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Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793) have been introduced into the Wadden Sea (North Sea), where they settle on native mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.), which represent the only extensive insular hard substrata in this soft-sediment environment. As abundances of C. gigas rose, some mussel beds became increasingly overgrown with oysters, whereas others did not. Field experiments revealed that recruitment of C. gigas was higher in the lower intertidal than in the upper subtidal zone, that it was higher on conspecifics than on mussels, and that it was not affected by barnacle epigrowth except when settling on mussels. Mussel recruitment is known from inter- and subtidal zones. It occurred equally on oyster and mussel shells but showed a clear preference for barnacle epigrowth over clean shells. Assuming that settlement and recruitment are key processes for species abundances on the North Sea coast, it is predicted that the positive feedback in oyster settlement will lead to rapid reef formation of this invader at the expense of mussel beds. Mussels, however, may escape competitive exclusion by settling between or on the larger oysters especially when barnacles are abundant. Experimental patches with mussels were more often covered by fucoid algae (Fucus vesiculosus forma mytili Nienburg) than patches with oysters, and oyster recruitment was poor underneath such algal canopies. Thus, fucoids may provide the native mussels with a refuge from the invading oysters and the two bivalves may coexist, provided food is not limiting.  相似文献   

On aerial photographs, sandy tidal flats display (1) large sandy bedforms (> 10 m long, > 3 m wide), indicating effects of strong hydrodynamics on sediment relief, and (2) beds of seagrass and mussels, indicating stable sediment conditions. These physical and biogenic structures have been mapped from aerial photographs taken in a back-barrier tidal basin of the North Sea coast at low tide between 1936 and 2005. Fields of large intertidal sandy bedforms show a consistent spatial distribution in the central part of the basin, and have increased in area from 7.2 to 12.8 km2, corresponding now to 10% of the tidal flats. Areal expansion may be linked to a rise in average high tide level and an increase of the expansion rate from the 1960s to the mid 1990s might be traced back to an increased frequency of storm tides during this period. It is shown that expanding fields of large sandy bedforms have replaced mussel beds in the low tidal zone and displaced seagrass beds in the mid tidal zone. Fields of intertidal large sandy bedforms are expected to expand further with an accelerating rise in sea level, and it is recommended to monitor these physical indicators of sediment instability and disturbance of biogenic benthic structures by analysing aerial photographs.  相似文献   

An aerial photographic survey was conducted using an ultralight aircraft to assess both the extent and the directionality of ice rafted salt marsh pear in a northern New England salt marsh. To address the extent of ice rafting, a map was constructed from aerial photographs to determine the number, area and percentage of the tidal flat covered by accumulated ice rafted peat islands. Seven percent of the tidal flat or 117·4 m2 of the salt marsh embayment was covered by 202 transported peat islands. To address the direction of ice rafting, an ice tagging experiment tested the hypothesis that salt marsh peat is transported from the high to the low intertidal. Eighty-eight percent of the recovered ice rafted peat islands were transported to lower intertidal elevations. Thus, the ice rafting process is an important physical disturbance in this north temperate salt marsh and has the potential to impact the salt marsh peat community.  相似文献   

