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Observations of the Tharsis region of Mars with the 12.6-cm radar at Arecibo Observatory have yielded radar echoes which are highly depolarizes and which are, in terms of total echo power, dominated by diffuse rather than quasi-specular backscattering. The observations were made on February 7, 8, and 9, 1980, and the subradar track extended from 77 to 126°W Longitude at 22°N Latitude. Dual-polarized reception was employed, i.e., the echo was received in the same sense of circular polarization as transmitted (“depolarized” sense) as well as in the opposite (“polarized”) sense. The disk-integrated ratio of depolarized power to polarized power averages 0.37 and the ratio of diffuse power to quasi-specular power averages 3.2. The depolarized spectra are dominated by a broad “enhancement” identified primarily with echoes from the Tharsis Ridge, implying that extensive areas of Tharsis are rough on decimeter scales. The major Tharsis shield volcanoes are candidates for sources of strong depolarization, although they alone cannot account for the entire depolarization enhancement.  相似文献   

The intensity distribution of lunar radar echoes has been mapped for two-thirds of the earth-visible lunar surface at a wavelength of 70 cm. The depolarizing effects of the lunar surface were observed by simultaneously receiving the radar echoes in opposite polarizations. These echoes were mapped with areal resolutions of 25–100 km2. Mappings with this resolution confirmed that the young craters have enhanced returns. A few craters were found to have enhanced echoes only from their rims. Backscattering differences were also observed between various areas within a mare, between different highland areas, and between maria and adjacent highlands. These scattering differences were interpreted with a simple model, which assumed that the surface backscattered with varying amounts of quasi-specular and diffuse power. Only an increase in the diffuse power was needed to give the numerical values of the enhancements.  相似文献   

We report regional-scale low-resolution backscatter images of Titan's surface acquired by the Cassini RADAR scatterometer at a wavelength of 2.18-cm. We find that the average angular dependence of the backscatter from large regions and from specific surface features is consistent with a model composed of a quasi-specular Hagfors term plus a diffuse cosine component. A Gaussian quasi-specular term also fits the data, but less well than the Hagfors term. We derive values for the mean dielectric constant and root-mean-square (rms) slope of the surface from the quasi-specular term, which we ascribe to scattering from the surface interface only. The diffuse term accommodates contributions from volume scattering, multiple scattering, or wavelength-scale near-surface structure. The Hagfors model results imply a surface with regional mean dielectric constants between 1.9 and 3.6 and regional surface roughness that varies between 5.3° and 13.4° in rms-slope. Dielectric constants between 2 and 3 are expected for a surface composed of solid simple hydrocarbons, water ice, or a mixture of both. Smaller dielectric constants, between 1.6 and 1.9, are consistent with liquid hydrocarbons, while larger dielectric constants, near 4.5, may indicate the presence of water-ammonia ice [Lorenz, R.D., 1998. Icarus 136, 344-348] or organic heteropolymers [Thompson, W.R., Squyres, S.W., 1990. Icarus 86, 336-354]. We present backscatter images corrected for angular effects using the model residuals, which show strong features that correspond roughly to those in 0.94-μm ISS images. We model the localized backscatter from specific features to estimate dielectric constant and rms slope when the angular coverage is within the quasi-specular part of the backscatter curve. Only two apparent surface features are scanned with angular coverage sufficient for accurate modeling. Data from the bright albedo feature Quivira suggests a dielectric constant near 2.8 and rms slope near 10.1°. The dark albedo feature Shangri-La is best fit by a Hagfors model with a dielectric constant close to 2.4 and an rms slope near 9.5°. From the modeled backscatter curves, we find the average radar albedo in the same linear (SL) polarization to be near 0.34. We constrain the total-power albedo in order to compare the measurements with available groundbased radar results, which are typically obtained in both senses of circular polarization. We estimate an upper limit of 0.4 on the total-power albedo, a value that is significantly higher than the 0.21 total albedo value measured at 13 cm [Campbell, D., Black, G., Carter, L., Ostro, S., 2003. Science 302, 431-434]. This is consistent with a surface that has more small-scale structure and is thus more reflective at 2-cm than 13-cm. We compare results across overlapping observations and observe that the reduction and analysis are repeatable and consistent. We also confirm the strong correlations between radar and near-infrared images.  相似文献   

