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The Benthic Boundary Layer (BBL) assemblages from the Cap-Ferret Canyon (Bay of Biscay) were quantitatively sampled at two sites located within its main channel near mooring deployments (Mooring Sites MS 1: ca. 2400 m; MS 2: ca. 3000 m) with a suprabenthic sled equipped with four nets fishing at different heights above the bottom. The macrofaunal abundance above the sea-floor was mainly represented by Isopoda (42.2%), Amphipoda (19.0%), Euphausiacea (17.3%), Cumacea (13.5%), Mysidacea (2.8%) and Tanaidacea (2.6%). At both sampling sites, the highest total densities were generally recorded in the immediate vicinity of the sea floor (10–40 cm water layer), and a drastic decrease occurred higher in the BBL community. The BBL assemblages from the two sampling sites were similar in their faunal composition (major taxa), and their mean density estimates were not statistically different (MS 1 : 525.3 ind. 100 m−2; MS 2 : 283.3 ind. m−2) although the recorded values during each cruise were always lower at the deeper site. The BBL macrofauna abundance showed obvious temporal fluctuations at both sites, probably linked with a seasonal organic input from the euphotic zone (vertical flux) via phytodetritus deposition on the sea bottom.  相似文献   

The effects of the invasive species Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (hereafter C. racemosa) on amphipod assemblages associated with shallow-water rocky habitats were studied. Two habitats located along the SE Iberian Peninsula were compared; invaded and non-invaded. The results showed that growth of C. racemosa affects habitat structure, influencing the species composition and biomass of macroalgae, and detritus accumulation. In turn, such changes in habitat features affected the associated amphipod assemblages with different ecological requirements. However, the species richness of amphipods was relatively high in both habitats, while the species composition of amphipods changed completely. For example, some species such as Ampithoe ramondi and Hyale schmidti did not colonize invaded habitats, while others such as Apocorophium acutum were favoured by the spread of C. racemosa. Habitat invasion by C. racemosa can have an important influence on biotic assemblages, modifying both habitat structure and the associated fauna, with unknown effects on the overall ecosystem.  相似文献   

海洋绿藻长茎葡萄蕨藻(Caulerpa lentillifera,又名海葡萄)因具有较高经济和生态价值而备受关注,光照和温度变化均会改变长茎葡萄蕨藻生理代谢,最终影响其经济价值和生态功能。文章比较研究不同生长光强下(40、80、120和160μmol·photons·m–2·s–1)长茎葡萄蕨藻不同部位,即直立枝和匍匐枝的生理和生化特征,以及其对升温(+3℃、+6℃和+9℃)的响应。结果显示,光强由40升至120μmol·photons·m–2·s–1时对长茎葡萄蕨藻相对生长率(RGR)的影响不显著,但是光强升至160μmol·photons·m–2·s–1时可使RGR降低49%。弱光下(40μmol·photons·m–2·s–1)直立枝的叶绿素(Chl a)和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量为匍匐枝的1.52和1.49倍;直立枝的Chla和Car含量随生长光强升高而降低,匍匐枝随光强升高而升高,二者蛋白含量则均随光强...  相似文献   

Controlled by climate changes, there were three large-scale transgressions and regressions around the Bohai Sea during the late Quaternary, which were accepted by most geologists. However, a big controversy still exists about the time when the transgressions occurred separately. In order to find out the process of the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary, the foraminifera assemblages from a new borehole Lz908 in the southern coast of the Laizhou Bay were studied, and then the transgressive strata were indentified. Combined with accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon 14C(AMS14C) and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages, the occurrence time of these transgressions were re-determined. The result showed that three major large-scale transgressions occurred separately at the beginning of marine isotopic stage 7(MIS7), the last interglacial period(MIS5) and the Holocene. In addition, a small-scale transgression occurred in the mid-MIS6, and the corresponding transgressive stratum was deposited. The transgressive deposition of MIS3 was also discovered in this study. However, the characteristics of the foraminifera indicated the environment during this period was colder than that in the MIS5. By comparison with the global sea-level changes, the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary can be consistent with the global climate changes.  相似文献   

