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Knickzones are common features along rivers on the basaltic plateaus of the Paraná Basin. According to current conceptual models, knickpoints are formed in massive basalts that have a high density of vertical joints. Vesicular–amygdaloidal basalts and those with horizontal joints tend to form reaches of low slope due to their lower resistance to erosion. However, field surveys revealed complexities in this general relationship. The research presented here sought to verify the controls on the genesis of knickzones in this type of geological environment. We studied a 61 km-long mixed bedrock–alluvial river. The longitudinal profile of the river was surveyed on a topographic map with 5 m contour intervals. Tectonic lineaments oriented transverse to the channel and longitudinal lineaments in which the river lies were identified from maps. A detailed field survey of the lithologic characteristics of the riverbed was also performed. The results show that knickzones may form in any litho-structural zone in the flood basalts. On the other hand, low slope zones are predominantly sculpted into vesicular–amygdaloidal basalts, which are less resistant to erosion. The fracture densities of vesicular–amygdaloidal basalts are similar in low slope zones and in knickzones (4.86 and 4.93 m/m2, respectively). This indicates that knickzones in this type of basalt are not caused by higher resistance to erosion. Approximately 60% of the 18 knickzones identified are associated with tectonic lineaments, irrespective of the structural characteristics of the basalts. Vesicular–amygdaloidal basalt and/or basalt with horizontal joints allow the fastest knickzone migration and aid in the formation of convexities. Knickpoints in these basalts do not migrate, but erosion in the pools advances downstream and breaks the bedrock steps, thus increasing the slope. Massive basalt with vertical joints causes slower migration, and its presence at convexities indicates local uplift. Convex segments are only formed upstream of faults.  相似文献   

A systematic sedimentologic and paleomagnetic study was carried out in the Vaca Muerta Formation, cropping out in the northern Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina. The studied section is c. 280 m-thick and represents a carbonate ramp system bearing ammonites that indicate Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous ages. The Vaca Muerta Formation is one of the most important unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the world and its thorough study has become a relevant target in Argentina. The J-K boundary is comprised within this unit, and although it is well-dated through biostratigraphy (mainly ammonites), the position of particularly the boundary is yet a matter of hot debate. Therefore, the systematic paleomagnetic and cyclostratigraphic study in the Vaca Muerta Formation was considered relevant in order to obtain the first Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the southern hemisphere on the first place and to precise the position of the J-K boundary in the Neuquén Basin, on the other. Biostratigraphy is well studied in the area, so that paleomagnetic sampling horizons were reliably tied, particularly through ammonites. Almost 450 standard specimens have been processed for this study distributed along 56 paleomagnetic sampling horizons that were dated using ammonites. Paleomagnetic behaviours showed to be very stable, and their quality and primary origin have been proved through several paleomagnetic field tests The resultant magnetostratigraphic scale is made up of 11 reverse and 10 normal polarity zones, spanning the Andean Virgatosphinctes mendozanus (lower Tithonian) to Spiticeras damesi Zones (upper Berriasian). These polarity zones were correlated with those of the International Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale 2012 and 2016 through the correlation between Andean and Tethyan ammonite zones. Cyclostratigraphy on the other hand, proved to be quite consistent with the magnetostratigraphy. Through the correlation of the resultant paleomagnetic and cyclostratigraphic data, it was possible to date the section with unprecedented precision, and therefore, to establish the position of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. The paleomagnetic pole calculated from the primary magnetization is located at: Lon = 191.6°E, Lat = 76.2°S, A95 = 3.5°, indicating a c. 24° clockwise rotation for the studied section, which is consistent with structural data of the region.  相似文献   

