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三种典型POPs对紫贻贝不同组织DNA损伤的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用彗星电泳技术,比较研究了Aroclor 1254、BaP、DDT三种典型POPs对紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)鳃、性腺、消化腺细胞的DNA损伤效应的差异,以期为进一步评价这三种典型POPs遗传毒理机制及其预警监测提供科学依据.结果表明,Tail DNA%是评价DNA损伤的理想指标,另外,在急性毒性试验中,...  相似文献   

Several environmental chemicals are suspected to be responsible for adverse health effects on the reproductive system in various organisms. During this work, environmentally relevant concentrations of North Sea oil were used alone or in combination with alkylphenols and additional PAH to study the effect on vitellogenin-like protein expression and gonadal development in mussels. North Sea oil (0.5 ppm) induced the expression of phospho-proteins in both sexes indicating that some compounds are oestrogen-mimics. This induction was not seen in samples dosed with the mixture but signs of toxic effects were observed in the gonads. Indeed, numerous degenerating ovarian follicles in females and foci, similar to vertebrate melanomacrophage centres, were observed in testes.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that bivalve molluscs routinely ingest zooplankton. To elucidate further these observations, a 15-month study of zooplankton ingestion by farmed mussels was conducted using mussel long-lines in Bantry Bay, Ireland. Stomach content analysis of the mussels showed that there was evidence of zooplankton ingestion throughout the sampling period, but that highest mean numbers of zooplankters were ingested by mussels in the spring and summer months. Various zooplankton species were present in mussel stomachs. Harpacticoid copepods were found more often in stomach contents than calanoid copepods, probably due to their proximity to the bivalves' inhalent siphons. Barnacle cyprids featured in large numbers in stomach contents, but only for a period of 3 months which broadly corresponded with their pelagic phase. Sizes of ingested zooplankton ranged from 126 μm to 6 mm, but more of the smaller zooplankters (e.g. crustacean nauplii) were ingested. When lengths of ingested copepods were compared with those found in plankton net samples, it was found that the net-sampled copepods were significantly larger than those found in mussel stomachs, suggesting that mussels select for smaller categories within the zooplankton available to them. Soft bodied zooplankton was rarely found in mussel stomachs but their absence may be due to rapid digestion or they may have been destroyed in the preservation process. Ingestion of zooplankton by bivalves is discussed in the context of the impacts mussel farms have on resident zooplankton populations.  相似文献   

为了解海域厚壳贻贝栖息和资源补充情况,探索资源持续利用,作者对福建台山列岛周边海域厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)资源进行潜水调查及样方采样分析,研究了该海域厚壳贻贝的分布密度、生物量、生物学特征;结合旁侧声纳和测深仪对海底面状地貌与海底地形进行扫测,并对海底表层沉积物进行采样分析,研究了厚壳贻贝生境底质特点、栖息覆盖率等。台山列岛海域调查结果显示岩礁面积共2.189822km2,厚壳贻贝平均密度151.33个/m~2、平均生物量6.89 kg/m~2,平均质量45.55 g/个。计算显示当其栖息覆盖率达到10%、20%、30%和40%时,该海域厚壳贻贝资源增长量分别为520、1 039、1 559和2 079 t/a。目前该海域年均采挖量约为762.8~1 125 t/a。据此,只有当厚壳贻贝覆盖面积达到该岩礁区域面积的20%~30%时,其资源量才能得到有效补充。剖面调查结果表明目前该海域厚壳贻贝覆盖率仅为12%~24%,由此可见,该海域厚壳贻贝资源将面临资源枯竭风险,为更有效地保护和持续利用厚壳贻贝资源,必须采取有效的管理对策措施。  相似文献   

