrating the surface being controlled by variations in the optical depth, ensuring the formation and sublimation of the seasonal cap. Our model confirmed by comparison of MGS-MOC and MRO-HiRISE images, separated by 2-3 martian years, shows that ∼0.4 m are currently being lost from the south perennial cap per martian year. At this rate, the ∼2.4-m-thick south CO2 perennial cap will disappear in about 6-7 martian years, unless a short-scale climatic cycle alters this rate of retreat.  相似文献   

Although poorly understood, the north–south distribution of the natural component of atmospheric CO2 offers information essential to improving our understanding of the exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere. The natural or unperturbed component is equivalent to that part of the atmospheric CO2 distribution which is controlled by non-anthropogenic CO2 fluxes from the ocean and terrestrial biosphere. Models should be able to reproduce the true north–south gradient in CO2 due to the natural component before they can reliably estimate present-day CO2 sources and sinks and predict future atmospheric CO2. We have estimated the natural latitudinal distribution of atmospheric CO2, relative to the South Pole, using measurements of atmospheric CO2 during 1959–1991 and corresponding estimates of anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Key features of the natural latitudinal distribution include: (1) CO2 concentrations in the northern hemisphere that are lower than those in the southern hemisphere; (2) CO2 concentration differences that are higher in the tropics (associated with outgassing of the oceans) than those currently measured; and (3) CO2 concentrations over the southern ocean that are relatively uniform. This natural latitudinal distribution and its sensitivity to increasing fossil fuel emissions both indicate that near-surface concentrations of atmospheric CO2 in the northern hemisphere are naturally lower than those in the southern hemisphere. Models that find the contrary will also mismatch present-day CO2 in the northern hemisphere and incorrectly ascribe that region as a large sink of anthropogenic CO2.  相似文献   

Photoelectric spectral scans of the P branch of the 8689 Å CO2 band on Venus were made using the 107-inch coude scanner during seven observing periods in the past 2 years. The relative CO2 line strength was determined for each scan, then normalized to remove the spatial variations leaving only temporal variations.The 4-day periodicity in the relative CO2 line strength noted by Young et al. (1973) is not unique; we do confirm their 4-day periodicity in August 1973. Four other observing periods rule out a 4-day periodicity.A definite North-South asymmetry in the relative CO2 line strength is noted during 1973, in most cases with the same periodicity present in both hemispheres. When the slit positions are referred to the equator of Venus, particularly near inferior conjunction, the large asymmetrics between the slit positions can be explained by a greater CO2 line strength over the polar regions and weaker over the equatorial latitudes. The amplitude of variation of each position on the crescent is much greater near inferior conjunction either because we are sampling a smaller area on the planet or because the upper atmospheric abundance is more sensitive to the mechanism causing the variation in the smaller regions sampled at inferior conjunction.Simultaneous H2O measurementsduring several of the observing runs indicate a lack of correlation in the relative CO2 line strengths and the H2O abundance.  相似文献   

We present equivalent widths of Venus CO2 scans of the P branch (P8–P32) of the 5ν3 band at 8689 Å, the P16 line of the 5ν3 band, and the P14 line of the ν1 + 5ν3 band at 7820 Å covering phase angles between 5°.1 and 170°. The equivalent widths reach a minimum at 10°, in agreement with a phase function with a backward lobe at 160° which is caused by a single internal reflection within the cloud particles. This is evidence that Venus cloud particles are composed of liquid droplets. Maximum equivalent widths are observed at ~60°, a value which is closer to the maximum of single-layer Mie scattering models than to that of two-layer models. At high phase angles we observe equivalent widths greater than those computed from homogeneous scattering models, indicating that at high altitudes the mixing ratio of scattering particles to CO2 increases with depth. At all phase angles, particularly at large phase angles, the temporal and spatial variations in the observed equivalent widths confuse the phase variation.  相似文献   

Observations of Jupiter by Cassini/CIRS, acquired during the December 2000 flyby, provide the latitudinal distribution of HCN and CO2 in Jupiter's stratosphere with unprecedented spatial resolution and coverage. Following up on a preliminary study by Kunde et al. [Kunde, V.G., and 41 colleagues, 2004. Science 305, 1582-1587], the analysis of these observations leads to two unexpected results (i) the total HCN mass in Jupiter's stratosphere in 2000 was (6.0±1.5)×1013 g, i.e., at least three times larger than measured immediately after the Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impacts in July 1994 and (ii) the latitudinal distributions of HCN and CO2 are strikingly different: while HCN exhibits a maximum at 45° S and a sharp decrease towards high Southern latitudes, the CO2 column densities peak over the South Pole. The total CO2 mass is (2.9±1.2)×1013 g. A possible cause for the HCN mass increase is its production from the photolysis of NH3, although a problem remains because, while millimeter-wave observations clearly indicate that HCN is currently restricted to submillibar (∼0.3 mbar) levels, immediate post-impact infrared observations have suggested that most of the ammonia was present in the lower stratosphere near 20 mbar. HCN appears to be a good atmospheric tracer, with negligible chemical losses. Based on 1-dimensional (latitude) transport models, the HCN distribution is best interpreted as resulting from the combination of a sharp decrease (over an order of magnitude in Kyy) of wave-induced eddy mixing poleward of 40° and an equatorward transport with velocity. The CO2 distribution was investigated by coupling the transport model with an elementary chemical model, in which CO2 is produced from the conversion of water originating either from SL9 or from auroral input. The auroral source does not appear adequate to reproduce the CO2 peak over the South Pole, as required fluxes are unrealistically high and the shape of the CO2 bulge is not properly matched. In contrast, the CO2 distribution can be fit by invoking poleward transport with a velocity and vigorous eddy mixing (). While the vertical distribution of CO2 is not measured, the combined HCN and CO2 results imply that the two species reside at different stratospheric levels. Comparing with the circulation regimes predicted by earlier radiative-dynamical models of Jupiter's stratosphere, and with inferences from the ethane and acetylene stratospheric latitudinal distribution, we suggest that CO2 lies in the middle stratosphere near or below the 5-mbar level.  相似文献   

The widespread deposition of CO2 ice on the martian polar caps in winter is readily visible from Earth and has been extensively studied from orbit. As the surface cools during polar night, CO2 condenses directly out of the atmosphere at a rate that establishes equilibrium between radiative loss and latent heat of condensation. Since radiative loss is strongly geometry-dependent, the CO2 frost will grow most rapidly on exposed surfaces and more slowly in depressions. Positive feedback will cause a dramatic enhancement of the relief of the underlying topography and a corresponding reduction in the average bulk density. The resulting surface will be highly textured and riddled with perforations.  相似文献   

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