In deep-sea environments, plant remains of several origins are found, including branches, twigs, leaves, and wood pieces, among others. As most of the deep-sea bottoms are oligotrophic and nutrient-limited, plant remains provide an oasis of localized organic enrichment and a substrate for colonization. Sunken wood was suggested to play an important evolutionary role in the diversification of chemosynthetic ecosystems, possibly representing stepping stones for the colonization between vent and seep ecosystems. In order to understand colonization processes of the Pacific Costa Rican meio-epifaunal assemblages associated with sunken wood, a field experiment was conducted on Mound 12 (8°55.778′N, 84°18.730′W) at ~1,000 m water depth. Woodblocks were placed in four different habitats (Mussel beds, tube worms, near mussel beds, rubble bottoms), and different local environmental conditions (seepage-active and seepage-inactive sites). Seven experimental Douglas fir woodblocks (each 1,047 cm2 in surface area) were deployed from the R/V Atlantis using the manned submersible Alvin in February 2009 and recovered after 10.5 months in January 2010. Sample processing and analyses led to a data set of abundance (total 9,951 individuals) and spatial distribution of nine meio-epifaunal higher taxa/groups. Meio-epifaunal densities on individual woodblocks ranged from 3 to 26 ind.10 cm2. Copepods accounted for the highest abundances (75.1%), followed by nauplii larvae (11.7%) and nematodes (9.8%). The maximum number of individuals (26.3 ind.10 cm−2) was found in blocks placed in seepage-inactive areas (near active mussel beds) in contrast to 2.9 ind.10 cm−2 in active areas (within a mussel bed). A hierarchical cluster analysis grouped blocks according to seepage activity and not to habitat, but tests of similarity showed no significant differences in higher taxon composition and abundances, probably owing either to substrate homogeneity or low sample size. Copepods were the most abundant representatives, suggesting that this group is one of the most successful in colonizing in the early stage of succession, in this case while hardwood substrates are not yet decomposed or bored by bivalves.  相似文献   

The extent of damage caused to mussel and tube-worm Gunnarea capensis beds by the collection of mussel worms Pseudonereis variegata for use as bait is assessed. Between 0,4 and 5,0 m2 of mussel bed and 0,7 m2 of tube-worm reef is destroyed in the collection of the legal limit of 20 mussel worms. Such destruction has implications for ecological succession and is at variance with legislative restrictions governing the collection of mussels.  相似文献   

An intertidal Zostera marina landscape in Torbay, Devon, UK, was sampled to investigate the relationship between patch size, diversity and infaunal assemblage composition with the intention of defining a minimum Zostera patch size where the infaunal seagrass assemblage becomes distinct from the bare sand assemblage. All Zostera patches were found to support a higher level of biodiversity than the surrounding bare sand. However, the size of the Zostera patch had no impact on the level of diversity; it was just the presence or absence of seagrass that made a difference. The sediment and seagrass variables were not significantly different across the range of Zostera patch sizes, indicating that the environment characteristics were homogeneous within the Zostera patches at the patch scale. Multivariate analysis revealed that assemblage composition did vary between the patch types, although the opportunistic polychaete Capitella capitata was present in all patch types and was the most abundant species overall. The presence of opportunistic species and the homogeneity of the Zostera patch variables may be due to the location of this intertidal seagrass bed, which is relatively exposed compared to the locations of other seagrass beds along the south coast of Devon, resulting in a more dynamic and disturbed environment. Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that even small patches of seagrass comprising a few plants support a higher abundance and diversity of infaunal invertebrates than bare sand, indicating that Zostera patches have conservation value whatever their size.  相似文献   

This study documents long-term changes of a Zostera noltii landscape induced by a natural cyclic event in a coastal lagoon. The barrier-islands forming this system are very dynamic with drifting movements controlling ecological patterns and processes occurring in this area. Changes in the areal extent of the Z. noltii meadows were assessed using historical aerial photographs from 1940, 1980, 1989, 1996 and 1998. Landscape indices such as total patch area (TA), mean patch size (MPS), number of patches (NP), mean shape coefficient of variation (CV) and landscape fractal dimension (D) were calculated for each year and related to an index of disturbance intensity. The spatial distribution of the Z. noltii meadows varied greatly during the studied period and changes observed were related to the disturbance created by the barrier-islands' spatial dynamics. After an artificial inlet relocation the Z. noltii area, number of patches, patch mean size and coefficient of variation decreased. The fractal dimension of the Z. noltii landscape increased by 50% showing that besides a decrease in total area, number of patches, and patch mean area, patch fragmentation was an important consequence of this anthropogenic disturbance.Seagrass natural distribution patterns changed in response to natural and human-induced activities. This study emphasizes the importance of the landscape approach and the historical perspective when studying seagrass changes and the importance of taking into consideration long-term changes in seagrass landscapes to avoid confusion between man-induced effects with natural cyclic events.  相似文献   

