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Remote observations of the lunar radiowave emission are reexamined in the light of physical property data accumulated through the Apollo program. It is found that thermal and electrical properties determined for a number of different landing sites yield theoretical results in good agreement with remote observations for millimeter and short centimeter wavelengths. Theoretical models incorporating reflecting layers of rock and physical property data from the Apollo program are compared to the longer wavelength (5–500 cm) observational data to estimate a disk average steady state heat flow and a mean depth of the lunar regolith. It is found that a high heat flow, comparable to the heat flows measured at the Apollo 15 and 17 sites, is required to fit the available 5–20 cm wavelength remote data, and that a lunar surface layer relatively free of large boulders within the upper 10–30 m best fits the observations of a decreasing brightness temperature with wavelength for wavelengths greater than ~ 50 cm.  相似文献   

The effects of vertical variations in density and dielectric constant on nadir-viewing microwave brightness temperatures are examined. Stratification models as well as models of a continuous increase in density with depth are analyzed. Specific applications address the vertical structure of the lunar frontside regolith, utilizing combined constraints from Apollo data, bistatic radar signatures, and Earth-based measurements of the lunar microwave brightness temperature.Results have been analyzed in terms of the effects on the zeroth and first harmonic of the lunar disk-center brightness temperature variation over a lunation, and their wavelength dependence. Lunation-mean brightness temperatures, which are diagnostic of emissivity and steady-state sub-surface temperatures, are sensitive to both near-surface soil density gradients and single high-impedance dielectric contrasts. Models of the rapid density increase in the upper 5–10 cm of the lunar regolith predict brightness temperature decreases of 2–10°K between λ0 = 3 and 30 cm. The magnitude of this spectral variation depends upon the thickness of a postulated low-density surface coating layer, and the magnitude of the density gradient in the transition soil layer. Comparable decreases in brightness temperature can be produced by a stratified two-layer model of soil overlaying bedrock if the high-density substrate lies within 1–2 m of the surface. Multiple soil layering on a centimeter scale, such as is observed in the Apollo core samples, is not likely to induce spectral variations in mean brightness temperature due to rapid regional variations in layer depths and thicknesses.The fractional variation in disk-center brightness temperature over a lunation (first harmonic) can be altered by vertical-structure effects only for the case in which a larger and abrupt dielectric contrast exists within the upper surface layer where the significant diurnal variations in physical temperature occur. Soil density variations do not cause scattering effects sufficient to significantly alter the microwave emission weighting function within the diurnal layer. For the Moon, this layer consists of the upper 10 cm. Since no widespread rock substrate as shallow as 10 cm exists in the lunar frontside, only volume scattering effects, due to buried shallow rock fragments, can explain the apparent high electrical loss inferred from Earth-based measurements of the amplitude of lunation brightness temperature variations.Representative models of the lunar frontside vertical structure have also been examined for their effects of radar cross-section measurements and resultant inferences of bulk dielectric constant. Models of the near-surface density gradient predict a significant increase in the remotely inferred dielectric constant value from centimeter to meter wavelengths. Such a model is in general agreement with the dielectric constant spectrum inferred from Earth-based brightness temperature polarization measurements, but is difficult to reconcile with the Apollo bistatic radar results at λ0 = 13 and 116 cm.  相似文献   

