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Summary. An approximate analytical solution for flow in a mantle plume of constant radius, viscosity, and density contrast is obtained in cylindrical coordinates. the differential equations for vertical velocity of the mantle surrounding the plume and for topography are homologous to the equation for flexure of an elastic plate. Although the model is too simple to be fully applicable to the Earth, one can conclude that the vertical velocity in the mantle changes significantly away from plumes, that the viscosity of the plume is important for controlling flow rate, and that the long-wavelength geoid anomalies are sensitive to the viscosity of the surrounding mantle. the first induced upwelling away from a plume is quite weak and unlikely to control the spacing of plumes.  相似文献   

The radiative transfer theory (RTT) describes the energy transport through a random heterogeneous medium, neglecting phase information. It provides an adequate framework for modelling high-frequency seismogram envelopes. For isotropic scattering and sources, the radiative transfer equation (RTE) has been formulated analytically and numerically simulated using Monte Carlo methods for acoustic and elastic media. Here, we derive an exact analytical solution of the RTE in 2-D space for the acoustic case, including anisotropic scattering for a anisotropic point-like impulsive source. For this purpose, we generalize the path integral method, which has been used before in the isotropic case, to take into account the anisotropy of both the source radiation pattern and scattering processes, simultaneously. Then we obtain a general solution, which is written in a closed form in the Fourier space. To illustrate the theoretical results, we compute the full space and time evolution of the specific intensity for an arbitrary case. We also compare the time traces computed from our general solution with cases in which the source and/or the scattering process are isotropic. The importance of taking into account both anisotropies simultaneously becomes obvious in our examples. We also show that at long lapse time, our example approaches the solution of the diffusion equation.  相似文献   

A new method for computing synthetic seismograms   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary. The computation of theoretical seismograms for models in which the elastic parameters and density vary only with depth (in a plane, cylindrical or spherical geometry) reduces to the solution of an ordinary differential equation plus the evaluation of inverse transformations. In principle, the problem is straightforward. In practice, many techniques and approximations can be used at each stage and many combinations and variants are possible. In this paper, we discuss a new method of evaluating the inverse transforms. Any method can be used to solve the differential equation and we only discuss a few analytic approximations to illustrate the new method. The inverse transformations are a frequency and wavenumber integral. Essentially four techniques can be used to evaluate these depending on the order of integration and whether the wavenumber integral is distorted from the real axis. Three of these have been widely used, but the technique of evaluating the frequency integral first and keeping the wavenumber real is new. In this paper, we discuss some of the advantages of this combination.  相似文献   

We present a new approach of the Indirect Boundary Element Method (IBEM) for 3-D topographic problems which can be used to deal with an infinitely spread free surface owing to the introduction of a reference solution, that is the analytical solution for the half-space with a flat free surface. This approach is an efficient countermeasure for the non-physical waves owing to the domain truncation which contaminates the computed results in the ordinary approach. Theoretical consideration shows that this newly proposed approach is a higher-grade approximation than some existing ones and achieves a higher efficacy and accuracy than those of existing ones. The discretization of the resulting boundary integral equation for this formulation is carried out with triangular elements. Their contributions to the solution are calculated by Gaussian numerical integration except in the case where the wavefield is evaluated on the source element itself. For this case, we present an analytical formula based on the reasonable assumption that the elements are much smaller than the wavelengths appearing in the calculation. Several numerical examples used for validation show acceptably precise results.  相似文献   

