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板块俯冲起始与大陆地壳演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组成大陆地壳的物质主要来自两个地质过程:地幔柱活动和板块俯冲。目前大多数研究认为板块俯冲起始于30多亿年前。在板块俯冲起始之前,基性的初始地壳物质受热重熔是大陆地壳生长的主要方式,其中,地幔柱活动是关键。地幔柱不仅向地壳输送玄武质岩浆,同时导致已有玄武质岩石和沉积岩通过部分熔融向中酸性岩石转化。当原始岩石圈强度足够大时,地幔柱会导致岩石圈倾斜、破裂,产生下滑力,诱发板块俯冲。板块俯冲引发岩浆活动,产生大量的岩浆岩,如岛弧安山岩、弧后盆玄武岩等。这些岩浆岩通过喷发、侵位,再经由块体拼贴、增生等过程加入到大陆地壳,是大陆地壳生长的主要途径。同时,板内岩浆活动乃至地幔柱活动等也与板块俯冲有直接或者间接的联系。俯冲再循环物质促进地幔柱发育,也为大陆地壳的生长提供物源和热能。与此同时,大陆地壳不断风化剥蚀,其中一部分沉积物随俯冲板块再循环到地幔,而板块俯冲过程也通过俯冲剥蚀等过程,将仰冲盘岩石圈物质刮削带入地幔。这些是大陆地壳消减的主要途径。目前大陆地壳增生和消减基本处于动态平衡。  相似文献   

Formation of deep basins on continental crust in fold belts is often explained by stretching. This mechanism inevitably produces large deformations in the upper crust. No deformations typical of significant stretching were revealed in the predominant part of deep basins on continental crust in the Alpine Belt. This means that these basins were not produced by stretching. Most basins were formed during a short period of time of a few million years. The short duration of the subsidences eliminates thermal relaxation as the mechanism. The space and time relationships between the subsidence and orogeny and the profile of the basin floor exclude thrust loading as a cause of formation for practically all large basins. Gabbro to eclogite transformation is suggested as a mechanism of rapid subsidence. This occurs under the upwelling of hydrous asthenosphere at moderate temperature to the base of the crust. Eclogite sinking into the mantle results in a strong attenuation of the crust and lithosphere, which permits intense subsequent folding. The major part of deep basins in continental crust that formed by rapid subsidence was intensely shortened in the Alpine Belt. Significant crustal shortening did not spread over the cratonic lithosphere.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2001,105(2-4):371-383
It has been well established that fluids played an important part in determining chemical characteristics in many crustal terranes. Studies of fluid inclusions in eclogites have established that brines coexisted with the primary mineral assemblages during their metamorphic crystallization. These brines are currently multiply saturated in halide salts, carbonates, oxides, and sulfides. As a first step in quantitatively bounding the composition of the brines during metamorphism, the equilibrium compositions of the brines at room temperature were computed using the aqueous speciation codes EQ3/6. The results demonstrate that the brines are high density solutions (ca. 1.4 g/cm3) that have ionic strengths of approximately 8 mol, and are approximately 40% dissolved solids, by weight. These are predominately Na- and K-rich brines, with subordinate Ca and Mg. The approximate Na:K:Ca:Mg molar ratios are 4:2:0.5:0.2, but are sensitive to the assumed HCO3 concentrations. Charge balance is primarily maintained by the very high Cl concentrations. These brines bear resemblance to brines analyzed from fluid inclusions in metamorphic rocks reported by Roedder (Roedder, E., 1972. Composition of fluid inclusions. US Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 440JJ, p. 164). Although these fluids have the potential of acting as significant metasomatic agents in subduction zones and deep crustal environments, their impact will be mineralogically discernible only if the fluid release and movement is channelized.  相似文献   

