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台湾岛地处亚欧大陆和太平洋交界处,台风、东北季风等所引起的海洋灾害频繁,所以建立完备的海洋水文观测体系显得尤为重要。中国台湾自主建置完成的近海水文观测体系由资料浮标站、观测桩、潮位站、岸边气象站、雷达测波站等多种近海水文观测系统构建组成;同时,为确保观测体系的准确性和规范性,还建立了数据品质管理系统和标准化作业模式。在近海水文观测数据的分析方面,尝试应用新的数学分析方法,如通过EMD(empirical mode decomposition)方法探讨风暴潮水位变化,利用小波转换从雷达观测影像中分析近岸波浪信息,以及发展数据同化技术将观测数据应用于作业化波浪现报、预报模式。此外,近海水文观测体系在社会应用方面有着很大的发展潜质。  相似文献   

目前我国已经进口了X波段雷达,大多数使用的WAVEX海事雷达海浪数据采集系统。利用X波段雷达开发监测海浪的波高、波长、波向与波周期等相关参数已经取得初步成果。同时,在X波段雷达数据质量控制以及将雷达数据与海洋动力学模型进行同化方面积累了一定的经验,但距离制定明确的应用规范还存在较大差距。文章试图通过对东海区A、B两个海洋站X波段雷达与波浪浮标、人工观测数据等比测数据的分析,得出比测方法中比对仪器选择、环境因素、海况等方面的要求,以得到更为准确的比测结果。  相似文献   

目前我国已经进口了X 波段雷达,大多数使用的WAVEX 海事雷达海浪数据采集系统。利用X 波段雷达开发监测海浪的波高、波长、波向与波周期等相关参数已经取得初步成果。同时,在X 波段雷达数据质量控制以及将雷达数据与海洋动力学模型进行同化方面积累了一定的经验,但距离制定明确的应用规范还存在较大差距。文章试图通过对东海区A、B两个海洋站X 波段雷达与波浪浮标、人工观测数据等比测数据的分析,得出比测方法中比对仪器选择、环境因素、海况等方面的要求,以得到更为准确的比测结果。  相似文献   

近海视频测量与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近海视频测量技术是一种基于视频传感器实时采集近海图像,再运用图像处理和信息分析,获取近海环境过程和特征参数的观测技术。文中回顾近海视频测量与应用的发展概况,介绍了测量系统的构成,讨论了测量波浪、海流和近岸过程等参数与算法的应用,建议在我国开展研究应用,促进我国海洋观测技术的发展和进步。  相似文献   

基于Prophet算法的海南近海波浪长时段时序分析与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄心裕  唐军  王晓宇 《海洋学报》2022,44(4):114-121
近年来,以大数据为基础的人工智能算法逐步兴起并被用于海洋波浪短期预测.本文采用2015-2019年海南近海逐时波浪实测时序数据,基于Prophet算法建立了海南近海波浪长时段时序预测模型,分析了2015-2019年海南近海波浪日、月、年变化特性,并对海南近海2020年波浪变化过程进行了预测.结果显示,Prophet算法...  相似文献   

珠江口水文信息系统的水文观测站都是无人站, 采用的均是浮子式水位计, 且数量逐年增多, 发生故障后, 修复时间长, 造成数据缺测。为了解决这个问题, 本文提出使用浮子水位、雷达水位双备份观测方式, 数据中心可以通过人工干预或系统自动智能诊断方式分时间段分别从浮子水位、雷达水位中挑选数据作为该站点的实际连续观测数据。本文阐述浮子水位和雷达水位双备份观测的实时数据传输系统组成及工作原理, 并通过对浮子水位、雷达水位观测数据的对比分析, 验证数据中心通过这种分时间段组合挑选的数据具有连续性、有效性, 可作为观测站的实际观测数据, 浮子水位、雷达水位双备份观测系统可以应用在珠江口水文信息系统或类似观测领域。  相似文献   

