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Seven regionally correlatable reflectors, named R7 (oldest) to R1, have been identified in the Upper Cenozoic sedimentary succession along the western continental margin of Svalbard and the Barents Sea. Regional seismic profiles have been used to correlate between submarine fans that comprise major depocentres in this region. Glacial sediment thicknesses reach up to 3 seconds two-way time, corresponding to 3.5–4 km. Despite limited chronostratigraphic control, ages have been assigned to the major sequence boundaries based on ties both to exploration wells and to shallow boreholes, and by paleoenvironmental interpretations and correlations with other regions. Lateral and vertical variations in seismic facies, between stratified and chaotic with slump structures, have major implications for the interpretation of the depositional regime along the margin. The main phases of erosion and deposition at different segments of the margin are discussed in the paper, which also provides a regional seismic stratigraphic framework for two complementary papers in the present volume. Reflector R7 marks the onset of extensive continental shelf glaciations, but whereas the outer Svalbard shelf has been heavily and frequently glaciated since R7 time, this did not occur, or occurred to a much less extent, until R5 time in the southern Barents Sea. The present study provides the background for a quantification of the late Cenozoic glacial erosion of Svalbard and the Barents Sea. The rates of erosion and deposition exhibit large temporal and spatial variations reflecting the importance of glacial processes in the Late Cenozoic development of this nearly 1000 km long margin.  相似文献   

The European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) and associated fault systems transect all Variscan Massifs in the foreland of the Alps. ECRIS was activated during the Eocene in the foreland of the Pyrenees and Alps in response to the build-up of collision-related intraplate stresses. During Oligocene and Neogene times ECRIS evolved by passive rifting under changing stress fields, reflecting end Oligocene consolidation of the Pyrenees and increasing coupling of the Alpine Orogen with its foreland. ECRIS is presently still active, as evidenced by its seismicity and geodetic data.Uplift of the Massif Central and the Rhenish Massif, commencing at the Oligocene–Miocene transition, is mainly attributed to plume-related thermal thinning of the mantle–lithosphere. Mid-Burdigalian uplift of the SW–NE-striking Vosges–Black Forest Arch, that has the geometry of a doubly plunging anticline breached by the Upper Rhine Graben, involved folding of the lithosphere. Late Burdigalian broad uplift of the northern parts of the Bohemian Massif reflects lithospheric buckling whereas late Miocene–Pliocene uplift of its marginal blocks involved transpressional reactivation of pre-existing crustal discontinuities. Crustal extension across ECRIS, amounting to no more than 7 km, was compensated by a finite clockwise rotation of the Paris Basin block, up warping of the Weald–Artois axis and reactivation of the Armorican shear zones. Intermittent, though progressive uplift of the Armorican Massif, commencing in the Miocene, is attributed to transpressional deformation of the lithosphere.Under the present-day NW-directed compressional stress field, that came into evidence during the early Miocene and further intensified during the Pliocene, the Armorican Massif, the Massif Central, the western parts of the Rhenish Massif and the northern parts of the Bohemian Massif continue to rise at rates of up to 1.75 mm/y whilst the Vosges–Black Forest arch is relatively stable.Uplift of the Variscan Massifs and development of ECRIS exerted strong controls on the Neogene evolution of drainage systems in the Alpine foreland.  相似文献   

A critical review is presented of fundamental conclusions on the evolution of galaxies as derived from the information provided by studies of globular clusters. It is stressed that most of the essential results concerning our Galaxy — as well as extragalactic systems — depend strongly on effects involving the accuracies of the data and sample incompleteness. High-quality observations of a much larger group of objects than presently available are required before any definite conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   

The available evidence regarding the disposition and chronology of Pliocene–Pleistocene fluvial terraces, coastal rock flats, raised beaches and lacustrine sediments adjoining the Anti-Atlas coastline of Morocco has been reviewed and supplemented by additional information from our own field reconnaissance. It is thus suggested that the study region has experienced uplift by  130 m since the Mid-Pliocene climatic optimum ( 3.1 Ma), by  90 m since the latest Pliocene ( 2 Ma), and by  45 m since the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution ( 0.9 Ma). Each of these phases of uplift correlates with a phase of global climate change known independently, and it is thus inferred that the observed uplift is being driven by climate through mechanisms such as erosional isostasy and the associated induced lower-crustal flow. Numerical modelling of the observed uplift history indicates that the mobile lower-crustal layer in the study region is  9 km thick, with a temperature at its base of  500 °C. The base of this mobile layer is inferred to be at  24 km depth, the deepest crust consisting of a layer of mafic underplating that does not flow under ambient conditions. The principal landform in the study region, the coastal rock platform at  60 m a.s.l., thus formed during a succession of interglacial marine highstands in the late Early Pleistocene when uplift rates were low. Although control on the ages of young sediments and landforms is currently extremely limited, being dependent on regional correlation schemes rather than on absolute dating, the study region fits the pattern, emerging worldwide, that climate change is driving the systematic growth of topographic relief evident during the Late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Solar wind interactions with planetary bodies without intrinsic magnetic fields depend to a large extent on the electrical conductivities of the objects in question. If the combined (i.e., ionospheric and interior) electrical conductivities are large, as in the case of Venus, the solar wind interaction is strong due to the generation of a large electrical current flow. It is suggested here that a similar interaction may occur at some asteroids, if their interior conductivity can be approximated by the conductivities of carbonaceous or iron-bearing meteorites. This interaction, in turn, can be used as a tool for remote sensing of the asteroidal interior properties in a spacecraft mission to asteroids.  相似文献   