The structure of the benthic macrofaunal assemblages of the estuarine portion of Paraguaçu River, NE, Brazil, and its relationship with surface sediment characteristics (trace metals, PAHs, nutrients and grain size) and physical variables were investigated at ten stations on two contrasting occasions, summer (dry season) and winter (rainy season). A total of 1258 individuals (632 in winter and 626 in summer) and 62 taxa representing polychaetes, crustaceans, bivalves, echinoderms, bryozoans, sponges, cnidarians and cephalochordates were collected. Benthic assemblages in the upper estuary were unlike those in the lower estuary and a clear substitution of benthic taxa along the estuary was observed. Macrofaunal invertebrates in the low salinity region, composed of coarse sediments, were dominated by tellinids, venerids (bivalves), cirolanids (isopods), cyclopoids (copepods), and nereidids (polychaetes). While the high salinity region, composed of fine sediments, were dominated by nuculids (bivalves), cirratulids (polychaetes), and by amphiurids (ophiuroids). The Paraguaçu estuarine system is not severely affected by anthropogenic activities. In the great majority of the study sites, concentrations of trace metals and PAHs in the sediments were near background values. Nutrients values were also low. We formulated new models of taxon distribution and suggested detailed studies on the effects of salinity variation and studies using functional approaches to better understand the processes causing the spatial patterns in tropical estuarine benthic assemblages.  相似文献   

泉州湾北岸潮间带大型底栖生物群落研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2014年9月和2015年5月,分别在泉州湾北岸布设3条潮间带断面进行大型底栖生物群落研究.共计采获潮间带大型底栖生物样品166种,其中泥沙滩有80种,岩相有96种.其中环节动物、软体动物和节肢动物有145种,构成该区域潮间带大型底栖生物的主要类群,调查的3条断面中,泥沙滩断面的平均栖息密度和生物量分别为133 ind./m~2和24.48 g/m~2,岩相断面的平均栖息密度和生物量分别为1 412 ind./m~2和958.78 g/m~2.数量垂直分布,泥沙滩断面和岩相断面平均栖息密度和生物量均以中潮区低潮区高潮区.数量季节变化,泥沙滩断面平均栖息密度和生物量均为春季(170 ind./m~2和32.04 g/m~2)大于秋季(96 ind./m~2和16.92g/m~2),岩相断面平均栖息密度为春季(1 360 ind./m~2)小于秋季(1 464 ind./m~2),而平均生物量为春季(1 122.83 g/m~2)大于秋季(794.75 g/m~2),数量季节变化显著.丰度/生物量曲线显示,泉州湾北岸潮间带大型底栖生物群落群落结构较为稳定,受到干扰较小.  相似文献   

于2007年4月至2008年3月对大亚湾大鹏澳海域表层沉积物中浮游植物休眠体进行了每月1次的周年调查.本调查分析鉴定出浮游植物休眠体79种,包括甲藻孢囊50种,硅藻休眠体26种.浮游植物休眠体丰度没有明显的季节变化规律,变化范围为217~6 764 cells/cm3,平均为1 376 cells/cm3;鱼类养殖区休眠体丰度较高,平均丰度为1 999 cells/cm3.浮游植物休眠体在数量上以硅藻为主,甲藻次之,而在鱼类养殖区也出现了较高的蓝藻休眠体.硅藻休眠体的平均丰度为783 cells/cm3,百分比含量为56.9%,从而反映了该海域硅藻型浮游植物群落结构.甲藻孢囊丰度的变化范围在79~1 237 cells/cm3,位于湾口对照区丰度较高,年平均为733 cells/cm3,而鱼类养殖区和贝类养殖区平均值分别为502、388 cells/cm3.异养型甲藻孢囊的种类和数量均比较丰富,其百分比含量为26.7%~82.4%.研究结果显示,在富营养化程度较高的养殖区海域,硅藻休眠体和异养型甲藻孢囊百分率均较高,而鱼类养殖区还出现了较高蓝藻孢子丰度.本次调查中还出现了易碎藻和艉杆藻等在本海域浮游植物调查中未记录种类的孢囊,有毒有害赤潮生物的休眠体如亚历山大藻、链状裸甲藻、旋沟藻、巴哈马梨甲藻孢囊等也在此次调查中频繁出现,说明大亚湾海域存在较大的有毒有害赤潮发生的风险.  相似文献   