G.J. Black  D.B. Campbell 《Icarus》2011,212(1):300-320
We have observed Titan with the Arecibo Observatory’s 12.6 cm wavelength radar system during the last eight oppositions of the Saturn system with sufficient sensitivity to characterize its scattering properties as a function of sub-Earth longitude. In a few sessions the Green Bank Telescope was used as the receiving instrument in a bistatic configuration to boost sub-radar track length and integration time. Radar echo spectra have been obtained for a total of 92 viewing geometries with sub-Earth locations scattered through all longitudes and at latitudes between 7.6°S and 26.3°S, close to the maximum southern excursion of the sub-Earth track. We find Titan to have globally average radar albedos at this wavelength of 0.161 in the opposite circular polarization sense as that transmitted (OC) and 0.074 in the same sense (SC), giving a polarization ratio SC/OC of 0.46. These values are intermediate between lower reflectivity rocky surfaces and higher reflectivity clean icy surfaces. The variations with longitude in general mirror the surface brightness variations seen through the infrared atmospheric windows. Xanadu Regio’s radar reflectivity and polarization ratio are higher than the global averages, and suggest that its composition is relatively cleaner water ice or, possibly, some other material with low propagation loss at radio wavelengths. For all echo spectra most of the power is in a broad diffuse component but with a specular component whose strength and narrowness is highly variable as a function of surface location. For all data we fit a sum of the standard Hagfors scattering law describing the specular component and an empirical diffuse radar scattering model to extract bulk parameters of the surface. Many areas exhibit very narrow specular reflections implying terrain that are quite flat on centimeter to meter scales over spans of tens to perhaps hundreds of kilometers. The proportion of spectra showing these narrow specular echoes has fallen significantly over the observational time span, indicating either a latitudinal effect related to terrain differences or changing surface conditions over the past several years. A few radar tracks, especially those from the 2008 session, overlap some high resolution Cassini RADAR imagery swaths to allow a direct comparison with terrain.  相似文献   

S. Close  M. Oppenheim  A. Coster 《Icarus》2004,168(1):43-52
Large-aperture radars detect the high-density plasma that forms in the vicinity of a meteoroid and moves approximately at its velocity; reflections from these plasmas are called head echoes. To determine the head plasma density and configuration, we model the interaction of a radar wave with the plasma without using assumptions about plasma density. This paper presents a scattering method that enables us to convert measurements of radar cross-section (RCS) from a head echo into plasma density by applying a spherical scattering model. We use three methods to validate our model. First, we compare the maximum plasma densities determined from the spherical solution using 30 head echoes detected simultaneously at VHF and UHF. Second, we use a head echo detected simultaneously at VHF, UHF and L-band to compare plasma densities at all frequencies. Finally, we apply our spherical solution to 723 VHF head echoes and calculate plasma density, line density and meteoroid mass in order to compare these values with those obtained from a meteoroid ablation and ionization model. In all three comparisons, our results show that the spherical solution produces consistent results across a wide frequency range and agrees well with the single-body ablation model.  相似文献   

This paper presents crossed-beam Doppler spectral measurements of radar aurora during westward electrojet conditions made with the STARE system in northern Scandinavia. The averaged spectral characteristics (e.g. spectral shape, relative power, spectrum width, spectrum asymmetry) are examined relative to the electron drift velocity estimated by combining the mean Doppler shifts from both radars. The type of spectrum was found to depend on the flow angle θ defined as the angle between drift velocity and radar wavevector. Typically, narrow spectra, similar to equatorial type I spectra, are observed for angles θ up to 60° while for larger angles the spectra become much broader and less stable in space and time. The observed spectral types are closely identified with primary and secondary irregularities. On average, a power law relationship was found to exist between the relative backscatter power and the drift velocity magnitude. A weak trend was found for the narrow spectra to become narrower for larger drifts contrary to broad spectrum width which increases linearly with drift magnitude. The spectra are often asymmetric with elongated tails toward zero Doppler shifts but this asymmetry is of a different nature for the narrow and broad spectra. The averaged spectral properties presented in this paper are similar to those reported by Nielsen et al. (1984) for eastward electrojet radar aurora.  相似文献   

