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Seepage phenomena through the karstic limestone foundation of Kalecik Dam are investigated. The dam, designed as a rock-fill dam with a height of 77 m, is already used for irrigation. The foundation consists of Mesozoic ophiolite, Paleocene allochthonous units composed of different lithologies, and Miocene conglomerate. The conglomerate lies unconformably on the other units. Quaternary basaltic lava patchily covers the others. Seepage from upstream to downstream occurs through the allochthonous karstic limestone. This limestone, which is overlain by conglomerates, has a thickness increasing towards the right abutment.

To prevent seepage at the right abutment, a 200-m long and 60-m deep grout curtain along the dam axis was constructed. After the impoundment, some springs occurred downstream, and for this reason, extra grouting was performed. However, the seepage problem could not be solved. In order to determine the seepage direction and karstification pattern, hydrological studies have been done. Additional investigation boreholes have been drilled to observe fluctuations of the groundwater level and to analyze hydrochemistry. Also, dye tracer tests have been carried out.

As a result of these hydrogeological studies, seepage paths were observed in the karstic limestone located between the dam and the spillway. As those carbonate rocks continue beneath the spillway, the seepage problems are enjected to continue.  相似文献   

张红涛 《探矿工程》2021,48(6):113-117
太原万达广场A2区商住楼基坑工程部分区域为粗砂砾石地层,基坑隔水帷幕中深层搅拌桩无法有效使用。提出了在粗砂砾石地层采用高压旋喷桩隔水帷幕的施工技术方案,采用双套管锚杆钻机引孔、单管高压喷射工艺进行施工,成功实施了这一工程。经检查,喷射注浆体相互咬合良好,有效桩径内水泥含量均匀无夹块现象,隔水帷幕止水效果良好。  相似文献   

 The mound springs of South Australia are a unique groundwater discharge feature of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB), a deep regional groundwater system that covers 22% of the Australian continent. They are the principal sources of surface water in the arid to semi-arid inland heart of Australia, and have great ecological, scientific, anthropological and economic significance. Excessive development of the Great Artesian Basin over the past century by European activity has seen an overall decline in the flows from the springs. Recent development of the water supply borefields for the Olympic Dam copper-uranium mine in the midst of one the most important spring groups has exacerbated this problem. A review of the history of the Olympic Dam borefields, an analysis of the impacts on the Mound Springs, and future recommendations for the return of environmental flows and protection of the springs is presented. Received: 9 November 1998 · Accepted: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

The excellent topographic condition of the limestone canyons for dam construction may be rejected if they are karstified. Karst features cause the reservoir not to be impermeable enough to permit the water to fill it and leakage occurs and often increases with time. Moreover, karst features may involve the stability of the dam itself. A few operated dam sites at the Zagros Zone encountered a leakage problem. Furthermore, more than 30 dams are presently under study for construction in the Zagros Zone. Karst conditions and leakage potential were investigated at an under-study site (Khersan 3 Dam) for assessing the general methodology for the study of leakage potentials. Conventional methods for studying karst features, geological mapping, geomorphology and extensive borings were applied before the dam was constructed. These methods are not efficient enough to precisely reveal the karst structure, especially hidden and paleokarst, nor the hydrological behaviour of the karst structure in different settings of groundwater flow. Based on the present case study and previous applied approaches by other authors, this paper introduces a methodology by means of karst structure and functioning approaches at local and regional scales that cover the conventional methods and overcome their shortages. The proposed methodology should be applied before construction of a dam and should include three steps (a) recognition of geological and hydrogeological settings, (b) delineation and functioning of the karst system related to the future reservoir, and (c) assessment of the leakage potentials. Following this methodology, the most probable leakage zone(s) and path(s) at the dam site can be highlighted.  相似文献   

