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Lignin oxidation products and stable carbon isotope distributions are used to investigate the sources, transport, and chemical stability of land-derived organic matter in dated cores of modern sediment from the southern Washington State continental shelf and slope. There is no evidence for significant chemical alteration of lignin compounds in these sediments for time periods of up to 400 yr. Gymnosperm woods and nonwoody angiosperm tissues account for most of the land-derived organic matter in the deposits. These land plant remains have an average δ13C of approximately ?25.5% and are concentrated in a narrow band of silty sediment which extends northward from the Columbia River mouth along the mid-shelf. Marine organic matter having an approximate δ13C of ?21.5%, strongly predominates in most other shelf and slope environments. Net fluxes of land-derived organic matter into the surface 5 cm of the cores vary directly with sediment accumulation rates. Net fluxes of marine organic material into the surface sediments are highest in environments which favor the preservation of organic matter, but correspond to less than 1% of the primary productivity in the overlying waters.  相似文献   

Detailed geochemical analyses of the high reduction zone in Lake Suwa sediments suggested that the stenol to stanol conversion rate in this zone is primarily controlled by the proportion of autochthonous contribution to organic matter and the redox potential in these sediments, and that land-derived stenols were kept insensitive to hydrogenation in lacustrine sediments as compared with those derived from plankton. These results indicate that stanols derived directly from organisms on land may contribute significantly to stanols found in lacustrine sediments which contain minor proportions of autochthonous organic materials.In order to express the relative autochthonous vs terrigenous contribution to organic matter in lacustrine sediments, the autochthonous contribution index (ACI) was defined based on the characteristic distribution of sterol in plankton and land plants. It systematically increased from river inlet towards lake center and correlated closely with the δ13C value in same sediments. This strongly indicates that ACI is a useful indicator providing informatiom on autochthonous vs terrigenous contribution to the organic material in lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

《Organic Geochemistry》1999,30(2-3):133-146
Lake George, located in the St. Marys River, has been heavily impacted by human-induced environmental changes over the past century. The effects of human impacts starting in the late nineteenth century and of natural, gradual diagenesis can be distinguished in the bulk organic matter and molecular contents of the sedimentary record. Organic carbon concentrations increase from 0.5% in sediments deposited 200 years ago to ∼4% in recent sediments. A fourfold increase in organic carbon mass accumulation rates accompanies the change in concentrations. Elevated C/N ratios in near-modern sediments indicate that increased delivery of land-derived organic matter has been responsible for much of the recent increases in sedimentary organic carbon. Organic δ13C and δ15N values change significantly and coincidentally with the environmental changes, reflecting depressed algal productivity since the introduction of industrial effluents to the aquatic system, increased delivery of land-derived organic matter and some impacts of acid rain. Increases in microbial and petroleum hydrocarbon contributions occur in sediments deposited since 1900. Fatty acid distributions provide evidence of substantial microbial reworking of organic matter throughout the sedimentary record.  相似文献   


The concentration and molecular composition of phenols, lignin derivatives, were analyzed. The material for the study was sampled from bottom sediments and subaqueous perennial frozen rocks from a well drilled in the Buor-Khaya Gulf of the Laptev Sea. The analysis was undertaken on the basis of calculation of the molecular factor. The principal difference in the molecular composition of organic matter is shown. This difference is manifested in the decrease in the total concentration of the vanillic lignin derivatives in the thawed formations in comparison with the perennial frozen rocks. This phenomenon is explained by activation of the bacterial transformation of organic matter caused by thawing of the subaqueous permafrost. It was established that the weight percentage of lignin in the organic matter of the analyzed sediments is 17% Corg.


