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Surface-generalized ambient noise in a shallow ocean waveguide with a sediment layer possessing a specific class of density and sound speed distributions capable of describing a realistic seabed environment is considered in this analysis. This class of non-uniform sediment layer has the density and sound speed distributions varying with respect to depth as a generalized-exponential and an inverse-square function, respectively. The study invokes a formulation developed by Kuperman and Ingenito (Kuperman, W. A., Ingenito, F., 1980. Spatial correlation of surface-generated noise in a stratified ocean. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 67, 1988-1996.) for surface noise generation, in conjunction with the analytical solutions for the Helmholtz equation corresponding to the sediment layer, to arrive at an analytical expression convenient for numerical implementation. The intensity and spatial correlation of the noise sound field are analyzed with respect to the variation of the system parameters, including frequency, sediment layer thickness, sound speed gradient, with emphasis on the effects of sediment properties on the ambient noise field. The results have demonstrated that the intensity of the noise field is relatively sensitive to the variation of the parameters, but the spatial correlation is affected to a less extent, suggesting that the energy distribution, rather than the spatial structure, of the noise field is more susceptible to the environmental variations.  相似文献   

西沙北部海域海洋环境噪声频谱特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Ambient noise is very important in the prediction system of a sonar performance, because it determines the detection ranges always in a passive sonar and usually in an active sonar. In the uncertainty issue for the so-nar performance, it is necessary to know this factor's statistical characteristics that are only obtained by data processing from the underwater ambient noise measurements. Broad-band ambient noise signals from 16 hydrophones were amplified and recorded for 2 min every 1 h. The results show that the ambient noise is essentially depth independent. The cross correlation of the ambient noise levels (1, 6 and 12 h average) with a wind speed is presented. It was found that the correlation is excellent on the upper frequency band and the noise levels correlate better with high wind speed than with low wind speed.  相似文献   

海洋环境噪声垂直分布测试和分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用船舷法对某海域海洋环境噪声垂直分布进行了测量.数据处理与分析结果表明,在6种接收深度下,当地的海面风生破碎波浪噪声对环境噪声有显著贡献.给出了所测海域环境噪声在0.1~20.0kHz频段的宽带声级和接收深度以及多种频率谱级与风速的对数之间的关系.1.0~4.0kHz频段的谱级与风速的对数呈良好的线性关系,且基本上不受接收深度的影响.  相似文献   

星载微波散射计海面风场与海洋环境噪声的相关特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据海洋环境噪声机理及风关噪声已有的研究成果,提出利用星载微波散射计反演的海面风场数据进行海洋环境噪声分析,并对HY-2A和ASCAT数据与噪声谱级的相关性进行了对比分析。选取南海海域作为研究区,利用潜标测量系统获取的噪声数据和多源散射计风场数据开展了相关实验,并采用NCEP海面风场数据进行对比分析。结果表明,ASCAT数据与噪声的相关性优于HY-2A,散射计数据优于NCEP数据,散射计风场更适合海洋环境噪声的分析研究。该研究内容拓展了微波散射计风场数据的应用领域,并为海洋环境噪声研究提供了更好的技术手段。  相似文献   

近海风电场水下打桩辐射噪声特性测量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对滨海海上风电场一次完整的打桩过程不同水深处环境噪声进行监测和分析。结果表明:打桩过程水下辐射噪声脉冲信号,在所研究海域附近环境噪声级由原来打桩前的130 d B左右瞬间增加约20~50 d B,20~20 000 Hz频段,打桩噪声谱级高于工程前该海域背景环境噪声谱级约30~65 d B,100~1 000 Hz频率打桩辐射噪声谱级出现多个峰值,不同水深谱级最高峰值频率为200 Hz。根据打桩水下辐射噪声监测结果和浅海Marsh和Schulkin半经验公式,计算打桩辐射噪声声源级(距声源中心1 m处)为210.2 d B(参考声压1μPa)。为水下打桩辐射噪声的深入研究提供了基础数据,分析结果可供海洋环境和海洋生物保护研究参考。  相似文献   

Seismic monitoring using ocean bottom seismometers(OBS) is an efficient method for investigating earthquakes in mid-ocean ridge far away from land. Clock synchronization among the OBSs is difficult without direct communication because electromagnetic signals cannot propagate efficiently in water. Time correction can be estimated through global positioning system(GPS) synchronization if clock drift is linear before and after the deployment. However, some OBSs in the experiments at the southwest Indian ridge(SWIR) on the Chinese DY125-34 cruise had not been re-synchronized from GPS after recovery. So we attempted to estimate clock drift between each station pairs using time symmetry analysis(TSA) based on ambient noise cross-correlation. We tested the feasibility of the TSA method by analyzing daily noise cross-correlation functions(NCFs) that extract from the data of another OBS experiment on the Chinese DY125-40 cruise with known clock drift and the same deployment site. The results suggest that the NCFs' travel time of surface wave between any two stations are symmetrical and have an opposite growing direction with the date. The influence of different band-pass filters,different components and different normalized methods was discussed. The TSA method appeared to be optimal for the hydrophone data within the period band of 2–5 s in dozens of km-scale interstation distances. A significant clock drift of ~2 s was estimated between OBSs sets through linear regression during a 108-d deployment on the Chinese cruise DY125-34. Time correction of the OBS by the ambient noise cross-correlation was demonstrated as a practical approach with the appropriate parameters in case of no GPS re-synchronization.  相似文献   

Oceanic noise is the background interference in sonar performance prediction and evaluation at high sea states. Statistics of underwater ambient noise during Typhoons Soulik and Nida were analyzed on the basis of experimental measurements conducted in a deep area of the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea. Generated linear regression, frequency correlation matrix (FCM), Burr distribution and Gumbel distribution were described for the analysis of correlation with environmental parameters including wind speed (WS), significant wave height (SWH), and the inter-frequency relationship and probability density function of noise levels (NLs). When the typhoons were quite close to the receivers, the increment of NLs exceeded 10 dB. Whilst ambient noise was completely dominated by wind agitation, NLs were proportional to the cubic and quintic functions of WS and SWH, respectively. The fitted results between NLs and oceanic parameters were different for “before typhoon” and “after typhoon”. The fitted slopes of linear regression showed a linear relationship with the logarithm of frequency. The average observed typhoon-generated NLs were 5 dB lower than the Wenz curve at the same wind force due to the insufficiently developed sea state or the delay between NLs and WS. The cross-correlation coefficient of FCM, which can be utilized in the identification of noise sources in different bands, exceeded 0.8 at frequencies higher than 250 Hz. Furthermore, standard deviation increased with frequency. The kurtosis was equal to 3 at >400 Hz approximately. The characteristics of NLs showed good agreement with the results of FCM.  相似文献   

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