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胡方浩 《天文学报》2011,52(4):288-296
某些伽玛射线暴(简称伽玛暴)的中心致密天体可能是一颗具有强磁场的毫秒脉冲星,它通过磁偶极辐射可对伽玛暴外激波注入能量,从而导致早期余辉光变曲线的变平.近年来,从Swift卫星观测到的大量伽玛暴X射线余辉中发现,很多X射线余辉光变曲线在暴后10~2~10~4s期间的确存在明显的变平现象.利用周期为毫秒量级的磁星能量注入模型对11个加玛暴的X射线余辉光变曲线进行了拟合,显示该模型在解释余辉变平现象上的有效性和广泛性,通过对余辉光变曲线的拟合,同时也给出了相关中心磁星的磁场强度和旋转周期.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that many gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are produced by relativistic jets. Previous studies on the beaming effects in GRBs are mainly based on the conical geometry. However, some observations of the relativistic jets in radio galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and “micro-quasars” have shown that many of these outflows are cylindrical, but not conical. In this study, we assume that the jets that produce GRBs are cylindrical, and that the circum-burst environment is dense and optically thick. In the prompt burst phase, the strong X-ray emission can sublimate the circum-burst medium to form an optically thin channel, from which the optical photons are allowed to escape. As a result, the optical afterglows can be observed only for the observers who are positioned on the axes of jets. It is shown that the observed optical afterglows usually decay very rapidly (in the form of Sv oc t^v^l1 where p is the index of electron power-law distribution), due to the joint effect of the lateral expansion of the cylindrical jet and the absorption of optical photons by the dust outside the channel. Our model provides a possible explanation for the dark gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   

We investigate the forming of gamma-ray burst pulses with a simple one-dimensional relativistic shock model. The mechanism is that a "central engine" drives forward the nearby plasma inside the fireball to generate a series of pressure waves. We give a relativistic geometric recurrence formula that connects the time when the pressure waves are produced and the time when the corresponding shocks occurred. This relation enables us to relate the pulse magnitude with the observation time. Our analysis shows that the evolution of the pressure waves leads to a fast rise and an exponential decay pulses. In determining the width of the pulses, the acceleration time is more important than that of the deceleration.  相似文献   

In the standard afterglow model, the swept electrons have a single power-law energy distribution dn/dγe ∝ γ−p e (p ∼ 2.3), owing to the first order Fermi acceleration process. However, in some events people find a lot of evidence for a flat electron spectrum (i.e., p < 2). In this work, the analytical afterglow light curves in the case of a flat electron energy distribution are presented respectively for a single power-law spectrum and a broken power-law spectrum, then the results are applied to the specific burst GRB 060908. Besides, we have also speculated a possible solution of the so-called low energy spectrum crisis of Gamma-ray Bursts  相似文献   

伽玛射线暴是一种来自宇宙空间随机方向的短时间内伽玛射线突然增亮的现象。伽玛射线暴虽然早在1967年就由Vela卫星观测到,但直到1997年人们才通过余辉观测确定其寄主星系,并通过寄主星系的红移最终确定了伽玛射线暴的宇宙学起源。对伽玛射线暴研究概况进行了评述:详细介绍了伽玛射线暴及其余辉的观测进展,特别是近期Swift卫星和Fermi卫星带来的新发现;系统描述了伽玛射线暴标准火球模型、伽玛射线暴余辉物理(相对论性外流与暴周环境介质的相互作用过程、辐射产生机制等)及伽玛射线暴的前身星等。也对伽玛射线暴的未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

X-ray emission and absorption features are of great importance in our understanding the nature and environment of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). So far, iron emission lines have been detected in at least four GRB afterglows. In this paper, the observational properties and physical constraints on materials surrounding GRB sources are reviewed, and several classes of theoretical models are also discussed. We will specially concentrate on the Cerenkov line mechanism, in which the broad iron lines are expected, and a small mass of Fe is required to produce the large line luminosity. In addition, our interpretation can favor the recent jet unified model for different classes of gamma-ray bursts with a standard energy reservoir.  相似文献   

We suggest a short-lived supermassive magnetar model to account for the X-ray flares following shortγ-ray bursts. In this model the central engine of the shortγ-ray bursts is a supermassive millisecond magnetar, formed in coalescence of double neutron stars. The X-ray flares are powered by the dipole radiation of the magnetar. When the magnetar has lost a significant part of its angular momentum, it collapses to a black hole and the X-ray flares cease abruptly.  相似文献   

