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Coastal and estuarine systems provide nursery grounds for many marine fish species. Their productivity has been correlated with terrigeneous inputs entering the coastal–estuarine benthic food web, thereby favouring the establishment of fish juveniles. Studies in these ecosystems often describe the nursery as a single large habitat without verifying nor considering the presence of contiguous habitats. Our study aimed at identifying different habitats based on macrozoobenthic communities and morpho-sedimentary characteristics and assessing the trophic interactions between fish juveniles and their benthic preys within these habitats. It included 43 sampling sites covering 5 habitats in which we described taxonomically and quantitatively the invertebrates and fish communities with stable isotopes and gut contents. It suggested that the benthic common sole Solea solea displayed feeding plasticity at the population level, separating the juveniles (G0) from the older fish (G1) into different “feeding sub-populations”. Size-based feeding plasticity was also observable in the spatial occupancy of that species in the studied bay. The demersal pouting, Trisopterus luscus, equally used the different habitats but displayed low feeding plasticity across and inside each habitat. Stable isotopes proved to be powerful tools to study the spatial distribution of trophic interactions in complex ecosystems like the bay of Vilaine and to define optimal habitats for fish that use the coastal–estuarine ecosystem as nursery grounds.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the dispersion of particulate wastes derived from marine fish farming and correlate the data with the impact on the seabed. Carbon and nutrients were correlated with the physico-chemical parameters of the sediment and the benthic community structure. The sedimentation rates in the benthic system were 1.09, 0.09 and 0.13 g m?2 day?1 for particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and total phosphorus (TP), respectively. TP was a reliable parameter for establishing the spatial extent of the fish farm particulate wastes. Fish farming was seen to influence not only physico-chemical and biological parameters but also the functioning of the ecosystem from a trophic point of view, particularly affecting the grazers and the balance among the trophic groups. POC, PON and TP sedimentation dynamics reflected the physico-chemical status of the sediment along the distance gradient studied, while their impact on the benthic community extended further. Therefore, the level of fish farm impact on the benthic community might be underestimated if it is assessed by merely taking into account data obtained from waste dispersion rates. The benthic habitat beneath the fish farm, Ma?rl bed, was seen to be very sensitive to aquaculture impact compared with other unvegetated benthic habitats, with an estimated POC-carrying capacity to maintain current diversity of 0.087 g C m?2 day?1 (only 36% greater than the basal POC input). Environmental protection agencies should define different aquaculture waste load thresholds for different benthic communities affected by finfish farming, according to their particular degree of sensitivity, in order to maintain natural ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Effective management of marine ecosystems is enhanced when detailed information on biodiversity is available. Key information to underpin management actions and conservation planning includes relationships between species assemblages and environmental gradients, and information on species distributions. We conducted a subtidal biodiversity assessment of surface‐dwelling subtidal molluscs in eight a priori defined habitat types using underwater visual censuses to quantitatively explore relationships between molluscan assemblages, and their correlation with benthic habitats and abiotic variables. In addition, variations in diversity were examined for two key habitat types (areas dominated by Dendronephthya australis and by filter feeders) over a period of 15 months to examine temporal change. We found that molluscs form distinct assemblages within subtidal habitats, but that assemblages within key habitats show inherent temporal variability. Regional (gamma) diversity of molluscs was found to result from a combination of: (i) within habitat alpha diversity, which increased with habitat complexity; (ii) between habitat beta diversity, with significant differences in molluscan assemblages amongst habitats with differing benthic growth, substrate type, and depth; and (iii) temporal beta diversity, with significant changes detected in molluscan assemblages over time. The results demonstrate how habitats and abiotic variables (principally depth and substrate type) combine to contribute to molluscan biodiversity in temperate estuaries, and illustrate the value of these factors as surrogates for surface‐dwelling subtidal molluscs in conservation planning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate, characterize