Ridge subduction is an inescapable plate tectonic process, but has only been documented in modern circum‐Pacific environments and not yet been recognized from suture zones associated with supercontinent assembly, likely because its imprint is obliterated by later collision. The formation of the Pan‐African Damara Belt of central Namibia involved northward subduction of the Khomas Sea underneath the Congo Craton, prior to final suturing of the Congo and Kalahari Cratons. The accretionary history of the Belt is preserved in the Southern and Southern Marginal Zones, which consist of turbiditic metasedimentary and intercalcated mafic rocks with MORB affinity. Two localities in the Kuiseb and Gaub canyons reveal that aluminous metapelites contain a fabric‐defining assemblage of fine‐grained muscovite, chlorite, biotite, quartz and graphite that is overprinted by randomly oriented porphyroblasts and poikiloblasts of garnet, staurolite, kyanite and biotite. Associated metamafic rocks consist of hornblende, chlorite, epidote, rutile and quartz, with actinolite cores preserved in amphibole porphyroblasts. Metamorphic conditions for the fabric‐defining assemblage are estimated at ~10 kbar and 540–560 C, whereas peak metamorphism likely occurred at 10–10.5 kbar and 600 C. Consequently, these rocks preserve a two‐stage prograde metamorphic history, where initial tectonic burial was followed by relatively rapid, near‐isobaric heating without attendant deformation to peak metamorphic conditions. We propose that initial burial occurred through subduction and underplating to the accretionary prism, before ridge subduction and opening of a slab window heated the rocks to peak metamorphic conditions. The exceptional preservation of the tectono‐thermal imprint of the accretionary orogenic stage is due to the relatively soft, largely aborted collision that characterized the Damara orogeny, which can be attributed to the confined extent of the Khomas Sea.  相似文献   

Summary New oxygen isotope data for metaluminous granites from the basement-dominated part of the Damara orogen (Namibia) range from 9.1 to 11.9‰. These data, together with previously published Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data indicate that these granites and associated peraluminous granites originated from felsic meta-igneous basement sources. New and unusually low oxygen isotope data for metaluminous granodiorites extend now the range of δ18O values from ca. 12 to 6‰ for this rock type. These low oxygen isotope values approach the values observed in mafic quartz diorites for which a model of derivation from depleted mafic lower crust has been established. In view of the higher Pb isotope ratios but lower oxygen isotope values of the granodiorites relative to the mafic quartz diorites, it is concluded that the granodiorites represent partial melts of an undepleted but strongly altered mafic lower crust. Most of the peraluminous and metaluminous granites and the metaluminous granodiorites have identical U–Pb monazite, allanite and zircon ages of ca. 510–500 Ma implying partial melting of distinct basement rocks of Archaean to Proterozoic age at the peak of regional high-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

In the Diego de Almagro archipelago of southern Chile, a quartz rich mica schist and a mylonitized granite contain Late Jurassic zircons of ca 166 and 170 Ma respectively. These rocks were metamorphosed during the Cretaceous in a subduction zone environment, which developed blueschist assemblages in metabasalts interleaved with the mica schist. The dated rocks were probably part of the acid large igneous province developed in southwestern Gondwanaland during the extensional phase which preceded the dismembering of the supercontinent. They constitute evidence that tectonic erosion of the margin occurred, as these siliceous igneous rocks, formed in the South American upper plate, were transported in the subduction zone to some 20 km depth prior to their exhumation. These rocks are in tectonic contact through the Seno Arcabuz shear zone, with late Permian turbidites of the Duque de York complex, which did not undergo blueschist metamorphism.  相似文献   

Coesite relics were discovered as inclusions in clinopyroxene in eclogite and as inclusions in zircon in felsic and pelitic gneisses from Higher Himalayan Crystalline rocks in the upper Kaghan Valley, north‐west Himalaya. The metamorphic peak conditions of the coesite‐bearing eclogites are estimated to be 27–32 kbar and 700–770 °C, using garnet–pyroxene–phengite geobarometry and garnet–pyroxene geothermometry, respectively. Cathodoluminescence (CL) and backscattered electron (BSE) imaging distinguished three different domains in zircon: inner detrital core, widely spaced euhedral oscillatory zones, and thin, broadly zoned outermost rims. Each zircon domain contains a characteristic suite of micrometre‐sized mineral inclusions which were identified by in situ laser Raman microspectroscopy. Core and mantle domains contain quartz, apatite, plagioclase, muscovite and rutile. In contrast, the rim domains contain coesite and minor muscovite. Quartz inclusions were identified in all coesite‐bearing zircon grains, but not coexisting with coesite in the same growth domain (rim domain). 206Pb/238U zircon ages reveal that the quartz‐bearing mantle domains and the coesite‐bearing rim were formed at c. 50 Ma and 46.2 ± 0.7 Ma, respectively. These facts demonstrate that the continental materials were buried to 100 km within 7–9 Myr after initiation of the India–Asia collision (palaeomagnetic data from the Indian oceanic floor supports an initial India‐Asia contact at 55–53 Ma). Combination of the sinking rate of 1.1–1.4 cm year?1 with Indian plate velocity of 4.5 cm year?1 suggests that the Indian continent subducted to about 100 km depth at an average subduction angle of 14–19°.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Lapland Granulite Belt is a seismically reflective and electrically conductive sequence of deep crustal (6–9 kbar) rocks in the northern Fennoscandian Shield. It is composed of garnet-sillimanite gneisses (khondalites) and pyroxene granulites (enderbites) which in certain thrust sheets form about 500 m thick interlayers. The structure was formed by the intrusion of intermediate to basic magmas into turbiditic sedimentary rocks under granulite facies metamorphism accompanied by shearing of the deep crust about 1.93–1.90 Gyr ago (Gal. Granulites were upthrust 1.90–1.87 Ga and the belt was divided by crustal scale duplexing into four structural units whose layered structure was preserved. The thrust structures are recognized by the repetition of lithological ensembles and by discordant structural patterns well distinguishable in airborne magnetic and electromagnetic data. Thrusting gave rise to clockwise pressure-temperature evolution of the belt. However, some basic rocks possibly record an isobaric cooling path. The low bulk resistivity of the belt (200–1000 Ωm) is caused by interconnected graphite and subordinate sulphides in shear zones. On the basis of carbon isotope ratios this graphite is derived mostly from sedimentary organic carbon. The seismic reflectivity of the belt may be caused by velocity and density differences between pyroxene granulites and khondalites, as well as by shear zones.  相似文献   