Terrestrially-derived organic matter in sediments of the Delaware Estuary originates from riverine transport of soils and fresh litter, sewage and industrial wastes, and marsh export of organic matter. The quantity, composition, and spatial distribution of terrigenous organic matter in sediments was determined by elemental (C and N), lignin, and stable carbon isotope analyses. Sediments in the upper Delaware Estuary had low organic carbon content and high lignin content. In contrast, sediments in the lower Delaware Estuary had high organic carbon content and low lignin content. There was a slight decrease in the proportion of syringyl and cinnamyl phenols relative to vanillyl phenols between the upper estuary and lower estuary. Differences in lignin and stable carbon isotope compositions between sediments of the Delaware Estuary and sediments of the Broadkill River estuary (an adjoining salt-marsh estuary) supported previous observations that marshes do not export substantial quantities of organic matter to estuaries. Additional results suggested that lignin-rich sediments were concentrated in the upper estuary, most likely in the zone of high turbidity. Furthermore, algal material diluted lignin-rich sediments, particularly in the lower estuary. The weaker algal signal in bottom sediments compared to that in suspended particulate matter suggested algal material was decomposed either in the water column or at the sediment-water interface. Physical sorting of sediments prior to deposition was also indicated by observations of compositional differences between the upper and lower estuary bottom sediments. Finally, seasonal variations in primary productivity strongly influenced the relative abundance of terrestrial organic matter. In fall, however, the proportion of lignin was greatest because of a combination of greater inputs of terrestrially-derived organic matter, lower river discharge, and a decrease in algal biomass.  相似文献   

Aliphatic hydrocarbons, cupric oxide oxidation products of lignin and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography in sediments from the southern Washington continental shelf and slope. The concentration of diploptene relative to plantwax n-alkanes increased systematically in surface sediments with distance offshore along east-west transects of the study area and remained constant in surface sediments along the midshelf silt deposit. Analogous trends were also observed for the concentration of cinnamyl phenols relative to vanillyl phenols and total methylphenanthrenes relative to phenanthrene. These changes in sedimentary composition are evidence that diploptene from some terrestrial source, lignin characteristic of non-woody vascular plant tissue and a fossil organic material contained within weathered rock debris disperse across the Washington continental shelf and slope in geographic patterns distinct from that for other river-derived, chemically related materials. The compositional variations are explained by the particulate associations of the land-derived chemicals and differential hydraulic dispersion of their respective carrier particles after discharge at the mouth of the Columbia River.  相似文献   

Fifteen sediment samples were studied from five drill sites recovered by the ‘Glomar Challenger’ on Legs I and IV in the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic. This study concentrated on compounds derived from biogenic precursors, namely: (1) hydrocarbons, (2) fatty acids, (3) pigments and (4) amino acids.Carbon isotope (δC13) data (values < ? 26%, relative to PDB), long-chain n-alkyl hydrocarbons ( ?C277) with odd carbon numbered molecules dominating even carbon numbered species, and presence of perylene proved useful as possible indicators for terrigenous contributions to the organic matter in some samples. Apparently land-derived organic matter can be transported for distances over 1000 km into the ocean and their source still recognized.The study was primarily designed to investigate: (i) the sources of the organic matter present in the sediment, (ii) their stability with time of accumulation and (iii) the conditions necessary for in situ formation of new compounds.  相似文献   

Surface soil and sediment samples collected along a forest-brackish marsh-salt marsh transect in a southeastern U.S. estuary were separated into three different fractions (sand, macro-organic matter, and humus) based on size and density. Elemental, stable carbon isotope, and lignin analyses of these samples reveal important contrasts in the quantity, composition, and sources of organic matter, between forest and marsh sites. Elevated nitrogen contents in humus samples suggest nitrogen incorporation during humification is most extensive in forest soils relative to the marsh sites. The lignin compositions of the macro-organic and humus samples reflect the predominant type of vegetation at each site. Lignin phenol ratios indicate that woody and nonwoody litter from, gymnosperm and angiosperms trees (pines and oaks) is the major source of vascular plant-derived organic matter in the forest site and that angiosperm, grasses (Juncus andSpartina) are the major sources of lignin at the marsh sites. The phenol distributions also reveal that oxidative degradation of lignin is most extensive in the forest and brackish marsh zones whereas little lignin decay occurs in the salt marsh samples. In forest soils, most organic matter originates from highly altered forest vegetation while at the brackish marsh site organic matter is a mixture of degradedJuncus materials and microbial/algal remains. Organic matter in the salt marsh appears to be composed of a more complex mixture of sources, including degradedSpartina detritus as well as algal and microbial inputs. Microbial methane oxidation appears to be an important process and a source of13C depleted organic carbon in subsurface sediments at this site.  相似文献   

