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We report data for trace elements Ag, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Se, Te, Tl and Zn determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis in L4–6 chondrites with undisturbed 40Ar release patterns or with patterns showing some disturbance in the 4.4–4.6 Gyr plateau indicating shock-induced loss. Mean concentrations are lower, many significantly so, in 16 chondrites with disturbed patterns than in 4 with undisturbed ones, consistent with shock-induced mobilization. Similar trends were noted earlier in L4–6 chondrites having mineralogically observable shock indicators: mean concentrations are lower in strongly shocked (i.e. > 22 GPa) than in mildly shocked (<22 GPa) samples. From trace element contents, L4–6 chondrites with undisturbed 40Ar release patterns are mildly shocked but chondrites with disturbed patterns are more strongly heated, on average, than those of shock facies d-f (i.e. 22 to > 57 GPa). Pooling these populations, significantly lower mean concentrations of nearly all trace elements in 26 strongly shocked L4–6 chondrites than in 14 mildly shocked ones indicate loss in shock-formed FeS-Fe eutectic and/or by vaporization during cooling of shock-heated collisional debris. Two-element correlations and the pattern of them, i.e. correlation profiles, are also consistent with this picture. Trace elements can act as thermometers for collisional episodes in L4–6 chondrites but not for earlier thermal fractionations, unless compensation can be made for late shock heating.  相似文献   

Statistical evaluation of 3056 δ13C measurements in carbonate rocks and fossils shows that they record a 2‰ 13C depletion from the late Proterozoic to the early Paleozoic, a 2.5‰ enrichment to the Permian, and a 1.5‰ depletion to the Cenozoic. These variations, not controlled primarily by facies or alteration phenomena, correlate negatively with the δ34S sulfate secular trend, as confirmed by collation of 1083 δ34S measurements. The correlation suggests that the biologically mediated redox fluxes of the C and S cycles have been approximately balanced through this long span of geological time, generally levelling available oxygen. Such a redox system is consistent with the controlling mechanism proposed by Garrels and Perry (1974). Consequently, the sedimentary reservoirs of Corganic as well as Sbacteriological'have varied through geological time.  相似文献   

Rapid accumulation of CaCO3 is occurring in Littlefield Lake, a marl lake located in central Michigan. The sediment, which is 95% CaCO3, primarily consists of eight different genetic groups of carbonate allochems. These include calcite muds, sands, algal oncoids and Chara encrustations, as well as the dominant aragonitic gastropods Valvota tricarinota. Gyraulus deflectus and Amnicola integra. and the dominant aragonitic pelecypod Sphaerium partumeium. Samples of each of these groups were analyzed for Ca, Sr and Mg. Molar MgCa ratios are primarily controlled by allochem mineralogy, with calcitic forms having MgCa ratios 5–10 times larger than aragonitic (shelled) forms. The SrCa ratios are primarily controlled by biochemical fractionation, and are significantly lower than SrCa ratios of inorganically precipitated aragonite from other settings. Partition coefficients were determined for both Sr and Mg for each carbonate allochem group and, based on comparisons with results reported by other workers, the partition coefficients determined here are generally considered ‘typical’ or representative values for biogeneous freshwater carbonates. An analysis of variance of the data indicates that most genera and species of carbonate-secreting organisms in marl lakes have highly characteristic SrCa and MgCa ratios. These ratios can potentially serve as geochemical tracers in future investigations of lacustrine carbonate diagenesis. Both Sr and Mg are influenced by grain size and/or surface area, probably due to the presence of these elements in non-lattice-held (exchangeable) positions.  相似文献   

Auger electron spectroscopy has been used to study K-feldspar that has been reacted with both aqueous 10% HF and a 50% mixture of a 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution. In the feldspar/HF system, the resulting feldspar surface was shown to have been fluorinated; depth profiling, using argon ion sputtering, showed the fluorination to have occurred substantially into the mineral bulk. In the feldspar/ HFH2SO4 system, the resulting surface contained both fluorine and sulfur. The fluorination had again penetrated into the bulk, but the sulfur could be removed with mild argon ion sputtering. The AlF signal ratio was much lower on the feldspar surface treated with the 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution than the feldspar surface treated with the weaker 10% HF acid solution.  相似文献   

Goethite samples analyzed for this study have a δD range from ?202 to ?98 per mil with a corresponding δD range of associated waters from about ?110 to +7 per mil. Goethites with the most positive δD values are from marine environments. Goethite-water equilibrium DH fractionation factors measured in this laboratory at 100°C and 145°C and estimated for sedimentary temperatures from data on natural samples have values of about 0.900 at all three temperatures. These data suggest that goethite δD values may be a direct, temperature-independent measure of the δD values of the waters with which the goethite last equilibrated. Most of the goethite δD values in this study reflect the δD values of the modern waters in the locales of origin.Substitution of Mn and/or Al for Fe in the goethite structure may affect the mineral-water fractionation factor. Manganese appears to decrease the value of α. The effect of Al substitution on α has not yet been measured, but preliminary arguments suggest that increasing Al content could increase α values.  相似文献   

