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水是自然界中最活跃、最关键的要素,是地球各圈层间、各自然要素间相互作用的主要桥梁和纽带,也是资源系统中联系各种资源的桥梁和纽带.从生态水文学研究发展动态角度出发,提出了自然资源要素综合观测要加强水作用过程的观测研究;从生态平衡、生态环境、资源环境3个术语的科学内涵角度,阐明了生态、资源、环境观测-监测研究的本质.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化的形成背景、演化与治理   总被引:144,自引:0,他引:144       下载免费PDF全文
喀斯特石漠化是青藏高原隆升在其东南翼所诱发的重要地质生态灾害问题,是制约中国西南地区社会经济发展的关键因素.它不是一种纯自然过程,而是与人类活动密切相关,不仅造成土地资源丧失,干旱缺水,生态系统退化,而且使该区的贫困问题加剧,具有明显的自然和社会学属性.本文着重从地质和生态的角度,阐述喀斯特石漠化的形成特点和演化方式,及其对综合治理的指导意义.对西南岩溶山地而言,土壤和植被是生态环境中最为敏感的自然环境要素,与非岩溶区相比,具有明显的脆弱特征.它们在干扰下发生迅速演替,诱发地表水文条件的改变,导致石漠化的形成.文中特别强调岩溶山区碳酸盐岩基底岩性的不同、生态环境类型与植被演替的方式和进程的多样性对于岩溶生态系统的影响作用.基于上述认识,对石漠化地区的土地利用方式和生态恢复过程以及可能发展的方向提出了一些建议和看法.  相似文献   

黄土高原是世界上黄土面积最大的高原,其生态环境极度脆弱,水土流失严重,灾害频发,而黄土高原作为“一带一路”倡议的核心区和西部开发的关键区,近年来一系列国家重大战略和重大工程项目在黄土地区开工建设。如何处理好重大工程建设与生态环境保护间的关系,实现人地和谐共处,是一个具有理论和现实意义的重大问题。本文提出将基于自然的解决方案(NBS)理念贯穿于黄土地区重大工程建设全寿命周期:(1)在选址规划阶段应充分利用和顺应自然,将不同类型重大工程布置在适宜的地貌类型区,同时构建海绵系统,将雨水、污水等废水变为水资源有效利用;(2)在设计施工阶段应充分保护和适度改造自然,通过“三控”(控水、控变形、控侵蚀)措施,实现“三防”(防沉、防滑移、防侵蚀)的减灾目标;(3)在工程运营阶段需构建天-空-地一体化多源协同观测体系,全面掌握工程及相关区域生态环境动态,主动防范灾变的发生,同时应通过自然恢复和适度人工修复结合的方式,使受工程建设扰动的自然环境尽快得到恢复。  相似文献   

Air pollution has seriously endangered human health and the natural ecosystem during the last decades. Air quality monitoring stations (AQMS) have played a critical role in providing valuable data sets for recording regional air pollutants. The spatial representativeness of AQMS is a critical parameter when choosing the location of stations and assessing effects on the population to long-term exposure to air pollution. In this paper, we proposed a methodological framework for assessing the spatial representativeness of the regional air quality monitoring network and applied it to ground-based PM2.5 observation in the mainland of China. Weighted multidimensional Euclidean distance between each pixel and the stations was used to determine the representativeness of the existing monitoring network. In addition, the K-means clustering method was adopted to improve the spatial representativeness of the existing AQMS. The results showed that there were obvious differences among the representative area of 1820 stations in the mainland of China. The monitoring stations could well represent the PM2.5 spatial distribution of the entire region, and the effectively represented area (i.e. the area where the Euclidean distance between the pixels and the stations was lower than the average value) accounted for 67.32% of the total area and covered 93.12% of the population. Forty additional stations were identified in the Northwest, North China, and Northeast regions, which could improve the spatial representativeness by 14.31%.  相似文献   

