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广西汛期降水的EOF分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎伟标 《广西气象》1991,12(4):12-16

广西汛期降水气候特征分析及客观分区   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法分析了广西汛期降水量主要气候特征,并通过旋转EOF,取其主要的旋转主分量高荷载区,将广西前汛期(4~6月)和后汛期(7~9月)的降水变化分别划分为5个和3个区域,并与传统的经验分区进行比较.结果表明,客观分区对广西前汛期和后汛期降水的气候分布有较好的表示.  相似文献   

利用延安 1 3个测站 1 971— 2 0 0 0年共 30 a汛期 ( 5— 9月 )降水量资料 ,分析了汛期降水的时空分布特征 ,并进行了 EOF展开和特征向量及主分量分析。发现该地区 5— 9月各月降水量第一特征向量均反映南北变化一致的特点 ,其月际变化与西太平洋副热带高压的进退跳跃规律相吻合 ,是形成汛期降水量第一特征向量的主要贡献者 ;汛期总降水量主要存在“一致分布”、“南、北振荡”和“东、西振荡”三种分布类型 ,前 3个特征向量对其具有较好的解释意义  相似文献   

河南省汛期降水的天气季节特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过多年汛期逐日降水量场的EOF分析,探讨了河南省汛期降水的天气季节特征。河南省主汛期出现在江淮梅汛之后,称暑汛较合适。暑汛期降水出现明显的南北与东西方向上的反相振荡;尤其是从小暑到大暑,季风雨带从沙河以南,北跃到黄河沿岸及其以北地区,是东亚季风重要的气候特征,表明梅雨结束后,中国东部的主要雨带不是一跃而至黄河以北,而是阶段性地逐次向北跳跃的。对暑汛降水气候的分析研究,有助于加深对东亚季风活动的认识  相似文献   

该文采用经验正交函数(EOF)对太平洋海温场与我国大陆降水场作相关分析,主要基于探讨海气相互作用对我国大陆降水影响的机制和规律,分析发现:太平洋海温不仅与我国东部降水相关,而且与西部高原降水也相关,降水场存在5个高相关区域,海温场存在4个高敏感区;长江中下游地区汛期降水与赤道西太平洋海温呈负相关,与黑潮海温存正相关;不同时期海温与降水相关的敏感区是不同的。这些对我国气候预测分析特别是旱涝趋势预测具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

将广西后汛期降水进行EOF分解后,利用前六个特征向量进行空间分型,并根据对应时间系数的符号及大小将降水场转化为数字化时间序列,再运用序列相似方法进行因子的选取及降水场数字化时间序列的预测,1998-2001年的预报结果表明,效果较好。  相似文献   

夏季全国降水EOF展开与黑龙江省降水的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用EOF对全国160个站夏季降水展开,取前5个特征向量进行分析,发现全国主要有4种雨型分布,依次呈“+-+”、“+-”、“-+-”、“-“型。与黑龙江省降为第1种,即东北区及黄河下游多雨,江浪少雨, 长江中下游流域多雨;夏末雨带南退至长江以南,华南多雨,而中国中部为广大的少雨区。  相似文献   

中国西部积雪对我国汛期降水的影响   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
韦志刚  罗四维 《高原气象》1993,12(4):347-354
本文利用台站及卫星资料建立了中国西部积雪30年逐月时间序列。该序列是目前资料时间最长、最好的序列,为研究该区积雪月际和年际变化及其影响提供了较可靠的依据。中国西部冬春积雪对我国汛期降水的影响平均为负相关趋势,与6月降水的相关分布较有规律,冬春多(少),其它地区6月降水偏多(少)。我国西部多(少)雪对6月从份500hPa高度的变化是:高原北边高纬高度降低(升高)及副热地区升高(降低),有(不)利于高  相似文献   