Partial fluorination experiments developed on a 26 mg sample of Luna 16 fines show a big 18O enrichment in the first oxygen evolved similar to those observed by Epstein and Taylor on Apollo samples and probably related to the high solar wind content of this sample.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of 226Ra and 228Ra were determined in the groundwater from 125 drilled wells containing from < 0.1 to 51.3 pCi/l of 226Ra. The determination of 228Ra was carried out with a liquid scintillation counter by measuring only the weakly energetic β particles emitted from 228Ra. Thus the interference from the daughter nuclides of 226Ra was avoided, without specific separation of 228Ac. The direct measurement of 228Ra made the method decisively simpler and faster in terms of the chemistry involved.The concentration of 228Ra was found to be independent of the amount of 226Ra present in the samples. The concentrations of 228Ra were nearly the same over the whole range of 226Ra concentrations and the average sol226Ra228Ra ratio sharply increased as the 226Ra content of water increased. The 226Ra228Ra ratio in the drilled wells varied from 0.3 to 26. Abnormally high 226Ra228Ra ratios were found in areas with known uranium deposits as well as in several drilled wells at other locations. The abnormally high 226Ra228Ra ratios present in groundwater suggest that the radioactivity anomaly is caused by uranium deposits and not by common rocks. In samples with a low radioactivity level the average 226Ra228Ra ratio was slightly below unity, corresponding to the typical U/Th ratio of granite, the most common kind of rock in the study area. The samples from the rapakivi area proved to be exceptional in that they had a low 226Ra228Ra ratio independent of the concentration of 226Ra.  相似文献   

Results of an 40Ar39ArAr age spectrum obtained on a sample of the Kirin chondrite (K-5-13) show a similar character to previous published analyses of Kirin samples K-1 and K-2. The K-5-13 age spectrum shows clear evidence of having been substantially outgassed during a presumed collisional event about 0.5 Ga, ago, in good agreement with the estimate obtained from K-2, The differing amounts of 40Ar loss registered by K-2 and K-5-13 during the 0.5 Ga event of about 60 and 50%, respectively, allows calculation of their vertical separation in the parent body at about 10cm.  相似文献   

40Ar39Ar age spectrum analyses of three microcline separates from the Separation Point Batholith, northwest Nelson, New Zealand, which cooled slowly (~5°C-Ma?1) through the temperature zone of partial radiogenic 40Ar accumulation are characterized by a linear age increase over the first 65 percent of gas release with the lowest ages (~80 Ma) corresponding to the time that the samples cooled below about 100°C. The last 35 percent of 39Ar released from the microclines yields plateau ages (103,99 and 93 Ma) which reflect the different bulk mineral ages, and correspond to cooling temperatures between about 130 to 160°C. Theoretical calculations confirm the likelihood of diffusion gradients in feldspars cooling at rates ≤5°C-Ma?1. Diffusion parameters calculated from the 39Ar release yield an activation energy, E = 28.8 ± 1.9 kcal-mol?1, and a frequency factor/grain size parameter, D0l2 = 5.6?3.9+14sec?1. This Arrhenius relationship corresponds to a closure temperature of 132 ± 13°C which is very similar to the independently estimated temperature. From the observed diffusion compensation correlation, this D0l2 implies an average diffusion half-width of about 3 μm, similar to the half-width of the perthite lamellae in the feldspars. The range in microcline K-Ar ages from the Separation Point Batholith is the result of relatively small temperature differences within the pluton during cooling. Comparison of the diffusion laws determined for microcline with those for anorthoclases and other homogeneous K-feldspars (E = 40 to 52 kcal-mol?1) reveals that Ar diffusion is more highly temperature dependent in the disordered structural state than in the ordered structural state. Previously published U-shaped age spectra are probably the result of the superimposition of excess 40Ar upon diffusion profiles of the kind described here.  相似文献   