采用一个简单的激波模型来讨论了珈玛射线爆光变曲线的轮廓。根据激波理论,爆炸产生压力脉冲并以压力波的形式传播,既有压缩波也有膨胀波。压缩波的合并产生激波,它的强度被随后并入的压缩波或膨胀波分别增强或减弱。该模型能自然地描述珈玛爆光变曲线和光变曲线具有的"快速上升指数下降"的轮廓特征。我们认为这一特征是压缩波和膨胀波的传播特性导致的。  相似文献   

在标准的伽玛暴余辉模型中,电子通过费米一级加速后形成单幂律能谱分布dn/dγe∝γe-p(p≈2.3),但在某些伽玛暴事件中观测到了平缓的电子能谱分布(即p<2).在单幂律谱和分段幂律谱两种情况下,分别给出了具有平缓电子能谱的伽玛暴余辉的解析光变曲线,并以GRB 060908为例进行了讨论.同时提出了伽玛暴低能谱危机的...  相似文献   

With the successful launch of Swift satellite,more and more data of early X-ray afterglows from short gamma-ray bursts have been collected.Some interesting features such as unusual afterglow light curves and unexpected X-ray flares are revealed.Especially,in some cases,there is a fiat segment in the X-ray afterglow light curve.Here we present a simplified model in which we believe that the flattening part is due to energy injection from the central engine.We assume that this energy injection arises from the magnetic dipole radiation of a millisecond pulsar formed after the merger of two neutron stars.We check this model with the short GRB 060313.Our numerical results suggest that energy injection from a millisecond magnetar could make part of the X-ray afterglow light curve flat.  相似文献   

射线暴是宇宙中恒星尺度的最剧烈爆发现象。γ射线暴瞬时辐射结束后,进入余辉辐射阶段。X射线耀发是γ射线暴X射线辐射衰减过程中出现的短时标闪耀现象。X射线耀发的脉冲轮廓具有不对称性,其上升时标小于下降时标。在部分γ射线暴中,X射线耀发的亮度达到瞬时辐射的亮度。X射线耀发的持续时间与峰值时间具有线性关系。X射线耀发的光谱比X射线余辉的光谱硬。早期X射线耀发与晚期X射线耀发相比,其脉冲轮廓较窄,光谱较硬。X射线耀发产生的物理过程类似于γ射线暴瞬时辐射的物理过程。在火球(fireball)模型中,内部壳层之间发生碰撞,产生的内激波加速电子,电子的同步辐射产生X射线耀发。当火球扫过星际介质,外激波加速电子时,电子的同步辐射也可产生X射线耀发。在光球(photospere)模型中,能量耗散发生在光学厚的区域,热辐射的光谱峰值落在X射线能段附近,γ射线暴的喷流在光球半径处会产生X射线耀发。如果γ射线暴喷流由坡印亭能流主导,喷流就会与星际介质相互作用,磁场的不稳定性使磁场发生耗散,产生的能量形成X射线耀发。γ射线暴的喷流具有几何效应。一部分同步辐射可能发生在喷流辐射面的高纬度处。由于曲率效应(curva...  相似文献   

探索来源于BATSE(http://cossc:gsfc:nasa:gov/batse)的GRB(Gamma-Ray Burst,伽玛射线暴)观测数据的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系,基于64个用KRL函数模型(即,文[1]中的(22)式)能很好地拟合的FRDE(Fast Rise and Exponential Decay,快速上升指数下降)型脉冲样本。发现64个样本中有63个的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系属于平台—幂率—平台型结构或峰型结构。64个样本的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系在观测中可详细分为5种类型:a)有34个样本为幂率形式关系;b)18个样本为低能段平台关系;c)有7个样本为高能段平台关系;d)4个样本为峰型结构关系;e)另外有1个样本为其他结构。结果表明:GRB观测数据的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的确存在有幂率的关系。此结果进一步确认了文[2](Qin etal 2005)的观点,即半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系是由于火球模型的多普勒效应(Doppler effect)导致的。  相似文献   

