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Payún Matru Volcanic Field is a Quaternary monogenetic volcanic field that hosts scoria cones with perfect to breached morphologies. Los Morados complex is a group of at least four closely spaced scoria cones (Los Morados main cone and the older Cones A, B, and C). Los Morados main cone was formed by a long lived eruption of months to years. After an initial Hawaiian-style stage, the eruption changed to a normal Strombolian, conebuilding style, forming a cone over 150 metres high on a northward dipping (~4°) surface. An initial cone gradually grew until a lava flow breached the cone’s base and rafted an estimated 10% of the total volume. A sudden sector collapse initiated a dramatic decompression in the upper part of the feeding conduit and triggered violent a Strombolian style eruptive stage. Subsequently, the eruption became more stable, and changed to a regular Strombolian style that partially rebuilt the cone. A likely increase in magma flux coupled with the gradual growth of a new cone caused another lava flow outbreak at the structurally weakened earlier breach site. For a second time, the unstable flank of the cone was rafted, triggering a second violent Strombolian eruptive stage which was followed by a Hawaiian style lava fountain stage. The lava fountaining was accompanied by a steady outpour of voluminous lava emission accompanied by constant rafting of the cone flank, preventing the healing of the cone. Santa Maria is another scoria cone built on a nearly flat pre-eruption surface. Despite this it went through similar stages as Los Morados main cone, but probably not in as dramatic a manner as Los Morados. In contrast to these examples of large breached cones, volumetrically smaller cones, associated to less extensive lava flows, were able to heal raft/collapse events, due to the smaller magma output and flux rates. Our evidence shows that scoria cone growth is a complex process, and is a consequence of the magma internal parameters (e.g. volatile content, magma flux, recharge, output volume) and external conditions such as inclination of the pre-eruptive surface where they grew and thus gravitational instability.  相似文献   

The San Martín shield volcano, located in the Los Tuxtlas Volcanic Field, has experienced effusive shield-building activity, as well as explosive eruptions, as evidenced by direct observations during the last eruption in 1793. The threat to the surrounding villages consists principally of lahars, especially because of the tropical climate in the region. Ash fallout and lava flows represent additional hazards. In addition, the surrounding Quaternary monogenetic field includes more than 300 scoria cones and about 40 explosion craters (mainly maars) that also represent a hazard source. In the present study we constructed hazard maps using field data, orthophotos, spatial analysis, and specialized software (LAHARZ and HAZMAP) to deliminate lahar inundation zones, areas that could potentially be affected by ash fallout (including the evaluation of houses prone to roof collapse due to ash load), and the most susceptible areas for hosting future monogenetic vent formation.  相似文献   

The Mount Widderin shield volcano is located near Skipton, western Victoria, in the Western Plains subprovince of the monogenetic Pliocene–Holocene Newer Volcanic Province (NVP). Radiometric ages for lavas in the Hamilton–Skipton–Derrinallum area are few, owing to limited suitable outcrop for K–Ar or 40Ar/39Ar geochronology studies. Existing age constraints for flows in this area have been inferred from Regolith Landform Units (RLUs), complemented by a small number of K–Ar studies on ≥1 Ma flows. Although the RLU approach provides a valuable overview of relative eruption ages across the NVP, it is of limited use in eruption frequency studies. Additional radio-isotopic ages are required to refine age ranges for individual RLUs, and to validate previous assignment of individual flows to specific RLUs. We report a new, high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age of 389 ± 8 ka (2σ) for a Mount Widderin basalt sample. Based on this age and geomorphic observations, we propose that both the Widderin and Elephant lava flows be reassigned from the Eccles RLU to the Rouse RLU. We use the 389 ± 8 ka (2σ) age for Widderin, along with published K–Ar ages, to anchor a stratigraphic sequence of 15 individual flows in the Hamilton–Skipton–Derrinallum area, demonstrating that intermittent volcanism has occurred in this area from ≥3 Ma to ≤0.389 Ma. Within the limits of available data for the NVP, this time span of volcanic activity is second only to that of the Melbourne area. We consider the significance of the Widderin eruption age, in conjunction with published age constraints for maars and scoria cones of the Western Plains subprovince, building on previous studies that have focused solely on lava flow ages. The inclusion of the additional data weakens the argument for a decrease in volcanic activity after ca 0.9 Ma as implied by published ages for lava flows only. Additional detailed combined geochronology–geomorphology studies of lavas, scoria cones and maars in strategically selected small areas are advocated to better understand eruption frequency across the NVP.  相似文献   