A method of landscape evaluation based on the anthropo-ecological approach is worked out. The procedure consists of three stages, viz., general, special and optimization. Within the general stage, the structural arrangement of the landscape is evaluated by means of the concept of geo-ecological sites (GES), which are distributed into four zones (A, B, C, D) according to the degrees of their anthropic disturbance. The zoning performed makes it possible to select those geo-ecological sites where eco-critical relationships can be expected to appear; in order to eliminate such situations, transition zones are calculated for the geo-ecological sites concerned. The outcome of this approach is a proposal of a new structural arrangement of the geo-ecological sites, solving eco-critical situations and serving as a basis for the special and optimization stages of the anthropo-ecological method.  相似文献   

矿产资源的开发利用强有力地推动了新疆区域经济的发展,同时也造成地质灾害、环境污染和资源破坏的问题.在系统分析这些问题的基础上,为实现社会经济和生态环境的可持续发展战略,提出健全矿山地质生态环境法规、加强可持续发展宣传教育和开展矿山地质生态环境防治理论研究的对策.  相似文献   

研究目的】为摸清中国资源家底、认清资源变化规律、管好国土用途,解决现有自然资源内涵不一、分类上存在差异、在数据获取上不统一、资源管理分属不同部门导致的资源在空间管理上交叉重叠等问题。【研究方法】本文采用文献综述法对自然资源的定义、分类及有关资源观测监测指标的相关文献进行梳理。【研究结果】(1)明确了观测监测体系下的自然资源是自然状态或未被加工的状态下通过生产能够产生价值的资源,可将其分为气候资源、地表覆盖资源及地下水资源3类开展研究;(2)总结得到自然资源综合观测与监测的对象、内容及观测方法;(3)分析自然资源观测监测在资源间及资源与环境间、资源资产管理、生态环境修复上的具体作用。【结论】文章最后指出自然资源观测监测是研究资源间、资源与环境间作用,资源资产管理以及生态环境修复中不可缺少的技术手段。创新点:(1)明确了自然资源的定义,解决自然资源在部门管理上、分类上以及数据获取上不统一的问题;(2)分析自然资源观测与监测的内容和指标,结合系统调查、观测实验、预测模拟、监测评价“四位一体”的探测技术,有效掌握自然资源家底、进行资源资产管理,研究资源间、资源与环境的相互关系,在国土规划治理中发挥作用。  相似文献   

研究目的】变化环境下地下水时空规律的研究有助于水资源精细化管理和区域水资源安全保障。【研究方法】本文基于淮北平原区典型气象站1953—2019年月降雨数据,采用小波分析及M-K检验法,研究多年尺度降雨周期性变化及趋势规律;结合395个国家级监测井及地下水统测数据,采用主成分分析法进行监测井优化评价。【研究结果】淮北平原多年降雨量呈现多时空尺度变化特征,南部地区主周期较北部地区偏小,但周期尺度较多,变化更为复杂;西北部的浅层地下水位持续下降,其余区域水位处于有升有降的波动状态;南部区域浅层地下水水位在1970年、2003年及2019年3个时段呈现出先降低再恢复,北部部分区域地下水水位则呈现先升高再降低的特征,研究区水位总体存在下降趋势,但2000年以来水位总体有所回升;经主成分分析优化后的277个监测井(221个水利井和56个自然资源井)能代表395个原国家监测井的总体水位变化情况。【结论】国家地下水监测工程长序列监测数据能够很好地服务于流域尺度水资源评价及管理,但省市级尺度或重点区域还需要进行优化和加密,地下水位统测可有效填补,该工作应在重要河湖两侧、淮河北岸一带、东北部山前平原等高水力梯度区域进行加密。  相似文献   