A variety of approaches have previously been developed to estimate the fraction of terrestrial or marine organic carbon present in aquatic sediments. The task of quantifying each component is especially important for the Arctic due to the regions’ sensitivity to global climate change and the potential for enhanced terrestrial organic carbon inputs with continued Arctic warming to alter carbon sequestration. Yet it is unclear how each approach compares in defining organic carbon sources in sediments as well as their impact on regional or pan-Arctic carbon budgets. Here, we investigated multiple methods: (1) two end-member mixing models utilizing bulk stable carbon isotopes; (2) the relationship between long-chain n-alkanes and organic carbon (ALKOC); (3) principal components analysis (PCA) combined with scaling of a large suite of lipid biomarkers; and (4) ratios of branched and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids (the BIT index) to calculate the fraction of terrestrial organic matter components preserved in Arctic marine sediments.Estimated terrestrial organic carbon content among approaches showed considerable variation for identical sediment samples. For a majority of the samples, the BIT index resulted in the lowest estimates for terrestrial organic carbon, corroborating recent suggestions that this proxy may represent a distinct fraction of terrestrial organic matter; i.e., peat or soil organic matter, as opposed to markers such as n-alkanes or long-chain fatty acids which measure higher plant wax inputs. Because of the patchy inputs of n-alkanes to this region from coastal erosion in the western Arctic, the ALKOC approach was not as effective as when applied to river-dominated margins found in the eastern Arctic. The difficulties in constraining a marine δ13C end-member limit the applicability of stable isotope mixing models in polar regions. Estimates of terrestrial organic carbon using the lipid-based PCA method and the bulk δ13C mixing model approach varied drastically at each site, suggesting that organic matter fractions such as amino acids or carbohydrates may affect bulk organic matter composition in a manner that is not captured in the lipid-based analysis. Overall, terrestrial organic matter inputs to the Chukchi and western Beaufort Seas using the average of the methods at each site ranged from 11% to 44%, indicating that land-derived organic matter plays a substantial role in carbon dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

The sources, degradation and burial of vascular plant debris deposited over the past several decades in the lagoonal sediments of Cape Lookout Bight, North Carolina, are quantified using alkaline cupric oxide lignin oxidation product (LOP) analysis. Non-woody angiosperms, accounting for 92 ± 32% of the recognizable sedimentary vascular plant debris, are calculated to contribute 23 ± 17% of the total organic carbon buried over the past decade (upper meter of sediment column). When combined with a previously established sedimentary organic carbon budget for this site (Martens and Klump, 1984; Martens et al., 1987, in preparation) a vascular plant derived carbon burial rate of 26 ± 20 mole C m−2 yr−1 is calculated for this same time interval. The refractory nature and invariant depth distributions of the lignin oxidation products (LOP), when coupled with evidence for constant degradation rates of metabolizable materials, indicate that sediment accumulation at this site has been a steady state process with respect to source and burial of organic carbon since its conversion from an inner-continental shelf to a lagoonal environment during the late 1960's. Thus systematic down-core decreases in labile organic matter result from early diagenetic processes rather than input rate variations.  相似文献   

