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We present optical spectra of the nuclei of seven luminous ( P 178 MHz≳1025 W Hz−1 Sr−1) nearby ( z <0.08) radio galaxies, which mostly correspond to the FR II class. In two cases, Hydra A and 3C 285, the Balmer and λ 4000-Å break indices constrain the spectral types and luminosity classes of the stars involved, revealing that the blue spectra are dominated by blue supergiant and/or giant stars. The ages derived for the last burst of star formation in Hydra A are between 7 and 40 Myr, and in 3C 285 about 10 Myr. The rest of the narrow-line radio galaxies (four) have a λ 4000-Å break and metallic indices consistent with those of elliptical galaxies. The only broad-line radio galaxy in our sample, 3C 382, has a strong featureless blue continuum and broad emission lines that dilute the underlying blue stellar spectra. We are able to detect the Ca  ii triplet in absorption in the seven objects, with good quality data for only four of them. The strengths of the absorptions are similar to those found in normal elliptical galaxies, but these values are consistent both with stellar populations of roughly similar ages (as derived from the Balmer absorption and break strengths) and with mixed young+old populations.  相似文献   

We present spectra of six type 1 and two type 2 Seyfert galaxies, a starburst galaxy and a compact narrow-line radio galaxy, taken in two spectral ranges centred around the near-infrared Ca  ii triplet (∼8600 Å), and the Mgb stellar feature at 5180 Å. We measured the equivalent widths (EWs) of these features and the Fe52 and Fe53 spectral indices.
We found that the strength of the infrared Ca  ii triplet (CaT) in type 1 Seyfert galaxies with prominent central point sources is larger than what would be expected from the observed strength of the blue indices. This could be explained by the presence of red supergiants in the nuclei of Seyfert 1 galaxies. On the other hand, the blue indices of these galaxies could also be diluted by the strong Fe  ii multiplets that can be seen in their spectra.
We have also measured the stellar‐ and gas-velocity dispersions of the galaxies in the sample. The stellar velocity dispersions were measured using both the Mgb and CaT stellar features. The velocity dispersion of the gas in the narrow-line region (NLR) was measured using the strong emission lines [O  iii ] λλ 5007, 4959 and [S  iii ] λ 9069. We compare the gas- and star-velocity dispersions and find that the magnitudes of both are correlated in Seyfert galaxies.
Most of the Seyfert 1 galaxies that we observe have stellar‐velocity dispersions somewhat greater than that of the gas in the NLR.  相似文献   

The host galaxies of active galactic nuclei   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examine the properties of the host galaxies of 22 623 narrow-line active galactic nuclei (AGN) with  0.02 < z < 0.3  selected from a complete sample of 122 808 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We focus on the luminosity of the [O  iii ]λ5007 emission line as a tracer of the strength of activity in the nucleus. We study how AGN host properties compare with those of normal galaxies and how they depend on L [O  iii ]. We find that AGN of all luminosities reside almost exclusively in massive galaxies and have distributions of sizes, stellar surface mass densities and concentrations that are similar to those of ordinary early-type galaxies in our sample. The host galaxies of low-luminosity AGN have stellar populations similar to normal early types. The hosts of high-luminosity AGN have much younger mean stellar ages. The young stars are not preferentially located near the nucleus of the galaxy, but are spread out over scales of at least several kiloparsecs. A significant fraction of high-luminosity AGN have strong Hδ absorption-line equivalent widths, indicating that they experienced a burst of star formation in the recent past. We have also examined the stellar populations of the host galaxies of a sample of broad-line AGN. We conclude that there is no significant difference in stellar content between type 2 Seyfert hosts and quasars (QSOs) with the same [O  iii ] luminosity and redshift. This establishes that a young stellar population is a general property of AGN with high [O  iii ] luminosities.  相似文献   

We carry out a detailed orbit analysis of gravitational potentials selected at different times from an evolving self-consistent model galaxy consisting of a two-component disc (stars+gas) and a live halo. The results are compared with a pure stellar model, subject to nearly identical initial conditions, which are chosen so as to make the models develop a large-scale stellar bar. The bars are also subject to hose-pipe (buckling) instability which modifies the vertical structure of the disc. The diverging morphological evolution of both models is explained in terms of gas radial inflow, the resulting change in the gravitational potential at smaller radii, and the subsequent modification of the main families of orbits, both in and out of the disc plane.   We find that dynamical instabilities become milder in the presence of the gas component, and that the stability of planar and 3D stellar orbits is strongly affected by the related changes in the potential — both are destabilized, with the gas accumulation at the centre. This is reflected in the overall lower amplitude of the bar mode and in the substantial weakening of the bar, which appears to be a gradual process. The vertical buckling of the bar is much less pronounced and the characteristic peanut shape of the galactic bulge almost disappears when there is a substantial gas inflow towards the centre. Milder instability results in a smaller bulge, the basic parameters of which are in agreement with observations. We also find that the overall evolution in the model with a gas component is accelerated because of the larger central mass concentration and the resulting decrease in the characteristic dynamical time.  相似文献   

When faced with the task of constraining a galaxy's potential given limited stellar kinematical information, what is the best way of treating the galaxy's unknown distribution function (DF)? Using the example of estimating black hole (BH) masses, I argue that the correct approach is to consider all possible DFs for each trial potential, marginalizing the DF using an infinitely divisible prior. Alternative approaches, such as the widely used maximum-penalized likelihood method, neglect the huge degeneracies inherent in the problem and simply identify a single, special DF for each trial potential.
Using simulated observations of toy galaxies with realistic amounts of noise, I find that this marginalization procedure yields significantly tighter constraints on BH masses than the conventional maximum-likelihood method, although it does pose a computational challenge which might be solved with the development of a suitable algorithm for massively parallel machines. I show that in practice the conventional maximum-likelihood method yields reliable BH masses with well-defined minima in their χ2 distributions, contrary to claims made by Valluri, Merritt & Emsellem.  相似文献   