Al Wahbah Crater is one of the largest and deepest Quaternary maar craters in the Arabian Peninsula. It is NW-SE-elongated, ~2.3 km wide, ~250 m deep and surrounded by an irregular near-perpendicular crater wall cut deeply into the Proterozoic diorite basement. Very few scientific studies have been conducted on this unique site, especially in respect to understanding the associated volcanic eruption processes. Al Wahbah and adjacent large explosion craters are currently a research subject in an international project, Volcanic Risk in Saudi Arabia (VORiSA). The focus of VORiSA is to characterise the volcanic hazards and eruption mechanisms of the vast volcanic fields in Western Saudi Arabia, while also defining the unique volcanic features of this region for use in future geoconservation, geoeducation and geotourism projects. Al Wahbah is inferred to be a maar crater that formed due to an explosive interaction of magma and water. The crater is surrounded by a tephra ring that consists predominantly of base surge deposits accumulated over a pre-maar scoria cone and underlying multiple lava flow units. The tephra ring acted as an obstacle against younger lava flows that were diverted along the margin of the tephra ring creating unique lava flow surface textures that recorded inflation and deflation processes along the margin of the post-maar lava flow. Al Wahbah is a unique geological feature that is not only a dramatic landform but also a site that can promote our understanding of complex phreatomagmatic monogenetic volcanism. The complex geological features perfectly preserved at Al Wahbah makes this site as an excellent geotope and a potential centre of geoeducation programs that could lead to the establishment of a geopark in the broader area at the Kishb Volcanic Field.  相似文献   

Changes of the susceptibility to lava flow invasion at Mount Etna are quantified by using lava flow simulations on four Digital Elevation Models documenting the morphostructural modifications of the volcano in the time interval 1986–2007. The probabilistic code DOWNFLOW is used to derive the areas invaded by several thousands of lava flows obtaining, for each DEM, maps of the susceptibility to lava flow invasion and of the lava flow hazard. These maps show, for the first time, the evolution of these surficial properties with time, and render a quantitative image of the effects of topographic changes on the preferential lava flow drainage paths. The results illustrate how the emplacement of new lava flows and the growth of scoria cones affect the probability of inundation by lava flows. We conclude that the persistent activity of this volcano requires a frequent updating of the topography for a reliable lava flow hazard assessment.  相似文献   

内蒙锡林浩特鸽子山火山地质研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
鸽子山火山位于内蒙古自治区锡林浩特市东南,处于大兴安岭-大同新生代火山喷发带中段,是锡林浩特-阿巴嘎火山群中保存最为完好的一座玄武质火山。火山喷发物的分布面积约55km2,主要为降落火山渣、溅落熔结火山碎屑岩和熔岩流,成分主要为碧玄岩,晚期有少量的橄榄拉斑玄武岩,碧玄岩中含有较多二辉橄榄岩包体和辉石及歪长石巨晶。火山由锥体、熔岩流和火山碎屑席组成,锥体由早期的降落锥和晚期溅落锥复合而成。火山口经历多次塌陷而成为破火口。锥体西侧及北东侧出露两个仍保留了原始形态的熔岩溢出口,熔岩流类型为结壳熔岩,由多个岩流单元组成,局部地区的熔岩流中发育较多保存完好的喷气锥、喷气碟或喷气塔。火山碎屑席主要分布在锥体的东侧,厚度由锥体向外逐渐减薄。火山活动可分为早、晚两个阶段,早期为爆破式喷发,形成火山渣锥和碎屑席,属亚布里尼型喷发,晚期主要为溢流式喷发,形成溅落锥和大规模熔岩流,其活动时代为晚更新世末-全新世。  相似文献   

