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The sterol concentrations in fourteen surface and nine deep water samples collected from the continental shelf and slope waters of the western North Atlantic and Sargasso Sea ranged from 0.1 to 1.3μ/l seawater. Isolation and structural elucidation by gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry show that cholesterol and β-sitosterol (or clionasterol) are the major free sterols in both the surface and deep water. Fucosterol, brassicasterol, 22-dehydrocholesterol, campesterol (or 22,23-dihydrobrassicasterol), 22-methylenecholesterol, norcholestadienol, and stigmasterol (or poriferasterol) are found in lower concentrations at the surface and in the deep sea. Cholesterol is the major sterol ester in both the surface and deep water, while very low concentrations of other sterol esters were found. The ratio of total free sterols to total esterified sterols is approximately two in both the surface and deep water.Marine sources of sterols in seawater include phytoplankton, yeasts, and marine animals such as Crustacea and molluscs. Terrestrial plants also may contribute. Sterol transport to the deep sea may occur by convective overturn and vertical diffusion or from vertical fluxes of large particles from the surface.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Microstructural and petrological data from the Jumping Brook metamorphic suite, western Cape Breton Highlands, suggest that a single episode of syntectonic prograde metamorphism, followed by uplift, cooling and associated retrogression, affected these rocks during mid-Palaeozoic times. Microstructures indicative of progressive crenulation foliation development can be traced from low-grade (chlorite zone) through high-grade (kyanite zone) rocks, allowing a clear sequence of porphyroblast growth to be established. Metamorphic reactions and P-T calculations suggest metamorphic conditions of 700-750°C at 8-10 kbar were achieved in kyanite zone rocks. Although a complete P-T-t path was not defined, combined petrological and geochronological data can be used to constrain computed P-T-t models. These models suggest that a component of post-metamorphic tectonic exhumation is required to explain the observed times of cooling and uplift. The microstructural and petrological data to not support the interpretation that the high-grade rocks represent pre-existing crystalline basement. Indeed, the metamorphic history, geochronology and computed tectonic models all point to a single, short-lived episode of Silurian-Devonian volcanism, intrusion, convergence, regional metamorphism and uplift, probably resulting from collision tectonics at an irregular continental margin.  相似文献   

This is the first report of juvenile (age 0+) Atlantic menhadens, Brevoortia tyrannus, in the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia. Juvenile Atlantic menhaden were incidentally collected during a 3-yr study of the effects of the STRAFLO hydro-power turbine at Annapolis Royal on alosine fishes. Length distribution and time of capture of collected fish suggest that Atlantic menhaden may spawn in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

High concentrations of hydrocarbons (500–3000 μg/g dry weight) together with a complex and wide molecular weight range of composition, and low 14C activity of δ14C = ?833 ± 50%. strongly indicate that fossil fuel hydrocarbons make up the bulk of hydrocarbons in and near the New York Bight dump site areas. The composition and concentrations of hydrocarbons in Hudson Channel sediments suggest some transport of dump site hydrocarbons to areas in the channel midway to the edge of the continental shelf. Sediments at 16 stations in other areas of the continental shelf, continental slope and abyssal plain have hydrocarbon concentrations and compositions indicating that no more than 1 μg/g dry weight of fossil fuel hydrocarbons are present.N-alkanes from land sources were among the most predominant hydrocarbons in all samples except those in the New York Bight region. Their presence in abyssal plain surface sediments documents transport of some land derived organic matter to these deep ocean areas. Two 25-carbon cycloalkenes are among the more predominant hydrocarbons in continental shelf surface sediments except for the dump site areas. These two compounds are present in lower concentrations in slope sediments and are not detected in abyssal plain sediments.  相似文献   

Ashed twigs of Picea rubens (red spruce) collected over an area of uranium mineralization in central Nova Scotia were analyzed for uranium in the course of biogeochemical prospecting for this element. Uranium levels in background samples were significantly lower than in those collected from areas with mineralization either at depth or on the surface. Scintillometric data were useful only to differentiate background and surface mineralization. Uranium levels in soils showed no correlation whatsoever with mineralization or with radiometry. There was a very high degree of correlation between the scintillometric data and uranium concentrations in ashed twigs and it is considered that twigs of Picea rubens might be successfully used for biogeochemical prospecting for uranium in this area.  相似文献   

