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最大熵原理与海浪波高的统计分布 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
将自然界中普遍存在的物理规律──最大熵原理应用于海浪波高的统计分布研究,在两个外部约束条件下,导出了海浪波高服从Weibull分布。借此说明,Rayleigh分布用以描述实际海浪的波高有其物理上的必然偏差,作为一种经验分布经常使用的Weibull分布有着深刻的物理根源。并对依赖于水深的经验波高分布进行了可能的物理解释。 相似文献
本论文在最大熵原理的基础上,通过解一个条件变分问题导出一种适用于描述非瑞利海浪波高H统计分布的概率密度函数fn(H)=αHre-βHn,用实验室风浪槽中不同风速下和不同风区处实测的36组风浪波高数据对上述概率密度函数进行验证,并与至今仍被广泛应用的瑞利波高概率密度函数加以比较.结果显示瑞利概率密度函数显著地偏离实验数据,而上述概率密度函数则与各组实测波高分布均符合良好. 相似文献
基于最大熵原理的非Rayleigh海浪波高的统计分布 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在最大熵原理的基础上,通过解一个条件变分问题导出一种适用于描述非Rayleigh海浪波高H统计分布的概率密度函数f4(H)=αHγe-βH4,并将其参量α,β,γ以H的1~4阶分布矩(Hm=m=1,2,3,4)显式地表示出来.用实验室风浪槽中不同风速下和不同风区处实测的36组风浪波高数据对上式进行验证,并与至今仍被广泛应用的瑞利波高概率密度函数加以比较.结果显示瑞利概率密度函数显著的偏离实验数据,而上式则与各组实测波高分布均符合良好. 相似文献
本文在最大熵原则的基础上,通过解一条件变分问题,导出一种由观测数据估计T年(常用的有50a或100a)重现期波高的新方法.本文导出的概率密度函数为f4(H)=αH^γe^-βH4,式中参量α、β、γ可以由年极值波高H的1~4阶分布矩(Hm^-,m=1,2,3,4)显式地表示出来.其具有如下的优越性:(1)参量中包含了H的3阶和4阶分布矩,适用于描述不确定性很大的海浪的重现期波高;(2)符合最大熵原则,即其信息熵最大,从而特别适用于重现期波高的估计;(3)形式简单且其参量容易由已知观测数据确定,便于理论和实际应用.作者对两个水文观测站的实测数据,分别使用该方法,及一些现有常用的方法计算其50、100a重现期波高.比较计算结果表明该方法非常接近于皮尔逊-Ⅲ方法和龚贝尔方法的结果. 相似文献
基于非线性Beta波面分布,采用经验变换,导出1种仅用随机波面偏度λ3和尖度λ4 2个参数表示的非线性海浪波高概率统计分布--波高类Beta分布.此分布发展了线性窄谱假定下的Rayleigh分布.就所用实验室资料验证而言,本文推导的波高类Beta分布要优于几种工程上常用的波高分布. 相似文献
三阶海浪波高分布其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在三阶海浪非线性波高分布模式的基础上,引进描述分布函数结构形重要统计量,即概率分布的离差系数与偏差系数。与偏差系数。给出这两个统计量与非线性控制参数之间的解析关系式,从而给出了反映风浪不同状态下的波高分布特征。与传统的瑞利分布相比,本文的结果有更广泛的衫意义。并把理论应用于黄河口波浪统计学的研究。 相似文献
Application of Maximum Entropy Principle to Studying the Distribution of Wave Heights in A Random Wave Field 总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4
Based on the maximum entropy principle, a probability density function (PDF) is derived for the distribution of wave heights in a random wave field, without any more hypothesis. The present PDF, being a non-Rayleigh fonu, involves two parameters: the average wave height H^- and the state parameter γ. The role of γ in the distribution of wave heights is examined. It is found that γ may be a certain measure of sea state. A least square method for determining γ from measured data is proposed. In virtue of the method, the values of γ are determined for three sea states from the data measured in the East China Sea. The present PDF is compared with the well known Rayleigh PDF of wave height and it is shown that it much better fits the data than the Rayleigh PDF. It is expected that the present PDF would fit some other wave variables, since its derivation is not restricted only to the wave height. 相似文献
The new distributions of the statistics of wave groups based on the maximum entropy principle are presented.The maximum entropy distributions appear to be superior to conventional distributions when applied to a limited amount of information.Its applications to the wave group properties show the effectiveness of the maximum entropy distribution.FFT filtering method is employed to obtain the wave envelope fast and efficiently.Comparisons of both the maximum entropy distribution and the distribution of Longuet-Higgins(1984) with the laboratory wind-wave data show that the former gives a better fit 相似文献
A new method of treating maximum wave height as a random variable in reliability analysis of breakwater caissons is proposed. The maximum wave height is expressed as the significant wave height multiplied by the so-called wave height ratio. The proposed wave height ratio is a type of transfer function from the significant wave height to the maximum wave height. Under the condition of a breaking wave, the ratio is intrinsically nonlinear. Therefore, the probability density function for the variable cannot be easily defined. In this study, however, it can be derived from the relationship between the maximum and significant waves in a nonbreaking environment. Some examples are shown to validate the derived probability density function for the wave ratio parameter. By introducing the wave height ratio into reliability analysis of caisson breakwater, the maximum wave height can be used as an independent and primary random variable, which means that the risk of caisson failure during its lifetime can be evaluated realistically. 相似文献
A probability density function of surface elevation is obtained through improvement of the method introduced by Cieslikiewicz who employed the maximum entropy principle to investigate the surface elevation distribution. The density function can be easily extended to higher order according to demand and is non-negative everywhere, satisfying the basic behavior of the probability. Moreover because the distribution is derived without any assumption about sea waves, it is found from comparison with several accepted distributions that the new form of distribution can be applied in a wider range of wave conditions. In addition, the density function can be used to fit some observed distributions of surface vertical acceleration although something remains unsolved. 相似文献
基于非线性Beta波面分布,采用变换ξ=lnH/γ,导出了一种仅用随机波面偏度λ3和尖度λ4两个参数表示的非线性有效波高概率分布——对数-Beta分布,发展了线性海浪有效波高的双参数对数-正态分布。对比结果表明,对数-Beta分布理论曲线与其对应的实测资料符合良好。推导出的对数-Beta分布的优点是,基本参数较少且便于确定,并可由随机波面高度资料直接推导出对应的有效波高概率密度函数。 相似文献
In this paper experimental wind wave data are analyzed. It is found that differences in spectral width will give rise to differences in wave height distribution. The effect of spectral width on the distribution is mainly in the high wave range. The effect of wave steepness is in low, medium and high wave ranges. In the high wave range the effect of spectral width is comparable to that of wave steepness. Differences in spectral width in the observations may give rise to discrepancies in the result when wave steepness is the only parameter in the distribution. 相似文献
无论是对于各种涉海水工建筑物的设计还是对于它们的防护而言,最大波高的预测都是非常重要的工作。目前常用的海浪预报模式多以相位平均模型为主,其能直接给出的计算结果是海浪谱,因此基于海浪谱给出合理的最大波高估算具有重要的意义。前人对波陡、谱宽等参数对最大波高公式的影响都有了较为清楚的认知,然而相关研究大多围绕单峰谱开展,尚没有考虑包括双峰谱在内的海浪谱型最大波高公式的影响。本文首先探讨了海浪谱对最大波高的影响特性,进而提出了海浪谱谱型的参数化定义,最后给出了考虑谱型因子的最大波高公式。 相似文献