The northeastward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere beneath the Iranian block produced vast volcanic and plutonic rocks that now outcrop in central (Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic assemblage) and north–northeastern Iran (Alborz Magmatic Belt), with peak magmatism occurring during the Eocene. The Karaj Dam basement sill (KDBS), situated in the Alborz Magmatic Belt, comprises gabbro, monzogabbro, monzodiorite, and monzonite with a shoshonitic affinity. These plutonic rocks are intruded into the Karaj Formation, which comprise pyroclastic rocks dating to the lower–upper Eocene. The geochemical and isotopic signatures of the KDBS rocks indicate that they are cogenetic and evolved through fractional crystallization. They are characterized by an enrichment in LREEs relative to HREEs, with negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Geochemical modeling using Sm/Yb versus La/Yb and La/Sm ratios suggests a low-degree of partial melting of a phlogopite–spinel peridotite source to generate the KDBS rocks. Their low ISr = 0.70453–0.70535, ɛNd (37.2 Ma) = 1.54–1.9, and TDM ages ranging from 0.65 to 0.86 Ga are consistent with the melting of a Cadomian enriched lithospheric mantle source, metasomatized by fluids derived from the subducted slab or sediments during magma generation. These interpretations are consistent with high ratios of 206Pb/204Pb = 18.43–18.67, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.59, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.42–38.71, indicating the involvement of subducted sediments or continental crust. The sill is considered to have been emplaced in an environment of lithospheric extension due to the slab rollback in the lower Eocene. This extension led to localized upwelling of the asthenosphere, providing the heat required for partial melting of the subduction-contaminated subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Alborz magmatic belt. Then, the shoshonitic melt generates the entire spectrum of KDBS rocks through assimilation and fractional crystallization during the ascent of the magma.  相似文献   

The construction of one of the high-speed railway tunnels between Malaga and Córdoba (South Spain) beneath the Abdalajís mountains occasioned a series of hydrogeological problems with geotechnical and environmental impacts. The double tunnel, 7,300 m in length, runs south to north across several lines of small, calcareous mountains that have a highly complex structure. Beneath the Jurassic limestones lie Triassic clays and evaporites. Overlying the limestones is an essentially marly and limestone-marl Cretaceous series, which culminates with Miocene marls containing some organic matter. These mountains have generated springs that are used for urban water supply and irrigation, as well as drinking fountains in the surrounding villages. The initial water level in the aquifer series varied from 400 to 650 m above sea level. After drilling approximately 2,900 m, and intercepting a fracture zone within the carbonate rocks, a sudden water eruption occurred that reached a peak flow of 800 L/s. After a short while, spring discharges dried up, leading to a public protest. In this paper, we describe the geological and hydrogeological settings, the development of the aquifer as the drilling operation proceeded, the measures adopted and the responses subsequent to completion of the tunnel, including the effect of rainfall on the recovery of water levels. Lastly, a generalized estimate is made of how the system functions, and a forecast is made for recovery of its equilibrium.  相似文献   

The intention of this study is to locate the probable sources of the Kafrein dam seepage problem. A methodology known as excitation-response analysis will be considered. Analytical expressions, depicting the groundwater level response in the underlying aquifer as a result of changes in the reservoir water level, were derived from a linearized groundwater flow equation for one-dimensional semi-infinite, isotropic and homogeneous porous media. The results revealed that a large proportion of the seepage water originates from a site at a distance about 1 km from the observation point M1 and streamlines along the existing faults. Emphasis in this work was also placed on controling and mitigating the seepage problem.  相似文献   

山前岩溶热储聚热与富水机理:以济南北岩溶热储为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康凤新  隋海波  郑婷婷 《地质学报》2020,94(5):1606-1624
岩溶热储是中国北方两大主力供暖热储之一。山前岩溶热储主要位于岩溶地下水流系统下游埋藏型岩溶分布区,属深循环、弱开放、径流滞缓的区域地下水流系统之排泄区。本文以济南北岩溶热储为例,基于地质构造、同位素和水文地球化学特征,揭示了地热水起源及其运移演化和富集机理:地热水一小部分来自于泰山北翼火成岩、变质岩分布区的大气降水入渗补给,大部分来源于寒武纪长清群和寒武纪—奥陶纪九龙群碳酸盐岩岩溶裂隙含水岩组分布区岩溶地下水的深循环径流补给;地热水主要循环富集于层间岩溶与断裂破碎带复合处、层间岩溶与岩体接触带复合处。根据地温场空间分布特征揭示的热源及其传递和聚集特征,提出了热储四元聚热机制:一元是大地热流毯状传导聚热、二元是凸起区高热导率分流聚热、三元是导热断裂或岩体接触带带状对流聚热、四元是地下水运移传导-对流聚热。在热储聚热与富水成因机理研究基础上,建立了基于水源、热源及热储赋存规律的岩溶热储地热田成矿模式,构建了如何寻找地热水富集区和热流聚集区的找矿模型,揭示了地热成矿规律,为地热资源探测找矿提供了依据。  相似文献   