Stephen J. Keihm 《Icarus》1984,60(3):568-589
A detailed model of the lunar regolith is analyzed to examine the feasibility of an orbital mapping of heat flow using microwave radiometers. For regolith thermal and electrical properties which are representative of Apollo findings, brightness temperature observations in the bandλ = 5–30 cm would be required for heat flow analysis. Spectral variations shortward of 5 cm are controlled primarily by the temperature dependencies of the thermal conductivity and electrical absorption within the diurnal-varying layer. For wavelengths longer than 30 cm, unwanted emission from high impedance subregolith layers can be significant and size limitations on spacecraft radiometers is a factor. Over the 5- to 30-cm band, lunation-averaged brightness temperature increases of 2–10°K are predicted for heat flow values representative of the Apollo measurements. The magnitude of this increase depends directly on the value of regolith microwave absorption. For absorption values consistent with Apollo laboratory measurements, a spectral increase of 5°K is predicted. This value is considered marginally sufficient for an orbital heat flow measurement. However, important non-heat flow effects must be accounted for. Spectral variations can occur due to surface topography and subsurface scattering. For nadir viewing, surface roughness effects are not expected to be significant and topographic effects are nearly constant with wavelength for λ > 5cm. Volume scattering due to subsurface rock fragments can cause emission darkening of 1–6°K. However, spectral variations will not be large unless the distribution of scatterer sizes is sharply skewed. For the Moon, the most serious spurious effect appears to be emissivity variations due to the near-surface density gradient. A brightness temperature decrease of 10°K is predicted from centimeter to decameter wavelengths. If the transition from porous surface fines to compacted regolith soil occurs rapidly (within the upper 3–5 cm), most of the emissivity decrease will occur in the 5- to 30-cm wavelength band. It is recommended that complementary radar measurements be utilized to augment constraints on regolith emissivity and scattering properties.  相似文献   

An empirically derived lunar gravity field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heat-flow experiment is one of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP) instruments that was emplaced on the lunar surface on Apollo 15. This experiment is designed to make temperature and thermal property measurements in the lunar subsurface so as to determine the rate of heat loss from the lunar interior through the surface. About 45 days (1 1/2 lunations) of data has been analyzed in a preliminary way. This analysis indicates that the vertical heat flow through the regolith at one probe site is 3.3 × 10–6 W/cm2 (±15%). This value is approximately one-half the Earth's average heat flow. Further analysis of data over several lunations is required to demonstrate that this value is representative of the heat flow at the Hadley Rille site. The mean subsurface temperature at a depth of 1 m is approximately 252.4K at one probe site and 250.7K at the other. These temperatures are approximately 35K above the mean surface temperature and indicate that conductivity in the surficial layer of the Moon is highly temperature dependent. Between 1 and 1.5m, the rate of temperature increase as a function of depth is 1.75K/m (±2%) at the probe 1 site. In situ measurements indicate that the thermal conductivity of the regolith increases with depth. Thermal-conductivity values between 1.4 × 10–4 and 2.5 × 10–4 W/cm K were determined; these values are a factor of 7 to 10 greater than the values of the surface conductivity. If the observed heat flow at Hadley Base is representative of the moonwide rate of heat loss (an assumption which is not fully justified at this time), it would imply that overall radioactive heat production in the Moon is greater than in classes of meteorites that have formed the basis of Earth and Moon bulk composition models in the past.Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Contribution Number 1800.  相似文献   

Wenzhe Fa 《Icarus》2010,207(2):605-615
In China’s first lunar exploration project, Chang-E 1 (CE-1), a multi-channel microwave radiometer was aboard the satellite, with the purpose of measuring microwave brightness temperature (Tb) from lunar surface and surveying the global distribution of lunar regolith layer thickness. In this paper, the primary 621 tracks of swath data measured by CE-1 microwave radiometer from November 2007 to February 2008 are collected and analyzed. Using the nearest neighbor interpolation to collect the Tb data under the same Sun illumination, global distributions of microwave brightness temperature from lunar surface at lunar daytime and nighttime are constructed. Based on the three-layer media modeling (the top dust-soil, regolith and underlying rock media) for microwave thermal emission of lunar surface, the CE-1 measured Tb and its dependence upon latitude, frequency and FeO + TiO2 content, etc. are discussed. The CE-1 Tb data at Apollo landing sites are especially chosen for validation and calibration on the basis of available ground measurements. Using the empirical dependence of physical temperature upon the latitude verified by the CE-1 multi-channel Tb data at Apollo landing sites, the global distribution of regolith layer thickness is further inverted from the CE-1 brightness temperature data at 3 GHz channel. Those inversions at Apollo landing sites and the characteristics of regolith layer thickness for lunar maria are well compared with the Apollo in situ measurements and the regolith thickness derived from the Earth-based radar data. Finally, the statistical distribution of regolith thickness is analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

