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This paper deals with a preliminary study of 13 localities of Precambrian iron-formations in the Jiamusi median massif and determination of the gold eontent of 391 samples. It has been ascertained that the gold deposits are strictly controlled by the iron-formations and exhibit obvious stratabound features. On that basis, the paper principally discusses gold migration and enrichment. Abundant Mn and Co are contained in primary sediments of the Dongfengshan-type gold deposits, which strongly supports and supplements the idea that the gold deposits of the same kind in the world are of metamorphosed volcanoexhalative-sedimentary origin.  相似文献   

A Metallogenic Model of Gold Deposits of the Jiaodong Granite-Greenstone Belt   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
An analysis of trace elements and isotopic geochemistry suggest that the ore-forming materials of gold deposits in the Jiaodong granite-greenstone belt have multiple sources, especially the mantle source. Seismic wave, magnetic and gravity fields show that the crust-mantle structure and its coupling mechanism are the fundamental dynamic causes for the exchange and accumulation of materials and energy in the metallogenic system. Considering the evolution history of the structural setting, the tectono-metallogenic dynamics model of the area can be summarized as follows: (1) occurrence of the greenstone belt during the Archean-Proterozoic-the embryonic form of Au-source system; (2) stable tectonic setting in the Paleozoic-an intermittence in gold mineralization; (3) intensive activation and reformation of the greenstone belt in the Mesozoic-tectono-mineralization and tectono-diagensis; (4) posthumous structural activity in the Cenozoic-destruction of orebodies in the later stage. In the middle and late Ind  相似文献   

<正>The Beiya gold polymetallic ore district covers an area of 22.06 km2 and is located 47.5 km away in the direction 172°from Heqing county seat of northwestern Yunnan.Its geographical coordinates are 100°11′15″–100°13′00″E and6°07′30″–26°10′30″N.Since its discovery in 1999 until November 31st 2013,it has had accumulative proven(111b+122b+331+332+333)gold metal amounts of 258.475t at an average grade of 2.61 g/t.This deposit contains 88.98million tons of paragenetic and associated iron ores,with TFe grade varying from 9%to 36%;metal amounts are:gold  相似文献   

Gold minerals in the Baochun skarn-type gold deposit are Au-Ag allogy with Ag contents within the range of 15-35.5wt% and the inerals vary from 5μm to 50μm in size.As viewed from the electron microprobe images,most gold grains show silver rims with a high Ag content as compared with the core,ranging generally from 2 to 3μm in width.From dynamic calculations based on the mass action and mass balance constratints on the crystallization of native gold,it is considered that the enrichment of silver in the rim of gold minerals in due to gradual enrichment of silver in the ore-forming solutions with its evolution from the early to the late metallogenic stage.  相似文献   

Gold deposits of the meso-epithermal carbonate type were first proposed based on the study of the Baguamiao gold deposit.This new type of gold deposits has many unique characteristics as follows:(1)Obviously strata-bound.The gold deposits are hosted in Middle Devonian turbidite formations;(2)Structrually controlled.Struc-ture is an important factor leading to metallogenesis of this type of gold deposits.The shape and distribution of orebodies are controlled by byittle-ductile shear zones;(3)Multi-stage wall-rock alteration.According to the characteristics of mineral assemblage,gold mineralization can be classified into three stages in association with various wall-rock al-terations.Wall-rock alterations closely genetically related to the gold mineralization are ankerization ,silicification,pyrrhotization and pyritization ;(4)Mineral compositions of the orebodies are mainly pyrrhotite,pyrite,marcasitolite,chalcopyrite,quartz,ankerite,and sericite.Gold mineralization is associated closely in space and time with iron sulfides;(5)Rare elements and REE in ores are low in contents relative to those of the crust.Au content varies from 1.91g/t to 11.15g/t ,averaging 5.5g/t;(6)Studies of sulfur,hydrogen,oxygen and carbon isotopes in main gangue minerals (quartz and ankerite)indicate that fluids and ore-forming materials came from deep-seated sources;(7)Three types of inclusions are recognized in terms of their composition and the vapor amounts of inclusions.The homogenization temperatures of inclusions range from 210℃to 310℃,averaging 230℃,showing that this type of gold deposits belongs to the meso-epithermal type;(8)Metallogenic age of this type of gold deposits is similar to that of the collision between the Yangtze Plate and the North China Plate,indicating that gold deposits of this type are genetically related to continental-margin plate activity.  相似文献   