The uplifted and deeply eroded volcanic succession of Porto Santo (central East-Atlantic) is the product of a wide spectrum of dynamic processes that are active in shoaling to emergent seamounts. Two superimposed lapilli cones marking the base of the exposed section are interpreted as having formed from numerous submarine to subaerial phreatomagmatic explosions, pyroclastic fragmentation being subordinate. The lower basaltic and the upper mugearitic to trachytic sections are dominated by redeposited tephra and are called 'lapilli cone aprons'. Vertical growth due to accumulation of tephra, voluminous intrusions, and minor pillowed lava flows produced ephemeral islands which were subsequently leveled by wave erosion, as shown by conglomerate beds. Periods of volcanic quiescence are represented by abundant biocalcarenite lenses at several stratigraphic levels. The loose tephra piles became stabilized by widespread syn-volcanic intrusions such as dikes and trachytic to rhyolitic domes welding the volcanic and volcaniclastic ensemble into a solid edifice. Shattering of a submarine extrusive trachytic dome by pyroclastic and phreatomagmatic explosions, accentuated by quench fragmentation, resulted in pumice- and crystal-rich deposits emplaced in a prominent submarine erosional channel. The dome must have produced an island as indicated by a collapse breccia comprising surf-rounded boulders of dome material. Subaerial explosive activity is represented by scoria cones and tuff cones. Basaltic lava flows built a resistant cap that protected the island from wave erosion. Some lava flows entered the sea and formed two distinct types of lava delta: 1. closely-packed pillow lava and massive tabular lava flows along the southwestern coast of Porto Santo, and 2. a steeply inclined pillow-hyaloclastite breccia prism composed of foreset-bedded hydroclastic breccia, variably-shaped pillows, and thin sheet flows capped by subhorizontal submarine to subaerial lava flows along the eastern coast of Porto Santo.The facies architectures indicate emplacement: 1. on a gently sloping platform in southwestern Porto Santo, and 2. on steep offshore slopes along high energy shorelines in eastern Porto Santo.Growth of the pillow-hyaloclastite breccia prism is dominated by the formation of foreset beds but various types of syn-volcanic intrusions contributed significantly. Submarine flank eruptions occurred in very shallow water on the flanks of the hyaloclastite prism in eastern Porto Santo. The island became consolidated by intrusion of numerous dikes and by emplacement of prominent intrusions that penetrate the entire volcanic succession. Volcanic sedimentation ended with the emplacement of a debris avalanche that postdates the last subaerial volcanic activity.  相似文献   

At Santa Maria Volcano (New Hebrides island arc), extensive ash and scoria flow deposits overlie the mainly effusive, pre-caldera cone. Hydromagmatic features characterize these deposits, the composition of juvenile clasts ranges from basalt to acid andesite/dacite (SiO2= 51–63.6%) with a dominant basaltic composition. The stratigraphic position of this pyroclastic series and its spatial distribution around a 8.5 km × 6 km wide caldera provide evidence of a relationship between this series and the caldera formation. In addition, these pyroclastic deposits are co-genetic to parasitic cones and lava flows developed along faults concentric to the caldera. Both series result from a compositionally layered magma reservoir, the subordinate differentiated magmas being the result of fractional crystallization from the basalts. A model of caldera formation which implies a large hydromagmatic eruption at the central vent and minor magma withdrawal by flank eruptions is proposed. This model emphasizes the importance of mafic hydroclastic eruptions in the caldera forming event and contradicts a model implying only quiet subsidence, a process often proposed for the formation of calderas in island are volcanoes of mainly mafic composition.  相似文献   

The Newer Volcanics Province of south‐eastern Australia is often overlooked, though it comprises a multitude of volcanic features worthy of exploration. The province contains > 416 eruption centres varying in nature from simple to complex, ranging from lava shields and scoria cones to some of the largest maar volcanoes in the world. Explorable caves and lava tubes showcase well‐preserved lava flow features, while the province is a fossickers dream, containing abundant mantle xenolith and megacryst collecting localities. As the most recent eruption was ~5000 bp at Mt. Gambier, the Newer Volcanics is considered an active province, and may yet provide Australia with more eruptions, adding to the glorious volcanic features of the wonderful landscape.  相似文献   

A significant feature of Quaternary volcanism in New Zealand is the presence of several compact fields of monogenetic basaltic volcanism, in many respects comparable to back-arc volcanism of Japan and intra-plate volcanism in S.E. Australia. Volcanism in South Auckland between 1.56 m.y. (B.P.) and 0.51 m.y. has produced some 20 km3 of lava and scoria from at least 70 centres. Older lavas are alkalic (basanite and alkali-olivine basalt), and are associated with maars and small scoria cones and many contain mafic and ultramafic xenoliths and megacrysts. Younger subalkalic lavas (mainly transitional tholeiite) form large scoria cones with extensive lava aprons.Chemically and mineralogically the two types are distinct and represent separate parent magmas. Alkalic magma probably differentiated near source (<25 kb) by precipitation of kaersutite, olivine, and clinopyroxene. Subalkalic lavas were the product of more voluminous melting and observed differentiation trends may be due to Al-opx and subcalcic Al-cpx precipitation at 10 to 15 kb. Progressive melting of a mantle diapir rising through the low velocity zone can account for the temporal and petrologic relationships between the two magmas.  相似文献   