根据水文观测和引水与水电开发资料,分析了大通河流域水能水资源开发利用现状及其对河流水文过程与生态环境的影响.结果表明:由于区域用水和跨流域引水,使大通河中下游河道的水量减少,水环境容量减小,其中,青石嘴、天堂、连城(二)站3-11月平均流量分别减少0.6%~9.6%、0.5%~3.8%、1.7%~52.9%. 自1994年引大入秦工程建成跨流域引水后,连城(二)站年径流量开始减少,1994-2010年平均径流量比1977-1993年减少了5.7%;引大济湟工程建成通水后,加上引大入秦和引硫济金工程,引水总量将达到12.33×108 m3,占大通河多年平均径流量28.16×108 m3的43.8%,对河川径流的影响十分显著. 至2011年,大通河上已建成梯级电站34座,洪水期电站同时泄水会瞬间加大河道流量,枯水期蓄引水又使减水河段水量减少. 梯级水电站群无序蓄放水使洪水过程由天然的平稳状态转变为人工干预的剧烈变化状态,上下游洪峰不对应,对下游地区的防洪安全产生极大威胁. 过度的水能水资源开发,使大通河中下游部分自然河段出现淹没、断流,水生物和两岸的植物萎缩,水环境污染加重,对生态环境产生负面影响. 建议实行流域水资源统一管理,对梯级电站下泄水量统一调度,在减水河段预留必须的生态基流,确保河道内外生态用水;加强河道水位、流量、泥沙、水环境、水生物监测,为流域防汛、水资源管理、生态环境保护等提供决策依据.  相似文献   

自然资源要素综合观测体系建设是自然资源部全面贯彻习近平生态文明思想、践行山水林田湖草是生命共同体发展理念、实施自然资源“两统一”管理的重要举措。这项基础性、公益性、紧迫性的建设工程对于解决我国自然资源长期且连续定位观测研究不够、预判资源环境数据支撑不足、实现以自然资源综合区划为管理单元、评价资源综合承载力、研究资源间耦合平衡过程、预判资源环境生态演变趋势及优化自然资源空间结构配比,具有十分重要意义。自然资源调查、监测与观测研究是获取自然资源现状、预判未来状态的主要手段。我国自然资源调查、监测体系相对完善,但观测研究体系相对不系统,数据积累相对不足。为了更好地搭建自然资源要素综合观测体系,分别从无人机遥感观测、数据融合及自然资源资产价值方面给出了建议: 充分利用和发挥无人机组网遥感观测、倾斜摄影测量等技术,开展自然资源立体观测; 借鉴降水、陆面、海表和三维云气象多元数据融合经验,开展自然资源要素综合的数据融合; 利用森林资源生态服务价值评价经验,开展自然资源资产价值核算。这些建议对自然资源综合观测体系的科学构建具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

章鑫  杜学彬  王丽 《冰川冻土》2017,39(4):824-833
地电场的变化与台址环境的水文、气象及地质背景等相关,在青藏高原东北部季节冻土区,11个地电场台站处于较高的海拔,据台址下覆场地属性分为A类(黄土型)和B类(高原草场型)台站。通过对青藏高原季节冻土区域的地电场和大地电流场的计算和分析,联系区域构造活动和地质环境得出以下认识:青藏高原东北部季节冻土区地电场变化对水热环境响应明显,冬、夏两季测值可能发生跃变;长周期的地电场变化曲线可能与台址附近气温变化相关;台站大地电流矢量在冻土部分冻融交替过程中发生方向和幅度值的改变。A类和B类台址显示出不同的季节变化规律,地电场曲线上升和下降的时间节点各异,这种现象可应用于监测该区域冻土冻融情况和冻土的时空演变。  相似文献   


Drought monitoring is carried out using various drought indices, including SPI, to generate time series of dry and wet periods. Furthermore, the dispersion of dry and wet periods was embossed with different intensities (high, medium, and low) over the data record years. Although these results were very necessary for planning and predicting future droughts, it appeared that the application of any trend over dry and wet periods could provide more accurate and unbiased or safer predictions in terms of analysis process. Generally, most of the researchers believed that the results of a drought trend analysis have been influenced by short-term persistence or significant autocorrelation with different lags on drought event time series and the mentioned impact should be preferably removed. Accordingly, drought monitoring was accomplished using SPI and PNPI drought indices to extract time series of dry and wet periods in terms of 50-year (1965–2014) annual rainfall data of 40 synoptic stations over Iran. Having used the basic and modified Mann–Kendall nonparametric tests, it was attempted to analyze the trend of dry and wet periods extracted from mentioned indices. The results represent the relative advantage of using the modified Mann–Kendall test in drought trend analysis. Furthermore, it was shown that the trend of dry and wet periods was negative in the majority of selected stations and that this trend was significant at 95% confidence level in northwest of Iran. Also, the results indicated the similar performance of SPI and PNPI indices in trend analysis of dry and wet periods.