Two types of gold ores,siliceous mylonite and quartz vein,formed at the first and second stages of mineralization respectively, can be clearly recognized in the shear zone-hosted gold deposit at Jinshan, Jiangxi.Similarity in REE and trace elements between the siliceous mylonite and the country rocks indicates that the ore metals were supplied by the surrounding strata during the first stage of mineralization.On the other hand, as indicated by fluid inclusion data,the ore-forming fluid at the second stage was of meteoric origin and the precipitation of gold was caused by phase separation.  相似文献   

The Baguamiao gold deposit in Fengxian County, Shaanxi Province, is a recentlyexplored super-large gold ore deposit. A comprehensive and deep-going study has revealedthat it is a polygenetic deposit: early-stage mineralization due to shearing, middle-stagemineralization due to hydrothermal alteration, and late-stage mineralization due toweathering, leaching and concentration at shallow depths. Shearing played a dominant role inthe formation of gold orebodies.  相似文献   

Gld deposits occurring in metamorphosed microcelastic rocks are distributed extensively at home and abroad.Some deposits of this type are of superlarge tonnage.The formation of gold deposits in metamorphosed microclastic rocks involves three stages:the sedimentary stage,the regionally metamorphic stage,and the ore-forming stage.At the first stage,microclastic sedimentary source rocks were developed in a relatively semi-enclosed reducing sea basin and were enriched in carbon,sulfur and gold.At the second stage,the gold adsorbed on organic matter and clay minerals was relesed and poorly concentrated during the destruction of organic matter and the depletion of clay minerals by regional metamorphism with increase temperature and pressure.At the third stage,a tectono-hydrothermal event took place.As a result,gold was leached from metamorphosed microclastic rocks,transported to ore depositional locus and/or mixed with gold of other sources in the course of migration,and finally precipitared as ores.Gold deposits of this type were eventually formed at the third stage,and they also can be classified as the orogenic belt type and the activation zone type.The gold deposits occurring in metamorphosed microcalastic rocks are the products of reworking processes and the influence of magmatism should be taken into consideration in some cases.  相似文献   

Auriferous cherts in the Middle Carboniferous Jinchang Formation are the dominant host rocks of auriferous quartz veins and mixed orebodies comprised of gold-bearing quartz veins and cherts in the Mojiang gold deposit.The rocks exhibit sedimentary texture and structure and are composed of hot-water deposited minerals.The FeO,Fe2O3,Au and Ag contents of the auriferous cherts are high;the Cr,Ni and Co contents are also high but significantly variable;MnO/TiO2 and TFe/TiO2 ratios are relatively higy.As viewed from a few diagrams that distinguish different chert formations,the auriferous cherts are in or near the range of hot-water deposited cherts.Because the correlation coefficients between Au contents and those of Cr, Ni of the rocks are negative,a great Au amount in the cherts might not be brought about by later hydrothermal alterations.The rare-earth elements,O and Si isotopic compositions of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the cherts belong to hot-water deposited rocks.The later hydrothermal alterations made the petrochemical compositions of the cherts deviate from the characteristics of hot-water deposition.In general,the geological and geochemical features of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the rocks were formed by hot water deposition.  相似文献   

In the early 1980's, the author proposed his view that copper-nickel sulphide deposts are of ore magma origin. For more than ten years, this view has aroused attention of his colleagues at home and abroad. In this paper an attempt is made to deal with the genetic model for ore magma of copper-nickel sulphide deposits in more details on the basis of geological, geochemical, petrophysico - chemical and thermodynamic studies of the Chibaisong copper-nickel sulphide deposit in the Changbai Mountains, Jilin province.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with a preliminary study of 13 localities of Precambrian iron-formations in the Jiamusi median massif and determination of the gold content of 391 samples. It has been ascertained that the gold deposits are strictly controlled by the iron-formations and exhibit obvious stratabound features. On that basis, the paper principally discusses gold migration and enrichment. Abundant Mn and Co are contained in primary sediments of the Dongfengshan-type gold deposits, which strongly supports and supplements the idea that the gold deposits of the same kind in the world are of metamorphosed volcano-exhalative-sedimentary origin.  相似文献   