为完善海洋观测体系,提高海洋观测数据在海洋预报和海洋防灾减灾中的适用性,文章以海洋经济较发达和遭受海洋灾害较多的温州市和台州市为例,选取潮位、波浪和水温3个重要海洋观测要素,分析海洋观测数据在海洋预报和海洋防灾减灾中的适用,并提出对策建议。研究结果表明:由于观测时间较短、地理位置特殊和数据代表性不足,海洋观测站的潮位数据未能在台风风暴潮的预报和防灾减灾中有效发挥作用;由于波浪观测仪器布设位置的地形阻挡和观测站少,波浪数据的预报准确性和实际应用不足;个别观测站的水温数据不适用于大面海洋环境和赤潮的预报,且缺少对低温灾害的观测。针对海洋观测数据的实际应用与相关业务脱节的问题,未来应提高观测数据质量、紧密结合当地海洋预报和海洋防灾减灾工作需求、开展重点目标保障预报工作以及加强海洋观测宣传教育。  相似文献   

小麦岛海洋环境监测站位于青岛市崂山区小麦岛,建站50年来,通过对青岛沿海海域长期、连续、动态地监测,获取了大量具有代表性的水文、气象观测数据,在海洋防灾减灾、经济建设、交通运输、科学研究和国防建设等方面发挥了重要作用.但根据青岛市政府的综合开发规划,将在小麦岛区域实施综合开发项目,对小麦岛进行整体改造.该项目的建设将对小麦岛海洋环境监测站的水文、气象观测带来一定影响.为保障观测数据的连续性和代表性,文章依据有关法律、法规及规范的要求,运用数值模拟和统计分析等方法,分析了项目建设对水文、气象和大气要素观测的影响.结果表明:项目建成后对验潮井附近海域流速影响较大;对验潮站海域水温、盐度、潮汐影响不明显;对海面能见度、空气温度、空气湿度、气压、风向、风速、降水量、天气现象等气象观测要素的影响在规范允许的范围内;若搬迁后的波浪观测楼位于新月岛南侧将对人工波浪观测比较有利,提高其代表性;海洋大气测点若建设于规划中的新月岛新建测波楼顶,则工程建设对海洋大气监测影响变化不大;工程建成后验潮井附近海域侵蚀、淤积变化状况不明显.  相似文献   

近年来,X波段雷达已经成为重要的海洋现场观测设备,应用越来越广泛,但其在复杂天气条件下的观测准确性还需要进一步探讨。因此,为了验证X波段测波雷达对于海洋波浪的观测性能,对安装于我国三亚市三亚湾的X波段雷达设备及布放在该区域的波高仪进行了海浪比测试验,通过对压力测波与X波段雷达测波两种不同探测机制在不同海况下实际海浪观测数据结果的分析可以得出:X波段雷达对于海浪观测的结果较为理想,与压力测波结果相关性较高,在不同天气条件下,均能够准确地反演大范围海域的海浪信息。根据研究结果,X波段雷达的波浪现场观测数据完全可以达到海洋环境监测的要求。  相似文献   

山东半岛北部海洋动力环境的高频地波雷达观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用两台高频地波雷达(ground wave radar,WERA)站对山东半岛北部雷达覆盖海区的浪、流场进行了观测,并且利用海洋-大气-波浪耦合沉积输运模型(coupled-ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system,COAWST)对该区域的一个强风暴过程进行了数值模拟,对雷达观测数据、现场声学多普勒流速剖面仪(acoustic Doppler current profilers,ADCP)调查数据和数值模拟结果进行比对分析发现,模型模拟的水位变化与ADCP测量结果一致,WERA所观测到的有效波高和ADCP结果比较吻合,模型模拟的ADCP站位的流速相位、大小与雷达观测结果比较接近,与ADCP的结果有一定偏差。雷达观测的海区流场结果与模型反映趋势基本一致,但是在近岸方向上变化较大,其原因可能与ADCP的投放位置、模型的分辨率设置等因素有关。高频地波雷达系统是海岸带动力环境观测的一个有效工具,在实际应用中有着广泛的前景。  相似文献   

