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位于台北市郊阳明山脚下双溪至善路,始建于1962年,是仿照北京故宫样式设计建筑的,1965年落成,1966年启用。是中国著名的历史与文化艺术史博物馆。建筑设计吸收了中国传统的宫殿建筑形式,淡蓝色的琉璃瓦屋顶覆盖着米黄色墙壁,洁白的白石栏杆环绕在青石基台之上。风格清丽典雅。  相似文献   

刘玉潇  王茂军 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1845-1859
日本外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)企业在中国北京、上海和广深等典型城市高度集聚,现有研究一方面将FDI均质化处理,缺乏精细的产业划分,另一方面缺少国家内部的同源集聚分析,同时对典型城市集聚的异同性关注不够。为弥补研究不足,论文在集聚的研究基础上,重点关注日企集中分布的典型城市,对比其同业集聚效应和同源集聚效应。选取1984—2017年日本在北京、上海和广深的FDI企业级数据,利用多项Logistic回归分析方法,以广深为参照系,建立分别包括7个方程在内的同业集聚效应模型和同源集聚效应模型,同步考虑企业所属行业和价值链环节、进入模式与时间等企业异质性控制变量,分析京、沪、广深两效应的异同。研究结果表明:日企在中国典型城市的同业效应和同源效应异同性明显。具体表现在:第一,上海同业效应和异业效应最为显著,且结果稳健,广深同业效应略强于北京,但结果稳健性较差;第二,上海同源和异源效应结果稳健且显著,企业的追随效应较强,北京和广深差异较小;第三,企业属性变量的引入,有效提升了模型的解释力度。上海的日企进入时间较早,各地企业规模整体差别不大。上海日企进入模式以独资为主,北京和广深以合资为主,但独资化趋势明显;北京行业结构中服务业占比较高,广深制造业独大;广深和上海产业链环节中侧重生产制造和进出口贸易环节,北京商务服务和研发设计布局较多。  相似文献   

In today's world, the innovation of science and technology has become the key support for improving comprehensive national strength and changing the mode of social production and lifestyle. The country that possesses world-class scientific and technological innovation cities maximizes the attraction of global innovation factors and wins a strategic initiative in international competition. Based on the urban zip code geodatabase, an evaluation system of urban innovation with the perspective of innovation outputs, and the spatial evolutionary mode, concerning the structure of innovation space of Shanghai and Beijing from 1991 to 2014, was developed. The results of the research indicated that the zip code geodatabase provided a new perspective for studying the evolving spatial structure of urban innovation. The resulting evaluation of the spatial structure of urban innovation using the urban zip code geodatabase established by connecting random edge points, was relatively effective. The study illustrates the value of this methodology. During the study period, the spatial structure of innovation of Shanghai and Beijing demonstrated many common features: with the increase in urban space units participating in innovation year by year, the overall gap of regional innovation outputs has narrowed, and the trend towards spatial agglomeration has strengthened. The evolving spatial structure of innovation of Shanghai and Beijing demonstrated differences between the common features during the 25 years as well: in the trend towards the suburbanization of innovation resources, the spatial structure of innovation of Shanghai evolved from a single-core to a multi-core structure. A radiation effect related to traffic arteries as spatial diffusion corridors was prominent. Accordingly, a spatial correlation effect of its innovation outputs also indicated a hollowness in the city center; the spatial structure of innovation of Beijing had a single-core oriented structure all the way. Together with the tendency for innovation resources to be agglomerated in the city center, the spatial correlation effect of innovation outputs reflected the characteristics of the evolutionary feature where "rural area encircles cities". The innovation spatial structure of Shanghai and Beijing have intrinsic consistency with the spatial structure of their respective regions(Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region), which suggested that the principle of proportional and disproportional distribution of a city-scale pattern of technological and innovational activities is closely related to its regional innovation pattern.  相似文献   

在中国人民解放战争初期。东北野战军第四纵队成功的进行了塔山一线阻击战。成功的塔山一线阻击战。保证了我军攻克锦州战役的胜利。保证了我军全歼廖耀湘“西进兵团”战役的胜利.保证了我军辽沈战役歼敌47万人的巨大胜利。为解放全东北以至全中国都做出了巨大的贡献。成功的塔山一线阻击战。在中国和世界军事史上都享有着极高的声誉。是我军军史上野战阵地坚守防御成功的光辉战例.是东北野战军第四纵队全体指战员的骄傲。  相似文献   

