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Morphologic Differentiation and Taxonomy of Anisograptus from the Lower OrdovicianLI Ming, FENG Hongzhen and LIU Bo(Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093; State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008)Specimens from the Hule area of Ningguo County, Anhui Province and data of all 25 known species and subspecies shows that Anisograptus has apparent morphologic differentiation in the length of primary stripes, the…  相似文献   

Discovery of Parachuaria from the Chuanlinggou Formation of the Changcheng System in the Yanshan Region and Its SignificanceSUN Shufen, ZHU Shixing, HUANG Xueguang, CAO Fang and XIN Houtian(Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, China Geological Survey, Tianjin 300170)  相似文献   

A sequence of fliuviolacustrine deposits, named the XigedaFormatiom, with an approximate thickness of 411 m, is dis-tributed on a valley shoulder about 920 m above the waterlevel of the Dadu River in Haiziping, Luding, western Sichuan,on the inner side of the southeastern boundary belt of the WestSichuan Plateau. A preliminary study of the magneto-stratigraphic column suggests that the upper and lower parts  相似文献   

The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Exhumation History of Tianshan and Comparative Studies on the Junggar and Altay Mountains GUO Zhaojie, ZHANG Zhicheng, WU Chaodong, FANG Shihu and ZHANG Rui (Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution (Peking University), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100871) The Tianshan Mountain is a Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic belt. To constrain its deformation history during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, we conducted integrated research on apat…  相似文献   

The Discovery of Balmeisporites from the Taipinglinchang Formation in the Jiayin Basin, Heilongjiang and Its SignificanceWAN Chuanbiao, LIU Benpei, QIAO Xiuyun, YANG Jianguo, SHAN Xuanlong and REN Yanguang (1.College of Earth Science of Jilin University, Changchun 130026; 2. College of Earth Science of China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083; 3. Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oil Field Company Ltd., Daqing, Helongjiang 163712; 4 College of Earth and Space of Peking University, Beijing 100871)  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, Precambrian metazoans and metaphytes, such as macro-algae, soft-body fossils, spongespines, skeletal fossils and trace fossils in the whole Sinian biota have been studied in China, exceptstrotomatolies and microplants. A series of biotas or floras have been set up in different localities, in-cluding the Huainan biota, Liaonan biota, Lantian flora, Miaohe biota, Gaojiashan biota and Xilingxiabiota. In order to carry out a more intensive study of Precambrian palaeontology and genetic stratigraphy,  相似文献   

The Golmud--Ejin geoscience transect traverses the Kunlun, Qilian and Northern Beishan tectonic beltsfrom south to north. In the geoscience transect, five tectostratigraphic terranes, i.e. the Qaidam-NorthKunlun, South--central Qilian, North Qilian, Southern Beishan and Northern Beishan terranes, and fiveterrane boundary faults, i.e. the Central Kunlun fault, North Junul fault, North boundary fault of CentralQilian, Kuantanshan fault and Skibanjing--Xiao Huangshan boundary fault, may be distinguished. The  相似文献   

Establishment and Evolutionary Successions of Entomofaunas in the North of ChinaHONG Youchong (Beijing Museum of Natural History, Beijing, 100050)Terrestrial strata are widely distributed in China, especially in the North of the Chinese palaeocontinent,yielding abundant fossil insects associated with other fossil biotas. Through acumulation of nationwide in-sect specimens and their systematic study for several decades it has been found that the stratigraphic rangeof these fossi1 insects is Upper Carboniferous to Miocene in northern China. In various geological periodsthere appeared various unique insects. According to the history of their appearance, development, flour-ishing and disappearance in geological ages three (Late Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary) evolutionary  相似文献   

Distribution of Mid-Cretaceous Orbitolinids in Tibet and ItsPaleobiogeographic ImplicationsWAN Xiaoqiao, WU Yianhua and LI Guobiao (China Universityof Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China)Orbitolinids is a kind of large foraminifera. It occurredfrequently during the late Barremian to Cenomanian of theCretaceous and is distributed worldwide, especially in theshallow marine belts surrounding the Tethys Ocean. Itsdistribution in Tibet is limited to the Lhasa Block and some partsof the Qiangtang Basin. On both sides of this area, the  相似文献   

Space-Time Coordinate of the Evolution and Reformation and Mineralization Response in the Ordos Basin LIU Chiyang, ZHAO Hongge, GUI Xiaojun, YUE Leping, ZHAO Junfeng and WANG Jianqiang (State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics (Northwest University), Institute of Oil and Gas of Northwest University, Xi'an, Shannxi 710069) The Ordos Basin developed during the middle-late Triassic and early Cretaceous and has been reformed since the late Cretaceous. It mainly possesses the intra-craton characters and is a residual basin with multi-stage and different reformation. The Ordos Basin  相似文献   

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