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In terms of ERBE and ISCCP data.and measured/calculated surface net radiation,computation is performed of the climatic characteristics of ANR(atmospheric net radiation) across China alongside with the discussion and relations to other two kinds of radiation and contributing factors.Evidence suggests a high linear correlation of ANR with atmosphere-absorbed shortwave radiation.whereby can be established a general expression for ANR,which decreases more sharply as a function of altitude and increases slightly with latitude in summer,and changes uniformly in winter.Eventually,a comparison is made of the findings presented in this paper and literatures regarding the ANR pattern and magnitudes,indicating their great difference.  相似文献   

根据ERBE和ISCCP资料以及实测和计算和地表净辐射资料进行了计算,并讨论了我国大气净辐射的气候特征;分析了其与各辐射分量及影响因子的关系。结果表明,大气净辐射与大气吸收波辐射有很高的线性关系,并可由此建立起统一的大气净辐射计算式。  相似文献   

Investigated are effects of the total cloudiness and other factors on earth-atmosphere net radia-tion(EANR)and analyzed is its relation to other components and ground surface net radiation inthe context of ERBE and ISCCP.Evidence suggests that planetary scale albedo and earth-atmo-sphere short wave absorption radiation have maximum effect on the net radiation under study,withthe influence of cloud and latitude displayed predominantly through the two factors;OLR has rela-tively weak effect;the earth-atmosphere net radiation is well correlated with surface net radiation.Analysis is also performed of the geographic distribution of the earth-atmosphere net radiationthroughout China,and the annual curve of the net radiation on a local basis is marked by high(low)value in summer(winter)with the impact of factors.including total cloudiness responsiblelargely for the shift of the months with maximum.  相似文献   

ERBE and ISCCP data are used to investigate the cloud forcing and latitude and atmospheric temperature effectson outgoing longwave radiation(OLR)in the earth-atmosphere system,and the similarity of OLR field to 500 hPa andsurface effective radiation fields.Also,discussion is taken up of the OLR distribution on a nationwide basis,indicatingthat the winter(summer)OLR pattern is roughly a zonal type(asymmetrical saddle)with the annual pattern analogousto the January one.In the end the yearly OLR variation features are addressed on a regional basis.  相似文献   

根据ERBE和ISCCP资料讨论了总云量等因子对地-气系统净辐射的影响,分析了地-气系统净辐射与其各分量及地表净辐射的相关联系。发现行星反射率和地气短波吸收辐射对地-气净辐射的影响最大,而云和纬度的作用主要通过该两因子变化表现出来,OLR的作用则相对较弱。地-气净辐射与地表净辐射的相关性也较明显。文中还就地-气净辐射在全国的地理分布作了分析。各地区地-气净辐射的年变曲线均为简单的夏大冬小型,云等因素的影响主要造成最大值出现月份的推移。  相似文献   

Investigated are effects of the total cloudiness and other factors on earth-atmosphere net radiation(EANR) and analyzed is its relation to other components and ground surface net radiation in the context of ERBE and ISCCP.Evidence suggests that planetary scale albedo and earth-atmosphere short wave absorption radiation have maximum effect on the net radiation under study,with the influence of cloud and latitude displayed predominantly through the two factors;OLR has relatively weak effect;the earth-atmosphere net radiation is well correlated with surface net radiation.Analysis is also performed of the geographic distribution of the earth-atmosphere net radiation throughout China,and the annual curve of the net radiation on a local basis is marked by high(low) value in summer(winter) with the impact of factors.including total cloudiness responsible largely for the shift of the months with maximum.  相似文献   

ERBE and ISCCP data are used to investigate the cloud forcing and latitude and atmospheric temperature effects on outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) in the earth-atmosphere system,and the similarity of OLR field to 500 hPa and surface effective radiation fields.Also,discussion is taken up of the OLR distribution on a nationwide basis,indicating that the winter(summer) OLR pattern is roughly a zonal type(asymmetrical saddle) with the annual pattern analogous to the January one.In the end the yearly OLR variation features are addressed on a regional basis.  相似文献   

应用1979年5-8月季风试验期间印度8个陆地辐射探空站资料,通过多种方案试验,得出适用于各种云量条件下各等压面大气有效辐射的气候计算式,并计算和讨论了全国104站500hPa大气有效辐射的时空分布特征。  相似文献   

中国大气向下辐射的气候学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

By using the climatological calculating method for each component of slope surface net radiation proposedby the authors,calculations and analyses are done of the distribution features of slope net radiation in Chinawith emphasis on the discussion of variations of slope net radiation in typical stations and sites with slope direc-tion,slope,latitude and season.The distribution features of net radiation on the north and south slopes are,for the first time,mapped and discussed,revealing the great difference on the national basis,and thus acquiringa new interesting result that the negative-value area of winter net radiation on the north slope(20°)can reachYunnan and Guizhou Provinces and middle and upper reaches of the Changjiang River.  相似文献   

青藏高原地表净辐射的气候学研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
根据作者提出的地表净辐射各分量的气候学计算方法,计算出青藏高原及其周边地区173站的净辐射和其各分量的年,月平均通量密度,并分析其地理分布特征。指出高原主体为总辐射,有效辐射的高值区,地表净辐射场在冬,夏季有较大差异。冬季为一弱正值区,相对低中心呈块状散布在祁连山区等几个地区;夏季因夜雨及地表湿润的缘故,高原大部地区的地表净辐射反有加强。各地净辐射年变化基本形式与总辐射相似。有效辐射年变化一般呈双  相似文献   