By reviewing the methods of mass measurements of neutron stars in four different kinds of systems, i.e., the high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), double neutron star systems (DNSs) and neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) binary systems, we have collected the orbital parameters of 40 systems. By using the boot-strap method and the Monte-Carlo method, we have rebuilt the likelihood probability curves of the measured masses of 46 neutron stars. The statistical analysis of the simulation results shows that the masses of neutron stars in the X-ray neutron star systems and those in the radio pulsar systems exhibit different distributions. Besides, the Bayes statistics of these four different kind systems yields the most-probable probability density distributions of these four kind systems to be (1.340 ± 0.230)M8, (1, 505 ± 0.125)M8,(1.335 ± 0.055)M8 and (1.495 ± 0.225)M8, respectively. It is noteworthy that the masses of neutron stars in the HMXB and DNS systems are smaller than those in the other two kind systems by approximately 0.16M8. This result is consistent with the theoretical model of the pulsar to be accelerated to the millisecond order of magnitude via accretion of approximately 0.2M8. If the HMXBs and LMXBs are respectively taken to be the precursors of the BNS and NS-WD systems, then the influence of the accretion effect on the masses of neutron stars in the HMXB systems should be exceedingly small. Their mass distributions should be very close to the initial one during the formation of neutron stars. As for the LMXB and NS-WD systems, they should have already under- gone the process of suffcient accretion, hence there arises rather large deviation from the initial mass distribution.  相似文献   

The cycle-stationary Poison model for the photon arrival of X-ray pulsars and the estimation of the pulse's time of arrival (TOA) are discussed. Based on this model, the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the TOA, as well as the Cramer-Rao boundary (CRB), are presented, especially the approximate formulation of the likelihood function and the Cramer-Rao boundary are derived for the low-RSN (signal-to-noise ratio) cases. By using the analytical pulse profile, we have made the Monte-Carlo simulation on the TOA estimation of PSR B1821-24, discussed the estimate error for different observation times and signal-to-noise ratios, and presented the corresponding RSN-thresholds. The results show that this method of data analysis can estimate effectively the timing accuracy of X-ray pulsar pulses and help to evaluate the corresponding performances in other applications.  相似文献   

本文首先对Gamma暴的观测特性和物理过程作了简要的介绍 ,而后 ,对火球模型的相对论流体动力学机制和同步加速辐射机制作了论述。主要工作是 :具体研究火球所抛出壳层的相对论流体动力学演化 ,应用同步加速辐射机制 ,通过由共动坐标系到实验室坐标系的相对论变换 ,得到Gamma暴余辉的光变曲线。对于火球壳层的不同的动力学演化规律 ,各向同性或各向异性的壳层抛出形式 ,以及不同的外部介质环境 ,所得到的光变曲线都各不相同。通过对这些不同的光变曲线的比较 ,明确了Gamma暴余辉的整体的物理演化图象以及各种物理过程在Gamma暴余辉演化过程中所起的作用 ,并从余辉演化的方面进一步理解了Gamma暴的物理本质  相似文献   

伽马射线暴是宇宙中最剧烈的爆发现象之一.Swift卫星的快速定位和Fermi卫星的宽、高能段观测,使得伽马暴的观测可以全波段进行.通过Swift的观测可以对伽马暴现象的本质有进一步的理解,而Fermi卫星提供了一些暴高能光子的辐射数据,为进一步研究暴的辐射机制和伽马暴以及它的余辉提供了有力的依据.介绍了Swift和Fermi卫星发射后一些伽马暴的观测和理论研究进展.  相似文献   

Owing to some refinements in the dynamics, we can follow the overall evolution of a realistic jet numerically until its bulk velocity is as small as c 103 c . We find no obvious break in the optical light curve during the relativistic phase itself . However, an obvious break does exist at the transition from the relativistic phase to the non-relativistic phase, which typically occurs at time t 106106.5 s (i.e. 1030 d). The break is affected by many parameters, such as the electron energy fraction e, the magnetic energy fraction the initial half-opening angle 0 and the medium number density n . Increasing any of them to a large enough value will make the break disappear. Although the break itself is parameter-dependent, afterglows from jetted GRB remnants are uniformly characterized by a quick decay during the non-relativistic phase, with power-law timing index 2.1. This is quite different from that of isotropic fireballs, and may be of fundamental importance for determining the degree of beaming in -ray bursts observationally.  相似文献   

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