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盐度变化对对虾仔虾成活率及生长率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对虾育苗生产中,即将出池放养的仔虾,由于育苗池和中间暂养池或养成池盐度往往不一致,常会影响仔虾的生长发育和成活率。天然仔虾生活在浅海、河口、内湾,对低盐度的适应能力较强。但是,人工培育的仔虾特别是一厘米以下的仔虾,对盐度的适应性以及其后的生长状况如何?却很少有详细报导。近几年来,据不少养殖单位反映:仔虾入池时,因盐度的突变而造成大批死亡,或影响其生长,造成很大损失。因此,有必要了解盐度突变影响对虾仔虾的成活率及生长率的情况,以便为防止仔虾死亡,采取相应措施提供依据。  相似文献   

中国对虾幼体和仔虾消化酶活力及氨基酸组成的研究   总被引:59,自引:1,他引:59  
于1987年5月初在山东日照市涛雒对虾育苗场采集中国对虾虾苗;成虾于1986年春、秋两季取自青岛胶州湾水域的网捕成虾。以酶学分析方法作试验。结果表明,1.虾苗酶活力结果为:类胰蛋白酶及胃蛋白酶的活性有差异,溞状幼体期<糠虾幼体期<仔虾期;酶活性随着生长发育而增高,类咦蛋白酶活性比胃蛋白酶高4倍左右。淀粉酶的活性是溞状幼体期>糠虾幼体期>仔虾期;纤维素酶活力极微;淀粉酶活性是纤维素酶的6—13倍左右。育苗期几种消化酶的活性均远远低于成虾。2,育苗期幼虾的氨基酸含量,随着生长发育而增高,在各期,氨基酸总和的差别是:溞状幼体期<糠虾幼体期<仔虾期。  相似文献   

中国海域已报道的约90种对虾中,半数具有经济价值。其中中国对虾、墨吉对虾和长毛对虾无论在捕捞还是在养殖业上都具有十分重要的地位。由于3种虾的形态非常相近,特别是在早期生活史阶段,它们的幼体和仔虾很难区分,因而给对虾种群补充、预报和其它有关研究造成困难。尤其在热带海域,对虾生殖季节重叠,幼体和仔虾的鉴别更加重要,各期仔虾的数量统计需以严格的形态鉴别作为依据。作者对三种对虾的幼体的形态,区别已有专文报道(Liu and Liu,1994)。本文深入细致地研究了中国对虾、墨吉对虾和长毛对虾仔虾的发育形态学,并进行了比较,使3种对虾的仔虾得以区别,并为今后的对虾生态学研究及资源管理奠定基础,提供依据。  相似文献   

近几年,随着我国对虾人工养殖事业的迅速发展,对虾工厂化育苗规模不断扩大,技术不断提高。为了严格控制单位面积养殖对虾的尾数,以便合理投喂饵料,加速仔虾生长速度,降低养殖成本,提高仔虾的成活率,目前不少养殖单位进行中间培养,取得了良好的效果。为了使对虾育苗场能够及时提供大规格(平均1.5cm)苗种,减少养殖单位暂养的困难,1989年3月,我们在日照市科委实验场进行了对虾早期苗土池暂养实验研究。  相似文献   