A set of 13 new unspiked K–Ar dates has been obtained for the Quaternary basaltic volcanism in the Kula area of western Turkey, providing improved age control for the fluvial deposits of the Gediz River that underlie these basalt flows. This dating is able, for the first time, to resolve different ages for the oldest basalts, assigned to category β2, that cap the earliest Gediz deposits recognised in this area, at altitudes of 140 to 210 m above present river level. In particular, the β2 basalt capping the Sarnıç Plateau is dated to 1215 ± 16 ka (± 2σ), suggesting that the youngest underlying fluvial deposits, 185 m above present river level, are no younger than marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 38. In contrast, the β2 basalt capping the adjacent Burgaz Plateau is dated to 1014 ± 23 ka, suggesting that the youngest underlying fluvial deposits, 140 m above present river level, date from MIS 28. The staircase of 11 high Gediz terraces capping the latter plateau is thus dated to MIS 48-28, assuming they represent consecutive 40 ka Milankovitch cycles, although it is possible that as many as two cycles are missing from this sequence such that the highest terrace is correspondingly older. Basalt flows assigned to the β3 category, capping Gediz terraces 35 and 25 m above the present river level, have been dated to 236 ± 6 ka and 180 ± 5 ka, indicating incision rates of 0.15 mm a− 1, similar to the time-averaged rates since the eruptions of the β2 basalts. The youngest basalts, assigned to category β4, are Late Holocene; our K–Ar results for them range from zero age to a maximum of 7 ± 2 ka.This fluvial incision is interpreted using numerical modelling as a consequence of uplift caused by a regional-scale increase in spatial average erosion rates to 0.1 mm a− 1, starting at 3100 ka, caused by climate deterioration, since when a total of 410 m of uplift has occurred. Parameters deduced on this basis from the observed disposition of the Early Pleistocene Gediz terraces include the local effective viscosity of the lower crust, which is 2 × 1018 Pa s, the Moho temperature of 660 °C, and the depth of the base of the brittle upper crust, which is 13 km. The thin lithosphere in this area results in high heat flow, causing this relatively shallow base of the brittle upper crust and the associated relatively thick lower-crustal layer, situated between depths of 13 and 30 km. It estimated that around 900 ka, at the start of the 100 ka Milankovitch forcing, the spatial average erosion rate increased slightly, to 0.12 mm a− 1; the associated relatively sluggish variations in uplift rates are as expected given the relatively thick lower-crustal layer.This modelling indicates that the growth of topography since the Pliocene in this study region has not involved a steady state. The landscape was significantly perturbed by the Middle Pliocene increase in erosion rates, and has subsequently adjusted towards—but not reached—a new steady state consistent with these increased erosion rates. It would not be possible to constrain what has been occurring from the Middle to Late Pleistocene or even the Early Pleistocene uplift response alone; information regarding the starting conditions is also essential, this being available in this region from the older geological record of stacked fluvial and lacustrine deposition. This result has major implications for the rigorous modelling of uplift histories in regions of rapid erosion, where preservation of information to constrain the starting conditions is unlikely.  相似文献   