In the northern Wadden Sea, the extent of intertidal seagrass beds, their plant biomass and shoot density highly depends on local current regimes. This study deals with the role of intertidal Zostera noltii beds as nursery for mobile epibenthic macrofauna and the impact of seagrass bed characteristics on their abundance and distribution patterns. According to their exposure to the main tidal gullies, sampling sites were separated into exposed, semi-exposed and sheltered. Dominant species of crustaceans and demersal fish were studied in respect of their abundances within seagrass beds and adjacent unvegetated areas. Quantitative sampling was performed at day and night high tide using a portable drop trap. In general, species composition varied little between seagrass beds and bare sand. However, the presence of vegetation had a quantitative effect increasing individual numbers of common epifaunal species. Abundances of 0-group shore crabs (Carcinus maenas), common gobies (Pomatoschistus microps) and brown shrimps (Crangon crangon) were highest within sheltered seagrass beds. With decreasing plant density habitat preference of epibenthos changed on species level. By regulating the habitat complexity the currents regime is profoundly influencing the nursery function of intertidal seagrass beds in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

日本鳗草(Zostera japonica)原是中国沿海潮间带较为常见的海草种类,近些年来随着生境的破坏其分布面积急遽下降,较大面积连续分布的海草床已经非常少见。2015年5月和8月,在山东黄河河口区发现了超过1000 ha几乎连续分布的日本鳗草海草床,与互花米草生境相邻,形成独特的生态景观。对日本鳗草生物量和种群补充等基本生物学指标也进行了调查。该发现极大丰富了中国海草数据库,并为日本鳗草的深入研究及保护提供了得天独厚的实验基地。  相似文献   

The structure of the assemblages associated with the mussel aggregations of Bathymodiolus azoricus was investigated. The mussel beds were found on the hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (the Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, and Rainbow areas) at the depths of 850–2400 m. The community structure of the mussel bed assemblages varied between the studied areas. Large number of species was unique to Menez Gwen mussel beds; the most observed taxa were not specialized hydrothermal species. All the other, nonunique species were found for the Lucky Strike region. The lowest mussel assemblage structure evenness was observed in the shallowest area, the Menez Gwen area (850 m depth). We assume that two types of mussel assemblages—nematode-dominated and copepod-dominated ones—exist in the Lucky Strike field. The assemblages of B. azoricus differ significantly from the assemblages of B. thermophilus inhabiting the Pacific hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

The Banc d'Arguin, a non-estuarine area of shallows and intertidal flats off the tropical Saharan coast of Mauritania, is characterised by extensive intertidal and subtidal seagrass beds. We examined the characteristics of intertidal seagrass (Zostera noltii) meadows and bare areas in terms of the presence and abundance of molluscs (gastropods and bivalves). To explain observed differences between molluscan assemblages in seagrass and bare patches, some aspects of the feeding habitat (top-5 mm of the sediment) and of food (organic materials) of molluscs were examined. The novelty of this study is that phytopigments were measured and identified to assess source and level of decay (freshness) of organic material in the sediment and to study their importance as an explanatory variable for the distribution of molluscs. Over an area of 36 km2 of intertidal flats, at 12 sites, paired comparisons were made between seagrass-covered and nearby bare patches. Within seagrass meadows, dry mass of living seagrass was large and amounted to 180 ±10 g AFDM m− 2 (range 75–240). Containing twice the amount of silt per unit dry sediment mass, seagrass sediments were muddier than bare areas; the relative amount of organic material was also larger. The total number of species of bivalves and gastropods amounted to 27, 14 of which were found only in seagrass areas, 4 only in bare and 9 in both types of habitat. Among the three numerically most abundant species, the bivalves Anadara senilis, Dosinia hepatica and Loripes lacteus, the first was numerically most abundant in bare and the other two in seagrass-covered areas. Bare intertidal areas had greater mean total biomass of molluscs (80.5 g AFDM m− 2) than seagrass meadows (30.0 g AFDM m− 2). In both habitats, the bulk of the biomass was made up by A. senilis. Excluding this species, bare mudflats contained on average only 3.1 g AFDM m− 2 and seagrass meadows 6.9 g AFDM m− 2. As compared to previous surveys in 1980–1986, the biomass of A. senilis had increased almost 10-fold and D. hepatica, previously found in very small numbers, had become the most numerous species. However, the total biomass excluding that of A. senilis was similar. Concentrations of phytopigments were similar to those observed at temperate mudflats, indicating that the Banc d'Arguin might not be as oligotrophic as previously thought. Per unit of dry sediment mass, smaller amounts of phytopigments were found in bare than in seagrass areas. Per unit of dry organic material, bare sediments contained most (fresh) phytopigments. This suggests that in seagrass-covered meadows the organic material is more degraded than in bare sediments. Overall, the composition of phytopigments, quite surprisingly, indicated a benthic-diatom-dominated trophic system. Multivariate statistics revealed that patterns of zoobenthic assemblages were correlated with patterns of a combination of four environmental parameters: grain size of the sediment, amount of fresh phytopigments and amounts of leaves and roots of seagrass.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of seagrass meadows in Arcachon Bay, was studied between 1988 and 2008 using a combination of mapping techniques based on aerial photographs for intertidal dwarf-grass (Zostera noltii) beds and acoustic sonar for permanently submerged eelgrass (Zostera marina) populations. The results show a severe decline over the period for both species, as well as an acceleration of the decline since 2005 for Z. noltii. The total surface regression over the studied period is estimated to be 22.8 km2 for Z. noltii and 2.7 km2 for Z. marina, which represent declines of 33 and 74% respectively.  相似文献   