Stellar velocity dispersion in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several authors have recently explored, for narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), the relationship between black hole mass ( M BH) and stellar velocity dispersion (σ*). Their results are more or less in agreement and seem to indicate that NLS1s fill the region below the fit obtained by Tremaine et al., showing a range of σ* similar to that of Seyfert 1 galaxies, and a lower M BH. Until now, the [O  iii ] width has been used in place of the stellar velocity dispersion, but some indications have begun to arise against the effectiveness of the gaseous kinematics in representing the bulge potential, at least in NLS1s. Bian & Zhao have stressed the urgency of producing true σ* measurements. Here, we present new stellar velocity dispersions obtained through direct measurements of the Ca  ii absorption triplet (∼8550 Å) in the nuclei of eight NLS1 galaxies. The resulting σ* values and a comparison with σ[O III] confirm our suspicion that [O  iii ] typically overestimates the stellar velocity dispersion. We demonstrate that NLS1s follow the   M BH–σ*  relation as Seyfert 1, quasars and non-active galaxies.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies remains an important open issue in modern astrophysics. Internal kinematics of a galaxy contains signatures of violent phenomena which may have occurred, e.g. mergers or tidal interactions, while stellar population keeps a fossil record of the star formation history; therefore studying connection between them becomes crucial for understanding galaxy evolution. Here, in the first paper of the series, we present the data on spatially resolved stellar populations and internal kinematics for a large sample of dwarf elliptical (dE) and lenticular (dS0) galaxies in the Virgo cluster. We obtained radial velocities, velocity dispersions, stellar ages and metallicities out to 1–2 half-light radii by reanalysing already published long-slit and integral-field spectroscopic data sets using the nbursts full spectral fitting technique. Surprisingly, bright representatives of the dE/dS0 class (   MB =−18.0  to −16.0 mag) look very similar to intermediate-mass and giant lenticulars and ellipticals: (1) their nuclear regions often harbour young metal-rich stellar populations always associated with the drops in the velocity dispersion profiles; (2) metallicity gradients in the main discs/spheroids vary significantly from nearly flat profiles to −0.9 dex   r −1e  , i.e. somewhat three times steeper than for typical bulges; (3) kinematically decoupled cores were discovered in four galaxies, including two with very little, if any, large-scale rotation. These results suggest similarities in the evolutionary paths of dwarf and giant early-type galaxies and call for reconsidering the role of major mergers in the dE/dS0 evolution.  相似文献   

The TAURUS-2 Fabry–Perot interferometer, mounted on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, has been used to observe the Circinus galaxy. We have mapped the intensity and velocity distribution of the ionized hydrogen in the galaxy using the Balmer series Hα spectral line.
The semiresolved core (observed with a seeing disc of 30 pc) appears amorphous in shape, which is commonly observed in Seyfert 2 galaxies. Its peak coincides with the core position measured in the radio continuum, suggesting that ionized gas surrounds a non-thermal source.
A circumnuclear ring or spiral of radius 220 pc and a rotational velocity of 350 km s−1 (assuming circular motions) surrounds the core. The inclination angle of this feature, i =40°±10°, is less than that of the previously observed radio continuum disc. The velocity channel maps obtained for the Hα ring show that the kinematics resemble those of a rotating ring and the intensity displays a complex structure indicative of several, unresolved, H II regions. We believe the ring to represent a circumnuclear starburst.
Our Hα data also show the presence of the previously detected [O III ] ionization cone to the north-west of the core, measuring more than 400 pc in length. We suggest that the ionization cone lies in a different plane from that of the starburst ring and is directed away from us. Several kinematic components of the core are derived and we calculate an outflow velocity in excess of 150–200 km s−1 for gas above the core of Circinus. We also present evidence for inflowing ionized gas at the centre of Circinus.
The correlation of the Hα and radio continuum features is discussed, as well as the possible presence of a starburst-driven superwind in the Circinus galaxy.  相似文献   

We present a set of four Gemini-North Multi-Object Spectrograph/integral field unit (IFU) observations of the central disturbed regions of the dwarf irregular starburst galaxy NGC 1569, surrounding the well-known superstar clusters A and B. This continues on directly from a companion paper, in which we describe the data reduction and analysis techniques employed and present the analysis of one of the IFU pointings. By decomposing the emission-line profiles across the IFU fields, we map out the properties of each individual component identified and identify a number of relationships and correlations that allow us to investigate in detail the state of the ionized interstellar medium (ISM). Our observations support and expand on the main findings from the analysis of the first IFU position, where we conclude that a broad (≲400 km s−1) component underlying the bright nebular emission lines is produced in a turbulent mixing layer on the surface of cool gas knots, set up by the impact of the fast-flowing cluster winds. We discuss the kinematic, electron-density and excitation maps of each region in detail and compare our results to previous studies. Our analysis reveals a very complex environment with many overlapping and superimposed components, including dissolving gas knots, rapidly expanding shocked shells and embedded ionizing sources, but no evidence for organized bulk motions. We conclude that the four IFU positions presented here lie well within the starburst region where energy is injected, and, from the lack of substantial ordered gas flows, within the quasi-hydrostatic zone of the wind interior to the sonic point. The net outflow occurs at radii beyond 100–200 pc, but our data imply that mass-loading of the hot ISM is active even at the roots of the wind.  相似文献   

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