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CO2的地质埋存处理是减缓温室效应的现实选择之一。要保证埋存的有效性、安全性和持久性,需要对钻井(主要包括注入井和废弃井)、CO2地下分布运移状况以及因CO2渗漏所造成的环境影响等方面实施严格的监测管理。通过对以上各方面文献的查阅和综合分析,系统阐述了世界范围内目前CO2地质埋存过程中所采用的各项主要监测技术。  相似文献   

CO2的地质埋存处理是减缓温室效应的现实选择之一。要保证埋存的有效性、安全性和持久性,需要对钻井(主要包括注入井和废弃井)、CO2地下分布运移状况以及因CO2渗漏所造成的环境影响等方面实施严格的监测管理。通过对以上各方面文献的查阅和综合分析,系统阐述了世界范围内目前CO2地质埋存过程中所采用的各项主要监测技术。  相似文献   

基于生产与消费视角的CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 基于生产和消费视角,对人均GDP和单位GDP的CO2排放之间的内在关系进行了实证分析。对1990-2004年44个国家的人均GDP与生产型和消费型的单位GDP的CO2排放进行面板数据的单位根检验和协整分析,在此基础上,对CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线(EKC)进行模拟。结果显示:无论是从生产视角还是从消费视角,单位GDP的CO2排放量都具有显著的倒"U"形状,符合环境库茨涅兹曲线特征。但对于多数发展中国家,消费型单位GDP的CO2排放量总是低于生产型单位GDP的CO2排放量,表明多数发展中国家在国际贸易中存在着内涵CO2排放的净出口,这对从生产角度核算国家温室气体排放体系提出了挑战。最后,分析了CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线对中国应对气候变化的启示。  相似文献   

CO2倍增对我国东部极端降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用GFDL-CM2.1耦合模式控制试验和CO2增长试验逐日降水输出结果,评估了CO2浓度加倍对我国极端降水变化的影响。结果表明:CO2浓度加倍导致我国东部地区年极端降水的强度增强、降水量显著增多及降水频次显著增加(除华北南部外); CO2浓度加倍对我国春夏季极端降水影响较大,导致东部多数地区春夏季极端降水频次增加,强度增强;而CO2浓度加倍导致华北南部和长江中下游春夏季雨日减少以及小雨、中雨减少,从而导致年总降水量减少。  相似文献   

海洋对人为CO2吸收的三维模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中用包含海洋化学过程和一个简单生物过程的三维碳循环模式模拟了海洋对大气CO2的吸收,并分析了碳吸收的纬度分布。模拟工业革命以来海洋对大气CO2的吸收表明:海洋碳吸收再加上大气CO2的增加只占由化石燃料燃烧、森林砍伐和土地利用的变化而释放到大气中的CO2的2/3。1980~1989年期间海洋年平均吸收2.05GtC。海洋人为CO2的吸收有明显的纬度特征。模式计算的海洋CO2的吸收在总量与纬度分布上与观测结果比较相符。  相似文献   

在膜基—气体吸收耦合实验装置上,评价了疏水性PP(聚丙烯)微孔膜,活化MDEA(N-甲基二乙醇胺)溶液分离混合气中CO2传质性能,研究了气液流速、吸收剂和混合气的浓度等因素对总传质系数的影响,采用阻力层关联方程模型预测总传质系数Kov值。结果表明:活化MDEA溶液能提高总传质系数Kov值,模型的计算值和实验值符合较好。  相似文献   

采用基于离子液体[Bmin][BF4]+AMP作为捕集CO2的复合溶液,在膜吸收-热再生循环装置上,研究了该复合溶液捕集CO2的过程和传质性能;通过阻力层传质模型,比较了预测值与实验值.结果表明:在相同条件和较高负载下,复合溶液具有较高的传递推动力和更高的传质系数;模型预测值和实验值符合较好,平均误差为12.8%.实验证明复合溶液的传质性能优于单一溶液.  相似文献   

 通过对比IPCC历次评估报告中全球碳循环的收支发现,尽管评估报告在估算各主要碳库及其间的通量时差别不大,但表层至中深层海水间溶解无机碳通量却存在巨大差异。利用δ13C的收支平衡检验了这一通量的适用范围,结果表明:IPCC 1996年和2007年评估报告对此通量估计过大,而1990年和2001年评估报告估计偏小。  相似文献   

通过对比IPCC历次评估报告中全球碳循环的收支发现,尽管评估报告在估算各主要碳库及其间的通量时差别不大,但表层至中深层海水间溶解无机碳通量却存在巨大差异。利用δ13C的收支平衡检验了这一通量的适用范围,结果表明:IPCC 1996年和2007年评估报告对此通量估计过大,而1990年和2001年评估报告估计偏小。  相似文献   

