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1 IntroductionRiver system, to some extent, can be regarded as an independent eco-system, which includes river channels, lakes and the lands near the water bodies. In the engineering view, river system can be defined as the flooded area with a flood frequency of 1%[1,2]. The major aspects of the river system may be its water quantity, water quality and aquatic species. The three aspects of the system have a close relation with each other. The river system has a lot of functions, of which in g…  相似文献   

In order to reduce the environmental and ecological problems induced by water resources development and utilization, this paper proposes a concept of environmental and ecological water requirement. It is defined as the minimum water amount to be consumed by the natural water bodies to conserve its environmental and ecological functions. Based on the definition, the methods on calculating the amount of environmental and ecological water requirement are determined. In the case study on Haihe-Luanhe river system, the water requirement is divided into three parts, i.e., the basic in-stream flow, water requirement for sediment transfer and water consumption by evaporation of the lakes or everglades. The results of the calculation show that the environmental and ecological water requirement in the river system is about 124×108 m3, including 57×108 m3 for basic in-stream flow, 63×108 m3 for sediment transfer and 4×108 m3 for net evaporation loss of lakes. The total amount of environmental and ecological water requirement accounts for 54% of the amount of runoff (228×108 m3). However, it should be realized that the amount of environmental and ecological water requirement must be more than that we have calculated. According to this result, we consider that the rational utilization rate of the runoff in the river systems must not be more than 40%. Since the current utilization rate of the river system, which is over 80%, has been far beyond the limitation, the problems of environment and ecology are quite serious. It is imperative to control and adjust water development and utilization to eliminate the existing problems and to avoid the potential ecological or environmental crisis.  相似文献   

During the 1980s, New Zealand underwent a period of dramatic economic, social, and administrative restructuring. The reform extended to the administrative arrangements for environmental management. A geographic restructuring model is used in this paper to establish the context in which the reforms were carried out. A combination of economic, environmental, and social influences operating at different geographic scales can be identified. These influences are subsequently illustrated through reference to three aspects of the restructuring that have distinct geographical dimensions: the definition of human-environment relations, the spatial definition of planning regions, and the implications of spatial differentiation for resource management policy and practice.  相似文献   

海滦河流域河流系统生态环境需水量计算   总被引:264,自引:10,他引:254  
李丽娟  郑红星 《地理学报》2000,55(4):495-500
从水资源开发利用中的生态环境问题出发 ,探讨河流系统生态环境需水量的内涵。指出生态环境需水量是指地表水体维持特定的生态环境功能所必须蓄存和消耗的最小水量。在这一概念的基础上 ,构建计算河流系统生态环境需水量的理论基础。以海滦河流域为例 ,分三部分(即河流基本生态环境需水量、河流输沙排盐水量和湖泊洼地生态环境需水量 )概算了区域河流系统的生态环境需水量。计算结果表明海滦河流域生态需水量为 1 2 4× 1 0 8m3 ,约占流域地表径流总量的 54%。认为海滦河流域水资源开发率超过 40 %时 ,就会对生态环境造成严重影响。  相似文献   

Details of two‐way flows of primary products, implements, labour, information and finance drawn from runs of farm diaries, stock and station agents’ records, and newspaper articles were used to analyse work schedules on three comparable properties between 1874 and 1930, and to track the development of mixed cropping and livestock farming in southern New Zealand when draught horses were giving way to either steam or internal combustion engines as the prime source of motive power. The earliest records are for two farms in the late 19th century, and the most recent are for a third property in the 1920s.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a secondary school education initiative focussing on environment and sustainability centred on a small urban stream. This initiative has passed through an engagement stage, involving the community and other schools, and is now being embedded in curriculum learning. A cross‐curricular learning programme has been trialled and points the way toward new types of educational models within secondary schools in accord with opportunities offered by the new school curriculum. Moreover, these opportunities have wider benefits across the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors as well as within the community. These benefits include vertically structured place‐based education, win‐win partnerships, rationalising of local resources and leadership and networking. Further developments within the context of integrated catchment management are ongoing.  相似文献   

