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Summary The algorithm of iterative geophysical tomography is presented. The medium is approximated smoothly by means of B-splines. The tww-point problem of ray computation is solved with the aid of paraxial approximation. The parameters of the medium are obtained from the iterative algorithm of minimizing the quadratic form. Two numerical 2-D examples are given.
u¶rt; au umamuuu mauu. ¶rt;a annuuaa n nu nu -na. ma na aa a nu nu naaua annuauu. aam ¶rt; n a umamu aua uuauauu a¶rt;amu . am nu¶rt; ¶rt;a 2-D u nua.

Summary Magnetic variations were recorded along three profiles crossing the southeastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. The data were processed in order to get induction vectors (Wiesevectors) and in-phase and out-of-phase induction vectors (Schmucker-vectors). Several events of field variations were separated into external and internal parts. The same events were also treated by a physical-statistical approach. Taking into account these results, we were able to delineate a zone of electrical inhomogeneity. It is in close relation to the Moravo-Silesian lineament. The depth of the internal anomalous field source was estimated at 20 to 25 km.
¶rt;a u uuau n uu n nu, nu — u. u¶rt;uu ( u), n u u n¶rt; u n u¶rt;uu ( ), n ¶rt;u n uau u u u n au ¶rt; uu-uuu ¶rt; u ¶rt;¶rt;u na¶rt; nu -uu . ¶rt; au uu a n a u n¶rt; 20–25 .

Summary The theory of the multivariate coherence analysis(spectral domain approach) is developed for calculating single- and inter-station transfer functions and corresponding vector induction characteristics from time variations of the geomagnetic field components. An alternative approach of calculating similar induction characteristics using a time domain algorithm is shown.
aam mu m aaua(nma n¶rt;¶rt;) nuuu ama ¶rt;-u -mau n¶rt;am u u mmmu m aamumu u¶rt;uu n anua auau mau aum n u. u¶rt;um ma m¶rt; u aau aamumu u¶rt;uu nm ama amu un mua um. nuam aum na auu am u aamum ¶rt; n ama naam.

Summary The basic formula used in the presented paper gives the relation between the P wave travel-time perturbation and the perturbation of an inhomogeneous transversely isotropic medium, expressed by four perturbations of elastic parameters and by two angles of orientation of the axis of symmetry of transverse isotropy in space. The travel time perturbation is computed along the ray in the unperturbed inhomogeneous isotropic medium. Four elastic parameters and two angles are parametrized in the model under study and a system of equations for many rays is constructed. The equations are linear in the sought elastic parameters and nonlinear in the sought angles, and the iterative Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is thus used to solve them. The theoretical 3-D inverse problem was solved in the presented numerical example. The data, simulating teleseismic data, were computed in the direct problem and then inverted. The results indicate the applicability and limitation of the presented algorithm in real problems.
a a, unaa n¶rt;aa am, ¶rt;am mu ¶rt; uu u na u uu ¶rt;¶rt; nn umn ¶rt;, a m nuu naamau u ¶rt; au umauu u umuu nn umnuu nmam. u u na um ¶rt; a aa ¶rt;¶rt; umn ¶rt;. nu naam u ¶rt;a a naamuua ¶rt;u u nma uma au ¶rt; u . au u n um nu naama u u n um a umauu umuu, nm un m umamu aum a-aa¶rt;ma ¶rt; u u. am nu¶rt; ¶rt; m u nu. nu muu ¶rt;a aaa a na a¶rt;aa u am ¶rt;a a. mam naam auu u mu nuu nu¶rt;uma a a.

a auu uu nmama uau u¶rt;a u¶rt;mu (nn ¶rt;uu au m a) ua na ááa m a muau¶rt;¶rt;uaua uma. mumu mmmm uu aa nu¶rt;umu n au uu ma a u ma mu.  相似文献   

Riassunto Data una variabile casuale X che segue la legge normale di probabilitl con valor medio a ed error medio y 1'A. considera un'altra variabile casuale che prende il valore intero r quando r–1/2
Summary Given a random variable X following the normal probability law, with expectation a and standard error p, the author considers another random variable , that takes the entire value r when r–1/2  相似文献   