刘小唤 《地理教学》2008,(10):20-21
一、教学目标 知识与技能 利用地图说出印度的位置、地形特点;读图分析印度气候特征。及水旱灾害频繁的原因;读图分析印度人口增长的特点,从材料中分析出印度人口增长快速的原因。  相似文献   

The logistics nodes and logistics enterprises are the core carriers and organizational subjects of the logistics space, and their location characteristics and differentiation strategies are of key importance to optimizing urban logistics spatial patterns and ensuring reasonable resource allocation. Based on Tencent Online Maps Platform from December 2014, 4396 logistics points of interest(POI) were collected in Beijing, China. By the methods of industrial concentration evaluation and kernel density analysis, the spatial distribution pattern of logistics in Beijing are explored, the interaction mechanism among the type difference, supply-demand side factors and location choice behavior are clarified, and the internal mechanism of spatial differentiation under the combined influence of transportation, land rent and assets are revealed. The following conclusions are drawn in the paper.(1) Logistics enterprises and logistics nodes exhibit the characteristic of both co-agglomeration and spatial separation in location, and logistics activities display the spatial pattern of "marginal area of downtown area, suburbs and exurban area", which have a weak coupling degree with logistics employment space.(2) The public logistics space, namely, logistics parks and logistics centers, is produced under the guidance of the government, and the terminal logistics space consisting of logistics distribution centers serving for the specific industries and terminal users is dominated by enterprises. The locational differentiation between the two modes of logistics space is significant.(3) In the formation of the logistics spatial location, the government can change the traffic condition by re-planning the transport routes and freight station locations, and control the land rent and availability of different areas by increasing or decreasing the land use of logistics, to impact the enterprise behavior and form different types of logistics space and function differentiation. In comparison, logistics enterprises meet the diverse demands of service objects through differentiation of asset allocation to promote the specialization of division and form the object differentiation of logistics space.  相似文献   

The synergistic relationship between urban functions and street networks has always been a focus in the field of urban research and practice.From the perspective of street networks,by adopting space syntax,this study analyzed the deep structural characteristics and potential evolution rules of commercial blocks attached to street networks in different periods,as well as the corresponding economic,political,and cultural characteristics of ancient Beijing city over the past 800 years.By combining these with changes in the street network,we further explained the function mechanism of layout and level adjustment in commercial blocks,and the influence of the street network on commercial blocks in the process of historical change.The main conclusions included the following:(1) The urban centripetal-centrifugal siphon effect:the layout form,topological structure,and traffic mode changes in the street network had corresponding guidance for the layout and hierarchical system of commercial blocks,while the centripetal development of the street network could guide the agglomeration effect of commercial blocks,although centrifugal development caused commercial blocks to display outward evacuation.(2) Stage transformation from mutation node to smooth development:the layout of commercial blocks came to depend on the ability to cross the commuting flow center,which originally relied on the accessibility of transportation nodes as local centers.Changes in traffic modes mainly affected the adjustment of the first-level commercial blocks,which easily led to overall layout mutation.Traffic levels have an obvious positive hierarchical relation with the second-and third-level commercial blocks.(3) The adaptation of traditional commercial blocks to the needs of a modern city:affected by the different emerging times and unevenness of the original commercial foundation,commercial blocks have formed various developmental models that meet the needs of modernization,and reach a balance between cultural continuity and functional adaptation.  相似文献   

1983年英国学者库柏来中国讲授零通量面方法,并开始了中国学者的有关实验研究。笔者认为,现在还未彻底搞清楚土壤水分运行机制的前提下,确认零通量面理论,只能是人为的简化的数学推导。而且在实验中忽略了闭塞空气的胀缩作用;忽略了水平流对垂直流的影响;用负压计测定的土壤水分势,无法判定土壤水分(重力水、毛管水、汽态水、植物根系中的导管水和筛管水等)的运行方向。因而零通量面理论并没有得到实验证明。  相似文献   

相炜  耿顺传 《地理教学》2008,(10):12-12
一、制作简易教具,省钱实用 活动建议:运用教具、学具,或通过计算机模拟,演示地球的自转和公转,解释昼夜更替与四季形成的原因。  相似文献   