小秦岭金矿带潼峪矿集区金的成矿规律与找矿预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在调查分析的基础上,结合变质核杂岩构造特征,研究了小秦岭金矿带潼峪矿集区金的成矿规律与控矿因素,指出潼峪矿集区金矿床的成矿物质来自太华群,并受晚期岩浆和构造的控制,尤其是变质核杂岩构造系统及其剥离(滑脱)构造控矿特征非常明显。综合研究认为,区内佛头崖-狮子包地段、东交沟—佛头崖一带、岳王庙-王排沟地区与复背斜倾伏端是重要的找矿靶区,值得进一步深入工作,并可为老矿区找矿提供示范。这对在老矿区深部寻找金矿,把小秦岭西段的深部找矿工作推向新阶段,实现找矿突破,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

丘岭金矿床是西秦岭地区重要的卡林型金矿之一, 金矿化赋存于上泥盆统南阳山组和下石炭统袁家沟组地层中, 容矿岩石的岩性为钙质粉砂岩、粉砂质页岩和泥质灰岩.金矿石中主要金属矿物为黄铁矿和毒砂, 非金属矿物则以石英、方解石和绢云母为主.通过对矿石矿物黄铁矿和毒砂的扫描电镜-能谱分析、电子探针分析和激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱分析, 对丘岭金矿床金的赋存形式和富集机理进行了较为详细的研究.结果表明, 丘岭金矿床中金主要以次显微不可见金的形式存在, 其次为显微可见金.次显微金包括: (1)固溶体金(Au+), 主要存在于环带状细粒黄铁矿的含砷增生边区域和毒砂中, 少量存在于环带状黄铁矿的核部不含砷区域; (2)纳米级自然金颗粒(Au0), 存在于粗晶黄铁矿中.环带状细粒黄铁矿核部的次显微金可能主要以胶体吸附的形式存在, 暗示容矿岩石在沉积成岩过程中有金的初步富集, 而环带状黄铁矿幔部和毒砂中的Au则主要来源于成矿流体, 以S和As的络合物形式搬运.显微可见金主要分布在细粒黄铁矿的晶体边缘和热液蚀变绢云母、石英及方解石中, 粒径通常小于3~5 μm, 其形成可能与成矿流体中金的局部过饱和及成矿流体对细粒黄铁矿和毒砂中次显微金的活化和再次富集有关.   相似文献   

基于对粤西河台韧性剪切带型金矿的构造解析,本文提出了韧性剪切带型金矿成矿的一种新构造模式,即:在大型韧性剪切带运动指向的前锋,当扩展弱化而出现分支糜棱岩带时,就会在韧性剪切带中出现由强变形带包绕的构造透镜体弱变形域。由于透镜体域中央岩石处于脆性环境,在变形分解过程中,强变形带中含金流体会通过岩石中的微破裂渗透到相对低压的弱变形构造透镜体域中央,并通过构造泵吸机制在其中产生周期性的液压致裂与裂开-愈合,这为在韧性剪切阶段活动的金提供了一个理想的沉淀场所。上述构造机制很好地解释了河台金矿床中透镜状特富矿体的成因。河台含金韧性剪切带在韧性、韧-脆性及脆性阶段在同位空间并列与叠加了不同类型金矿体,从早到晚分别形成细脉-浸染型、石英脉型与破碎带蚀变岩型金矿体。河台韧性剪切带群为粤西深层次逆冲推覆构造前缘陡坡带的分支糜棱岩带,其韧性剪切阶段为左旋平-逆剪切,韧-脆性与脆性阶段转变为右旋平-逆剪切,并依此讨论了金矿体的侧伏规律及隐伏矿体的预测方向。  相似文献   

太白双王含金水压角砾岩体形成过程和金矿体预测   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
陕西双王含金角砾岩体为水压角砾岩体,是深源富碱含金流体使泥盆系一套热水沉积的富钠质岩系发生水力压裂作用形成的。早期共轴递进挤压使能干性富钠质岩系与非能干性富泥质岩系发生变形分离,分别形成近等距分布的透镜状弱变形域与线性强变形带,其中,弱变形域中央是一个相对低温,低压,高渗透率的透镜状天然泵吸中心;晚期的右旋高角度斜冲非共轴递进剪切使弱变形域中央最发育的一组节理和裂隙由压性转变为张性,并沟通溶 部的裂隙系统,泵吸中心巨大的压力降使深部的承压流体在富钠质岩系中产生周期性的构造泵吸一水力压裂-沉淀愈合作用,根据分解变形构造型式预测的隐伏含金水压角砾岩体已获钻探初步验证。  相似文献   