The rocky intertidal zone around the city of Mar del Plata (SW Atlantic, 38° S–57° W) is characterized by dense mussel beds of Brachidontes rodriguezii. This intertidal community develops on natural and artificial hard substrates, including abrasion platforms in sewage‐impacted areas. A monitoring program, designed to assess the effect of sewage discharge on intertidal macrobenthic communities, has been conducted since 1997. During the spring season of 2008, a new spionid polychaete (Boccardia proboscidea) was found near the sewage outfall, forming large biogenic reefs. This is the first report of biogenic reefs being built by a non reef‐forming spionid polychaete in areas organically impacted by sewage discharges. The aim of this work was to evaluate the spatial–temporal dynamics (% cover and density of B. proboscidea) of these reefs. These biogenic reefs covered almost the entire impacted site, reaching a density of 650,000 ind·m?2. This phenomenon is unique in that there is no other record available worldwide of any other biogenic polychaete reefs that could be sewage‐induced. The presence and stability of these biogenic reefs is discussed in relation to increased organic contamination as a structuring factor.  相似文献   

鳗草(ZosteramarinaL.)广布于北半球温带浅海海域,其形成的鳗草床具有重要的生态价值。近些年来,我国黄渤海海域鳗草退化严重,较大面积、连续分布的海草床已经非常少见。在渤海兴城-觉华岛海域发现较大面积的海草床,可以作为渤海沿海海草床的典型代表。基于此,2018年5月、9月、11月和2019年3月对该海草床进行了初步调查,探究了渤海兴城-觉华岛海草床鳗草种群补充等生态特征,分析了海草床生境的主要威胁,并提出了对海草床进行有效保护和科学管理的相关建议。结果表明:渤海兴城-觉华岛海草床总面积为791.61ha,海草种类为鳗草和日本鳗草(Z.japonica),以鳗草为优势种,日本鳗草极少且呈斑块状分布;鳗草生物量在2018年5月达到最大值(1241.22—1632.64g/m2);鳗草叶片碳、氮、磷元素含量分别为35.35%—36.57%、1.89%—3.35%、0.14%—0.48%;鳗草海草床以无性繁殖为主要补充方式,有性繁殖补充比例平均仅为1.92%,明显低于国内其他鳗草草床,具有鲜明的独特性;该海草床主要受围填海、捕蛤、围网捕鱼等人类活动的严重影响,并致使海草床边缘区域呈现斑块化趋势。建议对这片珍贵的海草床加以保护和修复。  相似文献   

