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本文给出了41个RS CVn型密近双星系统的J,H和K的测光结果和经证认为IRAS点源的40个Rs CVn系统的数据。对那些子星具有光谱分类的系统,我们讨论了它们的红外色余,发现只有少数系统具有红外色余。在近红外区有UX Ari,Z Her和HR 1099;在12μm处为SZ Psc。对那些具有确切的12、25μm流量并作了K星等测量的系统,我们讨论了他们在logf_(2.2)/f_(12)和logf_(25)/f_(12)的双色图上的位置。大多数RS CVn系统都在黑体线的附近。这一些结论却和P.Biermann和D.Hall所指出的红外色余是RS CVn型密近双星的一般特性所不相符合。对一些红外辐射有差异的天体应进一步研究。  相似文献   

An RS CVn star is considered as non-synchronous if its orbital period differs by more than 4% from its photometric period. Of 88 systems examined according to this criterion, 67 are synchronous, 21 are non-synchronous. For the 21 non-synchronous systems, we find their spectral types are most around KO-2 III, that their orbital eccentricities are larger and their chromospheric activity lower than the average level.  相似文献   

UBV photometry of HR 1099 obtained during the 1979-80 and 1980-81 observing seasons is presented. An analysis of the available data shows that the brightness at the light curve maximum increases as the wave amplitude increases, while the brightness at the light minimum remains almost the same. In terms of the starspot model it implies that there is always a hemisphere of the active component that is nearly ’saturated’ with spots and that spots occupy a larger fraction of the stellar surface when the wave amplitude is smaller. The continuous migration attributed to the photometric wave by various authors is far from certain. The amplitude of the wave has a sharp rise followed by slow decay with a period around 5–6 yr. It is found that the two-spot model proposed by Dorren and Guinan (1982) is inadequate to describe all the observed photometric peculiarities of HR 1099.  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the RS CVn type non-eclipsing binary UX Arietis obtained at Nizamiah Observatory during the observing seasons of 1975–76, 1981–82 and 1982–83 are presented. The light curve of UX Ari showed a distortion wave with an amplitude inV varying from 0.02 mag during 1975–76 to 0.15 mag during 1982–83. An analysis of the available data shows that the light maximum is almost constant. It is also evident that the light-curve minimum decreases as the wave amplitude increases. The constant light at maximum,V = 6.51 ± 0.03 indicates the unspotted photospheric brightness. It is also suggested that the variation in meanV brightness is mainly due to spot activity and not due to intrinsic variation.  相似文献   

HD 115781 and HD 116204 (BL CVn and BM CVn) are shown to be RS CVn binaries with periods near 20 days. HD 115781 is double-lined; the primary type is about K1III, while the secondary is probably a late-type subgiant. The masses of the two components are equal within observational error. There is substantial photometric variability with a period half the orbital period; it is attributed to ellipsoidal variation. HD 116204 is also of type K1III. It shows exceptionally strong Ca II H and K emission, together with an emission-line spectrum typical of RS CVn stars in theIUE ultraviolet region, but Hα is an absorption line. The secondary star in the HD 116204 system has not been detected. The primary shows photometric variations, presumably due to starspots, with a period 5 per cent longer than the orbital period.  相似文献   

The extensiveUBV observations of SV Camelopardalis by Patkos (1982) have been analysed to derive the orbital elements of the system. The data were corrected for the effect of third body (Sarma, Sarma & Abhyankar 1985) and for the ‘RS CVn’ distortion wave (Sarma, Vivekanandarao & Sarma 1988). The cleaned data were used to obtain a preliminary solution by a modified version of Wellmann method (Sarma & Abhyankar 1979) from which we concluded that the primary eclipse is a transit. The final orbital elements of SV Cam were obtained by the modified version (Sarma 1988; Sarmaet al. 1987) of WINK program by Wood (1972). The colour and median brightness variation are discussed. From the spectroscopic mass functionf(m) = 0.118 M (Hiltner 1953), the absolute dimensions of the components are found to be 0.826 Mbd & 0.592 M and 1.236 R & 0.778 R for the primary and secondary components, respectively. The age of the binary system is estimated to be 6.0 ± 1.0 × 108 years  相似文献   