The post-seismic response of a viscoelastic Earth to a seismic dislocation can be computed analytically within the framework of normal-modes, based on the application of propagator methods. This technique, widely documented in the literature, suffers from several shortcomings; the main drawback is related to the numerical solution of the secular equation, whose degree increases linearly with the number of viscoelastic layers so that only coarse-layered models are practically solvable. Recently, a viable alternative to the standard normal-mode approach, based on the Post–Widder Laplace inversion formula, has been proposed in the realm of postglacial rebound models. The main advantage of this method is to bypass the explicit solution of the secular equation, while retaining the analytical structure of the propagator formalism. At the same time, the numerical computation is much simplified so that additional features such as linear non-Maxwell rheologies can be simply implemented. In this work, for the first time, we apply the Post–Widder Laplace inversion formula to a post-seismic rebound model. We test the method against the standard normal-mode solution and we perform various benchmarks aimed to tune the algorithm and to optimize computation performance while ensuring the stability of the solution. As an application, we address the issue of finding the minimum number of layers with distinct elastic properties needed to accurately describe the post-seismic relaxation of a realistic Earth model. Finally, we demonstrate the potentialities of our code by modelling the post-seismic relaxation after the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake comparing results based upon Maxwell and Burgers rheologies.  相似文献   

The eikonal equation is the equation of the phase slowness surface for isotropic and anisotropic media. In general anisotropic media, there is no simple explicit expression for the phase slowness surface. An approximate expression of the eikonal equation may be obtained in weakly anisotropic media. In orthorhombic media, the approximate eikonal equation of the qP wave is the sum of an ellipsoidal form and a more complicated term. The ellipsoidal form corresponds to what we call ellipsoidal anisotropy. Ray equations written in the Hamiltonian formulation are characteristics of the eikonal equation. Ray perturbation theory may be used to compute changes in ray paths and physical attributes (traveltime, polarization, amplitude) due to changes in the medium with respect to a reference medium. Examples obtained in homogeneous orthorhombic media show that a reference medium with ellipsoidal anisotropy is a better choice to develop the perturbation approach than an isotropic reference medium. Models with strong anisotropy can be considered. The comparison with results obtained by an exact ray program shows a relative traveltime error of less than 0.5 per cent for a model with relatively strong anisotropy. We propose a finite element approach in which the medium is divided into a set of elements with polynomial elastic parameter distributions. Inside each element, using a perturbation approach, analytical expressions for rays and traveltimes are obtained Ray tracing reduces to connecting these analytical solutions at the vertices of the cells.  相似文献   

Analytical approach for the toroidal relaxation of viscoelastic earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with post-seismic toroidal deformation in a spherically symmetric, non-rotating, linear-viscoelastic, isotropic Maxwell earth model. Analytical expressions for characteristic relaxation times and relaxation strengths are found for viscoelastic toroidal deformation, associated with surface tangential stress, when there are two to five layers between the core–mantle boundary and Earth's surface. The multilayered models can include lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper and lower mantles and even low-viscosity ductile layer in the lithosphere. The analytical approach is self-consistent in that the Heaviside isostatic solution agrees with fluid limit. The analytical solution can be used for high-precision simulation of the toroidal relaxation in five-layer earths and the results can also be considered as a benchmark for numerical methods. Analytical solution gives only stable decaying modes—unstable mode, conjugate complex mode and modes of relevant poles with orders larger than 1, are all excluded, and the total number of modes is found to be just the number of viscoelastic layers between the core–mantle boundary and Earth's surface—however, any elastic layer between two viscoelastic layers is also counted. This confirms previous finding where numerical method (i.e. propagator matrix method) is used. We have studied the relaxation times of a lot of models and found the propagator matrix method to agree very well with those from analytical results. In addition, the asthenosphere and lithospheric ductile layer are found to have large effects on the amplitude of post-seismic deformation. This also confirms the findings of previous works.  相似文献   

We perform analytical and numerical studies of scaling relations of earthquakes and partition of elastic strain energy between seismic and aseismic components using a thermodynamically based continuum damage model. Brittle instabilities occur in the model at critical damage level associated with loss of convexity of the strain energy function. A new procedure is developed for calculating stress drop and plastic strain in regions sustaining brittle instabilities. The formulation connects the damage rheology parameters with dynamic friction of simpler frameworks, and the plastic strain accumulation is governed by a procedure that is equivalent to Drucker–Prager plasticity. The numerical simulations use variable boundary forces proportional to the slip-deficit between the assumed far field plate motion and displacement of the boundary nodes. These boundary conditions account for the evolution of elastic properties and plastic strain in the model region. 3-D simulations of earthquakes in a model with a large strike-slip fault produce scaling relations between the scalar seismic potency, rupture area, and stress drop values that are in good agreement with observations and other theoretical studies. The area and potency of the simulated earthquakes generally follow a linear log–log relation with a slope of 2/3, and are associated with stress drop values between 1 and 10 MPa. A parameter-space study shows that the area-potency scaling is shifted to higher stress drops in simulations with parameters corresponding to lower dynamic friction, more efficient healing, and higher degree of seismic coupling.  相似文献   