One of the most vigorously discussed issues related to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the public and scientific community is the development of adequate monitoring strategies. Geological monitoring is mostly related to large scale migration of the injected CO2 in the storage formations. However, public interest (or fear as that) is more related to massive CO2 discharge at the surface and possible affects on human health and the environment. Public acceptance of CO2 sequestration will only be achieved if secure and comprehensible monitoring methods for the natural habitat exist. For this reason the compulsory directive 2009/31/EG of the European Union as well as other international regulations demand a monitoring strategy for CO2 at the surface. The variation of CO2 emissions of different soil types and vegetation is extremely large. Hence, reliable statements on actual CO2 emissions can only be made using continuous long-term gas-concentration measurements. Here the lessons learned from the (to the authors’ knowledge) first world-wide continuous gas concentration monitoring program applied on a selected site in the Altmark area (Germany), are described.This paper focuses on the authors’ technical experiences and recommendations for further extensive monitoring programs related to CCS. Although many of the individual statements and suggestions have been addressed in the literature, a comprehensive overview is presented of the main technical and scientific issues. The most important topics are the reliability of the single stations as well as range of the measured parameters. Each selected site needs a thorough pre-investigation with respect to the depth of the biologically active zone and potential free water level. For the site installation and interface the application of small drill holes is recommended for quantifying the soil gas by means of a closed circuit design. This configuration allows for the effective drying of the soil gas and avoids pressure disturbance in the soil gas. Standard soil parameters (humidity, temperature) as well as local weather data are crucial for site specific interpretation of the data. The complexity, time and effort to handle a dozen (or even more) single stations in a large case study should not be underestimated. Management and control of data, automatic data handling and presentation must be considered right from the beginning of the monitoring. Quality control is a pre-condition for reproducible measurements, correct interpretation and subsequently for public acceptance. From the experience with the recent monitoring program it is strongly recommended that baseline measurements should start at least 3 a before any gas injection to the reservoir.  相似文献   

高光谱分辨率遥感在植被监测中的应用综述   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
高光谱分辨率遥感技术是近20年来人类在对地观测方面所取得的重大技术突破之一,也是当前及未来几十年内的遥感前沿技术。由于其具有光谱分辨率高,数据丰富等独特性能,因而在环境保护、地质找矿、植物生长监测等许多方面有着广泛的应用。高光谱分辨率遥感在植被监测中有两个方面的应用:(1)叶面积指数(LAI)和“红边”光学参数的计算。(2)利用导数光谱技术消除植被环境前景影响。  相似文献   

随着遥感技术的发展和自然资源事业对遥感应用需求的不断增多,通过遥感先行开展先行观测、先行探测、先行监测,强化自然资源数据的获取,提高调查的精度和速度,遥感技术正在促进自然资源调查程序和方式的转变.本文围绕新时代自然资源调查体系的新变化,提出了遥感先行的理念、目标及发展方向,认为:1)遥感先行是自然资源调查监测技术体系构建的重要内容,可实现对自然资源全要素、全覆盖、全天候、全尺度的调查监测;2)通过遥感技术方法体系的创新、遥感产品的转化应用等,可发挥遥感技术在矿产、生态、水、土、灾害等调查监测中的重要先行作用;3)"天-空-地"一体化的遥感综合观测技术是推动中国西部地区自然资源精准快速调查和全球尺度环境问题监测的最佳技术手段.  相似文献   