对福建漳浦前湖湾潮间带两个钻孔岩心和表层沉积物中的有孔虫进行分析研究,有孔虫出现在钻孔最上部厚约2.46-2.96m的砂层中.根据群落优势种生态和非种特征判断,该段各样品有孔虫沉积环境均为近岸浅水环境,尽管其间海面有过3次上下波动变化.根据地层关系判断,其当为现代的产物.  相似文献   

Variations in benthic biodiversity owing to bottom trawling were studied in the inshore waters of Parangipettai (Lat.11°24′N; Long. 79°464′E) and Cuddalore (Lat. 11°434′N; Long. 79°494′E), India from February 2009 to January 2010. Four stations each in Parangipettai and Cuddalore were prepared and established. A total of 114 species in Parangipettai and 101 in Cuddalore were found. The population density showed a maximum (10,387 no. m-2) in Parangipettai in the sample collected before trawling and a minimum (40no. m?2) in Cuddalore in the samples collected after trawling. Among the faunal groups, polychaetes topped the list followed by other groups of organisms both in the samples before and after trawling. Shannon diversity varied from 2.23 to 4.24, 1.85 to 3.45; Margalef richness from 3.2 to 5.9, 2.57 to 4.25; Pielou’s evenness varied from 0.79 to 0.94, 0.81 to 0.88 in the samples collected before and after trawling respectively in Parangipettai. In Cuddalore waters, Shannon diversity ranged from 2.15 to 3.85, 1.92 to 3.15; Margalef richness from 2.95 to 5.2, 2.24 to 3.95 and Pielou’s evenness index from 0.84 to 0.91, 0.79 to 0.82 in the samples before and after trawling respectively. Multivariate methods also showed distinct variations in terms of species composition and abundance between regions and samples.  相似文献   

Analyses of the compositions of benthic foraminifera and sediment, observations of tidal level and salinity, and a geographic survey of the tidal salt marsh in Suncheon Bay were conducted to examine the vertical distribution of foraminifera and evaluate their potential use for sea level studies. The salt marsh is composed mainly of fine-grained silty clay sediment and its salinity is below approximately 11 psu. The tidal current flows in the southwest-tonortheast direction with an average velocity of 26.57 cm/s. A total of 33 species of foraminifera (17 agglutinated and 16 calcareoushyaline) belonging to 24 genera was identified. The species diversity (1.1 on average) was relatively low. Dominant species were Ammonia beccarii, Miliammina fusca, Haplophragmoides wilberti, and Jadammina macrescens. Calcareous foraminifera (29.5%) were dominantly represented by the Ammonia beccarii assemblage, which characterized the region between mean tide level and mean low high water (MLHW). Agglutinated species (70.5%) were represented mostly by Miliammina fusca, Miliammina fusca-Haplophragmoides wilberti, and Haplophragmoides wilberti assemblages, which characterized the MLHW–mean high water (MHW), MHW–mean highest high water (MHHW), and MHHW–Approx. highest high water tide levels, respectively. In particular, the Haplophragmoides wilberti assemblage is believed to represent the highest elevation zone of foraminifera in the salt marshes of Suncheon Bay and is considered to be a reliable indicator of sea level as a result of its narrow vertical range.  相似文献   

利用X射线衍射(XRD)对胶州湾150个站位表层沉积物的黏土矿物组成及含量进行分析,研究了胶州湾表层沉积物黏土矿物的分布特征及其物质来源。结果表明,胶州湾表层沉积物中黏土矿物组成主要是伊利石(65.1%)和蒙脱石(17.1%),其次是绿泥石(9.0%)和高岭石(8.8%)。在空间分布上,伊利石含量表现为西侧高、东侧低,高值区主要分布在大沽河、洋河口外两侧;蒙脱石含量高值区分布于胶州湾东北部、大沽河口东侧和湾口附近;绿泥石含量表现为东侧高、西侧低,且高值区整体呈条带状分布;高岭石含量表现为斑状分布,规律性不明显。黏土矿物物源分析表明,大沽河、洋河等入海河流所携带的陆源物质是胶州湾的主要物质来源,其中,大沽河是胶州湾沉积物中伊利石、蒙脱石和高岭石的主要物源,绿泥石则是大沽河、李村河及胶州湾东侧沿岸物质侵蚀风化产物共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This study compares the structure of Mediterranean macroalgal assemblages invaded by Caulerpa taxifolia and C. racemosa . Assemblages in areas colonized by the two algae and in reference areas were sampled and analyzed for 2 years. Significant differences were recorded both between reference and invaded areas and between areas invaded by different Caulerpa species. Macroalgal assemblages colonized by C. racemosa were more separated from references than those colonized by C. taxifolia . Differences between assemblages colonized by C. racemosa and the others decreased during the alga's period of vegetative rest and increased at the last sampling date. While erect and turf species showed similar patterns in invaded areas, covers of encrusting algae were lower in C. racemosa areas than in C. taxifolia areas.  相似文献   