The grassland revolution is a national story but the intensification of New Zealand pastoral agriculture was made possible by many changes in farm practice, and application varied within New Zealand. This paper identifies aggregation issues in the narrative and explores their implications for any reassessment of the revolution. Data from six counties are analysed to illustrate some of the varied experiences across New Zealand farm districts. The paper redirects attention to local‐ and farm‐scale studies as a way to investigate the significance of the diverse drivers of pastoral productivity, their timing and effects.  相似文献   

Climate and weather are important for tourism and leisure as they impact on destination attractiveness and subsequent visitation. Through an archive analysis of media articles and a content analysis of Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) websites, this paper explores perceived deficiencies in the currently available climate and weather information for tourists in New Zealand. While media reports focused on concern by many RTOs over the poor regional images generated by inaccurate and poorly presented climate and weather data, the RTO websites were found to contain limited climate and weather information. There is considerable potential for RTOs to improve in this respect.  相似文献   

以山东省王景河村为例,通过实地调研和访谈的方式获取数据资料,分析农村发展中的环境现状,从村级和农户层面探讨农民生活生产行为方式对环境的影响,总结和归纳农村发展中环境问题的形成机制,提出农村环境问题管理的创新路径。研究结果表明:(1)农村环境问题主要表现为农业污染、农村生活污染和农村工业污染所形成的复合型污染;(2)农村经济发展模式粗放、农户环保意识淡薄、城乡环境管理的二元化、土地产权设置不合理等造成了农村环境的恶化,同时农民由农村传统生活方式向城市生活方式转变也对农村环境产生不利的影响。  相似文献   

Bioregionalism is a contemporary environmental movement containing deterministic ideas similar to those of geography's environmental determinism. This paper examines the theoretical and practical implications for bioregionalism based upon the experience of geography by identifying parallels between bioregionalism and environmental determinism in terms of both culture and politics. While not a latter day form of environmental determinism, bioregionalism deterministically links political culture and the environment. By comparing and contrasting environmental determinism with bioregionalism's deterministic tendencies, I identify certain contradictory ideas within bioregionalism. Among the most important contradictions occur when bioregionalists base moral judgements on a form of environmentalism, and when they advocate self determination while promoting environmentally determined lifeways. These ideas lie at the intersection of bioregionalism's social and ecological objectives—where the deterministic nature of bioregionalism is at odds with bioregionalism's decentralized, egalitarian philosophy.  相似文献   


Environmental justice laws protect certain populations against discriminatory actions that may result from a myriad of enterprises, including transportation activities. Previous environmental equity studies examining the effects of transportation-engendered externalities have been criticized on several points, including (1) that the choice of a reference population for comparison to the criterion variable may influence the outcome of research results and (2) that the selection and use of inappropriate methodologies intended to identify and characterize populations may foreordain research outcomes. This article examines the potentially confounding effects of selected spatial scale and population assignment strategies as applied to a study of excessive noise levels at a large Midwestern airport, finding that reported outcomes can vary significantly as a function of methodological choices.  相似文献   

Environmental justice laws protect certain populations against discriminatory actions that may result from a myriad of enterprises, including transportation activities. Previous environmental equity studies examining the effects of transportation‐engendered externalities have been criticized on several points, including (1) that the choice of a reference population for comparison to the criterion variable may influence the outcome of research results and (2) that the selection and use of inappropriate methodologies intended to identify and characterize populations may foreordain research outcomes. This article examines the potentially confounding effects of selected spatial scale and population assignment strategies as applied to a study of excessive noise levels at a large Midwestern airport, finding that reported outcomes can vary significantly as a function of methodological choices.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new discussion of how people learn through deliberative processes, drawing upon empirical analysis of a novel public engagement process for urban river restoration. Such critical evaluation is rare and yet will be crucial to both theoretical development and learning about engagement practice, not least in a policy area subject to strong regulatory drivers for public participation. The analysis supports two important learning mechanisms – the use of 'gatekeepers' of knowledge, interests and values, and the privileging of narrative. It provides new evidence of instrumental and communicative learning about shared priorities and criteria for effective river restoration that evolved through the deliberative process and directly informed the restoration scheme. It is important to question whether and how such site or context-specific learning might inform other restoration schemes. Finally, the paper questions the often ignored issue of expert learning, not least the issue of the link between individual and organizational learning.  相似文献   

