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Detrimental effects of engineering works on the coast and a wish to conserve parts of the coastline have increased realization among coastal managers of the need to examine shoreline problems and proposals for protection in a wider spatial context than the site itself and over a longer time scale than the past few years. This paper outlines the approach taken in one region of the United Kingdom, the central south coast of England, to provide that wider perspective. Authorities responsible for coastal protection and sea defenses formed a coastal group, which, among other activities, commissioned research aimed at providing a greater understanding on which to base shoreline management decisions. A major project undertaken was a sediment transport study in which all existing information relating to coastal sediment processes in the region was collated and analyzed. All inputs, flows, and outputs of sediment were documented. Links between processes were examined for each part of the region. Finally, nine littoral cells of sediment circulation were identified and were suggested as forming a framework for shoreline management. The methods of compilation and analysis are outlined here and are exemplified for one area in the region. The approach is recommended as a cost-effective basis for strategic management of the coast in developed regions.  相似文献   

杭州湾南岸是我国近代海岸线变化最大的海岸带之一.前人曾利用史料、遥感、土地利用等手段对这一带岸线的变化进行过大量的研究.最近,笔者等在慈溪市滨海平原中距海岸线2~3 km的二座孤山—伏龙山和海王山发现了海蚀崖、海蚀沟、海蚀穴等海蚀地貌,从而提供了对历史海岸线位置有明确指示意义的地质地貌证据.分析认为此乃20世纪60年代...  相似文献   

In the northwestern area of Basel, Switzerland, a tunnel highway connects the French highway A35 (Mulhouse–Basel) with the Swiss A2 (Basel–Gotthard–Milano). The subsurface highway construction was associated with significant impacts on the urban groundwater system. Parts of this area were formerly contaminated by industrial wastes, and groundwater resources are extensively used by industry. During some construction phases, considerable groundwater drawdown was necessary, leading to major changes in the groundwater flow regime. Sufficient groundwater supply for industrial users and possible groundwater pollution due to interactions with contaminated areas had to be taken into account. A groundwater management system is presented, comprising extensive groundwater monitoring, high-resolution numerical groundwater modeling, and the development and evaluation of different scenarios. This integrated approach facilitated the evaluation of the sum of impacts, and their interaction in time and space with changing hydrological boundary conditions. For all project phases, changes of the groundwater system had to be evaluated in terms of the various goals and requirements. Although the results of this study are case-specific, the overall conceptual approach and methodologies applied may be directly transferred to other urban areas.  相似文献   

Various human activities threaten the groundwater quality and resource under urban areas, and yet residents increasingly depend on it for their livelihood. The anticipated expansion of the worlds urban population from 3 to 6 billion in the coming 50 years does not only pose a large water management threat but also provides an opportunity to conserve groundwater in a better way than up to now. The authors argue for a new way to manage urban activities in order to conserve the precious groundwater resource. The focus is on the quality of the discharged water after use in households. Restrictions on what is added to water while using it, e.g. detergents, excreta, paint residues, oils, and pharmaceuticals, are important to simplify the treatment and reuse of used water. Avoiding mixing different wastewater flows has the same positive effect. If increased volumes of wastewater can be treated and reused, the demand on the groundwater resource is reduced, as also occurs with demand management measures. Reduced discharge of polluted water to the environment from households and utilities also conserves the quality of groundwater and reduces sophisticated treatment costs.
Resumen La urbanización lleva a una demanda elevada y concentrada de agua de calidad adecuada, acompañada por el vertido de volúmenes análogamente mayores de aguas residuales. Los alimentos se importan a ciudades donde los microorganismos y nutrientes de los excrementos humanos son descargados a ríos, lagos y, también, aguas subterráneas. Más aún, gran número de los bienes de consumo son eliminados vía las tuberías de las cloacas. Las deudas medioambientales, es decir, el empobrecimiento de las condiciones medioambientales, que requerirán de aportaciones humanas y económicas para rehabilitarlas, son comunes a todas las ciudades, sobretodo en el Hemisferio Sur, donde, según la Valoración Global de Suministro de Agua y Saneamiento (OMS y UNICEF), la mayor parte de las aguas residuales urbanas no son tratadas (65% en Asia, 86% en Latinoamérica, 100% en África). La tarea pendiente consiste en proteger los recursos de aguas subterráneas para que estén disponibles de forma rápida para los habitantes urbanos también el futuro. En los próximos 50 años, se espera que la población urbana aumente de 3,000 a 6,000 millones de personas, según estimaciones de las Naciones Unidas, por lo que es imperativo dejar de contaminar las aguas subterráneas existentes bajo las nuevas áreas urbanas en construcción. En este artículo, se escudriña la calidad de las aguas subterráneas y su protección a la luz de los cambios recientemente introducidos en las políticas del agua, esto es, desde la gestión de los abastecimientos de agua a la gestión de la demanda y, eventualmente, hastaa la gestión de la reutilitzación.

