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可持续发展作为现代化建设的两大战略之一 ,对我国政府的能力提出了挑战。可持续发展战略的实施 ,要求加强政府的作用 ,将政府建设成为强有力而又廉价的政府。为此 ,我国政府应从加强政府的财政汲取能力建设、强化中央政府协调地区发展的能力 ,加强政府调控能力建设、强化中央政府协调当前利益和长远利益、经济利益与生态效益的能力 ,并从根本上转变政府职能、精兵简政、建设廉价高效的政府等方面着手来提高我国政府推进和实施可持续发展战略的能力  相似文献   

描记采于贵州茂兰自然保护区一洞穴的盲副鳅一新种,命名为茂兰盲副鳅Paracobitis maolanensisLi,RanetChen sp nov。该种与产于该县的长须盲副鳅Paracobitis longibarbatusChen,YangetSket(1998)的区别为:①口须纤弱而不是发达;②鼻瓣不成须状;而不是鼻瓣发育成鼻须。③胸鳍较长,后伸接近腹鳍起点且形态特殊;④尾鳍深叉;⑤臀鳍条ii,5;而不是ii,6。新种与分布于广西的后鳍盲副鳅Paracobitis posterodarsalusLi,RaoetChen的区别为:①背鳍起点与腹鳍起点相对;而不是在整个腹鳍之后;②口须纤弱鼻瓣不呈鼻须;而不是口须发达,鼻瓣发育成鼻须;③背鳍条iii,8;而不是iii,6;④臀鳍条ii,5;而不是ii,4;⑤胸鳍长而形态特殊。  相似文献   

Smoking is widely used in fish processing for the color and flavor. Smoke flavorings have evolved as a successful alter- native to traditional smoking. The hazards of the fish products treated by liquid-smoking process are discussed in this review. The smoke flavoring is one important ingredient in the smoke-flavored fish. This paper gives the definition of smoke flavorings and the hazard of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) residue in the smoke flavorings on the market. It gives also an assessment of chemical hazards such as carcinogenic PAHs, especially Benzo-[a]pyrene, as well as biological hazards such as Listeria monocyto- genes, Clostridium botulinum, histamine and parasites in smoke-flavored fish. The limitations in regulations or standards are dis- cussed. Smoke flavored fish have lower content of PAHs as compared with the traditional smoking techniques if the PAHs residue in smoke flavorings is controlled by regulations or standards.  相似文献   

我国实施西部开发战略,是采取以科技为先导,以信息产业为突破口,使之避免和减少对资源掠夺性开发,减少对环境污染,实现资源与经济的可持续发展。“数字地球”在这方面可以发挥巨大的作用。西部开发还必需放在全球变化、东亚大陆时空变迁规律的大环境中,从整体环境和地球大气圈、水圈、固体圈各因子相互作用和耦合过程的角度考虑。而“数字地球”正是具有独特的全球化宏观性,将地球作为一个有机整体来研究。因此,西部开发应充分运用当代“数字地球”这一先进技术群为西部社会、经济和环境的提高发挥更大的作用。使西部信息资源通过智力资本的投入,成为快速增值的知识资产.  相似文献   

陕西潼关地区太华群变质岩原岩性质的恢复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潼关地区太华群地层是一套以角闪岩相为主(局部达麻粒岩相)的中深变质岩系。本区太华群变质岩的主要岩石类型:斜长片麻岩类的原岩为中酸性火山岩(二长安山质、英安质凝灰岩);浅(变)粒岩类的原岩为中酸性火山岩(英安岩,流纹岩)一中酸性火山碎屑岩(二长安山质、英安质凝灰岩),并以后者为主,还有少量粘土质沉积岩或长石质杂砂岩;斜长角闪岩的原岩为基性火山岩—拉斑玄武岩。  相似文献   

描记采于贵州省茂兰自然保护区境内一洞穴的中国野鲮亚科(Labeoninae)一新属长臀鲮属Longanalus,spnov和一个新种大鳍长臀鲮Longanalus macrochiroussp nov。新属以臀鳍分枝鳍条为7根等特征,区别于该亚科所有属;新种以偶鳍发达,胸鳍后伸达到腹鳍基,腹鳍后伸超过臀鳍起点等显著特征命名大鳍长臀鲮。  相似文献   