Detailed seismic investigations of the continental crust have produced evidence of definite regularities in the general layering of the consolidated crust despite its high degree of inhomogeneity. Three main layers may be resolved in the inner part of a continent: an upper layer with velocities of 5.8–6.4 km/s and a velocity gradient about 0.04–0.05 s−1, an intermediate layer with velocities of 6.2–6.6 km/s and velocity gradient about zero, and a lower layer with velocities of 6.8–7.2 km/s and a high-velocity gradient of 0.05–0.1 s−1. The intermediate layer is characteristically different not only because of its low average velocity gradient, but also because of its more pronounced horizontal layering, inversion zones, and its higher “transparency” and Vp/Vs ratio. The gravity and magnetic data have shown that basement inhomogeneities disappear at the top of the intermediate layer. Also there are few earthquakes in this layer. These pecularities may be interpreted as the result of partial melting (weakening) of rocks and their possible horizontal mobility inside this layer.Thus, dynamic models of tectonic processes must take into consideration the possible existence of a weak zone in the crust.  相似文献   

In orogenic zones it is often considered appropriate to use a continuum rheology to model the deformation of the upper continental crust. In this paper we derive an applicable rheology utilizing fiber-bundle and continuum-damage models. We show that the results are identical and yield a power relation between stress σ and strain rate of the form σ= ρ−1. We constrain the applicable values of ρ utilizing Omori's law for the decay of aftershocks and conclude that ρ−1 is in the range of 5–15. With this strong nonlinear viscous rheology the behavior of the deforming upper crust approaches that of a perfect-plastic material.  相似文献   

Metasediments in the Tso Morari area (Ladakh, Himalaya) provide new insights into the Higher Himalayan metamorphism in the northwestern part of the Himalayan belt. Whole-rock analyses and petrologic observations show that the metasediments correspond to Fe-rich metapelites, Mg-rich metapelites, intermediate metapelites and metagreywackes of the Indian continental margin. Jadeite + chloritoid + paragonite + garnet in the Fe-rich metapelites indicate pressures of 20 ±2 kbar at temperatures of 550 ±50 °C according to major element partitioning thermobarometry, stability fields of minerals and Thermocalc P-T estimates. These results are consistent with P-T estimates on other metasediments and with the occurrence of eclogites. Subsequent retrogression at the eclogite-blueschist facies transition (from 18 to 13 kbar and 540 ±50 °C) was followed by an increase in temperature to 630 ±30 °C at amphibolite facies conditions. The metamorphic evolution is related to subduction of the Indian continental margin beneath the southern Asian margin at the onset of the Indian-Eurasian collision. Received: 17 April 1996 / Accepted: 19 February 1997  相似文献   

Until now (Smith, 1965) it was thought that in the central Damara Belt, South West Africa, the Red Granite and the Salem Granodiorite are two magmatic bodies separated by (essentially) marbles. Three places were discovered, where the marbles are missing; in all three places the Red Granite intrudes the Salem Granodiorite. Experimental melting done with samples from two of these localities allows to appraise the likely conditions during the intrusion of the Red Granite (680° C, 4 kb H2O-pressure).The White Granites — until now thought to be late or post kinematic — are a geologically heterogeneous group, at least in one place such an intrusion precedes that of the Red Granite.
Zusammenfassung Bis jetzt dachte man (Smith, 1965) daß im Zentralbereich des Damara-Orogens, Südwest Afrika, der Rote Granit und der Salem Granodiorit zwei magmatische Körper wären, die überall von (im wesentlichen) Marmoren getrennt seien. Es wurden drei Gegenden entdeckt, an denen die Marmore fehlen; an allen drei Stellen intrudiert der Rote Granit in den Salem Granodiorit. Schmelz-Experimente mit Proben von zwei dieser Lokalitäten erlauben die Bedingungen abzuschätzen, die während der Intrusion des Roten Granites geherrscht haben (680° C, 4 kb H2O-Druck).Die Weißen Granite — von denen man bis jetzt glaubte, sie seien spät-oder nachkinematisch — sind eine geologisch heterogene Gruppe. Mindestens an einer Stelle geht eine Intrusion der Weißen Granite derjenigen der Roten Granite voraus.