This paper presents the concentrations of trace metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in macroalgae from five areas. Significant differences were noticed in trace metal concentration in macroalgae, and a large range of variations between the minimum and maximum concentrations of trace metals was found. Trace metals detected in macroalgae generally occur in adsorbed and absorbed forms. Environmental and biological factors jointly control the trace metal compositions and concentrations in macroalgae. The complexity and variation of these factors cause significant differences in trace metal concentrations in macroalgae. Environmental factors play a more important role in controlling trace metal compositions and concentrations when external available trace metals are beyond requirement for algal metabolism and growth, especially for non-essential trace metals; however, when the external available trace metals just satisfy the needs of algal metabolism and growth, biological factors would play a more important role, especially for essential trace metals. Interactions among the trace metals can also influence their compositions and concentrations in macroalgae. It is alsodiscussed how to make macroalgae as an excellent biomonitor for trace metals.  相似文献   

A suite of schists—one from the garnet zone, 19 from thestaurolite zone, 2 from the kyanite isograd, and one from thekyanite zone—were separated into their constituent minerals.Chemical analyses of one chlorite and of 23 sets of coexistingbiotites and garnets were carried out by photometric and titrametricprocedures. Plots of garnet-biotite tie-lines from divariantassemblages on appropriate phase diagrams result in intersectingtie-lines which cannot be ascribed to experimental error. Theoreticalconsiderations argue that at equilibrium, at the same pressureand temperature or at constant pressure and varying temperature,tie-lines of divariant assemblages should not intersect. Possibleexplanations require that diffusion equilibrium of Fe and Mgbe restricted to volumes smaller than that of a hand specimenor that P as well as T varies considerably. Emission spectrographicdeterminations of Fe and Mg in biotite indicate that the Fe/Mgratio varies among biotites little more than a centimeter apart.Such a variation would argue more in favor of a lack of diffusionequilibrium.  相似文献   

Whole rock geochemistry has been determined for erratics from the surface Lawrencetown Till in two drumlins on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. The geochemical data, particularly trace element composition, allow source rocks to be identified more precisely than by traditional petrographic microscopy. A drumlin near Lunenburg contains erratics of Neoproterozoic arc-related plutonic rocks and basalts that outcrop only in a small area near Parrsboro in the Cobequid Highlands. Some associated erratics of granite precisely match a small late Devonian pluton in the same area and other granites and rhyolite could also be derived from late Devonian rocks in the same area. The type section of the Lawrencetown Till contains different Neoproterozoic plutonic rocks of a type found in the eastern Cobequid Highlands, together with a distinctive late Devonian granite with sodic amphiboles that is restricted to a small area near the Debert River. Both these source areas indicate a southward flow of ice (Escuminac Phase) depositing the Lawrencetown Till, in contrast to earlier southeastward-flowing ice (Caledonia Phase) which deposited the Hartlen Till that forms the core of the drumlin. Drumlins in Nova Scotia are complex palimpsest landforms that were formed by till accretion, and evolved in surface form throughout multiple flow events.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(2):175-195
Sediments in Halifax Harbour have accumulated contaminant metals Hg, Cu, Zn, and Pb as a result of discharge of untreated sewage and industrial waste, leaching of land fill waste, and surface drainage. Concentrations of contaminants in210Pb dated sediment cores became significant about 1880 and rose rapidly after 1900, reaching maximum concentrations in the decades between 1950 and 1980. Mean concentrations of Hg increased from 0.2 μg g−1 in pre 1890 sediments to 1.6 μg g−1 in the 20th century. Similar enrichments for Cu changed the concentration from 26 to 88 μg g−1; for Zn from 90 to 250 μg g−1, and for Pb the increase was from 12 to 206 μg g−1 Statistical factor analyses of geochemical data have been used to identify: (1) primary contaminants directly associated with waste discharge, these include total and organic-bound forms of Cu, Zn, and Pb; (2) secondary contamination attributed to leaching and modification of primary contaminants include acid labile forms of Zn, Ni, and Cu; (3) diagenetic modification of buried sediments are identified by total and labile forms of Mn; (4) dispersion of contaminants from land surface drainage are characterized by fine-grained aluminosilicates. Historical trends in the changing dominance of these environmental factors reflect changes in industrial activity, urban growth, and changes in the use of metals in paints, domestic and industrial chemicals, and in the combustion of fuels.  相似文献   