Geospatial technologies span governmental, academic and private commercial sectors, and their potential for growth is considerable. The USA and Australia have trouble meeting demand for geospatial skills. This paper reports on a national survey of 157 organisations that identified a similar geospatial shortage in New Zealand. The paper also details dimensions of the shortage and the current frameworks for meeting the shortfall of skilled professionals. Arising from this skills gap, key challenges facing both the geography and geospatial communities are identified and discussed: raising student numbers, gaining experience, up‐skilling current professionals and raising awareness of the value of the geospatial skillset.  相似文献   

水环境容量与总量控制及其在乐安河的研究应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了水环境容量、总量控制在国内外的研究发展状况及研究中存在的问题,并针对乐安河流域水环境容量及总量控制的研究进行了阐述。  相似文献   

汀江流域畜禽粪便污染负荷及其环境影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从汀江流域畜禽养殖业现状分析入手,依据排泄系数法原理,估算流域各县市的作物所需畜禽粪尿肥的最大量、畜禽污染物产生量和农田畜禽粪便负荷量,并对畜禽养殖影响水环境进行分析.从调查中分析中可知,流域集约化养殖场大多分布于中上游的长汀河、旧县河和汀江干流段,地理分布过于集中,局部地区环境风险较大.结果表明,畜禽粪便环境承载量较大的河流依次为:长汀河、濯田河、旧县河、黄潭河、汀江干流、永定河、桃溪河,整个流域的畜禽污染已对环境产生风险,尤其是长汀河、旧县河流域尤为突出.  相似文献   

Integral to the geographic discipline are cross-cultural analyses, many of which use languages outside of the researcher’s own. There are few analyses, however, that address issues of translation that are inherently geographic; namely, that language is understood as a manifestation of place and culture. This article argues that the results of environmental interviews must be interpreted through a lens that evaluates how the translation of a word, or even a concept, is understood differentially based on one’s sense of place. Interviews were conducted in three of the Etsha villages situated in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, comparing perceptions of changes in both the local area and the flooding regime. Findings show qualitatively and quantitatively how residents perceive environmental change in light of their residential histories and their production of place. These results highlight that environmental change in an area is perceived in the context of previous residences, including the length of time spent in residence and the environmental characterization of that place. The process of interviewing regarding such change, especially when translation is necessary, should therefore proceed by incorporating inquiries about previous residences and the environments of those areas to correctly contextualize environmental change in a particular area.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that Māori1, like many other indigenous peoples, have utilised ecologically sustainable practices. However, over recent years a chasm has developed between many conservationists and various Māori groupings as environmental objectives and philosophies have come into conflict. This article seeks to examine this chasm, and then move towards an understanding about what may really be the basis of the claim for sustainable practices in this area.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades,no less remarkable than the fast economic advance has been the pollution of water,air and soil all over China.The degradation of environment provides challenge as well as opportunity to the native scientists.Benefited from their regional-scaled views and unique tools of study,Chinese environmental geographers distinguish themselves from other environment-related scientists by combining geographical methodology with means of chemistry and biology and by emphasizing region-based processes of pollutants and scaling issues.Additionally,they are benefited from the basic trainings in the branches of physical geography,such as soil geography,hydrology and climatology for a better understanding in behavior of pollutants in nature.  相似文献   

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