The Berre lagoon (Provence, France), one of the largest Mediterranean brackish lagoons (155 km2), was occupied, at the turn of the 20th century, by extensive Zostera meadows (Zostera marina and probably Zostera noltii; perhaps over 6000 ha). Subsequently, the lagoon was disturbed by urban and industrial pollution and, from 1966, by the diversion of the Durance River. This resulted in a 10–49-fold and 8–31-fold increase of the freshwater and silt inputs, respectively. By means of digital analysis of aerial photographs for the years 1944, 1992, 1998 and 2004, coupled with ground truth for the last three dates, we mapped the Zostera meadows. The replacement of Z. marina by Z. noltii, the latter species being already dominant in the 1970s, was completed in 1990. In parallel to this substitution, the Zostera beds underwent a dramatic decline. Their depth limit, which was (6–9) m in the early 20th century, withdrew to 3.5, 3, 1 and less than 1 m by 1944, the 1970s, 1992 and 1998, respectively. Since 1998, Zostera must be considered as functionally extinct. The total surface area of Zostera meadows was of the order of 1.5 ha in 2004. In an attempt to alleviate disturbance, the input of freshwater and silt from the Durance River was significantly reduced from the early 1980s and 1990s respectively. Similarly, from the 1970s to the 1990s, urban and domestic pollution was drastically reduced. Despite these steps, Zostera meadows continued to shrink to near extinction. The lagoon has shifted from a system dominated by seagrass beds to a system with bare silt bottoms, which now occupy most of the lagoon. The reasons could be, in addition to continuing nutrient inputs, the resuspension of silt, no longer trapped under the seagrass canopy, during wind episodes, which are frequent in the area, and/or the release of nutrients from the bare silt habitat, which would constitute an indication of a possible hysteresis of the system. However, since 2000, the establishment of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, a drop in turbidity and a slight, inconspicuous progression of Z. noltii could be the harbinger of a reverse shift of the system.  相似文献   

A mussel bed was sampled monthly at four intertidal levels (mid: 2.15; mid-low: 1.65; low: 1.2 and sublittoral fringe: 0.7 m from chart datum) from July 1979 to July 1980 at Pointe-Mitis in the St. Lawrence estuary. A strong spring reduction of abundance (both in density and biomass) suggested that the mussel bed was being degraded. Community perturbation was attributed to ice scour. Partial reestablishment of the mussel bed (all age classes) was observed during late spring and early summer and occurred mainly at the mid-low intertidal level. Changes in the size structure of the mussel bed with level suggest that the annual windstorm regime may be an important factor in the dynamics of the bed. Mean body mass decreased at the three lower shore levels but increased at the highest shore level. Overall, net secondary production (assessed by the increment-summation method) was negative due to the decrease in mean body mass. Annual production rates (kJ m−2 y−1) from the mid intertidal level to the sublittoral fringe were 1130, − 4072, − 4013 and − 3258, respectively, while P/B ratios (y−1) were 0.17, − 0.69, − 0.50 and − 0.45. The calculated production and the productivity (potential production) are compared and used to provide insight into the condition of the mussel bed.  相似文献   

通过无人机飞行参数、飞行高度、潮汐条件和调查范围等试验,采用无人机对东郊椰林近岸海域海草进行航拍,利用PIX4D软件处理得到了高分辨率海草分布影像图,利用ArcGIS软件对海草分布区进行了矢量化提取,选择有代表性的区块结合实地调查进行验证,得出了试验区的海草分布特征和海草种类。结果表明:海草分布在离岸300 m范围内的珊瑚礁砰上,呈斑块状、间隔式分布特征,在试验区中海草分布面积为2 449.6 m2,占比为24.5%。实地调查到海草种类有圆叶丝粉草(Cymodocea rotundata)、单脉二药草(Halodule uninervis)、海菖蒲(Enhalus acoroides)、泰来草(Thalassia hemprichii)和卵叶喜盐草(Halophila ovalis)等5种海草,泰来草为优势种,单脉二药草和卵叶喜盐草分布在潮间带有淤泥的低潮区;圆叶丝粉草分布在低潮带至潮下带的上部,海底堆积和冲刷区的交界处;泰来草在不同水深处均有分布,分布面积最大。  相似文献   