This is the first of four articles describing a comprehensive series of radar maps of the entire visible lunar hemisphere carried out at wavelengths of 3.8 and 70 cm and analyzing the echoes in both orthogonal senses of circular polarization. In this paper, the basic techniques of delay-Doppler mapping by radar are developed, and the particular steps employed in mapping the Moon are outlined. Succeeding articles present the results obtained and discuss the way in which these results relate to other, nonradar measurements as well as to the actual lunar surface properties.  相似文献   

A review of Mars radar data obtained through the 1973 opposition confirms that the surface of the planet has many diverse characteristics. Analysis of the quasi-specular echo component shows changes in apparent reflectivity of at least 5 to 1. If attributed entirely to variations in surface material, these correspond to dielectric constants between 1.6 and 4.0. Values of rms surface slope on 1- to 100-m scales range from as low as 0.5° in tablelands near Vlles Marineris to more than 3.0° (the upper limit for which these analysis techniques are appropriate) in certain other areas such as inside Coprates Chasma itself. There is weak correlation between the small-scale surface characteristics inferred from radar and those inferred from Mariner 9 images, geologic maps derived from those images, and other remote sensing data sets. Topography, a large-scale surface characteristic for which good correlation exists between radar and other data sets, was not considered in this study. A search for guidelines which would allow extrapolation of radar properties to new areas on the basis of those studied has been singularly unsuccessful. Data obtained during the 1973 opposition at Arecibo, Goldstone, and Haystack Observatories indicate that the scattering behavior of Mars varies little over the 70- to 3.8-cm wavelength range. Comparison of 1971 and 1973 Goldstone results shows no detectable variation with time.  相似文献   

We present the first clear observations of meteor shower activity from meteor-head echoes detected by a high-power large-aperture radar (HPLAR). Such observations have been performed at the Jicamarca VHF radar using its interferometric capabilities allowing the discrimination of meteor shower echoes from the much more frequent sporadic meteors. Until now, HPLARs were unable to distinguish meteor shower from the much more common sporadic meteor ones. In this work we have been able to detect and characterize the η-Aquariids (ETA) as well as the Perseids (PER) showers. The shower activity is more conspicuous for the ETA than for the PER shower due to the more favorable geometry. Namely, PER meteors come from low elevation angles, experiencing more filtering due to the combined Earth-atmosphere-radar instrument. In both cases, there is an excellent agreement between the measured mean velocity of the shower echoes and their expected velocity, within a fraction of 1 km s−1. Besides the good agreement with expected visual results, HPLARs observe meteors with a variety of particles sizes and masses, not observed by any other technique. Taking into account the different viewing volumes, compare to optical observations Jicamarca observes more than 1000 times more ETA meteors. Our results indicate that Jicamarca and other HPLARs are able to detect the echoes from meteor showers, but without interferometric capabilities such populations are difficult to identify just from their velocity distributions, particularly if their velocity distributions are expected to be similar to the more dominant distributions of sporadic meteors.  相似文献   

The Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) Long Range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar has recorded thousands of head echoes from small meteoroids, which include detailed trajectory information as well as ionization measurements. In total, 25 complete ionization curves have been matched using a detailed model of meteoroid ablation, though the solutions are not necessarily unique. While measurements of the spread along the trajectory of the echoes indicate that most meteors in this size range do not have large separations among fragments, the ionization curves are consistent with fragmenting bodies in the most cases. Very precise radar measurements of meteors can be a valuable source of data on the chemical and physical properties of small meteoroids.  相似文献   

The Goldstone radar system was operated at wavelengths of 3.5 and 12.6 cm to probe the Martian surface during the 1975 opposition. Regions studied in detail by range-Doppler techniques are Syrtis Major, Sinus Meridiani, and the crater Schiaparelli. Average rms slopes of 1.6° and 1.1° were measured in Syrtis Major at 3.5 and 12.6 cm, respectively, while the average reflectivity was 0.064 ± 0.02 at both wavelengths. No wavelength dependence of surface roughness was seen in Sinus Meridiani, where rms surface slopes averaged 1.8° and the reflectivity was 0.08 ± 0.02. The regions around Schiaparelli were probed at a 12.6-cm wavelength. The echo from the bottom of the crater was undetectable. Hence ρ0C < 25, where ρ0 is the reflectivity and C is the Hagfors roughness parameter. Operating at 3.5 cm during May and June of 1976, 149 continous-wave echo spectra were obtained near latitude 18°, sampling most longitudes including the early Viking landing sites A1 and A2. The average total radar cross section is 4.8% of the geometrical cross section. The diffuse component was estimated to be 1.9%, leaving 2.9% to the average quasi-specular component. The average rms slope is 4.1°. Six spectra obtained at site A1 indicate that rms slopes are 5 to 9° between latitudes 17 and 19°. Three spectra obtained at s site A2 indicate an rms slope of 3.9°.  相似文献   