T. Kohout  R. Kiuru  P. Scheirich  R. Macke 《Icarus》2011,212(2):697-700
The density measurements of Almahata Sitta ureilites reveal a bulk density of ∼3.1 g/cm3. This value, together with the 2008 TC3 asteroid shape model and albedo, was used to estimate the asteroid’s mass. Based on the study of recovered meteorites and atmospheric entry observations Asteroid 2008 TC3 is compositionally heterogeneous and of low mechanical strength. Thus we consider the presence of significant macroporosity likely, lowering asteroid’s bulk density compared to that of the Almahata Sitta ureilites. Most realistic albedos lie in a range of 0.09-0.2 and the presence of significant macroporosity leads to mass estimates below 20 × 103 kg, which is lower than previously estimated. The presence of a non-ureilitic fraction and space weathering may affect the albedo and also influence the mass estimates. However, from current data it is not possible to quantify this effect.  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent drilling operations at the 90 km diameter, late Triassic Manicouagan impact crater of Quebec, Canada, have provided new insight into the internal structure of a complex crater's central region. Previous work had indicated that the impact event generated a ?55 km diameter sheet of molten rock of relatively consistent (originally ?400 m) thickness (Floran et al. 1978). The drilling data reveals melt sheet thicknesses of up to ?1500 m, with kilometer‐scale lateral and substantial vertical variations in the geometry of the crater floor beneath the melt sheet. The thickest melt section occurs in a 1500 m deep central trough encircled by a horseshoe‐shaped uplift of Precambrian basement. The uplift constitutes a modified central peak structure, at least part of which breached the melt sheet. Mineralogical and compositional segregation (differentiation) of the thicker melt sheet section, coupled with a lack of fractionation in the thinner units, shows that the footwall geometry and associated trough structure were in place prior to melt sheet solidification. Marked lateral changes in sub‐melt sheet (basement) relief support the existence of a castellated footwall that was created by high‐angle, impact‐related offsets of 100s to 1000s of meters. This indicates that deformation during the modification stage of the cratering process was primarily facilitated by large‐displacement fault systems. This work suggests that Manicouagan is a central peak basin with rings, which does not appear to fit with current complex crater classification schemes.  相似文献   

Helioseismology is a direct and most informative method of studying the structure and dynamics of the Sun. Determining the internal differential rotation of the Sun requires that the frequencies of its eigentones be estimated with a high accuracy, which is possible only on the basis of continuous long-term observations. The longest quasi-continuous series of data have been obtained by the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG). The parameters of each individual mode of solar acoustic oscillations with low spherical degrees l=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are determined by using 1260-day-long series of GONG observations. The mean frequency splitting by rotation for the modes of each radial order n is calculated by using all possible combinations between the eigenfrequencies in multiplets. As a result, it has become possible to statistically estimate the splitting and its measurement errors for the modes of each radial order. The mean splitting for each given degree l=1–6 is presented under the assumption of its independence of oscillation frequency, which holds for the achieved accuracy. The frequencies and splittings for the modes with low spherical degrees l, together with the MDI group results for higher degrees l, are used to invert the radial profile of solar angular velocity. Using the SOLA method to solve the inverse problem of restoring the rotation profile has yielded solutions sensitive to the deepest stellar interiors. Our results indicate that the solar core rotates faster than the surface, and there may be a local minimum in angular velocity at its boundary.  相似文献   

During a long series of recordings of the Doppler shift of signals from NLK, Seattle, which have propagated in ducts in the whistler mode, a number of occasions have been noted where the duct has been acted on by the electric field of micropulsation events in the Pc4–5 range. Large oscillations are produced in the Doppler shift of the received VLF signal.It is shown that the field line has an antinode of motion in the equatorial plane, and that the Doppler shift is responding almost entirely to the radial component of the duct motion. The latter enables a comparison to be made between the magnetic disturbance in the magnetosphere and that seen on the ground. Some support is given to the prediction of Hughes (1974) and Inoue (1973) that the magnetospheric disturbance vector when seen on the ground is rotated 90° by the currents induced in the ionosphere. Models of the oscillating field line enable an estimate to be made of the azimuthal component of the electric field in the equatorial plane. This is typically 1 mVm. The model also predicts the north-south magnetic field strength of the transverse standing wave at the base of the magnetosphere, and this value may be compared with that seen on the ground. Values of the order 1–2 times the ground H-component or 5–10 times the ground D-component were found.  相似文献   