Rates of organic carbon oxidation in marine sediments were determined for the continental margins of northwest Mexico and Washington State, with the goal of assessing the role of oxygen in the preservation of organic matter on a margin with a strong oxygen-deficient zone and on a typical western continental margin. Total carbon oxidation rates (including rates for individual electron acceptors: O2, NO3, and SO4=) were determined at depths ranging from 100 to 3000 m on both margins. Carbon oxidation rates were generally higher on the Washington margin than on the Mexican margin. The relative importance of the different electron acceptors varied across the two margins and was related primarily to the availability of O2 and NO3 from the overlying water. The relative contribution of O2 consumption increased in deeper sediments (>2000 m) as aerobic processes began to dominate the total carbon oxidation rate. Denitrification rates were highest in Washington sediments; however, denitrification represented a larger fraction of the total carbon oxidation rate in the Mexican sediments (∼40% for Mexico vs. ∼30% for Washington). Sulfate reduction accounted for as much as 79% of the total carbon oxidation rate in shallow sediments and less than 20% in deep sediments on both margins. The offshore trends in carbon oxidation rate appeared to be related to the organic carbon input rate. Pore-water O2 and NO3 penetration depths were shallowest in nearshore stations and increased offshore. Regeneration ratios of C:N:P reveal “non-Redfield” behavior on both margins. Carbon budgets for the two margins demonstrate that off Mexico, a much greater percentage of the organic matter produced in the surface ocean reached the sediments (>15% vs. <8% for Mexico and Washington, respectively). On the Mexican margin, ∼8% of the primary production escaped oxidation in the surface sediments to be permanently buried, as compared with only ∼1.2% of the primary production on the Washington margin. This suggests that oxygen-deficient conditions on Mexican margin are linked to enhanced carbon preservation.  相似文献   

The organic matter content of marine sediments is often used to infer past changes in ocean conditions. However, the organic carbon pool preserved in coastal sediments is a complex mixture derived from different sources and may not reflect in situ processes. In this study, we combine taxonomic identification of reworked palynomorphs with pyrolysis organic geochemistry and reflected-light organic petrographic microscopy to investigate the provenance, composition and preservation of organic matter in a marine sediment core retrieved from the NE Greenland shelf. Our study reveals continuous yet variable input of land-derived organic carbon to the marine environment throughout the late Younger Dryas–Holocene, with the highest input of inert carbon in the late Younger Dryas. Although the sediments contain some recent marine palynomorphs, there is no other evidence of fresh marine organic carbon. In contrast, our results indicate that these shelf sediments represent a significant sink of recycled organic carbon. The results of pyrolysis geochemistry revealed that ~90% of the total organic carbon in the sediments is inert. The organic petrography analyses revealed that >70–84% of the organic carbon in the sediment core is terrigenous. Reworked dinoflagellate cysts showed a continuous provenance of Cretaceous land-derived material, most likely from the nearby Clavering Island. Our study points to the importance of constraining the organic matter origin, composition and preservation in marine sediments to achieve more accurate palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on organic proxies.  相似文献   

Suspended sediments (SS) from the Atchafalaya River (AR) and the Mississippi River and surficial sediment samples from seven shallow cross-shelf transects west of the AR in the northern Gulf of Mexico were examined using elemental (%OC, C/N), isotopic (δ13C, Δ14C), and terrigenous biomarker analyses. The organic matter (OM) delivered by the AR is isotopically enriched (∼−24.5‰) and relatively degraded, suggesting that soil-derived OM with a C4 signature is the predominant OM source for these SS. The shelf sediments display OC values that generally decrease seaward within each transect and westward, parallel to the coastline. A strong terrigenous C/N (29) signal is observed in sediments deposited close to the mouth of the river, but values along the remainder of the shelf fall within a narrow range (8-13), with no apparent offshore trends. Depleted stable carbon isotope (δ13C) values typical of C3 plant debris (−27‰) are found near the river mouth and become more enriched (−22 to −21‰) offshore. The spatial distribution of lignin in shelf sediments mirrors that of OC, with high lignin yields found inshore relative to that found offshore (water depth > 10 m).The isotopic and biomarker data indicate that at least two types of terrigenous OM are deposited within the study area. Relatively undegraded, C3 plant debris is deposited close to the mouth of the AR, whereas more degraded, isotopically enriched, soil-derived OM appears to be deposited along the remainder of the shelf. An important input from marine carbon is found at the stations offshore from the 10-m isobath. Quantification of the terrigenous component of sedimentary OM is complicated by the heterogeneous composition of the terrigenous end-member. A three-end-member mixing model is therefore required to more accurately evaluate the sources of OM deposited in the study area. The results of the mixing calculation indicate that terrigenous OM (soil-derived OM and vascular plant debris) accounts for ∼79% of the OM deposited as inshore sediments and 66% of OM deposited as offshore sediments. Importantly, the abundance of terrigenous OM is 40% higher in inshore sediments and nearly 85% higher in offshore sediments than indicated by a two-end-member mixing model. Such a result highlights the need to reevaluate the inputs and cycling of soil-derived OM in the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

The distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the natural carbon isotope ratio of DOC (DO13C) in estuaries reflect the predominant sources and sinks of organic matter from both allochthonous and autochthonous origins. The traditional view is that DOC in land-margin ecosystems reflects mainly the mixing of land-derived and oceanic DOC. However, this view is not consistent with the bulk of our data from a survey of DOC and DO13C distributions in estuaries on the East and Gulf coasts of the USA. While it is accurate that the DOC in estuaries includes material derived from land and from the ocean, the distributions of DOC and DO13C in several estuaries reflect additional DOC inputs from estuarine phytoplankton and tidal marshes. Even when DOC concentrations were distributed conservatively, the isotopic composition of the DOC revealed the existence of a dynamic cycle of DOC input and removal in some systems.  相似文献   

All of the major deep-water sedimentary provinces of the Gulf of Mexico were sampled with 48 piston cores, representative of the late Quaternary. The amount (per cent) and δ5C13 of the organic carbon in the sediment was measured at intervals within each core.Graphs of δC13 versus depth for each core give an indication of the sedimentological history of the Gulf. They show the extent of terrestrial influence on the Gulf during the late Pleistocene.Changes in δC13 of up to 6.0%.(from ~ ?19%.to ?25%. vs NBS-20) were measured across the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in cores from the abyssal plain. These changes are consistent with a model wherein varying amounts of land-derived organic carbon were transported to the Gulf basin during glacial periods.By comparing graphs for cores from different areas, it was concluded that the major parameter affecting the δC13 values of organic carbon from marine sediments is the relative amount of terrestrial material present in the sediment. The maximum possible effect of the Pleistocene-Holocene temperature change in the Gulf was determined to be ~1.0%, if such an effect occurs at all.  相似文献   

Seasonal studies were carried out from 21 stations, comprising of three zones, of Cochin Estuary, to assess the organic matter quality and trophic status. The hydographical parameters showed significant seasonal variations and nutrients and chlorophylls were generally higher during the monsoon season. However, chemical contamination along with the seasonal limitations of light and nitrogen imposed restrictions on the primary production and as a result, mesotrophic conditions generally prevailed in the water column. The nutrient stoichometries and δ 13C values of surficial sediments indicated significant allochthonous contribution of organic matter. Irrespective of the higher content of total organic matter, the labile organic matter was very low. Dominance of carbohydrates over lipids and proteins indicated the lower nutritive aspect of the organic matter, and their aged and refractory nature. This, along with higher amount of phytodetritus and the low algal contribution to the biopolymeric carbon corroborated the dominance of allochthonous organic matter and the heterotrophic nature. The spatial and seasonal variations of labile organic components could effectively substantiate the observed shift in the productivity pattern. An alternative ratio, lipids to tannins and lignins, was proposed to ascertain the relative contribution of allochthonous organic matter in the estuary. This study confirmed the efficiency of an integrated biogeochemical approach to establish zones with distinct benthic trophic status associated with different degrees of natural and anthropogenic input. Nevertheless, our results also suggest that the biochemical composition alone could lead to erroneous conclusions in the case of regions that receive enormous amounts of anthropogenic inputs.  相似文献   

