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The abundance and distribution of microphytobenthic pigments determined by HPLC (chlorophylls and carotenoids) were compared between muddy and sandy sediments of the Tagus estuary (Portugal). In the two types of sediment, with similar periods of illuminated emersion, chlorophyll a concentrations on a per area basis (mg m−2) were comparable (down to 2 mm). Pigment analysis also revealed similar microphytobenthic communities in terms of algal classes. Diatoms were the dominant microalgae, but cyanophytes, euglenophytes and phanerogam debris were also present. For both muddy and sandy sediments, microphytobenthic biomass showed a high level of variability both within and between two consecutive years. Microphytobenthos was highly stratified in the mud, with most of the chlorophyll a occurring in the top 500 μm. In the sand, relatively constant concentrations were found throughout the sediment profile down to 3 mm. This is probably related to deeper light penetration in sandy sediment and/or increased physical mixing caused by invertebrate activity or overlying currents, leading to the burial of an important fraction of the microphytobenthic cells. Differences observed in the intensity of sediment coloration of muddy and sandy sediments might have resulted from the different vertical distribution of benthic biomass.  相似文献   

In this work we evaluated the vertical distribution pattern of benthic infauna during the tidal cycle at one of the most important mudflats of the Tagus estuary. Samples were collected hourly during 24 h periods at four complete tidal cycles, using a corer specifically designed for the study purpose that allowed easy and effective separation of 15 different sediment layers. A particular case of general linear models, the hurdle model, was used to analyse data sets. We found that different species have different distribution and abundance according to sediment layers. Results showed that individuals tend to go deeper into sediment with a lower water column height and that these migrations are more visible during spring tides.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(2):205-214
Biomass and phytoplankton photosynthetic response were studied in the lower Tagus estuary weekly, and related to environmental conditions in February, March and April 1994. The Photosynthesis-Irradiance (PBI) relation was studied based on the light-saturated photosynthesis rate (PBm) and the light-limited initial slope (aB). The nutrient concentrations observed were high enough to be considered as not limiting phytoplankton growth. Tagus estuary phytoplankton seems, to a certain extent, adapted to high turbid conditions, being able to utilize the low light levels more efficiently, which was translated by high values of aB [0.10–0.20 mg C (mg Chl a)−1 h−1 (W m−2)−1]; however, light seems to limit phytoplankton production in the water column.  相似文献   

Spawning grounds of the soles, Solea solea and Solea senegalensis, are distant from the estuarine nurseries where juveniles concentrate. Recruitment of these species is highly dependent on the success of the larval migration towards the inshore nursery grounds. Unfavourable climate and hydrodynamic circulation may lead to high mortality rates at this stage. The relation between river drainage, NAO index and the North-South wind component intensity over the three months prior to the end of the estuarine colonization and the densities of S. solea and S. senegalensis in the nursery grounds were investigated for both species based on a discontinuous historical dataset (from 1988 to 2006) for the Tagus estuary. Multiple linear regression models were developed for sole density and environmental data (separately for each species). Results showed that river drainage is positively correlated with juveniles’ densities of both species, possibly due to the existence of chemical cues used by larvae for movement orientation. NAO index and the North-South wind component intensity relations with soles densities were non-significant. It was concluded that the high complexity of the Portuguese upwelling system makes it hard to detect causal relations of the environmental variables tested. The importance of river flow for coastal ecosystems was stressed. Since climate change scenarios predict a strong decrease in rain fall over the Portuguese river basins, as well as a concentrated period of heavy rain in winter, it was hypothesised that future river drainage decrease over much of the year may lead to lower recruitment success for soles, especially for S. senegalensis.  相似文献   

In this work, we analyze environmental (physical and chemical) and biological (phytoplankton) data obtained along Tagus estuary during three surveys, carried out in productive period (May/June/July) at ebb tide. The main objective of this study was to identify the key environmental factors affecting phytoplankton structure in the estuary. BIOENV analysis revealed that, in study period, temperature, salinity, silicate and total phosphorus were the variables that best explained the phytoplankton spatial pattern in the estuary (Spearman correlation, rho=0.803). A generalized linear model (GLM) also identified salinity, silicate and phosphate as having a high explanatory power (63%) of phytoplankton abundance. These selected nutrients appear to be consistent with the requirements of the dominant phytoplankton group, Baccilariophyceae. Apparently, phytoplankton community is adapted to fluctuations in light intensity, as suspended particulate matter did not come out as a key factor in shaping phytoplankton structure along Tagus estuary.  相似文献   