Seismic refraction data, obtained at the Apollo 14 and 16 sites, when combined with other lunar seismic data, allow a compressional wave velocity profile of the lunar near-surface and crust to be derived. The regolith, although variable in thickness over the lunar surface, possesses surprisingly similar seismic properties. Underlying the regolith at both the Apollo 14 Fra Mauro site and the Apollo 16 Descartes site is low-velocity brecciated material or impact derived debris. Key features of the lunar seismic velocity profile are: (i) velocity increases from 100–300 m s–1 in the upper 100 m to 4 km s–1 at 5 km depth, (ii) a more gradual increase from 4 km s–1 to 6 km s–1 at 25 km depth, (iii) a discontinuity at a depth of 25 km and (iv) a constant value of 7 km s–1 at depths from 25 km to about 60 km. The exact details of the velocity variation in the upper 5 to 10 km of the Moon cannot yet be resolved but self-compression of rock powders cannot duplicate the observed magnitude of the velocity change and the steep velocity-depth gradient. Other textural or compositional changes must be important in the upper 5 km of the Moon. The only serious candidates for the lower lunar crust are anorthositic or gabbroic rocks.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

Abstract— Previous studies of Apollo 17 double-drive tube 79001/2 showed that portions of this lunar regolith segment have some unusual properties, such as very high Is/FeO values (Monis et al., 1989) and N contents (Stone and Clayton, 1989). To understand the geologic significance of these features in this core, we determined the grain-size distribution and modal abundance of the petrographic constituents for samples from 12 different depths of the core. Also, we measured the elemental and isotopic compositions of noble gases in the coarse-grained (150–250 μm) and fine-grained (<20 μm) sample fractions from four depths of this core. The agglutinate abundance and 36Ar contents show depth-related variations similar to those observed for Is/FeO and N in this core. Samples from the top (~0.5 cm depth) and the bottom (~45 cm depth) of the drive tube are related to Apollo 17 submature soils with about 250–300 Ma galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) exposure age. But the soil at the top of the drive tube received additional surface irradiation for ~2 Ma after deposition at Van Serg. The samples at intermediate depths (i.e., ~7 cm (upper zone) and ~20 cm (lower zone) of the 79001/2 core) show features characteristic of mixtures of Apollo 17 mature soils and finely comminuted regolith breccias having about 600–800 Ma GCR exposure age. The mixing ratios between the coarse and fine fractions of the intermediate-depth samples are similar to each other. Though the mixing ratios for the samples from the top and the bottom of the core are also similar to each other, they differ significantly from the ratios at intermediate depths. The results presented here are consistent with the two-component Van Serg core model proposed by Stone and Clayton (1989) and McKay et al. (1988).  相似文献   

We performed the first global survey of lunar regolith depths using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) data and the crater morphology method for determining regolith depth. We find that on both the lunar farside and in the nearside, non-mare regions, the regolith depth is twice as deep as it is within the lunar maria. Our data compare favorably with previous studies where such data exist. We also find that regolith depth correlates well with density of large craters (>20 km diameter). This result is consistent with the gradual formation of regolith by rock fracture during impact events.  相似文献   

Data relevant to the shallow structure of the Moon obtained at the Apollo seismic stations are compared with previously published results of the active seismic experiments. It is concluded that the lunar surface is covered by a layer of low seismic velocity (V p ? 100 m s?1), which appears to be equivalent to the lunar regolith defined previously by geological observations. This layer is underlain by a zone of distinctly higher seismic velocity at all of the Apollo landing sites. The regolith thicknesses at the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 sites are estimated from the shear-wave resonance to be 4.4, 3.7, and 4.4 m, respectively. These thicknesses and those determined at the other Apollo sites by the active seismic experiments appear to be correlated with the age determinations and the abundances of extralunar components at the sites.  相似文献   