新疆北部地区季节性积雪密度变化特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
选取新疆北部地区季节性积雪期的定点站和典型区域,应用北疆20个气象站点观测资料和使用便携式测雪仪(Snow Fork),在不同地域、不同雪层和不同时间进行观测与测量,并且在积雪稳定期中的一次降雪过程对新雪密度变化过程中影响它的诸多因子进行观测,对新疆北部地区冬季季节性积雪密度变化特征进行的观测和分析.结果表明:雪面辐射热量和雪层内温度梯度对积雪密度起主要作用,变化主要是通过雪层内深霜和粗粒雪层的温度减小而实现的;在隆冬期全层积雪密度最大的为深霜层,入春2月下旬回暖期以后,由于雪层含水率的增加,季节性积雪密度最大层则为粒雪层.  相似文献   

In his last lifetime essay, “A Few Words about the Noosphere”, Academician V.I. Vernadsky (1944) wrote that all living organisms on the planet, including man, are integral to the biosphere of the Earth, its material and energy structure and cannot be physically independent of it even for a minute. However, the substrate that generates all living beings and is no less tightly bound to the biosphere has always been characterized by a significant geochemical heterogeneity, traced both in the vertical and in the lateral structure of all geospheres.
The present work is devoted to three most important aspects of modern geochemistry and biogeochemistry:
  • — evolution of the ecological and geochemical state of the environment under conditions of a virgin (anthropogenically untouched) biosphere;
  • — structural features of the geochemical organization of the modern noosphere;
  • — specificity of the interaction of living matter with the environment under increasing anthropogenic load.
On the basis of theoretical concepts of biogeochemistry and geochemical ecology, formulated in the works of V.I. Vernadsky, A.P. Vinogradov, A.E. Fersman, B.B. Polynov, A.I. Perel’man, M.A. Glazovskaya, V.V. Kovalsky, E. Odum, B. Commoner, E.I. Kolchinskii and others, the author puts forward a hypothesis that there exist two qualitatively different stages in the evolution of the biosphere.The first stage is recognized as the period of natural evolution of the biosphere during which it evolves successively into a more complex and more biogeochemically specialized object. In the course of the geological time, this constantly results, on the one hand, in an increase in species diversity and the perfection of individual species, and, on the other hand, to directed improvement and a greater differentiation of the geochemical conditions of the environment. At this stage, the evolution of all systems of the biosphere that were controlled by the mechanisms of self-organization and self-regulation resulted in the establishment of a dynamic equilibrium, which was responsible for the cycling of all essential chemical elements and therefore providing ecologically optimal geochemical conditions in all ecological niches and for all species and biocenoses inhabiting the biosphere at any given moment.The beginning of the second stage is related to the appearance of reason and qualitative changes in the biosphere caused by the goal-directed activity of the human mind, as an entirely new geological force that appeared to be able not only to disrupt the functioning of natural mechanisms of self-regulation and selforganization, but also to transform the environment in the intersts of a single biological species, Homo sapiens. A direct consequence of this change was the uncontrolled transformation of the natural environment, during which the primary structure (geochemical background) created in the course of billions of years was eventually superimposed by a qualitatively new layer of anthropogenically-derived chemical elements and compounds, thus building an interference pattern of a new geochemical field with which practically all modern living organisms are now forced to interact.An outstanding feature of the new evolutionary stage of the natural environment, called by Vernadsky the noosphere, is that biogeochemical changes at this stage proceed at a rate which exceeds that required for the living matter to adapt to these changes. The result is the disruption of the existing parameters of the biological cycle, leading to the emergence of a significant number of endemic diseases of geochemical nature.The proposed approach was used to prove the anthropogenic genesis of existing geochemical endemic diseases and explain the mechanisms of their appearance. In addition, this approach allowed us to develop a new methodology for mapping zones of ecological and geochemical risk and noticeably simplify the procedure of monitoring distribution and prevention of all diseases of geochemical nature.  相似文献   

