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基于2018年8月至2019年5月布放在北极随海冰漂流的自动气象站和温度链浮标获取的观测数据,分析了北极高纬度区域的大气特征和海冰生消过程。根据海冰的漂移轨迹分为两个阶段分析,第1阶段,海冰主要向东南漂移;第2阶段,海冰主要向东北漂移。第1阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–6.6℃和93%,第2阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–29.3℃和76%,第2阶段平均气压高于第1阶段。海冰的漂移轨迹主要受到波弗特高压外围气流的影响。利用自动气象站漂移轨迹计算得到海冰漂移速度,与美国国家冰雪数据中心海冰漂移速度比较显示,两者纬向速度更为接近。海冰在第1阶段以融化为主,海冰厚度略有减小,8月份海冰生长率为–0.11 cm/d;海冰的生长过程主要发生在第2阶段,1–3月生长率均超过0.9 cm/d,2019年3月海冰生长最快,平均生长率为1.3 cm/d,海冰的增长一直持续至观测结束。  相似文献   

The results of long-term (1980–2003) systematic measurements of the total ozone content at the Issyk Kul station (42.6° N, 77.0° E; 1650 m above sea level) are presented. The statistical characteristics and spectral structure of variations in the total ozone and the main tendencies of its temporal variability are determined. It is found that the total ozone content decreased in 1980–2003 at an average rate of (?1.29±0.08) DU/yr. The results of Fourier and wavelet analyses have shown that only oscillations with periods of 12, 27–29, and 102–105 months are rather stable and can be represented as harmonic oscillations. Oscillations with periods shorter than six months have the character of periodically arising pulsations. Among these, oscillations with periods of 27–29 and 34–37 days can be distinguished. It is noted that the spectral-temporal structure of variations in the total ozone content obtained from ground-based measurements at the Issyk Kul station is in good agreement with the corresponding structure obtained from TOMS satellite measurements.  相似文献   

The results of measurements of the ozone concentration obtained during the first cruise of the R/VVladimir Parshin close to the European Atlantic coast and in the adjacent seas are analysed. A sharp (four-fold) decrease in the ozone concentration off the coast along 50° N was found. This effect is associated with ozone absorption by the ocean, which is conditioned by the interaction of ozone with surface-active substances in the surface microlayer of seawater. This assumption is supported by the local decrease of the ozone concentration when approaching the coast, observed in the Black Sea several times. It is shown that the correlation between the ozone concentration and carbon monoxide above the ocean agrees with the regularity observed.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The role of surface waves in the ocean mixed layer   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
Previously, most ocean circulation models have overlooked the role of the surface waves. As a result, these models have produced insufficient vertical mixing, with an under - prediction of the ,nixing layer (ML) depth and an over - prediction of the sea surface temperature (SST), particularly during the summer season. As the ocean surface layer determines the lower boundary conditions of the atmosphere, this deficiency has severely limited the performance of the coupled ocean - atmospheric models and hence the climate studies. To overcome this shortcoming, a new parameterization for the wave effects in the ML model that will correct this systematic error of insufficient mixing. The new scheme has enabled the mixing layer to deepen, the surface excessive heating to be corrected, and an excellent agreement with observed global climatologic data. The study indicates that the surface waves are essential for ML formation, and that they are the primer drivers of the upper ocean dynamics; therefore, they are critical for climate studies.  相似文献   

Based on numerical simulations, we calculate the integral water circulation of the South China Sea on the eastern Vietnam shelf in the Vietnam coastal current area. The main objective of simulations was to study the hydrodynamic structures of this current in the winter–summer interseasonal period. The calculations were performed for the period from April to June 1999, which had the necessary primary field data. Two types of atmospheric processes were considered: the first is characterized by a small pressure gradient over the South China Sea and the second includes tropical cyclones in the southern part of the sea. The simulation results showed that there are three hydrodynamic gyres in the study area during the given time period: two anticyclonic gyres and a cyclonic gyre that separates them, which together form a complex pattern of the Vietnam current. These gyres persist for the given types of atmospheric processes and are quasi-stationary structures. The Vietnam current carries coastal water masses from south to north within the anticyclonic gyres in summer and from north to south within the cyclonic gyres in winter.  相似文献   

The near wave field generated by the travelling atmospheric pressure zone over a stratified fluid is studied within the framework of the linear theory of long waves allowing for the Coriolis force. The exact solution of the problem as a set of single integrals is deduced for the model distribution of pressures. The characteristics of the near wave field have been computed for the Väisälä-Brunt frequency profile takeu from observations. Their dependences on the geographical latitude and the wave generator travelling rate are analysed.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The influence of increased concentrations of submicron aerosol produced by forest fires on thermal characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in Moscow and its remote vicinity (the town of Zvenigorod) are analyzed on the basis of regular remote measurements of the ABL temperature profile with the use of MTP-5 profilers. In the air basin of a large city, additional aerosol and accompanying pollutants in early morning hours (at small heights of the Sun) most frequently did not cause substantial changes in the ABL thermal structure. In the locality remote from the megalopolis (Zvenigorod), the atmospheric pollution by aerosol led to noticeable changes in the ABL thermal characteristics. Especially strong changes were observed in the daytime, during the maximum supply of solar radiation. In morning hours, the heating rate of the lower 100-m layer of the polluted air exceeded the heating rate of a relatively pure air by more than one degree. In higher layers, the differences between the rates of temperature changes in a relatively clean atmosphere and in an atmosphere polluted by aerosol (in the suburb) were insignificant.  相似文献   