Wenzhe Fa  Mark A. Wieczorek 《Icarus》2012,218(2):771-787
The inversion of regolith thickness over the nearside hemisphere of the Moon from newly acquired Earth-based 70-cm Arecibo radar data is investigated using a quantitative radar scattering model. The radar scattering model takes into account scattering from both the lunar surface and buried rocks in the lunar regolith, and three parameters are critically important in predicting the radar backscattering coefficient: the dielectric constant of the lunar regolith, the surface roughness, and the size and abundance of subsurface rocks. The measured dielectric properties of the Apollo regolith samples at 450 MHz are re-analyzed, and an improved relation among the complex dielectric constant, bulk density and regolith composition is obtained. The complex dielectric constant of the lunar regolith is estimated globally from this relation using the regolith composition derived from Lunar Prospector gamma-ray spectrometer data. To constrain the lunar surface roughness and abundance of subsurface rocks from radar data, nine regions are selected as calibration sites where the regolith thickness has been estimated using independent analysis techniques. For these sites, scattering from the lunar surface and buried rocks cannot be perfectly distinguished, and a tradeoff relationship exists between the size and abundance of buried rocks and surface roughness. Using these tradeoff relations as guidelines for globally representative parameters, the regolith thickness of four regions over the lunar nearside is inverted, and the inversion uncertainties caused by calibration errors of the radar data and model input parameters are analyzed. The regolith thickness of the maria is generally smaller than that of highlands, and older surfaces have thicker regolith thicknesses. Our approach cannot be applied to regions where the surface roughness is very high, such as with young rocky craters and regions in the highly rugged highlands.  相似文献   

Abstract— Knowledge of regolith depth structure is important for a variety of studies of the Moon and other bodies such as Mercury and asteroids. Lunar regolith depths have been estimated using morphological techniques (i.e., Quaide and Oberbeck 1968; Shoemaker and Morris 1969), crater counting techniques (Shoemaker et al. 1969), and seismic studies (i.e., Watkins and Kovach 1973; Cooper et al. 1974). These diverse methods provide good first order estimates of regolith depths across large distances (tens to hundreds of kilometers), but may not clearly elucidate the variability of regolith depth locally (100 m to km scale). In order to better constrain the regional average depth and local variability of the regolith, we investigate several techniques. First, we find that the apparent equilibrium diameter of a crater population increases with an increasing solar incidence angle, and this affects the inferred regolith depth by increasing the range of predicted depths (from ~7–15 m depth at 100 m equilibrium diameter to ~8–40 m at 300 m equilibrium diameter). Second, we examine the frequency and distribution of blocky craters in selected lunar mare areas and find a range of regolith depths (8–31 m) that compares favorably with results from the equilibrium diameter method (8–33 m) for areas of similar age (~2.5 billion years). Finally, we examine the utility of using Clementine optical maturity parameter images (Lucey et al. 2000) to determine regolith depth. The resolution of Clementine images (100 m/pixel) prohibits determination of absolute depths, but this method has the potential to give relative depths, and if higher resolution spectral data were available could yield absolute depths.  相似文献   

月球是距离地球最近的天体,人类对它的研究探索一直没有停止。月球不仅反射可见光,还在红外和微波频段遵循热辐射机制辐射能量。亮温度是反映微波特性的一个重要指标。由月球亮温度,可以进行月壤特性的研究,从而进一步分析月球表层及近表层结构和物质组成。另外月球亮温度也是影响月球探测器星地链路的一个重要因素。从月球的亮温度出发,阐述了月球射电辐射机制;并对地基射电望远镜的多波段观测进行总结,分别从设备、方法、结果等方面给出月球亮温度观测的发展;最后对我国地基射电望远镜对月球亮温度的观测进行了介绍。  相似文献   

To improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of the Moon,one of the payloads onboard the Chang'e-3(CE-3) rover is Lunar Penetrating Radar(LPR). This investigation is the first attempt to explore the lunar subsurface structure by using ground penetrating radar with high resolution. We have probed the subsurface to a depth of several hundred meters using LPR. In-orbit testing, data processing and the preliminary results are presented. These observations have revealed the configuration of regolith where the thickness of regolith varies from about 4 m to 6 m.In addition, one layer of lunar rock, which is about 330 m deep and might have been accumulated during the depositional hiatus of mare basalts, was detected.  相似文献   

