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甘为群 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):129-133
概述了太阳γ射线研究的新进展,特别是最近4年的进展,展望了未来的HESSI卫星空间探测研究。  相似文献   

李友平  甘为群 《天文学报》2004,45(2):158-167
通过对比分析TRACE195A和RHESSI的X射线及Ha的图像,发现2002年7月23日的X4.8级耀斑的主体是一个典型的双带耀斑,它的Ha及TRACE195A的图像都显现出明显的双带耀斑特征,TRACE195A的像还呈现一个环拱结构,其环拱的足点与TRACE的亮带并不重合,但TRACE的亮带与X射线像的位置对应很好.在耀斑极大时刻附近,大于38keV的X射线像呈现一个低的环跨在TRACE的双带上,X射线环的顶点及两足点尤其明显,在这个低的环上方,还存在一个在低能量段明显的X射线日冕源,对该耀斑的空间结构及演化特征作了描述,还简单地讨论了一个可能的理论解释.  相似文献   

太阳耀斑伽玛射线能谱是加速粒子与太阳大气介质原子碰撞的结果,它是研究太阳耀斑中加速粒子和高能电子最为直接的手段.通过分析伽玛射线能谱,可以获得耀斑过程中加速粒子的成分、能谱、角分布及太阳大气元素丰度等重要信息.TALYS程序是一套模拟核反应的软件,对核反应过程中的所有信息均能完整地描述.利用TALYS计算得到了完整的太阳耀斑伽玛射线的核反应截面数据,开发了一套新的耀斑伽玛射线谱计算程序.详细介绍了耀斑伽玛射线计算的理论模型,并简单探讨了耀斑伽玛射线的特性,为未来的耀斑伽玛射线能谱分析奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

对于足点被日面边缘遮挡住的耀斑的观测研究是诊断日冕硬X射线辐射的一个重要方法.通过统计分析RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)卫星观测到的71个此类耀斑硬X射线源发现,前人提出的两类源,即日冕X射线辐射中热辐射与非热辐射源区空间分离较小的源和分离较大的源,在能谱、成像、光变曲线以及GOES持续时间等方面都没有显著的区别,其中辐射区的面积、耀斑总热能以及GOES持续时间与分离距离之间有很好的相关性.这些结果支持近年来提出的一些耀斑统一模型.同时也表明Masuda耀斑只是一类非常特殊的事件,不具有日冕硬X射线辐射的一般特征.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了SMM/GRS对耀斑伽玛射线的观测,并就耀斑伽玛射线的产生,伽玛射线发射的时间结构及解释,高能粒子的能谱及作用模型,高能辐射的方向性及粒子的加速机制,加速粒子的元素丰富度以及电子占优事件的性质等方面,简述了目前的研究状况。  相似文献   

太阳软X射线耀斑与微波爆发的共生关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

方成 《天文学进展》1997,15(1):27-35
近年来对太阳耀斑的研究取得了重要的进展,一些新的发 现主要来自高分辨率的观测,特别是来自“阳光”卫星的结果,综合的范围包括太阳耀斑中磁重联的新证据、硬X射线源的分类、X射线喷流的发现、环-环相互作用的证据以及对耀斑大气动力学过程的新认识等。  相似文献   

The large flare of 11 June 1991 (GOES class X12) was detected by the Total Absorption Shower Counter (TASC) segment of the EGRET gamma-ray telescope on board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. Significant gamma-ray emission was observed over the entire energy range to which the TASC was sensitive –1 to 140 MeV. Several phases were identified which showed major changes in the intensity and spectral shape of the flare gamma-rays. Furthermore, a 'delayed' phase during which a response consistent with the detection of energetic neutrons and pion-decay gamma-rays was seen, implying a qualitative change in the spectral shape of the accelerated ion spectrum. The similarity of the characteristics of this delayed phase (pion and energetic neutron production) to those in other large flares hint at a common particle acceleration mechanism.  相似文献   