The Drude law (molecular refraction) for the temperature radiation in a monoatomic model of the Earth's mantle is derived. The considerations are based on the Lorentz electron theory of solids. The characteristic frequency (or eigenfrequency) of independent electron oscillators (in energy units, ) is identified with the band gapE G of a solid. The only assumption is that solid material related to the Earth's mantle has the mean atomic weight A21 g/mole, and its energy gap (E G) is about 9 eV. In this case the value of molecular refraction (in cm3/g) is (n 2–1)/=0.5160.52, where andn are the density and the refractive index at wavelength D=0.5893 m (sodium light), respectively. The average molecular refraction of important silicate and oxide minerals with A21, obtained byAnderson andSchreiber (1965) from laboratory data, is , where denotes the mean arithmetic value calculated from three principal refractive indices of crystal. For the rock-forming minerals with 19A<24 g/mole the new relation was found byAnderson (1975).  相似文献   

Résumé On commence par définir le creusement et le comblement d'une fonctionp(, t) du tempst et des points (, ) d'une surface régulière fermée en se donnant, sur cette surface, un vecteur vitesse d'advection ou de transfert tangent à . Le creusement (ou le comblement) est la variation dep sur les particules fictives se déplaçant constamment et partout à la vitesse , A chaque vecteur et pour un mêmep(, ,t) correspond naturellement une fonction creusementC (, ,t) admissible a priori; mais une condition analytique très générale (l'intégrale du creusement sur toute la surface fermée du champ est nulle à chaque instant), à laquelle satisfont les fonctions de perturbation sur les surfaces géopotentielles, permet de restreindre beaucoup la généralité des vecteurs d'advection admissibles a priori et conduit à des vecteurs de la forme: , oùT est un scalaire régulier, () une fonction régulière de la latitude , le vecteur unitaire des verticales ascendantes etR/2 une constante. Ces vecteurs sont donc une généralisation naturelle des vitesses géostrophiques attachées à tout scalaire régulier. Dans le cas oùp(, ,t) est la perturbation de la pression sur la surface du géoïde, le vecteur d'advection par rapport auquel on doit définir le creusement est précisément une vitesse géostrophique: on a alors ()=sin etT un certain champ bien défini de température moyenne.On déduit ensuite une formule générale de géométrie et de cinématique différentielles reliant la vitesse de déplacement d'un centre ou d'un col d'un champp(, ,t) à son champ de creusementC (, ,t) et au vecteur d'advection correspondant. Cette formule peut être transformée et prend la forme d'une relation générale entre le creusement (ou le comblement) d'un centre ou d'un col et la vitesse de son déplacement, sans que le vecteur d'advection intervienne explicitement. On analyse alors les conséquences de ces formules dans les cas suivants: 1o) perturbations circulaires dans le voisinage du centre; 2o) perturbations ayant, dans le voisinage du centre, un axe de symétrie normal ou tangent à la vitesse du centre; 3o) évolution normale des cyclones tropicaux.Finalement, on examine les relations qui existent entre le creusement ou le comblement d'un champ, le vecteur d'advection et la configuration des iso-lignes du champ dans le voisinage d'un centre.Ces considérations permettent d'expliquer plusieurs propriétés bien connues du comportement des perturbations dans différentes régions.
Summary The deepening and filling (development) of a functionp(, ,t) of the timet and the points (, ) of a regular closed surface is first of all defined, in respect to a given advection or transfer velocity field tangent to , as the variation ofp on any fictitious particle moving constantly and everywhere with the velocity . For a givenp(, ,t) and to any there corresponds a well defined development fieldC (, ,t). All theseC fields are a priori admissible, but a very general analytical condition of the perturbation fields in synoptic meteorology (the integral of the development fieldC (, ,t) on any geopotential surface vanishes at any moment), leads to an important restriction to advection vectors of the form: , whereT is any regular scalar, () any regular function of latitude, the unit vector of the ascending verticals andR/2 a constant. These vectors are a natural generalisation of the geostrophic velocities attached to any regular scalar. Whenp(, ,t) is the pressure perturbation at sea level, its development must be defined in respect to a geostrophic advection vector belonging to the above defined class of vectors with ()=sin andT a well defined mean temperature field.A general formula of the differential geometry and kinematics ofp(, ,t) is then derived, giving the velocity of any centre and col of ap(, ,t) as a function of the advection vector and the corresponding development fieldC (, ,t). This formula can be transformed and takes the form of a general relation between the deepening (and filling) of a centre (or a col) of ap(, ,t) and its displament velocity, the advection vector appearing no more explicitly. A detailed analysis of the consequences of these formulae is then given for the following cases: 1o) circular perturbations in the vicinity of a centre; 2o) perturbations having, in the vicinity of a centre, an axis of symmetry normal or tangent to the velocity of the centre; 3o) normal evolution of the tropical cyclones.Finally, the relations between the developmentC (, ,t) of a fieldp(, ,t), the advection velocity vector and the configuration of the iso-lines in the vicinity of a centre are analysed.These theoretical results give a rational explanation of several well known properties of the behaviour of the perturbations in different geographical regions.

