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The instability of a linearly-polarised electromagnetic ordinary mode in counterrotating plasmas and propagating perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field caused by a counterstreaming of electrons along the latter is studied using a cold-plasma model. It is found that: (i) In the presence of either a streaming or a rotation or both, the ordinary-wave propagation is possible even for frequencies less than the plasma frequency; (ii) the Coriolis forces like the applied magnetic field stabilise the ordinary modes.  相似文献   

In this article, an asymmetric counterstreaming distribution function is investigated on the basis of three-dimensional relativistic particle-in-cell simulations for wave propagation at an oblique angle with respect to the axis of the counterstream. For such asymmetric distribution functions, any linear Weibel modes must be isolated and therefore restricted to discrete wavenumber values. Using analytical linear Vlasov theory, this result has recently been proven generally, and has been illustrated by the example of an electron beam counterstreaming with a positron beam. By the means of self-consistent particle-in-cell simulations, in this paper a realistic distribution function is investigated that consists of neutral asymmetric Maxwellian counterstreams. For this scenario, the existence of isolated modes can be confirmed, especially when compared to the case of symmetric counterstreams.   相似文献   

The stability of the plane interface separating two viscous superposed partially-ionized plasmas of uniform densities has been studied. The whole system is assumed to be immersed in a uniform two-dimensional horizontal magnetic field and the stability analysis has been carried out through the normal mode technique. The dispersion relation has been derived for the case of two superposed plasmas of equal kinematic viscosities. The dispersion relation has been solved numerically for different values of the physical parameters involved. It is found that viscosity and collision frequency of ionized plasmas both have stabilizing influence on the growth rate of the unstable mode of disturbance.  相似文献   

The instability in a horizontal layer of stratified compressible isotropic and anisotropic plasmas has been studied to include simultaneously the effects of Coriolis forces and the finiteness of the ion Larmor radius. Using an integral approach, the dispersion relation has been derived in both cases for plasmas having density stratified exponentially along the vertical. The dispersion, relation has been solved numerically and it is found that both the FLR and Coriolis forces have stabilizing influence on the instability in the isotropic plasmas. The same result is obtained for the case of anisotropic plasmas where also the dispersion relation has been evaluated numerically.  相似文献   

The nonlinear coupling between a large amplitude electromagnetic wave and the slow background motion in a dusty plasma is considered. Stimulated scattering instabilities are investigated. The relevance of our investigation to cometary and astrophysical plasmas is pointed out.  相似文献   

The nonlinear interaction of the external magnetic field-aligned circularly polarized electro-magnetic radiation with a cold electron-positron plasma is considered. A set of nonlinear equations is derived describing the coupling of the radiation with cold electrostatic oscillations. Modulational instabilities and wave localization are discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamical properties of electromagnetic (EM) waves in ultra-relativistic electron-positron (EP) plasmas are analytically investigated on the basis of the nonlinear governing equations obtained from a kinetic way. It is shown that the EM wave envelope will collapse and be trapped into a localized region for the modulation interaction with low frequency density variation induced by ponderomotive force. The correlation between the localized strong wave field and the pulsar radio emission is discussed.  相似文献   

A statistical theory, previously developed for electrostatic waves is extended to the case of electromagnetic waves in the presence of a constant magnetic field. The theory is nonlinear and contains the effects of mode-mode coupling. The extension is not straightforward as assumed previously by many authors and involves calculation of perturbed trajectories in both velocity and configuration space. A diffusion equation is derived for the average particle distribution function, the associated diffusion tensor is calculated and a nonlinear wave dispersion relation is found. All these results contain the usual quasilinear theory as the lowest order approximation.  相似文献   

Energy conversion rates from the extraordinary mode to the ordinary mode ofthe electromagnetic waves in the Jovian plasmasphere has been calculated for a model of the sharp boundary that is given in the vicinity of the position where ω = ωp, for an angular frequency ω and the angular plasma frequency ωp. The extraordinary mode electromagnetic wave that is obtained as a result of the transformation of a longitudinal propa- gating through an inhomogenous plasma is here considered. The results give conversion rates of 1–50 per cent, at the most, when a wave normal direction of an is nearly parallel to the boundary normal direction and when the Jovian magnetic field vector is close to the boundary normal direction within an angle range from 10° to 15°. The electric field intensity, in range from 7 to 70 mV/m, of the original electrostatic electron cyclotron plasma waves can give the power flux in a range from 10-22 to 10-20W/m2 Hz for the Jovian decameter waves observed at the Earth's surface. Efficient energy conversion is possible only when the ray direction of the emitted wave is in nearly perpendicular direction with respect to the magnetic field; this is the origin of the sharp beam emission of the Jovian decameter wave burst.  相似文献   

A set of three nonlinearly coupled equations governing the interaction between electromagnetic ion-cyclotron and magnetosonic waves is derived. In appropriate limiting cases, the set yields simplified equations. On the other hand, the full set of equations is used to derive a general dispersion relation for the parametric interaction of electromagnetically modulated ion-cyclotron wave packets. An analytical expression for the growth rate of the electromagnetic modulational instability is presented. The relevance of our investigation to non-thermal electromagnetic fluctuations in astrophysical and cometary plasmas is pointed out.  相似文献   

Stability equations for the low frequency ordinary mode propagating perpendicular to a homogeneous magnetic field in the presence of a heat flux in a collisionless plasma are derived by working within an appropriate velocity reference frame. Solutions indicate the ordinary mode is stable under average solar wind conditions at 1 AU.  相似文献   