鲁基厂水电站坝基建在覆盖层地基上,地基为砂卵砾石层、块石层、泥质粉细砂等地层互层,天然地基承载力不能满足设计要求,采用180 kW大功率电动振冲器加钻机引孔的施工工艺,解决了地层复杂、振冲加固处理深度大的施工技术难题。  相似文献   

Azeez  Olayinka  Elfeki  Amro  Kamis  Ahmed Samy  Chaabani  Anis 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(3):995-1011
Natural Hazards - This study used a simulation methodology for dam break analysis and flood simulation in an urbanized arid region, namely Um Al-Khair dam in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The analysis was...  相似文献   

从上海城市建筑密度看城市用地效率与生态环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建筑密度是城市规划的定额指标之一,也间接反映出城市用地效率,同时又和城市生态环境的保护密不可分。从上海地区的建筑密度现状分析,了解建筑密度同城市用地效率和生态环境保护之间是密切相关的,在借鉴国外城市用地规划方面,上海应加强政策调控与科学规划,最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

A hydraulic analysis of the interface between freshwater–saltwater behavior was done in the Merida Yucatan zone, two machines that constantly register the groundwater levels were installed, and three electric conductivity logs were taken from wells. When comparing the measured results with the ones obtained using theoretical equations developed to calculate the freshwater–saltwater interface position, it was proved that in some cases these equations can be applied, and in others not. Two effects that rule the behavior of karst aquifers in extraordinary conditions were found.  相似文献   

Groundwaters of the Murgia carbonate aquifer represent the main groundwater resource of the Apulia region (SE Italy). In the highlands (Alta Murgia) karst crops out in different forms and textures which have been preserved up to the 1970s: little evolved agriculture and sheep rearing produced only a marginal modification of the epikarst while a high degree of division into parcels by drystone walls helped in preserving soils from erosion. In the last years the original scenery of the Alta Murgia changed due to widespread transformations of surface karstic textures for agricultural purposes, with undeniable negative consequences on the hydrogeological balance, concerning both the infiltration and the runoff terms. Stone shattering led to flattening and deep alteration of a large part of the original karstic landscape and to demolition of drystone walls.In a study area of about 139 km2 located in the Alta Murgia, the comparison of aerial photos related to the period 1950–2001 indicated that stone shattering had occurred for about 42% of the area.The hydrological behaviour of the first soil layer of experimental parcels representing both shattered stone and natural karstic surface textures was analysed by using the numerical model Hydrus-2D with the aim of estimating the variation on infiltration rate due to stone shattering. Intensive field and laboratory measurements concerned soil texture, soil water content, pressure head, saturated hydraulic conductivity, pan evaporation and meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

Landslides are one of the most damaging and threatening hazards associated with seismically induced slope movements. Estimations of support conditions for slope displacements are important for taking preventive measures to avoid landslide events in future. California's Division of Mines and Geology (DMG) procedure is utilised in the present paper for estimating the slope failure mechanism under seismic conditions. In this study, the DMG procedure has been explained and has also been incorporated in a Geographic Information System (GIS) using Arc-GIS software from Environmental Systems Research Institute. Further, it is utilised for establishing a seismically induced slope displacement map for the Skien municipality area of Telemark County in Norway. The motivation for selecting this site was the availability of geotechnical parameters for the site. Three different displacement maps have been produced for earthquake scenarios of magnitude 5, 6 and 7, respectively. The maximum displacement of 133 cm is estimated for earthquake scenario of magnitude 7. It is noticed that the sensitive areas for slope failure remain the same under different earthquake scenarios. A displacement tool based on the DMG procedure has been created in the Arc-tool box in Arc-GIS software. This tool minimises the efforts for inserting formulas for making raster displacement maps. By using the displacement tool one can generate final products like displacement maps automatically at high accuracy and in quick time. The prepared slope displacement maps of study area are used for landslide susceptibility zonation (LSZ) map preparation. The LSZ maps are useful for landslide hazard assessment and further can be utilised by planners, civil engineers and local administrators for town planning and policy-making.  相似文献   