In Mexico, the Upper Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous La Casita and coeval La Caja and La Pimienta formations are well-known for their abundant and well-preserved marine vertebrates and invertebrates. The latter include conspicuous inoceramid bivalves of the genus Anopaea not formally described previously from Mexico. Anopaea bassei (Lecolle de Cantú, 1967), Anopaea cf. stoliczkai (Holdhaus, 1913), Anopaea cf. callistoensis Crame and Kelly, 1995 and Anopaea sp. are rare constituents in distinctive Tithonian–lower Berriasian levels of the La Caja Formation and one Tithonian horizon of the La Pimienta Formation. Anopaea bassei was previously documented from the Tithonian of central Mexico and Cuba, while most other members of Anopaea described here are only known from southern high latitudes. The Mexican assemblage also includes taxa which closely resemble Anopaea stoliczkai from the Tithonian of India, Indonesia and the Antarctic Peninsula, and Anopaea callistoensis from the late Tithonian to ?early Berriasian of the Antarctic Peninsula. Our new data expand the palaeogeographical distribution of the high latitude Anopaea to the Gulf of Mexico region and substantiate faunal exchange, in the Late Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous, between Mexico and the Antarctic Realm.  相似文献   

The paper systematically analyzes the hydrocarbon migration characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous in the Erlian Basin, based on the geochemical data of mudstone and sandstone in the main hydrocarbon-generating sags. (1) The source rocks in K1ba and K1bt1 are estimated to be the mature ones, their hydrocarbon expulsion ratio can reach 32%-72%. The Type-I sags in oil windows possess good hydrocarbon generation and expulsion conditions, where commercial reservoirs can be formed. (2) According to the curves of the mudstone compaction and evolution of clay minerals, the rapid compaction stage of mudstones is the right time of hydrocarbon expulsion, i.e., primary migration. (3) The timing between hydrocarbon generation and expulsion is mainly related to the accordance of the oil window and the rapid compaction stage of mudstones in the hydrocarbon generation sags of Type-I. That forms the most matching relation between hydrocarbon generation and migration. (4) The faults and unconformities are the important paths for the secondary hydrocarbon migration. Especially, the unconformity between K1ba and K1bt1 has a favorable condition for oil accumulation, where the traps of all types are the main exploration targets. (5) Hydrocarbon migration effect, in the Uliastai sag, is most significant; that in the Saihan Tal and Anan sags comes next, and that in the Bayandanan and Jargalangt sags is worst.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2001,4(3):421-426
The Rio Bonito Formation in southern Paraná basin contains a set of tonsteins interbedded with coal-seams. These tonsteins are composed mainly of kaolinite with zircon, apatite and beta-quartz paramorphs as accessory minerals, and were interpreted as volcanic ashes deposited by ash falls over pits protected by barrier islands in a barrier-lagoon system. A U-Pb dating of zircons in the tonstein A, which furnished an age of 267.1 ± 3.4 Ma (Early Permian) confirming previous age-dates based on palynology and correlating them with one of the main periods of volcanic activity in the Gondwana.The source of the pyroclastic material was attributed to the early Permian Choiyoi magmatic arc in Argentina, developed during the Sanrafaelic orogeny, and with a main peak of volcanic activity between 260 and 272 Ma.  相似文献   

The rift succession of the Araripe Basin can be subdivided into four depositional sequences, bounded by regional unconformities, which record different palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental contexts. Sequence I, equivalent to the Brejo Santo Formation, is composed of fluvial sheetflood and floodplain facies association, while Sequence II, correspondent to the lower portion of the Missão Velha Formation, is characterised by braided fluvial channel belt deposits. The fluvial deposits of Sequences I and II show palaeocurrents toward SE. The Sequence III, correspondent to the upper portion of Missão Velha Formation, is composed of fluvial sheetflood deposits, which are overlain by braided fluvial channel deposits displaying a palaeocurrent pattern predominantly toward SW to NW. Sequence IV, equivalent to the Abaiara Formation, is composed of fluvio–deltaic–lacustrine strata with polimodal paleocurrent pattern. The type of depositional systems, the palaeocurrent pattern and the comparison with general tectono-stratigraphic rift models led to the identification of different evolutionary stages of the Araripe Basin. Sequences I, II and III represent the record of a larger basin associated to an early rift stage. However, the difference of the fluvial palaeocurrent between sequences II and III marks a regional rearrangement of the drainage system related to tectonic activity that compartmentalised the large endorheic basin, defining more localised drainage basins separated by internal highs. Sequence IV is associated with the renewal of the landscape and implantation of half-graben systems. The high dispersion of palaeocurrents trends indicate that sedimentary influx occurs from different sectors of the half-grabens.  相似文献   