HEINZ LANGE 《Sedimentology》1982,29(3):427-431
Chlorite in the Atlantic sediments is predominantly derived from the Atlas Mountains, kaolinite originates in the southern Sahara and Sahel zone. These minerals may be used to reconstruct the tracks of two superimposed wind systems (Trade Winds and Harmattan Wind). A modified method for determining relative abundances of chlorite and kaolinite is presented.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical features of the microelement distribution in the components of the ecosystem of the Lost City low-temperature field of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are determined by the processes of serpentinization in ultrabasic rocks. In the Lost City biotope water, the concentration of trace metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Cr, Pb, and As) is from n × 10 to 104 times higher than in the ocean water. The microelement content demonstrates a similar character of distribution in both types of calcite biominerals forming the carbonate matrix of the bivalve mussels Bathymodiolus and the scleractinian corals Anthozoa.  相似文献   

Six sedimentary formations, and two separate members recently were described byJansa, et al. (1979) from the western North Atlantic Ocean basin. We have investigated the mineralogical composition of these lithostratigraphic units by qualitative X-ray diffraction analyses of about five hundred samples from DSDP Sites 105, 106, 386, 387, and 391. The sedimentary section studied, from bottom to top, consists of: argillaceous limestones (Cat Gap Formation); limestones (Blake-Bahama Formation); claystones and shales (Hatteras Formation); zeolitic claystones (Plantagenet Formation); nannofossil marls (Crescent Peaks Member); siliceous oozes, clays, and cherts (Bermuda Rise Formation), and hemipelagic muds (Blake Ridge Formation) that locally contain redeposited shallow-water carbonates (Great Abaco Member). The section ranges in age from Oxfordian at the base to Quaternary at the sea-floor.Most of the formations and members described byJansa, et al. (1979) have a characteristic mineralogical composition. Thus it is possible to recognize boundaries between formations and members by changes in mineral components, although these changes range from sharp to transitional. Within the same formation local differences in mineral spectra between sites can be explained by changing distance from terrigenous sources, lateral changes in surface paleoproductivity, and varying diagenetic conditions.
Zusammenfassung Sechs sedimentäre Formations und zwei dazugehörige Members wurden vor kurzem durchJansa, et al. (1979) aus dem Ozeanboden des westlichen Nordatlantik beschrieben. Wir haben die Mineralzusammensetzung dieser lithostratigraphischen Einheiten anhand von etwa 500 qualitativen röntgenographischen Analysen untersucht; die Proben dazu entstammen den DSDP-Bohrungen 105, 106, 386, 387 und 391. Vom Liegenden zum Hangenden lassen sich folgende Einheiten unterscheiden: Tonige Kalksteine (Cat Gap Formation); Kalksteine (Blake-Bahama Formation); Tonsteine und shales (Hatteras Formation); Zeolithische Tonsteine (Plantagenet Formation); Nannofossil-Mergel (Crescent Peaks Member); Kieselige Schlamme, Tone und Hornsteine (Bermuda Rise Formation) und Hemipelagische Schlamme (Blake Ridge Formation), die lokal umgelagerte Flachwasser-Karbonate (Great Abaco Member) enthalten. Das Gesamtprofil reicht altersmäßig von Oxfordium an der Basis bis zum Quartär.Die meisten der vonJansa, et al. (1979) beschriebenen Formations und Members haben eine charakteristische Mineralzusammensetzung; es ist daher möglich, Grenzen sowohl zwischen Formations als auch zwischen Formations und Members anhand ihrer Mineralkomponenten zu erkennen; der entsprechende Wechsel kann scharf sein oder fließende Übergänge aufweisen. Lokale Unterschiede in den Mineralspektren einer Formation zwischen einzelnen Bohrpunkten lassen sich auf wechselnde Entfernungen vom Liefergebiet bzw. unterschiedliche Liefergebiete selbst, auf laterale Wechsel in der oberflächennahen Paläo-Produktivität und/oder auf unterschiedliche diagenetische Bedingungen zurückführen.