Olivine tholeiites, the youngest Tertiary units (about 8–11 m.y. old) at five widely spaced localities in northeastern Nevada, are geologically related to the basalts of the Snake River Plain, Idaho, to the north and are similar in major element and alkali chemistry to mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and island arc tholeiites. The measured K (1250–3350 ppm), Rb (1·9–6·2 ppm) and Sr (140–240 ppm) concentrations overlap the range reported for MORB. Three of the five samples have low, unfractionated rare earth element (REE) patterns, the other two show moderate light-REE enrichment. Barium concentration is high and variable (100–780 ppm) and does not correlate with the other LIL elements. The rocks have 87Sr/86Sr = 0·7052–0·7076, considerably higher than MORB (~0·702–0·703). These samples are chemically distinct (i.e. less alkalic) from the olivine tholeiites from the adjacent Snake River Plain, but their Sr isotopic compositions are similar. They contain Sr that is distinctly more radiogenic than the basalts from the adjacent Great Basin. About 10 b.y. would be required for the mean measured Rb/Sr (~ 0·02) of these samples to generate, in a closed system, the radiogenic Sr they contain. The low alkali content of these basalts makes crustal contamination an unlikely mechanism. If the magma is uncontaminated, the time-averaged Rb/Sr of the source material must have been ~0·04. A significant decrease in Rb/Sr of the source material (a factor 2?) thus most probably occurred in the relatively recent (1?09 yr) past. Such a decrease of Rb/Sr in the mantle could accompany alkali depletion produced by an episode of partial melting and magma extraction. In contrast, low 87Sr86Sr ratios indicate that the source material of the mid-ocean ridge basalts may have been depleted early in the Earth's history.  相似文献   

Two very different sets of 244Pu238U ratios have been reported for early solar system materials. One group of samples yields high (0.015–0.016) ratios (Podosek, 1970a, 1972; Drozd et al., 1977) and calculations based on another group of analyses yield low ratios (~0.004) (Marti et al., 1977). Recently measured partition coefficients for Pu and Sm are used to evaluate the data of Marti et al. and sol244Pu238U ratios from other sources are also considered. A low sol244Pu238U ratio (~0.005) is favored, and some implications of this low ratio to galactic nucleosynthesis and meteorite age dating are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The 227Th230Th dating method is described in detail and its usefulness investigated by comparing ages of sixteen Pleistocene carbonates (mainly cave deposits) with those determined by the 231Pa235U and 230Th234U methods. The 227Th230Th ages are found to be critically dependent on corrections for decay of 227Th prior to alpha counting and ingrowth of daughter isotopes of 232Th derived from clastic detritus. Of nineteen sets of ages determined for the sixteen samples, good agreement is found for only seven sets. Differences are attributed to low U content of some samples and the possibility of excess 227Th in the calcite of samples younger than ~50 ky, possibly due to the coprecipitation of 231Pa during formation. Calculated “negative” 227Th230Th ages may be a direct result of this process and the fact that, unlike the other methods, the activity ratio is non-zero at zero age. Nevertheless, the 227Th230Th is found to be a useful alternative dating technique for carbonates which are between ~50 and 300 ky, because no spiking is required. It also serves as a check for partial concordancy with ages dated by the other methods.  相似文献   

Uplift rates of the Loyalty Islands (S.W. Pacific) have been determined from 230Th234U dating of raised coral terraces standing 2 to 7.5 m above sea level. The ages of the terraces on Ouvéa and Lifou correspond closely to previously documented periods of high sea levels at 120,000 and 180,000 yr BP. A +2-m terrace on Beautemps-Beaupré is considered to be beyond the range of the dating technique. The uplift rates of the various islands show a decrease toward the west. This lends support to the hypothesis of a lithospheric bulge of the leading edge of the Australian plate prior to its subduction at the level of the New Hebrides trench.  相似文献   

The 87Sr86Sr ratio in sea water has varied over geologic time due to the addition of strontium to the sea from rocks with a variety of 87Sr86Sr ratios. The measurements by Petermanet al. (Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta34, 105–120, 1970) of the value of the marine 87Sr86Sr ratio have been confirmed by several other workers and by some new measurements on JOIDES samples. They form the basis of a model calculation of the relative proportions of ‘basaltic’ (87Sr86Sr = 0.704) and ‘granitic’ (87Sr86Sr = 0.718) strontium being supplied to the sea. For the last 200 million years, the proportions of these two sources appear to reflect the history of global tectonics; ‘basaltic’ during rifting and increasingly ‘granitic’ during the present episodes of uplift and continental collision  相似文献   

Ion microprobe analyses of returned lunar material have helped to demonstrate that U, Th and radiogenic Pb are concentrated in small accessory mineral phases. It is possible to measure the isotopic composition of this Pb and obtain a radiometric 207Pb206Pb age for the mineral. The ages so derived compare favorably with crystallization ages determined by conventional methods. A grain mount (22003,26) of Luna 20 material was searched for such accessory mineral phases and two were found. One of these phases gives an age of 4.12 ± 0.04 b.y. and the other an age of 4.42 ± 0.11 b.y. Ages of minerals dated by the ion probe in Apollo samples 14310 and 15555 are given for comparison. Data on the upper limit for Pb concentration in the outermost surface layers of free lunar soil particles are also given.  相似文献   