Résumé Jusqu'à présent (Smith, 1965) on a pensé que dans la zone centrale de l'orogène de Damara (Sud-Ouest Africain) le Granite Rouge et la Granodiorite de Salem étaient deux plutonites séparées partout par des couches de marbres. On a découvert trois endroits où les marbres n'existent pas et où le Granite Rouge forme des intrusions recoupant la Granodiorite de Salem.Des essais de fusibilité sur des échantillons provenant de deux de ces localité permettent d'estimer les conditions d'intrusion du Granite Rouge (680° C avec des pressions H2O de 4–5 kb).Les Granites blancs (acceptés jusqu'à présent comme tardi orogéniques) forment géologiquement une groupe hétérogène. En un endroit au moins, une intrusion de Granite blanc est recoupée par une intrusion du Granite Rouge, plus jeune.

(SMITH, 1965), , , - , , . 3 , , . , , , (680° C, 4 ). , , -, , . , - , .

The ultrahigh‐pressure pyrope whiteschists from the Brossasco‐Isasca Unit of the Southern Dora‐Maira Massif represent metasomatic rocks originated at the expense of post‐Variscan granitoids by the influx of fluids along shear zones. In this study, geochemical, petrological and fluid‐inclusion data, correlated with different generations of pyrope‐rich garnet (from medium, to very‐coarse‐grained in size) allow constraints to be placed on the relative timing of metasomatism and sources of the metasomatic fluid. Geochemical investigations reveal that whiteschists are strongly enriched in Mg and depleted in Na, K, Ca and LILE (Cs, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ba) with respect to the metagranite. Three generations of pyrope, with different composition and mineral inclusions, have been distinguished: (i) the prograde Prp I, which constitutes the large core of megablasts and the small core of porphyroblasts; (ii) the peak Prp II, which constitutes the inner rim of megablasts and porphyroblasts and the core of small neoblasts; and (iii) the early retrograde Prp III, which locally constitutes an outer rim. Two generations of fluid inclusions have been recognized: (i) primary fluid inclusions in prograde kyanite that represent a NaCl‐MgCl2‐rich brine (6–28 wt% NaCleq with Si and Al as other dissolved cations) trapped during growth of Prp I (type‐I fluid); (ii) primary multiphase‐solid inclusions in Prp II that are remnants of an alumino‐silicate aqueous solution, containing Mg, Fe, alkalies, Ca and subordinate P, Cl, S, CO32‐, LILE (Pb, Cs, Sr, Rb, K, LREE, Ba), U and Th (type‐II fluid), at the peak pressure stage. We propose a model that illustrates the prograde metasomatic and metamorphic evolution of the whiteschists and that could also explain the genesis of other Mg‐rich, alkali‐poor schists of the Alps. During Alpine metamorphism, the post‐Variscan metagranite of the Brossasco‐Isasca Unit experienced a prograde metamorphism at HP conditions (stage A: ~1.6 GPa and ≤ 600 °C), as indicated by the growth of an almandine‐rich garnet in some xenoliths. At stage B (1.7–2.1 GPa and 560–590 °C), the influx of external fluids, originated from antigorite breakdown in subducting oceanic serpentinites, promoted the increase in Mg and the decrease of alkalies and Ca in the orthogneiss toward a whiteschist composition. During stage C (2.1 < P < 2.8 GPa and 590 < T < 650 °C), the metasomatic fluid influx coupled with internal dehydration reactions involving Mg‐chlorite promoted the growth of Prp I in the presence of the type‐I MgCl2‐brine. At the metamorphic peak (stage D: 4.0–4.3 GPa and 730 °C), Prp II growth occurred in the presence of a type–II alumino‐silicate aqueous solution, mostly generated by internal dehydration reactions involving phlogopite and talc. The contribution of metasomatic external brines at the metamorphic climax appears negligible. This fluid, showing enrichment in LILE and depletion in HFSE, could represent a metasomatic agent for the supra‐subduction mantle wedge.  相似文献   