Field oceanographic and meteorological data are required for ocean engineering. In response to the requirement of field data, an operational coastal ocean monitoring network was established around Taiwan coast, including nine deep-water data buoys, one shallow-water pile station, 10 coastal weather stations and 10 tide stations. Data quality check procedures are necessary to ensure the accuracy of measurements. This paper presents the data quality check procedures on ocean wave data which includes automatic and manual check procedures. The checking criteria are derived using statistical theory in this paper. In addition, a sea-state-dependent algorithm is presented in this study in order to derive checking criteria of time-continuity check. It is showed to have better performance of picking up suspicious data than using fixed threshold process. This data quality check program is now used on the operational monitoring network.  相似文献   

风对福建中部沿岸春、夏季水文结构和上升流的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈冠惠 《海洋科学》1991,15(4):48-53
本文对台湾海峡西侧海坛岛附近海域风情与附近岸站的风情进行了对比分析,结果表明,海上风情和岸站风情变化基本上是一致的;在不同季风的作用下,海域温、盐度呈现不同类型的分布。风情的短期变化对上升流的强弱变化有一定影响。  相似文献   

The shoreline of Taiwan is approximately 1100 km long, composed of sandy beach, rocky coast, and reef coast. Almost half of the shoreline has been protected by seawalls, which play an important role for coastal protection and prevent people and infrastructure from coastal hazard. Besides, offshore breakwaters and groynes are also built in the serious erosion coastal shores. All these hard engineering structures made our coastal land safety to some extent at last fifty years. However, until now, the hard engineering structures applied for shore protection do not always work well on all the coasts around Taiwan. Some coastal areas still get eroded seriously with structures being damaged. Furthermore in the recent years, people gradually value the shore protection from different viewpoints, like environment, recreation, and ecology. The objectives of the shore protection are diversified by these new demands.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the strategy on how to conjoint soft solutions into the current hard engineering structures for beach erosion control throughout Taiwan coast. Meanwhile, this paper will also introduce environmentally, user-oriented, and technically sound creditable protection works to meet the new trends of shore protection. For application purpose, two local sites in the southwestern Taiwan coast are selected for field experimental study to integrate the proposed soft solution with hard shore protection system at present. Furthermore for coastal management purpose, this paper also collects and analyzes hydro-morphodynamic data around Taiwan in order to identify beach erosion mechanism. Lastly, the results are presented by database and geographic information system.  相似文献   

In order to improve the locating capability for offshore earthquakes and tsunamis monitored off northeastern Taiwan, a cable-based ocean bottom seismographic observatory named “Marine Cable Hosted Observatory” (MACHO) was constructed and began operation at the end of 2011. The installed instruments of the observatory include a broadband seismometer, a strong-motion seismometer and a pressure gauge. In addition, various scientific instruments could be deployed for other purposes as well. At present, the seismic data are transmitted in real-time via a fiber cable, and integrated into the current inland seismographic network in Taiwan. The ocean bottom station has contributed to provide high quality seismic data already. According to observations from January 2012 to June 2013, there were a total of 15,168 earthquakes recorded by the system. By using the data from the ocean bottom station, the number of relocated earthquakes with an azimuth gap less than 180 degrees substantially increase about 34 %. Meanwhile, the root–mean–square of the time residual, the error in epicenter, and the error in depth of the earthquake locations decrease. Therefore, the implementation of MACHO has the advantage of extending the coverage of existing the Taiwan seismic network to the offshore, providing more accurate and real-time seismic data for offshore earthquakes monitoring. The results show that MACHO is crucial and necessary for monitoring seismic activities in northeastern Taiwan.  相似文献   