Observations of 3.5- and 12.6-cm radar echoes from the rings of Saturn suggest that no significant difference in scattering properties exists in this wavelength interval. The echoes are largely unpolarized at both wavelengths, and yield a radar cross section at 3.5 cm of 7.32 ± 0.84 × 109 km2 for each polarization. The combined radar cross sections for both polarizations correspond to 1.37 ± 0.16 times the optically observed projected A- and B-ring areas (excluding that part of the rings shadowed by the planet). The shape of the echo spectrum is compatible with a homogeneous ring scattering model, except in having excess power at frequencies near the center of the spectrum. A number of possible explanations for the observed scattering properties are explored.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of meteoroid bulk densities determined from meteor head echoes observed by radar. Meteor observations were made using the Advanced Research Projects Agency Long-Range Tracking And Instrumentation Radar (ALTAIR). ALTAIR is particularly well suited to the detection of meteor head echoes, being capable of detecting upwards of 1000 meteor head echoes per hour. Data were collected for 19 beam pointings and are comprised of approximately 70 min. of VHF observations. During these observations the ALTAIR beam was directed largely at the north apex sporadic source. Densities are calculated using the classical physical theory of meteors. Meteoroid masses are determined by applying a full wave scattering theory to the observed radar cross-section. Observed meteoroids are predominantly in the 10−10 to 10−6 kg mass range. We find that the vast majority of meteoroid densities are consistent with low density, highly porous objects as would be expected from cometary sources. The median calculated bulk density was found to be 900 kg/m3. The orbital distribution of this population of meteoroids was found to be highly inclined.  相似文献   

Radar observations of the Galilean satellites, made in late 1976 using the 12.6-cm radar system of the Arecibo Observatory, have yielded mean geometric albedos of 0.04 ± , 0.69 ± 0.17, 0.37 ± 0.09, and 0.15 ± 0.04, for Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, respectively. The albedo for Io is about 40% smaller than that obtained approximately a year earlier, while the albedos for the outer three satellites average about 70% larger than the values previously reported for late 1975, raising the possibility of temporal variation. Very little dependence on orbital phase is noted; however, some regional scattering inhomogeneities are seen on the outer three satellites. For Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, the ratios of the echo received in one mode of circular polarization to that received in the other were: 1.61 ± 0.20 1.48 ± 0.27, and 1.24 ± 0.19, respectively, with the dominant component having the same sence of circularity as that transmitted. This behavior has not previously been encountered in radar studies of solar system objects, whereas the corresponding observations with linear polarization are “normal.” Radii determined from the 1976 radar data for Europa and Ganymede are: 1530 ± 30 and 2670 ± 50 km, in fair agreement with the results from the 1975 radar observations and the best recent optical determinations. Doppler shifts of the radar echoes, useful for the improvement of the orbits of Jupiter and some of the Galilean satellites, are given for 12 nights in 1976 and 10 nights in 1975.  相似文献   

J.S. Hall  L.A. Riley 《Icarus》1974,23(2):144-156
Intensity and polarization measures have been made of Saturn in the ultraviolet (0.37 μm) and green (0.57 μm) since 1968, at phase angles which ranged from 0°.0 to 6°.1. During this interval, the tilt of the planet's equatorial plane changed from 11°.2 to 26°.4, with the south pole toward the Earth.The polarization of the disk in the ultraviolet shows a strongly radial pattern at all observed phase angles, with a maximum of about 3.7 × 10?2 at all limbs and a gradual decrease to nearly zero at the center. Where the rings overlap the disk, the better observations show their polarization to be small and in the direction of the equatorial plane.In green light and close to opposition the relatively small polarization of the disk appeared to be radial in 1968, but by 1973 polarization (still radial ) was detected only in the southern hemisphere. In all years the polarization appears to be strongest near the south pole, particularly when the pole is nearest the limb. When the pole is furthest from the limb (tilt = 26°), there is a suggestion that maximum polarization may occur at the pole itself. At large phase angles the polarization along the E-W diameter shows a prominent phase-dependent component of 1.0 × 10?2 in a N-S direction.The intensity profiles in the ultraviolet suggest some transmission of light by ring A and less than about 20% by ring B. A limiting value of 39% was obtained from the polarization data.  相似文献   