安辰瑜 《西部资源》2012,(6):138-139
介绍一种专为煤矿地质测量部门设计和开发的软件系统——地质测量信息系统(MSGIS2.5),着重介绍其专地质测量论文资料业CAD系统的系统结构、3D地质测量模型和地质测量图形的自动处理技术。  相似文献   

在中国人民解放战争初期。东北野战军第四纵队成功的进行了塔山一线阻击战。成功的塔山一线阻击战,保证了我军攻克锦州战役的胜利,保证了我军全歼廖耀湘“西进兵团”战役的胜利,保证了我军辽沈战役歼敌47万人的巨大胜利。为解放全东北以至全中国都做出了巨大的贡献。成功的塔山一线阻击战。在中国和世界军事史上都享有着极高的声誉.是我军军史上野战阵地坚守防御成功的光辉战例,是东北野战军第四纵队全体指战员的骄傲。  相似文献   

Understanding the topographic context preceding the development of erosive landforms is of major relevance in geomorphic research,as topography is an important factor on both water and mass movement-related erosion,and knowledge of the original surface is a condition for quantifying the volume of eroded material.Although any reconstruction implies assuming that the resulting surface reflects the original topography,past works have been dominated by linear interpolation methods,incapable of generating curved surfaces in areas with no data or values outside the range of variation of inputs.In spite of these limitations,impossibility of validation has led to the assumption of surface representativity never being challenged.In this paper,a validation-based method is applied in order to define the optimal interpolation technique for reconstructing pre-erosion topography in a given study area.In spite of the absence of the original surface,different techniques can be nonetheless evaluated by quantifying their capacity to reproduce known topography in unincised locations within the same geomorphic contexts of existing erosive landforms.A linear method(Triangulated Irregular Network,TIN) and 23 parameterizations of three distinct Spline interpolation techniques were compared using 50 test areas in a context of research on large gully dynamics in the South of Portugal.Results show that almost all Spline methods produced smaller errors than the TIN,and that the latter produced a mean absolute error 61.4% higher than the best Spline method,clearly establishing both the better adjustment of Splines to the geomorphic context considered and the limitations of linear approaches.The proposed method can easily be applied to different interpolation techniques and topographic contexts,enabling better calculations of eroded volumes and denudation rates as well as the investigation of controls by antecedent topographic form over erosive processes.  相似文献   

本文采用40Ar/39Ar、K-Ar和激光微区等时线方法,对乔治王岛北海岸的火山岩进行了系统的年龄测定。实验结果表明,该区的火山活动从晚白垩世延续到始新世末期,主要喷发时代为始新世。岩石的年龄由南西向北东依次变新,表明乔治王岛的火山活动中心在不断迁移,与整个南设得兰群岛火山岩的时、空分布规律相符。侵入岩比火山岩生成晚而岩石化学成分更偏酸性,说明侵入岩可能是火山岩同源岩浆分异演化的产物。这批高质量数据的获得,将为区域火山岩地层时代的厘定和构造岩浆演化过程的研究提供有力的依据。  相似文献   

在中国人民解放战争初期。东北野战军第四纵队成功的进行了塔山一线阻击战。成功的塔山一线阻击战。保证了我军攻克锦州战役的胜利,保证了我军全歼廖耀湘“西进兵团”的胜利。保证了我军辽沈战役歼敌47万人的巨大胜利.为解放全东北以至全中国都做出了巨大的贡献。成功的塔山一线阻击战。在中国和世界军事史上都享有极高的盛誉。是我军军史上野战阵地坚守防御成功的光辉战例。是东北野战军第四纵队全体指战员们的骄傲。  相似文献   

在中国人民解放战争初期。东北野战军第四纵队成功的进行了塔山一线阻击战。成功的塔山一线阻击战,保证了我军攻克锦州战役的胜利,保证了我军全歼廖耀湘“西进兵团”的胜利,保证了我军辽沈战役歼敌47万人的巨大胜利。为解放全东北以至全中国都做出了巨大的贡献。成功的塔山一线阻击战。在中国和世界军事史上都享有极高的盛誉,是我军军史上野战阵地坚守防御成功的光辉战例,是东北野战军第四纵队全体指战员们的骄傲。  相似文献   