Résumé Lurbanisation conduit à une demande élevée et concentrée deau de qualité adéquate, accompagnée du rejet dimportants volumes correspondants deaux usées. La nourriture est importée dans les villes tandis que les micro-organismes et les nutriments provenant des excrétas humains sont rejetés dans les rivières, les lacs et aussi les eaux souterraines. De plus, une large gamme de biens de consommation est évacuée par les égouts. Les créances environnementales, cest-à-dire lappauvrissement des conditions environnementales qui demandera des apports humains et économiques pour la réhabilitation, sont habituelles dans toutes les villes, et pas seulement dans lhémisphère sud, comme cela est indiqué dans le rapport sur lalimentation en eau et la santé publique du monde (publié par lOMS et UNICEF), établissant que la plupart des eaux résiduaires des zones urbaines reste non traitée (65% en Asie, 86% en Amérique latine et 100% en Afrique). La tâche à réaliser pour lhomme est de protéger les ressources en eau souterraine en sorte quelle reste disponible pour les habitants des villes dans le futur. Dans les prochaines 50 années, il faut sattendre à ce que la population urbaine saccroisse de 3 à 6 milliards de personnes selon les estimations des Nations Unies; aussi il est impératif de ne pas continuer à polluer les eaux souterraines sous les nouvelles zones urbaines en cours de construction. Dans cet article, nous analyserons la qualité des eaux souterraines et leur protection à la lumière des récents changements de politique de leau, cest-à-dire de la gestion de lalimentation en eau jusquà une gestion de la demande et en abordant éventuellement la période de gestion du recyclage.

Obsidian is abundant in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). Petrological and geochemical features of obsidian from four volcanic centers in the MER, namely Birenti, Dofen, Fentale and Kone, are presented. Compositional and petrological variability is noted among the Dofen and Fentale obsidian, but not in those from Kone and Birenti where each have separate but uniform elemental composition. The Fentale and Kone obsidian were source materials for the artifacts of a number of Middle Stone Age and Later Stone Age/Neolithic sites in the region. We have yet to determine whether Dofen and Birenti were sources for archeological artifacts. The study also shows that volcanic episodes from a single center do not necessarily result in compositional variability.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic damage of geoheritage is documented widely, but natural processes can also lead to geoheritage loss. For instance, sand dune migration causes submergence of unique geological and palaeontological sites in desert environments of the Sahara. The Siwa Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt boasts rich geoheritage, which is represented in many localities. Three of them in the southern part of the oasis are outcrops of highly-fossiliferous limestones. Palaeontological, sedimentary, palaeogeographical, and geomorphological types of geoheritage are recognized there. Sand dune activity on the study area is registered both visually and with remote sensing techniques. Denudation and destruction of naturally-exposed rocks is documented. Evidence of outcrop submergence with sand is found in all cases. The localities are situated in the pathway of rapid (up to ?10 m/yr) dune migration. One locality may disappear within one–two years. Sand dune migration has to be considered as a factor of geoheritage loss in the Siwa Oasis, and the relevant protection of the studied localities is necessary. Geopark creation and improvement of water use in the oasis can also help significantly, as well as the reference to archaeological experience of excavation and protection of heritage sites submerged by sands. More generally, geoheritage conservation should be integrated with a program for sustainable oasis development.  相似文献   

A new approach to the method of artificial upraising of the water outlet point, for management and development of brackish karst springs, uses the MODKARST model. Brackish karst springs simulation can be used to estimate the necessary upraising of the spring elevation, so that sea-water intrusion is blocked. The consequent freshwater loss to the sea, due to this upraising, can also be estimated. The method has been applied to the periodically brackish karst Almiros spring at Heraklion of Crete, Greece. The spring simulation showed that the sea-water intrusion could be prevented through an artificial upraising of the water-outlet point, realized by the construction of a dam. The exact upraising has been estimated. Freshwater loss to the sea because of this upraising has also been estimated. The model could also be used as a tool for the management of the spring. For example, it was used to assess management options for the spring during the depletion period of the year 1994. The best scenario for the development of the spring during this period has been estimated.  相似文献   