The method discussed in the present paper permits the determination in detail of the mesoclimatic conditions on the basis of standard data provided by a network of a measurement stations. The passage from the data available at certain points and obtained from meteorological stations to spatial conceptions leads along the determination of the relationships between the altitude, various forms of the relief, and the thermal indices of climate. Resulting from these data, the duration of the frostless period is a sensitive index in the scale of mesoclimate, besides all the other indices connected with the minimum air temperatures. The nomographs applied by the authors make it possible to construct detailed climatic maps, which — with the maps of other elements of the geographical environment — form a basis for the elaboration e.g. an agrocological map of habitats. Presented method of the evaluation of climate conditions can be applied to all mountain territories, in which a network of measurement stations enables the determination of the interdependencies between the chosen thermal parameters and the altitude, and the distinction of the impact of the convex and concave forms.  相似文献   

The method discussed in the present paper permits the determination in detail of the mesoclimatic conditions on the basis of standard data provided by a network of a measurement stations. The passage from the data available at certain points and obtained from meteorological stations to spatial conceptions leads along the determination of the relationships between the altitude, various forms of the relief, and the thermal indices of climate. Resulting from these data, the duration of the frostless period is a sensitive index in the scale of mesoclimate, besides all the other indices connected with the minimum air temperatures. The nomographs applied by the authors make it possible to construct detailed climatic maps, which — with the maps of other elements of the geographical environment — form a basis for the elaboration e.g. an agrocological map of habitats. Presented method of the evaluation of climate conditions can be applied to all mountain territories, in which a network of measurement stations enables the determination of the interdependencies between the chosen thermal parameters and the altitude, and the distinction of the impact of the convex and concave forms.  相似文献   

植被状况指数的改进及在西北干旱监测中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郭铌  管晓丹 《地球科学进展》2007,22(11):1160-1176
干旱是全球分布最广、发生频率最高、持续时间最长、影响范围最大、造成的经济损失最为严重的一种自然灾害,干旱也是所有自然灾害中影响因子最为复杂、人类了解最少、监测最为困难的一种自然灾害,干旱监测是世界性的难题。干旱可以发生在任何气候带上,但干旱、半干旱地区是全球干旱灾害发生最频繁的地区。干旱发生特征和规律因地区的不同会有很大的差异,不同地区对干旱监测方法不同。目前,世界各国干旱监测主要利用基于气象、水文、农业和卫星遥感等观测资料建立的各种干旱指数开展,已经有150多种干旱指数。植被状况指数VCI是应用最为广泛的一种卫星监测干旱的指数,研究和业务应用结果表明,VCI对全球各地的干旱均有较好的反映,已经应用在美国国家大气海洋局(NOAA)日常干旱监测业务中,中国国家卫星气象中心干旱卫星遥感监测服务产品也是以VCI为基础。 我国干旱半干旱地区主要分布在新疆、甘肃、青海、陕西、宁夏以及内蒙古自治区的中西部,这里降水少且不稳定,降水变率大,是中国干旱发生频率最高的地区。干旱严重制约着当地经济发展和人类生活质量的提高,使本身非常脆弱的生态环境趋于恶化。为了了解条件植被指数VCI对西北地区不同气候区干旱的监测能力,以上述6省(区)为研究区,利用1982—2003年22年NDVI数据,计算了研究区域22年来逐月的VCI,对比分析了不同气候区VCI与降水距平的关系。结果表明,VCI在空间和时间上较好地反映了西北大部分气候干旱发生、发展和空间分布,是干旱监测的较好指标,但在干旱和极端干旱地区,VCI经常出现异常偏高现象,不能反映干旱气候区常年干旱的基本特点。通过对西北不同生态系统之间NDVI特点和各生态系统间NDVI年变化及其年际变化规律的研究,设计了VCI改进方案,提出了改进的条件植被指数RVCI。通过对22年来逐月RVCI与VCI的对比,RVCI客观地反映了干旱气候区常年干旱特点,较VCI有显著改进。   相似文献   

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