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格陵兰冰盖的消融及其对海平面上升的贡献成为国际上研究的热点。每年消融期,格陵兰冰盖表面消融,融水会导致冰面形成冰面湖、冰面河、注水冰裂隙等形态。格陵兰冰面融水规模庞大、结构复杂、变化迅速,区域气候模型难以准确模拟冰面融水分布,中等分辨率卫星影像难以反映冰面融水的时空变化。以PlanetScope为代表的CubeSat小卫星空间分辨率高达3 m,理想情况下重访周期可达1 d,这为精细化动态监测格陵兰冰面融水提供了可能。本研究利用PlanetScope高空间分辨率小卫星遥感影像提取格陵兰冰盖西南部典型流域冰面融水遥感信息,构建了针对PlanetScope遥感影像的冰面融水深度反演公式,对比了MAR v3.11区域气候模型模拟的融水径流量与遥感反演的融水体积。结果表明:在2019年7—8月,流域内冰面融水开放水体比率先上升后下降,在7月12日达到峰值8.7%;流域内冰面融水深度介于0.2~1.5 m之间,冰面湖最深(0.9 m±0.2 m),冰面河干流次之(0.6 m±0.1 m),冰面河支流最浅(0.5 m±0.1 m);遥感观测的开放水体比率、冰面融水体积与区域气候模型MAR模拟的融水日...  相似文献   

李雅  陆瑶  陆欣  李满春  杨康 《极地研究》2020,32(3):314-321
近年来格陵兰冰盖物质损失加速,冰面消融是造成冰盖物质损失的重要原因。每年消融期,西北格陵兰冰盖表面都会形成规模庞大、结构复杂的冰面水系,将大量冰面融水输送至冰盖边缘,汇集至冰前水系并最终进入大洋,显著影响冰盖物质平衡。然而,目前对西北格陵兰冰盖冰面水系与冰前水系的研究很少,冰面水系与冰前水系的形态结构特征尚不清楚。本研究选取2018年7—8月西北格陵兰盖英格尔菲尔德地区(面积4 624 km~2)12景10 m空间分辨率的Sentinel-2卫星遥感影像,增强河流横纵剖面特征,提取了西北格陵兰冰盖的冰面水系与冰前水系,并以水系密度与河流宽度为代表性指标,监测冰面水系与冰前水系动态变化。结果表明:在2018年消融期内,西北格陵兰冰盖形成了平行状的冰面水系和树枝状的冰前水系;冰面水系由低高程地区(800m)逐步向高高程地区(1000m)推进;流域出口附近冰前河河宽与冰面水系密度的变化具有较好的一致性,8月份的冰前水系新发育河宽较窄(10~30m)的冰前河,反映了冰面水系对冰前水系的供给作用。  相似文献   

冰面湖作为区域气候变化的灵敏指示器,对研究全球气候变化背景下南极冰冻圈的稳定性具有重要意义。本文基于2000—2019年区域气象数据、LandsatETM+/OLI影像与LIMA(LandsatImageMosaicof Antarctica)镶嵌影像,选取东南极的埃默里冰架和西南极的拉森A冰架作为研究区,采用归一化水体指数(Normalized Difference Water Index, NDWI)提取冰面湖面积信息,对冰面湖面积与气象数据开展遥相关分析,探索冰面湖与区域气候变化的联系。结果表明:埃默里冰面湖总面积较为稳定并有减小趋势,拉森A冰面湖总面积则呈增加趋势;冰面湖与气温和海温之间存在正向反馈特征;两个冰架区域的反馈特征规律明显不同,埃默里冰面湖面积受气温影响显著,但受海温影响并不明显,而拉森A冰面湖则对海温变化敏感,其面积与海温变化趋势一致。  相似文献   

南极冰盖表面冰面湖的形成和变化是衡量南极冰盖表面融化的重要指示器,对研究全球气候系统具有重要意义.本文利用Landsat和Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer(ASTER)光学数据,对2000—2017年间的东南极极记录冰川地区的冰...  相似文献   