王尧  杨建锋  张翠光 《地质通报》2016,35(11):1918-1925
欧盟是世界环境保护与可持续发展的主要倡导者和推动者,在环境地质科学研究方面积累了大量先进的理念、经验和做法。在论述欧盟环境管理基本理念的基础上,从填图、监测、机理研究3个方面分析了欧盟地区环境地质调查和科学研究工作现状,概括总结了其在环境地质领域的科学发展战略重点,梳理出各成员国地质调查机构从传统地质调查工作向服务生态管理的现代地质调查工作转变的发展路线。在此基础上,提出了对中国环境地质调查和研究工作的启示:加强地质环境生态服务功能评估;加强统一的地质环境监测体系建设;开展地球关键带三维地质调查与监测;加强地质环境事件快速响应基础研究。  相似文献   

Lake Bonneville was a climatically sensitive, closed-basin lake that occupied the eastern Great Basin during the late Pleistocene. Ongoing efforts to refine the record of lake level history are important for deciphering climate conditions in the Bonneville basin and for facilitating correlations with regional and global records of climate change. Radiocarbon data from this and other studies suggest that the lake oscillated at or near the Provo level much longer than depicted by current models of lake level change. Radiocarbon data also suggest that the lake dropped from threshold control much more rapidly than previously supposed. These revisions to the Lake Bonneville hydrograph, coupled with independent evidence of climate change from vegetation and glacial records, have important implications for conditions in the Bonneville basin and during the Pleistocene to Holocene transition.  相似文献   

汤士博  熊伟  彭万利  周红军  董劲松 《探矿工程》2015,42(8):68-70,79
从质量管理、效率管理、技术管理、环境保护、资质管理等几个方面提出了加强钻探工程管理工作的若干措施和建议,以期提高地质岩心钻探的质量和效率,实现经济效益最大化和勘查成果的准确性。  相似文献   

High-resolution clay-mineral analyses were performed on upper Hauterivian to lower Aptian sediments along a platform-to-basin transect through the northern Tethyan margin from the Neuchâtel area (Switzerland), to the Vocontian Trough (France) in order to investigate links between climate change, carbonate platform evolution, and fractionation patterns in clay minerals during their transport.During the Hauterivian, the northern Tethyan carbonate platform developed in a heterozoan mode, and the associated ramp-like topography facilitated the export of detrital material into the adjacent basin, where clay-mineral assemblages are dominated by smectite and kaolinite is almost absent, thereby suggesting dry-seasonal conditions. During the Late Hauterivian Balearites balearis ammonite zone, a change to a more humid climate is documented by the appearance of kaolinite, which reaches up to 30% of the clay fraction in sediments in the Vocontian Trough. This prominent change just preceded the Faraoni Oceanic Anoxic Event and the onset of the demise of the Helvetic Carbonate Platform, which lasted to the late early Barremian.From the Late Barremian onwards, the renewed growth of the northern Tethyan carbonate platform in a photozoan mode and the associated development of a marginally confined platform topography fractionated the clay-mineral assemblages exported into hemipelagic settings: kaolinite particles were preferentially retained in proximal, platform settings, due to their size and their relatively high specific weight. In the inner platform environment preserved in the Swiss Jura, an average of 32% of kaolinite in the clay fraction is observed during the latest Barremian–earliest Aptian, whereas clay-mineral assemblages of coeval sediments from deeper depositional settings are dominated by smectite and show only minor amounts of kaolinite.This signifies that besides palaeoclimate conditions, the morphology and ecology of the carbonate platform had a significant effect on the distribution and composition of clay assemblages during the Late Hauterivian–Early Aptian along the northern Tethyan margin.  相似文献   

张秋营 《铀矿地质》2006,22(3):190-192
一个以科技创新为动力,以质量革新为重要元素的知识经济时代已经来临。目前,以六西格玛管理、卓越绩效评价和质量管理体系等优秀质量管理模式为代表的“质量热”正在全球如火如荼地展开。核地勘企业应与时俱进,加强质量管理,以卓越的业绩确保铀资源勘查任务的顺利完成。  相似文献   

Surface water samples from the Drake mining area show elevated metal concentrations, notably cadmium, iron and zinc. A detailed study of a sphalerite /quartz vein from Strauss Pit and chalcopyrite and pyrite from the Adeline mine and Strauss Pit indicate that micro-scale analyses of ores are necessary for environmental management of mine sites. Analyses show that Cd is elevated, up to 2.1 % by weight, and is associated with sphalerite, replacing Zn, or to a lesser extent replacing Pb within small galena grains. High concentrations of Cu are also associated with the Strauss Pit ore as small chalcopyrite grains along the margins of the sphalerite vein, within the central quartz zone of the vein system, and as replacement rims on sphalerite grains. Chalcopyrite from the Adeline mine area, is by comparison, metal poor, but still contains elevated heavy metal concentrations. Whereas, pyrite and chalcopyrite, from Strauss Pit have variable heavy metal concentrations, with chalcopyrite from within sphalerite veins having higher Cd and Zn concentrations than chalcopyrite distal to the veins. Cadmium and other heavy metals within the ores are mobilised during sulphide weathering and enter the drainage network; precipitation of secondary oxidation minerals act as temporary stores for many heavy metals. The complexity of the mineral and heavy metal associations at Strauss Pit suggest that a detailed knowledge of these associations and distributions within ore bodies, and associated waste rocks, are needed by environmental managers of mine sites because the presence of havy metals may greatly affect the decision making process, and management strategies employed. Received; 14 July 1999 · Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