The effect of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) presence in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds was studied from June 2004 to July 2005 in Flensborg fjord, Denmark. The field experiments were conducted at two stations, one with only Z. marina (Eelgrass station) present and one where M. edulis were present in the Z. marina beds (Mixed station). Zostera marina parameters were measured (growth of leaves, shoot density, leaf length, and nutrient content) in combination with epiphyte cover and sediment parameters (sulphate reduction rates, sediment nutrient fluxes, organic content, C, N and P content) to examine possible positive and negative effects of the mussels on eelgrass performance. The fluxes of ammonium from the sediments were stimulated at all sampling dates at the Mixed station, and possibly stimulated epiphyte growth at this station. Further 15N signals in epiphytes from the Mixed station suggested that excretion products from the mussels were important nitrogen sources at this station. Sulphate reduction rates were enhanced at the Mixed station and also sediment sulphide concentrations increased under mussel influence, which may have resulted in sulphide toxicity and decreased growth of Z. marina at this station. The study indicates that for Z. marina beds in Flensborg Fjord the effects of M. edulis in seagrass beds are primarily negative, and raises the question whether this leads to negative effects on the stability and expansion of Z. marina beds.  相似文献   

A multiple biomarker approach was adopted in a seasonal study carried out in the Lagoon of Venice, with the double aim of evaluating the natural and anthropic stresses influencing the biological responses of mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and of assessing the effects due to spatial rather than temporal variations.Biochemical (aldehyde dehydrogenase and catalase activities), cellular (neutral red retention time) and physiological (survival in air and condition index) biomarkers were determined in mussels collected in four differently impacted lagoon areas.Multivariate analysis showed that samples were distributed mainly according to temperature and four seasonal groups were identified. The combination of spatial and temporal information enabled us to distinguish physiological variations due to natural causes from those due to anthropic stress, and to identify the sampling period when several biomarkers are less influenced by both natural and endogenous factors.  相似文献   

In this paper a contribution is made to the ongoing debate on which brown shrimp generation mostly sustains the autumn peak in coastal North Sea commercial fisheries: the generation born in summer, or the winter one. Since the two perspectives are based on different considerations on the growth timeframe from settlement till commercial size, the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory was applied to predict maximum possible growth under natural conditions. First, the parameters of the standard DEB model for Crangon crangon L. were estimated using available data sets. These were insufficient to allow a direct estimation, requiring a special protocol to achieve consistency between parameters. Next, the DEB model was validated by comparing simulations with published experimental data on shrimp growth in relation to water temperatures. Finally, the DEB model was applied to simulate growth under optimal food conditions using the prevailing water temperature conditions in the Wadden Sea. Results show clear differences between males and females whereby the fastest growth rates were observed in females. DEB model simulations of maximum growth in the Wadden Sea suggest that it is not the summer brood from the current year as Boddeke claimed, nor the previous winter generation as Kuipers and Dapper suggested, but more likely the summer generation from the previous year which contributes to the bulk of the fisheries recruits in autumn.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase (GST) and heat shock proteins (hsps) 40, 60, 70 and 90 were determined by immunoblotting using actin as an internal control in Mytilus edulis from one station outside (site1) and three stations within (sites 2-4) Cork Harbour, Ireland. Comparisons were made between gill and digestive gland and between sites. Gill shows generally higher hsp 60, 70 and 90 while digestive gland has higher hsp 40. Site 1 showed higher gill hsps 40 and 70 than sites 2-4 while gill GST was higher in sites 3 and 4 than 1 and 2. Comparison with sites in the North Sea (site 5: outside Tj?rn? in The Koster archipelago in the Skagerack) and Baltic Sea (site 6: Ask? island) also revealed lower hsps 40 and 70 in site 6 (low salinity) than site 5 (high salinity) although hsps 60, 70 and 90 were detectable in digestive gland unlike sites 1-4. Previously, only hsp 70 had been studied at these sites [Mar. Environ. Res. 39. (1995), 181]. At the mRNA level, gill hsp 70 is 80-fold higher at Tj?rn? than Ask?. These data suggest that, while salinity may slightly decrease hsp 40 and 70, both hsp 70 and GST are selectively up-regulated by approx. 10- and 3-fold, respectively, at Tj?rn? compared to the other sites which we attribute to exposure to more widely fluctuating pollution levels.  相似文献   