将世界主要相关研究机构和数据库(IEA、BP、EDGAR/PBL/JRC、CDIAC、EIA和CAIT)发布的中国二氧化碳排放数据与中国官方数据和估算进行比较,认为数据之间的差异来源于计算范围、方法和基础数据的不同,其中能源消费数据的差异是造成一些数据库估计值偏高的重要原因。研究认为IEA和CAIT数据与中国官方数据具有较好的可比性。建议中国加强煤炭统计工作,提高官方数据公布频率并提高清单完整性。  相似文献   

A global ocean general circulation model, called LASG/IAP Climate system ocean model (LICOM), is employed to study the influence of climate change on the uptake and storage of anthropogenic CO 2 in the global ocean. Two simulations were made: the control run (RUN1) with the climatological daily mean forcing data, and the climate change run (RUN2) with the interannually varying daily mean forcing data from the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) of the US. The results show that the simulated distributions and storages of anthropogenic dissolved inorganic carbon (anDIC) from both runs are consistent with the data-based results. Compared with the data-based results, the simulations generate higher anDIC concentrations in the upper layer and lower storage amount of anDIC between the subsurface and 1000-m depth, especially in RUN1. A comparison of the two runs shows that the interannually varying forcing can enhance the transport of main water masses, so the rate of interior transport of anDIC is increased. The higher transfer rate of anDIC in RUN2 decreases its high concentration in the upper layer and increases its storage amount below the subsurface, which leads to closer distributions of anDIC in RUN2 to the data-based results than in RUN1. The higher transfer rate in RUN2 also induces larger exchange flux than in RUN1. It is estimated that the global oceanic anthropogenic CO 2 uptake was 1.83 and 2.16 Pg C yr 1 in the two runs in 1995, respectively, and as of 1994, the global ocean contained 99 Pg C in RUN1 and 107 Pg C in RUN2 of anDIC, indicating that the model under the interannually varying forcing could take up 8.1% more anthropogenic carbon than the model under the climatological forcing. These values are within the range of other estimates based on observation and model simulation, while the estimates in RUN1 are near the low bound of other works. It is estimated that the variability of root mean square of the global air-sea anthropogenic carbon flux from the simulated monthly mean results of RUN2 with its seasonal cycle and long-term trend removed is 0.1 Pg C yr 1 . The most distinct anomalies appear to be in the tropical Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Corrections of density effects resulting from air-parcel expansion/compression are important in interpreting eddy covariance fluxes of water vapor and CO2 when open-path systems are used. To account for these effects, mean vertical velocity and perturbation of the density of dry air are two critical parameters in treating those physical processes responsible for density variations. Based on various underlying assumptions, different studies have obtained different formulas for the mean vertical velocity and perturbation of the density of dry air, leading to a number of approaches to correct density effects. In this study, we re-examine physical processes related to different assumptions that are made to formulate the density effects. Specifically, we re-examine the assumptions of a zero dry air flux and a zero moist air flux in the surface layer, used for treating density variations, and their implications for correcting density effects. It is found that physical processes in relation to the assumption of a zero dry air flux account for the influence of dry air expansion/compression on density variations. Meanwhile, physical processes in relation to the assumption of a zero moist air flux account for the influence of moist air expansion/compression on density variations. In this study, we also re-examine mixing ratio issues. Our results indicate that the assumption of a zero dry air flux favors the use of the mixing ratio relative to dry air, while the assumption of a zero moist air flux favors the use of the mixing ratio relative to the total moist air. Additionally, we compare different formula for the mean vertical velocity, generated by air-parcel expansion/compression, and for density effect corrections using eddy covariance data measured over three boreal ecosystems.  相似文献   

土壤温度和湿度对冬小麦田土壤空气 CO2浓度的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过同步观测耕层土壤空气CO2浓度廓线、土壤温度和土壤含水量,主要研究和讨论了华东地区典型稻麦轮作农田旱地阶段的土壤空气CO2浓度的变化规律,及土壤温度和含水量对它的影响.结果表明:麦田土壤空气CO2浓度与植物生长密切相关.土壤空气CO2浓度受土壤温度的影响较为显著,且深层的相关性要明显大于浅层.观测阶段的麦田土壤含水量介于30%和44%之间,与土壤空气CO2浓度有较好的相关性(相关性R2=0.61,统计显著性p<0.001).土壤空气CO2浓度与土壤含水量呈正相关性的原因可能是:高土壤含水量导致的低充气孔隙度降低了土壤空气CO2扩散速率,从而导致土壤空气CO2聚积,浓度升高.在0~30 cm土层中,上层土壤气体中的CO2向上垂直扩散要比下层土壤快.土壤温度对土壤空气CO2浓度的影响大于土壤含水量.  相似文献   