对虾的人工养殖已成为我国养殖业中的支柱产业,不仅拓宽了农村劳动力市场渠道,同时也是农村脱贫致富的重要经济产业。但是近几年来,由于生态环境日益恶化,病毒或细菌感染、水质污染、饵料变坏引起的应激反应。造成对虾大面积遭灾,有的甚至全军覆灭。 我国北方沿海一些地区,为躲避高温期的对虾流行疾病,提出早育苗、育大苗的建议。而虾苗质量的好坏,又最终会直接影响对虾的成长和产量。我国部分育苗场采用提高育苗池温度和加大抗生素用量,促使虾苗在长度上达到0.7-1cm,从而符合放养规格。日本学者Nakamura(1987)用组织学方法研究日本对虾的流行疾病时发现,仔虾在P20期以前,特别是P4-10期时,发育的淋巴器官大小的转换值较低,仔虾期抵抗力亦较低,是仔虾易发病死亡的原因,而这段时期又正是中国对虾的放养期,从育苗池到虾塘,环境的改变较大,若加上育苗场急功近利的作法,则会加速仔虾的死亡或成为孱弱的个体。 据酒井(1992)、梶田(1990)、 Kajita等(1992)、 Sakai等(1991)、 Edwards等(1988)报道,生长激素对鱼类不仅有促进生长的作用,而且还有提高免疫力的效果。本课题组在完成山东省“八五”攻关课题“基因工程人工合成饵料的研制”过程中,同样证实了生长激素对鲤鱼有显著的促生长和抗病作用。但是在对虾的养殖中,有关生长激素的报道不多。本文为利用浸渍生长激素对中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)仔虾生长和耐盐度影响的研究结果。  相似文献   

用静水式试验方法比较了消油剂对斑节对虾Penaeusmonodon,罗氏沼虾Macrobrachiumrosenbergii,裸项栉虎鱼Ctenogobiusgymnachen和红剑鱼Xiphophorushelleri4种水生动物的急性毒性,并观察了消油剂浓度与水体溶解氧的相关性。结果表明:水体溶解氧与消油剂浓度明显呈负相关。消油剂对斑节对虾仔虾、红剑鱼、罗氏沼虾仔虾和裸项栉虎鱼的半数致死浓度分别为14.9,1725.0,2238.0和5861.4mg·L-1。对消油剂的敏感顺序由大至小为斑节对虾仔虾,红剑鱼,罗氏沼虾仔虾,裸项栉虎鱼。班节对虾仔虾和红剑鱼是监测消油剂生物毒性较为适宜的物种。  相似文献   

低盐度突变对中国对虾仔虾存活率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1996年3-4月在山东日照市代家村对虾育苗场采集中国对虾仔虾,采用实验室培养的方法,研究中国对虾仔虾对不同低盐度突变的幅度及速率的适应能力,并对在不同盐度突变后仍能存活的仔虾体内的18种氨基酸、14种脂肪酸及5种维生素的含量作了分析比较。结果表明,当降盐的工范围为3/d-5/d时,部分仔虾可在盐度为零的淡水中存活数天。盐度的变化对仔虾体内氨基酸,脂肪酸和维生素的含量均有一定影响。  相似文献   

中国对虾仔虾对磷需要量的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过观察在饲料中添加磷酸二氢钾对中国对虾仔虾存活率、体长增长率及仔虾体内含磷量的影响,探索了仔虾对磷的需要量。研究表明,添加磷酸二氢钾使饲料中磷含量为1.16%~1.37%时,仔虾的体长增长率最佳。饲料中磷含量在0.71%~1.82%的范围内,对仔虾的存活率、体内的磷含量无显著的影响。  相似文献   

于1996年5月,在青岛市红岛镇后阳育苗场,采用饲养实验的方法对患肠道疾病的中国对虾仔虾的康复进行观察研究。结果表明,中国对虾仔虾的某些肠道疾病的康复与蜕 存在极为密切的关系。肠道杆菌病对虾状幼体和糠虾幼体危害极大,患病个体死亡率为100%,而患病率的仔虾幼体较高的存活率(32%),存活者多数为病症出现时已处蜕皮前期的个体,而在蜕皮间期开始患病的个体极少能发育至蜕皮变态。肠道堵塞是仔虾期纪体的幼体  相似文献   

盐度是影响对虾存活、生长的重要因子。对虾对盐度的适应除与温度、对盐度变化的适应时间、发音阶段、蜕壳期等因子有关外,还与个体大小密切相关。有关斑节对虾仔虾对盐度的适应已有许多报道,Cawthorne(1983)报道了第28天的仔虾对盐度的适应能力强于40K以后的仔虾;Chakraborti(1986)用1.0~1.2厘米仔虾为材料作了盐度变化对其存活率的影响试验;林美云(1982)也用头胸甲长0.53~0.74厘米(体长约1.5~  相似文献   