Summary. We give the analytical formulation for calculating the transient displacement of fields produced by earthquakes in a stratified, selfgravitating, incompressible, viscoelastic earth. We have evaluated the potential of viscous creep in the asthenosphere in exciting the Chandler wobble by a four-layer model consisting of an elastic lithosphere, a two-layer Maxwell viscoelastic mantle, and an inviscid core. The seismic source is modelled as an inhomogeneous boundary condition, which involves a jump condition of the displacement fields across the fault in the lithosphere. The response fields are derived from the solution of a two-point boundary value problem, using analytical propagator matrices in the Laplace-transformed domain. Transient flows produced by post-seismic rebound are found to be confined within the asthenosphere for local viscosity values less than 1020P. The viscosity of the mantle below the low-viscosity channel is kept at 1022P. For low-viscosity zones with widths greater than about 100 km and asthenospheric viscosities less than 1018P, we find that viscoelasticity can amplify the perturbations in the moment of inertia by a factor of 4–5 above the elastic contribution within the time span of the wobble period. We have carried out a comparative study on the changes of the inertia tensor from forcings due to surface loading and to faulting. In general the global responses from faulting are found to be much more sensitive to the viscosity structure of the asthenosphere than those produced from surface loading.  相似文献   

Summary. Using the techniques of linear and quadratic programming, it can be shown that the isostatic response function for the continental United States, computed by Lewis & Dorman (1970), is incompatible with any local compensation model that involves only negative density contrasts beneath topographic loads. We interpret the need for positive densities as indicating that compensation is regional rather than local. The regional compensation model that we investigate treats the outer shell of the Earth as a thin elastic plate, floating on the surface of a liquid. The response of such a model can be inverted to yield the absolute density gradient in the plate, provided the flexural rigidity of the plate and the density contrast between mantle and topography are specified.
If only positive density gradients are allowed, such a regional model fits the United States response data provided the flexural rigidity of the plate lies between 1021 and 1022 N m. The fit of the model is insensitive to the mantle/ load density contrast, but certain bounds on the density structure can be established if the model is assumed correct. In particular, the maximum density increase within the plate at depths greater than 34 kin must not exceed 470 kg m−3; this can be regarded as an upper bound on the density contrast at the Mohorovicic discontinuity.
The permitted values of the flexural rigidity correspond to plate thicknesses in the range 5–10 km, yet deformations at depths greater than 20 km are indicated by other geophysical data. We conclude that the plate cannot be perfectly elastic; its effective elastic moduli must be much smaller than the seismically determined values. Estimates of the stress-differences produced in the earth by topographic loads, that use the elastic plate model, together with seismically determined elastic parameters, will be too large by a factor of four or more.  相似文献   