The RESIK instrument on the CORONAS-F spacecraft obtained solar flare and active-region X-ray spectra in four channels covering the wavelength range 3.8?–?6.1 Å in its operational period between 2001 and 2003. Several highly ionized silicon lines were observed within the range of the long-wavelength channel (5.00?–?6.05 Å). The fluxes of the Si?xiv Ly-β line (5.217 Å) and the Si?xiii 1s 2?–?1s3p line (5.688 Å) during 21 flares with optimized pulse-height analyzer settings on RESIK have been analyzed to obtain the silicon abundance relative to hydrogen in flare plasmas. As in previous work, the emitting plasma for each spectrum is assumed to be characterized by a single temperature and emission measure given by the ratio of emission in the two channels of GOES. The silicon abundance is determined to be A(Si)=7.93±.21 (Si?xiv) and 7.89±.13 (Si?xiii) on a logarithmic scale with H=12. These values, which vary by only very small amounts from flare to flare and times within flares, are 2.6±1.3 and 2.4±0.7 times the photospheric abundance, and are about a factor of three higher than RESIK measurements during a period of very low activity. There is a suggestion that the Si/S abundance ratio increases from active regions to flares.  相似文献   

STEREO/EUVI observed 185 flare events (detected above the GOES class C1 level or at >?25 keV with RHESSI) during the first two years of the mission (December 2006?–?November 2008), while coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were reported in about a third of these events. We compile a comprehensive catalog of these EUVI-observed events, containing the peak fluxes in soft X rays, hard X rays, and EUV, as well as a classification and statistics of prominent EUV features: 79% show impulsive EUV emission (coincident with hard X rays), 73% show delayed EUV emission from postflare loops and arcades, 24% represent occulted flares, 17% exhibit EUV dimming, 5% show loop oscillations or propagating waves, and at least 3% show erupting filaments. We analyze an example of each EUV feature by stereoscopic modeling of its 3D geometry. We find that EUV emission can be dominated by impulsive emission from a heated, highly sheared, noneruptive filament, in addition to the more common impulsive EUV emission from flare ribbons or the delayed postflare EUV emission that results from cooling of the soft-X-ray-emitting flare loops. Occulted flares allow us to determine CME-related coronal dimming uncontaminated from flare-related EUV emission. From modeling the time evolution of EUV dimming we can accurately quantify the initial expansion of CMEs and determine their masses. Further, we find evidence that coronal loop oscillations are excited by the rapid initial expansion of CMEs. These examples demonstrate that stereoscopic EUV data provide powerful new methods to model the 3D aspects in the hydrodynamics of flares and kinematics of CMEs.  相似文献   

Hong  Zhenxiang  Li  Dong  Zhang  Minghui  Tan  Chengming  Ma  Suli  Ji  Haisheng 《Solar physics》2021,296(11):1-28

We have performed a search for flares and quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) from low-mass M-dwarf stars using Transient Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) two-minute cadence data. We find seven stars that show evidence of QPPs. Using Fourier and empirical mode decomposition techniques, we confirm the presence of 11 QPPs in these seven stars with a period between 10.2 and 71.9 minutes, including an oscillation with strong drift in the period and a double-mode oscillation. The fraction of flares that showed QPPs (7%) is higher than other studies of stellar flares, but it is very similar to the fraction of solar C-class flares. Based on the stellar parameters taken from the TESS Input Catalog, we determine the lengths and magnetic-field strengths of the flare coronal loops using the period of the QPPs and various assumptions about the origin of the QPPs. We also use a scaling relationship based on flares from the Sun and solar-type stars and the observed energy, plus the duration of the flares, finding that the different approaches predict loop lengths that are consistent to within a factor of about two. We also discuss the flare frequency of the seven stars determining whether this could result in ozone depletion or abiogenesis in any orbiting exoplanet. Three of our stars have a sufficiently high rate of energetic flares, which are likely to cause abiogenesis. However, two of these stars are also in the range where ozone depletion is likely to occur. We speculate on the implications of the flare rates, loop lengths, and QPPs for life on potential exoplanets orbiting in their host star’s habitable zone.