中国夏季降水异常EOF模态的时间稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
庞轶舒  祝从文  刘凯 《大气科学》2014,38(6):1137-1146
本文基于1980~2012年中国160个台站降水资料,利用滑动交叉检验等方法讨论了中国夏季降水距平和距平百分率EOF各模态的时间稳定性,在此基础上探讨了EOF方法在中国夏季降水短期气候预测中的应用条件和潜在能力。研究表明,随机剔除一年样本,中国夏季降水距平场前四个EOF模态表现出显著的稳定性。若时间系数完全预测准确,则潜在的可预测站点主要位于黄河以南地区,理想预测与原始降水的距平相关系数为0.6左右。相对而言,降水距平百分率各模态的时间稳定性易受极端降水事件的影响,当人为削弱这种影响后,随机剔除一年样本,其前三个模态的稳定性得到提高,潜在的可预测站点均匀分布,理想预测与原始降水的距平相关系数为0.48。但是,伴随着预报时效的增加,降水距平和距平百分率后三个EOF模态的时间稳定性下降,预示着EOF方法对未来两年以上降水的预测能力将会明显下降。  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for high rainfall over the Indian west coast region has been investigated by studying dynamical, thermodynamical and microphysical processes over the region for the monsoon season of 2009. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts wind and NCEP flux data have been used to study the large scale dynamical parameters. The moist adiabatic and multi-level inversion stratifications are found to exist during the high and low rainfall spells, respectively. In the moist adiabatic stratification regime, shallow and deep convective clouds are found coexisting. The Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement EXperiment aircraft data showed cloud updraft spectrum ranging from 1 to 10 m s?1 having modal speed 1–2.5 m s?1. The low updrafts rates provide sufficient time required for warm rain processes to produce rainfall from shallow clouds. The low cloud liquid water is observed above the freezing level indicating efficient warm rain process. The updrafts at the high spectrum end go above freezing level to generate ice particles produced due to mixed-phase rainfall process from deep convective clouds. With aging, deep convection gets transformed into stratiform type, which has been inferred through the vertical distribution of the large scale omega and heating fields. The stratiform heating, high latent heat flux, strong wind shear in the lower and middle tropospheric levels and low level convergence support the sustenance of convection for longer time to produce high rainfall spell. The advection of warm dry air in the middle tropospheric regions inhibits the convection and produce low rainfall spell. The mechanisms producing these spells have been summarized with the block diagram.  相似文献   

Summary The present study involves the use of Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis/Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to compare the dominant rainfall patterns from normal rainfall records over India, coupled with the major modes of the Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR) data for the period (1979–1988) during the monsoon period (June–September). To understand the intraseasonal and interannual variability of the monsoon rainfall, daily and seasonal anomalies have been obtained by using the (EOF) analysis. Importantly, pattern characteristics of seasonal monsoon rainfall covering 68 stations in India are highlighted.The purpose is to ascertain the nature of rainfall distribution over the Indian continent. Based on this, the percentage of variance for both the rainfall and OLR data is examined. OLR has a higher spatial coherence than rainfall. The first principal component of rainfall data shows high positive values, which are concentrated over northeast as well as southeast, whereas for the OLR, the area of large positive values is concentrated over northwest and lower value over south India apart from the Indian ocean. The first five principal components explain 92.20% of the total variance for the rainfall and 99.50% of the total variance for the outgoing long-wave radiation. The relationship between monsoon rainfall and Southern Oscillations has also been examined and for the Southern Oscillations, it is 0.69 for the monsoon season. The El-Niño events mostly occurred during Southern Oscillations, i.e. Walker circulation. It has been found that the average number of low pressure system/low pressure system days play an important role during active (flood) or inactive (drought) monsoon year, but low pressure system days play more important role in comparison to low pressure systems and their ratio are (16:51) and (13:25) respectively. Significantly, the analysis identifies the spatial and temporal pattern characteristics of possible physical significance.  相似文献   

The multifractal behavior of daily rainfall was investigated for a watershed in Eastern China to better understand the temporal structure of rainfall under monsoonal climate. In this study, over periods of up to 46 years, daily rainfall recorded in 1962 to 2007 at 10 meteorological stations in the administrative area of Lin-Yi City in Shandong province were analyzed with focus on features of power spectra, standard statistical moments, and exceedance probability tails of these daily rainfall time series. Spectral analysis and study of the moments of the rainfall intensity showed that a scaling range from 1 day to 1 year is present. Empirical moment scaling functions of the rainfall intensity calculated for different moments of order suggested that the values of universal multifractal parameters α and C 1 for all stations were approximated to 0.7 and 0.37, respectively. Comparing with the parameters estimated in other literatures, our results showed higher values for α but lower values for C 1 in general, which suggested that the rainfall series in the study watershed influenced by the East-Asia monsoon climate have similarities to that in France, but are spikier and smoother than that in the semi-arid region in Portugal. The parameter H values were estimated as vary from ?0.18 to ?0.22, which is similar to the result obtained by Tessier et al. (J Geophys Res-Atmos 101:26427–26440, 1996).  相似文献   

