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The Chinese continent is a component part of the present Eurasian plate. The history of its geologicaldevelopment is a process of the convergence of palaeo-plates. the oceanward migration of volcanic belts andvolcanic island-arcs, and the accompanying growth of the intracontinental rifts in the later stage. So theChinese continent abounds in nonmetal resources. Based on the plate-tectonic settings in which those depos-its were formed, the nonmetallic deposits can be generally classified into those related to the sutures andophiolites. those related to the volcanic island-arcs. those related to the back-arc epicontinental sea. those re-lated to the intracontinental rifts and those within the plate interior. They all show certain characteristicregularities of distribution. The evolutionary process of the Chinese continent is so complicated that somenonmetallic deposits have various origins and are characterized by multi-stage mineralization. multiplicityof types and superimposition of mineralization. All these are of great significance in deepening the under-standing of the formation and modes of occurrence of the nonmetallic deposits and in prospecting for min-eral resources.  相似文献   

华南地区中生代主要金属矿床模型   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
本文在总结华南地区中生代主要金属矿床出现的三个阶段,即晚三叠世(230~210 Ma)、晚侏罗世(170~150 Ma)和早—中白垩世(134~80 Ma,集中在110~80 Ma)的基础上,通过成矿环境和成矿年龄的分析研究,基于前人的工作基础,对不同阶段典型的矿床组合建立或补充完善了4个矿床模型。包括170~160 Ma中侏罗世斑岩—矽卡岩型铜矿模型,160~150 Ma晚侏罗世与花岗岩有关的钨锡矿床模型,白垩纪浅成低温热液型铜金银矿床模型及白垩纪锡钨多金属矿床模型。上述矿床模型的建立将有助于在华南地区和类似的地质环境中开展找矿评价和勘查。  相似文献   