and map areas of the seabed of Las Perlas Archipelago (LPA), Republic of Panama using swath-bathymetry acoustic sonar techniques and to assess these methods as tools for feeding information into management zoning policy. In 2007 the LPA was granted conservation protection under national legislation. However, detailed management plans are still pending. Seabed mapping plays a fundamental role in identifying areas which should be prioritized within the management framework. Visual representation of habitat maps provides an effective medium for involving stakeholders in a co-management arena. In this survey, acoustically mapped areas of the seabed were ground-truthed using a combination of benthic grab samples, drop-down video and diver observations. The resulting mapped areas were then incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) for further analysis. The output was a physical characterization of the seabed at three locations selected for being areas of high rugosity (habitat complexity) and, therefore, their potential importance as valuable fish aggregation sites. The rocky reefs and rhodolith beds identified in this survey represent particularly important fish aggregation and nursery habitats which should be considered priorities for protection under the management plans. This survey demonstrated the use of acoustic techniques to spatially resolve topographic features and physical characteristics of the seabed, illustrating their potential value as tools for fisheries management and marine reserve zoning in Las Perlas Archipelago and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Surgeonfish and parrotfish play an important role in structuring the benthic communities of coral reefs. However, despite their importance, little is known about their distribution patterns in the north sector of the Mesoamerican Reef System. This study evaluated the distribution of these fish in 34 sites in four habitats (lagoon, front, slopes and terrace) along a depth gradient (c 0.5–20 m). These herbivorous fish were assessed by visual censuses. Species dominance was evaluated for each habitat using SIMPER analysis. Habitat characteristics data were collected to determine the relationship between habitat conditions and spatial variations in herbivorous fish (using abundance and biomass as a proxy) via redundancy analysis. The herbivorous fish assemblage had a low density (fish per 100 m2) and biomass (g·100 m?2) in comparison with assemblages in similar studies. In contrast, species richness was high compared with other studies in the Caribbean. Spatial variation of the abundance, biomass and size of herbivorous fish was strongly related to coral and seagrass cover, as well as to depth and rugosity. These four variables were critical in controlling the distribution patterns of the herbivorous fish assemblages. No associations were found between fish and macroalgae or any other benthic group. The present study indicates that the species richness of surgeonfish and parrotfish was not regionally affected by the dominance of macroalgae in the habitats studied. Seagrass beds and the coral reef matrix need to be preserved for the herbivorous fish assemblages to remain healthy and capable of controlling excess macroalgae growth.  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are important tools for the conservation of coral reefs and associated habitats. We utilized a Geographic Information System (GIS) to evaluate the effect of marine park management in one of Mexico's most important MPAs by comparing benthic habitat structure between the MPA and an adjacent unmanaged region. Characters compared included measure of habitat β-diversity, total area and fragmentation of 15 different habitat classes, and size distributions of the patches of each of those classes. Habitat fragmentation distribution was similar between regions, but significantly higher β-diversity was seen in the managed area, and differences also occurred in the area and fragmentation of several substrate classes. The results suggest that management strategies which limit physical impact on benthic habitats are having a positive effect on the integrity of several important habitats in the MPA.  相似文献   

In the tropics and sub-tropics, estuarine environments with mangrove and seagrass habitats provide important structures and resources for diverse communities of benthic organisms. However, temperate estuarine habitats, especially in mangrove areas, may differ significantly in their community associations and interactions. The community composition of benthic macro-fauna was investigated within temperate Matapouri Estuary, northern New Zealand. The density and distribution of fauna were sampled within six distinctive habitats (mangrove stands, pneumatophore zones, Zostera beds, channels, banks, and sand flats), within four sampling events between December 2002 and September 2003. Each type of habitat was replicated seven times within different locations in the estuary. Counts of all infauna and epifauna within four replicate cores