Hong Kong has undergone substantial economic transformations and developed into a sophisticated business and financial center in the Asia-Pacific region,since the return of sovereignty to China as a Special Administrative Region under the One Country Two Systems (OCTS) in 1997.This paper discusses and analyzes the industrial structural changes of Hong Kong in recent decades as well as its future challenges and opportunities.The data and finding reveal that even though Hong Kong will face fierce competition from the Mainland’s cities as the rise of China,the important role as a bridge between China and the rest of the world will brace Hong Kong itself under the OCTS for developing into a service hub for business and trade in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

(孟晓晨)RURAL-URBANLABORERS'MOBILITYANDURBANIZATIONINCHINA¥MengXiaochen(PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,PRC)Abstract:Urbanizatkin...  相似文献   

2011 年8 月在广西靖西县安德乡-洞穴地下水中采到4 尾标本,经鉴定为间条鳅属一新种,命名为小间条鳅Heminoemacheilus parva.新种区别于同属已知种郑氏间条鳅H. zhengbaoshani 的特征为无眼,无鳞,无色透明,侧线完全,胸鳍末端超过胸鳍基部与腹鳍基部之间的中点.区别于同属另一已知种透明间条鳅H. hyalinus 的特征为:体细长,体长为体高的4.8~7.3 倍;头较长,体长为头长的3.1~3.6 倍;尾柄细长,尾柄长为尾柄高的1.6~2.4 倍.  相似文献   

A complete mitogenome of T.lineatus from Lake Turkana in the Kenyan part was determined.It had a length of 16 470 bp,including 37 genes as found in teleosts with the typical gene order in these fishes.Mitogenomic comparison and phylogenetic analysis supported not only the morphology-based recognition of the puf ferfish specimen from Lake Turkana as the Nile puf ferfish,but also the identification of the Chinese specimen recently recorded as T.lineatus and its African source.The mitochondrial genome here amplified for the sample of T.lineatus from Lake Turkana also provides conclusive molecular evidence for the monophyletic nature of Tetraodon s.s.,as it serves as a reference genome of this species used to clarify ambiguity in its identification in previous molecular studies.  相似文献   

高校学报服务于高校教学与科研的功能属性,决定了它与科技论文写作学科建设紧密关联。在科技论文写作学科建设中,学报编辑是理想的学术团队,可充当课程的骨干教师,学报可提供课程教学素材及学生写作实践平台。  相似文献   

多源生态环境数据的科学组织与集成方法,对开展区域生态环境研究意义重大。本文以西藏珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区为例,研究典型高原生态环境系统的数据特征和组织分类、数据模型构建、编码和元数据等有关数据集成的关键问题。设计了生态环境数据集成概念模型框架,从数据集分层组织、属性编码和元数据标准制定等多层面描述其基本语义结构,建立了珠峰自然保护区多源生态环境数据库。通过CASE工具Microsoft Visio2003建模和数据预处理,无缝集成FGDB(File Geodatabase)数据库中的生态环境专题信息;结合空间认知规则,并叠加要素类所表现的语义特征,实现面向数据集成分析的基本信息提取,乃至产生新的知识和规律。本文提出的珠峰自然保护区生态环境数据组织和集成方案,形成了一套初步可行的"数据集成-信息提取-知识发现"生态信息流映射机制,为区域生态环境研究提供了实用、可靠的数据基础保障。  相似文献   

?????????????GRACE Follow??On?????E.MOTION??Earth System Mass Transport Mission????????????????????о???????????????????Post??GRACE????????????????????????ο???????????????????????Post??GRACE??????????????????о??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????о?????????????????????????????  相似文献   

为解决实景影像常规生产及发布方式中存在的类型单一、整体性差、关联性不强、更新滞后、社会经济信息集成能力弱等局限,从实景影像的拼接匀色、关联建立、隐私处理、集成发布等多项关键技术研究入手,建立了天地及室内外一体实景地图系统。以天空、地面及室内外的实景地图为载体,从不同角度展示地形地貌、建筑群落、道路分布、车辆运行、人群聚集、商业场景等三维地理信息和社会经济信息。通过立体化的先进多媒体技术带来鲜活生动的沉浸式观感体验,能够让用户体验天空俯瞰城市风貌、足不出户逛商圈、游公园等应用。为实景地图系统的持续运营建立了顺应互联网时代发展的众需、众源和众创模式,开辟了实景应用的新途径,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