基于多源遥感数据的玛纳斯河流域冰川物质平衡变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冰川物质平衡变化是连接气候和水资源的重要纽带,对河川径流有重要的调节功能。本文采用MOD11C3和TRMM 3B43等多源遥感数据驱动度日模型,模拟了2000—2016年玛纳斯河(简称玛河)流域冰川物质平衡过程,并分析了冰川融水对径流的补给规律。结果表明: ① 通过构建气温及降水反演模型能有效校正气象遥感原数据的精度,且经降尺度后能较精细刻画冰川区气候变化特征。冰川区年均气温和降水量分别为-7.57 ℃和410.71 mm,海拔4200 m处为气候变化剧烈地带,气温直减率以其为界上下分别为-0.03 ℃/100 m和-0.57 ℃/100 m,降水梯度分别为-2.66 mm/100 m和4.8 mm/100 m,海拔大于4700 m后降水又以5.17 mm/100 m递增。② 研究期内流域冰川持续呈负平衡状态,累积物质平衡达-9811.19 mm w.e.,年均物质平衡介于-464.85~-632.19 mm w.e.之间。垂向物质平衡在消融区和积累区分别以244.83 mm w.e./100 m、18.77 mm w.e./100 m递增。2000—2002年、2008—2010年冰川消融减缓,2002—2008年、2010—2016年消融加剧,其中2005—2009年期间冰川亏损最为强烈。③ 年内河川径流对冰川物质平衡变化响应强烈,尤以7月、8月物质平衡亏损最为严重占全年总量的75.4%,使得同期河川径流量占全年径流总量的55.1%。年际冰川融水补给率波动于19%~31%之间,可能是不同年份降水和积雪融水补给率差异较大所致。玛河与天山北坡其他河流冰川融水贡献率非常接近,也进一步证实了本研究物质平衡估算结果的可靠性。本研究可为其他流域冰川物质平衡研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

青藏高原分布着亚洲大陆最大的湖泊群,其湖泊变化对气候变化响应敏感。基于遥感数据的湖泊面积变化不足以反映外流湖对气候变化的响应,需借助湖泊水量平衡过程分析来进一步研究各补给要素的变化。本文利用2015年4月-11月然乌湖水文气象监测数据,通过建立流量—水位关系,依据连续的水位数据重建了观测期内然乌湖主要径流的水文过程线,并结合SRM模型分析了然乌湖的水量平衡过程及季节变化。结果表明,观测期内然乌湖入湖水量约为18.49×108 m3,其中冰川融水约为10.06×108 m3,冰川融水占然乌湖补给的54%以上,湖面降水、湖面蒸发对湖泊水量平衡过程影响微弱。流域降水对湖泊的补给具有明显的季节特征。春季受西风南支扰动影响,然乌湖地区降水量大,降水是春季然乌湖的主要补给源。夏季和早秋由于气温升高,冰川消融量大,冰川融水是湖泊补给的主控因素。在未来气候变暖的条件下,冰川融水将会在湖泊补给中占据更大比例,并可能使得流域内的冰湖水量增加,产生潜在灾害风险。  相似文献   