利用美国Licor公司生产的Li-6200便携式光合作用测定仪对冬小麦叶片光合作用进行了较为系统的测定研究,在实测资料支持下建立了包含CO2因子的叶片和冠层光合作用模型,验证结果表明,模型具有较高准确性.利用模型对CO2影响参数μ进行数值敏感分析,结果表明:对叶片光合而言,μ=0.83时叶片光合作用模型拟合最好,随μ减小或增大,拟合精度均下降;对冠层光合而言,μ=0.83时模拟光合日总量达到最大值,μ减小或增大,光合日总量均下降.多因子数值分析表明:在辐射值较大的状况下,μ对冠层光合的影响更为显著.  相似文献   

The interest in the national levels of the terrestrial carbon sink and its spatial and temporal variability with the climate and CO2 concentrations has been increasing. How the climate and the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the last century affect the carbon storage in continental China was investigated in this study by using the Modified Sheffield Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (M-SDGVM). The estimates of the M-SDGVM indicated that during the past 100 years a combination of increasing CO2 with historical temperature and precipitation variability in continental China have caused the total vegetation carbon storage to increase by 2.04 Pg C, with 2.07 Pg C gained in the vegetation biomass but 0.03 Pg C lost from the organic soil carbon matter. The increasing CO2 concentration in the 20th century is primarily responsible for the increase of the total potential vegetation carbon. These factorial experiments show that temperature variability alone decreases the total carbon storage by 1.36 Pg C and precipitation variability alone causes a loss of 1.99 Pg C. The effect of the increasing CO2 concentration alone increased the total carbon storage in the potential vegetation of China by 3.22 Pg C over the past 100 years. With the changing of the climate, the CO2 fertilization on China's ecosystems is the result of the enhanced net biome production (NBP), which is caused by a greater stimulation of the gross primary production (GPP) than the total soil-vegetation respiration. Our study also shows notable interannual and decadal variations in the net carbon exchange between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems in China due to the historical climate variability.  相似文献   

以大豆“中黄-14”为试验材料, 利用OTC-1型农田开顶式气室, 首次模拟研究单独CO2和O3浓度倍增及其交互作用对大豆生物量、产量及其构成因子、同化产物分配形式和收获指数的影响。与未通CO2和O3的处理相比, 单独CO2浓度倍增对生物量、产量、荚果串数、荚数、籽粒数、籽粒重具有正效应, O3为明显的负效应, 通气时段越长效果越明显; 持续的CO2浓度和O3浓度倍增交互作用表现为CO2的影响大于O3; CO2和O3交互作用逐渐达到浓度倍增的处理, 由于O3剂量逐渐累积和阶段性增加, 对大豆刺激逐渐增强, 最终O3的负效应与CO2的正效应相近。单独O3浓度倍增抑制光合产物向根和籽粒的输送, 向叶茎的输送明显增强, 使根冠比 (RSR)、子粒与茎杆比 (GCR) 明显下降, 长期作用可使大豆收获指数 (HI) 减小, 叶重比 (LWR) 显著增加, 且随通气时间的延长影响增大; CO2浓度倍增及其交互作用对RSR、LWR、GCR和HI影响相对较小, 仅在±10%左右。  相似文献   

水稻不同生长期稻田能量收支、CO2通量模拟研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用国家自然科学基金重大项目“长江三角洲低层大气物理化学过程与生态系统的相互作用”野外观测资料,将1999年常熟稻田水稻四个不同生长期(插秧、拔节、抽穗和成熟)的太阳辐射、水汽压、气温和水平风速及降水作为简化生物圈(SiB2)模式的5个强迫变量,在合理设计模式参数的前提下,分别模拟了上述四个阶段的能量收支、CO2通量。模拟结果表明:在水稻不同生长阶段的感热、潜热和下垫面热通量占净辐射的比例不同;CO2通量的模拟结果与1996年国际稻田试验结果相似。该研究为利用自动气象站网的资料估计各站能量收支、CO2通量、土壤水分平衡、以及土壤温度廓线提供了新证据。  相似文献   

为了明确设施番茄对CO2的生理响应及需求规律,以“美红2号”为试验材料,测定增施600、900、1 200 mg/kg的CO2后,番茄的开花量、单株果数、果重、含糖量、含酸量及维生素C含量。结果表明:增施CO2可以提高番茄花量25%~50%,提高单株结果数量,增产28.29%~51.04%,但对平均果重没有影响。与对照相比,增施CO220 d后,600、900、1 200 mg/kg处理的果实含糖量分别为5.27、5.49、5.65 g/kg,明显高于对照4.71 g/kg的含糖量;含酸量分别为2.48、2.23、2.02 g/kg,显著低于对照区3.03 g/kg的含酸量;维生素C含量分别为356.38、420.38、348.38 mg/kg,显著高于对照区260.88 mg/kg的含量,其中900 mg/kg处理对维生素C的提升效果最好。在温室中增施CO2不但能提高番茄产量,还能有效改善番茄品质,适宜的剂量以900 mg/kg为宜。  相似文献   

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