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Merging neutron stars (NSs) are hot candidates for the still enigmatic sources of short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). If the central engines of the huge energy release are accreting relic black holes (BHs) of such mergers, it is important to understand how the properties of the BH–torus systems, in particular disc masses and mass and rotation rate of the compact remnant, are linked to the characterizing parameters of the NS binaries. For this purpose, we present relativistic smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations with conformally flat approximation of the Einstein field equations and a physical, non-zero temperature equation of state. Thick disc formation is highlighted as a dynamical process caused by angular momentum transfer through tidal torques during the merging process of asymmetric systems or in the rapidly spinning triaxial post-merger object. Our simulations support the possibility that the first well-localized short and hard GRBs 050509b, 050709, 050724, 050813 have originated from NS merger events and are powered by neutrino-antineutrino annihilation around a relic BH–torus system. Using model parameters based on this assumption, we show that the measured GRB energies and durations lead to estimates for the accreted masses and BH mass accretion rates which are compatible with theoretical expectations. In particular, the low-energy output and short duration of GRB 050509b set a very strict upper limit of less than 100 ms for the time interval after the merging until the merger remnant has collapsed to a BH, leaving an accretion torus with a small mass of only  ∼0.01 M  . This favours a (nearly) symmetric NS+NS binary with a typical mass as progenitor system.  相似文献   

Precision measurements of neutron star radii can provide a powerful probe of the properties of cold matter beyond nuclear density. Beginning in the late 1970s, it was proposed that the radius could be obtained from the apparent or inferred emitting area during the decay portions of thermonuclear (type I) X-ray bursts. However, this apparent area is generally not constant, preventing a reliable measurement of the source radius. Here, we report for the first time a correlation between the variation of the inferred area and the burst properties, measured in a sample of almost 900 bursts from 43 sources. We found that the rate of change of the inferred area during decay is anticorrelated with the burst decay duration. A Spearman rank correlation test shows that this relation is significant at the  <10−45  level for our entire sample, and at the  7 × 10−37  level for the 625 bursts without photospheric radius expansion. This anticorrelation is also highly significant for individual sources exhibiting a wide range of burst durations, such as 4U 1636–536 and Aql X-1. We suggest that variations in the colour factor, which relates the colour temperature resulted from the scattering in the neutron star atmosphere to the effective temperature of the burning layer, may explain the correlation. This in turn implies significant variations in the composition of the atmosphere between bursts with long and short durations.  相似文献   

Recently discovered quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray brightness of low-mass X-ray binaries are used to derive constraints on the mass of the neutron star component and the equation of state of neutron star matter. The observations are compared with models of rapidly rotating neutron stars which are calculated by means of an exact numerical method in full relativity. For the equations of state we select a broad collection of models representing different assumptions about the many-body structure and the complexity of the composition of superdense matter. The mass constraints differ from their values in the approximate treatment by ∼10 per cent. Under the assumption that the maximum frequency of the quasi-periodic oscillations originates from the innermost stable orbit, the mass of the neutron star is in the range M ∼1.92–2.25 M. The quasi-periodic oscillation in the Atoll-source 4U 1820−30 in particular is only consistent with equations of state that are rather stiff at high densities, which is explainable, so far, only with pure nucleonic/leptonic composition. This interpretation contradicts the hypothesis that the protoneutron star formed in SN 1987A collapsed to a black hole, since this would demand a maximum neutron star mass below 1.6 M. The recently suggested identification of quasi-periodic oscillations with frequencies of about 10 Hz with the Lense–Thirring precession of the accretion disc is found to be inconsistent with the models studied in this work, unless it is assumed that the first overtone of the precession is observed.  相似文献   

Resonant cyclotron scattering of the surface radiation in the magnetospheres of neutron stars may considerably modify the emergent spectra and impede efforts to constrain neutron star properties. Resonant cyclotron scattering by a non-relativistic warm plasma in an inhomogeneous magnetic field has a number of unusual characteristics. (i) In the limit of high resonant optical depth, the cyclotron resonant layer is half opaque , in sharp contrast to the case of non-resonant scattering. (ii) The transmitted flux is on average Compton up-scattered by  ∼1 + 2βT  , where  βT  is the typical thermal velocity in units of the velocity of light; the reflected flux has on average the initial frequency. (iii) For both the transmitted and reflected fluxes, the dispersion of intensity decreases with increasing optical depth. (iv) The emergent spectrum is appreciably non-Planckian while narrow spectral features produced at the surface may be erased.
We derive semi-analytically modification of the surface Planckian emission due to multiple scattering between the resonant layers and apply the model to the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E  1048.1 − 5937  . Our simple model fits just as well as the 'canonical' magnetar spectra model of a blackbody plus power law.  相似文献   