Cupric oxide oxidation has been employed to characterize the lignin geochemistry of Narragansett Bay sediments. Lignin concentrations throughout the estuary are low when expressed on a carbon-normalized basis, but can be characterized as enriched when expressed on a mass-normalized basis. This implies substantial dilution of the sedimentary lignin by inputs of lignin-poor carbon. Lignin concentrations do not correlate with the 13C isotopic composition of the sedimentary organic matter. These results are consistent with a sediment lignin component consisting of varying amounts of vascular plant debris and lignin-depleted organic matter, the latter originating from both marine (planktonic) and terrestrial (uncharacterized) sources. Compositional plots of lignin-derived phenols show that sediments in the upper estuary are influenced to a greater extent by gymnosperm lignin sources than those in the mid-and lower estuary. Given the extent to which the upper estuary is affected by pollution sources, inputs from anthropogenic discharges are the most likely cause of these compositional differences. However, an evaluation of processed paper products as an “anthropogenic” lignin source indicates that the lignin content of these materials is insufficient to account for the levels found in the sediments. Subsurface lignin compositions at an upper estuary site reveal that lignin originating from the inferred anthropogenic sources disappears at a depth shallower than that which would be expected based on the distribution of other trace organic pollutants (hydrocarbons and several synthetic organic compounds). We speculate that differences in either the depositional history or the degree of preservation of these two compound classes are responsible for the observed trends.  相似文献   

Lein  A. Yu.  Rusanov  I. I.  Zakharova  E. E.  Flint  M. V.  Ivanov  M. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2010,432(1):687-689
Within the mass of recent (unit-I) and ancient Black Sea (unit-II) sediments on the outer shelf of the Russian sector of the Black Sea, the rates of anoxic processes participating in diagenetic transformations of carbon and sulfur compounds were first measured using 35S and 14C radioactive tracers. The main energy source for biogeochemical processes in (unit-I) sediments is the organic matter (OM) supplied to the bottom from the water mass. In (unit-II) sediments, this is methane in a migratory form proved by the excess of its oxidation rate over that of its generation. In recent silt, the primary microbial process is sulfate reduction; in unit-II, this is methane anoxic oxidation by the consortium of archeides and sulfate reductants. The organic matter produced in methane oxidation, in turn, acts as an energy source for the community of anaerobic heterotrophic microorganisms in the bottom sediments, which are remote from the water-sediment interface.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of organic matter from lake sediments has been extensively used to infer variations in productivity. In this paper, based on the study of the contents and δ13C values of organic matter in different types of lakes, it has been found that δ13C values of organic matter have different responses to lake productivity in different lakes. As to the lakes dominated by aqutic macrophytes such as Lake Caohai, organic matter becomes enriched in 13C with increasing productivity. As to the lakes dominated by aquatic algae such as Lake Chenghai, δ13C values of organic matter decrease with increasing productivity, and the degradation of aquatic algae is the main factor leading to the decrease of δ13C values of organic matter with increasing productivity. Therefore, we should be cautious to use the carbon isotopic composition of organic matter to deduce lake productivity.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(7):1111-1121
The quality, quantity, and origin of suspended organic matter were studied in the highly agricultural Upper Scioto River in Central Ohio. Late summer baseflow conditions were compared to late autumn high flow conditions. Variables examined in the suspended matter were the total suspended solids concentration, semi-quantitative concentrations of lignin, carbohydrate concentrations, total organic C, total and organic P, and δ-13C. Also examined were ratios of C to N, organic C to organic P ratios and fluxes of total organic C. The primary hypothesis of this research was that the quality (or biodegradability) and quantity of organic matter in the Upper Scioto River would increase during autumn stormflow conditions due to inputs of fresh terrestrial organic matter. The autumn suspended matter was also expected to reflect C4 plant contributions from corn organic matter. Results show that the quality and quantity of organic matter were greater during summer, as reflected in low molar ratios (178:1) of organic C to organic P, and higher organic C content of the suspended matter in summer. Summer suspended matter was 3.6% organic C and autumn suspended matter was 2.3% organic C. Carbon to N molar ratios in both seasons were very close to the Redfield ratio (6.6:1 in summer and 6.7:1 in autumn). Total suspended matter and total organic C concentrations were lower in autumn (8.7 mg/l−1 TOC and 17.7 mg/l−1 TSS) than in summer (17.5 mg/l−1 TOC and 39.0 mg/l−1 TSS), but the fluxes were greater in autumn due to greater stream flow. Stable isotope analyses suggested a phytoplankton or C3 plant source (most likely corn) for summer organic C (mean δ13C of −24.8‰) and a phytoplankton or C4 plant source for autumn organic matter (δ13C=−21.5‰).  相似文献   

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