George VI Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and its northern margin marks the southern most latitudinal limit of recent ice shelf retreat. As part of a project to reconstruct the long-term (Holocene) history of George VI Ice Shelf we studied two epishelf lakes impounded by the ice shelf at Ablation Point, on the east coast of Alexander Island. These lakes, Moutonnée and Ablation, are stratified water bodies with a lower marine layer and an upper freshwater layer. To determine if their sediment records could be used to detect past changes in the presence or absence of the ice shelf it was necessary to describe their present-day limnology and sedimentology. We measured water column chemistry and sampled the water column and sediments of the lakes along vertical and horizontal transects. We analysed these samples for diatoms, stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, δ13CDIC, δ13Corg), geochemistry (TOC, TN, C/N ratios) and physical sedimentology (grain-size). This was supplemented by chemical and biological reference data from the catchments. Results showed that the water columns of both lakes are nutrient limited and deficient in phytoplankton. Benthic productivity is low and decreases with depth. Comparison of water column chemistry with an earlier survey shows a net increase in the thickness of the freshwater layer in Moutonnée Lake between 1973 and 2001, which could indicate that George VI Ice Shelf has thinned during this period. However, a similar trend was not observed in Ablation Lake (5 km to the north) and an alternative explanation is that the changes are a seasonal phenomena. Data from the surface sediment transects identified a number of proxies that respond to the present day stratification of the water column including diatom species composition, stable isotopes and geochemistry, particularly in Moutonnée Lake. Collectively these data have been used to develop a conceptual model for determining past ice shelf configuration in epishelf lakes. Specifically, periods of past ice shelf loss, and the removal of the ice dam, would see the present stratified epishelf lake replaced by a marine embayment. It is suggested that this change would leave a clear signature in the lake sediment record, notably the deposition of an exclusively marine biological assemblage, increased ice rafted debris and δ13Corg values that are indicative of marine derived organic matter. These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Amery冰架DEM及其海洋冰分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amery冰架是东南极最大的冰架。利用克里格插值法对Amery冰架地区的ICESat激光高度计数据进行空间插值,建立该地区的DEM。依据流体静力学平衡原理构建Amery冰架的冰厚度图,结合冰雷达测厚数据,获得了海洋冰的空间分布。结果显示Amery冰架下的海洋冰主要位于西北部,体积为2.38×1012m3,约占冰架总体积的5.6%,冰架最大厚度为230 m。  相似文献   

Knowledge about the Quarternary geology of the Australian sector of Antarctica is very incomplete. Scattered observations of glacial deposits in that area, made during the ANARE 6 expedition in 1987, indicate that the inland ice had formerly a considerably wider extension than today. The ice was more than 200 m thicker, probably of the order 1, 000m. This maximum stage cannot yet be dated, but conditions seem to favour a late Wisconsin-Weichselian maximum age. However, a much higher age cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

AgroupvelocityofseismiclovesurfaceaveandlithospherestructureinAntarcticPeninsulaTX@束沛镒@胡家富@滕吉文@张中杰@焦承民Agroupvelocityofseismiclove...  相似文献   

The Antarctic climate system involves many complex interactions between the atmosphere, oceans and ice and is sensitive to variations in these components. Ice shelves represent the ice–ocean–atmosphere interface of the Antarctic continent and are therefore very important indicators of climate change in the region. The Amery Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf in East Antarctica and has been the focus of many scientific research projects over the past 50 years. This paper presents a history of the use of spatial science techniques from basic survey equipment to satellite systems in Australian research projects based on the Amery Ice Shelf (and surrounding glaciers) since 1955. The application of these spatial data to projects based primarily in the fields of geodesy, glaciology, climatology, and oceanography has allowed the measurement and monitoring of the physical, dynamic and environmental characteristics of this large and remote region. This new information provides scientists with a better understanding of the ice shelf/ocean/atmosphere system allowing future monitoring to observe the effects of global climate change.  相似文献   

In this paper, the spreading way in the southern hemisphere that anomalous warm water piled in tropical eastern Pacific is analysed and then impact of El Nino on the variability of the Antarctic sea ice extent is investigated by using a dataset from 1970 to 2002. The analysis result show that in El Nino event the anomalous warm water piled in tropical eastern Pacific is poleward propagation yet the westward propagation along southern equator current hasn't been discovered . The poleward propagation time of the anomalous warm water is about 1 year or so. El Nino event has a close relationship with the sea ice extent in the Amundsen sea , Bellingshausen sea and Antarctic peninsula .After El Nino appears , there is a lag of two years that the sea ice in the Amundsen sea , Bellingshausea sea, especially in the Antarctic peninsula decreases obviously. The processes that El Nino has influence with Antarctic sea ice extent is the warm water piled in tropical eastern Pacific poleward propagation along off the coast of southern America and cause the anomalous temperature raise in near pole and then lead the sea ice in Amundsen sea , Bellingshausen sea and Antarctic peninsula to decrease where the obvious decrease of the sea ice since 80' decade has close relation to the frequently appearance of El Nino .  相似文献   