were recorded from each habitat and location. Multidimensional scaling plots were used to identify differences in structure and composition of assemblages among habitats and locations within each sampling event. Results from these benthic samples indicate that Matapouri Estuary has a high overall biodiversity, with distinctive faunal assemblages found within different habitats, and some seasonal variations also apparent. In terms of both number of individuals and taxa per unit area, seagrass beds had the highest numbers and mangrove areas had the lowest numbers, with all other habitats in between. Some locations were found to support a high diversity of organisms across habitats, while other locations had high densities of a few species only. Several physical and biological differences between tropical/sub-tropical and New Zealand's temperate mangrove habitats are put forth as potential reasons for the lower density and diversity of the benthic component observed herein. Further ongoing studies aim to elucidate the structure and interactions within food webs in this estuarine ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Irish Sea, like many marine areas, is threatened by anthropogenic activities. In particular the Pisces Reef system, a series of smothered rocky reefs are subject to fishing pressures as a result of their position within a Nephrops norvegicus fishery. In an area of sediment deposition and retention the reefs modify the environment by increasing the energy of near-bottom currents which results in localised scouring. This is the first study to attempt to characterise and investigate the ecological functioning of the Pisces Reef system. A multidisciplinary approach was essential for accurate investigation of the area. To facilitate more effective management of the benthic habitats of the Reef system, this study integrates acoustic, seismic, grab sampling and video ground-truthing methods for benthic habitat discrimination. Orientation of the scour hollows also suggest that seabed features could be used to infer dominant flow regimes such as the Irish Sea Gyre. The data revealed significant geology–benthos relationships. A unique biotope was described for the reef habitat and it was demonstrated that scouring may influence community composition through disturbance mechanisms. This study provides preliminary information required for management of a unique habitat within a uniform region.  相似文献   

It is known that the structure of benthic macrophyte and invertebrate habitats indicate the quality of coastal water. Thus, a large-scale analysis of the spatial patterns of coastal marine habitats makes it possible to adequately estimate the status of valuable coastal marine habitats, provide better evidence for environmental changes, and describe the processes behind the changes. Knowing the spatial distribution of benthic habitats is also important from the coastal management point of view. Our previous results clearly demonstrated that remote sensing methods can be used to map water depth and distribution of taxonomic groups of benthic algae (e.g., red, green, and brown algae) in the optically complex coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. We have as well shown that benthic habitat mapping should be done at high spatial resolution owing to the small-scale heterogeneity of such habitats in Estonian coastal waters. Here we tested the capability of high spatial resolution hyperspectral airborne image in its application for mapping benthic habitats. A big challenge is to define appropriate mapping classes that are also meaningful from the ecological point of view. In this study two benthic habitat classification schemes??broader level and finer level??were defined for the study area. The broader level classes were relatively well classified, but discrimination among the units of the finer classification scheme posed a considerable challenge and required a careful approach. Benthic habitat classification provided the highest accuracy in the case of the Spectral Angle Mapper classification method applied to a radiometrically corrected image. Further processing levels, such as spatial filtering and glint correction, decreased the classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Gettysburg and Ormonde are two shallow peaks located on the Gorringe seamount about 200 and 240 km WSW off Cape St. Vincent (Portugal, NE Atlantic), within the Portuguese Economic Exclusive Zone. Despite the ecological importance of the biological assemblages on these peaks and the need to preserve seamounts as valuable habitats, no management plans have been yet implemented at this site, which only recently has been included in the list of Sites of Community Importance of Portugal. Video imagery collected using a ROV during the 2011 Oceana campaigns was used here to analyse qualitative and quantitative patterns of benthic assemblage composition at the summit of the seamount (between 30 and 230 m depth). The results suggest that Ormonde is a biologically important area made up of vulnerable