浒苔的暴发会对水体生态环境产生巨大的影响, 对此进行遥感监测具有十分重要的意义。本文基于现场同步实测的有色溶解有机物(colored dissolved organic matter, CDOM)吸收系数、叶绿素浓度以及光谱数据建立遥感反演模型,再结合MODIS卫星影像提取山东半岛南侧近岸海域在各年份浒苔暴发前后CDOM与叶绿素浓度的时空分布特征。结果表明, 浒苔的消亡分解会在水体中产生大量的CDOM, 但浒苔的生长繁殖同样会消耗CDOM, 此外CDOM还受到浒苔暴发时期强烈的光降解作用。在各种因素的综合作用下, 研究区海域CDOM浓度在浒苔暴发时期微弱升高, 浒苔消亡后CDOM浓度则开始回落。浒苔在暴发期会抑制其他浮游微藻的生长, 使研究区海域叶绿素浓度有所降低, 而浒苔消亡后叶绿素浓度有所上升。水体中的叶绿素受多种生物地球化学因素的影响, 因此叶绿素浓度的降低与浒苔的暴发强度之间没有明确的相关性。遥感反演可以大范围快速地提取水体中各种要素的分布情况, 但就浒苔的暴发对海水中各要素的影响机制而言, 还需要结合各种生态环境因子进行综合分析。  相似文献   

The food choice of juvenile flounder (Platichthys flesus) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) was studied in the northern Baltic Sea during the years 1988, 1989, 1994 and 1995. The diet included organisms from 30 species/taxa in flounder (n = 306) and 10 species/taxa in turbot (n = 41). Flounder 45 mm mainly consumed meiofauna (dominating taxon: Harpacticoida, Copepoda) and larger fish (46–101 mm) consumed macrofauna (dominating taxa: Oligochaeta, Amphipoda and Chironomidae). In terms of biomass, macrofauna dominated for all sizes of flounders, and meiofauna was important only for the smallest fish. A strong seasonal variation could be detected in the diet. In spring, macrofauna dominated for all size classes of fish (only fish > 30 mm were caught in spring), while in summer and autumn meiofauna dominated the diets for fish 45 mm in size. Juvenile turbot (22–88 mm) consumed macrofauna and small fish. Turbot 30 mm consumed mainly amphipods, while > 30 mm turbot consumed mysid shrimps, amphipods and fish.The ontogenetic shift from meio- to macrofauna-sized prey in flounders occurs at a larger fish size in the northern Baltic Sea than reported in other areas, possibly depending on the increased relative importance of meiofauna in the northern Baltic. The seasonal variation in the diet could be due to seasonally changing abundances in the zoobenthos, or for the small fish (1-group, spring), to switching from meio- to macrofauna in order to optimize their energy gain. The 0-group flounders consumed meiofauna for a long period, possibly due to a learning-process or simply due to easy availability of meiofauna. Turbot has a much larger mouth gap than flounders, thus allowing them to consume macrofauna from the beginning of their benthic life.  相似文献   

The neritid Smaragdia viridis represents the only known native marine mollusc that feeds on seagrass tissues in the European coasts, displaying a strong association with the seagrasses Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera marina in southern Spain. Seasonal dynamics, shell and radular morphology, growth and feeding of this gastropod have been studied in relation to each seagrass species for contrasting trends resulting from a different type of substrate and food source. In both seagrass species, stable populations of this gastropod occur at similar densities and displaying similar growth rates. Nevertheless shells of individuals from C. nodosa are narrower than those from Z. marina and some differences, possibly a consequence of increased wearing on C. nodosa, were noted amongst the radulae. In C. nodosa, a pre-ingestive selection for young epidermal tissues occurs as it was previously observed in Z. marina. The ingestion rate is higher in C. nodosa than in Z. marina but the absorption of ingested tissues is lower in the former. If both seagrasses are present, most individuals ingested preferentially Z. marina rather than C. nodosa, probably due to the lower digestibility of the epidermal tissues in the latter. Seagrass beds, especially those of Z. marina, are suffering a strong regression in southern Spain and the presence of stable populations of this neritid may be restricted to other declining seagrass species in the area.  相似文献   