During the Heavy Rainfall Experiment in South China (HUAMEX) of 1998, a record heavy rainfall event occurred in the delta of the Pearl River during the 24 hours from 1200 UTC 8 June to 1200 UTC 9 June, 1998, and a 24-hour precipitation maximum of 574 mm was reported in Hong Kong. In this paper, some mesoscale characteristics of this heavy rainfall event are studied using data from satellites, Doppler radar, wind profilers, and automatic meteorological stations collected during HUAMEX. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) During this heavy rainfall event, there existed a favorable large-scale environment, that included a front with weak baroclinity in the heavy rain area and with an upward motion branch ahead of the front. (2) Unlike most extratropical or subtropical systems, the closed low in the geopotential height field does not exited. The obvious feature was that a southerly branch trough in the westerlies existed and Hong Kong was located ahead of the trough. (3) The rainfall areas were located in the warm sector ahead of the front, rather than in the frontal zone, which is one of the characteristics of heavy rainfalls during the pre-rainy season of South China. A southerly warm and moist current contributed to the heavy rainfall formation, including the transportation of rich water vapor and the creation of strong horizontal wind convergence. (4) The observations show that the heavy rainfall in Hong Kong was directly caused by a series of meso β systems rather than a mesoscale convective complex (MCC). These meso β systems moved with the steering current in the lower-mid troposphere, their life cycles were 3-6 hours, and their horizontal sizes were 10-100 km. (5) The disturbances in the lower and mid troposphere, especially that in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) were very shallow. However, they are a possible trigger mechanism for the occurrence and development of the mesoscale convective systems and related heavy rainfalls. Finally, a conceptual model of the heav  相似文献   

Summary Rainfall over India during the southwest monsoon season exhibits large intraseasonal fluctuations. The surface pressure fields illustrate the important circulation changes and the general conditions of active and break monsoon situations. We have studied the relationship between these two successive fields at daily to monthly time scales using montly data, from July through September for an 11 year period (1966–1976). Lag relationships were also investigated to ascertain the nature of evolutionary patterns through which pressure affects rainfall and so assess the potential for predicting rainfall with the use of pressure fields. Finally, the relationship between pressure and rainfall (linear or non-linear) was examined with the use of quartile plots.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

华南前汛期暖区暴雨一直是困扰科研和业务的重要难题。在1970s末第一次华南暴雨综合试验中,老一辈科学家提出了华南前汛期暖区暴雨的概念,并揭示了诸多对华南暴雨研究有重要意义的成果。近年来,随着现代气象探测手段、高性能计算能力的提升以及中尺度暴雨科学观测试验的开展,对华南前汛期暖区暴雨的研究取得了不少新的认识。本文重点梳理了近10 a有关华南前汛期暖区暴雨方面的最新研究进展,从暖区暴雨的定义及分类、多尺度天气特征、形成机制及可预报性研究等4个方面进行系统性论述。最后,对华南前汛期暖区暴雨研究存在的问题、未来发展方向进行了简要的讨论和展望。  相似文献   

The interdecadal variations of the summer monsoon rainfall over South China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This paper is to promote a further understanding of the interdecadal variations of the summer monsoon rainfall over South China (SCMR). With this focus, we will specifically aim at better understanding possible mechanism responsible for such an interdecadal variation relationship between the SCMR and El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In many of the previous studies on precipitation, the datasets used are satellite observations or gridded reanalyzed data due to the lack of long-term reliable observations over the marginal seas of the Asian continent. Such an approach could lead to possible errors in the results. In this work, several representative stations with long-term rain-gauge observations are chosen to reduce such uncertainty. The study of the interdecadal variabilities of SCMR indicates that there is a strong linkage between SCMR and ENSO on the interdecadal variations. These results agree well with those from previous studies that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and ENSO are not independent of each other, the interannual and interdecadal variations of tropical Pacific Sea Surface temperatures (SSTs) could affect the interdecadal variations of the SCMR, and the incorporating information on the PDO/ENSO could improve the long-term prediction of the SCMR.  相似文献   

Summary Monsoon is a complex dynamical system. Interannual and intraseasonal fluctuations have been studied in the regional and global perspective. Southern Hemispheric Equatorial Trough and its activity during the northern summer appears inversely related to the rainfall activity over the Indian sub-continent in general and Central India in particular. During typical active SHET epochs the rainfall activity becomes deficient in the Central parts of the country. The activity of the SHET is fluctuating in nature. Its duration is prolonged and intensity is increased during the years of major failure.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Analysis of the All-India summer monsoon (June to September) rainfall for the period 1871 to 1978 has been made in order to understand the interannual and long-term variability of the monsoon. On a country level, India receives 85.31 cm mean monsoon rainfall which is 78%; of the annual rainfall. The coefficient of variation of monsoon rainfall at the country level is 9.5%;. The highest and lowest rainfall country level were observed in the years 1961 and 1877 respectively, the range being 41 cm about 48%; of the long term average. There are 13/9 years of large-scale deficit/excess in the 108-yr period. There is a continuous rise in the 10-yr mean rainfall from 1899 to 1953. There are four major climatic rainfall periods in the series. Correlogram and spectrum analysis showed significant 14-yr and 2.8-yr cycles respectively in 108-yr series; however detailed examination indicated that these cycles have developed during the last 30 yr of the data period.  相似文献   

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