利用XRD方法分析了三门湾表层沉积物中的黏土矿物组成和含量,结合沉积物粒径趋势分析及长江和三门湾流域中小河流的黏土矿物组合特征,开展了三门湾沉积物的来源分析。结果表明,三门湾表层沉积物中黏土矿物以伊利石为主,其次为高岭石和绿泥石,蒙脱石含量最低。其中,伊利石高值区位于海湾中部,高岭石和绿泥石高值区分布在港汊附近,蒙脱石则在近岸呈斑块状分布。三门湾现代表层沉积物主要来源于长江入海物质,海湾周边短源山溪性河流带来的物质仅影响了河口近岸区。  相似文献   

The aim was to determine the effects of alien algae feeding on biomarkers of oxidative stress in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Sea urchins were fed during three months with the native seagrass Posidonia oceanica, and the alien macroalgae Caulerpa racemosa and Lophocladia lallemandii and biochemical analysis were performed in the gonads. A control group was immediately processed after sampling from the sea. Antioxidant enzyme and glutathione S-transferase activities and GSH concentration were significantly higher in sea urchins fed with alien algae when compared with the control group and the one fed with P. oceanica group. This response was more intense in the group fed with L. lallemandii respect to the C. racemosa group. The concentration of MDA, protein carbonyl derivates and 8-OHdG reported no significant differences between treatments. In conclusion, the invasive algae C. racemosa and L. lallemandii induced an antioxidant response in P. lividus without evident oxidative damage.  相似文献   

为探讨泉州湾洛阳江口桐花树和秋茄2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物群落是否存在明显差异,于2011年4月至2012年1月对2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物进行了季度定量调查.结果表明:4个季度在2种红树林生境定量取样获得大型底栖动物49种,其中多毛类15种,腹足类8种,甲壳类15种,鱼类3种,昆虫2种,刺胞动物、扁形动物、纽形动物、星虫动物、寡毛类和双壳类各1种.寡鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys oligobranchia)、短拟沼螺(Assiminea brevicula)、弧边招潮蟹(Uca arcuata)、指海葵(Actinia sp.)等在2种生境均有较高的栖息密度,可口革囊星虫(Phascolosoma esculenta)是2种生境的常见种,但栖息密度不高.虽然秋茄生境的大型底栖动物平均生物量高于桐花树生境,但桐花树生境的大型底栖动物群落的物种数、栖息密度、多样性指数(H’)、均匀度指数(J)和丰富度指数(d)均高于秋茄生境.单变量双因素方差分析(Two-way ANOVA)表明,2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物群落的多样性指数和均匀度指数有显著的季节差异、生境差异以及生境×季节差异.聚类分析表明,2种红树林生境的大型底栖动物群落组成的相似性较高,其原因是它们所处的潮区相同、沉积物类型相似和底质粒径相近.  相似文献   