在中国人民解放战争初期。东北野战军第四纵队成功地进行了塔山一线阻击战。成功的塔山一线阻击战。保证了我军攻克锦州战役的胜利。保证了我军全歼廖耀湘“西进兵团”的胜利。保证了我军辽沈战役歼敌47万人的巨大胜利。为解放全东北以至全中国都做出了巨大的贡献。成功的塔山一线阻击战。在中国和世界军事史上都享有极高的盛誉。是我军军史上野战阵地坚守防御成功的光辉战例,是东北野战军第四纵队全体指战员们的骄傲。  相似文献   

在中国人民解放战争初期,东北野战军第四纵队成功的进行了塔山一线阻击战。成功的塔山一线阻击战.保证了我军攻克锦州战役的胜利.保证了我军全歼廖耀湘“西进兵团”的胜利。保证了我军辽沈战役歼敌47万人的巨大胜利。为解放全东北以至全中国都做出了巨大的贡献。成功的塔山一线阻击战,在中国和世界军事史上都享有极高的盛誉,是我军军史上野战阵地坚守防御成功的光辉战例,是东北野战军第四纵队全体指战员们的骄傲。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and continuous loss of rural labor force has resulted in abandonment of large areas of farmland in some regions of China. Remote sensing technology can indirectly help detect abandoned farmland size and quantity, which is of great significance for farmland protection and food security. This study took Qingyun and Wudi counties in Shandong Province as a study area and used CART decision tree classification to compile land use maps of 1990–2017 based on Landsat and HJ-1 A data. We developed rules to identify abandoned farmland, and explored its spatial distribution, duration, and reclamation. CART accuracy exceeded 85% from 1990–2017. The maximum abandoned farmland area was 5503.86 ha during 1992–2017, with the maximum rate being 5.37%. Farmland abandonment rate was the highest during 1996–1998, and abandonment trend decreased year by year after 2006. Maximum abandonment duration was 15 years(1992–2017), mostly within 4 years and only a few exceeded 10 years. From 1993–2017, the maximum reclaimed abandoned farmland was 2022.3 ha, and the minimum ~20 ha. The maximum reclamation rate was 67.44%m, with annual average rate being 31.83%. This study will help analyze farmland abandonment driving forces in the study area and also provide references to identify abandoned farmland in other areas.  相似文献   

近几十年来,蒙古高原和青藏高原的增温速度高于全球变暖的平均水平,导致生态系统的结构和功能发生了显著变化。叶面积指数(LAI)和蒸散发(ET)在塑造陆地表面过程和气候方面发挥着重要作用。在文中,我们重点关注LAI和ET的时空变化及其相互关系。基于2000-2014年的MODIS产品,我们发现蒙古高原的LAI和ET之间存在普遍的正相关关系,而青藏高原则没有协同作用。总体而言,青藏高原LAI的显著增加(减少)区域占总面积的49.38%(50.62%),蒙古高原则为94.92%(5.09%);青藏高原ET增加区域面积占总面积的21.70%(124.10×10~3 km^2),蒙古高原为88.01%(341.60×10~3 km^2)。更重要的是,随着时间的推移,这种关系在整个空间中发生了很大的变化,并且在景观的某些部分发现了不匹配。需要通过观测和/或实验研究来探讨这些关系,包括植被特征及其干扰的影响。  相似文献   

Glacial lakes are not only the important refresh water resources in alpine region, but also act as a trigger of many glacial hazards such as glacial lake outburst flood(GLOF) and debris flow. Therefore, glacial lakes play an important role on the cryosphere, climate change and alpine hazards. In this paper, the issues of glacial lake were systematically discussed, then from the view of glacial lake inventory and glacial lake hazards study, the glacial lake was defined as natural water mainly supplied by modern glacial meltwater or formed in glacier moraine's depression. Furthermore, a complete classification system of glacial lake was proposed based on its formation mechanism, topographic feature and geographical position. Glacial lakes were classified as 6 classes and 8 subclasses, i.e., glacial erosion lake(including cirque lake, glacial valley lake and other glacial erosion lake), moraine-dammed lake(including end moraine-dammed lake, lateral moraine-dammed lake and moraine thaw lake), ice-blocked lake(including advancing glacier-blocked lake and other glacier-blocked lake), supraglacial lake, subglacial lake and other glacial lake. Meanwhile, some corresponding features exhibiting on remote sensing image and quantitative indices for identifying different glacial lake types were proposed in order to build a universal and operational classification system of glacial lake.  相似文献   

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