Determinations of 40Ar39Ar ages are reported for seven severely shock-heated chondrites. Shaw gives a plateau age of 4.29 Gyr. Louisville, Farmington, and Wickenburg give well-defined intercept ages of 0.5–0.6 Gyr. Orvinio, Arapahoe, and Lubbock show complex 40Ar39Ar release curves, with age minima of 0.7–1.0 Gyr. Degassing times of 0.5–1.0 Gyr are suggested for these meteorites. Most severely shocked chondrites were apparently not totally degassed of 40Ar by the event, but retained from ~ 2 to ~45% of their 40Ar. When calculated values of the diffusion parameter, Da2, for Ar are examined in Arrhenius plots, they show two distinct linear relationships, which apparently correspond to the degassing of different mineral phases with distinct KCa ratios and different average temperatures for Ar release. The experimentally determined values of Da2 for the high temperature phase of several severely shocked chondrites are ~10?7 to 10?5sec?1 for their determined shock-heating temperatures of ~950°C to ~ 1200°C. The inferred reheating temperatures, Da2 values, and fraction of 40Ar loss during the reheating event for these seven chondrites suggest post-shock cooling rates and burial depth of ~ 10?2 10?4°C/sec and ~0.5–2m, respectively. For three chondrites these cooling rates agree with those determined from Ni diffusion in metal grains: for five chondrites the cooling rates derived from 40Ar and Ni disagree by a factor of ~105. It is suggested that five of these severely shocked chondrites were part of large ejecta blankets containing hot material and cold clasts with a distribution of sizes and that the cooling rate of this ejecta appreciably decreased as a function of time.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotopic compositions of over 100 Archean clastic metasedimentary, felsic metavolcanic and gneissic rocks from selected areas within the Superior Province have been determined. δ18O values of low grade, immature clastic metasediments range from 8.0 to 13.3%. and hence are somewhat depleted in 18O relative to other clastic metasediments. The lower 18O content is attributed to the large proportion of unaltered rock fragments in the Archean metasediments. Felsic metavolcanics have a similar range of δ18O values (7.3 to 13.0%..δ18O values for the middle amphibolite facies Pakwash paragneiss (8.8–11.7%.) are higher than those determined for the amphibolite to granulite facies Twilight paragneiss (7.3–9.2%.). Archean orthogneisses such as the Clay Lake gneiss (7.0–9.0%.), the Cedar Lake gneiss (7.4–8.7%.) and the Footprint gneiss (5.9-8.8%.) have δ18O values similar to those of the Twilight paragneiss. Therefore, at least at metamorphic grades higher than middle amphibolite facies, Archean metasedimentary gneisses may have δ18O values that are indistinguishable from those of Archean orthogneisses, and hence are no longer isotopically recognizable as metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Speleothem from West Virginia, ranging in age from 2000 to 200,000 yr B.P. contains uranium with U234U238 ratios significantly greater than unity. This ratio varies from one speleothem to another, as does average U content. Initial ratios, corrected for age, are remarkably constant for a given speleothem. By contrast, U234U238 ratios in seepage waters vary significantly from month to month at a given drip site, and their average values differ from that of the speleothem which they are depositing. This discrepancy is attributed either to long-term averaging-out of fluctuations, or fractional precipitation on the speleothem of a chemical species of uranium with a more constant ratio. Constancy of initial U234U238 ratios from Th230U234. datable portions of speleothems should permit U234U238-dating of older portions of the same speleothem, back to about 106 yr B.P., with estimated precision of ±5 per cent.  相似文献   

Biotite and hornblende from a portion of the Blue Ridge Precambrian basement terrane that was progressively retrograded during Paleozoic metamorphism have been analyzed by the 40Ar39Ar dating technique to determine if incremental release spectra can distinguish thermally altered samples. Where not severely overprinted by Paleozoic metamorphism, both minerals show generally undisturbed age spectra with plateau ages similar to those of hornblende and biotite from non-retrograded portions of the Grenville terrane elsewhere in the Appalachians (hornblende ~1000 m.y.; biotite ~ 790 m.y.). The age spectra show a progressive disturbance which is correlated with increasing intensity of Paleozoic metamorphism. Modification of the hornblende spectra is that expected of diffusive argon loss during geologic reheating (incremental ages become older from low to high release temperatures). Disturbed biotite spectra do not show this type of modification, but develop increasingly broader low-age ‘saddles’ with increasing retrograde intensity. Eventually, Paleozoic metamorphism effected total retrograde alteration of the Grenville minerals and new generations of chemically distinct biotite and hornblende occur. Release spectra of these phases generally define plateaus although they are of different ages (biotite ~310–340 m.y.; hornblende ~355–460 m.y.). This discordancy is similar to that reported for other recrystallized portions of the Appalachian Grenville terrane and suggests that the ages represent times of argon retention following a 480 m.y. Paleozoic metamorphism.The data suggest that 40Ar39Ar age spectra can distinguish thermally altered samples.  相似文献   

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