The current fleet of space-based solar observatories offers us a wealth of opportunities to study solar flares over a range of wavelengths. Significant advances in our understanding of flare physics often come from coordinated observations between multiple instruments. Consequently, considerable efforts have been, and continue to be, made to coordinate observations among instruments (e.g. through the Max Millennium Program of Solar Flare Research). However, there has been no study to date that quantifies how many flares have been observed by combinations of various instruments. Here we describe a technique that retrospectively searches archival databases for flares jointly observed by the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/EUV Variability Experiment (EVE – Multiple EUV Grating Spectrograph (MEGS)-A and -B, Hinode/(EUV Imaging Spectrometer, Solar Optical Telescope, and X-Ray Telescope), and Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Out of the 6953 flares of GOES magnitude C1 or greater that we consider over the 6.5 years after the launch of SDO, 40 have been observed by 6 or more instruments simultaneously. Using each instrument’s individual rate of success in observing flares, we show that the numbers of flares co-observed by 3 or more instruments are higher than the number expected under the assumption that the instruments operated independently of one another. In particular, the number of flares observed by larger numbers of instruments is much higher than expected. Our study illustrates that these missions often acted in cooperation, or at least had aligned goals. We also provide details on an interactive widget (Solar Flare Finder), now available in SSWIDL, which allows a user to search for flaring events that have been observed by a chosen set of instruments. This provides access to a broader range of events in order to answer specific science questions. The difficulty in scheduling coordinated observations for solar-flare research is discussed with respect to instruments projected to begin operations during Solar Cycle 25, such as the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, Solar Orbiter, and Parker Solar Probe.  相似文献   

Solar gamma-ray lines, produced from nuclear reactions of accelerated particles interacting with the solar atmospheric medium, are the most direct diagnosis for the acceleration and transportation of energetic electrons and ions in solar flares. Much information about composition, spectrum, and angular distribution of the accelerated ions, as well as the elemental abundances of the ambient solar atmosphere can be derived from solar gamma-ray line spectra. A new gamma-ray calculation program has been developed by using an efficient nuclear code − TALYS. The theory of gamma-ray production in solar flares is treated in detail. The characteristics of gamma-ray spectrum are also presented.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAfilter basedvectormagnetographisattachedtotheSolarFlareTelescope (Moonetal.1 996 ,Parketal.1 997)attheBohyunsanOpticalAstronomyObservatory (BOAO) ,WhichusedaverynarrowbandLyotfilterandKD Pcrystalsforpolarimetricobservations .TheStokespa rametersarem…  相似文献   

Eruption of solar flares is a complex nonlinear process, and the rays and high-energy particles generated by such an eruption are detrimental to the reliability of space-based or ground-based systems. So far, there are not reliable physical models to accurately account for the flare outburst mechanism, but a lot of data-driven models have been built to study a solar flare and forecast it. In the paper, the status of solar-flare forecasting is reviewed, with emphasis on the machine learning metho...  相似文献   

The Extreme-ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE; see Woods et al., 2009) obtains continuous EUV spectra of the Sun viewed as a star. Its primary objective is the characterization of solar spectral irradiance, but its sensitivity and stability make it extremely interesting for observations of variability on time scales down to the limit imposed by its basic 10 s sample interval. In this paper we characterize the Doppler sensitivity of the EVE data. We find that the 30.4 nm line of He ii has a random Doppler error below 0.001 nm (1 pm, better than 10 km s−1 as a redshift), with ample stability to detect the orbital motion of its satellite, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Solar flares also displace the spectrum, both because of Doppler shifts and because of EVE’s optical layout, which (as with a slitless spectrograph) confuses position and wavelength. As a flare develops, the centroid of the line displays variations that reflect Doppler shifts and therefore flare dynamics. For the impulsive phase of the flare SOL2010-06-12, we find the line centroid to have a redshift of 16.8 ± 5.9 km s−1 relative to that of the flare gradual phase (statistical errors only). We find also that high-temperature lines, such as Fe xxiv 19.2 nm, have well-determined Doppler components for major flares, with decreasing apparent blueshifts as expected from chromospheric evaporation flows.  相似文献   

分析了2个耀斑事件,这2个事件分别是2002年3月14日M5.7级和2003年10月29日X10级耀斑。这两个耀斑在紫外(Ultroviolet or UV,160.0 nm)或远紫外(Extremeultraviolet or EUV,17.1 nm)都具有双带结构,在硬X射线(Hard X-ray or HXR)能段有明显的共轭足点。通过"重心法",可以得到EUV双带以及硬X射线足点的位置。通过对这2个耀斑事件的初步分析,得到下面的结论:(1)耀斑脉冲期,这两个耀斑的共轭亮核和双带都具有明显的会聚运动,会聚运动延续了3~10 min。亮核或双带的分离运动发生在会聚运动后;(2)耀斑的硬X射线足点具有很强的剪切运动,并且在耀斑过程中,剪切角的变化持续减小。这些结果表明磁重联通常发生在剪切程度高的磁场区域。这些结果支持Ji(2007)的磁场模型,这个模型认为耀斑环的收缩运动是剪切磁场松弛引起的。  相似文献   

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