新疆乌什水水库为注入式水库。于1984年始修,总库容3850×104m3,灌溉下游农田。因坝基严重渗漏,2002年被新疆水利专家评为险库,对坝基需进行防渗帷幕灌浆处理。为此,设计和施工中确定了坝基防渗处理原则,从而探索出一套最佳的灌浆工艺。现场运用多种手段对灌浆质量进行全面检查,对施工全过程实施质量控制和跟踪监理,使施工的838个灌浆孔(总进尺25804.18m)的优良率达84.8%,7个固结灌浆单元和21个帷幕灌浆单元工程合格率达100%。固结灌浆和帷幕灌浆部分工程及坝基防渗帷幕单位工程均被评为优良工程。  相似文献   

Rural urban migration can often result in decreased agricultural output in countries with scarce land resources. It also can hasten the socio-economic problems associated with the overcrowded cities of the developing world. As only 10% of Iran is arable it is particularly vulnerable to threats to food security and self-sufficiency. This paper examines the daily flow of villagers to a major city near the vital staple crop producing rural district of Lakan, where out-migration is already occurring. Although most discussions of daily travel to cities is typically relegated to commuting, this paper aims to analyze travel for the purpose of access to a variety of facilities and services that villages in the rural district of Lakan lack including secondary schools, post offices, banks, and even telephones and newspaper stands. The paper emphasizes that daily journeys make permanent moves to the city more likely because of the major inconvenience that results from the scarcity of basic facilities within Lakan villages. Travel to a distant city for staple foods at grocery stores or for access to secondary schools, for example, could intensify future out-migration because the heavy inconvenience of constant travel might eventually outweigh the benefits of maintaining residency in villages. The paper utilizes information about daily travel to Rasht to recommend various government construction projects and initiatives to improve the quality of life for villagers and avert future rural–urban migration and the reduction in staple crop production that might result.  相似文献   

Karstic bauxite deposits are widespread in Central Guizhou Province, SW China, and high-grade ores are frequently sandwiched with overlying coal and underlying iron-rich layers and form a special “coal–bauxite–iron” structure. The Lindai deposit, which is one of the most representative karstic bauxite deposits in Central Guizhou Province, was selected as a case study. Based on textural features and iron abundances, bauxite ores in the Lindai deposit are divided into three types of ores, i.e., clastic, compact, and high-iron. The bauxite ores primarily comprise diaspore, boehmite, kaolinite, illite, and hematite with minor quartz, smectite, pyrite, zircon, rutile, anatase, and feldspar. The Al2O3 (53–76.8 wt.%) is the main chemical contents of the bauxite ore samples in the Lindai district, followed by SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, MgO, S, and P etc. Our geological data on the Lindai deposit indicated that the ore-bearing rock series and its underlying stratum have similar rare earth elements distribution pattern and similar Y/Ho, Zr/Hf, and Eu/Eu1 values; additionally, all ore-bearing rock samples are rich in MgO (range from 0.16 wt.% to 0.68 wt.%), and the plots of the dolomites and laterites lie almost on or close to the weathering line fit by the Al-bearing rocks in Zr vs. Hf and Nb vs. Ta diagrams; suggesting that the underlying Middle Cambrian Shilengshui Formation dolomite is the parent rock of bauxite resources in the Lindai district.Simulated weathering experiments on the modern laterite from the Shilengshui Formation dolomite in the Lindai bauxite deposit show that hydrogeological conditions are important for karstic bauxite formation: Si is most likely to migrate, its migration rate is several magnitudes higher than those of Al and Fe under natural conditions; the reducing inorganic acid condition is the most conducive to Al enrichment and Si removal; Fe does not migrate easily in groundwater, Al enrichment and Fe removal can occur only in acidic and reducing conditions with the presence of organic matter.The geological and experimental studies show that “coal–bauxite–iron” structure in Lindai deposit is formed under certain hydrogeological conditions, i.e., since lateritic bauxite or Al-rich laterite deposited upon the semi-closed karst depressions, Si can be continuously removed out under neutral/acidic groundwater conditions; the coal/carbonaceous rock overlying the bauxitic materials were easily oxidized to produce acidic (H2S, H2SO4, etc.) and reductant groundwater with organic materials that percolated downward, resulting in enrichment of Al in underlying bauxite; it also reduced Fe3+ to its easily migrating form Fe2+, moving downward to near the basal carbonate culminated in precipitating of ferruginous (FeS2, FeCO3, etc.) strata of the “coal–bauxite–iron” structure. Thus, the bauxitic materials experienced Al enrichment and Si and Fe removal under above certain hydrogeological conditions forming the high-quality bauxite.  相似文献   