The occurrence of permafrost in bedrock in northern Fennoscandia and its dependence on past and presently ongoing climatic variations was investigated with one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) numerical models by solving the transient heat conduction equation with latent heat effects included. The study area is characterized by discontinuous permafrost occurrences such as palsa mires and local mountain permafrost. The ground temperature changes during the Holocene were constructed using climatic proxy data. This variation was used as a forcing function at the ground surface in the calculations. Several versions of the present ground temperature were applied, resulting in different subsurface freezing–thawing conditions in the past depending on the assumed porosity and geothermal conditions.Our results suggest that in high altitude areas with a cold climate (present mean annual ground temperature between 0°C and −3°C), there may have been considerable variations in permafrost thickness (ranging from 0 to 150 m), as well as periods of no permafrost at all. The higher is the porosity of bedrock filled with ice, the stronger is the retarding effect of permafrost against climatic variations.Two-dimensional models including topographic effects with altitude-dependent ground temperatures and slope orientation and inclination dependent solar radiation were applied to a case of mountain permafrost in Ylläs, western Finnish Lapland, where bedrock permafrost is known to occur in boreholes to a depth of about 60 m. Modelling suggests complicated changes in permafrost thickness with time as well as contrasting situations on southern and northern slopes of the mountain.Extrapolating the climatic warming of the last 200 years to the end of the next century when the anticipated increase in the annual average air temperature is expected to be about 2 K indicates that the permafrost occurrences in bedrock in northern Fennoscandia would be thawing rapidly in low-porosity formations. However, already a porosity of 5% filled with ice would retard the thawing considerably.  相似文献   

We obtained the high-resolution record of terrestrial biomarkers (C29 and C31 n-alkanes) for the last 26,000 years from Oki Ridge in the south Japan Sea that enabled us to discuss millennial scale climate changes. Our sampling resolution for the biomarker during the major deglaciation period (10–19.5 cal ka BP) is 300 years and for the elemental analyses (total organic carbon and total nitrogen) is as good as ca 200 years. The estimated mass accumulation rate of these molecules during the last glacial period is substantially higher than during the Holocene. They also exhibited two distinct peaks at 17.6 cal ka BP and 11.4 cal ka BP, which are coincident with Heinrich Event 1 and the latest stage of the Younger Dryas, respectively. The unique oceanographic setting of the Japan Sea tends to preferentially preserve organic material of aeolian origin. The nature of our biomarker record in fact suggests a strong aeolian signal, and hence their flux to the Japan Sea potentially reflects the climate conditions of the dust source regions and transport intensity. Our results are consistent with previously reported monsoon variations based on other proxies that is indicative of a strong linkage between North Atlantic climate and Asian monsoon intensity.  相似文献   

Abstract— An analysis of the orange glasses and crystallized beads from the 68 cm deep 74001/2 core has been conducted to understand the processes occurring during ascent and eruption of the Apollo 17 orange glass magma. Equilibrium between melt and metal blebs (Fe85Ni14Co1) within the core, along with Cr contents in olivine phenocrysts, suggest there was an oxidation of C and a reduction of the melt at an O fugacity of IW-1.3 and 1320 °C to form CO gas at 200 bars or ~4 km depth. This was followed by development of more oxidized conditions during ascent. Also during ascent, there was formation of euhedral, homogeneous Fo81 olivine crystals and spinel crystals with higher Al and Mg contents than the smaller spinels in the crystallized beads. Both the metal blebs and Al-rich spinels were trapped inside the Fo81 olivine phenocrysts as they grew prior to eruption. The composition of the orange glasses are homogeneous throughout the core, except for a few distinct glasses at the top that appear to have been mixed in by micrometeorite reworking. A few glassy melt inclusions of orange glass composition trapped in the Fo81 phenocrysts contain 600 ± 100 ppm S and ~50 ppm Cl compared to the 200 ppm S and 50 ppm Cl in the orange glass melt when quenched. These inclusions therefore document the addition of 400 ppm S to the CO-rich volcanic gas during the eruption. The size and distribution of different volcanic beads in the Apollo 17 deposit indicate a mode of eruption in which the orange glasses and partially crystallized beads formed further away from the volcanic vent where cooling rates were faster. Progressively larger and more numerous crystals in the black beads reflect slower cooling rates at higher optical densities in the volcanic plume. The development of a brown texture in the orange glasses at the bottom of the core, where the black beads dominate, is interpreted to result from devitrification by subsolidus heating either as the orange glasses fell back through the hot plume or after deposition on the surface. The change from domination by orange glasses to black beads in the core probably reflects a decrease in gas content over time, which consequently would increase the plume optical density and favor slower cooling rates.  相似文献   