To establish whether osmotic stress can be separated from possible toxicant stress in Eurytemora affinis, protein synthesis was analyzed under various conditions of temperature and osmotic stress. Individual adult copepods raised at 10 ppt and 15 °C were exposed for 5 h to different temperature and salinity regimes. Newly synthesized proteins were separated and identified using SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. Copepods exposed to lower (2 and 5 ppt) and higher (15 and 20 ppt) salinities showed differences in the up- and down-regulation of specific proteins. Concurrent heat stress changed these protein patterns. These results suggest that protein profiles might be used to distinguish the effect of toxicants in a salinity gradient such as the Chesapeake Bay or in the Baltic region.  相似文献   

Osmotic stress represents a limiting physical parameter for marine organisms and especially for sessile scleractinian corals which are known to be basically stenohaline and osmoconformers. The salinity changes may cause important cellular damage since corals lack any developed physiological regulatory system. One mechanism of reaction to deleterious conditions is the rapid increase of the induction of heat shock proteins. This study highlights the modulation of the expression of a mitochondrial heat shock protein, such as the chaperonin Hsp60, in the animal tissues of the scleractinian coral Seriatopora caliendrum under three salinity scenarios (hypersalinity of 45 ppt, hyposalinity of 25 ppt and extreme hyposalinity of 15 ppt). The study was performed during the time course of a 2-day period and accompanied also by the assessment of the coral health condition. For each salinity stress S. caliendrum responds differently at the morphological and cellular levels, since the Hsp60 exhibited specific patterns of expression and the coral showed different tissue appearance. Furthermore, the response reflects the severity and exposure length of the disturbance. However, the results indicate that S. caliendrum seems able to tolerates high salinity better than low salinity. In particular, in extreme hyposalinity conditions, a considerable gradual down-regulation of Hsp60 was detected accompanied by necrosis and degradation of the coral tissues. The study suggests that Hsp60 may be involved in the mechanisms of cellular response to stress caused by exposure to adverse salinity.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated hydrodynamic modeling and probability analysis approach to assess the long-term effects of changing river inflows on the estuarine ecosystem. The probability analysis method, which is popularly used in advanced hydrological frequency analysis of river flows and rainfalls, has been applied to analyze the effects of changing inflow on salinity and thus on oyster ecology in Apalachicola Bay. Long-term salinity data were predicted through the application of a calibrated 3D hydrodynamic model under two river inflow conditions over a 10-year period. The first flow represents the historic flow. The 2nd flow condition, called Scenario-1, represents a regulated flow scenario to account for the potential increasing upstream water demands. Two stations, Mid Bay and Dry Bar, in the bay were selected to examine the estuarine responses. Under the historic flow condition, the maximum probability salinity at Dry Bar in the rich oyster reef is near 24 ppt, within the optimal salinity range for oyster growth of 16–26 ppt (Harned et al., 1996); the maximum probability salinity at Mid Bay station is 27 ppt, beyond the optimal salinity for oyster growth in mid-bay area where there is no oyster reef around. While it is difficult to examine the difference between two scenarios by conventional time series analysis of river flows and salinity, probability analysis reasonably characterizes and quantifies the changes of river flow and salinity patterns over the 10-year period. The Scenario-1 has caused the increase of the probability in low flows. Higher probability of low flows for the regulated flow scenario shortens the period of optimal salinity in the oyster reef, and cause substantial increase of exceedance probability of higher salinity in the oyster reef to the level beyond the optimal salinity range for oyster growth. The probability analysis approach has demonstrated its advantage for the risk assessments of the long-term estuarine ecohydrological effects under various regulated inflow scenarios to support estuarine water resources managements.  相似文献   

Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl. plants were collected from a Mississippi River deltaic plain brackish marsh located along the Louisiana Gulf Coast. The plants were subjected to salinity levels of 4 to 22 ppt under controlled environment conditions. Salt water instrusion is currently occurring in much of Louisiana's extensive S. patens brackish marshes due to rapid coastal subsidence and that impact is simulated in this study. Specifically, the influence of salt water influx on the stomatal behaviour and net photosynthesis of S. patens was studied. Stomatal conductance was reduced 54% and net photosynthesis 43% as soil salinity was increased from 0 to 22 ppt. Both responses were rapid (within 24 h) and persisted throughout the entire experiment. Salt excretion from both leaf surfaces was noted within three to five days after salt application. Results presented suggest that salt water intrusion is contributing to the rapid rate of marsh deterioration occurring in coastal Louisiana.  相似文献   

The spider crab Maja brachydactyla is an important fisheries species in Europe. Adults were sampled in Ría de A Coruña (NW Spain) and transported to IRTA rearing facilities. Salinity and photoperiod changes and their effect on reproduction were tested in the laboratory. The number of newly hatched larvae per batch (presence of actively swimming newly hatched larvae in a broodstock tank) was counted and sampled to estimate dry weight and proximal composition. Keeping spider crab broodstock in a high salinity environment (38 ppt) significantly reduced the number of newly hatched larvae, reaching up to fivefold difference in winter. The number of newly hatched larvae produced under a natural photoperiod was 10‐fold higher than those produced using a fixed photoperiod at 34 ppt salinity during winter. No clear pattern of changes in larval dry weight, protein, lipid or carbohydrate composition was observed under the environmental conditions tested. The results show that the salinity used for broodstock maintenance, especially during the embryonic development, is an important factor causing changes in larval production of M. brachydactyla and with potential implications for recruitment success.  相似文献   

For biomarkers to be useful in assessing anthropogenic impacts in field studies involving aquatic organisms, they should not be affected by naturally occurring changes in environmental parameters such as salinity. This is especially important in estuarine environments and for relatively unspecific biomarkers like heat-shock proteins (hsps, stress proteins). In this study, the heat-shock protein response was measured in the euryhaline clam, Potamocorbula amurensis, after exposure to a range of salinities reflecting normal and extreme environmental conditions in Northern San Francisco Bay, California. The ability to raise cellular hsp70 levels in response to heat-shock was significantly impaired in P. amurensis collected from a low (0.5 ppt) salinity field site, and after 14 day exposure to low salinity in the laboratory.  相似文献   


In this paper, two analytical models used worldwide to assess salinity variation in alluvial estuaries are applied to the Ashtamudi estuary, a Ramsar site, southwest coast of India; and Bouregreg estuary, in northwest part of Morocco. The estuaries’ bathymetry is described by an exponential function. Both models are quite similar and use a predictive equation for the dispersion in the estuary mouth (D0). The major difference between the two models is the use of the constant value of K?=?0.5 for the Van der Burgh coefficient (K) and the introduction of the correction factor ζ, which is a function of damping (δ) and shape (γ). The performance of these two models was evaluated by comparing their results with field measurements; this revealed that both analytical models apply well to both the estimation of salinity distribution and the prediction of salt intrusion in the Ashtamudi and Bouregreg estuaries (Ashtamudi: RMSE = 0.60–1.22 ppt; Bouregreg: RMSE = 0.92–2.71 ppt). One model agrees more with the field measurements of salinity distribution along the estuaries axis; the second underestimate and overestimate some values of salinity distribution along the estuaries. Possibly, the constant value of K?=?0.5 for the Van der Burgh coefficient (K) has applicability limits for the estuaries under tidal conditions. The specifying of the parameterization may be a field of research.  相似文献   