Impact of Biodeposition on Macrofaunal Communities in Intertidal Sandflats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ingrid  Kröncke 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):159-174
Abstract. This investigation deals with the changes in macrofaunal communities in intertidal sandflats caused by the input of organic material via biodeposition produced by mussel beds. The area of investigation was the back barrier tidal flat system behind the East Frisian Island of Spiekeroog. Due to erosion by the ebb current a plume of biodeposits extended from an area of mussel beds ( Mytilus edulis ) towards the adjacent sandy sediments. This plume represented a gradient of decreasing contents of organic material. Five stations were installed along this gradient to analyse the effects of this organic input on the macrofaunal communities; a control station was placed on sandy sediments.
The macrofaunal communities differed along the transect. In the mussel patches oligochaetes dominated, whereas deposit-feeding polychaetes increased along the transect. These polychaetes were different from the communities of the sand flats. The changes in the macrofaunal communities discussed in the framework of the organic carbon contents of sediments and interspecific relationships.
After a cover of green algae during summer and after a cold winter, the mussels were almost completely eliminated from the area of investigation and reaggregated in another area of the flat. The layer of biodeposits eroded as well. After the decrease in contents of organic matter, the macrofaunal communities no longer followed the transitional distribution but showed a diffuse and seasonally influenced distribution.
The results indicate that biodeposits changed the quality of the sediment structure of the sand flats and that the amount of organic matter (TOC) is a main structuring factor for the macrofaunal communities.  相似文献   

海草床是三大典型的近海海洋生态系统之一,具有极高的生态服务功能。然而,截至2015年我国近海海草资源分布现状尚不明晰,严重制约了我国海草床保护与修复工作的开展。2015~2021年,笔者通过实地调查,借助船只走航、声呐探测、遥感等技术手段,重点对我国近海海草资源的分布面积、种类及主要威胁进行了全面普查,并据此提出我国海草床管理与可持续利用对策。结果表明,我国近海海域海草床面积共为26 495.69hm2,可划分为:温带海域海草分布区和热带-亚热带海域海草分布区;我国现有海草4科9属16种。其中,温带海域海草床面积为17 095.01 hm2,主要分布在辽宁、河北、天津和山东沿海,分布有2科3属5种,以鳗草(Zosteramarina)和日本鳗草(Z.japonica)为优势种,其中唐山乐亭-曹妃甸海草床面积达9 025.56 hm2,是我国面积最大的海草床;热带-亚热带海域海草床面积为9 400.68 hm2,主要分布在福建、广东、广西和海南沿海,分布有4科8属12种,以泰来草(Thalassia hemprichii)、海菖蒲(Enhalus acoroides...  相似文献   

On intertidal sandflats spatial patterns of benthic communities are influenced by biogenic habitat structures such as mussel beds or seagrass meadows. These structures represent ecological islands hosting a different and often more diverse and abundant community than surrounding sandflats. However, few studies have been carried out on tube aggregations of the polychaete Lanice conchilega, although its tube tops are conspicuous habitat features on European intertidal coasts with densities reaching several thousand per m2.The aim of this study was to determine differences between benthic communities associated with tube aggregations and tube-free areas, and to investigate the longevity of community patterns around L. conchilega tubes. From 1995 to 2000, the L. conchilega population of an intertidal sandflat off the Eastern Friesian coast was sampled annually. Multivariate analysis showed significant differences between the L. conchilega and reference communities. Species diversity and abundance were higher among tube aggregations. This pattern developed rapidly after L. conchilega colonisation but was also readily destroyed, mainly due to dynamic changes of the L. conchilega population.Five species of benthic macrofauna were exclusively found among L. conchilega tubes, and four species were more abundant in tube aggregations than in reference areas. Only one species, the polychaete Aphelochaeta marioni, was found in lower numbers in dense L. conchilega aggregations.Hence, it is concluded that L. conchilega is a habitat engineer, which alters the composition of the benthic community and contributes to its patchy distribution pattern. However, this pattern is dynamic and ephemeral. Effects of tube aggregations depend on the population dynamic of L. conchilega itself and the species composition in the surrounding sands.  相似文献   

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