The Minerogenetic Series of Nonmetallic Mineral Deposits of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owing to the internal relationship between material sources or mineralization ways and the difference ofmineralization micro-environments or the change of constraints. certain types of nonmetallic mineral depositsare regularly formed either simultaneously or in successive order under the control of certain association ofmineralization processes in a certain geotectonic environment, thus forming a minerogenetic series ofnonmetallic mineral deposits. The geological setting that controls the formation of minerogenetic series is mosttruly recorded in ore-bearing formations. while the mineralization processes which are associated or surely suc-cessive are the indispensable prerequisite for the formation of the various mineral deposits of a minerogeneticseries. Therefore, the minerogenetic series of nonmetallic mineral deposits can be classified according tomineral-bearing formations and mineralization processes. Based on available data. 13 minerogenetic series aredistinguished in China. The study of minerogenetic series may not only result in the enrichment of the theory ofmineral deposits but also help direct mineral prospecting and give guidance in the integrated development andutillization of mineral resources.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sulfur isotope data (δ34S) of sulfides of more than 6700 samples from 157 ore deposits associated with Early and Late Yanshanian granitic and volcanic activities in South China are reviewed and summarized. Averaged δ34S values of individual deposits vary from ‐9. 3 to +20. 6%, and show a normal distribution pattern with the average of +2%. About 88 % of the ore deposits have values within the range, ?2.5 ? +13.6‰, of associated Yanshanian granitoids. There is a temporal‐spatial variation of δ34S values of the ore deposits. However, no clear zonal distribution parallel to geotectonic NNE lineaments was observed. Spatial distribution of ore sulfide δ34S values in most of the NE part of the whole studied area coincides with that of Yanshanian granitoids and volcanic rocks. A downward tendency of the average values in time is: +3. 0% (n=7, J1) → +1. 6% (n=29, J2) → +1. 7% (n=68, J3) → +1. 8% (n=37, K1) → ?1. 5% (n=16, K2). There is an “island” of high and variable δ34S values (0? +16.5‰) occurring within a generally low trough zone (?8 ? 0%) of N‐S about 800 km and E‐W 100 to 300 km, bounded by 110°E ? 116°E longitudes and 22°N ? 31°N latitudes. The island occurs at the junction of three tectonic units and a NE‐trending crustal matching line implying a variety of magmatism occurred at the junction. The low trough zone coincides with a low ferric/ferrous ratio zone of Early Yanshanian granitoids, indicating their genetic relationship. Different genetic types of ore deposits show different histogram patterns suggesting different relationships to magmatic rocks and host strata. Granite/greisen/pegmatite type deposits are most closely associated with granitoids, with average ore sul‐fide δ34S values for individual ore deposits ranging between ‐2. 0 and +4. 1%, and an average of +0. 5% (n = 15) close to type meteoric value of 0%. Porphyry‐type deposits have also narrow range of ?2.2 ? + 4.9‰, with an average value of +1. 1% (n = 18). Skarn‐type dominated ore deposits have a nearly normal distribution pattern with an average of +1. 6% (n = 62), ranging from ‐5. 3 to +11. 5%. Volcano‐subvolcanic ore deposits range between ‐3. 1 and +5. 9% with an average of +2. 3% (n = 19). Other types of hydrothermal ore deposits have averaged δ34S values of individual ones from ‐9. 3 to +20. 6%, with average value of +1. 3% (n=43). Vertical and horizontal zonations of δ34S values of ore deposits around their associated granitoid plutons are observed in several localities. Such zonations may be caused by interaction between magma and/or magmatic fluids and host sedimentary rocks, as well as the evolution of physico‐chemical conditions of ore‐forming fluids. Spatial distribution of ore sulfur isotope compositions is also clearly controlled by tectonics and deep faults. Ore sulfur isotope composition is sometimes strongly affected by host sedimentary rocks, especially by evaporite sulfur with much higher δ34S value and partly by biogenic sulfur with low δ34S value. The δ34S values of Yanshanian granitoids are from ‐2. 5 to +13. 6% for both rock samples and pyrite/pyrrhotite separates from granitic rocks, with similar spatial distribution pattern to those of associated ore deposits. The ore deposits associated with ilmenite‐series granitoids have δ34S values ranging between ‐7. 5 and +10. 4% with an average of +1. 0%, while the ore deposits associated with magnetite‐series granitoids ranging between ?8.0 ? +11.5‰ with an average of +1. 1%. δ34S values of ore deposits tend to converge to +3% as the Fe2O3/FeO ratio of associated granitoids increases from 0. 45 to 8. 7.  相似文献   

贵州主要矿床成矿系列   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
在分析贵州省区域成矿背景的基础上,将贵州的成矿单元分为4个Ⅲ级、11个Ⅳ级和10个Ⅴ级成矿区(带);参照矿床成矿系列的概念并结合贵州特点,按岩浆、深成热水、浅成热液、沉积、变质和风化6大成因类型,将贵州省主要矿床划分为20个矿床成矿系列和16个矿床成矿亚系列,并简要地论述了它们的基本特征;探讨其区域成矿学研究和矿产资源勘查评价的意义。  相似文献   

Episodic carbonate deposits on the Triassic continental slope in southern China are mainly com-posed of gravity-flow limestones and contourite limestones. Gravity-flow limestones were well developed in thelower and middle Yangtze area in the Early Triassic and in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi area in the Early and Mid-dle Triassic. Five fundamental types of gravity-flow limestones are recognized: slide limestone, debris-flow lime-stone, grain-flow limestone. turbidite limestone and rockfall limestone. They form six types of assemblage beds:slide-debris-flow limestones, slide-debris-flow-turbidite limestone, slide-debris-flow-grain-flow-turbidite lime-stone, rockfall-debris-flow limestone, debris-flow-turbidite limestone, and debris-flow-grain-flow-turbidite lime-stone. The first two were formed mainly in the Early Triassic slopes. The Middle Triassic slopes were charcterizedby widespread rockfall limestone. Growth faults, storms, earthquakes and oversteepened slopes are considered to bethe probable triggers of the gravity flows. Contourite limestones appear as isolated lenses or thin and ripple-laminated beds of grainstones occurring inhemipelagic argillaceous limestones and lime mudstones. They were formed at the base of the slope. Palaeocurrentdata indicate that the contour currents are perpendicular to the slope. The contourite limestones are not as common asthe gravity-flow ones, but they are important in the reconstruction of the palaeogeographical and palaeotectonic set-tings in southern China.  相似文献   