中国大气逆辐射的气候计算及其分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The intensity, landing time, track trend and intensity variation of tropical cyclones (TCs) after landfall are analyzed using the TCs data (of best track from the China Meteorological Administration) between 1949 and 2006 for the western North Pacific and South China Sea. The trend differences of track and intensity between the TCs that directly land in East China and those making the second landfall in East China after landing in Taiwan Island are categorically discussed. The results show that the first kind of landing TCs are more likely to go northward or turn while the second kind of TCs have a larger tendency to keep going northwest. The intensity of the first kind of TCs is more persistent than the second one. There is a higher percentage for the intensity to be weakened significantly if the TCs keep going west to northwest or southwest after landing.  相似文献   

利用1949—2006年西北太平洋及南海的热带气旋(TC)资料,分析了登陆我国的TC强度、登陆时间、登陆后路径趋向及强度变化等气候特征,并重点讨论了直接登陆华东和登陆台湾后再次登陆华东的TC路径和强度趋势差异。结果表明,直接登陆华东的TC比登陆台湾后再次登陆华东(以下简称为间接登陆)的TC更易北上或北上转向,而间接登陆的TC更易维持西偏北行;另外直接登陆华东的TC登陆后的强度更易维持,其登陆后路径趋向在西北偏西和西南方位的强度明显减弱的百分比率比其它方位的大。   相似文献   

By using 40-year NCEP reanalysis daily data (1958-1997), we have analyzed the climatic characteristics of summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea (105°E ~ 120°E, 5°N ~ 20°N, to be simplified as SCS in the text followed) pentad by pentad (5 days). According to our new definition, in the monsoon area of the SCS two of the following conditions should be satisfied: 1) At 850hPa, the southwest winds should be greater than 2m/s. 2) At 850 hPa, θse should be greater than 335°K. The new definition means that the summer monsoon is the southwest winds with high temperature and high moisture. The onset of the SCS summer monsoon is defined to start when one half of the SCS area (105°E ~ 120°E,5°N ~ 20°N) is controlled by the summer monsoon. The analyzed results revealed the following: 1) The summer monsoon in the SCS starts to build up abruptly in the 4th pentad in May. 2) The summer monsoon onset in the SCS is resulted from the development and intensification of southwesterly monsoon in the Bay of Bengal. 3) The onset of the summer monsoon and establishment of the summer monsoon rainfall season in the SCS occur simultaneously. 4) During the summer monsoon onset in the SCS, troughs deepen and widen quickly in the lower troposphere of the India; the subtropical high in the Western Pacific moves eastward off the SCS in the middle troposphere; the easterly advances northward over the SCS in the upper troposphere.  相似文献   

拉萨地表净辐射的年际变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江灏  瞿章 《高原气象》1991,10(3):325-331

华东高温期的大气环流特征分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和地面气象站点资料,对1951—2005年华东高温日数较多(少)月和高温过程各阶段的500 hPa位势高度、850 hPa温度和相对湿度及700 hPa垂直速度的环流特征进行对比分析。结果表明:在高温日数较多月,副高西伸,850 hPa温度较高而相对湿度较低,华东中南部下沉气流明显,华东多为位势高度、温度和垂直速度正距平及相对湿度负距平;而在高温日数较少月,副高东退,850 hPa温度较低而相对湿度较高,整个华东为上升气流,并为位势高度、温度和垂直速度负距平及相对湿度正距平。与高温前期和衰退期相比,高温盛期副高北抬西进,华东850 hPa温度较高而相对湿度较低,华东南部下沉气流强盛,各要素距平值增加,多数要素距平中心移向华东或其周边。高温间断期则比盛期各要素距平减弱。大气环流要素场及其距平场的变动可以作为预报华东7—8月高温日数多寡和高温进程的参考依据。  相似文献   

利用ADAS对一次连续5天辐射雾进行探测,获得了辐射雾生消过程中的温度、湿度、风场等要素的垂直分布。通过对这些资料的详尽分析,讨论了辐射雾在不同发展阶段的边界层特征。结果表明:逆温层对雾的形成和维持起着重要的作用,而雾又对大气边界层中的温、湿、风结构产生重要影响。  相似文献   

辐射雾的大气边界层特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用ADAS对一次连续5天辐射雾进行探测,获得了辐射雾生消过程中的温度、湿度、风场等要素的垂直分布。通过对这些资料的详尽分析,讨论了辐射雾在不同发展阶段的边界层特征。结果表明:逆温层对雾的形成和维持起着重要的作用,而雾又对大气边界层中的温、湿、风结构产生重要影响。  相似文献   

利用卫星资料试作青藏高原地表净辐射场的气候反演   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
翁笃鸣  高歌 《气象科学》2001,21(2):162-168
利用 ERBE和 ISCCP卫星辐射及总云量资料 ,结合已提出的地表短波吸收辐射 ,大气逆辐射以及地表长波辐射的气候反演方法 ,计算出 2 5°~ 4 0°N,75°~ 95°E间 2 .5°× 2 .5°经纬度网络点及高原 63个站点的各月平均地表净辐射 ,绘制出其在高原的分布图 ,揭示其时空分布特征。  相似文献   

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