台湾岛及其邻域地层和构造特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾碰撞造山带作为世界上最年青的造山带之一,具有其独特的地质环境。它位于菲律宾海板块和亚欧板块的交汇处,东北面为东北-近东西走向的琉球沟-弧-盆系,东侧为西北向运动的菲律宾海板块,向南为近南北走向的吕宋岛弧,并与冲绳海槽和马尼拉海沟的形成演化密切相关,从而造就了众多形态复杂、成因各异的区域地层和构造现象。台湾岛自东向西可划分为海岸山脉带、台东纵谷、中央山脉、西部山麓带和沿海平原带五个构造-沉积单元。以台东纵谷为界,两侧在地形地貌、地层组成、岩石性质、重力、磁力等地质地球物理特征上均表现为明显不同,分别隶属于不同的板块构造单元,西侧属于欧亚板块的中国大陆边缘,东侧的海岸山脉带则是北吕宋火山岛弧的向北延伸。  相似文献   

海域管理系统是国家通过各级政府对管辖海域的资源、环境和权益等进行全面的、统筹协调管理活动的应用系统,而海洋环境监测系统是指对海洋环境进行快速检测到海洋生态环境和生物资源的变化;为公众及时预测这些变化及其结果的技术系统。二者存在着鸿沟,海洋管理只是依据静态的、种类单一的信息进行决策,无法及时为决策者提供及时必要的信息。文中提出了海域使用与海洋环境监测系统结合的必要性,并给出二者的结合。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a Regional Neural Network for Water Level (RNN_WL) predictions, with an application to the coastal inlets along the South Shore of Long Island, New York. Long-term water level data at coastal inlets are important for studying coastal hydrodynamics sediment transport. However, it is quite common that long-term water level observations may be not available, due to the high cost of field data monitoring. Fortunately, the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a national network of water level monitoring stations distributed in regional scale that has been operating for several decades. Therefore, it is valuable and cost effective for a coastal engineering study to establish the relationship between water levels at a local station and a NOAA station in the region. Due to the changes of phase and amplitude of water levels over the regional coastal line, it is often difficult to obtain good linear regression relationship between water levels from two different stations. Using neural network offers an effective approach to correlate the non-linear input and output of water levels by recognizing the historic patterns between them. In this study, the RNN_WL model was developed to enable coastal engineers to predict long-term water levels in a coastal inlet, based on the input of data in a remote NOAA station in the region. The RNN_WL model was developed using a feed-forwards, back-propagation neural network structure with an optimized training algorithm. The RNN_WL model can be trained and verified using two independent data sets of hourly water levels.The RNN_WL model was tested in an application to Long Island South Shore. Located about 60–100 km away from the inlets there are two permanent long-term water level stations, which have been operated by NOAA since the1940s. The neural network model was trained using hourly data over a one-month period and validated for another one-month period. The model was then tested over year-long periods. Results indicate that, despite significant changes in the amplitudes and phases of the water levels over the regional study area, the RNN_WL model provides very good long-term predictions of both tidal and non-tidal water levels at the regional coastal inlets. In order to examine the effects of distance on the RNN_WL model performance, the model was also tested using water levels from other remote NOAA stations located at longer distances, which range from 234 km to 591 km away from the local station at the inlets. The satisfactory results indicate that the RNN_WL model is able to supplement long-term historical water level data at the coastal inlets based on the available data at remote NOAA stations in the coastal region.  相似文献   

东北季风初期台湾北部沿岸海域浮游动物的特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道台湾北部沿岸海域东北季风初期浮游动物的特点。台湾西北沿岸海的浮游动物生物量和密度高于台湾岸海域,但是浮游动物种类在东北沿岸海域却较丰富。台湾西北沿岸海域浮游动物属于暖水近岸种类,来自在台湾海峡从南到北暖流。台湾东北沿岸海域浮游动物群落包含来自东海陆架水的种类例如中华哲水蚤、太平洋磷虾, 含有黑潮水的热带暖水近岸种。  相似文献   

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