中国中生代矿床成矿系列类型及其演化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
中国及邻区中生代地质构造的演化主要表现为欧亚大陆东部增生和中国大陆陆缘及陆内变形作用,受特提斯一古太平洋及太平洋一印度洋两大动力学体系的控制,形成滨太平洋、特提斯和中亚3大构造域。作者在对829个典型矿床及大量测试数据进行综合分析的基础上,结合中生代成矿环境和成矿特征,将中国中生代矿床划分为3个矿床成矿系列组合和11个矿床成矿系列类型。着重论述了中国中生代矿床成矿系列类型的基本特征,并简要概括了它们的时空演化规律。  相似文献   

杨莉  袁万明  王珂 《地球科学》2018,43(6):1887-1902
同位素地质年代学是一门传统的定年学科,广泛应用于地质各个领域研究中.随着同位素地质年代学理论创新与技术进步,现在逐步发展成为地质热年代学,即将地质年代数据赋予相应封闭温度属性,使之不仅揭示地质事件年龄,而且反映该事件发生的温度条件.不同定年方法以及测试样品的不同,其对应的封闭温度不同,从而可以揭示地质体在更大温度或年龄范围的形成演化过程,定量研究矿区或矿体的隆升与剥露,评价矿床形成后的保存与变化状况,提高找矿预测效果.主要总结和论述诸如40Ar-39Ar、裂变径迹和(U-Th)/He等中-低温热年代学技术方法及其在矿床地质中的应用研究状况,分析热年代学技术与应用发展趋势,以期为成矿作用研究提供新的应用技术手段.   相似文献   

本文对蒙古国南部白山铜-锌矿床、奥龙金矿床和乌兰铅-锌-银矿床的产出环境和地质特征进行了简要介绍,同时对这3处矿床成矿理研究和找矿勘查工作进展做了简要总结,目的旨在进一步丰富我国跨境成矿带的理论研究水平,为在中蒙边境我国一侧寻找同类金属矿床提供科学依据.  相似文献   

南秦岭大型钡成矿带,钡矿物种类丰富。通过对南秦岭钡成矿带钡矿床中矿石和矿化围岩的电子探针研究,结合前人研究成果,发现南秦岭大型钡成矿带中钡主要以重晶石、毒重石、钡解石、菱钡镁石、钡长石、汉江石、安康矿、钡冰长石、钒云母等形式存在;硫化物以黄铁矿为主,并含有少量的针镍矿、闪锌矿、硫钒铜矿、蓝辉铜矿、斑铜矿。此外,还发现少量钒钛氧化物。在研究钡矿物化学组成的基础上,对毒重石、钡解石、菱钡镁石、钡长石、钡冰长石等钡矿物的成因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The modern laterite gold deposits in southern China, which belong to reworked laterite deposits, can be further divided into three subclasses and seven types. Their geological features, ore-forming conditions and regularities are discussed. A geologic-geochemical metallogenic model for laterite gold deposits has been established.  相似文献   

安徽南部桃冲地区铁矿床控矿构造分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对桃冲地区典型铁矿床的赋存环境及构造特征的研究和控矿因素分析,认为红花山背斜两翼的铁矿体产于背斜的层间断裂带中的次级褶曲内,受"碳酸盐岩地层+次级褶曲+层间断裂带"三个控矿因素的制约,环滨江岩体的铁矿床受厚层状矽卡岩接触带的制约。综合桃冲地区控矿因素的特点,提出了找矿有利部位。  相似文献   