The distribution of Solea solea and Solea senegalensis in the Tagus estuary was studied following a small-scale approach. Preliminary sampling revealed that sole concentrated in two areas within their nursery grounds, the main subtidal channel and a large intertidal mudflat. Beam trawls were conducted intensively in the two areas in July 2006. Depth, salinity and water temperature were measured. Substrate samples were collected for sediment type determination and macrobenthos identification and quantification. Generalized linear models were applied in order to explain the occurrence and variability of soles' densities, using depth, salinity, water temperature and abundance of polychaetes, oligochaetes, amphipods, isopods and bivalves as explanatory variables. While S. solea was more abundant in the main subtidal channel, a deeper, warmer and lower salinity area, S. senegalensis abundance was highest at the intertidal mudflat area. Presence of both species in the two areas was associated with abundance of polychaetes (generally with another variable associated), and for S. senegalensis in the subtidal channel it was associated with amphipods and depth. Abundance of S. solea in the main subtidal channel was associated mainly with polychaetes abundance, while that of S. senegalensis was associated with amphipods density. In the intertidal mudflat, bivalves and polychaetes presented significant relationships with both species densities. Some of the factors that had been reported to be important for the distribution of these species in previous studies also do so at a finer scale; however, this small-scale approach provided an in-depth knowledge on habitat selection and spatial segregation of these species within this nursery area.  相似文献   

Denitrification influences the nitrogen budget in estuaries by removing fixed nitrogen from the inorganic pool; rates are dependent on both geological and geographic conditions as well as increasing anthropogenic impacts. In this study the effects of copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), on the denitrification pathway were evaluated in subtidal and intertidal sediments of the Douro River estuary. Dinitrogen, N2O and NO2 production rates were measured in triplicate slurries of field samples under different treatments of metal concentrations. Results demonstrated that similar metal amendments led to different site responses for denitrification, suggesting that variations in sediment properties (metal concentrations, grain size, organic matter content, etc.) and/or differences in denitrifying community tolerance modulate the level of metal toxicity. Denitrifying communities in subtidal muddy sediments were not affected by increasing concentrations of metals. In contrast, intertidal sandy sites revealed high sensitivity to almost all trace metals tested; almost complete inhibition by Cr (95%) and Cu (85%) was observed for 98 and 79 μg per gram of wet sediment respectively, and by Zn (92%) at the highest concentration added (490 μg per gram of wet sediment). Moreover, the addition of trace metals stimulated N2O and NO2 accumulation in intertidal sandy (Zn, Cu, Cr and Cd) and muddy sediments (Cu and Zn), demonstrating a pronounced inhibitory effect on specific steps within the denitrification enzymatic system. In summary, the results obtained suggest that, according to the type of estuarine sediment, trace metals cannot only reduce total N removal from an estuary via denitrification but also can enhance the release of N2O, a powerful greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

To explore the influences of semi-lunar spring and neap tidal changes on nitrogen cycling in intertidal sediments, a comparative study among waterlogged, desiccated and reflooded systems was carried out in August 2005 and February 2006 by analyzing nitrification, denitrification and N2O depth profiles in the intertidal flats of the Yangtze estuary. Laboratory experiments showed that alternating emersion and inundation resulted in the significant changes in nitrification and denitrification rates in the intertidal sediment systems. Due to the desiccation-related effects, lowest nitrification and denitrification rates were observed in the desiccated sediment cores. Highest nitrification and denitrification rates were however detected in the waterlogged and reflooded systems, respectively. It is hypothesized that the highest nitrification rates in the waterlogged sediments were mainly attributed to higher nitrifier numbers and NH4+ being more available, whereas the availability of NO3 might dominate denitrification in the reflooded sediments. In addition, the highest N2O concentrations were detected in the reflooded sediment cores, and the lowest found in the dried sediment cores. It was also shown that N2O in the intertidal sediments was mainly from nitrification under the desiccated condition. In contrast, N2O in the intertidal sediments was produced mainly via denitrification under the waterlogged and reflooded conditions. It is therefore concluded that the semi-lunar tidal cycle has a significant influence on nitrification, denitrification and N2O production in the intertidal sediment systems.  相似文献   