marine ecosystem elements that change significantly with depth. These include: kelp beds, in the euphotic zone; encrusting coralline algal communities and solitary colonies or mixed associations of suspension‐feeders (scleractinians, gorgonians, antipatharians, encrusting demosponges and ascidians), at the lower limit of the euphotic zone; mixed coral gardens and erect sponges, in the disphotic zone; and dense sponge aggregations, on the upper slope. These results were further used to propose amendments to the European Nature Information System habitat classification as a tool to work towards resolving the seamounts management issue. The results also provide information on taxa and habitats with high ecological value and classified as threatened or vulnerable, which is essential for the implementation of the cornerstones of Europe's biodiversity conservation policy, namely the OSPAR Convention and the EU Habitats Directive.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages that included known predators of benthic crustaceans were compared between kelp and barren habitats in northeastern New Zealand using baited underwater video census methods. The benthic-feeding fish were observed in winter, spring/summer and autumn, as well as during night-time in spring/summer. Overall, the fish assemblages varied between barren and kelp habitat, being most marked in winter. Individual benthic-feeding species, such as grey mao mao (Scorpis lineolatus) and leatherjacket (Meuschenia scaber) were associated with barren habitat, while the spotted wrasse (Notolabrus celidotus) was more strongly associated with kelp habitat. The results suggest that changes in habitats on coastal reefs affect populations of species that are benthic predators, which may in turn influence the distribution and abundance of their prey species, such as juvenile spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

Tropical shallow-water habitats such as mangroves and seagrass beds are widely acknowledged as important juvenile habitats for various coral reef fish species, most of which are commercially important to fisheries. Spatio-temporal variability in ontogenetic habitat use by fish among these tropical coastal ecosystems has rarely been investigated, yet there are sufficient reasons to believe that this plays an important role. In the present study, we test the spatio-temporal variability in patterns of ontogenetic habitat use by some mangrove/seagrass-associated coral reef fishes (Lethrinus harak, Lethrinus lentjan, Lutjanus fulviflamma and Siganus sutor). Abundances of these four species were investigated during two years in Tanzanian coastal waters, using underwater visual census in mangrove, seagrass, shallow and deep mudflat, and shallow and deep coral reef habitats. The study covered four distinct seasons of the year and was done at two spatially separated (>40 km) locations. Averaged across locations, seasons and years, juveniles (≤10 cm length) of the four study species had significantly higher relative densities in shallow-water (mangroves and seagrass beds) than in deep-water habitats (deep mudflats or coral reefs), whereas the opposite pattern was found for the adults (>15 cm). These findings suggest a strong and general pattern of ontogenetic habitat shifts from shallow- to deep-water habitats. However, specific habitat-use patterns of juveniles as well as adults differed significantly in time and space. Various species showed subtle to considerable flexibility in juvenile as well as adult habitat use across seasons, years, or at different locations. Furthermore, for some species the data suggest presence of ontogenetic habitat shifts at one location but lack thereof at the other location. In summary, ontogenetic habitat use needs to be considered at various spatial and temporal scales for the interpretation of habitat utilization by fish during different life stages. This is important for conservation and management of these habitats, as essential habitats or seasons may be ignored or over-emphasized with respect to their importance for fish during different parts of their life cycle.  相似文献   

The spread of human activities into the deep sea may pose a high risk to benthic communities and affect ecosystem integrity. The deep sea is characterized by physical and biological heterogeneity and different habitat types are likely to differ in their vulnerability to anthropogenic impacts. However, across‐habitat comparisons are rare, and no comprehensive ecological risk assessment has yet been developed. To address this gap in our knowledge, we compared macro‐infaunal community structure in four habitats (slope, canyons, seamounts and methane seeps) at depths between 700 and 1500 m in the Hikurangi Margin and Bay of Plenty regions off New Zealand. The most striking contrast in community structure was between the two study regions, due to an order of magnitude difference in macro‐infaunal abundance that we believe was caused by differences in surface productivity and food availability at the sea bed. We found differences in