We simulate the chemodynamical evolution of elliptical galaxies using our GRAPE-SPH code. We succeed in reproducing the observed variety of the radial metallicity gradients, from which we discuss the origin of elliptical galaxies. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The work of Brown and Hoyng (1975) on the betatron acceleration of hard X-ray source electrons trapped in a vibrating flux tube is generalised to include Fermi acceleration by the varying transverse field. This development can explain the trajectory of bursts in a plot of equivalent thick-target electron flux versus spectral index as inferred from observations obtained by ESRO TD1A. Specifically the loops observed in this , diagram, unexplained in Brown and Hoyng's anslysis are accounted for by a changing phase relationship between the varying field strength f(t) and magnetic scale length g(t)- Application of the formalism to the detailed TD1A observations of the large events of 1972, August 4 and 7, allows inference of the evolution of f(t), g(t) in these events.Now at: Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We present an interior model of Saturn with an ice-rock core,a metallic region,an outer molecular envelope and a thin transition layer between the metallic and molecular regions.The shape of Saturn’s 1 bar surface is irregular and determined fully self-consistently by the required equilibrium condition.While the ice-rock core is assumed to have a uniform density,three different equations of state are adopted for the metallic,molecular and transition regions.The Saturnian model is constrained by its known mass,its known equatorial and polar radii,and its known zonal gravitational coefficients,J_(2n),n=1,2,3.The model produces an ice-rock core with equatorial radius 0.203 R_S,where R_S is the equatorial radius of Saturn at the 1-bar pressure surface;the core densityρ_c=10388.1 kgm~(3)corresponding to 13.06 Earth masses;and an analytical expression describing the Saturnian irregular shape of the 1-bar pressure level.The model also predicts the values of the higher-order gravitational coefficients,J_8,J_10 and J_12,for the hydrostatic Saturn and suggests that Saturn’s convective dynamo operates in the metallic region approximately defined by 0.2 R_Sre0.7 R_S,where r_e denotes the equatorial radial distance from the Saturnian center of figure.  相似文献   

We discuss observations of the Moon at a wavelength of 49.3 cm made with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Interferometer. These observations have been fit to models in order to estimate the lunar dielectric constant, the equatorial subsurface temperature, the latitude dependence of the subsurface temperature, and the subsurface temperature gradient. The models are most consistent with a dielectric constant of 2.52 ± 0.01 (formal errors), an equatorial subsurface temperature of 249?5+8K, and a change in the subsurface temperature with latitude (ψ), which is proportional to cos0.38ψ. Since the temperature of the Moon has been measured by the Apollo Lunar Heat Flow Experiment, we have been able to use our determination of the equatorial temperature to estimate the error in the flux density calibration scale at 49.3cm (608 MHz). This results in a correction factor of 1.03 ± 0.04, which must be applied to the flux density scale. This factor is much different from 1.21 ± 0.09 estimated by Muhleman et al. (1973) from the brightness temperature of Venus and apparently indicates that the observed decrease in the brightness temperature of Venus at long wavelengths is a real effect.The estimates of the temperature gradient, which are based on the measurement of limb darkening, are small and negative (temperature decreases with depth) and may be insignificantly different from zero since they are only as large as their formal errors. We estimate that a temperature gradient in excess of 0.6K/m at 10m depth would have been observed. Thus, a temperature gradient like that measured in situ at the Apollo 15 and 17 landing sites in the upper 2m of the regolith is not typical of the entire lunar frontside at the 10m depths where the 49.3 cm wavelength emission originates. This result may indicate that the mean lunar heat flow is lower than that measured at the Apollo landing sites, that the thermal conductivity is greater at 10m depth than it is at 2m depth, or that the radio opacity is greater at 10m depth than at 2m depth. The negative estimates of the temperature gradient indicate that the Moon appeared limb bright and might be explained by scattering of the emission from boulders or an interface with solid rock. The presence of solid rock at 10m depths will probably cause heat flows like those measured by Apollo to be unobservable by our interferometric method at long wavelengths, since it will cause both the thermal conductivity and radio opacity of the regolith to increase. Thus, our data may be most consistent with a change in the physical properties of the regolith to those of solid rock or a mixture of rock and soil at depths of 7 to 16m. Our results show that future radio measurements for heat flow determinations must utilize wavelengths considerably shorter than 50 cm (25 cm or less) to avoid the rock regions below the regolith.  相似文献   

Based on the observations of the EUV spectroheliograms, the effective chromosphere-corona transition region is assumed to be restricted in a small volume element in the boundaries of the supergranular network. The center-to-limb variation of the quiet Sun at cm and dm wavelengths is analyzed to determine where the transition region is located in the network boundaries. Expressions are derived for the theoretical center-to-limb variation of the hypothetical brightness temperature only from the transition region, taking into account the orientation of the spicules. Comparison with the observations shows that the spicule-sheath model (Brueckner and Nicolas, 1973) and the hot plagette model (Foukal, 1974) are not compatible with the observations, because the limb brightening predicted by these models is too great. A new picture is therefore proposed that thin platelet transition regions are placed on top of the chromosphere and scattered between the network boundaries (the platelet transition-region model). This model is in accord with the observed center-to-limb variation of the radio emission.  相似文献   

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