The high frequency part (10 Hz50 Hz) of the one-dimensional wave spectrum was measured in a wind-wave channel under accurately controlled conditions. The results are compared with the spectral forms for the capillary range that have been proposed recently byPierson andStacy (1973) andToba (1973). In a general sense, fairly good agreement is found between the present results and those ofPierson andStacy (1973) and ofToba (1973). The spectrum in the capillary range is clearly wind speed dependent, and the spectral density in that range increases with increasing wind speed.However, closer examination shows systematic deviations of the present results from those previously proposed, particularly for high speed winds.  相似文献   

The continental slope to the south of the Celtic Sea is an area of extremely rough topography and tidal currents of the order of 50cm/s (with components both along and across the slope). This is a region of intense and complicated internal wave and internal tide activity. Historical current meter data from moorings close to the shelf-break show bursts of high frequency, large amplitude internal waves occurring, on average, at either once or twice per M2 tidal cycle. Wave packets at 9 moorings along the shelf-break and further on-shelf are identified using conditional sampling. The paths travelled by these wave packets are calculated using their fluctuation orientation, linear wave theory and the low frequency current. The records are up to 60 days long, allowing the ensemble statistics of propagation direction and wave characteristics to be calculated for a large number of wave packets. This analysis shows that only a fraction of the observed wave packets have orientations consistent with generation by the across-slope barotropic tide. This mechanism accounts for 20% of the wave packets in the north-west Celtic Sea and 29% in the southeast Celtic sea. A similar fraction of the wave packets (23% in the north west and 27% in the south east) have orientations clearly consistent with generation by an along-slope flow over the rough topography on the slope. The remaining wave packets are attributed to generation by tidal flow over topography close to the moorings and possibly internal wave resonance within canyons.  相似文献   

An acoustic locator—a sodar—is a unique instrument for getting the objective characteristics of the current state of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) owing to a combination of such properties as remoteness, mobility, resolution, and information content. This study demonstrates the capabilities of a sodar to obtain data on the second moments of the field of wind-velocity fluctuations, in particular, the profiles of momentum flux in the lower ABL, which are very important in practical applications. A corresponding method is described, and the results of its experimental verification and some examples of its application under the conditions of different ABL stratification are presented.  相似文献   

In inviscid shallow water models currents generated by spatially uniform winds are transient and are eliminated by Rossby and equatorial Kelvin waves excited at the eastern and western coasts, respectively. The inclusion of mixing processes can lead to an entirely different steady state in which currents are present. It is shown that the mixing of heat affects the steady state more than does the mixing of momentum because the waves that are important in the oceanic adjustment are divergent.  相似文献   

New prognostic estimates are obtained for the potential variability of the atmospheric ozone content in the first half of the 21st century. The calculations are based on models of gas composition and general circulation in the lower and middle atmosphere and on the scenarios of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It is shown that the rate of ozone content increase will be controlled to a considerable extent by variations in stratospheric temperature. Even though the contents of atmospheric chlorine and bromine are not reduced, contrary to the WMO prediction, and remain at the present-day levels, the continuation of stratospheric cooling will lead to a rapid recovery of the ozone content to its level characteristic of the 1980s. Model experiments on variations in the stratospheric aerosol content have shown that an increase in the aerosol concentration will not affect the rate of ozone recovery in the atmosphere during reduced emissions of chlorine and bromine gases if the stratospheric temperature remains lowered. Numerical experiments have also shown that the simultaneous anthropogenic action on the contents of halogen gases and on the lower-stratosphere temperature can reduce the adverse effects of Freons and halons on the ozone layer.  相似文献   

利用诊断分析方法分析研究了热带太平洋ENSO Modoki现象对南半球中高纬度气候和海冰的影响。分析了ENSO Modoki现象的季节变化特征,并定义了ENSO Modoki的活跃年和活跃季节。利用偏相关分析、合成分析和超前滞后相关分析等诊断分析方法,分析了1979年1月到2010年12月间ENSO Modoki影响南半球中高纬气候及海冰异常的遥相关模态及可能的遥相关动力机制。研究结果显示费雷尔环流的异常变化是两者之间遥相关的可能方式。  相似文献   