葛良胜  邓军  王长明 《岩石学报》2013,29(4):1115-1128
现代矿产地质勘查工作正在由过去的单一找矿向系统找矿转变,系统找矿依赖于对成矿环境的厘定以及对不同环境中成矿系统/成矿作用的确认和与之相应的矿床组合时空和成因联系的构筑。构造动力体制是研究成矿环境的基础,其演化决定了成矿环境的区域配置和时空变换。每一种构造动力体制下的成矿环境都可归结为挤压和拉张两种性质。在大洋构造动力体制下,成矿环境与成矿作用主要发生在板块边缘,包括离散和汇聚两种边缘。洋中脊、岛弧和陆缘弧以及在弧构造中发育的不同性质和规模的盆地是成矿的重要场所,板块自身特点、俯冲过程、深度和状态的变化是决定板块边缘成矿环境配置和成矿作用的重要因素;在大陆构造动力体制下,主要地质环境包括(大陆内部)深大断裂构造活动、地幔柱或热点、岩石圈加厚到大规模减薄、陆内造山、陆内裂谷等,不同环境形成了独具特色的成矿作用和矿床类型;在转换构造动力体制下,碰撞-伸展造山和造洋裂谷是两个相对应的构造过程,由其形成的成矿环境独具特色,成矿作用丰富多彩。以西南江三复合造山带为例,具体讨论了不同成矿环境下成矿作用特点,形成的矿床类型及相关矿床组合,可视为复合造山成矿论的雏形。  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动被认为是城市洪水演变的主要驱动因素,不同区域气候变化和城市化对洪水演变的影响不尽相同,科学识别城市洪水演变的关键驱动要素、量化气候变化与城市化对城市流域洪水演变的影响是城市洪水管理的重要依据。本文以高度城市化的北京市温榆河流域为例,以季节降雨量、气温、流域前期湿度、不透水面积比及流域内地下水埋深作为潜在驱动要素,对温榆河夏季不同概率的洪水建立GAMLSS模型,分析探讨城市流域洪水演变的主要驱动机制。研究结果表明:温榆河流域夏季不同概率的洪水在研究期均呈现出非一致性特性;城市不透水面积的扩张和降水是温榆河流域夏季洪水变化的主要驱动要素,不同等级洪水的变化具有不同的驱动机制,高于概率70%的小洪水的变化主要受到流域下垫面变化的影响,而小于概率45%的低频洪水的变化主要受降水的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of climate change on the drought and flood risks of a multipurpose dam. To achieve this, A2 climate change scenarios of RegCM3 were collected about Chungju Dam in Korea. To analyze drought risks, weather data obtained by the statistical downscaling method were entered to produce runoff series by runoff modeling and water balance was analyzed based on water use scenarios to review changes in the storage volume under climate change. To analyze flood risks, changes in water levels of the dam in future flood seasons were reviewed based on the current dam operation method. The results of the review indicated that both the drought and the flood risks of the dam would increase in the future. The reason was considered to be the movement of the flood season’s runoff characteristics from July and August to August and September because of climate change. Therefore, for climate change adaptation planning, not only quantitative changes in hydrologic values but also changes in temporal characteristics should be considered and given importance.  相似文献   

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