Generalized Born scattering of elastic waves in 3-D media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is well known that when a seismic wave propagates through an elastic medium with gradients in the parameters which describe it (e.g. slowness and density), energy is scattered from the incident wave generating low-frequency partial reflections. Many approximate solutions to the wave equation, e.g. geometrical ray theory (GRT), Maslov theory and Gaussian beams, do not model these signals. The problem of describing partial reflections in 1-D media has been extensively studied in the seismic literature and considerable progress has been made using iterative techniques based on WKBJ, Airy or Langer type ansätze. In this paper we derive a first-order scattering formalism to describe partial reflections in 3-D media. The correction term describing the scattered energy is developed as a volume integral over terms dependent upon the first spatial derivatives (gradients) of the parameters describing the medium and the solution. The relationship we derive could, in principle, be used as the basis for an iterative scheme but the computational expense, particularly for elastic media, will usually prohibit this approach. The result we obtain is closely related to the usual Born approximation, but differs in that the scattering term is not derived from a perturbation to a background model, but rather from the error in an approximate Green's function. We examine analytically the relationship between the results produced by the new formalism and the usual Born approximation for a medium which has no long-wavelength heterogeneities. We show that in such a case the two methods agree approximately as expected, but that in a media with heterogeneities of all wavelengths the new gradient scattering formalism is superior. We establish analytically the connection between the formalism developed here and the iterative approach based on the WKBJ solution which has been used previously in 1-D media. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate the examples discussed.  相似文献   

The Stara Planina is an E–W-trending range within the Balkan belt in central Bulgaria. This topographically high mountain range was the site of Mesozoic through early Cenozoic thrusting and convergence, and its high topography is generally thought to have resulted from crustal shortening associated with those events. However, uplift of this belt appears to be much younger than the age of thrusting and correlates instead with the age of Pliocene–Quaternary normal faulting along the southern side of the range. Flexural modelling indicates the morphology of the range is consistent with flexural uplift of footwall rocks during Pliocene–Quaternary displacement on S-dipping normal faults bounding the south side of the mountains, provided that the effective elastic plate thickness of 12  km under the Moesian platform is reduced to about 3  km under the Stara Planina. This small value of elastic plate thickness under the Stara Planina is similar to values observed in the Basin and Range Province of the western United States, and suggests that weakening of the lithosphere is due to heating of the lithosphere during extension, perhaps to the point that large-scale flow of material is possible within the lower crust. Because weakening is observed to affect the Moesian lithosphere for ≈10  km beyond (north of) the surface expression of extension, this study suggests that processes within the uppermost mantle, such as convection, play an active role in the extension process. The results of this study also suggest that much of the topographic relief in thrust belts where convergence is accompanied by coeval extension in the upper plate (or 'back arc'), such as in the Apennines, may be a flexural response to unloading during normal faulting, rather than a direct response to crustal shortening in the thrust belt.  相似文献   

The Kirchhoff (or tangent plane) approximation, derived from the theoretically complete Kirchhoff–Helmholtz integral representation for the seismic wavefield, has been used extensively for the analysis of seismic-wave scattering from irregular interfaces; however, the accuracy of this method for curved interfaces has not been rigorously established. This paper describes an efficient Kirchhoff algorithm to simulate scattered waves from an arbitrarily curved interface in an elastic medium. Synthetic seismograms computed using this algorithm are compared with exact synthetics computed using analytical formulae for scattering of plane P waves by a spherical elastic inclusion. A windowing technique is used to remove strong internal reverberations from the analytical solution. Although the Kirchhoff method tends to underestimate the total scattering intensity, the accuracy of the approximation improves with increasing value of the wavenumber-radius product, kR . The arrival times and pulse shapes of primary reflections from the sphere are well approximated using the Kirchhoff approach regardless of curvature of the scattering surface, but the amplitudes are significantly underestimated for kR ≤ 5. The results of this work provide some new guidelines to assess the accuracy of Kirchhoff-synthetic seismograms for curved interfaces.  相似文献   

We describe results of an active-source seismology experiment across the Chilean subduction zone at 38.2°S. The seismic sections clearly show the subducted Nazca plate with varying reflectivity. Below the coast the plate interface occurs at 25 km depth as the sharp lower boundary of a 2–5 km thick, highly reflective region, which we interpret as the subduction channel, that is, a zone of subducted material with a velocity gradient with respect to the upper and lower plate. Further downdip along the seismogenic coupling zone the reflectivity decreases in the area of the presumed 1960 Valdivia hypocentre. The plate interface itself can be traced further down to depths of 50–60 km below the Central Valley. We observe strong reflectivity at the plate interface as well as in the continental mantle wedge. The sections also show a segmented forearc crust in the overriding South American plate. Major features in the accretionary wedge, such as the Lanalhue fault zone, can be identified. At the eastern end of the profile a bright west-dipping reflector lies perpendicular to the plate interface and may be linked to the volcanic arc.  相似文献   