河口潮滩沉积物磷的季节性累积和生物有效性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对长江口潮滩表层沉积生磷的赋存形态和含量的研究表明,碎屑态磷为沉积物中磷的主要形态,约占总磷的62.52%;铁结合态磷和有机磷次之,分别占总磷的18.06%和14.69%;自生磷灰石加钙结合态磷和吸附态磷最少。综合研究区内的各种理化条件,指出弱吸附态磷、铁结合态磷和有机磷是长江口潮滩潜在生物可利用磷,约占总磷的33.16%,是导致水体富营养化的潜在因素。上覆水的盐度效应是影响沉积物铁结合态磷含量的关键性因子;而自生磷灰石加钙结合态磷的含量变化则与上覆水的温度、溶氧量及沉积物有机质的分解有关;有机磷在时间和空间尺度上都存在较大变化,主要与潮滩生物动态过程,即磷的再矿化有关。  相似文献   

The soles Solea solea and Solea senegalensis are marine flatfish that use coastal and estuarine nursery grounds, which generally present high food availability, refuge from predators and favourable conditions for rapid growth. Two important nursery grounds for these species juveniles have been identified in the Tagus estuary, one in the upper part of the estuary (nursery A) and another in the south bank (nursery B). While S. solea is only present at the uppermost nursery area, S. senegalensis is present at both nurseries. Although they are among the most important predators in these nursery grounds, there are no estimates on their food consumption or on the carrying capacity of the system for soles. The Elliott and Persson [1978. The estimation of daily rates of food consumption for fish. Journal of Animal Ecology 47, 977–993] model was used to estimate food consumption of both species juveniles in both nursery areas, taking into account gastric evacuation rates (previously determined) and 24 h sampling surveys, based on beam-trawl catches carried out every 3 h, in the summer of 1995. Monthly beam trawls were performed to determine sole densities over the summer. Density estimates and daily food consumption values were used to calculate total consumption over the summer period. Sediment samples were taken for the estimation of prey densities and total biomass in the nursery areas. Daily food consumption was lower for S. solea (0.030 g wet weight d−1) than for S. senegalensis (0.075 g wet weight d−1). It was concluded that thermal stress may be an important factor hindering S. solea's food consumption in the warmer months. Total consumption of S. solea over the summer (90 days) was estimated to be 97 kg (wet weight). Solea senegalensis total consumption in nursery A was estimated to be 103 kg, while in nursery B it was 528 kg. Total prey biomass estimated for nursery A was 300 tonnes, while for nursery B it was 58 tonnes. This suggests that food is not a limiting factor for sole in the Tagus estuary. However it was concluded that more in-depth studies into the food consumption of other species and prey availability are needed in order to determine the carrying capacity of this system for sole juveniles.  相似文献   

Tidal flushing of animal burrows in mangrove swamps provides an effective and important mechanism for transport of salt and other soluble substances. The burrows have complex morphologies consisting of multiple loops. Using established computational modelling techniques, burrow geometries were simulated from characteristic burrow dimensions and the effect of multiple loops on flushing is studied. The computational models show that flushing is enhanced in multiple-loop burrows as upper loops can be completely evacuated, increasing the volume of burrow water removed. The models indicate that there may be a depth limit to which flushing occurs in complex burrow structures. Periscope loops extend further than one characteristic loop depth and are shown to affect the flushing of burrows if the surface-water plume penetrates to their lower depth. Periscope loops with surface openings on the downstream side of the burrow, relative to the tidal inundation, most frequently experience this condition and thus have a great impact on burrow flushing. Field measurements of salinity agree with the hypothesis that there is a depth limit of flushing for complex burrows that is independent of burrow salinity, and suggest a value of 30–35 cm. The measurements also support the suggestion that significant flushing of burrows occurs within a single tidal event. An experiment considered the movement of animals across the interface created by low-salinity surface water and high-salinity burrow water after a partial flushing event. The motion enhances the effective diffusion coefficient of salt by a factor of at least 102, as compared with free diffusion of salt in water, resulting in a more even distribution of dissolved salt in the burrow water between tidal inundations. This distribution may lead to an increase in the depth to which flushing occurs during subsequent inundations.  相似文献   