Population structure and distribution of Terebralia palustris were compared with the environmental parameters within microhabitats in a monospecific stand of Avicennia marina in southern Mozambique. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of T. palustris and potential food sources (leaves, pneumatophore epiphytes, and surface sediments) were examined to establish the feeding preferences of T. palustris. Stable isotope signatures of individuals of different size classes and from different microhabitats were compared with local food sources. Samples of surface sediments 2.5–10 m apart showed some variation (−21.2‰ to −23.0‰) in δ13C, probably due to different contributions from seagrasses, microalgae and mangrove leaves, while δ15N values varied between 8.7‰ and 15.8‰, indicating that there is a very high variability within a small-scale microcosm. Stable isotope signatures differed significantly between the T. palustris size classes and between individuals of the same size class, collected in different microhabitats. Results also suggested that smaller individuals feed on sediment, selecting mainly benthic microalgae, while larger individuals feed on sediment, epiphytes and mangrove leaves. Correlations were found between environmental parameters and gastropod population structure and distribution vs. the feeding preferences of individuals of different size classes and in different microhabitats. While organic content and the abundance of leaves were parameters that correlated best with the total density of gastropods (>85%), the abundance of pneumatophores and leaves, as well as grain size, correlated better with the gastropod size distribution (>65%). Young individuals (height < 3 cm) occur predominantly in microhabitats characterized by a low density of leaf litter and pneumatophores, reduced organic matter and larger grain size, these being characteristic of lower intertidal open areas that favour benthic microalgal growth. With increasing shell height, T. palustris individuals start occupying microhabitats nearer the mangrove trees characterized by large densities of pneumatophores and litter, as well as sediments of smaller grain size, leading to higher organic matter availability in the sediment.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (L.), was studied from monthly random samples of purse seine catches. A total of 1477 anchovy specimens were collected from January to December 2003 in the Zrmanja River estuary (Novigrad Sea). The analysis was based on the temporal evolution of gonadosomatic index, mass and stage of gonads. The total length of anchovy ranged from 4.5 to 14.5 cm and mass from 0.56 to 19.80 g. Sex ratio was slightly different from 1:1; the females were insignificantly predominated (♂/♀ = 0.99). The period of reproductive activity was from April to September coinciding with the most developed stages of gonads as well as with the highest gonad weights, and gonadosomatic indices. To estimate the length at maturity, a sub sample of 454 anchovy was taken from May to July (peak of anchovy spawning period). The length at which 50% of anchovy were mature (L50) was calculated to be 8.2 cm. The length–weight relationship of anchovy was described by the expression: W = 3.51 × 10−3 LT3.211 (r2 = 0.998). The relationships between total length–standard length and total length–fork length are LT = 1.1405LS + 0.2420 and LT = 1.0425 LF + 0.3944, respectively.  相似文献   

Biogenic structures built by ecosystem engineers such as corals, bivalves, polychaetes, and sea grasses provide habitat for benthic vertebrates and invertebrates. The polychaete Sabellaria alveolata is an important foundation species whose reef structure adds topographic complexity and high levels of biodiversity to the otherwise low-relief, low diversity, soft-bottom environments in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, France, where the largest such reef formations in Europe are found. In this bay, reefs are being increasingly colonised by oysters (Crassostrea gigas) from local aquaculture operations and by green algae (Ulva sp.) due to the increasing inputs of nitrates from terrestrial origin. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible impacts of epibiotic oysters and green algae on the S. alveolata population and reef community structure in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, France. Univariate and multivariate comparisons of macrofauna were conducted for five reef types: controls (no epibionts), low oyster density, high oyster density, green algae, and oyster and green algae. Results showed that all the three reef types with oysters had significantly higher species richness and diversity values than control and algae-only reef types. Pairwise ANOSIM and SIMPER comparisons of controls versus the four reef types with epibionts revealed that all three of the reef types with oysters were significantly different from controls, but there was no significant difference between controls and algae-only reef types. A striking feature of the reef comparisons is that no single species in this species-rich system contributed more than 8.86% to the dissimilarity between the reef types. Thus, k-dominance curves for species abundances were not effective in revealing differences among the reef types. Our results demonstrate that recent anthropogenic inputs of oysters affect the reef species assemblage more strongly than algal epibionts. In addition, epibionts, especially green algae, alter S. alveolata population structure, causing a reduction in new recruits that over the long run may cause significant damage to the reef structure itself. These results are a first step towards understanding anthropogenic threats to S. alveolata reefs and may be useful in the development of strategies for their protection and management.  相似文献   