Results of analysis of photoelectric observations of the RS CVn eclipsing binary WY Cancri in the standard passbands ofUBV during 1973-74, 1976-79 and inUBVRI during 1984-86 are reported. A preliminary analysis of the eclipses suggested the primary eclipse to be transit. A study of the percentage contribution of the distortion wave amplitudes in all the colours with respect to the luminosities of both components, showed the hotter component to be the source of the distortion wave. The clean (wave removed) light curves of different epochs have not merged, suggesting residual effects of spot activity. The reason for this is attributed to the presence of either (1) polar spots or (2) small spots uniformly distributed all over the surface of the hotter component. This additional variation is found to have a periodicity of about 50 years or more. The distortion waves in yellow colour are modelled according to Budding’s (1977) method. For getting the best fit of the observations and theory, it was found necessary to assume three or four spots on the surface of the hot component. Out of these four spot groups, three are found to have direct motion with migration periods of 1.01, 1.01 and 2.51 years while the fourth one has a retrograde motion with a migration period of 3.01 years. From these periods and the latitudes of the spots derived from the model a co-rotating latitude of 4ℴ is obtained. The temperatures of these spots are found to be lower than that of the photosphere by about 700ℴK to 800ℴK. Assuming the light curve of 1985-86, which is the brightest of all the observed seasons, to be least affected by the spots, the light curves of the other seasons are all brought up to the quadrature level of this season by applying suitable corrections. The merged curves in theUBVRI colours are analysed for the elements by the Wilson-Devinney method. This analysis yielded the following absolute elements:

The light outside the eclipses of the totally eclipsing RS CVn binary SV Camelopardalis (SV Cam) is Fourier analysed and the amplitudes of the distortion waves have been derived. The distribution of the percentage contributions of these amplitudes inV, B andU colours with respect to the luminosities of the binary components indicates that the hotter component is the source of the distortion waves. These distortion waves, attributed to star spots, are modelled according to Budding (1977) and spot parameters like longitude, latitude, temperature and size are obtained. From this study it is noticed that while symmetric waves with two minima could be fitted satisfactorily, asymmetric waves with more than two minima could not be fitted well. From the longitudes of the minima of the best fitted curves, migration periods of four spot groups are determined. Assuming synchronism between rotation and orbital periods, the rotation periods of the four spot groups are derived from their migration periods. The period of rotation of one of the spot groups having direct motion is found to be 0d.5934209 while the periods of the other three spot groups having retrograde motion are 0d.5926588, 0d.592607 and 0d.5924688. As the latitudes of these spots are known from modelling parameters, the latitude having a rotation period equal to that of the orbital period (co-rotating latitude) is found to be about 30°  相似文献   

This paper presents a new CCD Bessell VRcIc light curves and photometric analysis of the newly discovered RS CVn type eclipsing binary star V1034 Her. The light curves were obtained at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Observatory in 2006. Variations of the orbital period of the system were firstly studied. The (O − C) diagram with a low range of observing time of about 20 years shows an upward parabola, which indicates a secular increase in the orbital period of the system. The light curves are generally those of detached eclipsing binaries; however, there are large asymmetries between maxima. The VRcIc light curves were analysed with two different fitting procedures: Wilson–Devinney method supplemented with a Monte Carlo type algorithm and Information Limit Optimization Technique (ILOT). Our general results find V1034 Her. as a well detached system, in which the components are filling 65% of their Roche lobes. Light curve asymmetries of the system are explained in terms of large dark starspots on the primary component. The primary star shows a long-lived spot distribution with active longitudes in the same hemisphere.  相似文献   

The eclipsing binary UV Piscium was observed with the standardUBV filters during 1976-77, 1977-78 and 1978-79 observing seasons with the 1.22-m reflecting telescope of the Japal-Rangapur Observatory. A wave-like distortion on the light curve noticed by Carr (1969), Oliver (1974), Sadik (1979) and Zeiliket al. (1982a) is confirmed by the present observations. Combining our observations with those of Carr, Oliver and Sadik, it is found that the distortion wave is moving towards decreasing orbital phase with a period of about 1200 days. The source of the observed distortion wave is found to be the hotter component.  相似文献   