On voyages in the Iceland Basin in 2007 and 2009, we observed low (ca. 0.1 nM) total dissolved iron concentrations [dFe] in surface waters (<150 m), which increased with depth to ca. 0.2–0.9 nM. The surface water [dFe] was low due to low atmospheric Fe inputs combined with biological uptake, with Fe regeneration from microbial degradation of settling biogenic particles supplying dFe at depth. The organic ligand concentrations [LT] in the surface waters ranged between 0.4 and 0.5 nM, with conditional stability constants (log KFeL) between 22.6 and 22.7. Furthermore, [LT] was in excess of [dFe] throughout the water column, and dFe was therefore largely complexed by organic ligands (>99%). The ratio of [LT]/[dFe] was used to analyse trends in Fe speciation. Enhanced and variable [LT]/[dFe] ratios ranging between 1.6 and 5.8 were observed in surface waters; the ratio decreased with depth to a more constant [LT]/[dFe] ratio in deep waters. In the Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough, enhanced [LT]/[dFe] ratios in surface waters resulted from decreases in [dFe], likely reflecting the conditions of Fe limitation of the phytoplankton community in the surface waters of the Iceland Basin and the high productivity in the Rockall Trough.Below the surface mixed layer, the observed increase in [dFe] resulted in a decrease of the [LT]/[dFe] ratios (1.2–2.6) with depth. This indicated that the Fe binding ligand sites became occupied and even almost saturated at enhanced [dFe] in the deeper waters. Furthermore, our results showed a quasi-steady state in deep waters between dissolved organic Fe ligands and dFe, reflecting a balance between Fe removal by scavenging and Fe supply by remineralisation of biogenic particles with stabilisation through ligands.  相似文献   

Analysis of a comprehensive dataset of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired over the sea area around the Mascarene Plateau in the western Indian Ocean reveals, for the first time, the full two-dimensional spatial structure of internal solitary waves in this region of the ocean. The satellite SAR images show that powerful internal waves radiate both to the west and east from a central sill near 12.5°S, 61°E between the Saya de Malha and Nazareth Banks. To first order, the waves appear in tidally generated packets on both sides of the sill, and those on the western side have crest lengths in excess of 350 km, amongst the longest yet recorded anywhere in the world's oceans. The propagation characteristics of these internal waves are well described by first mode linear waves interacting with background shear taken from the westward-flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC), a large part of which flows through the sill in question. Analysis of the timings and locations of the packets indicates that both the westward- and eastward-traveling waves are generated from the western side of the sill at the predicted time of maximum tidal flow to the west. The linear generation mechanism is therefore proposed as the splitting of a large lee wave that forms on the western side of the sill, in a similar manner to that already identified for the shelf break generation of internal waves in the northern Bay of Biscay. While lee waves should form on either side of the sill in an oscillatory tidal flow, that on the western side would be expected to be much larger than that on the eastern side because of a superposition of the tidal flow and the steady westward flow of SEC. The existence of a large lee wave at the right time in the tidal cycle is then finally confirmed by direct observations. Our study also confirms the existence of second mode internal waves that form on the western side of the sill and travel across the sill towards the east.  相似文献   

An optical imaging system (BubbleCam) has been tested for the quantification of bubble distributions at high void fractions formed beneath breaking waves. The instrument consists of a CCD video camera, stroboscopic light source, and optics allowing adjustable magnification, a fixed imaging volume, and the resolution of bubbles 3 pixels in radius and larger (equivalent to a minimum bubble radius of about 200 μm in the test configuration). BubbleCam has been deployed in a shore-based configuration (data and power supplied via shore-connected cables) as well as an autonomous device in the open sea with its own power supply and data storage. The resulting images are processed using a variant of the Hough transform which allows computer-automated counting and measurement of the bubbles within the video frames. In addition, images can be qualitatively examined to provide insights into bubble plume evolution and creation mechanisms  相似文献   

The tropopause height and the atmospheric boundarylayer (PBL) height as well as the variation of inversion layer above the floating ice surface are presented using GPS (global position system ) radiosonde sounding data and relevant data obtained by Chinas fourth arctic scientific expedition team over the central Arctic Ocean (86°-88°N, 144°-170°W) during the summer of 2010. The tropopause height is from 9.8 to 10.5 km, with a temperature range between -52.2 and -54.10C in the central Arctic Ocean. Two zones of maximum wind (over 12 m/s) are found in the wind profile, namely, low- and upper-level jets, located in the middle troposphere and the tropopause, respectively. The wind direction has a marked variation point in the two jets from the southeast to the southwest. The average PBL height determined by two methods is 341 and 453 m respectively. These two methods can both be used when the inversion layer is very low, but the results vary significantly when the inversion layer is very high. A significant logarithmic relationship exists between the PBL height and the inversion intensity, with a correlation coefficient of 0.66, indicating that the more intense the temperature inversion is, the lower the boundary layer will be. The observation results obviously differ from those of the third arctic expedition zone (800-85° N). The PBL height and the inversion layer thickness are much lower than those at 870-88° N, but the inversion temperature is more intense, meaning a strong ice- atmosphere interaction in the sea near the North Pole. The PBL structure is related to the weather system and the sea ice concentration, which affects the observation station.  相似文献   

An analytical solution to the problem of the generation of long waves by periodic surface pressures in a confined basin has been derived in the framework of linear theory. If the change in the basin depth follows a paraboloidal law, being reduced to zero at the borders, the surface pressure amplitude is a power function of the space coordinate; dissipation and the Coriolis force are considered. Resonance frequencies have been determined, and the effect of forces upon the wave amplitude in the resonance domain has been investigated. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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