中国大陆地壳铅同位素演化的动力学模型   总被引:29,自引:9,他引:29  
根据中国大陆中、新生代花岗岩长铅同位素数据库,沿用“铅构造模型”的基本思想并作部分改进,建立了中国大陆地壳铅同位素的动力学演化模型。与全球平均的铅同位素演化曲线相比,中国大陆地壳的原始物质相对较贫铀富钍,并且中国大陆的上地壳和下地壳在演化过程中分异得更加彻底。将本模型应用于大别地区中生代花岗岩长石铅同位素数据,结果发现它们具有壳幔铅混合的特征,并且以上下地壳物质混合产生的类地幔铅为主,花岗岩源岩中含有较高的富Th下地壳组分。  相似文献   

A new approach to the investigation of the Sm/Nd evolution of the upper mantle directly from the data on lherzolite xenoliths is described in this paper.It is demonstrated that the model age TCHUR of an unmetasomatic iherzolite zenolith ca represent the mean depletion age of its mantle source, thus presenting a correlation trend between f^Sm/Nd and the mean depletion age of the upper mantle from the data on xenoliths.This correlation trend can also be derived from the data on river suspended loads as well as from granitoids.Based on the correlation trend mentioned above and mean depletion ages of the upper mantle at various geological times, an evolution curve for the mean f^Sm/Nd value of the upper mantle through geological time has been established.It is suggested that the upwilling of lower mantle material into the upper mantle and the recycling of continental crust material during the Archean were more active ,thus maintaining fairly constantf^Sm/Nd and εNd values during this time period. Similarly ,an evolution curve for the mean f^Sm/Nd value of the continental crust through geological time has also been established from the data of continental crust material.In the light of both evolution curves for the upper mantle and continental crust ,a growth curve for the continental crust has been worked out ,suggesting that :(1)about 30%(in volume )of the present crust was present as the continental crust at 3.8 Ga ago ;(2)the growth rate was much lower during the Archean ;and (3)the Proterozoic is another major period of time during which the continental crust wsa built up .  相似文献   

Active continental subduction and crustal exhumation: the Taiwan orogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT A tectonic model of active continental subduction followed by crustal exhumation is proposed to explain the orogeny in Taiwan. The subducted crust is represented by a low-velocity zone dipping eastwards beneath the major part of Taiwan, while the exhumed crust is marked by a high-velocity bulge, high heat flow and absence of seismicity beneath the eastern Central Range. The boundary between the subducted and exhumed crust has been identified from surface geology and analyses of thermal history across the Central Range. The dynamic force that has been driving the exhumed crust is identified by results from focal mechanisms, structural geology and geodetic survey in the eastern Central Range. Such a tectonic model may provide a good explanation for the evolution of the Taiwan Orogeny, as well as an active case for studying other long-extinct systems of continental subduction and exhumation.  相似文献   

The Makran accretionary prism in SE Iran and SW Pakistan is one of the most extensive subduction accretions on Earth. It is characterized by intense folding, thrust faulting and dislocation of the Cenozoic units that consist of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Rock units forming the northern Makran ophiolites are amalgamated as a mélange. Metamorphic rocks, including greenschist, amphibolite and blueschist, resulted from metamorphism of mafic rocks and serpentinites. In spite of the geodynamic significance of blueschist in this area, it has been rarely studied. Peak metamorphic phases of the northern Makran mafic blueschist in the Iranshahr area are glaucophane, phengite, quartz±omphacite+epidote. Post peak minerals are chlorite, albite and calcic amphibole. Blueschist facies metasedimentary rocks contain garnet, phengite, albite and epidote in the matrix and as inclusions in glaucophane. The calculated P–T pseudosection for a representative metabasic glaucophane schist yields peak pressure and temperature of 11.5–15 kbar at 400–510 °C. These rocks experienced retrograde metamorphism from blueschist to greenschist facies (350–450 °C and 7–8 kbar) during exhumation. A back arc basin was formed due to northward subduction of Neotethys under Eurasia (Lut block). Exhumation of the high‐pressure metamorphic rocks in northern Makran occurred contemporarily with subduction. Several reverse faults played an important role in exhumation of the ophiolitic and HP‐LT rocks. The presence of serpentinite shows the possible role of a serpentinite diapir for exhumation of the blueschist. A tectonic model is proposed here for metamorphism and exhumation of oceanic crust and accretionary sedimentary rocks of the Makran area. Vast accretion of subducted materials caused southward migration of the shore.  相似文献   

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