structural and functional attributes of macro‐infaunal communities among some habitats in the Hikurangi Margin (slope, canyon and seep), but not in the Bay of Plenty. We posit that differences between canyon and slope communities on the Hikurangi Margin are due to enhanced food availability inside canyons compared with adjacent slope habitats. Seep communities were characterized by elevated abundance of both symbiont‐bearing and heterotrophic taxa, and were the most distinct, and variable, among the habitats that we considered on the Hikurangi Margin. Communities of seamounts were not distinct from slope or canyon communities on the Hikurangi Margin, probably reflecting similar environmental conditions in these habitats. The communities of deep‐sea canyon and seep habitats on the Hikurangi Margin were sufficiently dissimilar from each other and from slope habitats to warrant separate management consideration. By contrast, the low dissimilarity between communities of canyon and slope habitats in the Bay of Plenty suggests that habitat‐based management is not required in this region, for macro‐infauna at least. Although the two study regions share similar species pools, populations of the Hikurangi Margin region may be less vulnerable than the sparser populations of the Bay of Plenty due to the higher availability of potential colonizers and faster population growth. Thus regions, and habitats in some regions, should be subject to separate ecological risk assessment to help identify the key risks and consequences of human activities, and to inform options for reducing or mitigating impacts.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(9-10):696-705
Coral Cay Conservation, a United Kingdom-based not-for-profit organization, operates using teams of international volunteers to conduct coral reef and tropical marine resource assessments in order to provide a baseline of data to facilitate marine resource management. This modus operandi provides the resources necessary to conduct a detailed study at minimal cost to the host country partners.This paper introduces a technique of data analysis to define the conservation value of the shallow (<30 m) tropical coastal environment. All data initially undergoes multivariate analysis to define discrete benthic habitat classes using the methods described by Mumby and Harborne [Development of a systematic classification scheme of marine habitats to facilitate regional management and mapping of Caribbean coral reefs. Biological Conservation 1999;88:155–63]. Subsequent analysis of benthic and reef fish data in terms of biodiversity and reef health indices allows spatial comparison of sites of differing conservation value and the geographic delineation of areas suitable for Marine Protected Area status.  相似文献   

Certain biodiversity patterns on coral reefs are generally consistent but we still lack fundamental insight into how assemblages vary across spatially heterogeneous reef systems. We compared fish, coral, and sponge assemblages across a symmetrical physiographical gradient (windward forereef, lagoon patch reef, leeward forereef) of the Glover's Reef atoll, Belize. Species richness of fishes and corals was highest in the deep habitat (15 m) on the windward forereef. Sponges were diverse and abundant on both deep windward and leeward forereefs but not on the exposed shallow (5 m) windward forereef. Fish and benthic assemblages were relatively distinct in each reef zone, with the lagoon patch reef communities consisting of a combination of leeward and windward species. Nevertheless, there were no clear patterns in community similarity matrices of fish and benthic assemblages, suggesting that overall coral and sponge assemblages had weak or no direct association with patterns in fish assemblages. A closer examination of fish trophic groups indicated that planktivores and predators were predictably associated with depth, whereas herbivores were associated with shallow protected reefs. None was specifically associated with spatial location along the atoll gradient. These patterns of diversity distribution are important for identifying spatial conservation priorities. A Marine Protected Area (MPA) at Glover's Reef encompasses substantial windward forereef and patch reef habitats. A much lesser extent of protection is afforded the leeward forereef that supports faunal assemblages that are unique and productive, if not as diverse as the windward forereef. Isolated coral atolls can serve as ideal systems to study spatial heterogeneity and biodiversity patterns, but more experimental studies are needed to reveal the mechanistic processes underlying these patterns.  相似文献   