Communication à la 2ème Assemblée de la «Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia» (Gênes, 23–25 Avril 1954).  相似文献   

Summary An effective method of computing wave fields is proposed. It is applicable in regions intermediate to a slowly varying (geometrical optics) and strongly nonuniform medium (full-wave solution).
¶rt;azam mu m¶rt; ama n, nuu nm am ¶rt; ¶rt; (zmua nmua) u u ¶rt;¶rt; ¶rt; (n u).

The horizontal and vertical derivative profiles of magnetic anomalies of dykes show some interesting properties. The points of zero derivatives and the points where the derivatives are equal are conjugate point pairs. A method of interpretation of dyke anomalies is suggested, which utilizes the distances between these points.Notation F Magnetic anomaly in total intensity - Z Depth to top of the dyke - 2T Width of the dyke - Geological dip of the dyke - I Effective intensity of magnetisation in the plane of profile - Dip of effective magnetisation vector in the plane of profile - Strike angle of the dyke - i Magnetic dip - Q – - Q f –+arctan (sin coti) - I f   相似文献   

am mam mauau m amaua aaum CG-2¶rt;u muna No; 174-G, 181-G u 228-G nuu m¶rt;a aa. mama mauau aum, m num mum mm 1. 10–4 u n¶rt;um um a. a a¶rt;a ¶rt; a auum ama uum mauaum m mnam.  相似文献   

a mmuu ¶rt; ¶rt;au nm u , a auauu ma mu au u. aamuam m¶rt; a, ma u mua mu ¶rt;au u ¶rt;aa u uma a; m a mu ¶rt;auu m ¶rt;muam 10% m ¶rt;au, a u nuuau m .  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of radioactive(Th, U, K), major and selected trace(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) elements of granulites from the Saxonian Granulite Complex was studied. Similarly to the South Bohemian granulites, the Saxonian granulites can be divided according to the contents of their major and trace elements into two main groups, groupA containing mostly acid and subacid granulites (K 2 O>2.5%, SiO 2 >68%), and groupB containing mostly intermediate and basic granulites (K 2 O<2.5%, SiO 2 <68%). Statistically significant differences between groupsA andB were found for all major oxides and several trace elements(Rb, V, Cr, Ni). The Saxonian granulites follow the same calc-alkaline trend as the South Bohemian, granulitesA being placed mostly in the rhyolite field and granulitesB mostly in the dacite, andesite and basalt fields of this trend. The investigated granulites are characterized by a considerable scatter ofTh andU contents accompanied by very variableTh/U ratios; theTh andU concentrations of granulitesA are substantially lower than is usual for rocks of corresponding acidity.
¶rt;a an¶rt;u a¶rt;uamu(Th, U, K) u ua ¶rt;u(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) m aum n¶rt;a aaum na. naa, m u¶rt;aum n uu aam n aaum u ¶rt;u am aua, u u uu. aum n u uu ma a¶rt;um ¶rt; ¶rt;nn; nnA nua¶rt;ama a au¶rt; u au¶rt;aum (K 2 O>2,5%, Si O 2 >68%), nnB ¶rt;u u aum (K 2 O<2,5%, SiO 2 <68%). ¶rt; muunnau mm mamumuu m au ¶rt; a u u ¶rt; m ¶rt;u m(Rb, V, Cr, Ni). auaum n¶rt;¶rt;m um- m¶rt; a u -uaum;aumA a¶rt;ma a uum n, uaumB a a ¶rt;aum, a¶rt;um u aam n m m¶rt;a. ¶rt;aum — u unnA — aamum uu ¶rt;au da¶rt;uamu mTh uU.