We describe the possible electromagnetic signals expected from the magnetospheric interactions of a neutron star binary prior to merger. We find that both radio and X-ray signals of detectable strength are possible. We discuss possible links with the phenomenon of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and describe the prospects for direct detection of these signals in searches for radio and X-ray transients.  相似文献   

The shape of the light curve during the rising phase of Type I X-ray bursts is determined by many factors including the ignition latitude, the accretion rate, and the rotation rate of the star. We develop a phenomenological model of the burst rise process and show that simple measures of the burst morphology can be robust diagnostics of ignition latitude and burning regime. We apply our results to the large sample of bursts from the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636−536, and find evidence for off-equatorial ignition for many of the bursts. We argue that such behaviour may be associated with the transition from hydrogen to helium ignition at accretion rates a few per cent of Eddington. We show that this model can also explain variations in the detectability of burst oscillations, and discuss the implications for other burst sources.  相似文献   

Recent ROSAT measurements show that the X-ray emission from isolated neutron stars is modulated at the stellar rotation period. To interpret these measurements, one needs precise calculations of the heat transfer through the thin insulating envelopes of neutron stars. We present nearly analytic models of the thermal structure of the envelopes of ultramagnetized neutron stars. Specifically, we examine the limit in which only the ground Landau level is filled. We use the models to estimate the amplitude of modulation expected from non-uniformities in the surface temperatures of strongly magnetized neutron stars. In addition, we estimate cooling rates for stars with fields B  ∼ 1015 − 1016 G, which are relevant to models that invoke 'magnetars' to account for soft γ-ray emission from some repeating sources.  相似文献   

The kHz quasi‐periodic oscillations (QPOs) have been detected by the RXTE satellite in about thirty neutron stars (NSs) in low mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs), which are usually interpreted to be related to the Keplerian motions in the orbit close to NS surface where the accreted matter is sucked onto the star. Based on the MHD Alfvén wave oscillation model and the relativistic precession model for the neutron star (NS) kHz QPOs, estimations of mass M and radius R of some NSs are given, which can give clues to evaluate the models. Furthermore, comparisons with theoretical MR relations by stellar equations of state (EOSs) are presented (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report the discovery of type I X-ray bursts from the low-mass X-ray binary  4U 1708 − 40  during the 100-ks observation performed by BeppoSAX on 1999 August 15–16. Six X-ray bursts have been observed. The unabsorbed 2–10 keV fluxes of the bursts range from ∼3 to  9 × 10−10 erg cm−2 s−1  . A correlation between peak flux and fluence of the bursts is found, in agreement with the behaviour observed in other similar sources. There is a trend of the burst flux to increase with the time interval from the previous burst. From the value of the persistent flux we infer a mass accretion rate     , which may correspond to the mixed hydrogen/helium burning regime triggered by thermally unstable hydrogen. We have also analysed a BeppoSAX observation performed on 2001 August 22 and previous RXTE observations of  4U 1708 − 40  , where no bursts have been observed; we find persistent fluxes of more than a factor of 7 higher than the persistent flux observed during the BeppoSAX observation showing X-ray bursts.  相似文献   

The role of binary progenitors of neutron stars (NSs) in the apparent distribution of space velocities and spin–velocity alignment observed in young pulsars is studied. We performed a Monte Carlo synthesis of pulsar populations originated from single and binary stars with different assumptions about the NS natal kick (kick–spin alignment, kick amplitude and kick reduction in electron-capture supernovae in binary progenitors with initial main-sequence masses from the range  8–11 M  which experienced mass exchange due to Roche lobe overflow). The calculated spin–velocity alignment in pulsars is compared with data inferred from radio polarization measurements. The observed space velocity of pulsars is found to be mostly affected by the natal kick velocity form and its amplitude; the fraction of binaries is not important here for reasonably large kicks. The natal kick–spin alignment is found to strongly affect the spin–velocity correlation of pulsars. Comparison with the observed pulsar spin–velocity angles favours a sizeable fraction of binary progenitors and kick–spin angles  ∼5°–20°  .  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of the X-ray energy and power spectral properties of the neutron star transient IGR J17191−2821. We discovered four instances of pairs of simultaneous kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs). The frequency difference between these kHz QPOs is between 315 and 362 Hz. We also report on the detection of five thermonuclear type I X-ray bursts and the discovery of burst oscillations at ∼294 Hz during three of them. Finally, we report on a faint and short outburst precursor, which occurred about two months before the main outburst. Our results on the broad-band spectral and variability properties allow us to firmly establish the atoll source nature of IGR J17191−2821.  相似文献   

Recent observations of the compact source embedded within the supernova remnant RCW 103 rekindle interest in the origin of this object's emission. We contrast several models in which neutron-star cooling powers RCW 103. Specifically, either the presence of an accreted envelope or a sufficiently intense magnetic field can account for the X-ray emission from this object.  相似文献   

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