南极冰盖表面微地貌是大气与冰盖相互作用的直接产物,微地貌的形态特征、结构性质及其发展变化对南极冰盖表面的物质平衡、能量平衡以及冰盖记录大气信息的过程具有重要的影响,冰盖表面微地貌的结构性质以及空间分布的确定是计算南极冰盖物质平衡与能量平衡的重要依据,同时在南极冰芯钻探选址以及冰芯解译古气候信息时具有重要的参考价值。根据微地貌的形成方式将南极冰盖表面微地貌分为沉积型、侵蚀型、沉积间断型三类,介绍了南极冰盖表面常见的微地貌形态雪丘、雪纹、雪垄、雪窝以及光洁区的形态特征与结构性质,并对冰盖表面微地貌的分布规律特征进行了总结,文中重点对不同微地貌区域内的物质平衡与能量平衡特征进行了介绍,最后探讨了冰盖表面光洁区对南极冰芯选址的影响,并对未来南极微地貌研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Hydrographic (CTD), current and water level measurements obtained in the vicinity of the floating Ronne and Filchner Ice Shelves are presented. The distribution of Western Shelf Water (S > 34.7) and Ice Shelf Water (T<−1.9°C) are discussed. The general circulation in the area seems to consist of two large cyclonic gyres, one in the Filchner Depression and one north of the Ronne Ice Shelf. Each gyre shows a'warm'(T 1°C) southgoing flow of Modified Weddell Deep Water and a cold northward flow of Ice Shelf Water. The mean surface current was found to be 8cm/s towards the north-west along the barrier. The mean flow below the ice shelf shows significant components normal to the barrier, and mixing seems to be very efficient here. Well mixed layers down to more than 150 m were observed. North of Berkner Island the water level shows a typical mixed tide with tidal range ∼3m. In the tidal currents the semidiurnal constituents dominate (∼30cm/s) and with the largest current components normal to the barrier.  相似文献   

<正> Hydrological character and Sea-current profiles structure are studied andanalyzed in sea-area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf,Prydz Bay with LADCP,CTDdata.These LADCP,CTD data were acquired during the 19th Chinese Antarctic Sci-entific Expedition.Results of this study agree with that,there exist four differentkinds of water masses in the area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf in the summer of Ant-arctica.Current distribution presents a semi-circumfluence which flows in at the eastand flows out in the west.Moreover,clockwise and anti-clockwise vortices werefound in upper layer and mid-layer in the Prydz Bay.Western areas of these anti-clockwise vortices are positions of inflows from Prydz Bay to Amery Ice Shelf.Thesource of these inflows is the coastal westward current originated in the east of PrydzBay.All these characteristics come down to the pattern of circumfluence,ice meltrate under Ice Shelf,scale of Ice Shelf water production and form of water exchangesbetween area of Ice Shelf and area of Prydz Bay.  相似文献   

Tidal motion is the source of short-term vertical motion that an ice shelf experiences, and hence has a significant impact on ice shelves. During the 2003/2004 Austral summer season, five days of GPS measurements were carried out on the front of the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS), East Antarctica, by the 20th Chinese National Antarctica Research Expedition (CHINARE). The GPS data was processed using GAMIT/GLOBK software with 2-hour static data segment and the vertical precision is less than 0.18 m. To verify our results for the vertical component, we compare the ice shelf GPS tidal signal with a tidal result derived from tide gauge measurements at China's Zhongshan Station on Antarctica. Comparison of the GPS results with the tide gauge were in good agreement in amplitude at the few cm level, which indicates that the tide under the front of Amery Ice Shelf is irregular semidiurnal tide, the maximal tidal differences is approximately 2 m. GPS data can be used to validate the ocean tide model around the Antarctic area and such studies are important to improve our knowledge of the Antarctic ice shelf mass balance and dynamical models of ice sheet/ocean interaction.  相似文献   

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