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单轴压缩下岩石应变局部化的应变梯度塑性解 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
通过在屈服函数中引入材料内部长度建立应变梯度塑性增量本构关系,对岩石材料在单轴压缩条件下应变局部化的二维情况进行了研究。首先,建立了在Mises屈服准则下平面应变情况的岩石材料应变局部化带的带宽与其倾角的关系式,讨论了其带宽的分布范围和最大值与最小值形成的条件,给出岩石材料破坏Ⅰ, Ⅱ类变形的条件,并推出破坏的临界角度;其次,对岩石材料Ⅰ类变形进行了详细地分析,讨论了在不同泊松比 和 条件下材料应变局部化带的倾角的变化范围;最后,利用所得的结论同材料破坏的库仑准则进行对比研究,对内摩擦系数给予了合理的解释。 相似文献
考虑塑性应变率梯度的单轴压缩岩样轴向响应 总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2
基于剪切应变率梯度格式,采用解析方式研究了岩石材料在单轴压缩条件下的应变软化的结构响应。根据非局部连续介质模型,提出了一维二阶剪切应变率梯度格式。非局部剪切应变率与局部剪切应变率及其二阶梯度有关。将经典塑性理论中的局部剪切应变率替换为非局部剪切应变率,可以直接得到局部剪切应变率的封闭解析解,而不必通过将局部剪切应变对时间求导获得。通过对局部剪切应变率积分,得到了沿剪切带方向的相对剪切速度。试件峰值强度后的端部速度由弹性及塑性两部分构成。前一部分由虎克定律描述;后一部分与相对剪切速度有关。对弹性及塑性两部分速度求和,得到了单轴压缩岩样剪切破坏问题轴向响应的解析式。研究表明:试样高度越大、内部长度越小、剪切软化模量越大及泊松比越小,则岩样的轴向响应倾向于脆性。根据岩样与矿柱的相似性,岩样响应倾向于脆性,意味着矿柱将失去稳定性,发生矿柱岩爆。目前的基于剪切应变率梯度格式的主要优点是简洁。 相似文献
基于CLoE与Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型数值模拟了平面应变条件下Hostun砂的应变局部化现象。从侧向压力和初始缺陷两个方面对比研究了两种模型所预测应变局部化的产生及演化模式。结果表明:(1)两种模型均能反映Hostun砂刚度随着侧向压力提高而增大的现象。(2)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得出的应变局部化形态与试验结果更加一致。(3)CLoE亚塑性模型能够反映随着荷载增加,砂的体积先膨胀后缩小的特点。(4)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得到的应变-应力曲线能够更明显地反映应变局部化带中单元的软化现象。(5)CLoE亚塑性模型能够更好地模拟由初始缺陷导致的不均匀应变。总的来说,所得的数值结果表明,CLoE亚塑性模型能够较好地模拟侧向压力和初始缺陷对应变局部化的影响,在模拟应变局部化现象方面较Gudehus-Bauer更有优势。然而,现有CLoE亚塑性模型无法考虑孔隙比,也未包含颗粒材料内尺度变量,有待进一步完善。 相似文献
大陆中部地壳应变局部化与应变弱化 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
应变局部化问题中的正则化机制探讨 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
应变局部化问题是当前岩土力学研究的一个重要课题。处理应变局部化问题,一般的方法是引入正则化机制,包括黏性效应、Cosserat理论、非局部化、梯度理论。对应变局部化问题中的各种正则化机制应用进展作了系统总结,并分析讨论了各种正则化机制所存在的问题,最后对应变局部化问题中的正则化机制应用作了展望。 相似文献
剪切带倾角尺度律与局部化启动跳跃稳定研究 总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9
研究了剪切带倾角是如何依赖于岩样高度以及剪切带的不稳定性。建立了准脆性材料试件剪切带倾角尺度效应模型,得到了剪切带倾角尺度效应的解析解,且与实验结果比较相符。研究结果表明:剪切带倾角随着试件高度的增加而增加,但其增加幅逐渐减缓,最终趋于稳定值。笔者还对剪应变局部化启动、跳跃和稳定进行了理论分析,解释了实验所观测到的剪切带跳跃现象和砂岩岩样应变局部化较煤样滞后的原因。剪应变局部化是否发生跳跃,关键取决于全程应力-应变曲线软化段是否存在拐点。对于没有拐点的情形,宏观剪切带图案不跳跃。局部化是导致准脆性材料试件剪切带倾角尺度效应的原因。 相似文献
The flow stress in the yield surface of plastic constitutive equation is modified with a higher order gradient term of the effective plastic strain to model the effect of inhomogeneous deformation in granular materials. The gradient constitutive model has been incorporated into the finite element code ABAQUS and used to simulate biaxial shear tests on dry sand. It is shown that the shape of the post-peak segment of the load displacement curve predicted by the numerical analysis is dependent on the mesh size when gradient term is not used. Use of an appropriate gradient coefficient is shown to correct this and predict a unique shape of the load displacement curve regardless of the mesh size. The gradient coefficient required turns out to be approximately inversely proportional to the mesh elemental area. Use of the strain gradient term is found to diffuse the concentration of plastic strains within shear band resulting in its consistent width. The coefficient of the higher gradient term appears as a function of the grain size, the mean confining stress, and the plastic softening modulus. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The paper analyses the interaction between two internal length scales during dynamic strain localization in multiphase porous materials. The first internal length is introduced in the mathematical model by the gradient‐dependent plasticity for the solid skeleton, while the second one is naturally contained in the multiphase model and is due to the seepage process of the water via Darcy's law, which induces a rate‐dependent behaviour of the solid skeleton. Numerical results of a one‐dimensional example of water saturated porous medium demonstrate the competing effect between these two length scales. The porous medium is here treated as a multiphase continuum, with the pores filled by water and air, the last one at constant atmospheric pressure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Vikas Thakur Steinar Nordal Gustav Grimstad 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2006,24(6):1729-1747
A negative second order work, strain softening, is often noticed in contractant material like sensitive clays. Failure in
such clays will lead to the formation of localized deformation zone of intense inelastic strain, known as shear band. Conditions,
emergence and inclination of shear band has been very well demonstrated in past decades in different manners, however a definite
thickness of shear band is still an open question due to several reasons. Mesh dependency, loss of ellipticity is another
challenge associated with finite element analyses for strain softening clays. This paper covers a comprehensive review of
classical theories of strain localization and associated limitation. Mesh dependency, ill-possed boundary value problem is
addressed using finite element simulation examples and experimental results. 相似文献
This paper exploits the concept of stabilization techniques to improve the behaviour of mixed linear/linear simplicial elements (triangles and tetrahedra) in incompressible or nearly incompressible situations. Elasto-J2-plastic constitutive behaviour has been considered with linear and exponential softening. Two different stabilization methods are used to attain global stability of the corresponding discrete finite element formulation. Implementation and computational aspects are also discussed, showing that a robust application of the proposed formulation is feasible. Numerical examples show that the formulation derived is free of volumetric locking and spurious oscillations of the pressure. The results obtained do not suffer from spurious mesh-size or mesh-bias dependence, comparing very favourably with those obtained with the standard, non-stabilized, approaches. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献