本文将1983年版的Wilson-Devinney方法程序,扩展到包含黑子参数的微分改正解,并提出黑子纬度的网络测定方法,由此,对RS CVn型食双星RT CrB的食外测光扰动波,进行了黑子模拟解,得出其次子星上两个黑子的位置,大小和温度,其理论光变曲线能较好地重现畸变波的观测特征。作者对黑子模型参数微分改正解的收敛性问题和不定性问题进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

We give the results of photographic observations of the recurrent nova WZ Sge during its 1978 outburst, between December 5 and 25, using the double astrograph of Beijing Observatory. We discuss the observed properties and calculate the total energy released during the outburst to be about 1.07 (+40) erg. We estimate that the next outburst will occur around the year 2011.  相似文献   

AC Cnc is a nova-like, eclipsing binary of period 7h13m. I chose it for observation because its eclipses are rather symmetrical. A photometric solution gives inclination i = 74.5° ± 0.8°, mass of white dwarf M1 = 0.74 ± 0.07 M, mass of the late-type companion, M2 = 0.97 ± 0.8 M. Temperature of the accretion disk varies approximately as inverse half-power of the radial distance, the temperature at the edge of the disk is 7600 K. Rate of mass transfer from the late-type star to the white dwarf is 7(−9) M/yr. The distance of AC Cnc is 500 ± 100 pc.  相似文献   

We derive the formula for the variation of the magnetic axis in a collapsing oblique rotator. Our results of calculation show that the case of the magnetic axis coincident with the rotation axis is unstable, and the angle between the two axes will grow on any small perturbation.  相似文献   

We present new photometric two-colour observations of the double-lined close binary star VZ CVn. Combining two data sets obtained in 1971–72 and in 2006, the physical parameters of both components were derived. After removing the light variations due to the eclipses and proximity effects, a periodic variation in the more massive component with a dominant period of 1.068 76 d could be detected in the first photometric data set. In accordance with its position on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram and both its pulsation period and pulsation constant of 0.62 d, the primary component of VZ CVn should be an excellent γ Doradus candidate. The less massive secondary component seems to have smaller radius with respect to its mass. Both components appear to have lower luminosities with respect to their masses; hence, their radiative properties seem to be different. The evolutionary status of the components is also discussed.  相似文献   

We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of the eclipsing binary system BI CVn. Wilson–Devinney analysis of its light and radial velocity curves showed that the system is a W-subtype overcontact W-UMa type binary. We computed the absolute physical parameters of the system based on a mass ratio spectroscopically determined in this study. Though the orbital period had changed somehow in the past, it has remained constant for a long time since March 1999, contradicting the previous interpretations suggesting a cyclic variation superimposed on a quadratic change.  相似文献   

Photoelectric photometry has been obtained for CF Octantis on 39 nights. The object is a member of the RS CVn class and has a highly active chromosphere. A 20.15 ±0.06 d period has been found from theB andV magnitudes, which is interpreted as the rotational modulation of the light from a non-uniformly spotted star. The amplitude of this spot wave is observed to vary slowly between ΔV about 0m.l and 0m.3, which may be evidence for an activity cycle of 9 ±3 years.  相似文献   

The near-infrared data of the quasar 3C273 are collected from available literature and are used to analyze its variability properties. The largest amplitudes of variations are ΔJ = 1.0, ΔH = 0.9, and ΔK = 0.86. The color indices are JH = 0.82, JK = 1.96, and HK = 1.13. Analysis with the discrete correlation function (DCF) method indicates that the variability between any two infrared bands is correlated without any time lag. The relation between the color index and brightness is also investigated and the result indicates that the spectrum steepens when the source first dims, while it flattens after the source has dimmed to a some extent, suggesting that the emission of 3C 273 at near-IR consists of at least two components. Some discussions are presented.  相似文献   

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