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城市地图导航中多拓扑生成和实时动态路径分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
讨论在大型城市路网密集复杂的环境下,基于GPS车辆导航时拓扑的生成和动态路径分析。认为在专用的嵌入式环境下,实现实时动态路径分析,拓扑的建立必须按照分块和分级的方法。分块是为了解决动态调度的问题,分级是为了减少运算量,提高运算速度。同时对偏离航线时的路径分析提出了一种处理方法,在已经完成的导航仪中取得了理想的效果。 相似文献
主要针对当前嵌入式导航应用中路径规划计算存在的问题,设计了一种满足实时导航应用基于转换路网的分层搜索A*算法。该算法对于大区域的路径规划采用分层搜索策略,路径计算时采用能够处理交叉口转向限制和结点权重,并且占用存储空间小,搜索速度快的基于转换路网的二次搜索A*算法。通过实际的应用表明,算法在计算速度、路径合理性等方面可以满足实时导航应用的技术需求。 相似文献
介绍了嵌入式Linux的开发和应用优势,阐述了嵌入式GIS发展的相关技术背景以及目前国内外的发展形式,探讨了基于嵌入式Linux的嵌入式GIS的设计和开发。 相似文献
嵌入式GIS中基于LOD的地图数据组织模型设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为实现嵌入武GIS中实时地图显示,设计了一种适合嵌入式环境基于LOD的地图数据组织模型.主要是针对嵌入式设备硬件条件限制,在综合考虑屏幕显示尺寸和地图显示比例尺的基础上,对矢量和栅格地图数据进行了LOD分层、压缩、分块和建立索引等一系列处理.该模型巴被应用于多个嵌入式GIS中.通过实际应用表明,其能很好地满足嵌入式环境... 相似文献
This is the final of a three-part series of papers which mainly discusses the implementation issues of the CRNM. The first two papers in the series have introduced the modeling background and methodology, respectively. An overall architecture of the CRNM has been proposed in the last paper. On the basis of the above discusses, a linear reference method (LRM) for providing spatial references for location points of a trajectory is developed. A case study is introduced to illustrate the application of the CRNM for modeling a road network in the real world is given. A comprehensive conclusion is given for the series of papers. 相似文献
This is the first of a three-part series of papers which introduces a general background of building trajectory-oriented road network data models, including motivation, related works, and basic concepts. The purpose of the series is to develop a trajectory-oriented road network data model, namely carriageway-based road network data model (CRNM). Part 1 deals with the modeling background. Part 2 proposes the principle and architecture of the CRNM. Part 3 investigates the implementation of the CRNM in a case study. In the present paper, the challenges of managing trajectory data are discussed. Then, developing trajectory-oriented road network data models is proposed as a solution and existing road network data models are reviewed. Basic representation approaches of a road network are introduced as well as its constitution. 相似文献
LI Xiang LIN Hui 《地球空间信息科学学报》2006,9(1):65-70
Introduction Withthedramaticdevelopmentofpositioning andtelecommunicationtechnologies,lotsoftraj ectorydataofmovingvehiclescanbecalculated,collected,andtransferred.Inthemeanwhile,thisdevelopmentandtheavailabilityoftrajectory datahavealsomotivatedresearche… 相似文献
LI Xiang LIN Hui 《地球空间信息科学学报》2006,9(2):112-117
IntroductionIf let roadway entities be denoted by arcs and in-tersections be denoted by nodes, then a road net-work can be represented with node-arc model. Be-cause the designation of nodes can be determinedby arcs according to the definition of node-arc mod-el, howto designate arcs becomes the key of repre-senting a road network. As described in the firstpaper of the series, all four kinds of roadway enti-ties (i.e., streets, road segments, carriageways,and lanes) can be represented by arcs. … 相似文献
This is the second of a three-part series of papers which presents the principle and architecture of the CRNM, a trajectory-oriented, carriageway-based road network data model. The first part of the series has introduced a general background of building trajectory-oriented road network data models, including motivation, related works, and basic concepts. Based on it, this paper describs the CRNM in detail. At first, the notion of basic roadway entity is proposed and discussed. Secondly, carriageway is selected as the basic roadway entity after compared with other kinds of roadway, and approaches to representing other roadways with carriageways are introduced. At last, an overall architecture of the CRNM is proposed. 相似文献
北京市城区不同等级道路网对可吸入颗粒物的浓度影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文就北京市内不同等级道路网对可吸入颗粒物的浓度影响进行了研究,选取大气污染物中可吸入颗粒物PM10(包括PM0.3、PM0.5、PM1.0、PM3.0、PM5.0)为研究对象,采用半自动与目视解译相结合的方法提取北京市城区不同等级道路网,于2008年的采暖期与非采暖期在有代表意义的路面上选择42个采样点,分析对比不同等级路面点的可吸入颗粒物的个数和浓度,运用统计学以及GIS和RS等技术手段,进行不同等级道路网对可吸入颗粒物的浓度影响分析. 相似文献
本文针对城市交通道路网的特点,根据现实的交通网络,对葫芦岛地区道路网络进行建立及分析。利用ArcGIS中的Geodatabase构建路网数据库,利用节点一弧段数据结构构建空间网络拓扑关系,生成点一弧矢量数据模型表示的道路网络。并实现四种网络分析功能:最佳路径分析、空间查询、追踪分析和缓冲区分析。 相似文献