朱光荣 《贵州地质》2009,26(3):177-179,184
从矿区(床)级别的构造尺度入手,通过总结分析,认为矿区由一个小型帚状构造及一个小型反S型构造组成,并对其形成机制进行了浅析。  相似文献   

Abstract The vegetation has been poisoned by gold in the western Guangdong-Hainan region. The gold content of the leaves there is as high as 10-1961 times the abundance, the chlorophyll content is 10%-30% lower than that of the vegetation in metamorphic terrains and 10%-20% higher than that in granite terrains, and the carotenoid content is 10%-44% lower than the background value. The water content of leaves is 10% to 20% lower than the background value. The cells of leaves are deformed and broken. The leaf surface shows colour spots and becomes yellow or dark green. The spectral reflectance of the leaf surface is 5%-30% higher than the background value; the spectral shape has shifted 5-15 nm to the short wavelength. The gray scales of eanopy on images of Landsat TM and airborne imaging scanner (AIS) are 10%-100% higher than the background values. On Landsat TM and AIS false colour images, plants poisoned by gold display a yellow color, which disinguishes them from background plants. According to the spectral and image features of gold biogeochemical effects, the author has constructed a gold information system and expert prediction system, and thus two gold target areas and two gold prospect areas have been identified rapidly, economically and accurately in the western Guangdong-Hainan region which is extensively covered by vegetation.  相似文献   

陕西略阳铧厂沟金矿床金的赋存状态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西略阳县铧厂沟金矿床为一正在开采的小型金矿床。利用野外观察、显微镜观察、电子探针扫描等综合分析技术对金矿石中金的赋存状态进行了研究。结果表明,金主要以独立矿物相存在,金的载体矿物主要为黄铁矿,其次为石英、白云石、黄铜矿、砷黝铜矿。金矿物均为自然金(成色为945~982),未发现含银自然金及银金矿等矿物。金的嵌布类型有包裹金、裂隙金、粒间金和连生金4种。矿石中自然金的粒度主要以显微微粒金(0.010~0.005 mm)为主(约占44%),其次是显微细粒金(0.020~0.010 mm)(约占22%)和显微极微粒金(0.005~0.001 mm)(约占19%)。显微中粒金—巨粒金数量较少(约占14%),但其面积含量较高(约占57%),对于矿石品位和储量来说非常重要。还讨论了铧厂沟金矿床自然金嵌布特征的地质意义以及金成色较高的成因。  相似文献   

对羊坪湾金矿床的地质地球化学特征研究表明,该金矿床为陕南黑色岩系中发现的沉积-改造型金矿床。它的成矿作用经历了沉积-成岩、构造-变质和改造-就位三个主要阶段;其找矿模型为在志留系梅子垭组含碳二云母石英片岩这一层位,韧性剪切带、紧闭褶皱等地质构造发育地段,出现黄铁矿化、硅化等热液蚀变和石英细脉、钠长岩脉等脉体,具有Au、As等元素化探异常与弱的激电异常,表现出断续的线性遥感影像。  相似文献   

陕西杨斜金矿床为东秦岭杨斜-丰北河金钨成矿带东段的一中型金矿床。金矿体主要为热液石英脉型,赋存于商丹断裂带内北东—北北东与北西—北北西向次级断裂中,赋矿围岩为新元古代杨斜片麻岩套。矿石金属矿物为黄铁矿-自然金-黄铜矿-黝铜矿-闪锌矿-方铅矿等中低温组合;热液成矿过程可划分钾长石-石英、石英-粗粒黄铁矿-自然金、石英-细粒黄铁矿-自然金-多金属硫化物和碳酸盐4个阶段;近矿围岩蚀变以钾化、硅化及黄铁矿化为特征,远矿蚀变主要为绿泥石化和碳酸盐化。金矿床主要受断裂、围岩及岩体(脉)控制,成矿时代不早于晚三叠世。  相似文献   

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