Survival and growth of early fish stages are maximal in coastal and estuarine habitats where natural shallow areas serve as nurseries for a variety of widely distributed species on the continental shelf. Processes occurring in these nursery grounds during the juvenile stage affect growth and may be important in regulating the year-class strength of fishes and population size. The need, therefore, exists to protect these essential fish habitats hence to develop indicators to estimate their quality.The purpose of the present study was to use the growth of juvenile sole as a means of comparing the quality of coastal and estuarine nursery habitats in the Bay of Biscay (France). These sole nurseries were clearly identified from studies based on trawl surveys carried out during the last two decades. The size of 1-group juveniles at the end of their second summer, as estimated from these surveys, is an indicator of growth in these habitats during the juvenile phase and can be used to compare habitat quality. A model taking into account the role of seawater temperature in spatial and interannual variations of juvenile size was developed to compare growth performance in the different nursery sectors.This study shows that the size of juvenile sole after two summers of life is not density-dependent, probably because the size of the population adapts to habitat capacity after high mortality during early-juvenile stages. Size is on one hand positively related to temperature and on the other hand higher in estuarine than in non-estuarine habitats. This high growth potential of juvenile fish in estuarine areas confirms the very important role played by estuaries as nursery grounds and the essential ecological interest of these limited areas in spite of their low water quality. If a general conclusion on habitat quality is to be reached about studies based on the growth of juvenile fish, it is necessary to use not only an integrative indicator of growth, like size, representative of the intrinsic habitat quality, but also more sensitive and less integrative means, such as otolith increments or caging experiments, which better respond to anthropogenic disturbance. Moreover, it is necessary to take juvenile densities into account.  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted to quantify and understand the role of melatonin in invertebrates, and particularly in crustaceans and in deep-sea animals. In this study, we examined day–night differences in haemolymph melatonin of the burrowing decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus (L.) during exposure to cycles of monochromatic blue light (480 nm) and darkness cycles of 10 and 0.1 lx. These differential intensity conditions simulate illumination at the depth of the shelf (80–100 m) and of the slope (300–400 m), where these lobster populations are chiefly found in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Our objectives were: (a) to verify the presence of melatonin in the haemolymph of this species using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and fluorescence HPLC (HPLC); and (b) to study the relationship between diel variations in melatonin concentration and locomotor rhythms, in order to examine whether the former influences behaviour. Melatonin was identified in LC–MS/MS by Q1 and Q3 mass peaks at an elution time of 3.7 min, and it was also detected by HPLC. Melatonin concentration was found to be two orders of magnitude higher at 10 lx (4.8±5.3 ng ml−1) than at 0.1 lx (0.06±0.03 ng ml−1). Also, the increase at daytime in 10 lx was absent in 0.1 lx. When the locomotor rhythm of animals exposed to both photoperiod regimes was compared, the diel periodicity was found to be preserved, but the timing of activity shifted from night to day. Extrapolating these data to the field, we interpret our results to mean that locomotor activity preserves its diel character, but not its phase and amplitude, in a bathymetric range where haemolymph melatonin reduces its concentration and rhythmic fluctuation.  相似文献   

The sea surface temperature (SST) of the East China Sea (ECS) increased in the past decades,which may have a great impact on the ecosystem of the ECS,including the changes in plankton-population structure.In this paper,the changes in peaked abundance of Calanus sinicus in the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) Estuary were compared between 1959 and 2002,based on the data collected from the seasonally oceanographic cruises and those performed in spring of 2005.It was much higher in spring compared with that in other seasons both in 1959 and 2002.Furthermore,in spring 2005,the time for occurrence and decrease of the peaked C.sinicus abundance advanced about one month, accompanying the increase in the sea surface water temperature (SST).It peaked in June and decreased in July in 1959,however,in 2005,it peaked in May and attenuated sharply in early June.The earlier decrease of peaked C.sinicus abundance may further deteriorate the ecosystem in the Changjiang River Estuary and north nearshore of the ECS.  相似文献   

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