Polarimetric measurements were collected at different areas of the surface of Mercury, and for the whole disk in six wavelengths. The curves of polarization are compared with telescopic observations of the Moon and laboratory studies of minerals and returned lunar samples. The negative branch of polarization proves that Mercury's surface is almost everywhere covered by a regolith layer of fines of the lunar type, also made of dark and adsorbing material, and most probably of the same impact generated origin. The polarization maximum of Mercury is reproduced by lunar samples of fines of intermediate albedo corresponding to the lightest regolith found in the Apollo explored maria.The albedo of Mercury at phase angle 5° deduced from telescopic photometry is to be corrected by a factor of 1.20 and the best “polarimetric” values of albedos are 0.130 at λ = 0.585μm, 0.119 at λ = 0.520 μm, 0.093 at λ = 0.379μm and 0.087 at λ = 0.354μm. The contrast between light and dark-lined regions at the surface of Mercury is most probably much fainter than between the maria and continents on the Moon.The molecular atmosphere of Mercury, if any, has a surface pressure probably smaller than 2 × 10?4 bars.  相似文献   

The lunar surface is bathed in a variety of impacting particles originating from the solar wind, solar flares, and galactic cosmic rays. These particles can become embedded in the regolith and/or produce a range of other molecules as they pass through the target material. The Moon therefore contains a record of the variability of the solar and galactic particle fluxes through time. To obtain useful temporal snapshots of these processes, discrete regolith units must be shielded from continued bombardment that would rewrite the record over time. One mechanism for achieving this preservation is the burial of a regolith deposit by a later lava flow. The archival value of such deposits sandwiched between lava layers is enhanced by the fact that both the under- and over-lying lava can be dated by radiometric techniques, thereby precisely defining the age of the regolith layer and the geologic record contained therein. The implanted volatile species would be vulnerable to outgassing by the heat of the over-lying flow, at temperatures exceeding 300-700 °C. However, the insulating properties of the finely particulate regolith would restrict significant heating to shallow depths. We have therefore modeled the heat transfer between lunar mare basalt lavas and the regolith in order to establish the range of depths below which implanted volatiles would be preserved. We find that the full suite of solar wind volatiles, consisting predominantly of H and He, would survive at depths of ∼13-290 cm (for 1-10 m thick lava flows, respectively). A substantial amount of CO, CO2, N2 and Xe would be preserved at depths as shallow as 3.7 cm beneath meter-thick flows. Given typical regolith accumulation rates during mare volcanism, the optimal localities for collecting viable solar wind samples would involve stacks of thin mare lava flows emplaced a few tens to a few hundred Ma apart, in order for sufficient regolith to develop between burial events. Obtaining useful archives of Solar System processes would therefore require extraction of regolith deposits buried at quite shallow depths beneath radiometrically-dated mare lava flows. These results provide a basis for possible lunar exploration activities.  相似文献   

Meteorites ejected from the surface of the Moon as a result of impact events are an important source of lunar material in addition to Apollo and Luna samples. Here, we report bulk element composition, mineral chemistry, age, and petrography of Miller Range (MIL) 090036 and 090070 lunar meteorites. MIL 090036 and 090070 are both anorthositic regolith breccias consisting of mineral fragments and lithic clasts in a glassy matrix. They are not paired and represent sampling of two distinct regions of the lunar crust that have protoliths similar to ferroan anorthosites. 40Ar‐39Ar chronology performed on two subsplits of MIL 090070,33 (a pale clast impact melt and a dark glassy melt component) shows that the sample underwent two main degassing events, one at ~3.88 Ga and another at ~3.65 Ga. The cosmic ray exposure data obtained from MIL 090070 are consistent with a short (~8–9 Ma) exposure close to the lunar surface. Bulk‐rock FeO, TiO2, and Th concentrations in both samples were compared with 2‐degree Lunar Prospector Gamma Ray Spectrometer (LP‐GRS) data sets to determine areas of the lunar surface where the regolith matches the abundances observed on the sample. We find that MIL 090036 bulk rock is compositionally most similar to regolith surrounding the Procellarum KREEP Terrane, whereas MIL 090070 best matches regolith in the feldspathic highlands terrane on the lunar farside. Our results suggest that some areas of the lunar farside crust are composed of ferroan anorthosite, and that the samples shed light on the evolution and impact bombardment history of the ancient lunar highlands.  相似文献   