十杭带是华南内陆一条重要的北北东向、具有高εNd (t )值和低t DM值的花岗岩带,该带在湘南—桂北段的花岗质岩体(千里山、骑田岭、西山、金鸡岭、花山和姑婆山等)均形成于151~163 Ma间。但从西南往东北方向,形成时代有逐渐变年轻的趋势。这些岩体在地球化学组成上显示出较为相似的特征,岩石均富碱、高钾,富含Rb,Th,U等大离子亲石元素(LILE)和REE,Nb,Ta,Zr,Hf等高场强元素(HFSE)。在地球化学图解上均落入A型花岗岩区域,因此该花岗岩带应属于一条A型花岗岩带。进一步划分,这些花岗岩应该属于A2亚类。这些花岗岩均具有较低的(87Sr/86Sr)i 值、较高的εNd (t )值和相对低的Nd模式年龄值,但从西南往东北方向,εNd (t )值具有逐渐降低的趋势。在这些花岗质岩体中暗色包体非常发育,岩石学和地球化学,特别是锆石的Hf同位素组成,指示这些花岗质岩石是通过壳-幔岩浆混合作用形成的,幔源岩浆端元来自亏损地幔,可能是软流圈地幔物质的直接参与。该A型花岗岩带可能形成于古太平洋板块俯冲引起的弧后或弧内拉张构造环境,软流圈地幔上涌及诱发的幔源岩浆沿超壳深断裂底侵,导致了强烈的壳幔岩浆混合作用,形成了该花岗岩带。该拉张事件从西南往东北方向进行,拉张强度由强变弱,混入花岗岩中的地幔物质也由多变少。该花岗岩带也是我国 一条重要的W-Sn多金属成矿带。研究表明,这些花岗岩均属于富Sn花岗岩,但Sn在这些花岗岩中的富集机制与传统的结晶分异富集的方式不同。该区锡矿化类型十分丰富,除了存在传统的岩浆热液演化成矿外,还存在新类型的绿泥石化花岗岩锡矿化,丰富了A型花岗岩的成矿理论。  相似文献   

There are giant mineral deposits, including the Jinding Zn-Pb and Baiyangping Ag-Co-Cu, and otherimportant mineral deposits (e.g., Baiyangchang Ag-Cu, Jinman Cu deposits, etc.) in the Lanping Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin, Yunnan Province, China. The tabular ore-bodies and some veins hosted in terrestrial clastic rocks of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic age and no outcropping of igneous rocks in the giant deposits lead to the proposal of syngenetic origin, but the giant mineral deposits are not stratabound (e.g. MVT, sandstone- and Sedex-type). They formed in a continental red basin with intense crust movement. The mineralization is controlled by structures and lithology and occurs in different strata, and no sedimentary nature and no exhalative sediments are identified in the deposits. The deposits show some relations with organic matter (now asphalt and petroleum) and evaporates (gypsum). The middle-low-temperature (mainly 110℃ to 280℃) mineralization took place at a depth of about 0.9 km to 3.1 km during the early  相似文献   