The coronal magnetic field is the primary driver of solar dynamic events. Linear and circular polarization signals of certain infrared coronal emission lines contain information about the magnetic field, and to access this information either a forward or an inversion method must be used. We study three coronal magnetic configurations that are applicable to polar-crown filament cavities by doing forward calculations to produce synthetic polarization data. We analyze these forward data to determine the distinguishing characteristics of each model. We conclude that it is possible to distinguish between cylindrical flux ropes, spheromak flux ropes, and sheared arcades using coronal polarization measurements. If one of these models is found to be consistent with observational measurements, it will mean positive identification of the magnetic morphology that surrounds certain quiescent filaments, which will lead to a better understanding of how they form and why they erupt.  相似文献   

We describe Doppler-only radar observations of near-Earth asteroids 2062 Aten, 2101 Adonis, 3103 Eger, 4544 Xanthus, and 1992 QN that were obtained at Arecibo and Goldstone between 1984 and 1996. Estimates of the echo spectral bandwidths, radar cross sections, and circular polarization ratios of these objects constrain their pole-on breadths, radar albedos, surface roughnesses, taxonomic classes, rotation periods, and pole directions. Aten's bandwidth is consistent with its radiometrically determined diameter of 0.9 km. Adonis has a rotation periodP≤ 11 h and an effective diameter (the diameter of a sphere with the same projected area as the asteroid) between 0.3 and 0.8 km. The radar properties of Adonis suggest it is not a member of taxonomic classes C or M. The effective diameter of Xanthus is between 0.4 and 2.2 km with a rotation periodP≤ 20 h. Echoes from 1992 QN constrain the asteroid's pole-on breadth to be ≥0.6 km and probably exclude it from the C and M taxonomic classes. The strongest Eger echoes are asymmetric with bandwidths that set lower bounds of 1.5 and 2.3 km on the minimum and maximum breadths of the asteroid's pole-on silhouette. If Eger is modeled as a 1.5 × 2.3 km biaxial ellipsoid, then its effective diameter for an equatorial view is 1.5 km end-on and 1.9 km broadside or pole-on, implying a geometric albedo smaller than published values but still consistent with a classification as an E-type object. The near-unity circular polarization ratios of Adonis, Eger, and 1992 QN are among the highest values measured for any asteroid or comet and suggest extreme near-surface roughness at centimeter to meter scales.  相似文献   

The BL Lac-type object 3C 66A was observed at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory during the international project OJ-94. Observations were made over 10 nights from February through December 2003 at the Cassegrain focus of the 125-cm AZT-11 telescope with a photopolarimeter capable of simultaneous measurements in the UBVRI bands. In the course of our measurements the brightness of the object increased by more than 1 magnitude in all these bands. Its color indices varied and the degree of polarization decreased from ∼16% in February to ∼3% at the end of our observations. In December 2003 a rapid change in the position angle from 15° to 40° was noticed. The spectral energy distribution Fn is well described by a power law with a spectral index a (Fνν α . The increase in brightness was accompanied by a reduction in the spectral index. The most probable mechanism for the observed changes in the brightness, degree of polarization, and spectral index may be a decrease in the magnetic field strength or a change in its configuration owing to a increase in the chaotic component of the field. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 41–59 (February 2006).  相似文献   

The height distributions, velocity distributions and flux measurements of underdense echoes determined from meteor radar observations are significantly affected by the attenuation associated with the initial radius of meteor trains. Dual-frequency radar observations of a very large set of sporadic radar meteors at 29 and 38 MHz yield estimates of the initial train radius and its dependence on height and meteoroid speed as determined by the time-delay method. We provide empirical formulae that can be used to correct meteoroid fluxes for the effect of initial train radius at other radio frequencies.  相似文献   

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