The introduced green alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea grows along a broad depth range (from very shallow to 60 m depth) in the Mediterranean basin. In the present work, the photoacclimation capacity of this invasive variety was investigated in summer, the season of its maximum spread. Natural populations from the Gulf of Naples (Italy) were analyzed for photoresponse on two scales of light variability: a spatial scale (at three stations along a depth gradient, from 0.3 to 20 m depth) and a temporal scale (on the shallowest meadow, from sunrise to sunset). These responses were studied through pigment analysis (with HPLC), and in situ measurements of photosynthetic parameters (with a Diving‐PAM fluorometer). Electron transport rate (ETR)–irradiance curve parameters showed acclimation along environmental gradients dominated by variation in irradiance. In the shallowest plants, the lack of a midday depression in both the maximum relative ETRs and the photosynthetic efficiency at sub‐saturating irradiance (α) pointed to a maintenance of energy conversion levels despite the protective lowering of light‐harvesting efficiency revealed by the trend in Fv/Fm. On the other side, variation of photosynthetic efficiency occurred with depth and buffered the effect of decreasing light on maximum photosynthetic rates. A previously undescribed xanthophyll cycle centred on lutein‐siphonaxanthin interconversion appeared to operate in the shallowest populations in addition to the violaxanthin/antheraxanthin/zeaxanthin cycle commonly occurring in Chlorophyta; this would further enhance phototolerance of the alga. A further role of siphonaxanthin is in the acclimation to low light of deep environments as indicated by its stronger increase from the surface to the deepest station with respect to siphonein and chlorophyll b.  相似文献   

The present study aims to evaluate if invasion of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea can affect both alpha and beta diversity in Mediterranean coastal system. The following hypotheses were tested: (i) measures of alpha diversity differ between invaded and non-invaded assemblages (ii) this pattern is consistent between different habitats, (iii) assemblages from habitats which are naturally very different tend to be more similar when invaded compared to non-invaded situations. Results showed that Mediterranean benthic assemblages invaded by C. racemosa var. cylindracea were characterized by lower values of alpha diversity than non-invaded assemblages; moreover, differences between deep (25 m) and shallow water (5m) assemblages appeared lower in invaded than in non-invaded areas, with a decrease of beta diversity. This homogenisation of habitats was related to a lack of several characteristic species and to a higher abundance of few opportunistic species in invaded areas, particularly turf-forming algae. Moreover, variability in taxa composition was lower in invaded than in non-invaded assemblages in both habitats.  相似文献   

The inner shelf waters off Southeastern Brazil are periodically enriched by bottom intrusions of the cold and nutrient‐rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW), which is transported offshore by the Brazil Current. This study examined the temporal contrasts in abundance and structure of pelagic copepod assemblages in a neritic station off Ubatuba, in relation to hydrography and phytoplankton biomass, to investigate the effects of SACW bottom intrusions on copepod population dynamics during three consecutive years. The water‐column characteristics shifted from a well‐mixed, more turbid and phytoplankton‐poor scenario during subsidence conditions to a stratified, less turbid and high Chl‐a concentration scenario during SACW bottom intrusions, leading to increased copepod diversity, abundance, and biomass. The rise in copepod diversity during SACW intrusions was related to the contribution of oceanic species in addition to coastal water species. The copepod community was numerically dominated by small‐sized species, such as Oncaea waldemari, Oithona plumifera, and clausocalanid and paracalanid copepodids, regardless of seasonality and SACW intrusions. Some large calanoid species contributed considerably to the total copepod biomass during intrusions. In addition to confirming that SACW seasonal intrusions play a key role in pelagic processes off Southeast Brazil, this study showed that the multiannual variability of SACW seasonal intrusions is important in regulating the structure and dynamics of copepod communities in this subtropical area.  相似文献   

通过对复州湾内湾附近8个不同深度的海底表层沉积物做硅藻分析、种群优势度进行计算,查明复州湾表层沉积硅藻的优势种主要包括Paralia sulcata、Coscinodiscus radiatus、C.excentrcus和Rhaphoneis surirella等9种.且优势度最高的3种硅藻P.sulcata、C.radiatus和C.excentrcus均为内湾指标种,与样品采集点的地貌位置相吻合.根据硅藻咸水种、半咸水种、淡水种占比的水平分布特征,对不同样品的硅藻组合、所处地貌位置与样品粒度的关系以及硅藻鉴定结果的聚类分析等进行了探讨.初步判明复州湾表层硅藻的组合主要受到夏季辽东湾向西南方向流动的沿岸流以及复州河与红沿河的河流的影响,另外不同的地貌部位和距离河口的远近也对硅藻组合产生较为明显的影响.  相似文献   

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