昂青矿区位于昌都—芒康成矿带的玉龙—多霞松多铜钼金银多金属找矿靶区,是川西藏东三江地区最具经济价值的矿集区之一。通过多种分析研究手段,对矿区进行详查,研究矿床成矿作用,探讨矿床成因,对查明矿区主矿体空间展布形态及特征有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国既是钴矿资源消费大国,又是钴矿资源进口大国,受新能源电动汽车工业的影响,近年来钴矿资源得到越来越多的关注。为了科学地评估我国钴矿资源潜力,指导找矿勘查部署工作,立足国内,提高我国钴矿资源的保障能力,笔者2019—2021年开展了9个重点省(自治区)的钴矿资源潜力评价工作。本文从我国钴矿床分布和地质特征角度,先以成矿地质作用为主线,厘定我国找矿预测矿床类型,包括与沉积地质作用有关的风化型、化学沉积型、砂岩型和海底喷流沉积型,与火山地质作用有关的海相火山岩型、陆相火山岩型,与侵入岩浆地质作用有关的岩浆型、矽卡岩型(接触交代型)、热液脉型和斑岩型,与变质地质作用有关的沉积变质型,以及少量与大型变形地质作用有关的变质核杂岩型;进而梳理并总结了各类型钴矿有关的成矿地质体。通过分析我国钴矿的矿床地质特征和时空分布规律,综合地质、物探、化探和遥感信息等预测要素,建立找矿预测模型,并在此基础上圈定找矿远景区,估算资源量。结果表明:我国钴矿包括风化型镍钴矿、海底喷流沉积型铜钴矿、海相火山岩型铁铜钴矿、海相火山岩型块状硫化物铜锌钴矿、岩浆型铜镍钴矿和热液脉型钴矿6种主要找矿预测类型;圈定416个钴矿最...  相似文献   

白培荣  陶平 《贵州地质》2023,40(4):362-370
本文以《中国矿产地质志·贵州卷》研编成果为基础,对贵州内生矿产的矿床(成因/工业)类型进行了划分,包含一、二、三级矿床类型,并对贵州省主要内生矿产的矿床类型、成矿环境、成矿作用、含矿地质体及矿床式、主要产区等进行综合分析、整理和汇编,揭示出它们在贵州省所表现出来独有的特性。同时,对内生矿产中矿床类型及成矿作用等认识较薄弱或有争议的矿种进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

第24卷第1期西藏改则地区金成矿作用李胜荣肖润周肃莫宣学申俊峰闫柏琨刘波1…………………………………基于GIS技术的西南三江北段矿产资源定量预测与评价陈建平王功文侯昌波唐菊兴15……………………………新疆阿尔泰山南缘乔夏哈拉式铁铜矿床稀土元素地球化学特征及其地质意义闫升好张招崇王义天陈柏林周刚何立新25………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………吐哈盆地西南缘砂岩型铀矿地质地球化学基本特征吴伯林权志高魏观辉彭新建王金平李占游徐高中刘池阳张复新34……………………  相似文献   

湖南张家界三岔和贵州遵义黄家湾在下寒武统黑色岩系中发育有镍钼多金属矿床,这是华南乃至全球这类矿床的2个典型实例。通过对其进行系统的矿相显微镜、电子探针以及扫描电子显微镜观测分析,分析了成矿岩系的矿物学特征,并进一步根据矿物结构、组成与共生关系,结合地质背景,讨论了矿床成因。结果显示,非矿层中的金属矿物类型较为单一,主要是黄铁矿;而矿层中发现的矿物种类丰富,主要包括"碳硫钼矿"、针镍矿、黄铁矿、胶磷矿等,其中"碳硫钼矿"和针镍矿分别是钼与镍的主要赋存形式。认为钼主要来自于海水,镍主要来自于热水(液)流体,矿床为海水-热水(液)-生物复合成因。这些研究结果为此类矿床研究提供了新的矿物学基础研究资料,并且有助于加深对矿床成因的认识。  相似文献   

诸广山岩体南部铀矿成矿特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
诸广山岩体南部是我国铀矿产的重要聚集地,文章从阐明决定该区铀矿床形成的有关地质因素入手,对诸广山岩体南部的四个铀矿田的矿床、矿体、矿点进行对比,分析其同位素年龄、矿体标高、物质成分、平均品位等方面的异同,找出不同地段的矿床特征差异和变化规律,总结铀成矿特征.研究认为诸广山岩体南部具有较好的成矿、控矿条件,是较好的产铀岩体.通过研究铀成矿单元、铀成矿条件的差异,综合物化探成果和以往工作程度,并进一步查明地质背景和加强对深部信息的分析、研究,可为下一步针对不同成矿前景的有利地区进行分类预测提供依据.  相似文献   

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