Résumé Six »formations« sédimentaires ainsi que deux »members« séparés ont été ré cemment décrits parJansa, et al. (1979) dans la partie nordouest du bassin de l'océan Atlantique. Nous avons étudié, d'un point de vue qualitatif, la composition minéralogique de ces unités lithostratigraphiques à partir de l'analyse diffractométrique d'environ 500 échantillons provenant des sites DSDP 105, 106, 386, 387 et 391. Les sections sédimentaires examinées comprennent de bas en haut: Des calcaires argileux (Cat Gap Formation); des calcaires (Blake-Bahama Formation); des argilites et des argiles schisteuses (Hatteras Formation); des argilites zéolitiques (Plantagenet Formation); de la marne aux nannofossiles (Crescent Peaks Member); des boues silicieuses, des argiles et du silex (Bermuda Rise Formation), ainsi que des boues hémipélagiques (Blake Ridge Formation) qui contiennent par endroits des carbonates resédimentaires provenant d'un milieu peu profond (Great Abaco Member). Leur âge s'échelonne de l'Oxfordien à la base jusqu'au Quaternaire au fond océanique.La plupart des »formations« et des »members« décrits parJansa, et al. (1979) ont une composition minéralogique caractéristique. Il est donc possible de reconnaître les limites entre des »formations« et des »members« à partir des changements de la composition minéralogique, bien que ces changements varient du net au transitoire. Dans une même formation on peut expliquer les différences locales des spectres minéraux entre les sites, par la variation de distance des sources terrigènes, des changements latéraux de la paléoproductivité de surface et des conditions diagénétiques variables.

Jansa . (1979) 6 2 . 500 . 105, 106, 386, 387, 391. : — Cat Gap —, — Blake-Bahama —, — Hatteras'a —, — Plantagenet —, - — Crescent Peaks —, , — Bermuda Rise — — Blake Ridge —, — Great Abaco. . Jansa ; , , , . , ., , / .

A peat cellulose δ18O record spanning around 14,000 years from the Hani peat mire in northeastern China reveals several abrupt temperature anomalies in the period from the last deglaciation through the Holocene. The timing of these anomalies coincides well with the notable cooling events recorded respectively using the GISP2 ice core and ice-rafted sediment of the North Atlantic Ocean, such as the Older Dryas, Inter-Allerød, Younger Dryas, and the nine ice-rafted debris events. The results demonstrate that this repeating pattern of abrupt temperature deterioration is not limited to the North Atlantic area at high latitude but also exists in the western North Pacific region at middle latitude. The synchronous temperature anomalies possibly are resulted from the joint effects of meltwater discharge into the North Atlantic Ocean and reduced solar activity. In the period from around 8600 to 8200 cal. yrs BP the Hani peat record shows a broad δ18O peak that may reflect compound climate signals resulting from the two kinds of forcing factors: the temperature drop related to reduced solar activity at around 8600–8250 cal. yrs BP, and the temperature anomaly attributed to the meltwater effect at around 8220 ± 70 cal. yrs BP. This result may provide palaeo-temperature evidence for existence of the sharp “8.2 k” event in the western North Pacific region. In addition, our results have revealed that in the period from the last deglaciation through the Holocene the synchronous temperature anomalies before and after the “8.2 k” event seem to be related to meltwater outflow and reduced solar activity, respectively. It is important that the all temperature anomalies—whether because of reduced solar activity in the late Holocene or from meltwater discharge in the early Holocene—are accompanied by an abrupt decline in the Indian Ocean summer monsoon and abrupt strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon. It is likely that reduced solar activity and meltwater outflow appear to modulate Earth system changes in the same direction. The influences could be compounded. Reduced solar activity and meltwater outburst both appear to act as triggers for occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, which may result in broad teleconnections between the temperature anomaly in the Northern Hemisphere and abrupt variation of the Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

Magmatic andalusite from the South Mountain batholith,Nova Scotia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Accessory andalusite has been found in some late-stage granitic differentiates of the South Mountain batholith. The andalusite is petrographically distinct from the andalusite of the thermal aureole, and it occurs in regions of the batholith which show little evidence of contamination by the country rocks. Analyses of biotites from andalusite-bearing and andalusite-free phases suggest that those coexisting with andalusite actually grew in equilibrium with the andalusite. It is concluded that magmatic andalusite must be confined mainly to water-saturated, peraluminous, epizonal granites, and some possible P-T paths for the crystallization of magmatic andalusite are considered.  相似文献   