Summary. We construct a model of the San Andreas fault zone based on a rectangular fault in an elastic layer overlying a viscoelastic half-space. We alllow both steady and episodic aseismic slip at depth on the fault as well as a large-scale relative plate driving force. We use the model to explain the aseismic changes in geodetic triangulation angles observed during the 40 years following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The most important results are that viscoelastic relaxation can explain the data very well, and that the driving force of relative plate motion can be characterized by a horizontal distance scale perpendicular to the plate boundary of hundreds of kilometres.  相似文献   

Summary. Spectral analysis of eight marine gravity profiles and seven SEASAT profiles, combined with corresponding bathymetric data over the Northern Bay of Biscay origin, yield identical admittance functions for wavelengths greater than 120 km. the resulting admittance function has been interpreted in terms of an Airy model of compensation for wavelengths greater than 250 km and in terms of an elastic plate model of compensation for shorter wavelengths. the Airy model corresponds to a crustal thickness variation across the margin. the plate model with an elastic thickness of 8 km is associated with the regional compensation of a sedimentary load which was probably emplaced during and just after rifting.  相似文献   

Summary. The flexure of an incompressible, thick elastic plate floating on an inviscid substratum and subject to an external gravity field is re-analysed. The solution is derived from momentum equations which account for the advection of hydrostatic pre-stress. This is contrasted with a recently published thick-plate solution derived from momentum equations without a pre-stress term. It is demonstrated that neglecting pre-stress advection renders the solution singular when the model degenerates into an inviscid half-space. If pre-stress advection is included, the solution remains correct in this limit. A numerical comparison of both types of thick-plate solution with results based on conventional thin-plate theory further shows that, for geophysically relevant models, the difference in the momentum balance entails discrepancies between the thick-plate solutions which are comparable to the errors introduced by the thin-plate approximation.  相似文献   

Elastic scattered waves from a continuous and heterogeneous layer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Elastic scattering from a continuous and laterally unbounded heterogeneous layer has been formulated using the Born approximation. A general solution of the scattered wave equation for the above-stated medium has been given in terms of a Fourier integral over plane waves. Far-field asymptotic expressions for weak elastic scattering by a finite, continuous and inhomogeneous layer have been presented which agree with earlier results. For perturbations of the two elastic parameters and the density having the same form of spatial variation, the spectrum of plane waves scattered from a heterogeneous layer is expressed as a product of an 'elastic scattering factor'and a 'distribution factor'. As in earlier results for small-scale heterogeneity, the scattering pattern depends on various combinations of perturbations of elastic parameters and density. In order to show the general characteristics of the elastic wave scattering, some scattering patterns have been given.  相似文献   

The diffraction of P, S and Rayleigh waves by 3-D topographies in an elastic half-space is studied using a simplified indirect boundary element method (IBEM). This technique is based on the integral representation of the diffracted elastic fields in terms of single-layer boundary sources. It can be seen as a numerical realization of Huygens principle because diffracted waves are constructed at the boundaries from where they are radiated by means of boundary sources. A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind for such sources is obtained from the stress-free boundary conditions. A simplified discretization scheme for the numerical and analytical integration of the exact Green's functions, which employs circles of various sizes to cover most of the boundary surface, is used.
The incidence of elastic waves on 3-D topographical profiles is studied. We analyse the displacement amplitudes in the frequency, space and time domains. The results show that the vertical walls of a cylindrical cavity are strong diffractors producing emission of energy in all directions. In the case of a mountain and incident P, SV and SH waves the results show a great variability of the surface ground motion. These spatial variations are due to the interference between locally generated diffracted waves. A polarization analysis of the surface displacement at different locations shows that the diffracted waves are mostly surface and creeping waves.  相似文献   

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