A 24 hour time series survey was carried out during a spring tide (tidal range ca.2 m) of May 1995 on a tidal estuary in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, in the context of an integrated program planned to quantify the dynamics of biophilic elements (carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus) and the roles played by the macrobenthos on the processes. Three stations were set along a transect line of about 1.4 km, which linked the river to the rear to the innermost part of the subtidal zone. Every hour, at each station, measurements were made of surface water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration, and surface water was collected for the determination of nutrients [NH4 +−N, (NO3 +NO2 )−N, PO4 3−−P and Si (OH)4−Si]. During the ebb flow, riverine input of silicate and nitrate+nitrite significantly increased the concentrations of both the intertidal and the subtidal stations. Conversely, during the high tide, river nutrient concentrations were lowered by the mixing of fresh water with sea water. As a result, best (inverse) correlations were found at the river station for salinity against silicate (y=-2.9 Sal.+110.7,r 2=0.879) and nitrate+nitrite (y=-1.3 Sal.+48.4,r 2=0.796). In contrast, ammonium nitrogen concentrations were higher at intermediate salinities. Indeed, no significant correlation was found between salinity and ammonium. The effect of the macrobenthos, which is abundant on the intertidal flat, is discussed as a biological component that influences the processes of nutrient regeneration within the estuary. The effect of the tidal amplitude is an important one in determining the extent of the variations in nutrient concentrations at all three stations, which were stronger between the lower low tide and the higher high tide.  相似文献   

The effect of the flood water salinity on the mobility of heavy metals was studied for intertidal sediments of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium). Soils and sediments of 4 sampling sites were flooded with water of different salinities (0.5, 2.5, and 5 g NaCl L−1). Metal concentrations were monitored in pore water and surface water. To study the potential effects of flood water salinity on metal bioavailability, duckweed (Lemna minor) was grown in the surface water. The salinity was found to primarily enhance the mobility of Cd and its uptake by duckweed. Cadmium concentrations in pore water of soils and sediments and surrounding surface waters significantly exceeded sanitation thresholds and quality standards during flooding of initially oxidized sediments. Moreover, the effect was observed already at lower salinities of 0.5 g NaCl L−1. This implies that risks related to Cd uptake by organisms and Cd leaching to ground water are relevant when constructing flooding areas in the brackish zones of estuaries. These risks can be reduced by inducing sulphide precipitation because Cd is then immobilised as sulphide and its mobility becomes independent of flood water salinity. This could be achieved by permanently flooding the polluted sediments, because sulphates are sufficiently available in the river water of the brackish part of the estuary.  相似文献   

A tide circulation model of the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula has been constructed. This regional numerical model covers the whole continental shelf. The finite element computational grid is made of some 16,300 triangular elements with sizes ranging between 13 km (on the offshore boundary) and 1 km (near the coast), with local refinements on the continental shelf and in the area of Figueira da Foz. This site was selected as experimental site for the study of waves and currents in the frame of the MAST2/WAVEMOD research project.Boundary conditions along the three oceanic limits of this widely open domain are obtained from the North-Atlantic component of a World Ocean tidal numerical model known as FES94 [Le Provost, C., Genco, M.L., Lyard, F., Vincent, P. and Canceil, P. (1994) Spectroscopy of the world ocean tides from a finite element hydrodynamic model, Journal of Geophysical Research, Topex-Poseidon Special Issue]. A new radiation-like boundary condition has been introduced in the modelling system used (Telemac-2D), which solves the Shallow Water Equations (SWE), in order to interface the two models and to allow for the tidal wave to leave the northern limit without reflection. Model calibration has been performed on the dominating M2 constituent. The introduction of the astral static potential generating the tide in the SWE improved this regional model.A long duration run (1 month) has been performed, the model being forced by the eight major tide constituents. Harmonic analysis of results has been performed on 17 tide constituents, due to non-linear interactions of constituents on the continental shelf. Comparisons with the FES94 model on one hand, and with a set of coastal tide gauges on the other hand, are good. A database of tidal harmonics is now available for forecasting sea levels and currents in this area.This work has shown that diurnal shelf trapped tide waves exist in some places along the Portuguese continental shelf, which induce diurnal dominant tidal currents in these places (North of Figueira da Foz).  相似文献   