大兴安岭中部哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山区分布有34座火山,这些火山总体呈北东向带状分布,火山岩分布面积约400 km2,岩性主要为碱性橄榄玄武岩.根据火山地质特征,结合火山岩K-Ar测年结果,哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山可进一步划分为早、中、晚更新世和全新世4期.早更新世火山岩,由于被后期火山岩覆盖,主要分布于火山区周边和出露在河谷中.中更新世火山活动最强,不论火山数量(27座)还是熔岩流规模都超过该区第四纪火山的一半以上.晚更新世时期火山活动趋弱,火山活动范围缩小,只局限于小范围区域.全新世火山活动又进入新的高峰期,强爆破式喷发和规模宏大的熔岩流,以及保存完好的熔岩流地貌是全新世火山之特点.  相似文献   

The Plio-Quaternary Balhaf–Bir Ali volcanic field (BBAVF) constitutes one of the largest volcanic fields in SE Yemen, covering some 500 km2. It comprises cinder cones complexes associated with vesicular lava flows and scoria–spatter cones. In many places, ultramafic xenoliths are encountered within these volcanics. The explosive volcanism is mainly of alkaline character including alkali olivine basalt, hawaiite and mugearite together with subordinate tuffaceous trachytes. Major, trace and REEs data from the basaltic rocks of the BBAVF are interpreted in terms of a mantle-lithospheric origin in which crustal contribution during the initial stage of rift magmatism has occurred. Magma genesis may have resulted from plume-derived melt introducing into the base of the lithosphere. A mantle plume source is proposed for the Balhaf–Bir Ali basaltic lavas that are here interpreted as having been generated by partial melting of garnet lherzolite in the uppermost part of asthenosphere. The magmatic evolution of Balhaf–Bir Ali volcanic field may be accounted for by the recent models developed for plume structure.  相似文献   

Gran Canaria, like most of the Canary Islands, shows evidence for young basaltic volcanism in the form of cinder cones and valley‐hugging lava flows. These landforms were of no particular use to the aboriginal population, nor to the subsequent Spanish settlers, and young lava flows and lava fields are still referred to as ‘malpaís’ (badlands) in the Canary Islands. In north‐west Gran Canaria, one such lava flow fills the bottom of a steep‐sided valley, which reaches the sea at the present day village of Agaete. The lava flow erupted c. 3030 ± 90 yr bp and displays a total length of ~ 11 km. At its distal end, just outside Agaete, it hosts one of Europe’s largest and most important pre‐historic burial sites constructed of volcanic rock: the Maipés necropolis. Over 700 pre‐historic tombs (or tumuli) constructed from the aa‐type clinker materials have been identified on top of the valley‐filling lava flow. The up to soccer‐ball sized vesicular clinker fragments are sufficiently low in density to provide abundant, workable basalt blocks for the construction of the tumuli, allowing the pre‐hispanic aboriginal population to create a large and magnificent ‘sacred ground’ in an otherwise barren landscape.  相似文献   

乔乐  陈剑  凌宗成 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2678-2691
火山活动是月球最主要的内动力地质作用之一,是研究月球地质历史和热演化的重要窗口,也是月球科学及探测的重点目标。本文概要总结了月球火山作用的基本原理,并重点介绍了"岩墙扩展"模型。基于此模型,列举了由于岩墙在月壳内部上升程度的不同,导致的不同形式的喷发活动,并在月表产生了一系列火山地貌特征:(1)当岩墙仅扩展到浅月表、未能穿透月壳并引起喷发活动时,可能会在月表产生坑链构造、地堑或底部断裂型撞击坑;(2)当岩墙穿透了整个月壳并引起爆裂式喷发活动时,会在月表产生小型火山锥、区域性火山碎屑堆积物、全月分布的微小火山玻璃、暗晕凹陷构造及环形火山碎屑堆积物;(3)当岩墙穿透了整个月壳并引起溢流式喷发活动时,随着岩浆喷发通量的逐步增高,会在月表产生小型熔岩流、月海穹窿、复合熔岩流、蜿蜒型月溪、巨型熔岩流及火山高原复合体。本文也简要介绍了在月表观测到的若干非典型火山地貌特征,包括不规则月海斑块、环形凹陷穹丘及非月海富硅质穹窿。近年来新的探月数据加深了对这些特殊火山地貌特征的认识,但是更多的地质特征及成因模型细节仍有待未来月球研究及探测去解决。  相似文献   