Effects of salinity and clay type on oil-mineral aggregation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Effects of salinity and clay type on the aggregation process of crude oil and clay particles (oil-mineral aggregates--OMA) were studied in the laboratory. OMA were generated by shaking various oil/clay mixtures in water at 20 degrees C and at a pre-determined energy level. Shape, median and maximum sizes, size distribution and concentration of oil droplets forming OMA were measured using epi-fluorescence microscopy. Results showed that the median and maximum sizes and the concentration of mineral-stabilized droplets increase rapidly when salinity increases from zero to a critical aggregation salinity in the range of 1.2-3.5 ppt. The magnitude of the increase of droplet size is controlled by clay type, while the increase of droplet concentration is influenced by oil type. Size distributions of oil droplets are self-similar, but their magnitudes depend on salinity and oil type. The effect of salinity on droplet size distribution is strongly influenced by clay type. Empirical relationships are derived to calculate concentration and size distribution of mineral-stabilized droplets.  相似文献   

盐度胁迫对香港牡蛎部分生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究盐度胁迫下香港牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)生化指标的变化规律,了解盐度适应过程中牡蛎的代谢机制,本研究以盐度0、8、16、32、40为胁迫盐度,以正常海水(盐度24)为对照,开展香港牡蛎对盐度胁迫的响应研究。结果显示,各实验盐度组糖原含量在盐度胁迫0~8 h内下降,且盐度胁迫幅度越大糖原含量降幅越大,胁迫8 h后则无明显的变化规律。腺苷酸激活的蛋白激酶(AMPK)、组蛋白/蛋白去乙酰化酶(SIRT1)和Na~+/K~+-ATP酶活力的变化规律相似:在0~8 h内,各实验组酶活力均急剧下降(SIRT1上升);8~48 h内,酶活力上升;48~120 h内,酶活力逐渐趋于平稳状态,总体表现为盐度越高,酶活力越强,并与胁迫前有明显差异,且盐度胁迫幅度越高,差异越明显。总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)总体表现出高盐胁迫下随时间的增加而升高,低盐胁迫下随时间的增加而降低,且盐度胁迫幅度越大,T-AOC活力的变化幅度越大。实验结果初步表明,香港牡蛎糖原含量与渗透压调节存在一定的关系,AMPK、SIRT1、Na~+/K~+-ATP酶活力及T-AOC均与渗透压调节密切相关,且在高盐胁迫下随时间的增加而升高,低盐胁迫下随时间的增加而降低。  相似文献   

The Navy’s Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS) is an oceanographic tool to create high-resolution temperature and salinity on three-dimensional grids, by assimilating a wide range of ocean observations into a starting field. The MODAS products are used to generate the sound speed for ocean acoustic modeling applications. Hydrographic data acquired from the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX) from April through June 1998 are used to verify the MODAS model. MODAS has the capability to provide reasonably good temperature and salinity nowcast fields. The errors have a Gaussian-type distribution with mean temperature nearly zero and mean salinity of −0.2 ppt. The standard deviations of temperature and salinity errors are 0.98°C and 0.22 ppt, respectively. The skill score of the temperature nowcast is positive, except at depth between 1750 and 2250 m. The skill score of the salinity nowcast is less than that of the temperature nowcast, especially at depth between 300 and 400, where the skill score is negative. Thermocline and halocline identified from the MODAS temperature and salinity fields are weaker than those based on SCSMEX data. The maximum discrepancy between the two is in the thermocline and halocline. The thermocline depth estimated from the MODAS temperature field is 10–40 m shallower than that from the SCSMEX data. The vertical temperature gradient across the thermocline computed from the MODAS field is around 0.14°C/m, weaker than that calculated from the SCSMEX data (0.19°–0.27 °C/m). The thermocline thickness computed from the MODAS field has less temporal variation than that calculated from the SCSMEX data (40–100 m). The halocline depth estimated from the MODAS salinity field is always deeper than that from the SCSMEX data. Its thickness computed from the MODAS field varies slowly around 30 m, which is generally thinner than that calculated from the SCSMEX data (28–46 m).  相似文献   

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