The restructuring of old industrial areas has been receiving much attention in regional development studies both in industrialized and emerging economies. Although ample Chinese-speaking studies have been published on the topic, most of them suffer from paying too little attention to dynamic multi-scalar interactions between firms, institutions, policies and places, as well as a too strong focus on individual cases. They also mostly disregard internationally recognized concepts and theories in the field. Based on these internationally recognized modern concepts, this paper therefore puts forward some potential avenues for future research on the evolution of old industrial areas in China, which should overcome existing deficits in the Chinese-speaking literature. It suggests that some evolutionary economic geography concepts such as path dependence, lock-in, path creation, relatedness, as well as multi-scalar institutional and leadership approaches have useful potentials to better understand the evolutionary processes and mechanisms of old industrial areas in China.  相似文献   

An overview is given about up-to-date techniques for slope stability and deformation analysis as well as mass flow phenomena simulation.The paper concentrates on a few aspects in respect to the use of numerical modeling techniques,especially in relation to the shear strength reduction techniques,discontinuum modeling,probabilistic concepts,the combination of GIS and numerical modeling as well as sophisticated hydro-mechanical coupling with time-dependent material behavior.At present these topics are preferred topics of scientific and technical research.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTraditionally,thecontinentalshelfcirculationisjudgedonthebasisofthewatersalinityandtemperaturedistribution,massanalysisandobservedcurrentvelocitybykinemometer.Limitedobservationaldatamakesitdifficulttodemonstratethecirculationmechanism.With…  相似文献   

Thethreatagainstthecoastallowlandcausedbysea-levelriseisoneofthefocusesoftheworid'sat-tention.Thebestestimatevalueofglobaltheoreticalsea-levelriseinthe2lstcenturyisO.66m(SCOR,l99l)byworldwideauthoritativeorganizationsuchasIPCC(IntergovernmentPanelofClimateChange)etal.ThecrustofChangiiangDeltaissubsiding.Theaveragesubsidencerateinthelast2OOOaisl.2mm/a(PANetal.,l985).TheislandsoftheChangiiangRivermouthareaccumulatinglowlandislandsandtheirnat-uralelevationisbelowthehightidallevelofsprin…  相似文献   

Microalgae, a sustainable source of multi beneficial components has been discovered and could be utilised in pharmaceutical, bioenergy and food applications. This study aims to investigate the sugaring-out effect on the recovery of protein from wet green microalga, Chlorella sorokiniana CY1 which was assisted with sonication. A comparison of monosaccharides and disaccharides as one of the phaseforming constituents shows that the monosaccharides, glucose was the most suitable sugar in forming the phases with acetonitrile to enhance the production of protein(52% of protein). The protein productivity of microalgae was found to be significantly influenced by the volume ratio of both phases, as the yield of protein increased to 77%. The interval time between the sonication as well as the sonication modes were influencing the protein productivity as well. The optimum protein productivity was obtained with 10 s of resting time in between sonication. Pulse mode of sonication was suitable to break down the cell wall of microalgae compared to continuous mode as a lower protein yield was obtained with the application of continuous mode. The optimum condition for protein extraction were found as followed: 200 g/L glucose as bottom phase with volume ratio of I:1.25, 10 s of resting time for ultrasonication, 5 s of ultrasonication in pulse mode and 0.25 g of biomass weight. The high yield of protein about 81% could be obtained from microalgae which demonstrates the potential of this source and expected to play an important role in the future.  相似文献   

Implementation of payments for watershed services (PWS) has been regarded as a promising approach to coordinating the interests of upstream and downstream ecosystem services stakeholders. There is growing concern about whether PWS programs have achieved their original environmental goals of improving water quality and quantity, as well as the ancillary objective of increasing the welfare of local people. We start with an overview of PWS schemes and focus on their particularity and implementation mechanisms in China. We proceed to review 62 active PWS cases and examine their environmental performance in detail. The resulting findings show that PWS schemes have been able to reduce water pollution to some extent by establishing collaborative upstream/downstream watershed management policies, thereby improving water quality and quantity, as well as by making government officials more responsible for water resource management. In addition, their continued effectiveness in light of present challenges such as water-quality data availability is discussed. Chinese PWS schemes and their implementation mechanisms also provide information useful in monitoring environmental outcomes and guiding future designs of PWS programs in other regions.  相似文献   

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