The presence of volcaniclastic rocks related to the silicic magmatism within the Serra Geral Formation has been a matter of long-standing debate. In this paper, we present extensive documentation that supports the presence and abundance of these rocks in the Jacuí Group, a newly discovered volcaniclastic and epiclastic accumulation in southern Brazil. The Jacuí Group is composed of two interfingered stratigraphic units, the Volta Alegre and Tupanciretã formations, and it represents the uppermost stratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin. The Volta Alegre Formation is primarily composed of resedimented volcaniclastic tuffites, the pyroclasts which were sourced from the Santa Maria subgroup of the Palmas-type of the Serra Geral Formation. The Tupanciretã Formation is composed of fluvial and aeolian deposits transported towards the north–northwest. Deposition of the Jacuí Group began in the Early Cretaceous (∼132 Ma) and was coeval with the acidic volcanism of the Santa Maria subgroup. This group was deposited in a probable interior sag basin that represents either the beginning of the extension in the inner part of the continent that subsequently migrated to the east or the far-field impact of extensional processes that preceded the break-up of Gondwana and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Based on the results of studying the lithological–geochemical features of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous mudrocks and black shales in the Eastern Russian...  相似文献   

The siliciclastic sediments of the Itapecuru Formation occur in a large area of the Parnaíba Basin and its deposits crop out along the Itapecuru River, in Maranhão State, northern Brazil. The palynological analysis of the Igarapé Ipiranga and Querru 1 outcrops strata yields a rich and diversified data. The presence of index-palynofloras in assemblages allows the identification of the Complicatisaccus cearensis Zone, of Late Aptian-Early Albian age. Terrestrial palynomorphs are abundant in the assemblages, being represented by bryophytes and pteridophytes, especially perisporate trilete spores (Crybelosporites and Perotrilites), and gymnosperms and angiosperms (Afropollis and Elaterosporites). The composition of palynological assemblages suggests the presence of moist soils for both outcrops. Acritarchs were recovered in the Querru 1 outcrop, which suggest a marine setting supporting a tidal flat environment indicated by facies associations. Furthermore, reworked Paleozoic palynomorphs were observed in the Querru 1 outcrop. The microflora from Igarapé Ipiranga outcrop suggests terrestrial environment corroborating with floodplain environment indicated by facies association.  相似文献   

Mawsoniids are a lineage of extinct fresh/brackish water coelacanth fishes, common in Cretaceous Godwanan deposits of South America, North and West Africa and Madagascar. Here we formally describe mawsoniid remains from the fluvio-lacustrine Missão Velha Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Araripe Basin, North-East Brazil. The examples from the Missão Velha Formation are here described as Mawsonia cf. gigas, based mainly on elements of the lower jaw and opercular series. The occurrence of M. cf. gigas in the Missão Velha Formation expands the stratigraphic and geographical ranges of the type species.  相似文献   

The Cuaró Formation is part of the sequence of Mesozoic mafic intrusions related to the Early Cretaceous break-up of Gondwana and represents the southernmost occurrences within the Paraná Magmatic Province in Uruguay. We present field data, petrography and lithogeochemical results regarding these dike swarms and sills that crop out in the southern extreme of the Paraná Basin. Dolerites and sills mainly exhibit glomeroporphyritic textures; the phenocrysts consist of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, relicts of olivine and titaniferous magnetite. Bulk-rock geochemical analyses allowed their classification as low-Ti subalkaline tholeiitic basalts and andesitic basalts. Trace element data indicated that the protoliths of these intrusions include the subcontinental lithospheric mantle, as is generally recognized for other Gondwana-related continental flood basalt provinces.  相似文献   