Underwater acoustic technologies may be used for remote sensing of estuarine and coastal benthic habitat in addition to more traditional methods of assessing the seabed. These systems use reflected sound energy to identify surface objects, texture, and subbottom density discontinuities, and to classify benthic habitat. We evaluated the ability of subbottom profiling systems, side scan sonar, and acoustic seabed classification systems (ASCS) to assess oyster habitat in the Chesapeake Bay. Our criteria were the systems' abilities to assess the quality and quantity of oyster shell resources and to integrate with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology for the charting of the seabed. Although all systems examined have previously been used for benthic habitat assessment, we found that ASCS offered the most promise as a stand alone system for mapping complex and heterogeneous habitat typical of oyster bottoms. The results from this study suggest that ASCS technology is highly suited for the identification and charting of oyster shell as well as distinguishing among different combinations of shell and fine sediments. Such systems also offer excellent linkage with GIS display and analysis capability.  相似文献   

An important component of science-based fisheries policy is the provision of habitat adequate for population renewal. In Canada, the Fisheries Act pays little attention to managing fish habitat, and was further weakened by changes enacted in 2012. Specifically, determining the role of fish habitat in contributing to fisheries and fish stock recovery is challenging when many stocks have severely declined and no longer occupy former habitats. This study compared the abundance of juvenile fish in coastal vegetated habitats before and after collapse or decline of groundfish stocks in Atlantic Canada. This comparison was done by compiling past studies that surveyed juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and pollock (Pollachius virens) in vegetated habitats across three provinces. Two studies were repeated, and one that already had post-collapse data was analyzed to quantify long-term changes in juvenile abundance. In all three cases substantial reduction in juvenile abundance coincided with declines in adult stocks. However, juvenile fish still occur in coastal habitats and could aid in adult stock recovery. The current version of the Canadian Fisheries Act requires presence of an ongoing fishery to trigger habitat protection. This is problematic as low fish abundance may lead to lowered habitat protection and potentially habitat degradation, with less or lesser-quality habitat for fish in the future. Thus, recommendations are made to repeal the 2012 Fisheries Act changes and enhance current fish habitat legislation. Using a precautionary approach for coastal fish habitat management, particularly in valuing its potential for fish stock recovery, would strengthen Canadian fisheries management.  相似文献   

Anthropogenically induced changes to estuaries, including shifts from seagrass to macroalgae-dominated habitats, have led to concerns about the ability of estuaries to support fish and invertebrates. To assess differences in habitat quality of seagrass and macroalgae, we examined faunal community structure and consumer carbon assimilation in adjacent areas of seagrass, macroalgae, and bare sediments in Sage Lot Pond, Waquoit Bay, MA. Vegetation was an important factor controlling abundances, and both seagrass and macroalgae provided suitable habitat for a range of benthic fauna. Differences in consumption and assimilation of carbon of seagrass and macroalgal origin were demonstrated by shifts in δ13C values of consumers between the seagrass meadow and adjacent macroalgal mats. Overall, consumers generally reflected incorporation of carbon from the dominant producers in the habitat where they were collected although macroalgae was an important carbon source for organisms in this study. These results revealed differences in carbon flow from producers to consumers across very small spatial scales (<10 m) within an estuary.  相似文献   

Proponents of catch share-based fisheries have claimed ecological stewardship can result from the assignment of individual catch quotas. This claim is examined by analyzing the distribution of benthic habitat protection measures adopted by quota-owning industry sectors within the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of the U.S. (Alaska), New Zealand, and high seas seamounts within the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association (SIODFA) competence area. Results suggest the protection of both benthic ecosystems and essential fish habitat (EFH) are marginal at best when quota owners have primacy in determining the boundaries of bottom trawl closures. The majority of the areas in these three regions that are closed to trawling are too deep to fish, may not contain vulnerable marine ecosystems, and do not have high abundances of commercially important species. “Freezing the footprint” of bottom trawling is not the best method for benthic habitat protection in areas where the fishing industry is actively fishing vulnerable habitats. Analytical methods should be applied to help determine boundaries of future bottom trawl closures rather than allowing the fishing industry to place benthic protection areas (BPAs) in areas where they are not interested in fishing.  相似文献   

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