Neogene-Quaternary post-collisional volcanism in Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) is mainly characterized by calc-alkaline andesites-dacites, with subordinate tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic volcanism of the monogenetic cones. Tepekoy Volcanic Complex (TVC) in Nigde area consists of base surge deposits, and medium to high-K andesitic-dacitic lava flows and basaltic andesitic flows associated with monogenetic cones. Tepekoy lava flows petrographically exhibit disequilibrium textures indicative of magma mixing/mingling and a geochemisty characterized by high LILE and low HFSE abundances, negative Nb–Ta, Ba, P and Ti anomalies in mantle-normalized patterns. In this respect, they are similar to the other calc-alkaline volcanics of the CAVP. However, TVC lava flows have higher and variable Ba/Ta, Ba/Nb, Nb/Zr, Ba/TiO2 ratios, indicating a heterogeneous, variably fluid-rich source. All the geochemical features of the TVC are comparable to orogenic andesites elsewhere and point to a sub-continental lithospheric mantle source enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes. Basaltic monogenetic volcanoes of CAVP display similar patterns, and HFS anomalies on mantle-normalized diagrams, and have incompatible element ratios intermediate between orogenic andesites and within-plate basalts (e.g. OIB). Accordingly, the calc-alkaline and transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic magmas may have a common source region. Variable degrees of partial melting of a heterogeneous source, enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes followed by fractionation, crustal contamination, and magma mixing in shallow magma chambers produced the calc-alkaline volcanism in the CAVP. Magma generation in the TVC, and CAVP in general is via decompression melting facilitated by a transtensional tectonic regime. Acceleration of the extensional regime, and transcurrent fault systems extending deep into the lithosphere favoured asthenospheric upwelling at the base of the lithosphere, and as a consequence, an increase in temperature. This created fluid-present melting of a fluid-enriched upper lithospheric mantle or lower crustal source, but also mixing with asthenosphere-derived melts. These magmas with hybrid source characteristics produced the tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basalts depending on the residence times within the crust. Hybrid magmas transported to the surface rapidly, favored by extensional post-collision regime, and produced mildly alkaline monogenetic volcanoes. Hybrid magmas interacted with the calc-alkaline magma chambers during the ascent to the surface suffered slight fractionation and crustal contamination due to relatively longer residence time compared to rapidly rising magmas. In this way they produced the mildly alkaline, transitional, and tholeiitic basaltic magmas. This model can explain the coexistence of a complete spectrum of q-normative, ol-hy-normative, and ne-normative monogenetic basalts with both subduction and within-plate signatures in the CAVP.  相似文献   

Elemental, isotopic, and mineral compositions as well as rocktextures were examined in samples from Popocatépetl volcanoand immediately surrounding monogenetic scoria cones of theSierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field, central Mexico. Magma generationis strongly linked to the active subduction regime to the south.Rocks range in composition from basalt to dacite, but Popocatépetlsamples are generally more evolved and have mineral compositionsand textures consistent with more complicated, multi-stage evolutionaryprocesses. High-Mg calc-alkaline and more alkaline primitivemagmas are present in the monogenetic cones. Systematic variationsin major and trace element compositions within the monogeneticsuite can mostly be explained by polybaric fractional crystallizationprocesses in small and short-lived magmatic systems. In contrast,Popocatépetl stratovolcano has produced homogeneous magmacompositions from a shallow, long-lived magma chamber that isperiodically replenished by primitive basaltic magmas. The currenteruption (1994–present) has produced silicic dome lavasand pumice clasts that display mingling of an evolved daciticcomponent with an olivine-bearing mafic component. The longevityof the magma chamber hosted in Cretaceous limestones has fosteredinteraction with these rocks as evidenced by the chemical andisotopic compositions of the different eruptive products, contact-metamorphosedxenoliths, and fumarolic gases. Popocatépetl volcanicproducts display a considerable range of 87Sr/86Sr (0·70397–0·70463)and Nd (+6·2 to +3·0) whereas Pb isotope ratiosare relatively homogeneous (206Pb/204Pb 18·61–18·70;207Pb/204Pb 15·56–15·60). KEY WORDS: Popocatépetl; Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field; arc petrogenesis; radiogenic isotopes  相似文献   