The Thermal Alteration Index (TAI) obtained from spore colouration is a useful maturity indicator that may be obtained from palynological preparations. Thermal maturity is an important parameter in determining the hydrocarbon potential of the Lower Carboniferous lacustrine and fluviatile sediments of the Horton Group, and coeval rocks, of Nova Scotia. Samples studied from fifty-two separate localities indicate a wide range in thermal maturity from low (TAI 2 to 3) to high (TAI 4 to 5?). Variation in depth of burial was probably the main factor responsible for the regional differences in thermal maturity. The thickness of Horton sedimentation varied considerably in a series of half grabens, as did the overburden of post-Tournaisian Lower Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous, Permian and possibly Triassic rocks.The organic matter in most samples is composed of exinous (Type II) and woody and coaly material (Types III and IV). Locally in a few localities amorphous algal material (Type I) consisting of Botryococcus sp. is common. The composition of the organic matter and the thermal maturity data suggest that in most of the study area rocks of the Horton Group are in the dry gas generation zone, although in some areas oil generation may have taken place; in a few localities where the thermal maturity is high the organic matter has been altered beyond the dry gas preservation limit.  相似文献   

The South Mountain batholith of southwestern Nova Scotia is a large, peraluminous, granodiorite-granite complex which intrudes mainly greenschist facies metasediments of the Cambro-Ordovician Meguma Group. Using Rb-Sr isochrons constructed from whole rocks and mineral separates, the present study shows a variation in age and initial ratios of the intrusive phases of the batholith as follows: biotite granodiorite (371.8 ± 2.2 Ma, (87Sr86Sr)i ranges from 0.7076 ± 0.0003 to 0.7090 ± 0.0003, with the average = 0.7081); adamellite (364.3 ± 1.3 Ma, (87Sr86Sr)i = 0.70942 ± 35); porphyry (361.2 ± 1.4 Ma, (87Sr86Sr)i = 0.71021 ± 119); using λ87Rb = 1.42 × 10?11yr?1.A suite of Meguma country rock samples showed a variation of 87Sr86Sr = 0.7113?0.7177 at the time of intrusion of the batholith. A number of xenoliths of this material occurring in the marginal granodiorite had partially equilibrated isotopically with the granodiorite at a higher 87Sr86Sr ratio than elsewhere in the granodiorites. This evidence demonstrates that isotopic (and probably some accompanying bulk chemical) contamination by the Meguma rocks has been an important factor in determining the ultimate chemical composition and mineralogy of the South Mountain batholith.The (87Sr86Sr)372 = 0.7081 of the early granodiorites indicates that the parent magma of the South Mountain batholith was derived from a source unlike the Meguma Group. The precise nature of the source region cannot be determined by Rb-Sr work unless the degree of contamination with Megumalike material is known.  相似文献   

Interpretation of Deep Sea Drilling Project results and air-gun seismic profiles suggests that about 106 km3 of sediment have been eroded from eastern North America and southern Greenland and deposited in the adjacent North Atlantic since the beginning of continental glaciation. This volume is a minimum estimate which does not account for sediment beneath the continental shelf nor that portion carried south of the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge by the Western Boundary Undercurrent. It represents erosion of about 100 m of solid rock and indicates that more than 90% of the sediment eroded from these areas was deposited as sands, silts, and clays in the adjacent western North Atlantic. Glaciation accounts for between 55 and 95 m of this average 100 m, and fluvial processes account for the remainder. The documented erosion in part substantiates W. A. White's (1972, Geological Society of America Bulletin83, 1037–1056) hypothesis of deep erosion and exhumation of shield regions, but is not in agreement with the entire volume of erosion implied by his model.  相似文献   

We here report the discovery of unusual distributions of long-chain alkenones (C37-C42) in two Cretaceous black shales from the Blake-Bahama Basin, western North Atlantic. These sediments are Cenomanian (c. 95 Ma) and mid-Albian (c. 105 Ma) in age, thus significantly extending the geological range of these compounds. The precise source of these lipids is, as yet, unknown, although they may derive from an ancient ancestor of Emiliania huxleyi.  相似文献   

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