The Eifelian–Givetian (Middle Devonian) transition constituted an important paleoenvironmental event for the Malvinokaffric Realm in the Apucarana Sub-basin (Paraná Basin). This study highlights integration between taphonomy and sequence stratigraphy, and four depositional sequences are identified during the transition. In Sequence 1, the presence of a typical normal-sized Malvinokaffric fauna is recorded. In the transgressive systems tract (TST) of Sequence 2, no benthic fossils are present, and this is interpreted as a stratigraphic marker of an event of significant paleoenvironmental change (KA?ÁK Event). In Sequence 3, the TST has abundant bioclasts, which become rarer toward the top of the section, i.e., within the transgressive systems tract. The original habitat of this autochthonous to parautochthonous fauna was a low-energy environment between the fair weather wave base and the storm wave base of the Devonian epicontinental sea. In the highstand systems tract of this sequence, the presence of normal-sized Pennaia paulianna and lingulids demonstrates the return of more ambient conditions. Sequence 4 is of Carboniferous age. Its limit is a second-order sequence boundary recording a lowstand systems tract formed by a fluvial depositional system. The low diversity and the disappearance of taxa are not the result of a taphonomic bias, but reflect the post-KA?ÁK Event.  相似文献   

Isotopic ages of synsedimentary clay minerals were directly determined with the ultrasonicscattering-settlement separation-K-Ar dilution technique. The apparent age of black mudstoneis 123 Ma for the Quantou Formation, 111.9-89.0 Ma for the Qingshankou Formation and77.6-76.8 Ma for the upper part of the Nenjiang Formation. The Rb-Sr isochrone age of themuddy limestone-mudstone sequence of the lower part of the Nenjiang Formation is 81 Ma andthat of the muddy evaporite of the middle part of the Quantou Formation is 122.2 Ma. On thebasis of the above isotopic ages, the authors propose a modified scheme of stratigraphic classifi-cation of the Cretaceous of the Songliao basin.  相似文献   

The study of the composition and depositional environments of sediments from the Mar’yanovo Formation (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Bazhenov and Georgiev horizons) recovered by boreholes Vostok-1 and Vostok-3 in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Sea Basin revealed the following fact: in the latter hole located closer to the basin boundaries as compared with the former one, they are characterized by lower organic carbon and pyrite contents, indicating reduced salinity of the basin and higher oxidation degree of sediments. The same trend is derived from comparison of rocks from the Mar’yanovo Formation in both holes with the over- and underlying strata. In Borehole Vostok-4, the closet one to the former shoreline of the basin, the Mar’yanovo Formation is indistinguishable. Intense chemical weathering of rocks in provenances during their deposition noted by Kontorovich et al. (1971) is considered a most important factor responsible for its composition and formation conditions. Elevated influx of dissolved weathering products into the sea basin intensified its biogenic activity and stimulated the accumulation of high organic matter concentrations. This inference is valid for all Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous organic carbon-rich sediments that are synchronous to the Mar’yanovo Formation and developed over a spacious area of the West Siberian basin.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Mafic-ultramafic intrusions within continental flood basalt terrains are frequently associated with Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization. This study aims to constrain the...  相似文献   

Well-preserved and abundant Jurassic–Early Cretaceous palynomorph assemblages were recorded from the Kabrit-1 well, north Eastern Desert, Egypt. Thirty-one rock-cutting samples were analyzed and six rock units were differentiated. Seventy-one palynomorph species were identified from the productive samples. Six palynozones were differentiated, and they covered all the studied succession except for a palynomorph barren interval present in the uppermost part. These palynozones arranged in ascending order are as follows: two palynozones were recorded from the Middle-Upper Jurassic (Gonyaulacysta jurassicaLithodinia jurassica Assemblage Zone and Klukisporites pseudoreticulatus- Systematophora penicillata – Escharisphaeridia pocockii Assemblage Zone) and the other four palynozones characterize the Lower Cretaceous deposits (Pilosisporites trichopapillosus – Cribroperidinium orthoceras Assemblage Zone; Dicheiropollis etruscus Interval Zone; Murospora florida – Afropollis operculatus Assemblage Zone and Afropollis jardinus Range Zone). We infer open marine conditions during deposition of the lower part of the Khalig El Ayoun Formation (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) and within the Kharita Formation (Albian), and shallow marine or coastal environments during deposition of the remainder of the studied succession. Paleobiogeographically, Late Jurassic index terrestrial palynomorph species documented here are in common with those previously recorded from North Africa, while marine dinocyst species are common to those documented from the West European and North American province. During the Early Cretaceous, the recorded terrestrial microfloral species were similar to those previously recorded from the West African-South American Province, while the marine dinocyst species were still related to the West European and North American marine palynofloral province.  相似文献   

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