Neogene-Quaternary post-collisional volcanism in Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) is mainly characterized by calc-alkaline andesites-dacites, with subordinate tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic volcanism of the monogenetic cones. Tepekoy Volcanic Complex (TVC) in Nigde area consists of base surge deposits, and medium to high-K andesitic-dacitic lava flows and basaltic andesitic flows associated with monogenetic cones. Tepekoy lava flows petrographically exhibit disequilibrium textures indicative of magma mixing/mingling and a geochemisty characterized by high LILE and low HFSE abundances, negative Nb–Ta, Ba, P and Ti anomalies in mantle-normalized patterns. In this respect, they are similar to the other calc-alkaline volcanics of the CAVP. However, TVC lava flows have higher and variable Ba/Ta, Ba/Nb, Nb/Zr, Ba/TiO2 ratios, indicating a heterogeneous, variably fluid-rich source. All the geochemical features of the TVC are comparable to orogenic andesites elsewhere and point to a sub-continental lithospheric mantle source enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes. Basaltic monogenetic volcanoes of CAVP display similar patterns, and HFS anomalies on mantle-normalized diagrams, and have incompatible element ratios intermediate between orogenic andesites and within-plate basalts (e.g. OIB). Accordingly, the calc-alkaline and transitional-mildly alkaline basaltic magmas may have a common source region. Variable degrees of partial melting of a heterogeneous source, enriched in incompatible elements due to previous subduction processes followed by fractionation, crustal contamination, and magma mixing in shallow magma chambers produced the calc-alkaline volcanism in the CAVP. Magma generation in the TVC, and CAVP in general is via decompression melting facilitated by a transtensional tectonic regime. Acceleration of the extensional regime, and transcurrent fault systems extending deep into the lithosphere favoured asthenospheric upwelling at the base of the lithosphere, and as a consequence, an increase in temperature. This created fluid-present melting of a fluid-enriched upper lithospheric mantle or lower crustal source, but also mixing with asthenosphere-derived melts. These magmas with hybrid source characteristics produced the tholeiitic-transitional-mildly alkaline basalts depending on the residence times within the crust. Hybrid magmas transported to the surface rapidly, favored by extensional post-collision regime, and produced mildly alkaline monogenetic volcanoes. Hybrid magmas interacted with the calc-alkaline magma chambers during the ascent to the surface suffered slight fractionation and crustal contamination due to relatively longer residence time compared to rapidly rising magmas. In this way they produced the mildly alkaline, transitional, and tholeiitic basaltic magmas. This model can explain the coexistence of a complete spectrum of q-normative, ol-hy-normative, and ne-normative monogenetic basalts with both subduction and within-plate signatures in the CAVP.  相似文献   

A hummocky flow characterised by the presence of toes, lobes, tumuli and possible lava tube system is exposed near Daund, western Deccan Volcanic Province, India. The lava tube system is exposed as several exhumed outcrops and is composed of complex branching and discontinuous segments. The roof of the lava tube has collapsed but original lava tube walls and fragments of the tube roof are seen at numerous places along the tube. At some places the tube walls exhibit a single layer of lava lining, whereas, at other places it shows an additional layer characterised by smooth surface and polygonal cracks. The presence of a branching and meandering lava tube system in the Daund flow, which represents the terminal parts of Thakurwadi Formation, shows that the hummocky flow developed at a low local volumetric flow rate. This tube system developed in the thinner parts of the flow sequence; and tumuli developed in areas where the tube clogged temporarily in the sluggish flow.  相似文献   

松辽盆地改造残留的古火山机构与现代火山机构的类比分析   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
现代火山机构形态有盾状、锥状和穹状,可按喷发样式进一步划分为7种类型。据此分类,在松辽盆地周缘剖面及其北部徐家围子断陷区可识别出4类火山机构:盾状火山机构,由喷溢相熔岩组成,可夹有薄层爆发相火山碎屑岩;层火山机构,由互层的熔岩与火山碎屑岩组成,喷溢相与爆发相交替的序列明显;火山碎屑锥,几乎全部由火山碎屑(熔)岩组成,爆发相为主;熔岩穹丘由高粘度的流纹质、英安质熔岩堵塞火山口后缓慢挤出形成,喷溢相和侵出相发育,兼有火山通道相。盆地内埋藏火山机构最小坡度为3°,最大坡度为25°,底部直径为2~14 km,分布面积为4~50 km2,火山岩厚度为100~600 m;总体上呈现出数目多、个体规模小、受区域大断裂控制、具裂隙式-多中心喷发、彼此相互叠置的特征。火山岩岩性和岩相是控制松辽盆地古火山机构类型及形态的主要因素。  相似文献   

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