Concentrations of mercury were determined for the waters, suspended matter and sediments of the Tagus and of major French estuaries.The Tagus estuary is one of the most contaminated by mercury derived from the outfalls of a chloralkali plant and from other industrial sources. In deposited sediments the median level, 1·0 μg Hg g?1, is twenty times higher than the natural background and Hg contents depend on the sediment grain-size, age and the distance from waste-outfalls. Suspended matter is more regularly and highly contaminated (median value: 4·5 μg Hg g?1). In the French estuaries Hg levels in the suspended material decrease with salinity due to dilution and/or remobilization processes. In June 1982, in the Loire estuary, high values of Hg are observed in the middle estuary and attributed to urban and industrial sources.In the Tagus estuary, the general distribution of total dissolved Hg confirms the contamination: it increases seaward from 10 ng 1?1 in the river to 80 ng 1?1 in the estuary outlet. The dissolved Hg is almost totally organic in the river, inorganic in the middle estuary due to inorganic Hg effluents and again organic in the lower estuary. This variation is related to the dissolved organic carbon values. The dissolved Hg levels in the Loire Estuary (5–300 ng 1?1) are much higher than in the Gironde estuary (3–6 ng 1?1) and of the same order as those observed in the Tagus estuary.  相似文献   

强人类活动(如航道疏浚)和自然气候变化(如海平面上升)对近岸河口环境不同影响的辨识是目前河口海岸学研究的热点和难点问题。在地形概化和动力简化条件下, 解析模型能够快速辨识强人类活动和自然气候变化对河口环境的影响, 它是探讨河口动力过程对外界干扰的响应机制的重要工具。本文基于前人对葡萄牙Guadiana河口不同分潮之间非线性相互作用的研究, 采用一维水动力解析模型探讨河口不同分潮潮波传播过程对水深变化(模拟航道疏浚和河道淤积过程)的响应机制。研究结果表明: 平均水深$\overline{h}$的变化影响无量纲河口地形参数γ和摩擦参数χ, 进一步影响河口动力参数包括潮波振幅参数ζ、流速振幅参数μ、波速参数λ、潮波振幅增大/衰减率参数δ以及流速与水位之间的相位差?等; 平均水深变化对河口中下游段(x=0~60km)的潮汐动力影响较大, 而对河口上游段(x=60~78km)影响较弱; 主要半日分潮(M2、S2、N2)对水深变化的响应略大于全日分潮(K1、O1); 航道疏浚幅度小于2m时, 对河口潮汐动力格局影响不大, 而当疏浚幅度大于2m时, 将对河口潮汐动力格局及水环境(如盐水入侵等)产生较大影响; 河道淤积将导致潮汐动力减弱, 流速振幅、潮波振幅及传播速度减小, 流速和水位之间的相位差也减小。  相似文献   

Independent evidence of changes in sea level and tidal range in the Bay of Fundy during the last 9000 years is used to evaluate the lithologies in 17 cores from the sublittoral part of Chignecto Bay. The composite tidal sequence identified is complex because of changes from microtidal through mesotidal to macrotidal conditions associated with changing water depths. Despite the complex stratigraphy, lithology correlates well with the depositional environment on a bed-by-bed basis. We postulate that such variations in tidal range are important to the interpretation of tidalite deposits from the geologic record.  相似文献   

为研究防潮闸启闭与跨水工程建设对河口地区水流泥沙运动状态的影响,以河口近闸跨水工程为背景,建立了以Godunov格式有限体积法为基础的二维浅水流动数学模型和基于固液二相流理论的二维水流泥沙数学模型,并以实测资料进行必要验证,结果较为吻合。在此基础上,建立了永定新河河口区域二维水沙数值模型,将该模型应用于滨海新区Z4线一期跨河工程段的水沙分析,并对工程建设后永定新河河口水流泥沙运动的变化趋势进行预报。结果表明永定新河河口二维全沙模型较为可靠,可为河口近闸跨水工程的相关分析提供研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

Observations of the spatial distribution of salinity and tidal salinity fluctuations along the length of the Fleet are presented and different structures are identified with different freshwater runoff conditions. The salinity distribution appears to be the result of a balance between weak tidal flushing and a small freshwater input. A tidal exchange box model is developed to represent this weak balance and is able to reproduce the semidiurnal, fortnightly and seasonal fluctuations of salinity. By use of the tuned model, estimates are made of the flushing times of different segments of the lagoon, the distribution of water from particular stream inputs, and hence their polluting potential, and the likely effect on the salinity structure of changes in the tidal regime which could result from sediment deposition.  相似文献   

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