We analyze high-resolution, one-dimensional observations of simple microwave bursts, obtained at 4.9 GHz with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope in 1980, together with H photographs of the associated flares from the Observatories of Athens and Meudon. In most cases the polarization structure can be interpreted in terms of extraordinary mode emission, taking into account the polarity of the underlying magnetic field and propagation effects, which may lead to inversion of the sense of polarization in the limbward part of the flaring loop. We found evidence for ordinary mode emission in two classes of events. In one class theo-mode comes from regions overlying strong magnetic field, which we interpret in terms of thermal gyroresonance absorption of the extraordinary mode at the third harmonic of the gyrofrequency. In the other class the entire burst emits in theo-mode, which may be attributed to high gyrosynchrotron optical depth.  相似文献   

The proposed system measures the conduction current associated with electromagnetic and electrostatic waves propagated in space plasmas. The current collected by a probe flows through a measuring device, and is subsequently returned to the medium by means of an electron emitter. By way of illustration, the response of this system to the electron acoustic mode is investigated.This technique not only opens the way to the measurement of an additional plasma wave parameter, but it also offers inherent advantages over usual antennas, especially in magnetospheric and planetary environments.  相似文献   

The ordinary mode can frequently become unstable in the solar wind at 1 AU provided the ratio of halo to core electrons density does not exceed the value 0.05. The growth rates corresponding to the average conditions are typically 10 P ( P being the proton cyclotron frequency). Because of low threshold for onset of instability for C 1 (where C is the transverse beta for the core electrons), the mode is expected to play an important role in regulating the solar wind heat flux at 1 AU.  相似文献   

Starting from appropriate fluid equations, a dispersion relation describing the properties of low frequency (as compared to the ion gyrofrequency) shear electromagnetic mode in an ultra-dense, relativistic-degenerate plasma is derived and examined. The plasma constituents are fully degenerate electrons and positrons, and strongly correlated non-degenerate ions. It is found that the shear mode can couple with the electrostatic ion mode under certain circumstances. The electron and positron relativistic degeneracy and ion correlations significantly affect the waves. However, the electron degeneracy pressure is dominant because the density balance changes due to the presence of ions in electron-positron pair plasma. The results are discussed numerically in the ultra-relativistic and weakly-relativistic limits, indicating relevance to the dense plasmas, produced in laboratory (e.g., super-intense laser-dense matter experiments), and astrophysical regimes.  相似文献   

A finite amplitude linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in a relativistic plasma, is found to generate the longitudinal d.c. as well as the oscillating electric field at the second harmonic. In a plasma consisting of only electrons and positrons, these fields cannot be generated.The evolution of the electromagnetic waves is governed by the non-linear Schrödinger equation which shows that the electromagnetic solitons are always possible in ultra-relativistic plasmas (electron-ion or electron-positron) but in a plasma with relativistic electrons and nonrelativistic ions, these solitons exist only if 1(KT e/meC2)<(2m i/15me);m e andm i being the electron and ion mass andT e the electron temperature. Both the d.c. electric field and the solitons provide a nonlinear mechanism for anomalous acceleration of the particles. This model has direct relevance to some plasma processes occurring in pulsars.  相似文献   

In this paper we use a new approach to derive the system of first-order coupled equations governing the propagation of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma for normal incidence. In this new approach we employ a step model and use Maxwell's equations indirectly. The method we present here possesses simplicity in mathematical manipulation and gives a clearer physical picture of the mechanism of mode-coupling. The variablesE i used in the coupled equations are directly related to experimental measurements. Our result is shown to be equivalent to that obtained by Budden and Clemmow (1957).  相似文献   

Considering mode coupling as a consequence of the matching of boundary conditions at an infinitesimal discontinuity, a concept introduced by the same authors earlier, we derive explicit expressions for the coupling coefficients for electromagnetic waves propagating in a rather general direction in an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma. Some special cases of the theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Carbon in the petrologic matrices of a number of ordinary chondrites of groups H, L, and LL, and of types 3 through 6 was studied with a nuclear microprobe and a Raman microprobe. The majority of the matrices had carbon contents in the narrow range between 0.03 and 0.2 wt%. The carbon content decreased only slightly with increasing petrologic type. Carbon-rich coats around troilite and/or metal phases occured in five meteorites. Poorly ordered carbon was found in the matrices. The carbon in the meteorites of higher petrologic types was slightly better ordered than in the meteorites of lower types. The narrow range of carbon contents and the similarity of the structural form of carbon in the matrices of the measured ordinary chondrites, which represent all groups and types, imply that their matrices may contain a common component, which might be of interstellar origin.  相似文献   

A review of the present status of the theory of magnetic reconnection is given. In strongly collisional plasmas reconnection proceeds via resistive current sheets, i.e. quasi-stationary macroscopic Sweet-Parker sheets at intermediate values of the magnetic Reynolds numberR m , or mirco-current sheets in MHD turbulence, which develops at highR m . In hot, dilute plasmas the reconnection dynamics is dominated by nondissipative effects, mainly the Hall term and electron inertia. Reconnection rates are found to depend only on the ion mass, being independent of the electron inertia and the residual dissipation coefficients. Small-scale whistler turbulence is readily excited giving rise to an anomalous electron viscosity. Hence reconnection may be much more rapid than predicted by conventional resistive theory.  相似文献   

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