我国耕地保护经济补偿机制实践分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高魏  陈基伟  郁钧 《上海国土资源》2012,33(1):24-27,50
对我国部分地区试行耕地保护经济补偿机制的实践作了初步总结,从补偿对象、补偿标准、资金来源、资金使用等方面分析了各自特点,依据资金来源和补偿对象阐述了补偿实践中的不同模式。结合上海实际,提出了完善新增建设用地土地有偿使用费使用、落实基本农田保护基金、加强土地管理基础业务工作,以进一步促进耕地和基本农田保护补偿机制完善的建议。  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed analysis of the geologic, hydrologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of Nestos River basin, which is formed within the Greek mountainous part of the river. The quantitative analysis was mainly based on the data of the river flow in different gauging points across the rivercourse as well as on the data of groundwater discharge from karst springs of the mountainous area while important conclusions were made regarding the hydraulic connection between the surface waters of the river and the groundwater of the karst aquifers of the basin. The qualitative analysis has shown that the quality of both surface waters and groundwaters of the investigated basin is high, whereas, no sources of contamination were indicated during this research. The possible effects of the two large dams of Platanovrisi and Thesavros are also analysed as they strongly affect the quantitative and qualitative regime of the river delta.  相似文献   

北京市地质灾害状况及制定地质环境管理办法论证   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论文从北京市自然地质背景和资源现状出发,根据目前资源开采中存在的地质环境问题、地质灾害程度以及地质环境发展趋势,论述了北京应尽快制定、颁布与实施地质环境管理办法的必要性、迫切性、可行性和相关依据。北京市主要有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面沉降等地质灾害以及矿山环境污染,而针对这些问题开展的监测预报工作还很少。纵观北京市社会、经济及资源的利用与发展,已逐步显现出地质灾害、矿山环境等地质环境问题对社会经济发展带来的诸多困扰。目前地质灾害及地质环境管理的现状都显示出本市地质环境监测与预报工作还很薄弱,相应的法律、法规建设也不健全。因此,制定地质环境管理办法已迫在眉睫,应使地质环境管理有法可依,改善目前地质环境,保证北京市社会经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过对我国地下空间开发利用相关法律条文的对比分析,结合各地地下空间开发管理经验,利用分层管理、系统管理理论,使用对比分析、实地调研的方法,在对建设用地使用权权利定性及权利协调合理性探讨基础上,提出海南城市地下空间开发规范管理利用建议。  相似文献   

A conjunctive use model has been developed to evaluate alternative management options for surface and groundwater resources. A simple water balance approach was used to estimate net recharge to the aquifer. The groundwater model FEFLOW takes net recharge as an input for the water balance calculation and simulates flow in the groundwater under all boundary stresses. The developed model was applied to an irrigated area in the Indus Basin, Pakistan, to predict groundwater levels up to 2010 in response to the possible need for intervention in irrigation and/or agricultural practices. A geographical information system (GIS) was used to assemble various types of spatial data. The study revealed that an increase in pumpage from the present rate would further strain the scarce water resources. Lining of watercourses and adjustment in cropping pattern could be adopted as alternatives for better management of surface and groundwater resources.
Helmut EggersEmail:

李燕  李恒鹏 《水科学进展》2010,21(5):666-673
针对西苕溪流域水质安全问题,基于WEAP建模平台,构建了西苕溪流域水资源评估与规划模型。在模型验证基础上,分析了西苕溪流域2001~2020年河道水功能目标满足度及水供需关系,识别了流域水资源利用存在的问题,并探讨了水源地和中下游区水质安全保障措施及其改善水质的效用,在此基础上提出了西苕溪流域水质安全保障方案。研究表明:TN是影响水源地供水安全的限制性因素,TN、TP是影响河道水功能的重要指标。通过综合实施废水处理厂、节水型设备、退耕还林等水资源管理措施能起到较好地削减TN产出的效果,水源地河道TN浓度降低,基本上能保证全年实现河道Ⅲ类水功能目标,中下游河道TP、TN浓度亦能达到Ⅲ类水功能要求。  相似文献   

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