Summary The object of the present paper is to investigate the propagation of surface waves on a non-homogeneous aeolotropic cylindrical shell surrounded by vacuum. The elastic constantsc ij (i, j=1,2...) and density of the material of the shell are assumed to be of the form and respectively, where ij, 0 are constants andk 1,k 2 are any integers.  相似文献   

a 27 nu amu ama m¶rt;au nma aaua ¶rt; nu nma anum¶rt; 27-¶rt; auauu u ÿeau nu¶rt;au 13–14 u 9 ¶rt;. mam an¶rt;u nma anum¶rt; Z u H mau a n nuuuu auauuu uuP 1 (cos ) u P 1 /, mmm. mau mau a um auumu mau auau ¶rt; mmu mu Z/H ¶rt; a¶rt; amuu. au ¶rt; mmuuu u umu a¶rt;au muu ¶rt; ¶rt;am uau mu ¶rt;¶rt;mmu mu u. a aaua au mu Z/H ¶rt;m u uam n u m aa amu.  相似文献   

Summary Radiation absorption by water vapour plays an important role in the physics of the atmosphere. The calculation of the absorbed radiation energy by water vapour requires the amount of precipitable water in the atmosphere to be known. Actinometric and aerological measurements were used to establish the relation between vapour pressure and absorbed solar radiation.
u a¶rt;uauu ¶rt; nam uam a amu uuu am. uu n a¶rt;uauu ¶rt; na a¶rt; am m a¶rt; ¶rt; am. u¶rt; mu ¶rt; ¶rt;au ¶rt; naa u n a¶rt;uau a amu muu u auu uu.

Summary The changes in the anisotropy of initial susceptibility of haematite ores, induced by a D.C. magnetic field are studied. After applying stronger magnetic fields, the changes in the anisotropy parameters are considerable and depend on the manner in which the basal planes of the haematite grains are arranged in the samples. The experimental results are interpreted on the basis of the single-domain theory. The proposed simple model of induced anisotropy is based on the relation between the directional susceptibility of the sample and the preferred orientation of the magnetic moments of the grains in polycrystalline haematite.
am uu aumnuu aa nuuumuamum ¶rt;, a nm aum n. nuu u aum n uu aumnuu aam u aum m na n¶rt;u nmamum aa. numa. ¶rt;a umnmua unau ¶rt;¶rt; muu. ¶rt;a nma ¶rt; a aumnuu aa a auumu u nuuumu m umauu aum m nuumauamum.

Presented at the 5th Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Prague 1985.  相似文献   

A new dissipation model based on memory mechanism   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The model of dissipation based on memory introduced by Caputo is generalized and checked with experimental dissipation curves of various materials.List of symbols unidimensional stress - unidimensional strain - Q –1 specific dissipation function - c(t) creep compliance - m(t) relaxation modulus - c 0 instantaneous compliance - m equilibrium modulus - (t) creep function - relaxation function - () spectral distribution of retardation times - spectral distribution of relaxation times - c *() complex compliance - m *() complex modulus - tang loss-tangent  相似文献   

Summary Determination of the gravitational effect of some bodies, the density of which is supposed to be variable in the vertical direction, possibly in the horizontal direction, too.
n¶rt;uaumau ma m m, nmm m um mua uu muma anau.

Summary The accuracy of wave field extrapolation is studied with respect to the discretization of field data and integral extrapolator. Assuming a far-field approximation of the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld solution for a two-dimensional scalar wave equation, the minimum and the maximum transmitted frequency are expressed as functions of the sampling intervals t, x, and the half-width x0 and angle a of the migration aperture. The theoretical limitation of the transmitted frequency band is tested on numerical examples.
aamuam mm manuu auumu m ¶rt;umuauu n u uma manu nama. ¶rt; u uma u -¶rt;a ¶rt; ¶rt; a au, ¶rt; nuuuu ¶rt;a n mu ¶rt; uua u aua n¶rt;aa amm a uu m a -nmam ¶rt;umuauu t u , nuu 0 u a a uau anm. mu n¶rt;u amm ¶rt;uanaa mmua a u nua.

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