This study presents the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk composition of lunar regolith breccia meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7948. We identify a range of lunar lithologies including basaltic clasts (very low-titanium and low-titanium basalts), feldspathic lithologies (ferroan anorthosite, magnesian-suite rock, and alkali suite), granulites, impact melt breccias (including crystalline impact melt breccias, clast-bearing impact melt breccias, and glassy melt breccias), as well as regolith components (volcanic glass and impact glass). A compositionally unusual metal-rich clast was also identified, which may represent an impact melt lithology sourced from a unique Mg-suite parent rock. NWA 7948 has a mingled bulk rock composition (Al2O3 = 21.6 wt% and FeO = 9.4 wt%) and relatively low concentrations of incompatible trace elements (e.g., Th = 1.07 ppm and Sm = 2.99 ppm) compared with Apollo regolith breccias. Comparing the bulk composition of the meteorite with remotely sensed geochemical data sets suggests that the sample was derived from a region of the lunar surface distal from the nearside Th-rich Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Our investigations suggest that it may have been ejected from a nearside highlands-mare boundary (e.g., around Mare Crisium or Orientale) or a cryptomare region (e.g., Schickard-Schiller or Mare smythii) or a farside highlands-mare boundary (e.g., Mare Australe, Apollo basin in the South Pole–Aitken basin). The distinctive mineralogical and geochemical features of NWA 7948 suggest that the meteorite may represent lunar material that has not been reported before, and indicate that the lunar highlands exhibit wide geological diversity.  相似文献   

Spectra of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter between 45 and 115 μm have been obtained at a resolving power of ~10, observing from the NASA Lear Jet at an altitude of 13.7 km. The results are calibrated with lunar observations, and show Mars and Venus to have relatively constant brightness temperatures over this wavelength region, with Venus appearing somewhat warmer at longer wavelengths. The brightness temperature of Jupiter decreases slightly toward longer wavelengths.  相似文献   

Low altitude line-of-sight gravity data obtained by CSM and LM radio tracking during several Apollo missions are used to construct an equispaced normalized vertical gravity net 30 km above selected lunar highland regions. Correlation of local vertical gravity anomalies with craters of different depth reveals a density increase with depth in the upper lunar highland crust. Crustal densities determined in this fashion are in good agreement with other, previously published crustal density values. The nature of the density increase implies a lunar crust consisting of fractured rather than competent rock.  相似文献   

Apollo 12 Lunar Module exhaust plume impingement on Lunar Surveyor III   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding plume impingement by retrorockets on the surface of the Moon is paramount for safe lunar outpost design in NASA’s planned return to the Moon for the Constellation Program. Visual inspection, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and surface scanned topology have been used to investigate the damage to the Lunar Surveyor III spacecraft that was caused by the Apollo 12 Lunar Module’s close proximity landing. Two parts of the Surveyor III craft returned by the Apollo 12 astronauts, Coupons 2050 and 2051, which faced the Apollo 12 landing site, show that a fine layer of lunar regolith coated the materials and was subsequently removed by the Apollo 12 Lunar Module landing rocket. The coupons were also pitted by the impact of larger soil particles with an average of 103 pits/cm2. The average entry size of the pits was 83.7 μm (major diameter) × 74.5 μm (minor diameter) and the average estimated penetration depth was 88.4 μm. Pitting in the surface of the coupons correlates to removal of lunar fines and is likely a signature of lunar material imparting localized momentum/energy sufficient to cause cracking of the paint. Comparison with the lunar soil particle size distribution and the optical density of blowing soil during lunar landings indicates that the Surveyor III spacecraft was not exposed to the direct spray of the landing Lunar Module, but instead experienced only the fringes of the spray of soil. Had Surveyor III been exposed to the direct spray, the damage would have been orders of magnitude higher.  相似文献   

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